def file_download_ui(pid, record, _record_file_factory=None, **kwargs): """File download view for a given record. Plug this method into your ``RECORDS_UI_ENDPOINTS`` configuration: .. code-block:: python RECORDS_UI_ENDPOINTS = dict( recid=dict( # ... route='/record/<pid_value/files/<filename>', view_imp='invenio_records_files.utils:file_download_ui', record_class='invenio_records_files.api:Record', ) ) :param pid: The :class:`invenio_pidstore.models.PersistentIdentifier` instance. :param record: The record metadata. """ _record_file_factory = _record_file_factory or record_file_factory # Extract file from record. filename = kwargs.get('filename') if filename == "": rf = record.files.dumps() for file in rf: if file.get("key", "").endswith(''): filename = file.get("key") break fileobj = _record_file_factory( pid, record, filename ) if not fileobj: abort(404) obj = fileobj.obj # Check permissions ObjectResource.check_object_permission(obj) # Send file. return ObjectResource.send_object( obj.bucket, obj, # expected_chksum=fileobj.get('checksum'), logger_data={ 'bucket_id': obj.bucket_id, 'pid_type': pid.pid_type, 'pid_value': pid.pid_value, }, create_dir=False )
def file_download_ui(pid, record, _record_file_factory=None, **kwargs): """File download view for a given record. Plug this method into your ``RECORDS_UI_ENDPOINTS`` configuration: .. code-block:: python RECORDS_UI_ENDPOINTS = dict( recid=dict( # ... route='/records/<pid_value/files/<filename>', view_imp='invenio_records_files.utils:file_download_ui', record_class='invenio_records_files.api:Record', ) ) If ``download`` is passed as a querystring argument, the file is sent as an attachment. :param pid: The :class:`invenio_pidstore.models.PersistentIdentifier` instance. :param record: The record metadata. """ _record_file_factory = _record_file_factory or record_file_factory # Extract file from record. fileobj = _record_file_factory( pid, record, kwargs.get('filename') ) if not fileobj: abort(404) obj = fileobj.obj # Check permissions ObjectResource.check_object_permission(obj) # Send file. return ObjectResource.send_object( obj.bucket, obj, expected_chksum=fileobj.get('checksum'), logger_data={ 'bucket_id': obj.bucket_id, 'pid_type': pid.pid_type, 'pid_value': pid.pid_value, }, as_attachment=('download' in request.args) )
def file_download_ui(pid, record, _record_file_factory=None, **kwargs): """File download view for a given record. If ``download`` is passed as a querystring argument, the file is sent as an attachment. :param pid: The persistent identifier instance. :param record: The record metadata. """ _record_file_factory = _record_file_factory or \ previewer_record_file_factory # Extract file from record. fileobj = _record_file_factory(pid, record, kwargs.get('filename')) if not fileobj: abort(404) obj = fileobj.obj # Check permissions # ObjectResource.check_object_permission(obj) # Send file. return ObjectResource.send_object(obj.bucket, obj, expected_chksum=fileobj.get('checksum'), logger_data={ 'bucket_id': obj.bucket_id, 'pid_type': pid.pid_type, 'pid_value': pid.pid_value, }, as_attachment=('download' in request.args))
def download_record(cls, record, bucket, key, version_id, usr='******'): """Download a record. :param record: the record object from invenio_records_files :param bucket: the record's 'bucket. :param key: the record's key. :param version_id: the record's version id. :param usr: a string that identify the current user """ obj_version = ObjectVersion.get(bucket, key, version_id) pid = PersistentIdentifier.get('recid', record['id'])"Download file= " + record['title'] + ", requested by user= " + usr) # Send file return ObjectResource.send_object( bucket, obj_version, expected_chksum=obj_version.file.checksum, logger_data={ 'bucket_id': bucket, 'pid_type': pid.pid_type, 'pid_value': pid.pid_value, }, as_attachment=True)
