def get_cite_line(arxiv='', pubnote='', repno='', bfo=None, pcnt_pre="%%CITATION = ", pcnt_suf=";%%"):
    """Return %% CITATION line.
    Parameters are given in the order of their preference, ie
    @param arxiv If given, will be used
    @param pubnote If no arxiv and pubnote, pubnote used
    @param repno If no arxiv or pubnote and repno given, repno used
    @param bfo Some BFO to extract data from
    @param pcnt_pre The part at the front of the citation line 
    @param pcnt_suf The part at the back of the citation line
    cite_line = ''
    if arxiv:
        # We prefer to cite things by their arxiv id
        cite_line = arxiv.split(' ')[0].upper()
    elif pubnote and not cite_line:
        # But we'll use the pubnote (ie, coden-formatted reference) if it's ok
        if bfo:
            cite_line = bfe_INSPIRE_publi_coden.get_coden_formatted(bfo, ',')
    elif repno and not cite_line:
        # and failing that, we'll use the internal report number
        cite_line = repno.upper()
    elif bfo:
        # or if we're really desparate, we'll get the inspire internal recid
        cite_line = "INSPIRE-"+str(bfo.recID)
        # but if no bfo passed in, no recid available
        return ''

    return wrap(cite_line, pcnt_pre, pcnt_suf)
def format_element(bfo, width="50", show_abstract=False):
    Prints a full BibTeX record.

    'width' must be >= 30.
    This format element is an example of a large element, which does
    all the formatting by itself

    @param width the width (in number of characters) of the record

    # Values of the note field which should not be displayed.
    # These are typically added programmatically, so stupid string matching is
    # ok. If this assumption changes, turn this into a list of regexps to apply
    # for a match test.
    # note_values_skip = ["* Temporary entry *", "* Brief entry *"]

    width = int(width)
    if width < 30:
        width = 30
    name_width = 21
    value_width = width - name_width
    recID = bfo.control_field("001")

    # Initialize user output
    out = "@"
    erratum_note = ""
    displaycnt = 0

    def texified(name, value):
        """Closure of format_bibtex_field so we don't keep passing static data

        Saves a little bit of boilerplate.
        return format_bibtex_field(name, value, name_width, value_width)

    # map INSPIRE collection types to bibtex entry_type labels

    entry_type = "article"

    collections = [c.lower() for c in bfo.fields("980__a")]
    if "conferencepaper" in collections:
        entry_type = "inproceedings"
    elif "thesis" in collections:
        # Master thesis has to be identified
        if bfo.field("502__b") == "Master":
            entry_type = "mastersthesis"
            entry_type = "phdthesis"
    elif "proceedings" in collections:
        entry_type = "proceedings"
    elif "book" in collections:
        entry_type = "book"
    elif "bookchapter" in collections:
        entry_type = "incollection"
    elif "arxiv" in collections:
        entry_type = "article"

    # exclude certain collections:
    if set(["hepnames", "journals", "experiment", "jobs", "conferences", "institution"]) & set(collections):
        nullentry = "@misc{"
        nullentry += texified("key", recID)
        nullentry += texified("note", "not a cited reference in the BibTeX sense")
        nullentry += texified("howpublished", bfo.field("909COo"))
        nullentry = nullentry.rstrip(",") + "\n}"
        return nullentry

    # Irrespective of type, check for complete journal info -> @article
    origentry = entry_type
    for j in bfo.fields("773__"):
        if j.get("p", "") and j.get("v", "") and j.get("c", "") and j.get("y", ""):
            entry_type = "article"

    out += entry_type + "{"

    # BibTeX key
    import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_texkey as bfe_texkey

    key = bfe_texkey.format_element(bfo, harvmac=False)
    out += key + ","

    # KEY
    # if no texkey is found, print a key element with recID
    if not key:
        out += texified("key", recID)

    # Authors
    import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_INSPIRE_authors as bfe_authors

    authors = bfe_authors.format_element(
        separator=" and ",
        extension=" and others",

    # Editors
    import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_editors as bfe_editors

    editors = bfe_editors.format_element(
        bfo=bfo, limit="10", separator=" and ", extension=" and others ", print_links="no"

    spacinginitials = re.compile(r"([A-Z][a-z]{0,1}[}]?\.)(\b|[-\{])")
    if authors:
        # bibtex requires spaces after initials in names (authors/editors)
        # FIXME: use posix [[:upper:]][[:lower:]]{0,1} and re.UNICODE
        # FIXME: do we want A.-B. => A. -B. ?
        authors = spacinginitials.sub(r"\1 \2", authors)
        out += texified("author", authors)

    if editors:
        editors = spacinginitials.sub(r"\1 \2", editors)
        if entry_type == "article" and not authors:
            # satisfy @article required fields
            out += texified("author", editors)
            out += texified("editor", editors)

    # Title
    import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_INSPIRE_title_brief as bfe_title

    title = bfe_title.format_element(bfo=bfo, brief="yes")
    if title:
        # don't escape "$", assume it's a math delimiter
        title = re.sub(r"(?<!\\)([#&%])", r"\\\1", title)
        title = "{" + title + "}"
        out += texified("title", title)

