def get_encoding_profile(key): """ Returns a dictionary representation of an encoding profile by key """ profile = get_encoding_profiles()[key] def san_bitrate(bitrate): """ Sanitizes bitrates """ if type(str()) == type(bitrate): if bitrate.endswith('k'): try: bitrate = int(bitrate[:-1]) bitrate *= 1000 return int(bitrate) except ValueError: register_exception(alert_admin=True) raise elif type(int) == type(bitrate): return bitrate else: register_exception(alert_admin=True) raise if getval(profile, 'videobitrate'): profile['videobitrate'] = san_bitrate(getval(profile, 'videobitrate')) if getval(profile, 'audiobitrate'): profile['audiobitrate'] = san_bitrate(getval(profile, 'audiobitrate')) return profile
def _follow_path(path, locals_u, meta_dict, probe_dict, stream_number=None): """ Trys to follow a given path and returns the value it represents. The path is a string that must be like this: local->variable_name ffprobe->format->param ffprobe->video->param ffprobe->audio->param ffprobe->stream->param mediainfo->general->param mediainfo->audio->param mediainfo->video->param mediainfo->track->param @param path: Path to the value @type: string @param locals_u: Local variables @type locals_u: dict @param meta_dict: Mediainfo metadata @type meta_dict: dict @param probe_dict: FFprobe metadata @type probe_dict: dict @param stream_number: To follow a path to a specific stream @type stream_number: int @return: value of the element the path points to @rtype: string """ path_segments = path.split("->") ## ffprobe if path_segments[0] == 'ffprobe': ## format if path_segments[1] == 'format': return getval(probe_dict['format'], path_segments[2], 0) ## 1st video elif path_segments[1] in ('video', 'audio'): for stream in probe_dict['streams']: if getval(stream, 'codec_type') == path_segments[1]: return getval(stream, path_segments[2], 0) ## stream by number elif path_segments[1] == 'stream': return getval(probe_dict['streams'][stream_number], path_segments[2], 0) ## mediainfo elif path_segments[0] == 'mediainfo': ## general, video, audio if path_segments[1] in ('general', 'video', 'audio'): for track in meta_dict: if getval(track, 'kind_of_stream').lower() == path_segments[1]: return getval(track, path_segments[2], 0) ## stream by number elif path_segments[1] == 'track': ## We rely on format being the first track in mediainfo ## And the order of streams in ffprobe and tracks in mediainfo being the same return getval(meta_dict[stream_number+1], path_segments[2], 0) ## local variable elif path_segments[0] == 'local': return getval(locals_u, path_segments[1], 0) ## direct input else: return path_segments[0]
def watch_directory(new_job_dir=CFG_BIBENCODE_DAEMON_DIR_NEWJOBS, old_job_dir=CFG_BIBENCODE_DAEMON_DIR_OLDJOBS): """ Checks a folder job files, parses and executes them @param new_job_dir: path to the directory with new jobs @type new_job_dir: string @param old_job_dir: path to the directory where the old jobs are moved @type old_job_dir: string """ global _NUMBER, _TASKID write_message('Checking directory %s for new jobs' % new_job_dir) task_update_progress('Checking for new jobs') _TASKID = task_get_task_param('task_id') files = os.listdir(new_job_dir) for file in files: file_fullpath = os.path.join(new_job_dir, file) if has_signature(file_fullpath): write_message('New Job found: %s' % file) job = json_decode_file(file_fullpath) if not getval(job, 'isbatch'): args = job_to_args(job) if not launch_task(args): write_message('Error submitting task') else: ## We need the job description for the batch engine ## So we need to use the new path inside the oldjobs dir process_batch(os.path.join(old_job_dir, file)) ## Move the file to the done dir shutil.move(file_fullpath, os.path.join(old_job_dir, file)) ## Update number for next job _NUMBER += 1 return 1
def clean_job_for_quality(batch_job_dict, fallback=True): """ Removes jobs from the batch description that are not suitable for the master video's quality. It applies only for encoding jobs! @param batch_job_dict: the dict containing the batch description @type batch_job_dict: dict @param @return: the cleaned dict @rtype: dict """ survived_jobs = [] fallback_jobs = [] other_jobs = [] for job in batch_job_dict["jobs"]: if job["mode"] == "encode": if getval(job, "fallback") and fallback: fallback_jobs.append(job) if getval(job, "enforce"): survived_jobs.append(job) else: profile = None if getval(job, "profile"): profile = get_encoding_profile(job["profile"]) if assure_quality( input_file=batch_job_dict["input"], aspect=chose2("aspect", job, profile), target_width=chose2("width", job, profile), target_height=chose2("height", job, profile), target_bitrate=chose2("videobitrate", job, profile), ): survived_jobs.append(job) else: other_jobs.append(job) if survived_jobs: survived_jobs.extend(other_jobs) new_jobs = survived_jobs else: fallback_jobs.extend(other_jobs) new_jobs = fallback_jobs pprint(locals()) batch_job_dict["jobs"] = new_jobs return batch_job_dict
def clean_job_for_quality(batch_job_dict, fallback=True): """ Removes jobs from the batch description that are not suitable for the master video's quality. It applies only for encoding jobs! @param batch_job_dict: the dict containing the batch description @type batch_job_dict: dict @param @return: the cleaned dict @rtype: dict """ survived_jobs = [] fallback_jobs = [] other_jobs = [] for job in batch_job_dict['jobs']: if job['mode'] == 'encode': if getval(job, 'fallback') and fallback: fallback_jobs.append(job) if getval(job, 'enforce'): survived_jobs.append(job) else: profile = None if getval(job, 'profile'): profile = get_encoding_profile(job['profile']) if assure_quality(input_file=batch_job_dict['input'], aspect=chose2('aspect', job, profile), target_width=chose2('width', job, profile), target_height=chose2('height', job, profile), target_bitrate=chose2( 'videobitrate', job, profile)): survived_jobs.append(job) else: other_jobs.append(job) if survived_jobs: survived_jobs.extend(other_jobs) new_jobs = survived_jobs else: fallback_jobs.extend(other_jobs) new_jobs = fallback_jobs pprint(locals()) batch_job_dict['jobs'] = new_jobs return batch_job_dict
def clean_job_for_quality(batch_job_dict, fallback=True): """ Removes jobs from the batch description that are not suitable for the master video's quality. It applies only for encoding jobs! @param batch_job_dict: the dict containing the batch description @type batch_job_dict: dict @param @return: the cleaned dict @rtype: dict """ survived_jobs = [] fallback_jobs = [] other_jobs = [] for job in batch_job_dict['jobs']: if job['mode'] == 'encode': if getval(job, 'fallback') and fallback: fallback_jobs.append(job) if getval(job, 'enforce'): survived_jobs.append(job) else: profile = None if getval(job, 'profile'): profile = get_encoding_profile(job['profile']) if assure_quality(input_file=batch_job_dict['input'], aspect=chose2('aspect', job, profile), target_width=chose2('width', job, profile), target_height=chose2('height', job, profile), target_bitrate=chose2('videobitrate', job, profile)): survived_jobs.append(job) else: other_jobs.append(job) if survived_jobs: survived_jobs.extend(other_jobs) new_jobs = survived_jobs else: fallback_jobs.extend(other_jobs) new_jobs = fallback_jobs pprint(locals()) batch_job_dict['jobs'] = new_jobs return batch_job_dict
def _notify_error_user(email_user, original_filename, recid, submission_title, ln=invenio.config.CFG_SITE_LANG): """Sends an error notification to the specified address of the user. Is called by process_batch_job() if an error occured during the processing. @param email_user: email address of the user @type email_user: string @param email_admin: email address of the admin @type email_admin: string """ if not email_user: return uid = emailUnique(email_user) if uid != -1 and uid != 0: language = getval(get_user_preferences(uid), "language") if language: ln = language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) rec_url = invenio.config.CFG_SITE_URL + "/record/" + str(recid) template = ( "<br/>" + _("We are sorry, a problem has occured during the processing of" " your video upload%(submission_title)s.") + "<br/><br/>" + _("The file you uploaded was %(input_filename)s.") + "<br/><br/>" + _("Your video might not be fully available until intervention.") + "<br/>" + _("You can check the status of your video here: %(record_url)s.") + "<br/>" + _("You might want to take a look at " " %(guidelines_url)s" " and modify or redo your submission.")) text = template % { "input_filename": "%s" % original_filename, "submission_title": " %s" % submission_title, "record_url": "%s" % rec_url, "guidelines_url": "localhost" } text = text.replace("<br/>", "\n") html_text = template % { "input_filename": "<strong>%s</strong>" % original_filename, "submission_title": " <strong>%s</strong>" % submission_title, "record_url": "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>" % (rec_url, rec_url), "guidelines_url": "<a href=\"locahost\">%s</a>" % _("the video guidelines") } send_email(fromaddr=invenio.config.CFG_SITE_ADMIN_EMAIL, toaddr=email_user, subject="Problem during the processing of your video", content=text, html_content=html_text)
