def buildApk(self, sourceFolder, destinationApk, force=True): #TODO: Maybe it's worth to check later how the apktool behaves in case # if force = False ''' Builds an apk file from the provided folder path. Args: :param sourceFolder: base directory which contains decompiled files of an apk file :param destinationApk: the path to the apk file that will be obtained as a result of the compilation :param force: if True - rewrite apk file if it is exists ''' apktool = ApktoolInterface(javaPath = self.config.getApktoolJavaPath(), javaOpts = self.config.getApktoolJavaOpts(), pathApktool = self.config.getApktoolPath(), jarApktool = self.config.getApktoolJar()) (successfulRun, cmdOutput) = = sourceFolder, finalApk = destinationApk, quiet = True, forceAll = force, debug = False, #maybe true but I did not change aaptPath=self.config.getAaptPath()) if not successfulRun: err = "Cannot build apk file [%s] from folder [%s] using apktool. ERRSTR: %s" % (destinationApk, sourceFolder, cmdOutput) raise ApktoolBuildException(err)
def decompileApk(self, pathToApk, dirToDecompile): ''' Using Apktool tries to decompile an apk file. Currently decompile only resources (required to decompile AndroidManifest.xml). Args: :param pathToApk: path to a valid apk file that needs to be decompiled :param dirToDecompile: path to a dir where the result of the decompile process will be stored Returns: Raises: ApkCannotBeDecompiledException: if the provided apk file cannot be decompiled. ''' ensureDirExists(dirToDecompile) apktool = ApktoolInterface(javaPath = self.config.getApktoolJavaPath(), javaOpts = self.config.getApktoolJavaOpts(), pathApktool = self.config.getApktoolPath(), jarApktool = self.config.getApktoolJar()) (successfulRun, cmdOutput) = apktool.decode(apkPath = pathToApk, dirToDecompile = dirToDecompile, quiet = True, noSrc = True, noRes = False, debug = False, #maybe true to enable debugging noDebugInfo = False, #check this force = True, #directory exist so without this this process finishes frameworkTag = "", frameworkDir = "", keepBrokenRes = True) if not successfulRun: err = "Cannot decompile file: [%s] into dir [%s]. ERRSTR: %s" % (pathToApk, dirToDecompile, cmdOutput) raise ApkCannotBeDecompiledException(err)