def test_SmallRulesFile_OneDiameter_SpecifyOutfile(self): for format in ['csv', 'tsv']: with self.subTest(format=format): diam = '2' outfile = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) parse_rules( rules_file = self.rules_file, outfile =, diameters = diam, output_format = format ) self.assertListEqual( list( io_open( ) ), list( io_open( getattr( self, 'ref_d2_'+format ) ) ) ) outfile.close() unlink(
def _get(cache_key, file_name, override_expire_secs=None, pickle=False): expire_datetime = None cache_path = xbmc_helper().get_file_path(CONST['CACHE_DIR'], file_name) if (override_expire_secs is not None): expire_datetime = - timedelta(seconds=override_expire_secs) elif 'expires' in CONST['CACHE'][cache_key].keys() and CONST['CACHE'][cache_key]['expires'] is not None: expire_datetime = - timedelta(seconds=CONST['CACHE'][cache_key]['expires']) cache_data = { 'data': None, 'is_expired': True, } if path.exists(cache_path): filectime = datetime.fromtimestamp(path.getctime(cache_path)) filemtime = datetime.fromtimestamp(path.getmtime(cache_path)) if filemtime is None or filectime > filemtime: filemtime = filectime if pickle is False: with io_open(file=cache_path, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as cache_infile: cache_data.update({'data':}) else: with io_open(file=cache_path, mode='rb') as cache_infile: cache_data.update({'data': pickle_load(cache_infile)}) if expire_datetime is None or filemtime >= expire_datetime: cache_data.update({'is_expired': False}) return cache_data
def open(file, mode='r', buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, closefd=True): if 'b' in mode: return io_open(ensure_fs_path_encoding(file), str(mode), buffering=buffering, errors=errors, newline=newline, closefd=closefd) else: return io_open(ensure_fs_path_encoding(file), str(mode), buffering=buffering, encoding=encoding or 'utf-8', errors=errors, newline=newline, closefd=closefd)
def open(file, mode='r', buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, closefd=True): if 'b' in mode: return io_open(file, str(mode), buffering=buffering, errors=errors, newline=newline, closefd=closefd) else: return io_open(file, str(mode), buffering=buffering, encoding=encoding or 'utf-8', errors=errors, newline=newline, closefd=closefd)
def _set(cache_key, file_name, data, pickle=False): cache_path = xbmc_helper().get_file_path(CONST['CACHE_DIR'], file_name) if pickle is False: with io_open(file=cache_path, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as cache_outfile: cache_outfile.write(compat._unicode(data)) else: with io_open(file=cache_path, mode='wb') as cache_outfile: pickle_dump(data, cache_outfile, protocol=0)
def test_GoodInputFormatCSV(self): diam = '2' outfile = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) parse_rules(rules_file=self.rules_file, input_format='csv', diameters=diam, self.assertListEqual(list(io_open(, list(io_open(self.ref_d2_csv))) outfile.close() unlink(
def _open_csv_file(self, charset): """ Open the file in mode dependent on the python version. :charset: File encoding :returns: handle to the newly-opened file :raises: IOError if the file cannot be read """ if six.PY2: return io_open(self.filename, "rb") return io_open(self.filename, "rt", encoding=charset)
def main(options): if options.extension.startswith( "." ): # Ensure user specified extension does not include leading '.' options.extension = options.extension[1:] try: config_file = io_open(options.config, encoding="utf8") except IOError: sys.stderr.write( "\nConfiguration file not found (specify with -c or use the default 'config.ini')\n" ) sys.exit() depedit = DepEdit(config_file=config_file, options=options) if sys.platform == "win32": # Print \n new lines in Windows import os import msvcrt msvcrt.setmode(sys.stdout.fileno(), os.O_BINARY) files = glob(options.file) for filename in files: infile = io_open(filename, encoding="utf8") basename = os.path.basename(filename) docname = basename[:basename.rfind( ".")] if options.docname or options.sent_id else filename output_trees = depedit.run_depedit(infile, docname, sent_id=options.sent_id, docname=options.docname, stepwise=options.stepwise) if len(files) == 1: # Single file being processed, just print to STDOUT if sys.version_info[0] < 3: print(output_trees.encode("utf-8"), end="") else: print(output_trees, end="") else: # Multiple files, add '.depedit' or other infix from options before extension and write to file if options.outdir != "": if not options.outdir.endswith(os.sep): options.outdir += os.sep outname = options.outdir + basename if "." in filename: extension = outname[outname.rfind(".") + 1:] if options.extension != "": extension = options.extension outname = outname[:outname.rfind(".")] outname += options.infix + "." + extension else: outname += options.infix + "." + options.extension if options.extension else options.infix if sys.version_info[0] < 3: with open(outname, 'wb') as f: f.write(output_trees.encode("utf-8")) else: with open(outname, 'w', encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(output_trees.encode("utf-8"))
def test_print_rpSBML(self): rpsbml = rpSBML(name='rpSBML_test') rpsbml.genericModel('RetroPath_Pathway_test', 'RP_model_test', self.comp_xref, 'MNXC3', 999999, 0) rpsbml.createPathway('rp_pathway') rpsbml.createPathway('central_species') with NamedTemporaryFile() as tempf: rpsbml.writeSBML( self.assertListEqual( list(io_open(, list(io_open(os_path.join('data', 'rpSBML_test_sbml.xml'))))
def test_OneDiameter(self): for diam in ['2']: with self.subTest(diam=diam): outfile = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) parse_rules( rules_file=self.rules_file, diameters=diam, ) self.assertListEqual( list(io_open(, list(io_open(self.ref_d2_csv)) ) outfile.close() unlink(
def scrape_file(self): """Scrape file.""" if not self._check_wellformed and self._only_wellformed: self._messages.append("Skipping scraper: Well-formed check not " "used.") return # Check file header with io_open(self.filename, "rb") as input_file: first_line = input_file.readline() if SPSS_PORTABLE_HEADER not in first_line: self._errors.append("File is not SPSS Portable format.") # Try to convert file with pspp-convert. If conversion is succesful # (converted.por file is produced), the original file is well-formed. temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() temp_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, "converted.por") try: shell = Shell([PSPP_PATH, self.filename, temp_file]) if shell.stderr: self._errors.append(shell.stderr) self._messages.append(shell.stdout) if os.path.isfile(temp_file): self._messages.append("File conversion was succesful.") else: self._errors.append("File conversion failed.") finally: shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) for md_class in self._supported_metadata: self.streams.append( md_class(self._given_mimetype, self._given_version)) self._check_supported(allow_unav_mime=True, allow_unav_version=True)
def readFile(filename): printDebugMessage(u'readFile', u'Begin', 1) fh = io_open(filename, u'r') data = fh.close() printDebugMessage(u'readFile', u'End', 1) return data