def _notify_error_user(email_user, original_filename, recid, submission_title, ln=invenio.config.CFG_SITE_LANG): """Sends an error notification to the specified address of the user. Is called by process_batch_job() if an error occured during the processing. @param email_user: email address of the user @type email_user: string @param email_admin: email address of the admin @type email_admin: string """ if not email_user: return uid = emailUnique(email_user) if uid != -1 and uid != 0: language = getval(get_user_preferences(uid), "language") if language: ln = language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) rec_url = invenio.config.CFG_SITE_URL + "/record/" + str(recid) template = ( "<br/>" + _("We are sorry, a problem has occured during the processing of" " your video upload%(submission_title)s.") + "<br/><br/>" + _("The file you uploaded was %(input_filename)s.") + "<br/><br/>" + _("Your video might not be fully available until intervention.") + "<br/>" + _("You can check the status of your video here: %(record_url)s.") + "<br/>" + _("You might want to take a look at " " %(guidelines_url)s" " and modify or redo your submission.") ) text = template % { "input_filename": "%s" % original_filename, "submission_title": " %s" % submission_title, "record_url": "%s" % rec_url, "guidelines_url": "localhost", } text = text.replace("<br/>", "\n") html_text = template % { "input_filename": "<strong>%s</strong>" % original_filename, "submission_title": " <strong>%s</strong>" % submission_title, "record_url": '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (rec_url, rec_url), "guidelines_url": '<a href="locahost">%s</a>' % _("the video guidelines"), } send_email( fromaddr=invenio.config.CFG_SITE_ADMIN_EMAIL, toaddr=email_user, subject="Problem during the processing of your video", content=text, html_content=html_text, )
def _notify_success_user(email_user, original_filename, recid, submission_title, ln=invenio.config.CFG_SITE_LANG): """Sends an success notification to the specified address of the user. Is called by process_batch_job() if the processing was successful. @param email_user: email address of the user @type email_user: string @param email_admin: email address of the admin @type email_admin: string """ uid = emailUnique(email_user) if uid != -1 and uid != 0: language = getval(get_user_preferences(uid), "language") if language: ln = language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) rec_url = invenio.config.CFG_SITE_URL + "/record/" + str(recid) template = ( "<br/>" + _("Your video submission%(submission_title)s was successfully processed.") + "<br/><br/>" + _("The file you uploaded was %(input_filename)s.") + "<br/><br/>" + _("Your video is now available here: %(record_url)s.") + "<br/>" + _( "If the videos quality is not as expected, you might want to take " "a look at %(guidelines_url)s" " and modify or redo your submission." ) ) text = template % { "input_filename": "%s" % original_filename, "submission_title": " %s" % submission_title, "record_url": "%s" % rec_url, "guidelines_url": "localhost", } text = text.replace("<br/>", "\n") html_text = template % { "input_filename": "<strong>%s</strong>" % original_filename, "submission_title": " <strong>%s</strong>" % submission_title, "record_url": '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (rec_url, rec_url), "guidelines_url": '<a href="locahost">%s</a>' % _("the video guidelines"), } send_email( fromaddr=invenio.config.CFG_SITE_ADMIN_EMAIL, toaddr=email_user, subject="Your video submission is now complete", content=text, html_content=html_text, )
def _notify_success_user(email_user, original_filename, recid, submission_title, ln=invenio.config.CFG_SITE_LANG): """Sends an success notification to the specified address of the user. Is called by process_batch_job() if the processing was successful. @param email_user: email address of the user @type email_user: string @param email_admin: email address of the admin @type email_admin: string """ uid = emailUnique(email_user) if uid != -1 and uid != 0: language = getval(get_user_preferences(uid), "language") if language: ln = language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) rec_url = invenio.config.CFG_SITE_URL + "/record/" + str(recid) template = ( "<br/>" + _("Your video submission%(submission_title)s was successfully processed." ) + "<br/><br/>" + _("The file you uploaded was %(input_filename)s.") + "<br/><br/>" + _("Your video is now available here: %(record_url)s.") + "<br/>" + _("If the videos quality is not as expected, you might want to take " "a look at %(guidelines_url)s" " and modify or redo your submission.")) text = template % { "input_filename": "%s" % original_filename, "submission_title": " %s" % submission_title, "record_url": "%s" % rec_url, "guidelines_url": "localhost" } text = text.replace("<br/>", "\n") html_text = template % { "input_filename": "<strong>%s</strong>" % original_filename, "submission_title": " <strong>%s</strong>" % submission_title, "record_url": "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>" % (rec_url, rec_url), "guidelines_url": "<a href=\"locahost\">%s</a>" % _("the video guidelines") } send_email(fromaddr=invenio.config.CFG_SITE_ADMIN_EMAIL, toaddr=email_user, subject="Your video submission is now complete", content=text, html_content=html_text)
def _map_values(mapping, locals_u, meta_dict, probe_dict, stream_number=None): """ substitute a mapping dictionary an returns the substituted value. The dictionary must contain of a 'tag' a 'mapping' and a 'call' @param mapping: mapping dictionary to substitute @type: dict @param locals_u: Local variables @type locals_u: dict @param meta_dict: Mediainfo metadata @type meta_dict: dict @param probe_dict: FFprobe metadata @type probe_dict: dict @param stream_number: To follow a path to a specific stream @type stream_number: int @return: substituted mapping @rtype: string """ items = [] for value in mapping: mapping = value['mapping'] tag = value['tag'] call = getval(value, 'call') micro_mappings = mapping.split(';;') values = [] foundall = True for micro_mapping in micro_mappings: value = _follow_path(micro_mapping, locals_u, meta_dict, probe_dict, stream_number) if value: if call: value = globals()[call](value) values.append(value.strip()) else: foundall &= False try: if values and foundall: items.append(tag % "".join(values)) except: pass return items
