def __init__(self, pos): self.dim = (800, 600) self.pos = list(pos) self.cadre = Cadre(self.dim, pos, C.WHITE, set_transparent=True) self.text_newwindow = TextBox((self.dim[0], 80), pos, C.WHITE, 'New Window') self.text_dim = TextBox((400, 60), (pos[0] + 200, pos[1] + 150), C.WHITE, "Enter window dimension", font=Font.f(30)) self.input_x = InputText(DIM_INPDIM, (pos[0] + 210, pos[1] + 250), C.WHITE, text='1000', limit=4) self.input_y = InputText(DIM_INPDIM, (pos[0] + 410, pos[1] + 250), C.WHITE, text='1000', limit=4) self.text_name = TextBox((150, 60), (pos[0] + 100, pos[1] + 350), C.WHITE, 'File name:', font=Font.f(30)) self.input_name = InputText(DIM_INPNAME, (pos[0] + 300, pos[1] + 350), C.WHITE) self.button_done = Button(DIM_BDONE, (pos[0] + 650, pos[1] + 500), C.LIGHT_BLUE, 'Done', font=Font.f(30))
def __init__(self, dim, pos): self.cadre = Cadre(dim, pos, C.WHITE) self.text_create = TextBox(DIM_INPNAME, (pos[0] + 40, pos[1] + 100), C.WHITE, 'Create a python file?', font=Font.f(30)) self.button_yes = Button(DIM_BDONE, (pos[0] + 40, pos[1] + 180), C.LIGHT_GREEN, 'Yes', font=Font.f(30)) self.button_no = Button(DIM_BDONE, (pos[0] + 200, pos[1] + 180), C.LIGHT_RED, 'No', font=Font.f(30))
def __init__(self, ChessGame): self.ChessGame = ChessGame self.cadre = Cadre((600, 1600), POS_MENU) self.text_turn = TextBox((400, 80), (POS_MENU[0] + 50, POS_MENU[1] + 50), text="Turn white", font=Font.f(50), centered=False) self.text_poss_moves = TextBox((600, 60), (POS_MENU[0] + 50, POS_MENU[1] + 210), text="Possible moves: 20", font=Font.f(50), centered=False) self.text_end = TextBox((450, 120), (POS_MENU[0] + 50, POS_MENU[1] + 360), font=Font.f(50)) self.button_start = Button((450, 100), (POS_MENU[0] + 50, POS_MENU[1] + 590), C.LIGHT_GREEN, text="Start new game", font=Font.f(50)) self.state = 'start'
def __init__(self, pos, color, objtype): # don't scale pos as it is the mouse pos super().__init__(DIM_DRAG, pos,color, scale_pos=False) self.input_text = InputText(DIM_DRAG, pos, C.WHITE, font=Font.f(25), centered=True, scale_pos=False) self.objtype = objtype self.selected = True self.SELECT_COLOR = C.BLUE self.set_corners_points() self.color_choice = 'default' # store color choice way: default, text or range # color range self.ptr_pos = None self.bptr_y = None if self.objtype == 'TextBox' or self.objtype == 'Button': self.can_input = True else: self.can_input = False
class Editor: # tools button_text_box = Button(DIM_TOOLS, (0, POS_TY), C.XLIGHT_GREY,'TextBox') button_button = Button(DIM_TOOLS, (0, POS_TY+80), C.XLIGHT_GREY,'Button') button_input_text = Button(DIM_TOOLS, (0, POS_TY+160), C.XLIGHT_GREY,'InputText') button_cadre = Button(DIM_TOOLS, (0, POS_TY+240), C.XLIGHT_GREY,'Cadre') button_done = Button(DIM_BDONE, (2800, 1400), C.LIGHT_BLUE,'Done',font=Font.f(30)) drag_surf = None objs = [] state = 'running' # set attr here for on_resize method window = None TOP_LEFT = [0,0] TOP_RIGHT = [0,0] BOTTOM_LEFT = [0,0] BOTTOM_RIGHT = [0,0] current_selected = None @classmethod def set_window(cls, window): cls.window = window # don't rescale window.dim to have the original dimension stored (for on_resize) dim = window.dim cls.cadre = Cadre(dim, POS_WIN, C.WHITE) cls.TOP_LEFT = Interface.dim.scale([POS_WIN[0], POS_WIN[1]]) cls.TOP_RIGHT = Interface.dim.scale([POS_WIN[0] + dim[0], POS_WIN[1]]) cls.BOTTOM_LEFT = Interface.dim.scale([POS_WIN[0], POS_WIN[1] + dim[1]]) cls.BOTTOM_RIGHT = Interface.dim.scale([POS_WIN[0] + dim[0], POS_WIN[1] + dim[1]] ) @staticmethod def on_resize(factor): if Editor.window: dim = Editor.window.dim Editor.TOP_LEFT = Interface.dim.scale([POS_WIN[0], POS_WIN[1]]) Editor.TOP_RIGHT = Interface.dim.scale([POS_WIN[0] + dim[0], POS_WIN[1]]) Editor.BOTTOM_LEFT = Interface.dim.scale([POS_WIN[0], POS_WIN[1] + dim[1]]) Editor.BOTTOM_RIGHT = Interface.dim.scale([POS_WIN[0] + dim[0], POS_WIN[1] + dim[1]] ) @classmethod def create_obj(cls, pos, objtype): gui_obj = GuiObj(pos, C.WHITE, objtype) cls.objs.append(gui_obj) cls.current_selected = gui_obj Settings.set_obj(gui_obj) @classmethod def check_deselect(cls): if cls.current_selected: if cls.cadre.on_it() and not cls.current_selected.as_change_dim: if not cls.current_selected.changing_dim and not cls.current_selected.on_it(): return True return False @classmethod def check_done(cls): for gobj in cls.objs: if not return return True @classmethod def str_gobj(cls, gobj): ''' Name, objtype, dim, pos, text, color, font ''' string = + '\n' string += gobj.objtype + '\n' string += f'{gobj.dim[0]} {gobj.dim[1]}\n' pos = gobj.get_real_pos() string += f'{pos[0]} {pos[1]}\n' string += gobj.input_text.content + '\n' string += str(gobj.color) + '\n' # can be either str or list string += str(gobj.input_text.font['size']) return string @classmethod def create_savefile(cls): # create file with open('.pygui','w') as file: sep = '\n'+SEPARATOR+'\n' # first write name, dim of window global_info = f'{} {cls.window.dim[0]} {cls.window.dim[1]}' file.write(global_info) file.write(sep) for gobj in cls.objs: file.write(cls.str_gobj(gobj)) file.write(sep) @classmethod def display(cls): cls.cadre.display() cls.button_text_box.display() cls.button_button.display() cls.button_input_text.display() cls.button_cadre.display() cls.button_done.display() if cls.drag_surf: for gui_obj in cls.objs: gui_obj.display() @classmethod def react_events(cls, events, pressed): pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos(), pressed) # first check for changing dim for gobj in cls.objs: gobj.react_events(events, pressed) # check if click anywhere -> deselect gui obj for event in events: if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: if cls.check_deselect(): cls.current_selected.selected = False cls.current_selected = None Settings.deselect() # then check for new selected for gobj in cls.objs: if gobj.pushed(events): if not cls.current_selected: cls.current_selected = gobj gobj.selected = True Settings.set_obj(gobj) # check for gui obj to remove if pressed[pygame.K_DELETE]: if cls.current_selected: cls.objs.remove(cls.current_selected) cls.current_selected = None Settings.deselect() # check for deselect by enter if pressed[pygame.K_RETURN]: if cls.current_selected: cls.current_selected.selected = False cls.current_selected = None Settings.deselect() # last check for new gui obj if cls.drag_surf: for event in events: if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: # set new obj on window cls.create_obj(pos,cls.drag_surf.objtype) # reset drag_surf cls.drag_surf = None if cls.button_text_box.pushed(events): cls.drag_surf = DragSurf(pos, C.LIGHT_BLUE, 'TextBox') elif cls.button_button.pushed(events): cls.drag_surf = DragSurf(pos, C.LIGHT_BLUE, 'Button') elif cls.button_input_text.pushed(events): cls.drag_surf = DragSurf(pos, C.LIGHT_BLUE, 'InputText') elif cls.button_cadre.pushed(events): cls.drag_surf = DragSurf(pos, C.LIGHT_BLUE, 'Cadre') # end edition if cls.button_done.pushed(events): cls.create_savefile() cls.state = 'done'