def load(self, rule_file, encoding='utf-8'): self.body = '@external\n' # parse rule file with io_open(rule_file, encoding=encoding) as f: for line in f: # parse input line if line.strip().lower().startswith('input'): input_header, input_line = line.split(None, 1) # sanity check if input_header.lower() != 'input': raise ValueError # parse *param0="value0",*param1="value1",... for pair in input_line.split(','): label, value = pair.split('=') self.params[label.strip()] = value.strip() # parse output line elif line.strip().lower().startswith('output'): output_header, output_line = line.split(None, 1) # sanity check if output_header.lower() != 'output': raise ValueError # use line as is self.output = output_line.strip() # parse rule else: self.body += line
def scrape_file(self): """Scrape file.""" # Check file header with io_open(self.filename, "rb") as input_file: first_line = input_file.readline() if first_line.count(SPSS_PORTABLE_HEADER) != 1: self._errors.append("File is not SPSS Portable format.") # Try to convert file with pspp-convert. If conversion is succesful # (converted.por file is produced), the original file is well-formed. temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() temp_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, "converted.por") try: shell = Shell([PSPP_PATH, self.filename, temp_file]) if shell.stderr: self._errors.append(shell.stderr) self._messages.append(shell.stdout) if os.path.isfile(temp_file): self._messages.append("File conversion was succesful.") else: self._errors.append("File conversion failed.") finally: shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) self.streams = list( self.iterate_models(well_formed=self.well_formed)) self._check_supported(allow_unav_mime=True, allow_unav_version=True)
def serve_landing_page(request, target, engagement): with io_open(engagement.landing_page.path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: page_source = page_source = replace_shortcodes(page_source, engagement, target) return render(request, 'index.html', {'soup': page_source})
def test_comppath(): """Test CLI --comppath""" if IS_WIN: skip("no manpages on windows") tmp = mkdtemp() man = path.join(tmp, "") assert not path.exists(man) try: main(argv=['--comppath', tmp], fp=NULL) except SystemExit: pass else: raise SystemExit("Expected system exit") assert path.exists(man) # check most important options appear with io_open(man, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as fd: script = opts = set([ '--help', '--desc', '--total', '--leave', '--ncols', '--ascii', '--dynamic_ncols', '--position', '--bytes', '--nrows', '--delim', '--manpath', '--comppath' ]) assert all(args in script for args in opts) rmtree(tmp, True)
def ctm_to_textgrid(phone_ctm, out_directory, utt2dur, frameshift=0.01): textgrid_write_errors = {} frameshift = Decimal(str(frameshift)) if not os.path.exists(out_directory): os.makedirs(out_directory) utt2dur_mapping = generate_utt2dur(utt2dur) for i, (k, v) in enumerate(sorted(phone_ctm.items())): maxtime = Decimal(str(utt2dur_mapping[k])) try: tg = TextGrid(maxTime=maxtime) phonetier = IntervalTier(name='phones', maxTime=maxtime) for interval in v: if maxtime - interval[1] < frameshift: interval[1] = maxtime #remove B E I and stress (0,1) information from phoneme interval[2] = re.sub("\d+", "", interval[2].split('_')[0]) phonetier.add(*interval) tg.append(phonetier) outpath = os.path.join(out_directory, k + '.TextGrid') tg.write(outpath) except Exception as e: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() textgrid_write_errors[k] = '\n'.join( traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)) if textgrid_write_errors: error_log = os.path.join(out_directory, 'output_errors.txt') with io_open(error_log, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write( u'The following exceptions were encountered during the ouput of the alignments to TextGrids:\n\n' ) for k, v in textgrid_write_errors.items(): f.write(u'{}:\n'.format(k)) f.write(u'{}\n\n'.format(v))
def open_binary(package, resource): """Return a file-like object opened for binary reading of the resource.""" resource = _normalize_path(resource) package = _get_package(package) # Using pathlib doesn't work well here due to the lack of 'strict' argument # for pathlib.Path.resolve() prior to Python 3.6. package_path = os.path.dirname(package.__file__) relative_path = os.path.join(package_path, resource) full_path = os.path.abspath(relative_path) try: return io_open(full_path, 'rb') except IOError: # This might be a package in a zip file. zipimport provides a loader # with a functioning get_data() method, however we have to strip the # archive (i.e. the .zip file's name) off the front of the path. This # is because the zipimport loader in Python 2 doesn't actually follow # PEP 302. It should allow the full path, but actually requires that # the path be relative to the zip file. try: loader = package.__loader__ full_path = relative_path[len(loader.archive) + 1:] data = loader.get_data(full_path) except (IOError, AttributeError): package_name = package.__name__ message = '{!r} resource not found in {!r}'.format( resource, package_name) raise FileNotFoundError(message) return BytesIO(data)
def set_data(self, filename, data, dir_type='DATA_DIR'): data_file_path = self.get_file_path(CONST[dir_type], filename) with io_open(file=data_file_path, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as data_outfile: data_outfile.write(compat._decode(compat._unicode(data))) return data_file_path
def readFile(filename): printDebugMessage(u"readFile", u"Begin", 1) fh = io_open(filename, u"r") data = fh.close() printDebugMessage(u"readFile", u"End", 1) return data
def get_file_contents(self, file_path): data = None if os.path.exists(file_path): with io_open(file=file_path, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as data_infile: data = return data
def obj_select(image_id): """fetch all object run-length data for one image""" object_list = [] with io_open(TRAIN_LABEL_CSV, 'r') as f: for line in f: if search(image_id, line) is not None: object_list.append(sub(image_id + ",", "", line.strip("\n"))) return object_list
def find_version(): """Get version from loudml_py/""" _locals = locals() src_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) version_file = os.path.join(src_dir, 'loudml_py', '') with io_open(version_file, mode='r') as fd: exec( # __version__ is set in the exec call. return _locals['__version__']
def getCompiledCode(self, relativeFilePath): filename = path.basename(relativeFilePath) name = path.splitext(filename)[0] if name in ContractsFixture.compiledCode: return ContractsFixture.compiledCode[name] dependencySet = set() self.getAllDependencies(relativeFilePath, dependencySet) ContractsFixture.ensureCacheDirectoryExists() compiledOutputPath = path.join(COMPILATION_CACHE, name) lastCompilationTime = path.getmtime(compiledOutputPath) if path.isfile( compiledOutputPath) else 0 needsRecompile = False for dependencyPath in dependencySet: if (path.getmtime(dependencyPath) > lastCompilationTime): needsRecompile = True break if (needsRecompile): print('compiling ' + name + '...') extension = path.splitext(filename)[1] compiledCode = None if extension == '.sol': compiledCode = bytearray.fromhex( self.compileSolidity(relativeFilePath)['evm']['bytecode'] ['object']) else: raise with io_open(compiledOutputPath, mode='wb') as file: file.write(compiledCode) else: pass #print('using cached compilation for ' + name) with io_open(compiledOutputPath, mode='rb') as file: compiledCode = contractSize = len(compiledCode) if (contractSize >= CONTRACT_SIZE_LIMIT): print('%sContract %s is OVER the size limit by %d bytes%s' % (bcolors.FAIL, name, contractSize - CONTRACT_SIZE_LIMIT, bcolors.ENDC)) elif (contractSize >= CONTRACT_SIZE_WARN_LEVEL): print('%sContract %s is under size limit by only %d bytes%s' % (bcolors.WARN, name, CONTRACT_SIZE_LIMIT - contractSize, bcolors.ENDC)) elif (contractSize > 0): pass #print('Size: %i' % contractSize) ContractsFixture.compiledCode[name] = compiledCode return (compiledCode)
