def ShowAllBooks(self): # Se hace la conexión a la base de datos cursor = self.connection.cursor() list_books = [] # Se hace la consulta de los libros que se mostrará para ver si hay registros cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM books""") registros = cursor.fetchall() if registros == []: return "NO HAY REGISTROS EN LA BASE DE DATOS" cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM books""") consulta = cursor.fetchall() for libro in consulta: au = libro[4].split(",") cat = libro[9].split(",") for i in range(len(au)): au[i] = au[i].strip() for j in range(len(cat)): cat[j] = cat[j].strip() book = Book(libro[2], libro[3], au, libro[5], libro[6], libro[7], libro[1], libro[8], cat, libro[10], libro[11], libro[12], libro[13]) list_books.append(book) return list_books
def ShowBook(self, isbn): # Se hace la conexión a la base de datos cursor = self.connection.cursor() cursor.execute( '''SELECT isbn FROM books WHERE isbn = "{}"'''.format(isbn)) # Se guarda el resultado de la consulta anterior en la variable isbn, puede contener un isbn o None isbn_10 = cursor.fetchone() # Se verifica que el libro que se recibe contenga datos if isbn_10 == None: # Si el libro esta vacío, se devuelve un mensaje return "EL LIBRO BUSCADO NO SE ENCUENTRA EN LA BASE DE DATOS" cursor.execute( """SELECT * FROM books WHERE isbn = '{}'""".format(isbn)) consulta = cursor.fetchall() au = consulta[0][4].split(",") cat = consulta[0][9].split(",") for i in range(len(au)): au[i] = au[i].strip() for j in range(len(cat)): cat[j] = cat[j].strip() book = Book(consulta[0][2], consulta[0][3], au, consulta[0][5], consulta[0][6], consulta[0][7], consulta[0][1], consulta[0][8], cat, consulta[0][10], consulta[0][11], consulta[0][12], consulta[0][13]) self.connection.commit() return book
def testGetBook(self): """Test de los libros""" # salidas esperadas de la función getBook salida_esperadas = (("GOT", [ Book( "I've Got the Light of Freedom", 'The Organizing Tradition and the Mississippi Freedom Struggle', ['Charles M. Payne'], 'Univ of California Press', '2007', '"With this history of the civil rights movement focusing on Everyman-turned-hero, the commoner as crusader for justice, Payne challenges the old idea that history is the biography of great men."--Kirkus Reviews "Remarkably astute in its judgments and strikingly sophisticated in its analyses . . . it is one of the most significant studies of the Black freedom struggle yet published."--David J. Garrow, author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning Bearing the Cross "This extremely important book clearly reveals the logic of how ordinary people propelled the civil rights movement. . . . [It] provides a basis for optimism as we approach the next century."--Aldon Morris, author of The Origins of the Civil Rights Movement', '0520251768', 525, ['History'], '', '', True, 'no identificado') ]), ("fdshjoaowl", None), ("", "LA SOLICITUD NO SE EJECUTÓ DE MANERA CORRECTA")) for entrada, salida in salida_esperadas: # comparaciones de la salida real con la esperada salida_real = APIConnection().getBook(entrada, APIServiceExtra()) self.assertEqual(salida, salida_real)
def DeleteBook(self, book): # Se hace la conexión a la base de datos cursor = self.connection.cursor() # Se verifica que el libro que se recibe contenga datos if not book: # Si el libro esta vacío, se devuelve un mensaje return "NO SE PUEDE ELIMINAR EL LIBRO. NO EXISTE EN LA BASE DE DATOS" else: # De manera contraria se hace una consulta a la base de datos del libro cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM books WHERE isbn = '{}'""".format( book.isbn_10)) registros = cursor.fetchall() # Se revisa que la consulta regrese algun registro if registros == []: # Si no es así, se regresa un mensaje return "NO SE PUEDE ELIMINAR EL LIBRO. NO EXISTE EN LA BASE DE DATOS" # Se procede a eliminar el libro indicado list_books = [] cursor.execute("""DELETE FROM books WHERE isbn = {}""".format( book.isbn_10)) self.connection.commit() cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM books WHERE isbn = {}""".format( book.isbn_10)) consulta = cursor.fetchall() for libro in consulta: au = libro[4].split(",") cat = libro[9].split(",") for i in range(len(au)): au[i] = au[i].strip() for j in range(len(cat)): cat[j] = cat[j].strip() book = Book(libro[2], libro[3], au, libro[5], libro[6], libro[7], libro[1], libro[8], cat, libro[10], libro[11], libro[12], libro[13]) list_books.append(book) #Se puede o no regresar el libro return ( """SE HA ELIMINADO DE MANERA CORRECTA EL LIBRO {}""".format( book.title))
