def tmpl_display_menu(self, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG, ref=""): """ Displays menu with all upload options """ _ = gettext_set_language(ln) body_content = """ <table> <td>0. <small>%(upload_open_link)s%(text1)s%(upload_close_link)s</small></td> <td>1. <small>%(docupload_open_link)s%(text2)s%(docupload_close_link)s</small></td> <td>2. <small>%(history_open_link)s%(text3)s%(history_close_link)s</small></td> <td>3. <small>%(daemon_open_link)s%(text4)s%(daemon_close_link)s</small></td> </tr> </table> """ % { 'upload_open_link': not ref == "metadata" and "<a href=\"%s/batchuploader/metadata?ln=%s\">" % (CFG_SITE_URL, ln) or "", 'upload_close_link': not ref == "metadata" and "</a>" or "", 'text1': _("Metadata batch upload"), 'docupload_open_link': not ref == "documents" and "<a href=\"%s/batchuploader/documents?ln=%s\">" % (CFG_SITE_URL, ln) or "", 'docupload_close_link': not ref == "documents" and "</a>" or "", 'text2': _("Document batch upload"), 'history_open_link': not ref == "history" and "<a href=\"%s/batchuploader/history?ln=%s\">" % (CFG_SITE_URL, ln) or "", 'history_close_link': not ref == "history" and "</a>" or "", 'text3': _("Upload history"), 'daemon_open_link': not ref == "daemon" and "<a href=\"%s/batchuploader/daemon?ln=%s\">" % (CFG_SITE_URL, ln) or "", 'daemon_close_link': not ref == "daemon" and "</a>" or "", 'text4': _("Daemon monitor") } return addadminbox("<b>Menu</b>", [body_content])
def perform_request_display_linkbacks(status, return_code, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG): """ Display linkbacks @param status: of CFG_WEBLINKBACK_STATUS, currently only CFG_WEBLINKBACK_STATUS['PENDING'] is supported """ _ = gettext_set_language(ln) if status == CFG_WEBLINKBACK_STATUS['PENDING']: linkbacks = get_all_linkbacks(status=status, order=CFG_WEBLINKBACK_ORDER_BY_INSERTION_TIME['DESC']) entries = [] for (linkbackid, origin_url, recid, additional_properties, linkback_type, linkback_status, insert_time) in linkbacks: # pylint: disable=W0612 moderation_prefix = '<a href="moderatelinkback?action=%%s&linkbackid=%s&ln=%s">%%s</a>' % (linkbackid, ln) entries.append((linkback_type, format_record(recID=recid, of='hs', ln=ln), '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (cgi.escape(origin_url), cgi.escape(get_url_title(origin_url))), convert_datetext_to_dategui(str(insert_time)), moderation_prefix % (CFG_WEBLINKBACK_ADMIN_MODERATION_ACTION['APPROVE'], 'Approve') + " / " + moderation_prefix % (CFG_WEBLINKBACK_ADMIN_MODERATION_ACTION['REJECT'], 'Reject'))) header = ['Linkback type', 'Record', 'Origin', 'Submitted on', ''] error_message = "" if return_code != CFG_WEBLINKBACK_ACTION_RETURN_CODE['OK']: error_message = _("Unknown error") if return_code == CFG_WEBLINKBACK_ACTION_RETURN_CODE['INVALID_ACTION']: error_message = _("Invalid action") error_message_html = "" if error_message != "": error_message_html = "<dt><b><font color=red>" + error_message + "</font></b></dt>" + "<br>" out = """ <dl> %(error_message)s <dt>%(heading)s</dt> <dd>%(description)s</dd> </dl> """ % {'heading': _("Pending linkbacks"), 'description': _("these linkbacks are not visible to users, they must be approved or rejected."), 'error_message': error_message_html} if entries: out += tupletotable(header=header, tuple=entries, highlight_rows_p=True, alternate_row_colors_p=True) else: out += "<i>There are no %s linkbacks.</i>" % status.lower() return addadminbox('<b>%s</b>'% _("Reduce the amount of currently pending linkback requests"), [out]) else: return "<i>%s</i>" % _('Currently only pending linkbacks are supported.')