def file_download_ui(pid, record, _record_file_factory=None, **kwargs): """File download view for a given record. Plug this method into your ``RECORDS_UI_ENDPOINTS`` configuration: .. code-block:: python RECORDS_UI_ENDPOINTS = dict( recid=dict( # ... route='/records/<pid_value/files/<filename>', view_imp='invenio_records_files.utils:file_download_ui', record_class='invenio_records_files.api:Record', ) ) If ``download`` is passed as a querystring argument, the file is sent as an attachment. :param pid: The :class:`invenio_pidstore.models.PersistentIdentifier` instance. :param record: The record metadata. """ _record_file_factory = _record_file_factory or record_file_factory # Extract file from record. fileobj = _record_file_factory(pid, record, kwargs.get('filename')) if not fileobj: abort(404) obj = fileobj.obj # Check permissions ObjectResource.check_object_permission(obj) # Send file. return ObjectResource.send_object(obj.bucket, obj, expected_chksum=fileobj.get('checksum'), logger_data={ 'bucket_id': obj.bucket_id, 'pid_type': pid.pid_type, 'pid_value': pid.pid_value, }, as_attachment=('download' in request.args))
def file_download_ui(pid, record, _record_file_factory=None, **kwargs): """File download view for a given record. RERO: Invenio do not pass pid and record to the files permission factory: we need to overwrite Plug this method into your ``RECORDS_UI_ENDPOINTS`` configuration: .. code-block:: python RECORDS_UI_ENDPOINTS = dict( recid=dict( # ... route='/records/<pid_value>/files/<filename>', view_imp='invenio_records_files.utils:file_download_ui', record_class='invenio_records_files.api:Record', ) ) If ``download`` is passed as a querystring argument, the file is sent as an attachment. :param pid: The :class:`invenio_pidstore.models.PersistentIdentifier` instance. :param record: The record metadata. """ from invenio_files_rest.views import ObjectResource, check_permission from invenio_records_files.utils import record_file_factory from .permissions import files_permission_factory _record_file_factory = _record_file_factory or record_file_factory # Extract file from record. fileobj = _record_file_factory(pid, record, kwargs.get('filename')) if not fileobj: abort(404) obj = fileobj.obj # Check permissions # Invenio do not pass pid and record to the files permission factory: # we need to overwrite check_permission(files_permission_factory(obj, 'object-read', pid, record)) if not obj.is_head: check_permission(files_permission_factory(obj, 'object-read-version', pid, record), hidden=False) # Send file. return ObjectResource.send_object(obj.bucket, obj, expected_chksum=fileobj.get('checksum'), logger_data={ 'bucket_id': obj.bucket_id, 'pid_type': pid.pid_type, 'pid_value': pid.pid_value, }, as_attachment=('download' in request.args))
def protect_api(uuid=None, **kwargs): """Retrieve object and check permissions. Retrieve ObjectVersion of image being requested and check permission using the Invenio-Files-REST permission factory. """ bucket, version_id, key = uuid.split(':', 2) g.obj = ObjectResource.get_object(bucket, key, version_id) return g.obj
def file_ui(pid, record, _record_file_factory=None, is_preview=False, **kwargs): """File Ui. :param is_preview: Determine the type of event. True: file-preview, False: file-download :param _record_file_factory: :param pid: The :class:`invenio_pidstore.models.PersistentIdentifier` instance. :param record: The record metadata. """ _record_file_factory = _record_file_factory or record_file_factory # Extract file from record. fileobj = _record_file_factory(pid, record, kwargs.get('filename')) if not fileobj: abort(404) obj = fileobj.obj # Check file contents permission if not file_permission_factory(record, fjson=fileobj).can(): abort(403) # #Check permissions # ObjectResource.check_object_permission(obj) # Get user's language user = UserProfile.get_by_userid(current_user.get_id()) lang = 'en' # Defautl language for PDF coverpage if user is None: lang = 'en' else: lang = user.language add_signals_info(record, obj) """ Send file without its pdf cover page """ try: pdfcoverpage_set_rec = PDFCoverPageSettings.find(1) coverpage_state = WekoRecord.get_record_cvs(pid.object_uuid) is_original = request.args.get('original') or False is_pdf = 'pdf' in fileobj.mimetype can_download_original_pdf = check_original_pdf_download_permission( record) # if not pdf or cover page disabled: Download directly # if pdf and cover page enabled and has original in query param: check # permission (user roles) if is_pdf is False \ or pdfcoverpage_set_rec is None \ or pdfcoverpage_set_rec.avail == 