def coverage(c, report="term", opts=""):
    Run pytest in coverage mode. See `invocations.pytest.coverage` for details.
    # Use our own test() instead of theirs.
    # TODO: allow coverage() to just look up the nearby-by-namespace-attachment
    # test() instead of hardcoding its own test or doing it this way with an
    # arg.
    return coverage_(c, report=report, opts=opts, tester=test)
文件: tasks.py 项目: miradam/invoke
def coverage(c, report="term", opts=""):
    Run pytest in coverage mode. See `invocations.pytest.coverage` for details.
    # Use our own test() instead of theirs.
    # TODO: allow coverage() to just look up the nearby-by-namespace-attachment
    # test() instead of hardcoding its own test or doing it this way with an
    # arg.
    return coverage_(c, report=report, opts=opts, tester=test)
文件: artefactos.py 项目: dued/dued
def cobertura(c, report="term", opcs=""):
    Correr pytest en modo de cobertura. Ver "invocations.pytest.coverage"
    para más detalles.
    # Usar nuestra propia prueba() en lugar de la de ellos.
    # TODO: permitir a covertura() buscar la prueba() del espacio cercano al
    # nombre en lugar de codificar su propia prueba o hacerlo de esta manera
    # con un arg.
    return coverage_(c, report=report, opcs=opcs, tester=prueba)