def process_batch_job(batch_job_file): """ Processes a batch job description dictionary @param batch_job_file: a fullpath to a batch job file @type batch_job_file: string @return: 1 if the process was successful, 0 if not @rtype; int """ from invenio.legacy.bibdocfile.cli import cli_fix_marc def upload_marcxml_file(marcxml): """ Creates a temporary marcxml file and sends it to bibupload """ xml_filename = 'bibencode_'+ str(batch_job['recid']) + '_' + str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.xml' xml_filename = os.path.join(invenio.config.CFG_TMPSHAREDDIR, xml_filename) xml_file = file(xml_filename, 'w') xml_file.write(marcxml) xml_file.close() targs = ['-c', xml_filename] task_low_level_submission('bibupload', 'bibencode', *targs) #---------# # GENERAL # #---------# _task_write_message("----------- Handling Master -----------") ## Check the validity of the batch file here batch_job = json_decode_file(batch_job_file) ## Sanitise batch description and raise errrors batch_job = sanitise_batch_job(batch_job) ## Check if the record exists # if record_exists(batch_job['recid']) < 1: # raise Exception("Record not found") recdoc = BibRecDocs(batch_job['recid']) #--------------------# # UPDATE FROM MASTER # #--------------------# ## We want to add new stuff to the video's record, using the master as input if getval(batch_job, 'update_from_master'): found_master = False bibdocs = recdoc.list_bibdocs() for bibdoc in bibdocs: bibdocfiles = bibdoc.list_all_files() for bibdocfile in bibdocfiles: comment = bibdocfile.get_comment() description = bibdocfile.get_description() subformat = bibdocfile.get_subformat() m_comment = getval(batch_job, 'bibdoc_master_comment', comment) m_description = getval(batch_job, 'bibdoc_master_description', description) m_subformat = getval(batch_job, 'bibdoc_master_subformat', subformat) if (comment == m_comment and description == m_description and subformat == m_subformat): found_master = True batch_job['input'] = bibdocfile.get_full_path() ## Get the aspect of the from the record try: ## Assumes pbcore metadata mapping batch_job['aspect'] = get_fieldvalues(124, CFG_BIBENCODE_ASPECT_RATIO_MARC_FIELD)[0] except IndexError: pass break if found_master: break if not found_master: _task_write_message("Video master for record %d not found" % batch_job['recid']) task_update_progress("Video master for record %d not found" % batch_job['recid']) ## Maybe send an email? return 1 ## Clean the job to do no upscaling etc if getval(batch_job, 'assure_quality'): batch_job = clean_job_for_quality(batch_job) global _BATCH_STEPS _BATCH_STEPS = len(batch_job['jobs']) ## Generate the docname from the input filename's name or given name bibdoc_video_docname, bibdoc_video_extension = decompose_file(batch_job['input'])[1:] if not bibdoc_video_extension or getval(batch_job, 'bibdoc_master_extension'): bibdoc_video_extension = getval(batch_job, 'bibdoc_master_extension') if getval(batch_job, 'bibdoc_master_docname'): bibdoc_video_docname = getval(batch_job, 'bibdoc_master_docname') write_message("Creating BibDoc for %s" % bibdoc_video_docname) ## If the bibdoc exists, receive it if bibdoc_video_docname in recdoc.get_bibdoc_names(): bibdoc_video = recdoc.get_bibdoc(bibdoc_video_docname) ## Create a new bibdoc if it does not exist else: bibdoc_video = recdoc.add_bibdoc(docname=bibdoc_video_docname) ## Get the directory auf the newly created bibdoc to copy stuff there bibdoc_video_directory = bibdoc_video.get_base_dir() #--------# # MASTER # #--------# if not getval(batch_job, 'update_from_master'): if getval(batch_job, 'add_master'): ## Generate the right name for the master ## The master should be hidden first an then renamed ## when it is really available ## !!! FIX !!! _task_write_message("Adding %s master to the BibDoc" % bibdoc_video_docname) master_format = compose_format( bibdoc_video_extension, getval(batch_job, 'bibdoc_master_subformat', 'master') ) ## If a file of the same format is there, something is wrong, remove it! ## it might be caused by a previous corrupted submission etc. if bibdoc_video.format_already_exists_p(master_format): bibdoc_video.delete_file(master_format, 1) bibdoc_video.add_file_new_format( batch_job['input'], version=1, description=getval(batch_job, 'bibdoc_master_description'), comment=getval(batch_job, 'bibdoc_master_comment'), docformat=master_format ) #-----------# # JOBS LOOP # #-----------# return_code = 1 global _BATCH_STEP for job in batch_job['jobs']: _task_write_message("----------- Job %s of %s -----------" % (_BATCH_STEP, _BATCH_STEPS)) ## Try to substitute docname with master docname if getval(job, 'bibdoc_docname'): job['bibdoc_docname'] = Template(job['bibdoc_docname']).safe_substitute({'bibdoc_master_docname': bibdoc_video_docname}) #-------------# # TRANSCODING # #-------------# if job['mode'] == 'encode': ## Skip the job if assure_quality is not set and marked as fallback if not getval(batch_job, 'assure_quality') and getval(job, 'fallback'): continue if getval(job, 'profile'): profile = get_encoding_profile(job['profile']) else: profile = None ## We need an extension defined fot the video container bibdoc_video_extension = getval(job, 'extension', getval(profile, 'extension')) if not bibdoc_video_extension: raise Exception("No container/extension defined") ## Get the docname and subformat bibdoc_video_subformat = getval(job, 'bibdoc_subformat') bibdoc_slave_video_docname = getval(job, 'bibdoc_docname', bibdoc_video_docname) ## The subformat is incompatible with ffmpegs name convention ## We do the encoding without and rename it afterwards bibdoc_video_fullpath = compose_file( bibdoc_video_directory, bibdoc_video_extension ) _task_write_message("Transcoding %s to %s;%s" % (bibdoc_slave_video_docname, bibdoc_video_extension, bibdoc_video_subformat)) ## We encode now directly into the bibdocs directory encoding_result = encode_video( input_file=batch_job['input'], output_file=bibdoc_video_fullpath, acodec=getval(job, 'audiocodec'), vcodec=getval(job, 'videocodec'), abitrate=getval(job, 'videobitrate'), vbitrate=getval(job, 'audiobitrate'), resolution=getval(job, 'resolution'), passes=getval(job, 'passes', 1), special=getval(job, 'special'), specialfirst=getval(job, 'specialfirst'), specialsecond=getval(job, 'specialsecond'), metadata=getval(job, 'metadata'), width=getval(job, 'width'), height=getval(job, 'height'), aspect=getval(batch_job, 'aspect'), # Aspect for every job profile=getval(job, 'profile'), update_fnc=_task_update_overall_status, message_fnc=_task_write_message ) return_code &= encoding_result ## only on success if encoding_result: ## Rename it, adding the subformat os.rename(bibdoc_video_fullpath, compose_file(bibdoc_video_directory, bibdoc_video_extension, bibdoc_video_subformat, 1, bibdoc_slave_video_docname) ) #bibdoc_video._build_file_list() bibdoc_video.touch() bibdoc_video._sync_to_db() bibdoc_video_format = compose_format(bibdoc_video_extension, bibdoc_video_subformat) if getval(job, 'bibdoc_comment'): bibdoc_video.set_comment(getval(job, 'bibdoc_comment'), bibdoc_video_format) if getval(job, 'bibdoc_description'): bibdoc_video.set_description(getval(job, 'bibdoc_description'), bibdoc_video_format) #------------# # EXTRACTION # #------------# # if there are multiple extraction jobs, all the produced files # with the same name will be in the same bibdoc! Make sure that # you use different subformats or docname templates to avoid # conflicts. if job['mode'] == 'extract': if getval(job, 'profile'): profile = get_extract_profile(job['profile']) else: profile = {} bibdoc_frame_subformat = getval(job, 'bibdoc_subformat') _task_write_message("Extracting frames to temporary directory") tmpdir = invenio.config.CFG_TMPDIR + "/" + str(uuid.uuid4()) os.mkdir(tmpdir) #Move this to the batch description bibdoc_frame_docname = getval(job, 'bibdoc_docname', bibdoc_video_docname) tmpfname = (tmpdir + "/" + bibdoc_frame_docname + '.' + getval(profile, 'extension', getval(job, 'extension', 'jpg'))) extraction_result = extract_frames(input_file=batch_job['input'], output_file=tmpfname, size=getval(job, 'size'), positions=getval(job, 'positions'), numberof=getval(job, 'numberof'), width=getval(job, 'width'), height=getval(job, 'height'), aspect=getval(batch_job, 'aspect'), profile=getval(job, 'profile'), update_fnc=_task_update_overall_status, ) return_code &= extraction_result ## only on success: if extraction_result: ## for every filename in the directorys, create a bibdoc that contains ## all sizes of the frame from the two directories files = os.listdir(tmpdir) for filename in files: ## The docname was altered by BibEncode extract through substitution ## Retrieve it from the filename again bibdoc_frame_docname, bibdoc_frame_extension = os.path.splitext(filename) _task_write_message("Creating new bibdoc for %s" % bibdoc_frame_docname) ## If the bibdoc exists, receive it if bibdoc_frame_docname in recdoc.get_bibdoc_names(): bibdoc_frame = recdoc.get_bibdoc(bibdoc_frame_docname) ## Create a new bibdoc if it does not exist else: bibdoc_frame = recdoc.add_bibdoc(docname=bibdoc_frame_docname) ## The filename including path from tmpdir fname = os.path.join(tmpdir, filename) bibdoc_frame_format = compose_format(bibdoc_frame_extension, bibdoc_frame_subformat) ## Same