    # BookTitle
    # ConferencePaper retrieve parent proceeding's title information
    booktitle = ""
    if entry_type == "inproceedings" or origentry == "inproceedings":
        import bfe_INSPIRE_inproc_booktitle

        booktitle = bfe_INSPIRE_inproc_booktitle.format_element(bfo)

        if booktitle:
            # $ in booktitle is often a monetary dollar
            bt = re.sub(r"(?<!\\)([#_&%$])", r"\\\1", booktitle)
            out += texified("booktitle", "{" + bt + "}")
    # bookchapter, retrieve book's title and editor info
    if entry_type in ("incollection",):
        # 1) recid:[773__0]  (245 $$a: $$b + editors)
        bookid = bfo.field("773__0")
        # 2) reportnumber:[773__r]  (245 $$a: $$b + editors)
        if not bookid:
            rn = bfo.field("773__r")
            if rn:
                bookids = search_pattern(p="reportnumber:" + rn)
                if bookids:
                    bookid = bookids[0]
        # 3) isbn:[773__z]  (245 $$a: $$b + editors)
        if not bookid:
            isbn = bfo.field("773__z")
            if isbn:
                bookids = search_pattern(p="isbn:" + isbn)
                if bookids:
                    bookid = bookids[0]
        if bookid:
            if not isinstance(bookid, int):
                bookid = int(bookid)
            maintitle = get_fieldvalues(bookid, "245__a")
            if maintitle:
                booktitle = maintitle[0]
                subtitle = get_fieldvalues(bookid, "245__b")
                if subtitle:
                    booktitle += ": " + subtitle[0]
            # editors
            from invenio.bibformat_engine import BibFormatObject

            bfb = BibFormatObject(bookid)
            editors = bfe_editors.format_element(
                bfo=bfb, limit="10", separator=" and ", extension=" and others ", print_links="no"
            if editors:
                out += texified("editor", editors)
        # 4) [773__x]
        if not booktitle:
            booktitle = bfo.field("773__x")
        if booktitle:
            out += texified("booktitle", booktitle)

    # Institution
    if entry_type == "techreport":
        publication_name = bfo.field("269__b")
        out += texified("institution", publication_name)

    # Organization
    if entry_type in ["inproceedings", "proceedings"]:
        organization = []
        organization_1 = bfo.field("260__b")
        if organization_1:
        organization_2 = bfo.field("269__b")
        if organization_2:
        out += texified("organization", ". ".join(organization))

    # Publisher
    if entry_type in ["incollection", "book", "inproceedings", "proceedings"]:
        publishers = []
        import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_publisher as bfe_publisher

        publisher = bfe_publisher.format_element(bfo=bfo)
        if publisher:
        publication_name = bfo.field("269__b")
        if publication_name:
        imprint_publisher_name = bfo.field("933__b")
        if imprint_publisher_name:
        imprint_e_journal__publisher_name = bfo.field("934__b")
        if imprint_e_journal__publisher_name:

        out += texified("publisher", ". ".join(publishers))

    # Collaboration
    out += texified(
        "collaboration", ", ".join(set(re.sub(r"(.+)?\s+[Cc]ollaboration", r"\1", c) for c in bfo.fields("710__g")))

    yearset = False
    # School
    if entry_type in ["phdthesis", "mastersthesis"]:
        university = bfo.field("100__u")

        out += texified("school", university)

        thesisyear = bfo.field("502__d")
        if thesisyear:
            yearset = True
            out += texified("year", thesisyear)

    # Address
    if entry_type in [
        addresses = []
        publication_place = bfo.field("260__a")
        if publication_place:
        publication_place_2 = bfo.field("269__a")
        if publication_place_2:
        imprint_publisher_place = bfo.field("933__a")
        if imprint_publisher_place:
        imprint_e_journal__publisher_place = bfo.field("934__a")
        if imprint_e_journal__publisher_place:

        out += texified("address", ". ".join(addresses))

        # Pubyear
        if not yearset:
            pubyear = get_year(bfo.field("260__c"))
            if pubyear:
                yearset = True
                out += texified("year", pubyear)

        # URL
        urls = bfo.fields("8564_u")
        # FIXME: use bibdocfile doctype not PLOT or INSPIRE-PUBLIC
        for url in urls:
            if url.lower().endswith((".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", ".eps")):
                out += texified("url", url)

    # Journal
    pagesset = False
    if entry_type in ["article", "inproceedings"]:
        journal_infos = bfo.fields("773__")
        for journal_info in journal_infos:
            journal_source = cgi.escape(journal_info.get("p", ""))
            volume = cgi.escape(journal_info.get("v", ""))
            number = cgi.escape(journal_info.get("n", ""))
            pages = cgi.escape(journal_info.get("c", ""))
            erratum = cgi.escape(journal_info.get("m", ""))

            year = cgi.escape(journal_info.get("y", ""))
            if not year:
                year = get_year(bfo.field("269__c"))
                if not year:
                    year = get_year(bfo.field("260__c"))
                    if not year:
                        year = get_year(bfo.field("502__d"))

            str773 = ""
            if journal_source:
                jsub = re.sub(r"\.([A-Z])", r". \1", journal_source)
                if not (volume or number or pages or bfo.field("0247_2") == "DOI"):
                    str773 += "Submitted to: " + jsub
                    str773 += jsub
                if displaycnt == 0:
                    out += texified("journal", str773)
            if volume:
                if str773.find("JHEP") > -1:
                    volume = re.sub(r"\d\d(\d\d)", r"\1", volume)
                if displaycnt == 0:
                    out += texified("volume", volume)
                    str773 += volume
            if year:
                if displaycnt == 0 and not yearset:
                    yearset = True
                    out += texified("year", year)
                    year = "(" + year + ")"
            if number:
                if displaycnt == 0:
                    out += texified("number", number)
                    str773 += ",no." + number
            if pages:
                if displaycnt == 0:
                    pagesset = True
                    out += texified("pages", pages)
                    str773 += "," + pages.split("-", 1)[0]

            if str773:
                str773 += year

            # N.B. In cases where there is more than one journal in journals iteration
            # the second pass is usually a cite for a translation or something else to
            # appear in a note. Therefore erratum_note is set to display this data
            # later on.