def test_retrieve_std_streams_from_rule(self): ''' Tests running a rule from a client-side .r file. The rule writes things to its stdout that we get back on the client side ''' # Wrong buffer length on older versions if self.sess.server_version < (4, 1, 7): self.skipTest('For iRODS 4.1.7 and newer') session = self.sess # test metadata some_string = u'foo' some_other_string = u'我喜欢麦当劳' err_string = u'⛔' # make rule file ts = time.time() rule_file_path = "/tmp/test_{ts}.r".format(**locals()) rule = textwrap.dedent(u'''\ test {{ # write stuff writeLine("stdout", *some_string); writeLine("stdout", *some_other_string); writeLine("stderr", *err_string); }} INPUT *some_string="{some_string}",*some_other_string="{some_other_string}",*err_string="{err_string}" OUTPUT ruleExecOut'''.format(**locals())) with io_open(rule_file_path, "w", encoding='utf-8') as rule_file: rule_file.write(rule) # run test rule myrule = Rule(session, rule_file_path) out_array = myrule.execute() # retrieve out buffer buf = out_array.MsParam_PI[0].inOutStruct.stdoutBuf.buf # it's binary data (BinBytesBuf) so must be decoded buf = buf.decode('utf-8') # check that we get our strings back self.assertIn(some_string, buf) self.assertIn(some_other_string, buf) # same thing stderr buffer buf = out_array.MsParam_PI[0].inOutStruct.stderrBuf.buf # decode and check buf = buf.decode('utf-8') self.assertIn(err_string, buf) # remove rule file os.remove(rule_file_path)
def read_html_file_as_reencoded_text(htmlpath): txt = "" try: # using w/ newline option to preserve newlines with io_open(str(htmlpath), "rt", encoding="cp1252") as f: txt = except: pass txt = txt.split('charset=windows-1252') if len(txt) > 1: txt = 'charset=utf-8'.join(txt) else: with io_open(str(htmlpath), "rt", encoding="utf-8") as f: txt = return txt
def _read(self, directory, filename, session, path, name, extension, spatial, spatialReferenceID, replaceParamFile): """ Projection File Read from File Method """ # Set file extension property self.fileExtension = extension # Open file and parse into a data structure with io_open(path, 'r') as f: self.projection =
def get_local_file(self, filename): """Attempts to load a user from a locally-saved HTML file. If successful, returns a BeautifulSoup HTML parse tree. Useful for testing without hammering OKC's servers.""" try: with io_open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf8') as htmlfile: html = return BeautifulSoup(html, 'html5lib') except Exception as e: print 'Could not load local HTML file:', filename print e return None
def generate_mapping(mapping_file): mapping = {} with io_open(mapping_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fid: word_num_pairs = fid.readlines() for item in word_num_pairs: word = item.strip().split()[0] num = item.strip().split()[1] mapping[int(num)] = word return mapping
def toSide(self, fpath, ftype=None, fname=None): file_type = ftype or fpath.rsplit('.', 1)[-1] display_name = fname or path.split(fpath)[-1] if RE_URL.match(fpath): return self.comparisons.side_from_url(fpath, file_type=file_type, display_name=display_name) return self.comparisons.side_from_file(io_open(fpath, mode="rb"), file_type=file_type, display_name=display_name)
def _integration_test(argv, io_open, Random, create_engine, survey_section='saa_survey', config_file='integration-test.ini'): # pragma: nocover logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) email_addr = argv[1] survey_id, db_url = SecureSurvey._config( io_open(config_file), config_file, survey_section) saa = SecureSurvey(create_engine(db_url).connect, Random(), survey_id) _explore(email_addr, saa)
def _read_file(filename): here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) if sys.version_info[0] > 2: with open(os.path.join(here, filename), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file_handle: return else: # With python 2.7, open has no encoding parameter, resulting in TypeError # Fix with (slow but works) from io import open as io_open with io_open(os.path.join(here, filename), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file_handle: return
def __init__(self, here, ops): ''' :param str here: ''' io_open, path_join, path_exists, glob = ops make = lambda there: Path(there, ops) # noqa self.joinpath = lambda there: make(path_join(here, there)) = lambda **kwargs: io_open(here, **kwargs) self.exists = lambda: path_exists(here) self.glob = lambda pattern: (make(it) for it in glob(path_join(here, pattern))) self._path = here
def comp_open(file, mode='r', buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, closefd=True, opener=None): """ Compatibility wrapper for :py:func:`open`. This function makes more advanced options from Python 3 available for Python 2. Similar to the Python 3 implementation of :py:func:`open`, this function may act as :py:keyword:`with` statement context manager. Other than the original :py:func:`open` function in Python 2, this function does not return a legacy file object (``<type 'file'>``) when used on Python 2. Instead, as in Python 3, it returns an :py:mod:`io` wrapper object, depending on what kind of file has been opened (binary or text). For text files, this will most likely be something like ``<type '_io.TextIOWrapper'>``. .. note:: In case no encoding is specified, the default encoding as defined by :py:data:`magrathea.conf.default.DEFAULT_CHARSET` will be used. :param file: file is either a string or bytes object giving the pathname or an integer file descriptor of the file to be wrapped :param mode: specifies the mode in which the file is opened :param buffering: optional integer used to set the buffering policy :param encoding: name of the encoding used to decode or encode the file :param errors: optional string that specifies how encoding and decoding errors are to be handled :param newline: controls how universal newlines mode works :param closefd: if False and a file descriptor rather than a filename was given, the underlying file descriptor will be kept open when the file is closed :param opener: custom opener :returns: a :py:term:`file object` """ if not encoding: encoding = get_conf('DEFAULT_CHARSET') if sys.version_info < (3, 0, 0): fp = io_open( file, mode=mode, buffering=buffering, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, newline=newline, closefd=closefd ) else: fp = open( file, mode=mode, buffering=buffering, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, newline=newline, closefd=closefd, opener=opener ) return fp
def read(path: Path) -> OrderedDict: """Get contents of JSON at `path` Arguments: path {Path} -- path to file Returns: OrderedDict -- JSON data """ with io_open(str(path), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as stream: data = json_load(stream, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) return data