def save(cls): # name = cls.input_name.content try: # scale dim dim = (float(cls.input_dimx.content), float(cls.input_dimy.content)) dim = Interface.dim.scale(dim) except: print('Incorrect dim') dim = cls.obj.dim try: # scale pos pos = [ float(cls.input_coordx.content), float(cls.input_coordy.content) ] pos[0] += POS_WIN[0] pos[1] += POS_WIN[1] pos = Interface.dim.scale(pos) except: print('Incorrect pos') pos = cls.obj.pos cls.obj.set_new_dim(dim, pos) # fontsize try: font_size = int(cls.input_font.content) font = Font.f(font_size) cls.obj.input_text.font = font except AttributeError: print('Incorrect font') # color try: # get text and not content !!! -> see if pretext or not str_color = cls.input_color.text # check if still default if str_color == 'default...': color = C.WHITE cls.obj.color = 'WHITE' else: # try to set a predefined color try: color = getattr(C, str_color) cls.obj.color = str_color # store that color is chosen by text cls.obj.color_choice = 'text' except AttributeError: # get the color range color color = cls.color_range.chosen_color cls.obj.color = color # in this case a tuple (and not str) cls.obj.color_choice = 'range' cls.obj.input_text.set_color(color) except: print('Incorrect color') # color range # store in "original" size to be able to rescale in between cls.obj.ptr_pos = Interface.dim.inv_scale(cls.color_range.pointer.pos) cls.obj.bptr_pos = Interface.dim.inv_scale( cls.color_range.bar_pointer.pos)
class Settings: activate = False text_name = TextBox((150, DIM_Y), (POS_X, 200), C.LIGHT_BLUE, 'Name:', font=Font.f(25)) input_name = InputText((250, DIM_Y), (POS_X + 150, 200), C.WHITE, font=Font.f(25), limit=20) text_coord = TextBox((100, DIM_Y), (POS_X, 260), C.LIGHT_BLUE, 'pos', font=Font.f(25)) input_coordx = InputText((150, DIM_Y), (POS_X + 100, 260), C.WHITE, font=Font.f(25)) input_coordy = InputText((150, DIM_Y), (POS_X + 250, 260), C.WHITE, font=Font.f(25)) text_dim = TextBox((100, DIM_Y), (POS_X, 320), C.LIGHT_BLUE, 'dim', font=Font.f(25)) input_dimx = InputText((150, DIM_Y), (POS_X + 100, 320), C.WHITE, font=Font.f(25)) input_dimy = InputText((150, DIM_Y), (POS_X + 250, 320), C.WHITE, font=Font.f(25)) text_font = TextBox((200, DIM_Y), (POS_X, 380), C.LIGHT_BLUE, 'Fontsize:', font=Font.f(25)) input_font = InputText((200, DIM_Y), (POS_X + 200, 380), C.WHITE, text='25', font=Font.f(25), limit=4) text_color = TextBox((200, DIM_Y), (POS_X, 440), C.LIGHT_BLUE, 'Color:', font=Font.f(25)) input_color = InputText((200, DIM_Y), (POS_X + 200, 440), C.WHITE, text='', font=Font.f(25), pretext='default...') color_range = ColorRange((600, 330), (POS_X - 100, 520)) @classmethod def set_pos(cls, pos): '''Update the position to have a unscaled relative position''' pos = Interface.dim.inv_scale(pos) # keep precision pos[0] -= POS_WIN[0] pos[1] -= POS_WIN[1] cls.input_coordx.set_text( f'{pos[0]:.1f}') # don't display all decimals cls.input_coordy.set_text(f'{pos[1]:.1f}') @classmethod def set_dim(cls, dim): '''Update the dimension to have unscaled dimension''' dim = Interface.dim.inv_scale(dim) cls.input_dimx.set_text(f'{dim[0]:.1f}') # don't display all decimals cls.input_dimy.set_text(f'{dim[1]:.1f}') @classmethod def set_obj(cls, obj): cls.objtype = obj.objtype