            displaycnt += 1
            if displaycnt > 1 and str773:
                if erratum.lower() in ("erratum", "addendum", "corrigendum", "reprint"):
                    str773 = "[%s: %s]" % (erratum, str773)
                    str773 = "[" + str773 + "]"
                erratum_note = texified("note", str773)

    # Publication/Journal Name for non-article types
    if entry_type in ["book", "incollection", "proceedings"]:
        pname = bfo.field("773__p")
        if pname:
            jsub = re.sub(r"\.([A-Z])", r". \1", pname)
            out += texified("journal", jsub)
            xstring = bfo.field("773__x")
            if xstring:
                out += texified("journal", xstring)

    # Number
    if entry_type in ["book", "incollection", "proceedings", "techreport"]:
        number = bfo.field("773__n")
        if number:
            out += texified("number", number)

    # Volume
    if entry_type in ["book", "incollection", "proceedings"]:
        volumes = []
        host_volume = bfo.field("773__v")
        if host_volume:
        volume = bfo.field("490__v")
        if volume:

        out += texified("volume", ". ".join(volumes))

    # Series
    if entry_type in ["book", "incollection", "proceedings"]:
        series = bfo.field("490__a")
        out += texified("series", series)

    # Pages
    if entry_type in ["incollection", "inproceedings", "proceedings"] and not pagesset:
        pages = bfo.field("773__c")
        if pages:
            pagesset = True
            out += texified("pages", pages)

    # DOI
    if bfo.field("0247_2") == "DOI":
        dois = bfo.fields("0247_a") + bfo.fields("773__a")
        out += texified("doi", ", ".join(set(dois)))
    elif bfo.field("0247_2") == "HDL":
        handles = bfo.fields("0247_a") + bfo.fields("773__a")
        out += texified("handle", ", ".join(set(handles)))

    # Year
    # if there was journal info, we already printed the year
    if not yearset:
        year = bfo.field("773__y")
        if not year:
            year = get_year(bfo.field("269__c"))
            if not year:
                year = get_year(bfo.field("260__c"))
                if not year:
                    year = get_year(bfo.field("502__d"))
        if year:
            yearset = True
            out += texified("year", year)

    # Erratum note stuff here
    out += erratum_note

    # Eprint (aka arxiv number)
    import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_INSPIRE_arxiv as bfe_arxiv

    eprints = bfe_arxiv.get_arxiv(bfo, category="no")
    cats = bfe_arxiv.get_cats(bfo)
    if eprints:
        eprint = eprints[0]
        if eprint.upper().startswith("ARXIV:"):
            eprint = eprint[6:]

        out += texified("eprint", eprint)
        out += texified("archivePrefix", "arXiv")
        if cats:
            out += texified("primaryClass", cats[0])
        # No eprints, but we don't want refs to eprints[0] to error out below
        # This makes everything work nicely without a lot of extra gating
        eprints = [None]

    # Other report numbers
    out += texified(
        "reportNumber", bfe_repno.get_report_numbers_formatted(bfo, separator=", ", limit="1000", skip=eprints[0])

    #    if entry_type == "inproceedings" and :
    #        pubnote = bfo.field("500__a")
    #        out += texified("note", pubnote)

    # ISBN
    if entry_type in ["book", "proceedings"]:
        isbn = bfo.fields("020__a")
        # Inspire frequently has multiple ISBN for different types, e.g.
        # 001242544 020__ $$a9781927763124$$bebook
        # 001242544 020__ $$a9781927763117$$bsoftcover
        # FIXME: normalize ISBN to hyphenated form, see

        out += texified("ISBN", ", ".join(isbn))

    # Add %%CITATION line
    import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_INSPIRE_publi_info_latex as bfe_pil
    import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_INSPIRE_publi_coden as bfe_coden

    cite_as = bfe_pil.get_cite_line(
        pubnote=bfe_coden.get_coden_formatted(bfo, ","),
        repno=bfe_repno.get_report_numbers_formatted(bfo, separator="", limit="1", extension=""),

    out += texified("SLACcitation", cite_as)

    # optionally display abstract
    # FIXME: abstract requires escaping/quoting
    if show_abstract == "True":
        abstract = bfo.field("520__a")
        if len(abstract) > 1000:
            abstract = abstract[:1000] + "..."
        if abstract:
            out += texified("abstract", "{" + abstract + "}")

    # remove trailing comma and close @entry
    out = out.rstrip(",") + "\n}"

    highbitwarning = r"""
%%% contains utf-8, see:
%%% add \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} to your latex preamble

    # FIXME: transcribe chars above \u007F to TeX sequence ?
    # if'[\u0080-\uFFFF]', out, re.UNICODE):
    #     out = highbitwarning + out
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
        out = highbitwarning + out

    return out
def format_element(bfo, width="50"):
    Prints a full BibTeX record.

    'width' must be >= 30.
    This format element is an example of a large element, which does
    all the formatting by itself

    @param width the width (in number of characters) of the record

    # Values of the note field which should not be displayed.
    # These are typically added programmatically, so stupid string matching is
    # ok. If this assumption changes, turn this into a list of regexps to apply
    # for a match test.
    note_values_skip = ["* Temporary entry *", "* Brief entry *"]

    width = int(width)
    if width < 30:
        width = 30
    name_width = 21
    value_width = width-name_width
    recID = bfo.control_field('001')

    # Initialize user output
    out = "@"

    def texified(name, value):
        """Closure of format_bibtex_field so we don't keep pasing static data
        Saves a little bit of boilerplate.
        return format_bibtex_field(name, value, name_width, value_width)

    #Print entry type
    import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_collection as bfe_collection
    collection = bfe_collection.format_element(bfo=bfo, kb="DBCOLLID2BIBTEX")
    if collection == "":
        out += "article"
        collection = "article"
        out += collection

    out += "{"