def getCompiledCode(self, relativeFilePath): filename = path.basename(relativeFilePath) name = path.splitext(filename)[0] if name in ContractsFixture.compiledCode: return ContractsFixture.compiledCode[name] dependencySet = set() self.getAllDependencies(relativeFilePath, dependencySet) ContractsFixture.ensureCacheDirectoryExists() compiledOutputPath = path.join(COMPILATION_CACHE, name) lastCompilationTime = path.getmtime(compiledOutputPath) if path.isfile(compiledOutputPath) else 0 needsRecompile = False for dependencyPath in dependencySet: if (path.getmtime(dependencyPath) > lastCompilationTime): needsRecompile = True break if (needsRecompile): print('compiling ' + name + '...') extension = path.splitext(filename)[1] compiledCode = None if extension == '.sol': compiledCode = bytearray.fromhex(self.compileSolidity(relativeFilePath)['evm']['bytecode']['object']) else: raise with io_open(compiledOutputPath, mode='wb') as file: file.write(compiledCode) else: pass#print('using cached compilation for ' + name) with io_open(compiledOutputPath, mode='rb') as file: compiledCode = contractSize = len(compiledCode) if (contractSize >= CONTRACT_SIZE_LIMIT): print('%sContract %s is OVER the size limit by %d bytes%s' % (bcolors.FAIL, name, contractSize - CONTRACT_SIZE_LIMIT, bcolors.ENDC)) elif (contractSize >= CONTRACT_SIZE_WARN_LEVEL): print('%sContract %s is under size limit by only %d bytes%s' % (bcolors.WARN, name, CONTRACT_SIZE_LIMIT - contractSize, bcolors.ENDC)) elif (contractSize > 0): pass#print('Size: %i' % contractSize) ContractsFixture.compiledCode[name] = compiledCode return(compiledCode)
def run(self, edit): file_name = self.view.file_name() if not file_name or not str(file_name).endswith("js"): return selection = self.view.sel() for region in selection: if not region.empty(): s = self.view.substr(region) js_tmpfile = mkstemp(suffix='.js', text=True) with io_open(js_tmpfile[1], 'w+') as tmpf: tmpf.write(s) try: fn_execute([get_command(), "-g", "-t", js_tmpfile[1]]) except: remove(js_tmpfile[1]) with io_open(js_tmpfile[1], 'r') as tmpf: file_size =, 2), 0) data = if data != '': self.view.replace(edit, region, data) remove(js_tmpfile[1])
def getResult(jobId): printDebugMessage(u"getResult", u"Begin", 1) printDebugMessage(u"getResult", u"jobId: " + jobId, 1) # Check status and wait if necessary clientPoll(jobId) # Get available result types resultTypes = serviceGetResultTypes(jobId) # function modified by mana to allow more than one output file written when 'outformat' is defined. # original script allowed only one file to be written. for resultType in resultTypes: # Derive the filename for the result if options.outfile: filename = ( options.outfile + u"." + unicode(resultType[u"identifier"]) + u"." + unicode(resultType[u"fileSuffix"]) ) else: filename = jobId + u"." + unicode(resultType[u"identifier"]) + u"." + unicode(resultType[u"fileSuffix"]) # Write a result file outformat_parm = str(options.outformat).split(",") for outformat_type in outformat_parm: outformat_type = outformat_type.replace(" ", "") if outformat_type == "None": outformat_type = None if not outformat_type or outformat_type == unicode(resultType[u"identifier"]): # Get the result result = serviceGetResult(jobId, unicode(resultType[u"identifier"])) if ( unicode(resultType[u"mediaType"]) == u"image/png" or unicode(resultType[u"mediaType"]) == u"image/jpeg" or unicode(resultType[u"mediaType"]) == u"application/gzip" ): fmode = u"wb" else: fmode = u"w" fh = io_open(filename, fmode) fh.write(result) fh.close() print filename printDebugMessage(u"getResult", u"End", 1)
def write(self, session, directory, name, replaceParamFile=None, **kwargs): """ Write from database back to file. Args: session (:mod:`sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session`): SQLAlchemy session object bound to PostGIS enabled database. directory (str): Directory where the file will be written. name (str): The name of the file that will be created (including the file extension is optional). replaceParamFile (:class:`gsshapy.orm.ReplaceParamFile`, optional): ReplaceParamFile instance. Use this if the file you are writing contains replacement parameters. """ # Assemble Path to file name_split = name.split('.') name = name_split[0] # Default extension extension = '' if len(name_split) >= 2: extension = name_split[-1] # Run name preprocessor method if present try: name = self._namePreprocessor(name) except: 'DO NOTHING' if extension == '': filename = '{0}.{1}'.format(name, self.fileExtension) else: filename = '{0}.{1}'.format(name, extension) filePath = os.path.join(directory, filename) with io_open(filePath, 'w') as openFile: # Write Lines self._write(session=session, openFile=openFile, replaceParamFile=replaceParamFile, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, temp_filename, final_filename): if os_path.isfile(final_filename): raise Exception('Destination file already exists') self._temp_filename = temp_filename self._final_filename = final_filename self._fd = io_open(self._temp_filename, 'wb')
def _load(self): try: mtime = getmtime(self.cache_path_json) except (IOError, OSError): log.debug("No local cache found for %s at %s", self.url_w_subdir, self.cache_path_json) if context.use_index_cache or (context.offline and not self.url_w_subdir.startswith('file://')): log.debug("Using cached data for %s at %s forced. Returning empty repodata.", self.url_w_subdir, self.cache_path_json) return { '_package_records': (), '_names_index': defaultdict(list), '_track_features_index': defaultdict(list), } else: mod_etag_headers = {} else: mod_etag_headers = read_mod_and_etag(self.cache_path_json) if context.use_index_cache: log.debug("Using cached repodata for %s at %s because use_cache=True", self.url_w_subdir, self.cache_path_json) _internal_state = self._read_local_repdata(mod_etag_headers.get('_etag'), mod_etag_headers.get('_mod')) return _internal_state if context.local_repodata_ttl > 1: max_age = context.local_repodata_ttl elif context.local_repodata_ttl == 1: max_age = get_cache_control_max_age(mod_etag_headers.get('_cache_control', '')) else: max_age = 0 timeout = mtime + max_age - time() if (timeout > 0 or context.offline) and not self.url_w_subdir.startswith('file://'): log.debug("Using cached repodata for %s at %s. Timeout in %d sec", self.url_w_subdir, self.cache_path_json, timeout) _internal_state = self._read_local_repdata(mod_etag_headers.get('_etag'), mod_etag_headers.get('_mod')) return _internal_state log.debug("Local cache timed out for %s at %s", self.url_w_subdir, self.cache_path_json) try: raw_repodata_str = fetch_repodata_remote_request(self.url_w_credentials, mod_etag_headers.get('_etag'), mod_etag_headers.get('_mod')) except Response304ContentUnchanged: log.debug("304 NOT MODIFIED for '%s'. Updating mtime and loading from disk", self.url_w_subdir) touch(self.cache_path_json) _internal_state = self._read_local_repdata(mod_etag_headers.get('_etag'), mod_etag_headers.get('_mod')) return _internal_state else: if not isdir(dirname(self.cache_path_json)): mkdir_p(dirname(self.cache_path_json)) try: with io_open(self.cache_path_json, 'w') as fh: fh.write(raw_repodata_str or '{}') except (IOError, OSError) as e: if e.errno in (EACCES, EPERM, EROFS): raise NotWritableError(self.cache_path_json, e.errno, caused_by=e) else: raise _internal_state = self._process_raw_repodata_str(raw_repodata_str) self._internal_state = _internal_state self._pickle_me() return _internal_state
