def format_element(bfo,
    Prints the AddThis box from the <http://www.addthis.com/> service.

    @param only_public_records: if set to 1 (the default), prints the box only
        if the record is public (i.e. if it belongs to the root colletion and is
        accessible to the world).
    @param addthis_id: the pubid API parameter as provided by the service
        (e.g. ra-4ff80aae118f4dad). This can be set at the repository level
        in the variable CFG_BIBFORMAT_ADDTHIS_ID in invenio(-local).conf
    if not addthis_id:
        return ""
    if int(only_public_records) and not record_public_p(bfo.recID):
        return ""
    return """\
<!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->
<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style ">
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_1"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_2"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_3"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_4"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_compact"></a>
<a class="addthis_counter addthis_bubble_style"></a>
<script type="text/javascript">var addthis_config = {"data_track_clickback":true};</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://s7.addthis.com/js/250/addthis_widget.js#pubid=%(addthis_id)s"></script>
<!-- AddThis Button END -->
""" % {
        'addthis_id': addthis_id
def format_element(bfo, only_public_records=1, addthis_id=CFG_BIBFORMAT_ADDTHIS_ID):
    Prints the AddThis box from the <http://www.addthis.com/> service.

    @param only_public_records: if set to 1 (the default), prints the box only
        if the record is public (i.e. if it belongs to the root colletion and is
        accessible to the world).
    @param addthis_id: the pubid API parameter as provided by the service
        (e.g. ra-4ff80aae118f4dad). This can be set at the repository level
        in the variable CFG_BIBFORMAT_ADDTHIS_ID in invenio(-local).conf
    if not addthis_id:
        return ""
    if int(only_public_records) and not record_public_p(bfo.recID):
        return ""
    return """\
<!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->
<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style ">
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_1"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_2"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_3"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_4"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_compact"></a>
<a class="addthis_counter addthis_bubble_style"></a>
<script type="text/javascript">var addthis_config = {"data_track_clickback":true};</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://s7.addthis.com/js/250/addthis_widget.js#pubid=%(addthis_id)s"></script>
<!-- AddThis Button END -->
""" % {'addthis_id': addthis_id}
    def test_article_in_unreleased_issue(self):
        """webjournal - check access to unreleased article"""
        from invenio.legacy.search_engine import record_public_p

        # Record is not public
        self.assertEqual(record_public_p(112), False)

        # Unreleased article is not visible to guest
        error_messages = test_web_page_content(
            cfg['CFG_SITE_URL'] + '/journal/AtlantisTimes/2009/06/News/112',
            expected_text=["A naturalist's voyage around the world"],
            unexpected_text=['Galapagos Archipelago'])
        if error_messages:

        # Unreleased article is visible to editor
        error_messages = test_web_page_content(
            cfg['CFG_SITE_URL'] + '/journal/AtlantisTimes/2009/06/News/112',
            expected_text=['Galapagos Archipelago'],
                'This file is restricted', 'You are not authorized'
        if error_messages:
    def test_restricted_article_in_released_issue(self):
        """webjournal - check access to restricted article in released issue"""
        from invenio.legacy.search_engine import record_public_p

        # Record is not public
        self.assertEqual(record_public_p(112), False)

        # Released article (even if restricted) is visible to guest
        error_messages = test_web_page_content(cfg['CFG_SITE_URL'] + '/journal/AtlantisTimes/2009/03/Science/111' ,
                                               unexpected_text=["A naturalist's voyage around the world"])
        if error_messages:
    def test_restricted_article_in_released_issue(self):
        """webjournal - check access to restricted article in released issue"""
        from invenio.legacy.search_engine import record_public_p

        # Record is not public
        self.assertEqual(record_public_p(112), False)

        # Released article (even if restricted) is visible to guest
        error_messages = test_web_page_content(
            cfg['CFG_SITE_URL'] + '/journal/AtlantisTimes/2009/03/Science/111',
            unexpected_text=["A naturalist's voyage around the world"])
        if error_messages:
    def test_article_in_unreleased_issue(self):
        """webjournal - check access to unreleased article"""
        from invenio.legacy.search_engine import record_public_p

        # Record is not public
        self.assertEqual(record_public_p(112), False)

        # Unreleased article is not visible to guest
        error_messages = test_web_page_content(cfg['CFG_SITE_URL'] + '/journal/AtlantisTimes/2009/06/News/112' ,
                                               expected_text=["A naturalist's voyage around the world"],
                                               unexpected_text=['Galapagos Archipelago'])
        if error_messages:

        # Unreleased article is visible to editor
        error_messages = test_web_page_content(cfg['CFG_SITE_URL'] + '/journal/AtlantisTimes/2009/06/News/112',
                                               expected_text=['Galapagos Archipelago'],
                                               unexpected_text=['This file is restricted',
                                                                'You are not authorized'])
        if error_messages:
def check_user_can_view_record(user_info, recid):
    """Check if the user is authorized to view the given recid.