    # BibTeX key
    import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_texkey as bfe_texkey
    key = bfe_texkey.format_element(bfo, harvmac=False)

#    key = ''
#    for external_keys in bfo.fields("035"):
#        if external_keys['9'] == "SPIRESTeX" and external_keys['z']:
#            key = external_keys['z']
#    if not key:
#        #contruct key in spires like way  need to store an make unique
#        ####FIXME
#        key = bfo.field("100a").split(' ')[0].lower() + ":" + \
#              bfo.field("269c").split('-')[0] + \
#              chr((recID % 26) + 97) + chr(((recID / 26) % 26) + 97)
    out += key + ','

        #If author cannot be found, print a field key=recID
    import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_INSPIRE_authors as bfe_authors
    authors = bfe_authors.format_element(bfo=bfo,
                                 separator=" and ",
                                 extension=" and others",
                                 collaboration = "no",
                                 name_last_first = "yes")
    if authors:
        out += texified("author", authors)
        out += texified("key", recID)

    # Editors
    import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_editors as bfe_editors
    editors = bfe_editors.format_element(bfo=bfo, limit="10",
                                 separator=" and ",
    out += texified("editor", editors)

    # Title
    import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_INSPIRE_title_brief as bfe_title
    title = bfe_title.format_element(bfo=bfo, brief="yes")
    out += texified("title", '{' + title + '}')

    # Institution
    if collection ==  "techreport":
        publication_name = bfo.field("269__b")
        out += texified("institution", publication_name)

    # Organization
    if collection == "inproceedings" or collection == "proceedings":
        organization = []
        organization_1 = bfo.field("260__b")
        if organization_1 != "":
        organization_2 = bfo.field("269__b")
        if organization_2 != "":
        out += texified("organization", ". ".join(organization))

    # Publisher
    if collection == "book" or \
           collection == "inproceedings" \
           or collection == "proceedings":
        publishers = []
        import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_publisher as bfe_publisher
        publisher = bfe_publisher.format_element(bfo=bfo)
        if publisher != "":
        publication_name = bfo.field("269__b")
        if publication_name != "":
        imprint_publisher_name = bfo.field("933__b")
        if imprint_publisher_name != "":
        imprint_e_journal__publisher_name = bfo.field("934__b")
        if imprint_e_journal__publisher_name != "":

        out += texified("publisher", ". ".join(publishers))

    # Collaboration
    collaborations = []
    for collaboration in bfo.fields("710__g"):
        if collaboration not in collaborations:
    out += texified("collaboration", ", ".join(collaborations))

    # School
    if collection == "phdthesis":
        university = bfo.field("502__b")

        out += texified("school", university)

    # Address
    if collection == "book" or \
           collection == "inproceedings" or \
           collection == "proceedings" or \
           collection == "phdthesis" or \
           collection == "techreport":
        addresses = []
        publication_place = bfo.field("260__a")
        if publication_place != "":
        publication_place_2 = bfo.field("269__a")
        if publication_place_2 != "":
        imprint_publisher_place = bfo.field("933__a")
        if imprint_publisher_place != "":
        imprint_e_journal__publisher_place = bfo.field("934__a")
        if imprint_e_journal__publisher_place != "":

        out += texified("address", ". ".join(addresses))

    # Journal
    if collection == "article":
        journals = []
        host_title = bfo.field("773__p")
        if host_title != "":
        journal = bfo.field("909C4p")
        if journal != "":

        out += texified("journal", ". ".join(journals))

    # Number
    if collection == "techreport" or \
           collection == "article":
        numbers = []
        host_number = bfo.field("773__n")
        if host_number != "":
        number = bfo.field("909C4n")
        if number != "":
        out += texified("number", ". ".join(numbers))

    # Volume
    if collection == "article" or \
           collection == "book":
        volumes = []
        host_volume = bfo.field("773__v")
        if host_volume != "":
        volume = bfo.field("909C4v")
        if volume != "":

        out += texified("volume", ". ".join(volumes))

    # Series
    if collection == "book":
        series = bfo.field("490__a")
        out += texified("series", series)

    # Pages
    if collection == "article" or \
           collection == "inproceedings":
        pages = []
        host_pages = bfo.field("773c")
        if host_pages != "":
            nb_pages = bfo.field("909C4c")
            if nb_pages != "":
                phys_pagination = bfo.field("300__a")
                if phys_pagination != "":

        out += texified("pages", ". ".join(pages))

    # DOI
    if collection == "article":
        dois = bfo.fields("773__a")
        out += texified("doi", ", ".join(dois))

    # Year
    year = bfo.field("773__y")
    if year == "":
        year = get_year(bfo.field("269__c"))
        if year == "":
            year = get_year(bfo.field("260__c"))
            if year == "":
                year = get_year(bfo.field("502__c"))
                if year == "":
                    year = get_year(bfo.field("909C0y"))
    out += texified("year", year)

    # Note
    note = bfo.field("500__a")
    if note and note not in note_values_skip:
        out += texified("note", note)

    # Eprint (aka arxiv number)
    import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_INSPIRE_arxiv as bfe_arxiv
    eprints = bfe_arxiv.get_arxiv(bfo, category = "no")
    cats    = bfe_arxiv.get_cats(bfo)
    if eprints:
        eprint = eprints[0]
        if eprint.upper().startswith('ARXIV:'):
            eprint = eprint[6:]

        out += texified("eprint", eprint)
        out += texified("archivePrefix", "arXiv")
        if cats:
            out += texified("primaryClass", cats[0])
        # No eprints, but we don't want refs to eprints[0] to error out below
        # This makes everything work nicely without a lot of extra gating

    # Other report numbers
    out += texified("reportNumber", 
                                                           separator=', ', 

    # Add %%CITATION line
    import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_INSPIRE_publi_info_latex as bfe_pil
    import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_INSPIRE_publi_coden as bfe_coden
    cite_as = bfe_pil.get_cite_line(arxiv=eprints[0], 
                                    pubnote=bfe_coden.get_coden_formatted(bfo, ','),
                                    repno=bfe_repno.get_report_numbers_formatted(bfo, '', '1'),
    out += texified("SLACcitation", cite_as)

    out +="\n}"
    return out
def format_element(bfo, width="50", show_abstract=False):
    Prints a full BibTeX record.