def cythonize(module_list, exclude=None, nthreads=0, aliases=None, quiet=False, force=False, language=None, exclude_failures=False, **options): """ Compile a set of source modules into C/C++ files and return a list of distutils Extension objects for them. :param module_list: As module list, pass either a glob pattern, a list of glob patterns or a list of Extension objects. The latter allows you to configure the extensions separately through the normal distutils options. You can also pass Extension objects that have glob patterns as their sources. Then, cythonize will resolve the pattern and create a copy of the Extension for every matching file. :param exclude: When passing glob patterns as ``module_list``, you can exclude certain module names explicitly by passing them into the ``exclude`` option. :param nthreads: The number of concurrent builds for parallel compilation (requires the ``multiprocessing`` module). :param aliases: If you want to use compiler directives like ``# distutils: ...`` but can only know at compile time (when running the ````) which values to use, you can use aliases and pass a dictionary mapping those aliases to Python strings when calling :func:`cythonize`. As an example, say you want to use the compiler directive ``# distutils: include_dirs = ../static_libs/include/`` but this path isn't always fixed and you want to find it when running the ````. You can then do ``# distutils: include_dirs = MY_HEADERS``, find the value of ``MY_HEADERS`` in the ````, put it in a python variable called ``foo`` as a string, and then call ``cythonize(..., aliases={'MY_HEADERS': foo})``. :param quiet: If True, Cython won't print error and warning messages during the compilation. :param force: Forces the recompilation of the Cython modules, even if the timestamps don't indicate that a recompilation is necessary. :param language: To globally enable C++ mode, you can pass ``language='c++'``. Otherwise, this will be determined at a per-file level based on compiler directives. This affects only modules found based on file names. Extension instances passed into :func:`cythonize` will not be changed. It is recommended to rather use the compiler directive ``# distutils: language = c++`` than this option. :param exclude_failures: For a broad 'try to compile' mode that ignores compilation failures and simply excludes the failed extensions, pass ``exclude_failures=True``. Note that this only really makes sense for compiling ``.py`` files which can also be used without compilation. :param annotate: If ``True``, will produce a HTML file for each of the ``.pyx`` or ``.py`` files compiled. The HTML file gives an indication of how much Python interaction there is in each of the source code lines, compared to plain C code. It also allows you to see the C/C++ code generated for each line of Cython code. This report is invaluable when optimizing a function for speed, and for determining when to :ref:`release the GIL <nogil>`: in general, a ``nogil`` block may contain only "white" code. See examples in :ref:`determining_where_to_add_types` or :ref:`primes`. :param compiler_directives: Allow to set compiler directives in the ```` like this: ``compiler_directives={'embedsignature': True}``. See :ref:`compiler-directives`. """ if exclude is None: exclude = [] if 'include_path' not in options: options['include_path'] = ['.'] if 'common_utility_include_dir' in options: safe_makedirs(options['common_utility_include_dir']) pythran_options = None if pythran_version: pythran_options = CompilationOptions(**options) pythran_options.cplus = True pythran_options.np_pythran = True c_options = CompilationOptions(**options) cpp_options = CompilationOptions(**options); cpp_options.cplus = True ctx = c_options.create_context() options = c_options module_list, module_metadata = create_extension_list( module_list, exclude=exclude, ctx=ctx, quiet=quiet, exclude_failures=exclude_failures, language=language, aliases=aliases) deps = create_dependency_tree(ctx, quiet=quiet) build_dir = getattr(options, 'build_dir', None) def copy_to_build_dir(filepath, root=os.getcwd()): filepath_abs = os.path.abspath(filepath) if os.path.isabs(filepath): filepath = filepath_abs if filepath_abs.startswith(root): # distutil extension depends are relative to cwd mod_dir = join_path(build_dir, os.path.dirname(_relpath(filepath, root))) copy_once_if_newer(filepath_abs, mod_dir) modules_by_cfile = collections.defaultdict(list) to_compile = [] for m in module_list: if build_dir: for dep in m.depends: copy_to_build_dir(dep) cy_sources = [ source for source in m.sources if os.path.splitext(source)[1] in ('.pyx', '.py')] if len(cy_sources) == 1: # normal "special" case: believe the Extension module name to allow user overrides full_module_name = else: # infer FQMN from source files full_module_name = None new_sources = [] for source in m.sources: base, ext = os.path.splitext(source) if ext in ('.pyx', '.py'): if m.np_pythran: c_file = base + '.cpp' options = pythran_options elif m.language == 'c++': c_file = base + '.cpp' options = cpp_options else: c_file = base + '.c' options = c_options # setup for out of place build directory if enabled if build_dir: if os.path.isabs(c_file): warnings.warn("build_dir has no effect for absolute source paths") c_file = os.path.join(build_dir, c_file) dir = os.path.dirname(c_file) safe_makedirs_once(dir) if os.path.exists(c_file): c_timestamp = os.path.getmtime(c_file) else: c_timestamp = -1 # Priority goes first to modified files, second to direct # dependents, and finally to indirect dependents. if c_timestamp < deps.timestamp(source): dep_timestamp, dep = deps.timestamp(source), source priority = 0 else: dep_timestamp, dep = deps.newest_dependency(source) priority = 2 - (dep in deps.immediate_dependencies(source)) if force or c_timestamp < dep_timestamp: if not quiet and not force: if source == dep: print("Compiling %s because it changed." % source) else: print("Compiling %s because it depends on %s." % (source, dep)) if not force and options.cache: fingerprint = deps.transitive_fingerprint(source, m, options) else: fingerprint = None to_compile.append(( priority, source, c_file, fingerprint, quiet, options, not exclude_failures, module_metadata.get(, full_module_name)) new_sources.append(c_file) modules_by_cfile[c_file].append(m) else: new_sources.append(source) if build_dir: copy_to_build_dir(source) m.sources = new_sources if options.cache: if not os.path.exists(options.cache): os.makedirs(options.cache) to_compile.sort() # Drop "priority" component of "to_compile" entries and add a # simple progress indicator. N = len(to_compile) progress_fmt = "[{0:%d}/{1}] " % len(str(N)) for i in range(N): progress = progress_fmt.format(i+1, N) to_compile[i] = to_compile[i][1:] + (progress,) if N <= 1: nthreads = 0 if nthreads: import multiprocessing pool = multiprocessing.Pool( nthreads, initializer=_init_multiprocessing_helper) # This is a bit more involved than it should be, because KeyboardInterrupts # break the multiprocessing workers when using a normal # See, for example: # try: result = pool.map_async(cythonize_one_helper, to_compile, chunksize=1) pool.close() while not result.ready(): try: result.get(99999) # seconds except multiprocessing.TimeoutError: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: pool.terminate() raise pool.join() if not nthreads: for args in to_compile: cythonize_one(*args) if exclude_failures: failed_modules = set() for c_file, modules in modules_by_cfile.items(): if not os.path.exists(c_file): failed_modules.update(modules) elif os.path.getsize(c_file) < 200: f = io_open(c_file, 'r', encoding='iso8859-1') try: if'#error ')) == '#error ': # dead compilation result failed_modules.update(modules) finally: f.close() if failed_modules: for module in failed_modules: module_list.remove(module) print("Failed compilations: %s" % ', '.join(sorted([ for module in failed_modules]))) if options.cache: cleanup_cache(options.cache, getattr(options, 'cache_size', 1024 * 1024 * 100)) # cythonize() is often followed by the (non-Python-buffered) # compiler output, flush now to avoid interleaving output. sys.stdout.flush() return module_list