as with the master, if the format allready exists, ## override it, because something went wrong before if bibdoc_frame.format_already_exists_p(bibdoc_frame_format): bibdoc_frame.delete_file(bibdoc_frame_format, 1) _task_write_message("Adding %s jpg;%s to BibDoc" % (bibdoc_frame_docname, getval(job, 'bibdoc_subformat'))) bibdoc_frame.add_file_new_format( fname, version=1, description=getval(job, 'bibdoc_description'), comment=getval(job, 'bibdoc_comment'), docformat=bibdoc_frame_format) ## Remove the temporary folders _task_write_message("Removing temporary directory") shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) _BATCH_STEP = _BATCH_STEP + 1 #-----------------# # FIX BIBDOC/MARC # #-----------------# _task_write_message("----------- Handling MARCXML -----------") ## Fix the BibDoc for all the videos previously created _task_write_message("Updating BibDoc of %s" % bibdoc_video_docname) bibdoc_video._build_file_list() ## Fix the MARC _task_write_message("Fixing MARC") cli_fix_marc({}, [batch_job['recid']], False) if getval(batch_job, 'collection'): ## Make the record visible by moving in from the collection marcxml = ("<record><controlfield tag=\"001\">%d</controlfield>" "<datafield tag=\"980\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">" "<subfield code=\"a\">%s</subfield></datafield></record>" ) % (batch_job['recid'], batch_job['collection']) upload_marcxml_file(marcxml) #---------------------# # ADD MASTER METADATA # #---------------------# if getval(batch_job, 'add_master_metadata'): _task_write_message("Adding master metadata") pbcore = pbcore_metadata(input_file = getval(batch_job, 'input'), pbcoreIdentifier = batch_job['recid'], aspect_override = getval(batch_job, 'aspect')) from invenio_formatter.engines.xslt import format marcxml = format(pbcore, CFG_BIBENCODE_PBCORE_MARC_XSLT) upload_marcxml_file(marcxml) #------------------# # ADD MARC SNIPPET # #------------------# if getval(batch_job, 'marc_snippet'): marc_snippet = open(getval(batch_job, 'marc_snippet')) marcxml = marc_snippet.close() upload_marcxml_file(marcxml) #--------------# # DELETE INPUT # #--------------# if getval(batch_job, 'delete_input'): _task_write_message("Deleting input file") # only if successfull if not return_code: # only if input matches pattern if getval(batch_job, 'delete_input_pattern', '') in getval(batch_job, 'input'): try: os.remove(getval(batch_job, 'input')) except OSError: pass #--------------# # NOTIFICATION # #--------------# ## Send Notification emails on errors if not return_code: if getval(batch_job, 'notify_user'): _notify_error_user(getval(batch_job, 'notify_user'), getval(batch_job, 'submission_filename', batch_job['input']), getval(batch_job, 'recid'), getval(batch_job, 'submission_title', "")) _task_write_message("Notify user because of an error") if getval(batch_job, 'notify_admin'): _task_write_message("Notify admin because of an error") if type(getval(batch_job, 'notify_admin') == type(str()) ): _notify_error_admin(batch_job, getval(batch_job, 'notify_admin')) else: _notify_error_admin(batch_job) else: if getval(batch_job, 'notify_user'): _task_write_message("Notify user because of success") _notify_success_user(getval(batch_job, 'notify_user'), getval(batch_job, 'submission_filename', batch_job['input']), getval(batch_job, 'recid'), getval(batch_job, 'submission_title', "")) return 1
def sanitise_batch_job(batch_job): """ Checks the correctness of the batch job dictionary and additionally sanitises some values. @param batch_job: The batch description dictionary @type batch_job: dictionary """ def san_bitrate(bitrate): """ Sanitizes bitrates """ if type(str()) == type(bitrate): if bitrate.endswith('k'): try: bitrate = int(bitrate[:-1]) bitrate *= 1000 return bitrate except ValueError: raise Exception("Could not parse bitrate") elif type(int) == type(bitrate): return bitrate else: raise Exception("Could not parse bitrate") if not getval(batch_job, 'update_from_master'): if not getval(batch_job, 'input'): raise Exception("No input file in batch description") if not getval(batch_job, 'recid'): raise Exception("No recid in batch description") if not getval(batch_job, 'jobs'): raise Exception("No job list in batch description") if getval(batch_job, 'update_from_master'): if (not getval(batch_job, 'bibdoc_master_comment') and not getval(batch_job, 'bibdoc_master_description') and not getval(batch_job, 'bibdoc_master_subformat')): raise Exception("If update_from_master ist set, a comment or" " description or subformat for matching must be given") if getval(batch_job, 'marc_snippet'): if not os.path.exists(getval(batch_job, 'marc_snippet')): raise Exception("The marc snipped file %s was not found" % getval(batch_job, 'marc_snippet')) for job in batch_job['jobs']: if job['mode'] == 'encode': if getval(job, 'videobitrate'): job['videobitrate'] = san_bitrate(getval(job, 'videobitrate')) if getval(job, 'audiobitrate'): job['audiobitrate'] = san_bitrate(getval(job, 'audiobitrate')) return batch_job
def process_batch_job(batch_job_file): """ Processes a batch job description dictionary @param batch_job_file: a fullpath to a batch job file @type batch_job_file: string @return: 1 if the process was successful, 0 if not @rtype; int """ from invenio.legacy.bibdocfile.cli import cli_fix_marc def upload_marcxml_file(marcxml): """ Creates a temporary marcxml file and sends it to bibupload """ xml_filename = 'bibencode_'+ str(batch_job['recid']) + '_' + str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.xml' xml_filename = os.path.join(invenio.config.CFG_TMPSHAREDDIR, xml_filename) xml_file = file(xml_filename, 'w') xml_file.write(marcxml) xml_file.close() targs = ['-c', xml_filename] task_low_level_submission('bibupload', 'bibencode', *targs) #---------# # GENERAL # #---------# _task_write_message("----------- Handling Master -----------") ## Check the validity of the batch file here batch_job = json_decode_file(batch_job_file) ## Sanitise batch description and raise errrors batch_job = sanitise_batch_job(batch_job) ## Check if the record exists # if record_exists(batch_job['recid']) < 1: # raise Exception("Record not found") recdoc = BibRecDocs(batch_job['recid']) #--------------------# # UPDATE FROM MASTER # #--------------------# ## We want to add new stuff to the video's record, using the master as input if getval(batch_job, 'update_from_master'): found_master = False bibdocs = recdoc.list_bibdocs() for bibdoc in bibdocs: bibdocfiles = bibdoc.list_all_files() for bibdocfile in bibdocfiles: comment = bibdocfile.get_comment() description = bibdocfile.get_description() subformat = bibdocfile.get_subformat() m_comment = getval(batch_job, 'bibdoc_master_comment', comment) m_description = getval(batch_job, 'bibdoc_master_description', description) m_subformat = getval(batch_job, 'bibdoc_master_subformat', subformat) if (comment == m_comment and description == m_description and subformat == m_subformat): found_master = True batch_job['input'] = bibdocfile.get_full_path() ## Get the aspect of the from the record try: ## Assumes pbcore metadata mapping batch_job['aspect'] = get_fieldvalues(124, CFG_BIBENCODE_ASPECT_RATIO_MARC_FIELD)[0] except IndexError: pass break if found_master: break if not found_master: _task_write_message("Video master for record %d not found" % batch_job['recid']) task_update_progress("Video master for record %d not found" % batch_job['recid']) ## Maybe send an email? return 1 ## Clean the job to do no upscaling etc if getval(batch_job, 'assure_quality'): batch_job = clean_job_for_quality(batch_job) global _BATCH_STEPS _BATCH_STEPS = len(batch_job['jobs']) ## Generate the docname from the input filename's name or given name bibdoc_video_docname, bibdoc_video_extension = decompose_file(batch_job['input'])[1:] if not bibdoc_video_extension or getval(batch_job, 'bibdoc_master_extension'): bibdoc_video_extension = getval(batch_job, 'bibdoc_master_extension') if getval(batch_job, 'bibdoc_master_docname'): bibdoc_video_docname = getval(batch_job, 'bibdoc_master_docname') write_message("Creating BibDoc for %s" % bibdoc_video_docname) ## If the bibdoc exists, receive it if bibdoc_video_docname in recdoc.get_bibdoc_names(): bibdoc_video = recdoc.get_bibdoc(bibdoc_video_docname) ## Create