def codelsToGraph(image: np.ndarray,
                  codels: List[codel]) -> Tuple[graph, List[BaseException]]:
    Converts a list of codels into a graph
    :param image: Input image
    :param codels: Input list of codels
    :return: A tuple of a graph and a list of exceptions
    codels = codels.copy()
    # Get an iterator of all possible directions (0,0), (0,1), (1,0) etc...
    edgePointers = list(
        map(lambda i: direction((i % 4, int(i / 4))), iter(range(8))))

    # If no more codels are to be graphed, return
    if len(codels) == 0:
        newGraph = graph(dict())
        return (newGraph, [])

    newNode = codelToGraphNode(image, codels[0], edgePointers)
    newGraph = codelsToGraph(image, codels[1:])
    newGraph[0].graph[codels[0]] = newNode[0]

    errorList = newNode[1]
    return (newGraph[0], errorList)
def interpret(image: np.ndarray) -> Union[programState, List[BaseException]]:
    Interprets and executes a Piet image
    :param image: Input image
    :return: Either the final state of the program, or a list of exceptions
    graph = lexer.graphImage(image)
    if len(graph[1]) > 0:
        print("The following exceptions occured while making the graph:\n{}".
              format("".join(list(map(lambda x: "\t{}\n".format(x),
        return graph[1]

    # This is the default programState.
    startPosition = position((0, 0))
    pointers = direction((0, 0))
    PS = programState(graph[0], startPosition, pointers)

    result = runProgram(image, PS)
    # Check if executed step had an error
    if isinstance(result, BaseException):
            "The following exception occured while executing the next step:\n{}"
        return [result]
    return result
    def updateEdgesInfo(self, image, inputGraph, programState):
        edgesInfo = self.builder.get_object('codelEdgesMessage',

        if colors.isBlack(imageWrapper.getPixel(image, programState.position)):
                text="Black pixels are no codel, and have no edges")
            return None

        codel = imageWrapper.getCodel(image, programState.position)
        baseString = "Next step will be:\n"

        graphNode = inputGraph.graph[codel]

        edge = graphNode.graphNode[programState.direction]
        baseString += self.getEdgeDescription(edge, programState.direction)

        baseString += "\nCodel edges are as follows:\n"
        #Generate pointers
        edgePointers = list(
            map(lambda i: direction((i % 4, int(i / 4))), iter(range(8))))
        for edgePointer in edgePointers:
            edge = graphNode.graphNode[edgePointer]
            baseString += self.getEdgeDescription(edge, edgePointer)
def flip(inputDirection: direction) -> direction:
    Chooses what part of the general pointer to flip, by DP%2 == CC rule, providing the following flow:
    (0,0) -> (0,1)
    (0,1) -> (1,1)
    (1,1) -> (1,0)
    (1,0) -> (2,0)
    (2,0) -> (2,1)
    (2,1) -> (3,1)
    (3,1) -> (3,0)
    (3,0) -> (0,0)
    :param inputDirection: Original state of the pointers
    :return: Tuple of ints containing new pointers
    if inputDirection.pointers[0] % 2 == inputDirection.pointers[1]:
        return direction(
            (inputDirection.pointers[0], flipCC(inputDirection.pointers[1])))
    return direction(
        (flipDP(inputDirection.pointers[0]), inputDirection.pointers[1]))
def pointerOperator(inputDirection: direction,
                    dataStack: List[int]) -> Tuple[direction, List[int]]:
    Pop the top value of the stack, and turn the direction pointer that many times. (counter clockwise if negative)
    :param inputDirection:
    :param dataStack:
    newStack = dataStack.copy()
    inputDirection = copy.deepcopy(inputDirection)
    if len(newStack) < 1:
        return (inputDirection, newStack)

    dp = inputDirection.pointers[0]
    dpTurnCount = newStack.pop()
    # Python module makes negative modulo's positive, so we need to manually flip the DP the required amount of times
    if dpTurnCount < 0:
        dp = movement.flipDPInvert(dp, dpTurnCount)
        return (direction((dp, inputDirection.pointers[1])), newStack)
        # Cycle the DP forward by using the module operator
        newDP = (inputDirection.pointers[0] + (dpTurnCount % 4)) % 4
        return (direction((newDP, inputDirection.pointers[1])), newStack)
def switchOperator(inputDirection: direction,
                   dataStack: List[int]) -> Tuple[direction, List[int]]:
    Pop the first value of the stack, and turn the codel chooser that many times.
    :param pointers:
    :param dataStack:
    newStack = dataStack.copy()
    inputDirection = copy.deepcopy(inputDirection)
    if len(newStack) < 1:
        return (inputDirection, newStack)

    ccTurnCount = abs(newStack.pop()) % 2
    newCC = (inputDirection.pointers[1] + ccTurnCount) % 2
    return (direction((inputDirection.pointers[0], newCC)), newStack)
    def loadFile(self):
        fileName = self.builder.get_object('fileNameEntry', self.optionBar).get()
        if len(fileName) < 1:
            return None
            tmpImage = imageWrapper.getImage(fileName)
        except FileNotFoundError:
            edgeInfo = self.infoManager.builder.get_object('codelEdgesMessage', self.infoManager.generalInfo)
            edgeInfo.configure(text="The file '{}' could not be found".format(fileName))
            return False

        tmpResult = lexer.graphImage(tmpImage)
        if len(tmpResult[1]) != 0:
            edgeInfo = self.infoManager.builder.get_object('codelEdgesMessage', self.infoManager.generalInfo)
            edgeInfo.configure(text="The following exceptions occured while making the graph:\n{}".format("".join(list(map(lambda x: "\t{}\n".format(x), tmpResult[1])))))
            return False

        self.image = tmpImage
        self.graph = tmpResult[0]
        self.programState = programState(self.graph, position((0,0)), direction((0,0)))
        # Reset previous state
        self.canvasManager.previousProgramState = None
        self.canvasManager.programState = None