def cleanup_index_batch(hepsubmission_record_ids, index):
    log.info('Cleaning up index for data records for hepsubmission IDs {0} to {1}'.format(hepsubmission_record_ids[0], hepsubmission_record_ids[-1]))
    # Find all datasubmission entries matching the given hepsubmission ids,
    # where the version is not the highest version present (i.e. there is not
    # a v2 record with the same associated_recid)
    d1 = aliased(DataSubmission)
    d2 = aliased(DataSubmission)
    qry = db.session.query(d1.associated_recid) \
              and_(HEPSubmission.publication_recid == d1.publication_recid,
                   HEPSubmission.version == d1.version),
              isouter=True) \
              and_(d1.associated_recid == d2.associated_recid,
                   d1.version < d2.version),
              isouter=True) \
        .filter(HEPSubmission.id.in_(hepsubmission_record_ids), d2.id == None) \
    res = qry.all()

    ids = [x[0] for x in res]
    if ids:
        log.info(f'Deleting entries from index with ids {ids}')
        s = RecordsSearch(index=index).filter('terms', _id=ids)