def cythonize(module_list, exclude=[], nthreads=0, aliases=None, quiet=False, force=False, exclude_failures=False, **options): """ Compile a set of source modules into C/C++ files and return a list of distutils Extension objects for them. As module list, pass either a glob pattern, a list of glob patterns or a list of Extension objects. The latter allows you to configure the extensions separately through the normal distutils options. When using glob patterns, you can exclude certain module names explicitly by passing them into the 'exclude' option. For parallel compilation, set the 'nthreads' option to the number of concurrent builds. For a broad 'try to compile' mode that ignores compilation failures and simply excludes the failed extensions, pass 'exclude_failures=True'. Note that this only really makes sense for compiling .py files which can also be used without compilation. Additional compilation options can be passed as keyword arguments. """ if 'include_path' not in options: options['include_path'] = ['.'] if 'common_utility_include_dir' in options: if options.get('cache'): raise NotImplementedError("common_utility_include_dir does not yet work with caching") if not os.path.exists(options['common_utility_include_dir']): os.makedirs(options['common_utility_include_dir']) c_options = CompilationOptions(**options) cpp_options = CompilationOptions(**options); cpp_options.cplus = True ctx = c_options.create_context() options = c_options module_list = create_extension_list( module_list, exclude=exclude, ctx=ctx, quiet=quiet, exclude_failures=exclude_failures, aliases=aliases) deps = create_dependency_tree(ctx, quiet=quiet) build_dir = getattr(options, 'build_dir', None) modules_by_cfile = {} to_compile = [] for m in module_list: if build_dir: root = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(find_root_package_dir(m.sources[0]))) def copy_to_build_dir(filepath, root=root): filepath_abs = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(filepath)) if os.path.isabs(filepath): filepath = filepath_abs if filepath_abs.startswith(root): mod_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, os.path.dirname(_relpath(filepath, root))) if not os.path.isdir(mod_dir): os.makedirs(mod_dir) shutil.copy(filepath, mod_dir) for dep in m.depends: copy_to_build_dir(dep) new_sources = [] for source in m.sources: base, ext = os.path.splitext(source) if ext in ('.pyx', '.py'): if m.language == 'c++': c_file = base + '.cpp' options = cpp_options else: c_file = base + '.c' options = c_options # setup for out of place build directory if enabled if build_dir: c_file = os.path.join(build_dir, c_file) dir = os.path.dirname(c_file) if not os.path.isdir(dir): os.makedirs(dir) if os.path.exists(c_file): c_timestamp = os.path.getmtime(c_file) else: c_timestamp = -1 # Priority goes first to modified files, second to direct # dependents, and finally to indirect dependents. if c_timestamp < deps.timestamp(source): dep_timestamp, dep = deps.timestamp(source), source priority = 0 else: dep_timestamp, dep = deps.newest_dependency(source) priority = 2 - (dep in deps.immediate_dependencies(source)) if force or c_timestamp < dep_timestamp: if not quiet: if source == dep: print("Compiling %s because it changed." % source) else: print("Compiling %s because it depends on %s." % (source, dep)) if not force and hasattr(options, 'cache'): extra = m.language fingerprint = deps.transitive_fingerprint(source, extra) else: fingerprint = None to_compile.append((priority, source, c_file, fingerprint, quiet, options, not exclude_failures)) new_sources.append(c_file) if c_file not in modules_by_cfile: modules_by_cfile[c_file] = [m] else: modules_by_cfile[c_file].append(m) else: new_sources.append(source) if build_dir: copy_to_build_dir(source) m.sources = new_sources if hasattr(options, 'cache'): if not os.path.exists(options.cache): os.makedirs(options.cache) to_compile.sort() if nthreads: # Requires multiprocessing (or Python >= 2.6) try: import multiprocessing pool = multiprocessing.Pool(nthreads) except (ImportError, OSError): print("multiprocessing required for parallel cythonization") nthreads = 0 else: try:, to_compile) finally: pool.close() if not nthreads: for args in to_compile: cythonize_one(*args[1:]) if exclude_failures: failed_modules = set() for c_file, modules in modules_by_cfile.iteritems(): if not os.path.exists(c_file): failed_modules.update(modules) elif os.path.getsize(c_file) < 200: f = io_open(c_file, 'r', encoding='iso8859-1') try: if'#error ')) == '#error ': # dead compilation result failed_modules.update(modules) finally: f.close() if failed_modules: for module in failed_modules: module_list.remove(module) print("Failed compilations: %s" % ', '.join(sorted([ for module in failed_modules]))) if hasattr(options, 'cache'): cleanup_cache(options.cache, getattr(options, 'cache_size', 1024 * 1024 * 100)) # cythonize() is often followed by the (non-Python-buffered) # compiler output, flush now to avoid interleaving output. sys.stdout.flush() return module_list
def _read(self, directory, filename, session, path, name, extension, spatial=False, spatialReferenceID=4236, replaceParamFile=None, readIndexMaps=True): """ Mapping Table Read from File Method """ # Set file extension property self.fileExtension = extension # Dictionary of keywords/cards and parse function names KEYWORDS = {'INDEX_MAP': mtc.indexMapChunk, 'ROUGHNESS': mtc.mapTableChunk, 'INTERCEPTION': mtc.mapTableChunk, 'RETENTION': mtc.mapTableChunk, 'GREEN_AMPT_INFILTRATION': mtc.mapTableChunk, 'GREEN_AMPT_INITIAL_SOIL_MOISTURE': mtc.mapTableChunk, 'RICHARDS_EQN_INFILTRATION_BROOKS': mtc.mapTableChunk, 'RICHARDS_EQN_INFILTRATION_HAVERCAMP': mtc.mapTableChunk, 'EVAPOTRANSPIRATION': mtc.mapTableChunk, 'WELL_TABLE': mtc.mapTableChunk, 'OVERLAND_BOUNDARY': mtc.mapTableChunk, 'TIME_SERIES_INDEX': mtc.mapTableChunk, 'GROUNDWATER': mtc.mapTableChunk, 'GROUNDWATER_BOUNDARY': mtc.mapTableChunk, 'AREA_REDUCTION': mtc.mapTableChunk, 'WETLAND_PROPERTIES': mtc.mapTableChunk, 'MULTI_LAYER_SOIL': mtc.mapTableChunk, 'SOIL_EROSION_PROPS': mtc.mapTableChunk, 'CONTAMINANT_TRANSPORT': mtc.contamChunk, 'SEDIMENTS': mtc.sedimentChunk} indexMaps = dict() mapTables = [] # Parse file into chunks associated with keywords/cards with io_open(path, 'r') as f: chunks = pt.chunk(KEYWORDS, f) # Parse chunks associated with each key for key, chunkList in iteritems(chunks): # Parse each chunk in the chunk list for chunk in chunkList: # Call chunk specific parsers for each chunk result = KEYWORDS[key](key, chunk) # Index Map handler if key == 'INDEX_MAP': # Create GSSHAPY IndexMap object from result object indexMap = IndexMap(name=result['idxName']) # Dictionary used to map index maps to mapping tables indexMaps[result['idxName']] = indexMap # Associate IndexMap with MapTableFile indexMap.mapTableFile = self if readIndexMaps: # Invoke IndexMap read method, filename=result['filename'], session=session, spatial=spatial, spatialReferenceID=spatialReferenceID) else: # add path to file indexMap.filename = result['filename'] # Map Table handler else: # Create a list of all the map tables in the file if result: mapTables.append(result) # Create GSSHAPY ORM objects with the resulting objects that are # returned from the parser functions self._createGsshaPyObjects(mapTables, indexMaps, replaceParamFile, directory, session, spatial, spatialReferenceID)