'disable' \ or coverpage_state is False \ or (is_original and can_download_original_pdf): return ObjectResource.send_object( obj.bucket, obj, expected_chksum=fileobj.get('checksum'), logger_data={ 'bucket_id': obj.bucket_id, 'pid_type': pid.pid_type, 'pid_value': pid.pid_value, }, as_attachment=not is_preview, is_preview=is_preview) except AttributeError: return ObjectResource.send_object( obj.bucket, obj, expected_chksum=fileobj.get('checksum'), logger_data={ 'bucket_id': obj.bucket_id, 'pid_type': pid.pid_type, 'pid_value': pid.pid_value, }, as_attachment=not is_preview, is_preview=is_preview) # Send file with its pdf cover page file_instance_record = FileInstance.query.filter_by(id=obj.file_id).first() obj_file_uri = file_instance_record.uri # return obj_file_uri signals.file_downloaded.send(current_app._get_current_object(), obj=obj) return make_combined_pdf(pid, obj_file_uri, fileobj, obj, lang)
def make_combined_pdf(pid, obj_file_uri, fileobj, obj, lang_user): """Make the cover-page-combined PDF file. :param pid: PID object :param file_uri: URI of the file object :param lang_user: LANGUAGE of access user :return: cover-page-combined PDF file object """ lang_filepath = current_app.config['PDF_COVERPAGE_LANG_FILEPATH']\ + lang_user + current_app.config['PDF_COVERPAGE_LANG_FILENAME'] pidObject = PersistentIdentifier.get('recid', pid.pid_value) item_metadata_json = ItemsMetadata.get_record(pidObject.object_uuid) item_type = ItemsMetadata.get_by_object_id(pidObject.object_uuid) item_type_id = item_type.item_type_id type_mapping = Mapping.get_record(item_type_id) item_map = get_mapping(type_mapping, "jpcoar_mapping") with open(lang_filepath) as json_datafile: lang_data = json.loads( # Initialize Instance pdf = FPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4') pdf.add_page() pdf.set_margins(20.0, 20.0) pdf.set_fill_color(100, 149, 237) pdf.add_font( 'IPAexg', '', current_app.config["JPAEXG_TTF_FILEPATH"], uni=True) pdf.add_font( 'IPAexm', '', current_app.config["JPAEXM_TTF_FILEPATH"], uni=True) # Parameters such as width and height of rows/columns w1 = 40 # width of the left column w2 = 130 # width of the right column footer_w = 90 # width of the footer cell # url_oapolicy_h = 7 # height of the URL & OA-policy # height of the URL & OA-policy url_oapolicy_h = current_app.config['URL_OA_POLICY_HEIGHT'] # title_h = 8 # height of the title title_h = current_app.config['TITLE_HEIGHT'] # height of the title # header_h = 20 # height of the header cell header_h = current_app.config['HEADER_HEIGHT'] # height of the header cell # footer_h = 4 # height of the footer cell footer_h = current_app.config['FOOTER_HEIGHT'] # height of the footer cell # meta_h = 9 # height of the metadata cell # height of the metadata cell meta_h = current_app.config['METADATA_HEIGHT'] max_letters_num = 51 # number of maximum letters that can be contained \ # in the right column cc_logo_xposition = 160 # x-position of Creative Commons logos # Get the header settings record = PDFCoverPageSettings.find(1) header_display_type = record.header_display_type header_output_string = record.header_output_string header_output_image = record.header_output_image header_display_position = record.header_display_position # Set the header position positions = {} if header_display_position == 'left': positions['str_position'] = 'L' positions['img_position'] = 20 elif header_display_position == 'center' or header_display_position is None: positions['str_position'] = 'C' positions['img_position'] = 85 elif header_display_position == 'right': positions['str_position'] = 'R' positions['img_position'] = 150 # Show header(string or image) if header_display_type == 'string': pdf.set_font('IPAexm', '', 22) pdf.multi_cell( w1 + w2, header_h, header_output_string, 0, positions['str_position'], False) else: pdf.image( header_output_image, x=positions['img_position'], y=None, w=0, h=30, type='') pdf.set_y(55) # Title settings title = item_metadata_json['title'] pdf.set_font('IPAexm', '', 20) pdf.multi_cell(w1 + w2, title_h, title, 0, 'L', False) pdf.ln(h='15') # Metadata fg = WekoFeedGenerator() fe = fg.add_entry() _file = 'file.URI.@value' _file_item_id = None if _file in item_map: _file_item_id = item_map[_file].split('.')