    'width' must be >= 30.
    This format element is an example of a large element, which does
    all the formatting by itself

    @param width the width (in number of characters) of the record

    # Values of the note field which should not be displayed.
    # These are typically added programmatically, so stupid string matching is
    # ok. If this assumption changes, turn this into a list of regexps to apply
    # for a match test.
    # note_values_skip = ["* Temporary entry *", "* Brief entry *"]

    width = int(width)
    if width < 30:
        width = 30
    name_width = 21
    value_width = width-name_width
    recID = bfo.control_field('001')

    # Initialize user output
    out = "@"
    erratum_note = ''
    displaycnt = 0

    def texified(name, value):
        """Closure of format_bibtex_field so we don't keep passing static data

        Saves a little bit of boilerplate.
        return format_bibtex_field(name, value, name_width, value_width)

    # map INSPIRE collection types to bibtex entry_type labels

    entry_type = 'article'

    collections = [c.lower() for c in bfo.fields("980__a")]
    if "conferencepaper" in collections:
        entry_type = 'inproceedings'
    elif 'thesis' in collections:
        # Master thesis has to be identified
        if bfo.field("502__b") == 'Master':
            entry_type = 'mastersthesis'
            entry_type = 'phdthesis'
    elif 'proceedings' in collections:
        entry_type = 'proceedings'
    elif 'book' in collections:
        entry_type = 'book'
    elif 'bookchapter' in collections:
        entry_type = 'incollection'
    elif 'arxiv' in collections:
        entry_type = 'article'

    # exclude certain collections:
    if set(['hepnames', 'journals', 'experiment',
            'jobs', 'conferences', 'institution']) & set(collections):
        nullentry = '@misc{'
        nullentry += texified('key', recID)
        nullentry += texified('note',
                              'not a cited reference in the BibTeX sense')
        nullentry += texified('howpublished', bfo.field('909COo'))
        nullentry = nullentry.rstrip(',') + '\n}'
        return nullentry

    # Irrespective of type, check for complete journal info -> @article
    origentry = entry_type
    for j in bfo.fields("773__"):
        if j.get('p', '') and j.get('v', '') \
           and j.get('c', '') and j.get('y', ''):
            entry_type = 'article'

    out += entry_type + "{"

    # BibTeX key
    import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_texkey as bfe_texkey
    key = bfe_texkey.format_element(bfo, harvmac=False)
    out += key + ','

    # KEY
    # if no texkey is found, print a key element with recID
    if not key:
        out += texified("key", recID)

    # Authors
    import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_INSPIRE_authors as bfe_authors
    authors = bfe_authors.format_element(bfo=bfo,
                                         separator=" and ",
                                         extension=" and others",

    # Editors
    import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_editors as bfe_editors
    editors = bfe_editors.format_element(bfo=bfo, limit="10",
                                         separator=" and ",
                                         extension=" and others ",

    spacinginitials = re.compile(r'([A-Z][a-z]{0,1}[}]?\.)(\b|[-\{])')
    if authors:
        # bibtex requires spaces after initials in names (authors/editors)
        # FIXME: use posix [[:upper:]][[:lower:]]{0,1} and re.UNICODE
        # FIXME: do we want A.-B. => A. -B. ?
        authors = spacinginitials.sub(r'\1 \2', authors)
        out += texified("author", authors)

    if editors:
        editors = spacinginitials.sub(r'\1 \2', editors)
        if entry_type == 'article' and not authors:
            # satisfy @article required fields
            out += texified("author", editors)
            out += texified("editor", editors)

    # Title
    import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_INSPIRE_title_brief as bfe_title
    title = bfe_title.format_element(bfo=bfo, brief="yes")
    if title:
        # don't escape "$", assume it's a math delimiter
        title = re.sub(r'(?<!\\)([#&%])', r'\\\1', title)
        title = '{' + title + '}'
        out += texified("title", title)

    # BookTitle
    # ConferencePaper retrieve parent proceeding's title information
    booktitle = ''
    if entry_type == 'inproceedings' or origentry == 'inproceedings':
        import bfe_INSPIRE_inproc_booktitle
        booktitle = bfe_INSPIRE_inproc_booktitle.format_element(bfo)

        if booktitle:
            # $ in booktitle is often a monetary dollar
            bt = re.sub(r'(?<!\\)([#_&%$])', r'\\\1', booktitle)
            out += texified("booktitle", '{' + bt + '}')
    # bookchapter, retrieve book's title and editor info
    if entry_type in ('incollection',):
        # 1) recid:[773__0]  (245 $$a: $$b + editors)
        bookid = bfo.field("773__0")
        # 2) reportnumber:[773__r]  (245 $$a: $$b + editors)
        if not bookid:
            rn = bfo.field("773__r")
            if rn:
                bookids = search_pattern(p='reportnumber:' + rn)
                if bookids:
                    bookid = bookids[0]
        # 3) isbn:[773__z]  (245 $$a: $$b + editors)
        if not bookid:
            isbn = bfo.field("773__z")
            if isbn:
                bookids = search_pattern(p='isbn:' + isbn)
                if bookids:
                    bookid = bookids[0]
        if bookid:
            if not isinstance(bookid, int):
                bookid = int(bookid)
            maintitle = get_fieldvalues(bookid, '245__a')
            if maintitle:
                booktitle = maintitle[0]
                subtitle = get_fieldvalues(bookid, '245__b')
                if subtitle:
                    booktitle += ': ' + subtitle[0]
            # editors
            from invenio.bibformat_engine import BibFormatObject
            bfb = BibFormatObject(bookid)
            editors = bfe_editors.format_element(bfo=bfb,
                                                 separator=" and ",
                                                 extension=" and others ",
            if editors:
                out += texified('editor', editors)
        # 4) [773__x]
        if not booktitle:
            booktitle = bfo.field("773__x")
        if booktitle:
            out += texified("booktitle", booktitle)