def tmpl_admin_index(self, ln): """ Index page of admin interface """ _ = gettext_set_language(ln) out = '<ol>' pending_linkback_count = len(get_all_linkbacks(status=CFG_WEBLINKBACK_STATUS['PENDING'])) stat_pending_text = "" if pending_linkback_count > 0: stat_pending_text = ' <span class="moreinfo"> (' if pending_linkback_count == 1: stat_pending_text += "%s pending linkback request" % pending_linkback_count elif pending_linkback_count > 1: stat_pending_text += "%s pending linkback requests"% pending_linkback_count stat_pending_text += ')</span>' out += '<li><a href="%(siteURL)s/admin/weblinkback/">%(label)s</a>%(stat)s</li>' % \ {'siteURL': CFG_SITE_URL, 'ln': ln, 'status': CFG_WEBLINKBACK_STATUS['PENDING'], 'label': _("Pending Linkbacks"), 'stat': stat_pending_text} out += '<li><a href="%(siteURL)s/linkbacks?ln=%(ln)s">%(label)s</a></li>' % \ {'siteURL': CFG_SITE_URL, 'ln': ln, 'label': _("Recent Linkbacks")} out += '<li><a href="%(siteURL)s/admin/weblinkback/">%(label)s</a></li>' % \ {'siteURL': CFG_SITE_URL, 'ln': ln, 'returnCode': CFG_WEBLINKBACK_ACTION_RETURN_CODE['OK'], 'label': _("Linkback Whitelist/Blacklist Manager")} out += '</ol>' from invenio.bibrankadminlib import addadminbox return addadminbox('<b>%s</b>'% _("Menu"), [out])
def tmpl_admin_index(self, ln): """ Index page of admin interface """ _ = gettext_set_language(ln) out = '<ol>' pending_linkback_count = len( get_all_linkbacks(status=CFG_WEBLINKBACK_STATUS['PENDING'])) stat_pending_text = "" if pending_linkback_count > 0: stat_pending_text = ' <span class="moreinfo"> (' if pending_linkback_count == 1: stat_pending_text += "%s pending linkback request" % pending_linkback_count elif pending_linkback_count > 1: stat_pending_text += "%s pending linkback requests" % pending_linkback_count stat_pending_text += ')</span>' out += '<li><a href="%(siteURL)s/admin/weblinkback/">%(label)s</a>%(stat)s</li>' % \ {'siteURL': CFG_SITE_URL, 'ln': ln, 'status': CFG_WEBLINKBACK_STATUS['PENDING'], 'label': _("Pending Linkbacks"), 'stat': stat_pending_text} out += '<li><a href="%(siteURL)s/linkbacks?ln=%(ln)s">%(label)s</a></li>' % \ {'siteURL': CFG_SITE_URL, 'ln': ln, 'label': _("Recent Linkbacks")} out += '<li><a href="%(siteURL)s/admin/weblinkback/">%(label)s</a></li>' % \ {'siteURL': CFG_SITE_URL, 'ln': ln, 'returnCode': CFG_WEBLINKBACK_ACTION_RETURN_CODE['OK'], 'label': _("Linkback Whitelist/Blacklist Manager")} out += '</ol>' from invenio.bibrankadminlib import addadminbox return addadminbox('<b>%s</b>' % _("Menu"), [out])
def perform_request_display_list(return_code, url_field_value, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG): """ Display a list @param return_code: might indicate errors from a previous action, of CFG_WEBLINKBACK_ACTION_RETURN_CODE @param url_field_value: value of the url text field """ _ = gettext_set_language(ln) urls = get_urls() entries = [] for url in urls: entries.append( ('<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (cgi.escape(url[0]), cgi.escape(url[0])), url[1].lower(), '<a href="moderatelist?url=%s&action=%s&ln=%s">%s</a>' % (urllib.quote( url[0]), CFG_WEBLINKBACK_ADMIN_MODERATION_ACTION['DELETE'], ln, CFG_WEBLINKBACK_ADMIN_MODERATION_ACTION['DELETE'].lower()))) header = ['URL', 'List', ''] error_message = "" if return_code != CFG_WEBLINKBACK_ACTION_RETURN_CODE['OK']: error_message = _("Unknown error") if return_code == CFG_WEBLINKBACK_ACTION_RETURN_CODE['DUPLICATE']: error_message = _("The URL already exists in one of the lists") elif return_code == CFG_WEBLINKBACK_ACTION_RETURN_CODE[ 'INVALID_ACTION']: error_message = _("Invalid action") elif return_code == CFG_WEBLINKBACK_ACTION_RETURN_CODE['BAD_INPUT']: error_message = _("Invalid URL, might contain spaces") error_message_html = "" if error_message != "": error_message_html = "<dt><b><font color=red>" + error_message + "</font></b></dt>" + "<br>" out = """ <dl> %(error_message)s <dt>%(whitelist)s</dt> <dd>%(whitelistText)s</dd> <dt>%(blacklist)s</dt> <dd>%(blacklistText)s</dd> <dt>%(explanation)s</dt> </dl> <table class="admin_wvar" cellspacing="0"> <tr><td> <form action='moderatelist'> URL: <input type="text" name="url" value="%(url)s" /> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="%(action)s" /> <select name="listtype" size="1"> <option value=whitelist>whitelist</option> <option value=blacklist>blacklist</option> </select> <input type="submit" class="adminbutton" value="%(buttonText)s"> </form> </td></tr></table> """ % { 'whitelist': _('Whitelist'), 'whitelistText': _('linkback requests from these URLs will be approved automatically.'), 'blacklist': _('Blacklist'), 'blacklistText': _('linkback requests from these URLs will be refused automatically, no data will be saved.' ), 'explanation': _('All URLs in these lists are checked for containment (infix) in any linkback request URL. A whitelist match has precedence over a blacklist match.' ), 'url': cgi.escape(url_field_value), 'action': CFG_WEBLINKBACK_ADMIN_MODERATION_ACTION['INSERT'], 'buttonText': _('Add URL'), 'error_message': error_message_html } if entries: out += tupletotable(header=header, tuple=entries, highlight_rows_p=True, alternate_row_colors_p=True) else: out += "<i>%s</i>" % _('There are no URLs in both lists.') return addadminbox( '<b>%s</b>' % _("Reduce the amount of future pending linkback requests"), [out])
def perform_request_display_linkbacks(status, return_code, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG): """ Display linkbacks @param status: of CFG_WEBLINKBACK_STATUS, currently only CFG_WEBLINKBACK_STATUS['PENDING'] is supported """ _ = gettext_set_language(ln) if status == CFG_WEBLINKBACK_STATUS['PENDING']: linkbacks = get_all_linkbacks( status=status, order=CFG_WEBLINKBACK_ORDER_BY_INSERTION_TIME['DESC']) entries = [] for (linkbackid, origin_url, recid, additional_properties, linkback_type, linkback_status, insert_time) in linkbacks: # pylint: disable=W0612 moderation_prefix = '<a href="moderatelinkback?action=%%s&linkbackid=%s&ln=%s">%%s</a>' % ( linkbackid, ln) entries.append(( linkback_type, format_record(recID=recid, of='hs', ln=ln), '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (cgi.escape(origin_url), cgi.escape( get_url_title(origin_url))), convert_datetext_to_dategui(str(insert_time)), moderation_prefix % (CFG_WEBLINKBACK_ADMIN_MODERATION_ACTION['APPROVE'], 'Approve') + " / " + moderation_prefix % (CFG_WEBLINKBACK_ADMIN_MODERATION_ACTION['REJECT'], 'Reject'))) header = ['Linkback type', 'Record', 'Origin', 'Submitted on', ''] error_message = "" if return_code != CFG_WEBLINKBACK_ACTION_RETURN_CODE['OK']: error_message = _("Unknown error") if return_code == CFG_WEBLINKBACK_ACTION_RETURN_CODE[ 'INVALID_ACTION']: error_message = _("Invalid action") error_message_html = "" if error_message != "": error_message_html = "<dt><b><font color=red>" + error_message + "</font></b></dt>" + "<br>" out = """ <dl> %(error_message)s <dt>%(heading)s</dt> <dd>%(description)s</dd> </dl> """ % { 'heading': _("Pending linkbacks"), 'description': _("these linkbacks are not visible to users, they must be approved or rejected." ), 'error_message': error_message_html } if entries: out += tupletotable(header=header, tuple=entries, highlight_rows_p=True, alternate_row_colors_p=True) else: out += "<i>There are no %s linkbacks.</i>" % status.lower() return addadminbox( '<b>%s</b>' % _("Reduce the amount of currently pending linkback requests"), [out]) else: return "<i>%s</i>" % _( 'Currently only pending linkbacks are supported.')