[0] _file_item_id = _file_item_id.replace('fileinfo', 'files') _creator = 'creator.creatorName.@value' _creator_item_id = None if _creator in item_map: _creator_item_id = item_map[_creator].split('.')[0] publisher_attr_lang = '[email protected]:lang' publisher_value = 'publisher.@value' publisher_item_id = None publisher_lang_id = None publisher_text_id = None keyword_attr_lang = '[email protected]:lang' keyword_attr_value = 'subject.@value' keyword_base = None keyword_lang = None pdf.set_font('Arial', '', 14) pdf.set_font('IPAexg', '', 14) if item_metadata_json['lang'] == 'en': item_metadata_json['lang'] = 'English' elif item_metadata_json['lang'] == 'ja': item_metadata_json['lang'] = 'Japanese' try: lang_field = item_map['language.@value'].split('.') if item_metadata_json[lang_field[0]][lang_field[1]] == 'eng': item_metadata_json['lang'] = 'English' elif item_metadata_json[lang_field[0]][lang_field[1]] == 'jpn': item_metadata_json['lang'] = 'Japanese' except BaseException: pass try: lang = item_metadata_json.get('lang') except (KeyError, IndexError): lang = None try: publisher_item_id = item_map[publisher_attr_lang].split('.')[0] publisher_lang_ids = item_map[publisher_attr_lang].split('.')[1:] publisher_text_ids = item_map[publisher_value].split('.')[1:] publisher = None default_publisher = None publishers = item_metadata_json[publisher_item_id] pair_name_language_publisher = get_pair_value(publisher_text_ids, publisher_lang_ids, publishers) for publisher_name, publisher_lang in pair_name_language_publisher: if publisher_lang == lang_user: publisher = publisher_name if publisher_lang == 'en': default_publisher = publisher_name if publisher is None: publisher = default_publisher except (KeyError, IndexError): publisher = None try: pubdate = item_metadata_json.get('pubdate') except (KeyError, IndexError): pubdate = None try: keyword_item_id = item_map[keyword_attr_lang].split('.')[0] keyword_item_langs = item_map[keyword_attr_lang].split('.')[1:] keyword_item_values = item_map[keyword_attr_value].split('.')[1:] keyword_base = item_metadata_json.get(keyword_item_id) keywords_ja = None keywords_en = None pair_name_language_keyword = get_pair_value(keyword_item_values, keyword_item_langs, keyword_base) for name, lang in pair_name_language_keyword: keyword_lang = lang if keyword_lang == 'ja': keywords_ja = name elif keyword_lang == 'en': keywords_en = name except (KeyError, IndexError): pass creator_items = item_metadata_json.get(_creator_item_id) if type(creator_items) is dict: creator_items = [creator_items] creator_mail_list = [] creator_name_list = [] creator_affiliation_list = [] for creator_item in creator_items: # Get creator mail if creator_item.get('creatorMails'): for creator_mail in creator_item.get('creatorMails'): if creator_mail.get('creatorMail'): creator_mail_list.append(creator_mail.get('creatorMail')) # Get creator name default_creator_name_list = [] if creator_item.get('creatorNames'): for creator_name in creator_item.get('creatorNames'): if creator_name.get('creatorNameLang') == lang_user: creator_name_list.append(creator_name.get('creatorName')) if creator_name.get('creatorNameLang') == 'en': default_creator_name_list.append(creator_name.get( 'creatorName')) if not creator_name_list and default_creator_name_list: creator_name_list = default_creator_name_list # Get creator affiliation default_creator_affiliation_list = [] if creator_item.get('affiliation'): for creator_affiliation in creator_item.get('affiliation'): if creator_affiliation.get('affiliationNameLang') == lang_user: creator_affiliation_list.append(creator_affiliation.get( 'affiliationName')) if creator_affiliation.get('affiliationNameLang') == 'en': default_creator_affiliation_list.