    # Institution
    if entry_type == "techreport":
        publication_name = bfo.field("269__b")
        out += texified("institution", publication_name)

    # Organization
    if entry_type in ['inproceedings', 'proceedings']:
        organization = []
        organization_1 = bfo.field("260__b")
        if organization_1:
        organization_2 = bfo.field("269__b")
        if organization_2:
        out += texified("organization", ". ".join(organization))

    # Publisher
    if entry_type in ['incollection', 'book', 'inproceedings', 'proceedings']:
        publishers = []
        import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_publisher as bfe_publisher
        publisher = bfe_publisher.format_element(bfo=bfo)
        if publisher:
        publication_name = bfo.field("269__b")
        if publication_name:
        imprint_publisher_name = bfo.field("933__b")
        if imprint_publisher_name:
        imprint_e_journal__publisher_name = bfo.field("934__b")
        if imprint_e_journal__publisher_name:

        out += texified("publisher", ". ".join(publishers))

    # Collaboration
    out += texified("collaboration", ", ".join(
        set(re.sub(r'(.+)?\s+[Cc]ollaboration', r'\1', c)
            for c in bfo.fields("710__g"))))

    yearset = False
    # School
    if entry_type in ['phdthesis', 'mastersthesis']:
        university = bfo.field("100__u")

        out += texified("school", university)

        thesisyear = bfo.field("502__d")
        if thesisyear:
            yearset = True
            out += texified("year", thesisyear)

    # Address
    if entry_type in ['incollection', 'book', 'inproceedings', 'proceedings',
                      'phdthesis', 'mastersthesis', 'techreport']:
        addresses = []
        publication_place = bfo.field("260__a")
        if publication_place:
        publication_place_2 = bfo.field("269__a")
        if publication_place_2:
        imprint_publisher_place = bfo.field("933__a")
        if imprint_publisher_place:
        imprint_e_journal__publisher_place = bfo.field("934__a")
        if imprint_e_journal__publisher_place:

        out += texified("address", ". ".join(addresses))

        # Pubyear
        if not yearset:
            pubyear = get_year(bfo.field("260__c"))
            if pubyear:
                yearset = True
                out += texified("year", pubyear)

        # URL
        urls = bfo.fields("8564_u")
        # FIXME: use bibdocfile doctype not PLOT or INSPIRE-PUBLIC
        for url in urls:
            if url.lower().endswith(
                    ('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.eps')):
                out += texified("url", url)

    # Journal
    pagesset = False
    if entry_type in ['article', 'inproceedings']:
        journal_infos = bfo.fields("773__")
        for journal_info in journal_infos:
            journal_source = cgi.escape(journal_info.get('p', ''))
            volume = cgi.escape(journal_info.get('v', ''))
            number = cgi.escape(journal_info.get('n', ''))
            pages = cgi.escape(journal_info.get('c', ''))
            erratum = cgi.escape(journal_info.get('m', ''))

            year = cgi.escape(journal_info.get('y', ''))
            if not year:
                year = get_year(bfo.field("269__c"))
                if not year:
                    year = get_year(bfo.field("260__c"))
                    if not year:
                        year = get_year(bfo.field("502__d"))

            str773 = ''
            if journal_source:
                jsub = re.sub(r'\.([A-Z])', r'. \1', journal_source)
                if not (volume or number or pages
                        or bfo.field("0247_2") == 'DOI'):
                    str773 += 'Submitted to: ' + jsub
                    str773 += jsub
                if displaycnt == 0:
                    out += texified("journal", str773)
            if volume:
                if str773.find("JHEP") > -1:
                    volume = re.sub(r'\d\d(\d\d)', r'\1', volume)
                if displaycnt == 0:
                    out += texified("volume", volume)
                    str773 += volume
            if year:
                if displaycnt == 0 and not yearset:
                    yearset = True
                    out += texified("year", year)
                    year = '(' + year + ')'
            if number:
                if displaycnt == 0:
                    out += texified("number", number)
                    str773 += ',no.' + number
            if pages:
                if displaycnt == 0:
                    pagesset = True
                    out += texified("pages", pages)
                    str773 += ',' + pages.split('-', 1)[0]

            if str773:
                str773 += year

    # N.B. In cases where there is more than one journal in journals iteration
    # the second pass is usually a cite for a translation or something else to
    # appear in a note. Therefore erratum_note is set to display this data
    # later on.

            displaycnt += 1
            if displaycnt > 1 and str773:
                if erratum.lower() in \
                   ('erratum', 'addendum', 'corrigendum', 'reprint'):
                    str773 = '[%s: %s]' % (erratum, str773,)
                    str773 = '[' + str773 + ']'
                erratum_note = texified("note", str773)

    # Publication/Journal Name for non-article types
    if entry_type in ['book', 'incollection', 'proceedings']:
        pname = bfo.field("773__p")
        if pname:
            jsub = re.sub(r'\.([A-Z])', r'. \1', pname)
            out += texified("journal", jsub)
            xstring = bfo.field("773__x")
            if xstring:
                out += texified("journal", xstring)