a new bibdoc if it does not exist else: bibdoc_video = recdoc.add_bibdoc(docname=bibdoc_video_docname) ## Get the directory auf the newly created bibdoc to copy stuff there bibdoc_video_directory = bibdoc_video.get_base_dir() #--------# # MASTER # #--------# if not getval(batch_job, 'update_from_master'): if getval(batch_job, 'add_master'): ## Generate the right name for the master ## The master should be hidden first an then renamed ## when it is really available ## !!! FIX !!! _task_write_message("Adding %s master to the BibDoc" % bibdoc_video_docname) master_format = compose_format( bibdoc_video_extension, getval(batch_job, 'bibdoc_master_subformat', 'master') ) ## If a file of the same format is there, something is wrong, remove it! ## it might be caused by a previous corrupted submission etc. if bibdoc_video.format_already_exists_p(master_format): bibdoc_video.delete_file(master_format, 1) bibdoc_video.add_file_new_format( batch_job['input'], version=1, description=getval(batch_job, 'bibdoc_master_description'), comment=getval(batch_job, 'bibdoc_master_comment'), docformat=master_format ) #-----------# # JOBS LOOP # #-----------# return_code = 1 global _BATCH_STEP for job in batch_job['jobs']: _task_write_message("----------- Job %s of %s -----------" % (_BATCH_STEP, _BATCH_STEPS)) ## Try to substitute docname with master docname if getval(job, 'bibdoc_docname'): job['bibdoc_docname'] = Template(job['bibdoc_docname']).safe_substitute({'bibdoc_master_docname': bibdoc_video_docname}) #-------------# # TRANSCODING # #-------------# if job['mode'] == 'encode': ## Skip the job if assure_quality is not set and marked as fallback if not getval(batch_job, 'assure_quality') and getval(job, 'fallback'): continue if getval(job, 'profile'): profile = get_encoding_profile(job['profile']) else: profile = None ## We need an extension defined fot the video container bibdoc_video_extension = getval(job, 'extension', getval(profile, 'extension')) if not bibdoc_video_extension: raise Exception("No container/extension defined") ## Get the docname and subformat bibdoc_video_subformat = getval(job, 'bibdoc_subformat') bibdoc_slave_video_docname = getval(job, 'bibdoc_docname', bibdoc_video_docname) ## The subformat is incompatible with ffmpegs name convention ## We do the encoding without and rename it afterwards bibdoc_video_fullpath = compose_file( bibdoc_video_directory, bibdoc_video_extension ) _task_write_message("Transcoding %s to %s;%s" % (bibdoc_slave_video_docname, bibdoc_video_extension, bibdoc_video_subformat)) ## We encode now directly into the bibdocs directory encoding_result = encode_video( input_file=batch_job['input'], output_file=bibdoc_video_fullpath, acodec=getval(job, 'audiocodec'), vcodec=getval(job, 'videocodec'), abitrate=getval(job, 'videobitrate'), vbitrate=getval(job, 'audiobitrate'), resolution=getval(job, 'resolution'), passes=getval(job, 'passes', 1), special=getval(job, 'special'), specialfirst=getval(job, 'specialfirst'), specialsecond=getval(job, 'specialsecond'), metadata=getval(job, 'metadata'), width=getval(job, 'width'), height=getval(job, 'height'), aspect=getval(batch_job, 'aspect'), # Aspect for every job profile=getval(job, 'profile'), update_fnc=_task_update_overall_status, message_fnc=_task_write_message ) return_code &= encoding_result ## only on success if encoding_result: ## Rename it, adding the subformat os.rename(bibdoc_video_fullpath, compose_file(bibdoc_video_directory, bibdoc_video_extension, bibdoc_video_subformat, 1, bibdoc_slave_video_docname) ) #bibdoc_video._build_file_list() bibdoc_video.touch() bibdoc_video._sync_to_db() bibdoc_video_format = compose_format(bibdoc_video_extension, bibdoc_video_subformat) if getval(job, 'bibdoc_comment'): bibdoc_video.set_comment(getval(job, 'bibdoc_comment'), bibdoc_video_format) if getval(job, 'bibdoc_description'): bibdoc_video.set_description(getval(job, 'bibdoc_description'), bibdoc_video_format) #------------# # EXTRACTION # #------------# # if there are multiple extraction jobs, all the produced files # with the same name will be in the same bibdoc! Make sure that # you use different subformats or docname templates to avoid # conflicts. if job['mode'] == 'extract': if getval(job, 'profile'): profile = get_extract_profile(job['profile']) else: profile = {} bibdoc_frame_subformat = getval(job, 'bibdoc_subformat') _task_write_message("Extracting frames to temporary directory") tmpdir = invenio.config.CFG_TMPDIR + "/" + str(uuid.uuid4()) os.mkdir(tmpdir) #Move this to the batch description bibdoc_frame_docname = getval(job, 'bibdoc_docname', bibdoc_video_docname) tmpfname = (tmpdir + "/" + bibdoc_frame_docname + '.' + getval(profile, 'extension', getval(job, 'extension', 'jpg'))) extraction_result = extract_frames(input_file=batch_job['input'], output_file=tmpfname, size=getval(job, 'size'), positions=getval(job, 'positions'), numberof=getval(job, 'numberof'), width=getval(job, 'width'), height=getval(job, 'height'), aspect=getval(batch_job, 'aspect'), profile=getval(job, 'profile'), update_fnc=_task_update_overall_status, ) return_code &= extraction_result ## only on success: if extraction_result: ## for every filename in the directorys, create a bibdoc that contains ## all sizes of the frame from the two directories files = os.listdir(tmpdir) for filename in files: ## The docname was altered by BibEncode extract through substitution ## Retrieve it from the filename again bibdoc_frame_docname, bibdoc_frame_extension = os.path.splitext(filename) _task_write_message("Creating new bibdoc for %s" % bibdoc_frame_docname) ## If the bibdoc exists, receive it if bibdoc_frame_docname in recdoc.get_bibdoc_names(): bibdoc_frame = recdoc.get_bibdoc(bibdoc_frame_docname) ## Create a new bibdoc if it does not exist else: bibdoc_frame = recdoc.add_bibdoc(docname=bibdoc_frame_docname) ## The filename including path from tmpdir fname = os.path.join(tmpdir, filename) bibdoc_frame_format = compose_format(bibdoc_frame_extension, bibdoc_frame_subformat) ## Same as with the master, if the format allready exists, ## override it, because something went wrong before if bibdoc_frame.format_already_exists_p(bibdoc_frame_format): bibdoc_frame.delete_file(bibdoc_frame_format, 1) _task_write_message("Adding %s jpg;%s to BibDoc" % (bibdoc_frame_docname, getval(job, 'bibdoc_subformat'))) bibdoc_frame.add_file_new_format( fname, version=1, description=getval(job, 'bibdoc_description'), comment=getval(job, 'bibdoc_comment'), docformat=bibdoc_frame_format) ## Remove the temporary folders _task_write_message("Removing temporary directory") shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) _BATCH_STEP = _BATCH_STEP + 1 #-----------------# # FIX BIBDOC/MARC # #-----------------# _task_write_message("----------- Handling MARCXML -----------") ## Fix the BibDoc for all the videos previously created _task_write_message("Updating BibDoc of %s" % bibdoc_video_docname) bibdoc_video._build_file_list() ## Fix the MARC _task_write_message("Fixing MARC") cli_fix_marc({}, [batch_job['recid']], False) if getval(batch_job, 'collection'): ## Make the record visible by moving in from the collection marcxml = ("<record><controlfield tag=\"001\">%d</controlfield>" "<datafield tag=\"980\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">" "<subfield code=\"a\">%s</subfield></datafield></record>" ) % (batch_job['recid'], batch_job['collection']) upload_marcxml_file(marcxml) #---------------------# # ADD MASTER METADATA # #---------------------# if getval(batch_job, 'add_master_metadata'): _task_write_message("Adding master metadata") pbcore = pbcore_metadata(input_file = getval(batch_job, 'input'), pbcoreIdentifier = batch_job['recid'], aspect_override = getval(batch_job, 'aspect')) from invenio.modules.formatter.engines.xslt import format marcxml = format(pbcore, CFG_BIBENCODE_PBCORE_MARC_XSLT) upload_marcxml_file(marcxml) #------------------# # ADD MARC SNIPPET # #------------------# if getval(batch_job, 'marc_snippet'): marc_snippet = open(getval(batch_job, 'marc_snippet')) marcxml = marc_snippet.close() upload_marcxml_file(marcxml) #--------------# # DELETE INPUT # #--------------# if getval(batch_job, 'delete_input'): _task_write_message("Deleting input file") # only if successfull if not return_code: # only if input matches pattern if getval(batch_job, 'delete_input_pattern', '') in getval(batch_job, 'input'): try: os.remove(getval(batch_job, 'input')) except OSError: pass #--------------# # NOTIFICATION # #--------------# ## Send Notification emails on errors if not return_code: if getval(batch_job, 'notify_user'): _notify_error_user(getval(batch_job, 'notify_user'), getval(batch_job, 'submission_filename', batch_job['input']), getval(batch_job, 'recid'), getval(batch_job, 'submission_title', "")) _task_write_message("Notify user because of an error") if getval(batch_job, 'notify_admin'): _task_write_message("Notify admin because of an error") if type(getval(batch_job, 'notify_admin') == type(str()) ): _notify_error_admin(batch_job, getval(batch_job, 'notify_admin')) else: _notify_error_admin(batch_job) else: if getval(batch_job, 'notify_user'): _task_write_message("Notify user because of success") _notify_success_user(getval(batch_job, 'notify_user'), getval(batch_job, 'submission_filename', batch_job['input']), getval(batch_job, 'recid'), getval(batch_job, 'submission_title', "")) return 1