    The function grants access in two cases: either user has author rights on
    this record, or he has view rights to the primary collection this record
    belongs to.

    :param user_info: the user_info dictionary that describe the user.
    :type user_info: user_info dictionary
    :param recid: the record identifier.
    :type recid: positive integer
    :return: (0, ''), when authorization is granted, (>0, 'message') when
    authorization is not granted
    from invenio.modules.access.engine import acc_authorize_action
    from invenio.modules.access.local_config import VIEWRESTRCOLL
    from invenio.modules.collections.cache import is_record_in_any_collection
    from invenio.legacy.search_engine import record_public_p, record_exists

    policy = cfg['CFG_WEBSEARCH_VIEWRESTRCOLL_POLICY'].strip().upper()

    if isinstance(recid, str):
        recid = int(recid)
    # At this point, either webcoll has not yet run or there are some
    # restricted collections. Let's see first if the user own the record.
    if is_user_owner_of_record(user_info, recid):
        # Perfect! It's authorized then!
        return (0, '')

    if is_user_viewer_of_record(user_info, recid):
        # Perfect! It's authorized then!
        return (0, '')

    restricted_collections = get_restricted_collections_for_recid(
        recid, recreate_cache_if_needed=False)
    if not restricted_collections and record_public_p(recid):
        # The record is public and not part of any restricted collection
        return (0, '')
    if restricted_collections:
        # If there are restricted collections the user must be authorized to
        # all/any of them (depending on the policy)
        auth_code, auth_msg = 0, ''
        for collection in restricted_collections:
            (auth_code, auth_msg) = acc_authorize_action(user_info,
            if auth_code and policy != 'ANY':
                # Ouch! the user is not authorized to this collection
                return (auth_code, auth_msg)
            elif auth_code == 0 and policy == 'ANY':
                # Good! At least one collection is authorized
                return (0, '')
        # Depending on the policy, the user will be either authorized or not
        return auth_code, auth_msg
    if is_record_in_any_collection(recid, recreate_cache_if_needed=False):
        # the record is not in any restricted collection
        return (0, '')
    elif record_exists(recid) > 0:
        # We are in the case where webcoll has not run.
        # Let's authorize SUPERADMIN
        (auth_code, auth_msg) = acc_authorize_action(user_info,
        if auth_code == 0:
            return (0, '')
            # Too bad. Let's print a nice message:
            return (
                1, "The record you are trying to access has just been "
                "submitted to the system and needs to be assigned to the "
                "proper collections. It is currently restricted for security "
                "reasons until the assignment will be fully completed. Please "
                "come back later to properly access this record.")
        # The record either does not exists or has been deleted.
        # Let's handle these situations outside of this code.
        return (0, '')
def format_element(
    Return a snippet of JavaScript needed for displaying a bookmark toolbar

    @param only_public_records: if set to 1 (the default), prints the box only
        if the record is public (i.e. if it belongs to the root colletion and is
        accessible to the world).

    @param sites: which sites to enable (default is 'linkedin,twitter,facebook,google,delicious,sciencewise'). This should be a
        comma separated list of strings.
        Valid values are available on:
        Note that 'sciencewise' is an ad-hoc service that will be displayed
        only in case the record has an arXiv reportnumber and will always
        be displayed last.
    if int(only_public_records) and not record_public_p(bfo.recID):
        return ""

    sitelist = sites.split(',')
    sitelist = [site.strip().lower() for site in sitelist]

    sciencewise = False
    if 'sciencewise' in sitelist:
        sciencewise = True

    sites_js = ", ".join("'%s'" % site for site in sitelist)

    title = bfo.field('245__a')
    description = bfo.field('520__a')