cls.obj = obj cls.activate = True # set attr to input cls.input_name.set_text( cls.input_font.set_text(cls.obj.input_text.font['size']) # set inp color text: if with pretext or not if cls.obj.color_choice == 'text': cls.input_color.set_text(cls.obj.color) elif cls.obj.color_choice == 'range': # set custom as pretext cls.input_color.pretext = 'custom...' cls.input_color.set_text('', with_pretext=True) else: cls.input_color.pretext = 'default...' cls.input_color.set_text('', with_pretext=True) # pos cls.set_pos(cls.obj.pos) # dim cls.set_dim(cls.obj.dim) # color range if cls.obj.ptr_pos and cls.obj.bptr_pos: cls.color_range.pointer.set_pos(cls.obj.ptr_pos, scale=True) cls.color_range.bar_pointer.set_pos(cls.obj.bptr_pos, scale=True) else: # default pos cls.color_range.pointer.set_pos((POS_X, 620), scale=True) cls.color_range.bar_pointer.set_pos((POS_X + 269, 520), scale=True) cls.color_range.set_color_range() @classmethod def run(cls, events, pressed): if cls.activate: cls.react_events(events, pressed) cls.display() @classmethod def save(cls): # name = cls.input_name.content try: # scale dim dim = (float(cls.input_dimx.content), float(cls.input_dimy.content)) dim = Interface.dim.scale(dim) except: print('Incorrect dim') dim = cls.obj.dim try: # scale pos pos = [ float(cls.input_coordx.content), float(cls.input_coordy.content) ] pos[0] += POS_WIN[0] pos[1] += POS_WIN[1] pos = Interface.dim.scale(pos) except: print('Incorrect pos') pos = cls.obj.pos cls.obj.set_new_dim(dim, pos) # fontsize try: font_size = int(cls.input_font.content) font = Font.f(font_size) cls.obj.input_text.font = font except AttributeError: print('Incorrect font') # color try: # get text and not content !!! -> see if pretext or not str_color = cls.input_color.text # check if still default if str_color == 'default...': color = C.WHITE cls.obj.color = 'WHITE' else: # try to set a predefined color try: color = getattr(C, str_color) cls.obj.color = str_color # store that color is chosen by text cls.obj.color_choice = 'text' except AttributeError: # get the color range color color = cls.color_range.chosen_color cls.obj.color = color # in this case a tuple (and not str) cls.obj.color_choice = 'range' cls.obj.input_text.set_color(color) except: print('Incorrect color') # color range # store in "original" size to be able to rescale in between cls.obj.ptr_pos = Interface.dim.inv_scale(cls.color_range.pointer.pos) cls.obj.bptr_pos = Interface.dim.inv_scale( cls.color_range.bar_pointer.pos) @classmethod def deselect(cls): cls.activate = False @classmethod def display(cls): cls.text_name.display() cls.input_name.display() cls.text_coord.display() cls.input_coordx.display() cls.input_coordy.display() cls.text_dim.display() cls.input_dimx.display() cls.input_dimy.display() cls.text_font.display() cls.input_font.display() cls.text_color.display() cls.input_color.display() cls.color_range.display() @classmethod def react_events(cls, events, pressed): cls.color_range.react_events(events, pressed), pressed), pressed), pressed), pressed), pressed), pressed), pressed)
from interface import Interface, TextBox, Button, InputText, Cadre, C, Font, Dimension, set_screen import pygame pygame.init() E = lambda x: int(x * Dimension.f) dim = Dimension((E(3000), E(1600))) Font.init(dim.f) screen = pygame.display.set_mode(dim.window) screen.fill(C.WHITE) pygame.display.set_caption('Game') set_screen(screen)