def assure_quality(input_file, aspect=None, target_width=None, target_height=None, target_bitrate=None, accept_anamorphic=True, tolerance=0.95): """ Checks if the original video material would support the target resolution and/or bitrate. @param input_file: full path of the video to check @type input_file: string @param aspect: the aspect ratio as override @type aspect: float @param target_width: width of the new video @type target_width: int @param target_height: height of the new video @type target_height: int @param target_bitrate: bitrate of the new video in bit/s. @type target_bitrate: int @param dismiss_aspect: do not care about the aspect @type dismiss_aspect: bool @return: 1 if the video supports the quality, 0 if not @rtype: bool """ if target_bitrate: target_bitrate = int(target_bitrate * tolerance) if target_height: target_height = int(target_height * tolerance) if target_width: target_width = int(target_width * tolerance) ## First get the size and aspect using ffprobe ## ffprobe is more reliable in this case then mediainfo aspect_ratio_tuple = determine_aspect(input_file) fwidth = aspect_ratio_tuple[1] fheight = aspect_ratio_tuple[2] if not aspect: aspect = aspect_ratio_tuple[0] ## Get the bitrate with mediainfo now, because it is more realiable ## than ffprobe in this case fbitrate = None videoinfo = mediainfo_metadata(input_file) for track in videoinfo: if track['kind_of_stream'] == 'Video': fbitrate = getval(track, 'bit_rate') break if fbitrate: fbitrate = int(fbitrate) # This adapts anamorphic videos. # If it is stored anamorphic, calculate the real width from the height # we can use our determine_resolution function for this if accept_anamorphic and aspect: fwidth = determine_resolution_preserving_aspect( input_file=input_file, width=None, height=fheight, aspect=aspect).split('x')[0] fwidth = int(fwidth) if target_height and target_width: if target_width > fwidth or target_height > fheight: return False elif target_height: if target_height > fheight: return False elif target_width: if target_width > fwidth: return False if target_bitrate: ## If the video bitrate is unreadable, assume it is ok and our library ## has problems reading it out if fbitrate and target_bitrate > fbitrate: return False return True
def encode_video(input_file, output_file, acodec=None, vcodec=None, abitrate=None, vbitrate=None, resolution=None, passes=1, special=None, specialfirst=None, specialsecond=None, metadata=None, width=None, height=None, aspect=None, profile=None, update_fnc=task_update_progress, message_fnc=write_message): """ Starts an ffmpeg encoding process based on the given parameters. The encoding is run as a subprocess. The progress of the subprocess is continiously written to the given messaging functions. In a normale case, these should be the ones of BibTask. @param input_file: Path to the input video. @type input_file: string @param output_file: Path to the output file. If no other parameters are giv than input and output files, FFmpeg tries to auto-discover the right codecs for the given file extension. In this case, every other aspect like resolution and bitrates will be the same as in the input video. @type output_file: string @param acodec: The audio codec to use. This must be an available codec of libavcodec within FFmpeg. @type acodec: string @param vcodec: The video codec to use. This must be an available codec of libavcodec within FFmpeg. @type vcodec: string @param abitrate: Bitrate of the audio stream. In bit/s. @type abitrate: int @param vbitrate: Bitrate of the video stream. In bit/s. @type vbitrate: int @param resolution: Fixed size of the frames in the transcoded video. FFmpeg notation: 'WxH' or preset like 'vga'. See also 'width' @param passes: Number of encoding passes. Either 1 or 2. @type passes: int @param special: Additional FFmpeg parameters. @type special: string @param specialfirst: Additional FFmpeg parameters for the first pass. The 'special' parameter is ignored if this ist not 'None' @type specialfirst: string @param specialsecond: Additional FFmpeg parameters for the second pass. The 'special' parameter is ignored if this is not 'None' @type specialsecond: string @param metadata: Metadata that should be added to the transcoded video. This must be a dictionary. As with as metadata in FFmpeg, there is no guarantee that the metadata specified in the dictionary will really be added to the file, because it will largelydepend on the container format and its supported fields. @type metadata: dict @param width: Instead of giving a fixed resolution, you can use width and height as dimensional constrains. The algorithm will try to preserve the original aspect and fit the new frame size into the given dimensions. @type width: int @param height: see 'width' @type height: int @param aspect: A float representing the aspect ratio of the video: 4:3 equals 1.33 and 16:9 equals 1.77. This is a fallback in case the algorithm fails to determine the real aspect ratio from the video. See also 'width' @type aspect: float or "4:3" like string @param profile: A profile to use. The priority is on the parameters directly given to the function. @type profile: string @param update_fnc: A function called to display or log an the encoding status. This function must accept a string. @type update_fnc: function @param message_fnc: A function to log important messages or errors. This function must accept a string. @type message_fnc: function @return: True if the encoding was successful, False if not @rtype: boolean """ def encode(command): """ Subfunction to run the acutal encoding """ ## Start process process = subprocess.Popen(command, stderr=log_file_handle, close_fds=True) ## While the process is running time.sleep(1) while process.poll() is None: # Update the status in bibsched update_status() time.sleep(4) ## If the process was terminated if process.poll() == -15: # Encoding was terminated by system message_fnc("FFMPEG was terminated") update_fnc(" FFMPEG was terminated") return 0 ## If there was an error during encoding if process.poll() == 1: update_fnc(" An FFMPEG error has appeared, see log") message_fnc("An FFMPEG error has appeared encoding %s" % output_file) message_fnc("Command was: %s" % ' '.join(command)) message_fnc("Last lines of the FFmpeg log:") ## open the logfile again an retrieve the size log_file_handle2 = open(log_file_name, 'rb') size = os.fstat(log_file_handle2.fileno())[6] ## Read the last lines, 10000), 2) lastlines =[-5:] for line in lastlines: message_fnc(line) return 0 ## If everything went fine if process.poll() == 0: message_fnc("Encoding of %s done" % output_file) update_fnc("Encoding of %s done" % output_file) return 1 def build_command(nofpass=1): """ Builds the ffmpeg command according to the function params """ def insert(key, value): """ Shortcut for inserting parameters into the arg list """ base_args.insert(-1, key) base_args.insert(-1, value) ## Determine base command arguments from the pass to run base_args = None if passes == 1: base_args = [CFG_PATH_FFMPEG, '-y', '-i', input_file, output_file] elif passes == 2: if nofpass == 1: base_args = [ CFG_PATH_FFMPEG, '-y', '-i', input_file, '-pass', '1', '-passlogfile', pass_log_file, '-an', '-f', 'rawvideo', '/dev/null' ] elif nofpass == 2: base_args = [ CFG_PATH_FFMPEG, '-y', '-i', input_file, '-pass', '2', '-passlogfile', pass_log_file, output_file ] ## Insert additional arguments if acodec is not None: insert('-acodec', acodec) if vcodec is not None: insert('-vcodec', vcodec) if abitrate is not None: insert('-b:a', str(abitrate)) if vbitrate is not None: insert('-b:v', str(vbitrate)) ## If a resolution is given if resolution: insert('-s', resolution) ## If not, you can give width and height and generate the resolution else: ## Use our new function to get the size of the input nresolution = determine_resolution_preserving_aspect( input_file, width, height, aspect) insert('-s', nresolution) ## Metadata additions if type(metadata) is type(dict()): ## build metadata arguments for ffmpeg for key, value in iteritems(metadata): if value is not None: meta_arg = (CFG_BIBENCODE_FFMPEG_METADATA_ARGUMENT % (key, value)) insert("-metadata", meta_arg) ## Special argument additions if passes == 1: if passes == 1 and special is not None: for val in special.split(): base_args.insert(-1, val) elif passes == 2: if nofpass == 1: if specialfirst is not None: for val in specialfirst.split(): base_args.insert(-1, val) if nofpass == 2: if specialsecond is not None: for val in specialsecond.split(): base_args.insert(-1, val) return base_args def update_status(): """ Parses the encoding status and updates the task in bibsched """ def graphical(value): """ Converts a percentage value to a nice graphical representation """ ## If the given value is a valid precentage if value >= 0 and value <= 100: ## This is to get nice, aligned output in bibsched oval = str(value).zfill(3) return ("[" + "#" * (value / 10) + " " * (10 - (value / 10)) + "][%d/%d] %s%%" % (nofpass, passes, oval)) else: ## Sometimes the parsed values from FFMPEG are totaly off. ## Or maybe nneeded values are not avail. for the given video. ## In this case there is no estimate. return "[ no est. ][%d/%d] " % (nofpass, passes) ## init variables time_string = '0.0' percentage_done = -1 ## try to read the encoding log try: filehandle = open(log_file_name, 'rb') except IOError: message_fnc("Error opening %s" % log_file_name) update_fnc("Could not open encoding log") return ## Check the size of the file before reading from the end size = os.path.getsize(log_file_name) if not size: return ## Go to the end of the log, size), 2) chunk = lines = chunk.splitlines() ## try to parse the status for line in reversed(lines): if CFG_BIBENCODE_FFMPEG_ENCODE_TIME.match(line): time_string = ( CFG_BIBENCODE_FFMPEG_ENCODE_TIME.match(line).groups())[0] break filehandle.close() try: percentage_done = int( timecode_to_seconds(time_string) / total_seconds * 100) except: precentage_done = -1 ## Now update the bibsched progress opath, ofile = os.path.split(output_file) if len(opath) > 8: opath = "..." + opath[-8:] ohint = opath + '/' + ofile update_fnc(graphical(percentage_done) + " > " + ohint) #------------------# # PROFILE HANDLING # #------------------# if profile: profile = get_encoding_profile(profile) acodec = chose(acodec, 'audiocodec', profile) vcodec = chose(vcodec, 'videocodec', profile) abitrate = chose(abitrate, 'audiobitrate', profile) vbitrate = chose(vbitrate, 'videobitrate', profile) resolution = chose(resolution, 'resolution', profile) passes = getval(profile, 'passes', 1) special = chose(special, 'special', profile) specialfirst = chose(specialfirst, 'special_firstpass', profile) specialsecond = chose(specialsecond, 'special_secondpass', profile) metadata = chose(metadata, 'metadata', profile) width = chose(width, 'width', profile) height = chose(height, 'height', profile) aspect = chose(aspect, 'aspect', profile) #----------# # ENCODING # #----------# ## Mark Task as stoppable # task_sleep_now_if_required() tech_metadata = ffprobe_metadata(input_file) try: total_seconds = float(tech_metadata['format']['duration']) except: total_seconds = 0.0 ## Run the encoding pass_log_file = CFG_BIBENCODE_FFMPEG_PASSLOGFILE_PREFIX % ( os.path.splitext(os.path.split(input_file)[1])[0], str(uuid.uuid4())) no_error = True ## For every encoding pass to do for apass in range(0, passes): nofpass = apass + 1 if no_error: ## Create Logfiles log_file_name = _filename_log(output_file, nofpass) try: log_file_handle = open(log_file_name, 'w') except IOError: message_fnc("Error creating %s" % log_file_name) update_fnc("Error creating logfile") return 0 ## Build command for FFMPEG command = build_command(nofpass) ## Start encoding, result will define to continue or not to no_error = encode(command) ## !!! Status Update return no_error
def assure_quality(input_file, aspect=None, target_width=None, target_height=None, target_bitrate=None, accept_anamorphic=True, tolerance=0.95): """ Checks if the original video material would support the target resolution and/or bitrate. @param input_file: full path of the video to check @type input_file: string @param aspect: the aspect ratio as override @type aspect: float @param target_width: width of the new video @type target_width: int @param target_height: height of the new video @type target_height: int @param target_bitrate: bitrate of the new video in bit/s. @type target_bitrate: int @param dismiss_aspect: do not care about the aspect @type dismiss_aspect: bool @return: 1 if the video supports the quality, 0 if not @rtype: bool """ if target_bitrate: target_bitrate = int(target_bitrate * tolerance) if target_height: target_height = int(target_height * tolerance) if target_width: target_width = int (target_width * tolerance) ## First get the size and aspect using ffprobe ## ffprobe is more reliable in this case then mediainfo aspect_ratio_tuple = determine_aspect(input_file) fwidth = aspect_ratio_tuple[1] fheight = aspect_ratio_tuple[2] if not aspect: aspect = aspect_ratio_tuple[0] ## Get the bitrate with mediainfo now, because it is more realiable ## than ffprobe in this case fbitrate = None videoinfo = mediainfo_metadata(input_file) for track in videoinfo: if track['kind_of_stream'] == 'Video': fbitrate = getval(track, 'bit_rate') break if fbitrate: fbitrate = int(fbitrate) # This adapts anamorphic videos. # If it is stored anamorphic, calculate the real width from the height # we can use our determine_resolution function for this if accept_anamorphic and aspect: fwidth = determine_resolution_preserving_aspect( input_file=input_file, width=None, height=fheight, aspect=aspect).split('x')[0] fwidth = int(fwidth) if target_height and target_width: if target_width > fwidth or target_height > fheight: return False elif target_height: if target_height > fheight: return False elif target_width: if target_width > fwidth: return False if target_bitrate: ## If the video bitrate is unreadable, assume it is ok and our library ## has problems reading it out if fbitrate and target_bitrate > fbitrate: return False return True
def encode_video(input_file, output_file, acodec=None, vcodec=None, abitrate=None, vbitrate=None, resolution=None, passes=1, special=None, specialfirst=None, specialsecond=None, metadata=None, width=None, height=None, aspect=None, profile=None, update_fnc=task_update_progress, message_fnc=write_message ): """ Starts an ffmpeg encoding process based on the given parameters. The encoding is run as a subprocess. The progress of the subprocess is continiously written to the given messaging functions. In a normale case, these should be the ones of BibTask. @param input_file: Path to the input video. @type input_file: string @param output_file: Path to the output file. If no other parameters are giv than input and output files, FFmpeg tries to auto-discover the right codecs for the given file extension. In this case, every other aspect like resolution and bitrates will be the same as in the input video. @type output_file: string @param acodec: The audio codec to use. This must be an available codec of libavcodec within FFmpeg. @type acodec: string @param vcodec: The video codec to use. This must be an available codec of libavcodec within FFmpeg. @type vcodec: string @param abitrate: Bitrate of the audio stream. In bit/s. @type abitrate: int @param vbitrate: Bitrate of the video stream. In