def test_mock(self, mock_get): # casos de prueba test_cases = (( "el principito", 200, '{"totalItems": 314, "items": [{ "volumeInfo": { "title": "El Principito / The Little Prince", "subtitle": "a", "authors": ["Antoine de Saint-Exupéry"], "publisher": "SELECTOR", "publishedDate": "2004-12-30", "description": "The little prince is the marvellous story of a small boy who comes from a planet barely larger than a house, and who asks questions and seeks answers to things that for adults might be of little importance.", "industryIdentifiers": [{"type": "ISBN_10", "identifier": "9706433910"}], "pageCount": 77, "categories": ["Juvenile Fiction"], "imageLinks": {"smallThumbnail": "", "thumbnail": ""}, "previewLink": ""}, "accessInfo": {"pdf": {"isAvailable": False}}}]}', { "totalItems": 314, "items": [{ "volumeInfo": { "title": "El Principito / The Little Prince", "subtitle": "a", "authors": ["Antoine de Saint-Exupéry"], "publisher": "SELECTOR", "publishedDate": "2004-12-30", "description": "The little prince is the marvellous story of a small boy who comes from a planet barely larger than a house, and who asks questions and seeks answers to things that for adults might be of little importance.", "industryIdentifiers": [{ "type": "ISBN_10", "identifier": "9706433910" }], "pageCount": 77, "categories": ["Juvenile Fiction"], "imageLinks": { "smallThumbnail": "", "thumbnail": "" }, "previewLink": "" }, "accessInfo": { "pdf": { "isAvailable": False } } }] }, [ Book( "El Principito / The Little Prince", "a", ["Antoine de Saint-Exupéry"], "SELECTOR", "2004-12-30", "The little prince is the marvellous story of a small boy who comes from a planet barely larger than a house, and who asks questions and seeks answers to things that for adults might be of little importance.", "9706433910", 77, ["Juvenile Fiction"], "", "", False, "no identificado") ]), ("el principito", 404, '404 page not found', "", "LA SOLICITUD NO SE EJECUTÓ DE MANERA CORRECTA"), ("el principito", 500, '500 internal server error', "", "LA SOLICITUD NO SE EJECUTÓ DE MANERA CORRECTA"), ("fdshjoaowl", 200, '{"kind": "books#volumes", "totalItems": 0}', { "kind": "books#volumes", "totalItems": 0 }, None), ("", 400, '', '', "LA SOLICITUD NO SE EJECUTÓ DE MANERA CORRECTA")) for entrada, stat, mock_text, mock_json, esperado in test_cases: mock_get.return_value.status_code = stat # creamos mock del status mock_get.return_value.json = lambda: mock_json # creamos un mock de la salida esperada salida_real = APIConnection().getBook(entrada, APIServiceExtra()) # comparamos salida real con esperada self.assertEqual(salida_real, esperado)
def __init__(self, title, subtitle, authors, publisher, publishedDate, description, isbn_10, numberPages, categories, image, link, pdf, weight): Book.__init__(self, title, subtitle, authors, publisher, publishedDate, description, isbn_10, numberPages, categories, image, link, pdf, weight)
def SaveBook(self, book): # Se hace la conexión a la base de datos cursor = self.connection.cursor() # Se hace la siguiente consulta para verificar que el libro que se agregará no exista en la base de datos cursor.execute('''SELECT isbn FROM books WHERE isbn = "{}"'''.format( book.isbn_10)) # Se guarda el resultado de la consulta anterior en la variable isbn, puede contener un isbn o None isbn = cursor.fetchone() if isbn is None: # Si el ibsn=None, se inserta el libro parametros = { 'ISBN': book.isbn_10, 'TITLE': book.title, 'SUBTITLE': book.subtitle, 'AUTHORS': ", ".join(book.authors) if book.authors != '' else book.authors, 'PUBLISHER': book.publisher, 'DATE': book.publishedDate, 'DESCRIPTION': book.description, 'PAGES': book.numberPages, 'CATEGORIES': ", ".join(book.categories) if book.categories != '' else book.categories, 'IMAGE': book.image, 'LINK':, 'PDF': 1 if book.pdf == True else 0, 'WEIGHT': book.weight, 'COST': book.numberPages * .70 } try: cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO books (id, isbn, title, subtitle, authors, publisher, published_date, description, number_pages, categories, image, link, pdf, weight, cost) VALUES(null,:ISBN,:TITLE,:SUBTITLE,:AUTHORS,:PUBLISHER,:DATE,:DESCRIPTION,:PAGES,:CATEGORIES,:IMAGE,:LINK,:PDF,:WEIGHT,:COST);", parametros) print("EL LIBRO {} SE INSERTÓ EXITOSAMENTE A LA BASE DE DATOS". format(book.title)) except: return ("ERROR AL INSERTAR EL LIBRO A LA BASE DE DATOS") self.connection.commit() cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM books WHERE title = :TITLE """, {'TITLE': book.title}) consulta = cursor.fetchall() list_books = [] for libro in consulta: au = libro[4].split(",") cat = libro[9].split(",") for i in range(len(au)): au[i] = au[i].strip() for j in range(len(cat)): cat[j] = cat[j].strip() book = Book(libro[2], libro[3], au, libro[5], libro[6], libro[7], libro[1], libro[8], cat, libro[10], libro[11], libro[12], libro[13]) list_books.append(book) return list_books self.connection.commit() #self.connection.close() else: #self.connection.close() return "EL LIBRO {} YA EXISTE EN LA BASE DE DATOS".format( book.title)
