def list(**type):
    """List all the structures within the database.

    Search type can be identified by providing a named argument.
    like = glob match
    regex = regular expression
    index = particular index
    identifier = particular id number
    pred = function predicate
    res = __builtin__.list(iterate(**type))

    maxindex = max(
            utils.compose(operator.attrgetter('index'), "{:d}".format, len),
            res) or [1])
    maxname = max(
        __builtin__.map(utils.compose(operator.attrgetter('name'), len), res)
        or [1])
    maxsize = max(
            utils.compose(operator.attrgetter('size'), "{:x}".format, len),
            res) or [1])

    for st in res:
        print("[{:{:d}d}] {:>{:d}s} {:<+{:d}x} ({:d} members){:s}".format(
            idaapi.get_struc_idx(st.id), maxindex, st.name, maxname, st.size,
            maxsize, len(st.members),
            " // {:s}".format(st.comment) if st.comment else ''))
def list(**type):
    """List all the enumerations within the database.

    Search type can be identified by providing a named argument.
    like = glob match
    regex = regular expression
    index = particular index
    identifier = particular id number
    pred = function predicate
    res = __builtin__.list(iterate(**type))

    maxindex = max(__builtin__.map(idaapi.get_enum_idx, res))
    maxname = max(
        __builtin__.map(utils.compose(idaapi.get_enum_name, len), res))
    maxsize = max(__builtin__.map(size, res))
    cindex = math.ceil(math.log(maxindex or 1) / math.log(10))
    cmask = max(
            utils.compose(mask, math.log,
                          functools.partial(operator.mul, 1.0 / math.log(16)),
                          math.ceil), res) or [database.config.bits() / 4.0])

    for n in res:
        print("[{:{:d}d}] {:>{:d}s} & {:#<{:d}x} ({:d} members){:s}".format(
            idaapi.get_enum_idx(n), int(cindex), idaapi.get_enum_name(n),
            maxname, mask(n), int(cmask), len(__builtin__.list(members(n))),
            " // {:s}".format(comment(n)) if comment(n) else ''))
def rebase(info):
    functions, globals = map(utils.compose(sorted, list), (database.functions(), internal.netnode.alt.fiter(internal.comment.tagging.node())))

    p = ui.progress()
    p.update(current=0, title="Rebasing tagcache...", min=0, max=len(functions)+len(globals))
    fcount = gcount = 0

    # for each segment
    for si in xrange(info.size()):
        p.update(title="Rebasing segment {:d} of {:d} (+{:x}) : {:x} -> {:x}".format(si, info.size(), info[si].size, info[si]._from, info[si].to))

        # for each function (using target address because ida moved the netnodes for us)
        res = [n for n in functions if info[si].to <= n < info[si].to + info[si].size]
        for i, fn in __rebase_function(info[si]._from, info[si].to, info[si].size, res):
            text = "Function {:d} of {:d} : {:x}".format(i + fcount, len(functions), fn)
            p.update(value=sum((fcount,gcount,i)), text=text)
        fcount += len(res)

        # for each global
        res = [(ea,count) for ea,count in globals if info[si]._from <= ea < info[si]._from + info[si].size]
        for i, ea in __rebase_globals(info[si]._from, info[si].to, info[si].size, res):
            text = "Global {:d} of {:d} : {:x}".format(i + gcount, len(globals), ea)
            p.update(value=sum((fcount,gcount,i)), text=text)
        gcount += len(res)
def list(**type):
    """List all the segments defined in the database.

    Search type can be identified by providing a named argument.
    like = glob match
    regex = regular expression
    selector = segment selector
    index = particular index
    name = specific segment name
    predicate = function predicate
    res = __builtin__.list(iterate(**type))

    maxindex = max(__builtin__.map(operator.attrgetter('index'), res) or [1])
    maxaddr = max(__builtin__.map(operator.attrgetter('endEA'), res) or [1])
    maxsize = max(__builtin__.map(operator.methodcaller('size'), res) or [1])
    maxname = max(__builtin__.map(utils.compose(idaapi.get_true_segm_name,len), res) or [1])
    cindex = math.ceil(math.log(maxindex)/math.log(10))
    caddr = math.ceil(math.log(maxaddr)/math.log(16))
    csize = math.ceil(math.log(maxsize)/math.log(16))

    for seg in res:
        comment = idaapi.get_segment_cmt(seg, 0) or idaapi.get_segment_cmt(seg, 1)
        print("[{:{:d}d}] {:0{:d}x}:{:0{:d}x} {:>{:d}s} {:<+#{:d}x} sel:{:04x} flags:{:02x}{:s}".format(seg.index, int(cindex), seg.startEA, int(caddr), seg.endEA, int(caddr), idaapi.get_true_segm_name(seg), maxname, seg.size(), int(csize), seg.sel, seg.flags, "// {:s}".format(comment) if comment else ''))
    def list(self, **type):
        """List all the members within the structure.

        Search type can be identified by providing a named argument.
        like = glob match
        regex = regular expression
        index = particular index
        identifier = particular id number
        predicate = function predicate
        res = __builtin__.list(self.iterate(**type))

        escape = repr
        maxindex = max(
                utils.compose(operator.attrgetter('index'), "{:d}".format,
                              len), res) or [1])
        maxoffset = max(
                utils.compose(operator.attrgetter('offset'), "{:x}".format,
                              len), res) or [1])
        maxsize = max(
                utils.compose(operator.attrgetter('size'), "{:x}".format, len),
                res) or [1])
        maxname = max(
                utils.compose(operator.attrgetter('name'), escape, len), res)
            or [1])
        maxtype = max(
                utils.compose(operator.attrgetter('type'), repr, len), res)
            or [1])

        for m in res:
            print "[{:{:d}d}] {:>{:d}x}:+{:<{:d}x} {:<{:d}s} {:{:d}s} (flag={:x},dt_type={:x}{:s}){:s}".format(
                m.index, maxindex, m.offset, int(maxoffset), m.size, maxsize,
                escape(m.name), int(maxname), m.type, int(maxtype), m.flag,
                '' if m.typeid is None else ",typeid={:x}".format(m.typeid),
                " // {:s}".format(m.comment) if m.comment else '')
 def list(cls, enum):
     # FIXME: make this consistent with every other .list
     eid = by(enum)
     res = __builtin__.list(cls.iterate(eid))
     maxindex = max(__builtin__.map(utils.first, enumerate(res)) or [1])
     maxvalue = max(
         __builtin__.map(utils.compose(cls.value, "{:x}".format, len), res)
         or [1])
     for i, mid in enumerate(res):
         print("[{:d}] {:>0{:d}x} {:s}".format(i, cls.value(mid), maxvalue,
    def down(self):
        '''Return all the structures that are referenced by this specific structure.'''
        x, sid = idaapi.xrefblk_t(), self.id

        # grab structures that this one references
        ok = x.first_from(sid, 0)
        if not ok:
            return []

        # continue collecting all structures that this one references
        res = [(x.to, x.iscode, x.type)]
        while x.next_from():
            res.append((x.to, x.iscode, x.type))

        # convert refs into a list of OREFs
        refs = [
            interface.OREF(xrto, xriscode, interface.ref_t.of(xrtype))
            for xrto, xriscode, xrtype in res

        # return it as a tuple
        return map(utils.compose(operator.itemgetter(0), instance), refs)