bit/s. @type vbitrate: int @param resolution: Fixed size of the frames in the transcoded video. FFmpeg notation: 'WxH' or preset like 'vga'. See also 'width' @param passes: Number of encoding passes. Either 1 or 2. @type passes: int @param special: Additional FFmpeg parameters. @type special: string @param specialfirst: Additional FFmpeg parameters for the first pass. The 'special' parameter is ignored if this ist not 'None' @type specialfirst: string @param specialsecond: Additional FFmpeg parameters for the second pass. The 'special' parameter is ignored if this is not 'None' @type specialsecond: string @param metadata: Metadata that should be added to the transcoded video. This must be a dictionary. As with as metadata in FFmpeg, there is no guarantee that the metadata specified in the dictionary will really be added to the file, because it will largelydepend on the container format and its supported fields. @type metadata: dict @param width: Instead of giving a fixed resolution, you can use width and height as dimensional constrains. The algorithm will try to preserve the original aspect and fit the new frame size into the given dimensions. @type width: int @param height: see 'width' @type height: int @param aspect: A float representing the aspect ratio of the video: 4:3 equals 1.33 and 16:9 equals 1.77. This is a fallback in case the algorithm fails to determine the real aspect ratio from the video. See also 'width' @type aspect: float or "4:3" like string @param profile: A profile to use. The priority is on the parameters directly given to the function. @type profile: string @param update_fnc: A function called to display or log an the encoding status. This function must accept a string. @type update_fnc: function @param message_fnc: A function to log important messages or errors. This function must accept a string. @type message_fnc: function @return: True if the encoding was successful, False if not @rtype: boolean """ def encode(command): """ Subfunction to run the acutal encoding """ ## Start process process = subprocess.Popen(command, stderr=log_file_handle, close_fds=True) ## While the process is running time.sleep(1) while process.poll() is None: # Update the status in bibsched update_status() time.sleep(4) ## If the process was terminated if process.poll() == -15: # Encoding was terminated by system message_fnc("FFMPEG was terminated") update_fnc(" FFMPEG was terminated") return 0 ## If there was an error during encoding if process.poll() == 1: update_fnc(" An FFMPEG error has appeared, see log") message_fnc("An FFMPEG error has appeared encoding %s" % output_file) message_fnc("Command was: %s" % ' '.join(command)) message_fnc("Last lines of the FFmpeg log:") ## open the logfile again an retrieve the size log_file_handle2 = open(log_file_name, 'rb') size = os.fstat(log_file_handle2.fileno())[6] ## Read the last lines, 10000), 2) lastlines =[-5:] for line in lastlines: message_fnc(line) return 0 ## If everything went fine if process.poll() == 0: message_fnc("Encoding of %s done" % output_file) update_fnc("Encoding of %s done" % output_file) return 1 def build_command(nofpass=1): """ Builds the ffmpeg command according to the function params """ def insert(key, value): """ Shortcut for inserting parameters into the arg list """ base_args.insert(-1, key) base_args.insert(-1, value) ## Determine base command arguments from the pass to run base_args = None if passes == 1: base_args = [CFG_PATH_FFMPEG, '-y', '-i', input_file, output_file] elif passes == 2: if nofpass == 1: base_args = [CFG_PATH_FFMPEG, '-y', '-i', input_file, '-pass', '1', '-passlogfile', pass_log_file, '-an', '-f', 'rawvideo', '/dev/null'] elif nofpass == 2: base_args = [CFG_PATH_FFMPEG, '-y', '-i', input_file, '-pass', '2', '-passlogfile', pass_log_file, output_file] ## Insert additional arguments if acodec is not None: insert('-acodec', acodec) if vcodec is not None: insert('-vcodec', vcodec) if abitrate is not None: insert('-b:a', str(abitrate)) if vbitrate is not None: insert('-b:v', str(vbitrate)) ## If a resolution is given if resolution: insert('-s', resolution) ## If not, you can give width and height and generate the resolution else: ## Use our new function to get the size of the input nresolution = determine_resolution_preserving_aspect(input_file, width, height, aspect) insert('-s', nresolution) ## Metadata additions if type(metadata) is type(dict()): ## build metadata arguments for ffmpeg for key, value in iteritems(metadata): if value is not None: meta_arg = ( CFG_BIBENCODE_FFMPEG_METADATA_ARGUMENT % (key, value) ) insert("-metadata", meta_arg) ## Special argument additions if passes == 1: if passes == 1 and special is not None: for val in special.split(): base_args.insert(-1, val) elif passes == 2: if nofpass == 1: if specialfirst is not None: for val in specialfirst.split(): base_args.insert(-1, val) if nofpass == 2: if specialsecond is not None: for val in specialsecond.split(): base_args.insert(-1, val) return base_args def update_status(): """ Parses the encoding status and updates the task in bibsched """ def graphical(value): """ Converts a percentage value to a nice graphical representation """ ## If the given value is a valid precentage if value >= 0 and value <= 100: ## This is to get nice, aligned output in bibsched oval = str(value).zfill(3) return ( "[" + "#"*(value/10) + " "*(10-(value/10)) + "][%d/%d] %s%%" % (nofpass, passes, oval) ) else: ## Sometimes the parsed values from FFMPEG are totaly off. ## Or maybe nneeded values are not avail. for the given video. ## In this case there is no estimate. return "[ no est. ][%d/%d] " % (nofpass, passes) ## init variables time_string = '0.0' percentage_done = -1 ## try to read the encoding log try: filehandle = open(log_file_name, 'rb') except IOError: message_fnc("Error opening %s" % log_file_name) update_fnc("Could not open encoding log") return ## Check the size of the file before reading from the end size = os.path.getsize(log_file_name) if not size: return ## Go to the end of the log, size), 2) chunk = lines = chunk.splitlines() ## try to parse the status for line in reversed(lines): if CFG_BIBENCODE_FFMPEG_ENCODE_TIME.match(line): time_string = ( CFG_BIBENCODE_FFMPEG_ENCODE_TIME.match(line).groups() )[0] break filehandle.close() try: percentage_done = int(timecode_to_seconds(time_string) / total_seconds * 100) except: precentage_done = -1 ## Now update the bibsched progress opath, ofile = os.path.split(output_file) if len(opath) > 8: opath = "..." + opath[-8:] ohint = opath + '/' + ofile update_fnc(graphical(percentage_done) + " > " + ohint) #------------------# # PROFILE HANDLING # #------------------# if profile: profile = get_encoding_profile(profile) acodec = chose(acodec, 'audiocodec', profile) vcodec = chose(vcodec, 'videocodec', profile) abitrate = chose(abitrate, 'audiobitrate', profile) vbitrate = chose(vbitrate, 'videobitrate', profile) resolution = chose(resolution, 'resolution', profile) passes = getval(profile, 'passes', 1) special = chose(special, 'special', profile) specialfirst = chose(specialfirst, 'special_firstpass', profile) specialsecond = chose(specialsecond, 'special_secondpass', profile) metadata = chose(metadata, 'metadata', profile) width = chose(width, 'width', profile) height = chose(height, 'height', profile) aspect = chose(aspect, 'aspect', profile) #----------# # ENCODING # #----------# ## Mark Task as stoppable # task_sleep_now_if_required() tech_metadata = ffprobe_metadata(input_file) try: total_seconds = float(tech_metadata['format']['duration']) except: total_seconds = 0.0 ## Run the encoding pass_log_file = CFG_BIBENCODE_FFMPEG_PASSLOGFILE_PREFIX % ( os.path.splitext(os.path.split(input_file)[1])[0], str(uuid.uuid4())) no_error = True ## For every encoding pass to do for apass in range(0, passes): nofpass = apass + 1 if no_error: ## Create Logfiles log_file_name = _filename_log(output_file, nofpass) try: log_file_handle = open(log_file_name, 'w') except IOError: message_fnc("Error creating %s" % log_file_name) update_fnc("Error creating logfile") return 0 ## Build command for FFMPEG command = build_command(nofpass) ## Start encoding, result will define to continue or not to no_error = encode(command) ## !!! Status Update return no_error