def testGetBook(self): """Test de los libros""" # salidas esperadas de la función getBook salida_esperadas = (("GOT", [ Book( "I Got This", "How I Changed My Ways and Lost What Weighed Me Down", ['Jennifer Hudson'], "Penguin", '2012', '''Relates the story of the author's meteoric rise from "American Idol" to "Dreamgirls" to her weight loss where she embraced a healthy lifestyle and lost more than eighty pounds.''', '9780451239129', 256, ['Biography & Autobiography'], '', '', False, 'HA OCURRIDO UN ERROR'), Book( 'Have I Got a Book for You!', '', ['Mélanie Watt'], 'Kids Can Press Ltd', '2009', "Mr. Al Foxwood is an avid salesman and gives very persuasive reasons why someone should buy the book he is selling.", '9781554532896', 32, ['Juvenile Fiction'], '', '', False, 'no identificado'), Book( "I've Got the Light of Freedom", 'The Organizing Tradition and the Mississippi Freedom Struggle', ['Charles M. Payne'], 'Univ of California Press', '1995', 'Traces the history of the civil rights movement in Mississippi, and describes how ordinary men and women became caught up in the struggle', '0520207068', 525, ['History'], '', '', False, 'no identificado'), Book( 'Goom Got Game!', '', ['Jeff Parker'], 'ABDO', '2006-09-01', "Spider-Man takes on the monstrous Street, while the Fantastic Four's Human Torch needs his help to combat a slang-talking alien named Goom that he accidentally brought to Earth.", "1599612097", 24, ['Juvenile Fiction'], '', '', False, '5.6 ounces'), Book( 'Got Game', 'How the Gamer Generation is Reshaping Business Forever', ['John C. Beck'], 'Harvard Business Press', '2004', "Got Game shows how growing up immersed in video games has profoundly shaped the attitudes and abilities of this new generationThough little-noticed, these ninety million rising professionals, through sheer numbers, will inevitably dominate business-and are already changing the rules.While many of these changes are positive-such as more open communication and creative problem-solving-they have caused a generation gap that frustrates gamers and the boomers who manage them.Got Game identifies the distinct values and traits that define the gamer generation-from an increased appetite for risk to unexpected leadership skills-and reveals management techniques today's leaders can use to bridge the generation gap and unleash gamers' hidden potential.", '1578519497', 202, ['Business & Economics'], '', '', True, '1.1 pounds'), Book( 'Explorers Who Got Lost', '', ['Diane Sansevere-Dreher'], 'Macmillan', '1992-10-15', "Examines the adventures of such early explorers of America as Columbus, Dias, and Cabot. Includes information on the events, society, and superstitions of the times.", '0812520386', 144, ['Juvenile Nonfiction'], '', '', False, '9.6 ounces'), Book( 'Got Your Back', 'Protecting Tupac in the World of Gangsta Rap', ['Frank Alexander', 'Heidi Siegmund Cuda'], 'Macmillan', '2000-01-10', "An insider in the world of gangsta rap reveals his experiences, and the dark and violent underbelly of the music world that ultimately killed his charge, Tupac Shakur.", '0312242999', 240, ['Biography & Autobiography'], '', '', False, '7.2 ounces'), Book( 'How We Got the Bible', '', ['Rose Publishing'], 'Rose Publishing Inc', '1998-04-01', 'Increase Your Confidence in the Reliability of the Bible How We Got the Bible will inspire your students with the stories of early Bible translators. This time line of key people and events in the history of the Bible shows ancient writing materials, such as stone and clay tablets, leather scrolls, papyrus, early hand copied books, and more. Features people who gave their lives to translating and printing the Bible, including William Tyndale, John Wycliffe, King James, Erasmus, and Johann Gutenberg. Size 8.5" x 5.5". Fits in a Bible cover. Unfolds to 33" long. Also available as a laminated or unlaminated wall chart, and a 10 pk of pamphlets, and a PowerPoint presentation.', '9780965508261', 12, ['Bible'], '', '', True, '1.6 ounces') ]), ("fdshjoaowl", None), ("", "LA SOLICITUD NO SE EJECUTÓ DE MANERA CORRECTA")) for entrada, salida in salida_esperadas: # comparaciones de la salida real con la esperada salida_real = APIConnection().getBook(entrada, APIServiceExtra()) self.assertEqual(salida, salida_real)