    sciencewise_script = ""
    if sciencewise:
        reportnumber = get_arxiv_reportnumber(bfo)
        sciencewise_url = ""
        if reportnumber:
            sciencewise_url = create_sciencewise_url(reportnumber)
        if not sciencewise_url and CFG_CERN_SITE:
            sciencewise_url = create_sciencewise_url(bfo.recID, cds=True)
        if sciencewise_url:
            sciencewise_script = """\
$.bookmark.addSite('sciencewise', 'ScienceWise.info', '%(siteurl)s/img/sciencewise.png', 'en', 'bookmark', '%(url)s');
$('#bookmark_sciencewise').bookmark({sites: ['sciencewise']});
""" % {
                'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL,
                'url': sciencewise_url.replace("'", r"\'"),

    url = '%(siteurl)s/%(record)s/%(recid)s' % \
          {'recid': bfo.recID,
           'record': CFG_SITE_RECORD,
           'siteurl': CFG_BASE_URL}

    args = parse_url_string(bfo.user_info['uri'])
    journal_name = args["journal_name"]
    if journal_name and \
       (journal_name in [info.get('journal_name', '') for info in get_journals_ids_and_names()]):
        # We are displaying a WebJournal article: URL is slightly different
        url = make_journal_url(bfo.user_info['uri'])

    return """\
<!-- JQuery Bookmark Button BEGIN -->
<div id="bookmark"></div><div id="bookmark_sciencewise"></div>
<style type="text/css">
    #bookmark_sciencewise, #bookmark { float: left; }
    #bookmark_sciencewise li { padding: 2px; width: 25px}
    #bookmark_sciencewise ul, #bookmark ul { list-style-image: none; }
<script type="text/javascript" src="%(siteurl)s/vendors/jquery.bookmark/jquery.bookmark.min.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">@import "%(siteurl)s/vendors/jquery.bookmark/jquery.bookmark.css";</style>
<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
        sites: [%(sites_js)s],
        icons: '%(siteurl)s/vendors/jquery.bookmark/bookmarks.png',
        url: '%(url)s',
        addEmail: true,
        title: "%(title)s",
        description: "%(description)s"
// ]]>
<!-- JQuery Bookmark Button END -->
""" % {
            title, escape_for_html=False, escape_CDATA=True),
            description, escape_for_html=False, escape_CDATA=True),
文件: access.py 项目: SCOAP3/invenio
def check_user_can_view_record(user_info, recid):
    """Check if the user is authorized to view the given recid.

    The function grants access in two cases: either user has author rights on
    this record, or he has view rights to the primary collection this record
    belongs to.

    :param user_info: the user_info dictionary that describe the user.
    :type user_info: user_info dictionary
    :param recid: the record identifier.
    :type recid: positive integer
    :return: (0, ''), when authorization is granted, (>0, 'message') when
    authorization is not granted
    from invenio.modules.access.engine import acc_authorize_action
    from invenio.modules.access.local_config import VIEWRESTRCOLL
    from invenio.modules.collections.cache import is_record_in_any_collection
    from invenio.legacy.search_engine import record_public_p, record_exists

    policy = cfg['CFG_WEBSEARCH_VIEWRESTRCOLL_POLICY'].strip().upper()

    if isinstance(recid, str):
        recid = int(recid)
    # At this point, either webcoll has not yet run or there are some
    # restricted collections. Let's see first if the user own the record.
    if is_user_owner_of_record(user_info, recid):
        # Perfect! It's authorized then!
        return (0, '')

    if is_user_viewer_of_record(user_info, recid):
        # Perfect! It's authorized then!
        return (0, '')