    # Number
    if entry_type in ['book', 'incollection', 'proceedings', 'techreport']:
        number = bfo.field("773__n")
        if number:
            out += texified("number", number)

    # Volume
    if entry_type in ['book', 'incollection', 'proceedings']:
        volumes = []
        host_volume = bfo.field("773__v")
        if host_volume:
        volume = bfo.field("490__v")
        if volume:

        out += texified("volume", ". ".join(volumes))

    # Series
    if entry_type in ['book', 'incollection', 'proceedings']:
        series = bfo.field("490__a")
        out += texified("series", series)

    # Pages
    if entry_type in ['incollection', 'inproceedings', 'proceedings'] \
       and not pagesset:
        pages = bfo.field("773__c")
        if pages:
            pagesset = True
            out += texified("pages", pages)

    # DOI
    if bfo.field("0247_2") == 'DOI':
        dois = bfo.fields("0247_a") + bfo.fields("773__a")
        out += texified("doi", ", ".join(set(dois)))
    elif bfo.field("0247_2") == 'HDL':
        handles = bfo.fields("0247_a") + bfo.fields("773__a")
        out += texified("handle", ", ".join(set(handles)))

    # Year
    # if there was journal info, we already printed the year
    if not yearset:
        year = bfo.field("773__y")
        if not year:
            year = get_year(bfo.field("269__c"))
            if not year:
                year = get_year(bfo.field("260__c"))
                if not year:
                    year = get_year(bfo.field("502__d"))
        if year:
            yearset = True
            out += texified("year", year)

    # Erratum note stuff here
    out += erratum_note

    # Eprint (aka arxiv number)
    import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_INSPIRE_arxiv as bfe_arxiv
    eprints = bfe_arxiv.get_arxiv(bfo, category="no")
    cats = bfe_arxiv.get_cats(bfo)
    if eprints:
        eprint = eprints[0]
        if eprint.upper().startswith('ARXIV:'):
            eprint = eprint[6:]

        out += texified("eprint", eprint)
        out += texified("archivePrefix", "arXiv")
        if cats:
            out += texified("primaryClass", cats[0])
        # No eprints, but we don't want refs to eprints[0] to error out below
        # This makes everything work nicely without a lot of extra gating
        eprints = [None]

    # Other report numbers
    out += texified("reportNumber",
                        separator=', ',

#    if entry_type == "inproceedings" and :
#        pubnote = bfo.field("500__a")
#        out += texified("note", pubnote)

    # ISBN
    if entry_type in ['book', 'proceedings']:
        isbn = bfo.fields("020__a")
        # Inspire frequently has multiple ISBN for different types, e.g.
        # 001242544 020__ $$a9781927763124$$bebook
        # 001242544 020__ $$a9781927763117$$bsoftcover
        # FIXME: normalize ISBN to hyphenated form, see

        out += texified('ISBN', ', '.join(isbn))

    # Add %%CITATION line
    import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_INSPIRE_publi_info_latex as bfe_pil
    import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_INSPIRE_publi_coden as bfe_coden
    cite_as = bfe_pil.get_cite_line(
        pubnote=bfe_coden.get_coden_formatted(bfo, ','),
            bfo, separator='', limit='1', extension=''),

    out += texified("SLACcitation", cite_as)

    # optionally display abstract
    # FIXME: abstract requires escaping/quoting
    if show_abstract == "True":
        abstract = bfo.field("520__a")
        if len(abstract) > 1000:
            abstract = abstract[:1000] + '...'
        if abstract:
            out += texified("abstract", '{' + abstract + '}')

    # remove trailing comma and close @entry
    out = out.rstrip(',') + '\n}'

    highbitwarning = r'''
%%% contains utf-8, see:
%%% add \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} to your latex preamble

    # FIXME: transcribe chars above \u007F to TeX sequence ?
    # if'[\u0080-\uFFFF]', out, re.UNICODE):
    #     out = highbitwarning + out
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
        out = highbitwarning + out

    return out
def format_element(bfo, width="50"):
    Prints a full BibTeX record.

    'width' must be >= 30.
    This format element is an example of a large element, which does
    all the formatting by itself

    @param width the width (in number of characters) of the record

    # Values of the note field which should not be displayed.
    # These are typically added programmatically, so stupid string matching is
    # ok. If this assumption changes, turn this into a list of regexps to apply
    # for a match test.
    note_values_skip = ["* Temporary entry *", "* Brief entry *"]

    width = int(width)
    if width < 30:
        width = 30
    name_width = 21
    value_width = width - name_width
    recID = bfo.control_field('001')

    # Initialize user output
    out = "@"

    def texified(name, value):
        """Closure of format_bibtex_field so we don't keep pasing static data
        Saves a little bit of boilerplate.
        return format_bibtex_field(name, value, name_width, value_width)

    #Print entry type
    import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_collection as bfe_collection
    collection = bfe_collection.format_element(bfo=bfo, kb="DBCOLLID2BIBTEX")
    if collection == "":
        out += "article"
        collection = "article"
        out += collection

    out += "{"

    # BibTeX key
    import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_texkey as bfe_texkey
    key = bfe_texkey.format_element(bfo, harvmac=False)

    #    key = ''
    #    for external_keys in bfo.fields("035"):
    #        if external_keys['9'] == "SPIRESTeX" and external_keys['z']:
    #            key = external_keys['z']
    #    if not key:
    #        #contruct key in spires like way  need to store an make unique
    #        ####FIXME
    #        key = bfo.field("100a").split(' ')[0].lower() + ":" + \
    #              bfo.field("269c").split('-')[0] + \
    #              chr((recID % 26) + 97) + chr(((recID / 26) % 26) + 97)
    out += key + ','

