def verify_serialization(explanation, extra_path=None, exist_ok=False):
    path = 'brand/new/path'
    if extra_path is not None:
        path = os.path.join(path, extra_path)
    save_explanation(explanation, path, exist_ok=exist_ok)
    loaded_explanation = load_explanation(path)
    _assert_explanation_equivalence(explanation, loaded_explanation)
    def _load(path, model_analysis):
        """Load the ExplainerManager from the given path.

        :param path: The directory path to load the ExplainerManager from.
        :type path: str
        :param model_analysis: The loaded parent ModelAnalysis.
        :type model_analysis: ModelAnalysis
        # create the ExplainerManager without any properties using the __new__
        # function, similar to pickle
        inst = ExplainerManager.__new__(ExplainerManager)
        top_dir = Path(path)
        explanation_path = top_dir / ManagerNames.EXPLAINER
        if explanation_path.exists():
            explanation = load_explanation(explanation_path)
            inst.__dict__[EXPLANATION] = explanation
        inst.__dict__['_' + MODEL] = model_analysis.model

        with open(top_dir / META_JSON, 'r') as meta_file:
            meta = meta_file.read()
        meta = json.loads(meta)
        inst.__dict__['_' + IS_RUN] = meta[IS_RUN]
        inst.__dict__['_' + CLASSES] = model_analysis._classes
        target_column = model_analysis.target_column
        train = model_analysis.train.drop(columns=[target_column])
        test = model_analysis.test.drop(columns=[target_column])
        inst.__dict__[U_INITIALIZATION_EXAMPLES] = train
        inst.__dict__[U_EVALUATION_EXAMPLES] = test
        inst.__dict__['_' + FEATURES] = list(train.columns)
        inst.__dict__['_' + IS_ADDED] = False
        # reset self._surrogate_model
        if meta[IS_ADDED]:
        return inst
    def _load(path, rai_insights):
        """Load the ExplainerManager from the given path.

        :param path: The directory path to load the ExplainerManager from.
        :type path: str
        :param rai_insights: The loaded parent RAIInsights.
        :type rai_insights: RAIInsights
        :return: The ExplainerManager manager after loading.
        :rtype: ExplainerManager
        # create the ExplainerManager without any properties using the __new__
        # function, similar to pickle
        inst = ExplainerManager.__new__(ExplainerManager)

        all_cf_dirs = DirectoryManager.list_sub_directories(path)
        if len(all_cf_dirs) != 0:
            directory_manager = DirectoryManager(
            data_directory = directory_manager.get_data_directory()

            with open(data_directory / META_JSON, 'r') as meta_file:
                meta = meta_file.read()
            meta = json.loads(meta)
            inst.__dict__['_' + IS_RUN] = meta[IS_RUN]
            inst.__dict__['_' + IS_ADDED] = meta[IS_ADDED]

            inst.__dict__[EXPLANATION] = None
            explanation_path = data_directory / ManagerNames.EXPLAINER
            if explanation_path.exists():
                explanation = load_explanation(explanation_path)
                inst.__dict__[EXPLANATION] = explanation
            inst.__dict__['_' + IS_RUN] = False
            inst.__dict__['_' + IS_ADDED] = False
            inst.__dict__[EXPLANATION] = None

        inst.__dict__['_' + MODEL] = rai_insights.model
        inst.__dict__['_' + CLASSES] = rai_insights._classes
        inst.__dict__['_' + CATEGORICAL_FEATURES] = \
        target_column = rai_insights.target_column
        train = rai_insights.train.drop(columns=[target_column])
        test = rai_insights.test.drop(columns=[target_column])
        inst.__dict__[U_INITIALIZATION_EXAMPLES] = train
        inst.__dict__[U_EVALUATION_EXAMPLES] = test
        inst.__dict__['_' + FEATURES] = list(train.columns)

        # reset the surrogate model

        return inst
def verify_serialization(explanation):
    log_items = dict()
    for paramkey in paramkeys:
        param = getattr(ExplainParams, paramkey)
        value = getattr(explanation, param, None)
        if value is not None:
            if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
                log_items[param] = value.tolist()
                log_items[param] = value
    comment = json.dumps(log_items)
    test_logger.info("validating serialization of explanation:\n%s", comment)
    expljson = save_explanation(explanation)
    deserialized_explanation = load_explanation(expljson)
    _assert_explanation_equivalence(deserialized_explanation, explanation)
    def test_basic_upload(self, iris, tabular_explainer):
        x_train = iris[DatasetConstants.X_TRAIN]
        x_test = iris[DatasetConstants.X_TEST]
        y_train = iris[DatasetConstants.Y_TRAIN]

        model = create_sklearn_random_forest_classifier(x_train, y_train)

        explainer = tabular_explainer(model, x_train)
        global_explanation = explainer.explain_global(x_test)
        client = mlflow.tracking.MlflowClient()
        with mlflow.start_run() as run:
            _log_explanation(TEST_EXPLANATION, global_explanation)
            download_path = client.download_artifacts(
                run.info.run_uuid, '', dst_path=TEST_EXPLANATION)
        downloaded_explanation = load_explanation(download_path)