# (incl quoted strings and comments) parsed_cmd = shlex.split(cmd, comments=True) # Execute command if not empty (ie, not just a comment) if parsed_cmd: if verbose: print("Running command: " + cmd) # Launch the command and wait to finish (synchronized call) check_call(parsed_cmd) # Main config # # Get version from tqdm/ __version__ = None version_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "tqdm", "") with io_open(version_file, mode="r") as fd: exec( # Executing makefile commands if specified if sys.argv[1].lower().strip() == "make": # Filename of the makefile fpath = "Makefile" # Parse the makefile, substitute the aliases and extract the commands commands = parse_makefile_aliases(fpath) # If no alias (only `python make`), print the list of aliases if len(sys.argv) < 3 or sys.argv[-1] == "--help": print("Shortcut to use commands via aliases. List of aliases:") print("\n".join(alias for alias in sorted(commands.keys()))) # Else process the commands for this alias
# For Makefile parsing import shlex try: # pragma: no cover import ConfigParser import StringIO except ImportError: # pragma: no cover # Python 3 compatibility import configparser as ConfigParser import io as StringIO import re __author__ = None __licence__ = None __version__ = None main_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'argopt', '') for l in io_open(main_file, mode='r'): if any(l.startswith(i) for i in ('__author__', '__licence__')): exec(l) version_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'argopt', '') with io_open(version_file, mode='r') as fd: exec( # Makefile auxiliary functions # RE_MAKE_CMD = re.compile('^\t(@\+?)(make)?', flags=re.M) def parse_makefile_aliases(filepath): """ Parse a makefile to find commands and substitute variables. Expects a makefile with only aliases and a line return between each command.
__all__ = ["__version__"] # major, minor, patch, -extra version_info = 4, 26, 0 # Nice string for the version __version__ = '.'.join(map(str, version_info)) # auto -extra based on commit hash (if not tagged as release) scriptdir = os.path.dirname(__file__) gitdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(scriptdir, "..", ".git")) if os.path.isdir(gitdir): # pragma: nocover extra = None # Open config file to check if we are in tqdm project with io_open(os.path.join(gitdir, "config"), 'r') as fh_config: if 'tqdm' in # Open the HEAD file with io_open(os.path.join(gitdir, "HEAD"), 'r') as fh_head: extra = fh_head.readline().strip() # in a branch => HEAD points to file containing last commit if 'ref:' in extra: # reference file path ref_file = extra[5:] branch_name = ref_file.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] ref_file_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(gitdir, ref_file)) # check that we are in git folder # (by stripping the git folder from the ref file path) if os.path.relpath( ref_file_path, gitdir).replace('\\', '/') != ref_file:
def history(self, parameter_s = ''): """Print input history (_i<n> variables), with most recent last. %history [-o -p -t -n] [-f filename] [range | -g pattern | -l number] By default, input history is printed without line numbers so it can be directly pasted into an editor. Use -n to show them. By default, all input history from the current session is displayed. Ranges of history can be indicated using the syntax: 4 : Line 4, current session 4-6 : Lines 4-6, current session 243/1-5: Lines 1-5, session 243 ~2/7 : Line 7, session 2 before current ~8/1-~6/5 : From the first line of 8 sessions ago, to the fifth line of 6 sessions ago. Multiple ranges can be entered, separated by spaces The same syntax is used by %macro, %save, %edit, %rerun Options: -n: print line numbers for each input. This feature is only available if numbered prompts are in use. -o: also print outputs for each input. -p: print classic '>>>' python prompts before each input. This is useful for making documentation, and in conjunction with -o, for producing doctest-ready output. -r: (default) print the 'raw' history, i.e. the actual commands you typed. -t: print the 'translated' history, as IPython understands it. IPython filters your input and converts it all into valid Python source before executing it (things like magics or aliases are turned into function calls, for example). With this option, you'll see the native history instead of the user-entered version: '%cd /' will be seen as 'get_ipython().magic("%cd /")' instead of '%cd /'. -g: treat the arg as a pattern to grep for in (full) history. This includes the saved history (almost all commands ever written). The pattern may contain '?' to match one unknown character and '*' to match any number of unknown characters. Use '%hist -g' to show full saved history (may be very long). -l: get the last n lines from all sessions. Specify n as a single arg, or the default is the last 10 lines. -f FILENAME: instead of printing the output to the screen, redirect it to the given file. The file is always overwritten, though *when it can*, IPython asks for confirmation first. In particular, running the command 'history -f FILENAME' from the IPython Notebook interface will replace FILENAME even if it already exists *without* confirmation. Examples -------- :: In [6]: %history -n 4-6 4:a = 12 5:print a**2 6:%history -n 4-6 """ if not print('This feature is only available if numbered prompts ' 'are in use.') return opts,args = self.parse_options(parameter_s,'noprtglf:',mode='string') # For brevity history_manager = def _format_lineno(session, line): """Helper function to format line numbers properly.""" if session in (0, history_manager.session_number): return str(line) return "%s/%s" % (session, line) # Check if output to specific file was requested. try: outfname = opts['f'] except KeyError: outfile = io.stdout # default # We don't want to close stdout at the end! close_at_end = False else: if os.path.exists(outfname): try: ans = io.ask_yes_no("File %r exists. Overwrite?" % outfname) except StdinNotImplementedError: ans = True if not ans: print('Aborting.') return print("Overwriting file.") outfile = io_open(outfname, 'w', encoding='utf-8') close_at_end = True print_nums = 'n' in opts get_output = 'o' in opts pyprompts = 'p' in opts # Raw history is the default raw = not('t' in opts) pattern = None if 'g' in opts: # Glob search pattern = "*" + args + "*" if args else "*" hist =, raw=raw, output=get_output) print_nums = True elif 'l' in opts: # Get 'tail' try: n = int(args) except (ValueError, IndexError): n = 10 hist = history_manager.get_tail(n, raw=raw, output=get_output) else: if args: # Get history by ranges hist = history_manager.get_range_by_str(args, raw, get_output) else: # Just get history for the current session hist = history_manager.get_range(raw=raw, output=get_output) # We could be displaying the entire history, so let's not try to pull # it into a list in memory. Anything that needs more space will just # misalign. width = 4 for session, lineno, inline in hist: # Print user history with tabs expanded to 4 spaces. The GUI # clients use hard tabs for easier usability in auto-indented code, # but we want to produce PEP-8 compliant history for safe pasting # into an editor. if get_output: inline, output = inline inline = inline.expandtabs(4).rstrip() multiline = "\n" in inline line_sep = '\n' if multiline else ' ' if print_nums: print(u'%s:%s' % (_format_lineno(session, lineno).rjust(width), line_sep), file=outfile, end=u'') if pyprompts: print(u">>> ", end=u"", file=outfile) if multiline: inline = "\n... ".join(inline.splitlines()) + "\n..." print(inline, file=outfile) if get_output and output: print(output, file=outfile) if close_at_end: outfile.close()