    #If author cannot be found, print a field key=recID
    import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_INSPIRE_authors as bfe_authors
    authors = bfe_authors.format_element(bfo=bfo,
                                         separator=" and ",
                                         extension=" and others",
    if authors:

        rx = re.compile('([A-Za-z\,\'\-\s]+?\.)([A-Z][a-z]+)')
        auspace = rx.sub(r'\1 \2', authors, count=0)
        out += texified("author", auspace)

        out += texified("key", recID)

    # Editors
    import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_editors as bfe_editors
    editors = bfe_editors.format_element(bfo=bfo,
                                         separator=" and ",
    out += texified("editor", editors)

    # Title
    import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_INSPIRE_title_brief as bfe_title
    title = bfe_title.format_element(bfo=bfo, brief="yes")
    out += texified("title", '{' + title + '}')

    # Institution
    if collection == "techreport":
        publication_name = bfo.field("269__b")
        out += texified("institution", publication_name)

    # Organization
    if collection == "inproceedings" or collection == "proceedings":
        organization = []
        organization_1 = bfo.field("260__b")
        if organization_1 != "":
        organization_2 = bfo.field("269__b")
        if organization_2 != "":
        out += texified("organization", ". ".join(organization))

    # Publisher
    if collection == "book" or \
           collection == "inproceedings" \
           or collection == "proceedings":
        publishers = []
        import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_publisher as bfe_publisher
        publisher = bfe_publisher.format_element(bfo=bfo)
        if publisher != "":
        publication_name = bfo.field("269__b")
        if publication_name != "":
        imprint_publisher_name = bfo.field("933__b")
        if imprint_publisher_name != "":
        imprint_e_journal__publisher_name = bfo.field("934__b")
        if imprint_e_journal__publisher_name != "":

        out += texified("publisher", ". ".join(publishers))

    # Collaboration
    collaborations = []
    for collaboration in bfo.fields("710__g"):
        if collaboration not in collaborations:
    out += texified("collaboration", ", ".join(collaborations))

    # School
    if collection == "phdthesis":
        university = bfo.field("502__b")

        out += texified("school", university)

    # Address
    if collection == "book" or \
           collection == "inproceedings" or \
           collection == "proceedings" or \
           collection == "phdthesis" or \
           collection == "techreport":
        addresses = []
        publication_place = bfo.field("260__a")
        if publication_place != "":
        publication_place_2 = bfo.field("269__a")
        if publication_place_2 != "":
        imprint_publisher_place = bfo.field("933__a")
        if imprint_publisher_place != "":
        imprint_e_journal__publisher_place = bfo.field("934__a")
        if imprint_e_journal__publisher_place != "":

        out += texified("address", ". ".join(addresses))

    # Journal
    if collection == "article":
        journals = []
        host_title = bfo.field("773__p")
        if host_title != "":
        journal = bfo.field("909C4p")
        if journal != "":

        out += texified("journal", ". ".join(journals))

    # Number
    if collection == "techreport" or \
           collection == "article":
        numbers = []
        host_number = bfo.field("773__n")
        if host_number != "":
        number = bfo.field("909C4n")
        if number != "":
        out += texified("number", ". ".join(numbers))

    # Volume
    if collection == "article" or \
           collection == "book":
        volumes = []
        host_volume = bfo.field("773__v")
        if host_volume != "":
        volume = bfo.field("909C4v")
        if volume != "":

        out += texified("volume", ". ".join(volumes))

    # Series
    if collection == "book":
        series = bfo.field("490__a")
        out += texified("series", series)

    # Pages
    if collection == "article" or \
           collection == "inproceedings":
        pages = []
        host_pages = bfo.field("773c")
        if host_pages != "":
            nb_pages = bfo.field("909C4c")
            if nb_pages != "":
                phys_pagination = bfo.field("300__a")
                if phys_pagination != "":

        out += texified("pages", ". ".join(pages))

    # DOI
    if collection == "article" or \
            collection == "data":
        if bfo.field("0247_2") == 'DOI':
            dois = bfo.fields("0247_a") + bfo.fields("773__a")
            out += texified("doi", ", ".join(set(dois)))
        elif bfo.field("0247_2") == 'HDL':
            handles = bfo.fields("0247_a") + bfo.fields("773__a")
            out += texified("handle", ", ".join(set(handles)))

    # Year
    year = bfo.field("773__y")
    if year == "":
        year = get_year(bfo.field("269__c"))
        if year == "":
            year = get_year(bfo.field("260__c"))
            if year == "":
                year = get_year(bfo.field("502__c"))
                if year == "":
                    year = get_year(bfo.field("909C0y"))
    out += texified("year", year)

    # Eprint (aka arxiv number)
    import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_INSPIRE_arxiv as bfe_arxiv
    eprints = bfe_arxiv.get_arxiv(bfo, category="no")
    cats = bfe_arxiv.get_cats(bfo)
    if eprints:
        eprint = eprints[0]
        if eprint.upper().startswith('ARXIV:'):
            eprint = eprint[6:]

        out += texified("eprint", eprint)
        out += texified("archivePrefix", "arXiv")
        if cats:
            out += texified("primaryClass", cats[0])
        # No eprints, but we don't want refs to eprints[0] to error out below
        # This makes everything work nicely without a lot of extra gating
        eprints = [None]

    # Other report numbers
    out += texified(
                                               separator=', ',

    # Add %%CITATION line
    import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_INSPIRE_publi_info_latex as bfe_pil
    import invenio.bibformat_elements.bfe_INSPIRE_publi_coden as bfe_coden
    cite_as = bfe_pil.get_cite_line(
        pubnote=bfe_coden.get_coden_formatted(bfo, ','),
        repno=bfe_repno.get_report_numbers_formatted(bfo, '', '1'),
    out += texified("SLACcitation", cite_as)

    out += "\n}"
    return out