    restricted_collections = get_restricted_collections_for_recid(
        recid, recreate_cache_if_needed=False
    if not restricted_collections and record_public_p(recid):
        # The record is public and not part of any restricted collection
        return (0, '')
    if restricted_collections:
        # If there are restricted collections the user must be authorized to
        # all/any of them (depending on the policy)
        auth_code, auth_msg = 0, ''
        for collection in restricted_collections:
            (auth_code, auth_msg) = acc_authorize_action(
                user_info, VIEWRESTRCOLL, collection=collection
            if auth_code and policy != 'ANY':
                # Ouch! the user is not authorized to this collection
                return (auth_code, auth_msg)
            elif auth_code == 0 and policy == 'ANY':
                # Good! At least one collection is authorized
                return (0, '')
        # Depending on the policy, the user will be either authorized or not
        return auth_code, auth_msg
    if is_record_in_any_collection(recid, recreate_cache_if_needed=False):
        # the record is not in any restricted collection
        return (0, '')
    elif record_exists(recid) > 0:
        # We are in the case where webcoll has not run.
        # Let's authorize SUPERADMIN
        (auth_code, auth_msg) = acc_authorize_action(
            user_info, VIEWRESTRCOLL, collection=None
        if auth_code == 0:
            return (0, '')
            # Too bad. Let's print a nice message:
            return (
                "The record you are trying to access has just been "
                "submitted to the system and needs to be assigned to the "
                "proper collections. It is currently restricted for security "
                "reasons until the assignment will be fully completed. Please "
                "come back later to properly access this record.")
        # The record either does not exists or has been deleted.
        # Let's handle these situations outside of this code.
        return (0, '')
def format_element(bfo, only_public_records=1, sites="linkedin,twitter,facebook,google,delicious,sciencewise"):
    Return a snippet of JavaScript needed for displaying a bookmark toolbar

    @param only_public_records: if set to 1 (the default), prints the box only
        if the record is public (i.e. if it belongs to the root colletion and is
        accessible to the world).

    @param sites: which sites to enable (default is 'linkedin,twitter,facebook,google,delicious,sciencewise'). This should be a
        comma separated list of strings.
        Valid values are available on:
        Note that 'sciencewise' is an ad-hoc service that will be displayed
        only in case the record has an arXiv reportnumber and will always
        be displayed last.
    if int(only_public_records) and not record_public_p(bfo.recID):
        return ""

    sitelist = sites.split(',')
    sitelist = [site.strip().lower() for site in sitelist]

    sciencewise = False
    if 'sciencewise' in sitelist:
        sciencewise = True

    sites_js = ", ".join("'%s'" % site for site in sitelist)

    title = bfo.field('245__a')
    description = bfo.field('520__a')

    sciencewise_script = ""
    if sciencewise:
        reportnumber = get_arxiv_reportnumber(bfo)
        sciencewise_url = ""
        if reportnumber:
            sciencewise_url = create_sciencewise_url(reportnumber)
        if not sciencewise_url and CFG_CERN_SITE:
            sciencewise_url = create_sciencewise_url(bfo.recID, cds=True)
        if sciencewise_url:
            sciencewise_script = """\
$.bookmark.addSite('sciencewise', 'ScienceWise.info', '%(siteurl)s/img/sciencewise.png', 'en', 'bookmark', '%(url)s');
$('#bookmark_sciencewise').bookmark({sites: ['sciencewise']});
""" % {
                'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL,
                'url': sciencewise_url.replace("'", r"\'"),

    url = '%(siteurl)s/%(record)s/%(recid)s' % \
          {'recid': bfo.recID,
           'record': CFG_SITE_RECORD,
           'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL}

    args = parse_url_string(bfo.user_info['uri'])
    journal_name = args["journal_name"]
    if journal_name and \
       (journal_name in [info.get('journal_name', '') for info in get_journals_ids_and_names()]):
        # We are displaying a WebJournal article: URL is slightly different
        url = make_journal_url(bfo.user_info['uri'])

    return """\
<!-- JQuery Bookmark Button BEGIN -->
<div id="bookmark"></div><div id="bookmark_sciencewise"></div>
<style type="text/css">
    #bookmark_sciencewise, #bookmark { float: left; }
    #bookmark_sciencewise li { padding: 2px; width: 25px}
    #bookmark_sciencewise ul, #bookmark ul { list-style-image: none; }
<script type="text/javascript" src="%(siteurl)s/js/jquery.bookmark.min.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">@import "%(siteurl)s/css/jquery.bookmark.css";</style>
<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
        sites: [%(sites_js)s],
        icons: '%(siteurl)s/img/bookmarks.png',
        url: '%(url)s',
        addEmail: true,
        title: "%(title)s",
        description: "%(description)s"
// ]]>
<!-- JQuery Bookmark Button END -->
""" % {
        'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL,
        'sciencewise': sciencewise_script,
        'title': escape_javascript_string(title,
        'description': escape_javascript_string(description,
        'sites_js': sites_js,
        'url': url,