def perform_request_display_list(return_code, url_field_value, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG): """ Display a list @param return_code: might indicate errors from a previous action, of CFG_WEBLINKBACK_ACTION_RETURN_CODE @param url_field_value: value of the url text field """ _ = gettext_set_language(ln) urls = get_urls() entries = [] for url in urls: entries.append(('<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (cgi.escape(url[0]), cgi.escape(url[0])), url[1].lower(), '<a href="moderatelist?url=%s&action=%s&ln=%s">%s</a>' % (urllib.quote(url[0]), CFG_WEBLINKBACK_ADMIN_MODERATION_ACTION['DELETE'], ln, CFG_WEBLINKBACK_ADMIN_MODERATION_ACTION['DELETE'].lower()))) header = ['URL', 'List', ''] error_message = "" if return_code != CFG_WEBLINKBACK_ACTION_RETURN_CODE['OK']: error_message = _("Unknown error") if return_code == CFG_WEBLINKBACK_ACTION_RETURN_CODE['DUPLICATE']: error_message = _("The URL already exists in one of the lists") elif return_code == CFG_WEBLINKBACK_ACTION_RETURN_CODE['INVALID_ACTION']: error_message = _("Invalid action") elif return_code == CFG_WEBLINKBACK_ACTION_RETURN_CODE['BAD_INPUT']: error_message = _("Invalid URL, might contain spaces") error_message_html = "" if error_message != "": error_message_html = "<dt><b><font color=red>" + error_message + "</font></b></dt>" + "<br>" out = """ <dl> %(error_message)s <dt>%(whitelist)s</dt> <dd>%(whitelistText)s</dd> <dt>%(blacklist)s</dt> <dd>%(blacklistText)s</dd> <dt>%(explanation)s</dt> </dl> <table class="admin_wvar" cellspacing="0"> <tr><td> <form action='moderatelist'> URL: <input type="text" name="url" value="%(url)s" /> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="%(action)s" /> <select name="listtype" size="1"> <option value=whitelist>whitelist</option> <option value=blacklist>blacklist</option> </select> <input type="submit" class="adminbutton" value="%(buttonText)s"> </form> </td></tr></table> """ % {'whitelist': _('Whitelist'), 'whitelistText': _('linkback requests from these URLs will be approved automatically.'), 'blacklist': _('Blacklist'), 'blacklistText': _('linkback requests from these URLs will be refused automatically, no data will be saved.'), 'explanation': _('All URLs in these lists are checked for containment (infix) in any linkback request URL. A whitelist match has precedence over a blacklist match.'), 'url': cgi.escape(url_field_value), 'action': CFG_WEBLINKBACK_ADMIN_MODERATION_ACTION['INSERT'], 'buttonText': _('Add URL'), 'error_message': error_message_html} if entries: out += tupletotable(header=header, tuple=entries, highlight_rows_p=True, alternate_row_colors_p=True) else: out += "<i>%s</i>" % _('There are no URLs in both lists.') return addadminbox('<b>%s</b>'% _("Reduce the amount of future pending linkback requests"), [out])