\ append(creator_affiliation.get('affiliationName')) if not creator_affiliation_list and default_creator_affiliation_list: creator_affiliation_list = default_creator_affiliation_list seperator = ', ' metadata_dict = { "lang": lang, "publisher": publisher, "pubdate": pubdate, "keywords_ja": keywords_ja, "keywords_en": keywords_en, "creator_mail": seperator.join(creator_mail_list), "creator_name": seperator.join(creator_name_list), "affiliation": seperator.join(creator_affiliation_list) } # Change the values from None to '' for printing for key in metadata_dict: if metadata_dict[key] is None: metadata_dict[key] = '' metadata_list = [ "{}: {}".format(lang_data["Metadata"]["LANG"], metadata_dict["lang"]), "{}: {}".format( lang_data["Metadata"]["PUBLISHER"], metadata_dict["publisher"]), "{}: {}".format( lang_data["Metadata"]["PUBLICDATE"], metadata_dict["pubdate"]), "{} (Ja): {}".format( lang_data["Metadata"]["KEY"], metadata_dict["keywords_ja"]), "{} (En): {}".format( lang_data["Metadata"]["KEY"], metadata_dict["keywords_en"]), "{}: {}".format( lang_data["Metadata"]["AUTHOR"], metadata_dict["creator_name"]), "{}: {}".format( lang_data["Metadata"]["EMAIL"], metadata_dict["creator_mail"]), "{}: {}".format( lang_data["Metadata"]["AFFILIATED"], metadata_dict["affiliation"]) ] metadata = '\n'.join(metadata_list) metadata_lfnum = int(metadata.count('\n')) for item in metadata_list: metadata_lfnum += int(get_east_asian_width_count(item) ) // max_letters_num url = '' # will be modified later url_lfnum = int(get_east_asian_width_count(url)) // max_letters_num oa_policy = '' # will be modified later oa_policy_lfnum = int( get_east_asian_width_count(oa_policy)) // max_letters_num # Save top coordinate top = pdf.y # Calculate x position of next cell offset = pdf.x + w1 pdf.multi_cell(w1, meta_h, lang_data["Title"]["METADATA"] + '\n' * (metadata_lfnum + 1), 1, 'C', True) # Reset y coordinate pdf.y = top # Move to computed offset pdf.x = offset pdf.multi_cell(w2, meta_h, metadata, 1, 'L', False) top = pdf.y pdf.multi_cell(w1, url_oapolicy_h, lang_data["Title"]["URL"] + '\n' * (url_lfnum + 1), 1, 'C', True) pdf.y = top pdf.x = offset pdf.multi_cell(w2, url_oapolicy_h, url, 1, 'L', False) top = pdf.y pdf.multi_cell(w1, url_oapolicy_h, lang_data["Title"]["OAPOLICY"] + '\n' * (oa_policy_lfnum + 1), 1, 'C', True) pdf.y = top pdf.x = offset pdf.multi_cell(w2, url_oapolicy_h, oa_policy, 1, 'L', False) pdf.ln(h=1) # Footer pdf.set_font('Courier', '', 10) pdf.set_x(108) try: license = item_metadata_json[_file_item_id][0].get('licensetype') except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError): license = None list_license_dict = current_app.config['WEKO_RECORDS_UI_LICENSE_DICT'] for item in list_license_dict: if item['value'] == license: get_license_pdf(license, item_metadata_json, pdf, _file_item_id, footer_w, footer_h, cc_logo_xposition, item) break else: pdf.multi_cell(footer_w, footer_h, '', 0, 'L', False) """ Convert PDF cover page data as bytecode """ output = pdf.output(dest='S').encode('latin-1') b_output = io.BytesIO(output) # Combine cover page and existing pages cover_page = PdfFileReader(b_output) f = open(obj_file_uri, "rb") existing_pages = PdfFileReader(f) # In the case the PDF file is encrypted by the password, ''(i.e. not # encrypted intentionally) if existing_pages.isEncrypted: try: existing_pages.decrypt('') except BaseException: # Errors such as NotImplementedError return ObjectResource.send_object( obj.bucket, obj, expected_chksum=fileobj.get('checksum'), logger_data={ 'bucket_id': obj.bucket_id, 'pid_type': pid.pid_type, 'pid_value': pid.pid_value, }, as_attachment=False ) # In the case the PDF file is encrypted by the password except '' if existing_pages.isEncrypted: return ObjectResource.send_object( obj.bucket, obj, expected_chksum=fileobj.get('checksum'), logger_data={ 'bucket_id': obj.bucket_id, 'pid_type': pid.pid_type, 'pid_value': pid.pid_value, }, as_attachment=False ) combined_pages = PdfFileWriter() combined_pages.addPage(cover_page.getPage(0)) for page_num in range(existing_pages.numPages): existing_page = existing_pages.getPage(page_num) combined_pages.addPage(existing_page) # Download the newly generated combined PDF file try: combined_filename = 'CV_' +'%Y%m%d') + '_' + \ item_metadata_json[_file_item_id][0].get("filename") except (KeyError, IndexError): combined_filename = 'CV_' + title + '.pdf' combined_filepath = "/code/invenio/{}.pdf".format(combined_filename) combined_file = open(combined_filepath, "wb") combined_pages.write(combined_file) combined_file.close() return send_file( combined_filepath, as_attachment=True, attachment_filename=combined_filename, mimetype='application/pdf', cache_timeout=-1)