def write_local_html(self, soup, filename): """Simple method for writing a BeautifulSoup's HTML to a local file. Didn't know where else to put it.""" with io_open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf8') as htmlfile: htmlfile.write(unicode(soup))
def access(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) dest = argv[1] save = lambda obj: json.dump(obj, io_open(dest, 'wb'), indent=2) return mkInputs(argv, io_open, splitext), save
def doc2rst(doc, arglist=True): """ arglist : bool, whether to create argument lists """ doc = dedent(doc).replace('`', '``') if arglist: doc = '\n'.join([i if not i or i[0] == ' ' else '* ' + i + ' ' for i in doc.split('\n')]) return doc src_dir = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__)) README_rst = path.join(src_dir, '.readme.rst') with io_open(README_rst, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as fd: README_rst = DOC_tqdm = doc2rst(tqdm.tqdm.__doc__, False).replace('\n', '\n ') DOC_tqdm_init = doc2rst(tqdm.tqdm.__init__.__doc__) DOC_tqdm_init_args = DOC_tqdm_init.partition(doc2rst(HEAD_ARGS))[-1]\ .replace('\n ', '\n ') DOC_tqdm_init_args, _, DOC_tqdm_init_rets = DOC_tqdm_init_args\ .partition(doc2rst(HEAD_RETS)) DOC_cli = doc2rst(tqdm._main.CLI_EXTRA_DOC).partition(doc2rst(HEAD_CLI))[-1] # special cases DOC_tqdm_init_args = DOC_tqdm_init_args.replace(' *,', ' ``*``,') DOC_tqdm_init_args = DOC_tqdm_init_args.partition('* gui : bool, optional')[0] README_rst = README_rst.replace('{DOC_tqdm}', DOC_tqdm)\ .replace('{DOC_tqdm.tqdm.__init__.Parameters}', DOC_tqdm_init_args)\
parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', action="store", dest="config", default="config.ini", help="Configuration file defining transformation") parser.add_argument('-d', '--docname', action="store_true", dest="docname", help="Begin output with # newdoc id =...") parser.add_argument('-s', '--sent_id', action="store_true", dest="sent_id", help="Add running sentence ID comments") parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action="store_true", dest="quiet", help="Do not output warnings and messages") group = parser.add_argument_group('Batch mode options') group.add_argument('-o', '--outdir', action="store", dest="outdir", default="", help="Output directory in batch mode") group.add_argument('-e', '--extension', action="store", dest="extension", default="", help="Extension for output files in batch mode") group.add_argument('-i', '--infix', action="store", dest="infix", default=".depedit", help="Infix to denote edited files in batch mode (default: .depedit)") parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=depedit_version) options = parser.parse_args() if options.extension.startswith("."): # Ensure user specified extension does not include leading '.' options.extension = options.extension[1:] try: config_file = io_open(options.config, encoding="utf8") except IOError: sys.stderr.write("\nConfiguration file not found (specify with -c or use the default 'config.ini')\n") sys.exit() depedit = DepEdit(config_file=config_file,options=options) if sys.platform == "win32": # Print \n new lines in Windows import os, msvcrt msvcrt.setmode(sys.stdout.fileno(), os.O_BINARY) files = glob(options.file) for filename in files: infile = io_open(filename, encoding="utf8") basename = os.path.basename(filename) if options.docname or options.sent_id: docname = basename[:basename.rfind(".")]
def cythonize(module_list, exclude=[], nthreads=0, aliases=None, quiet=False, force=False, language=None, exclude_failures=False, **options): """ Compile a set of source modules into C/C++ files and return a list of distutils Extension objects for them. As module list, pass either a glob pattern, a list of glob patterns or a list of Extension objects. The latter allows you to configure the extensions separately through the normal distutils options. When using glob patterns, you can exclude certain module names explicitly by passing them into the 'exclude' option. To globally enable C++ mode, you can pass language='c++'. Otherwise, this will be determined at a per-file level based on compiler directives. This affects only modules found based on file names. Extension instances passed into cythonize() will not be changed. For parallel compilation, set the 'nthreads' option to the number of concurrent builds. For a broad 'try to compile' mode that ignores compilation failures and simply excludes the failed extensions, pass 'exclude_failures=True'. Note that this only really makes sense for compiling .py files which can also be used without compilation. Additional compilation options can be passed as keyword arguments. """ if 'include_path' not in options: options['include_path'] = ['.'] if 'common_utility_include_dir' in options: if options.get('cache'): raise NotImplementedError("common_utility_include_dir does not yet work with caching") if not os.path.exists(options['common_utility_include_dir']): os.makedirs(options['common_utility_include_dir']) c_options = CompilationOptions(**options) cpp_options = CompilationOptions(**options); cpp_options.cplus = True ctx = c_options.create_context() options = c_options module_list, module_metadata = create_extension_list( module_list, exclude=exclude, ctx=ctx, quiet=quiet, exclude_failures=exclude_failures, language=language, aliases=aliases) deps = create_dependency_tree(ctx, quiet=quiet) build_dir = getattr(options, 'build_dir', None) modules_by_cfile = {} to_compile = [] for m in module_list: if build_dir: root = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(find_root_package_dir(m.sources[0]))) def copy_to_build_dir(filepath, root=root): filepath_abs = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(filepath)) if os.path.isabs(filepath): filepath = filepath_abs if filepath_abs.startswith(root): mod_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, os.path.dirname(_relpath(filepath, root))) if not os.path.isdir(mod_dir): os.makedirs(mod_dir) shutil.copy(filepath, mod_dir) for dep in m.depends: copy_to_build_dir(dep) new_sources = [] for source in m.sources: base, ext = os.path.splitext(source) if ext in ('.pyx', '.py'): if m.language == 'c++': c_file = base + '.cpp' options = cpp_options else: c_file = base + '.c' options = c_options # setup for out of place build directory if enabled if build_dir: c_file = os.path.join(build_dir, c_file) dir = os.path.dirname(c_file) if not os.path.isdir(dir): os.makedirs(dir) if os.path.exists(c_file): c_timestamp = os.path.getmtime(c_file) else: c_timestamp = -1 # Priority goes first to modified files, second to direct # dependents, and finally to indirect dependents. if c_timestamp < deps.timestamp(source): dep_timestamp, dep = deps.timestamp(source), source priority = 0 else: dep_timestamp, dep = deps.newest_dependency(source) priority = 2 - (dep in deps.immediate_dependencies(source)) if force or c_timestamp < dep_timestamp: if not quiet: if source == dep: print("Compiling %s because it changed." % source) else: print("Compiling %s because it depends on %s." % (source, dep)) if not force and hasattr(options, 'cache'): extra = m.language fingerprint = deps.transitive_fingerprint(source, extra) else: fingerprint = None to_compile.append((priority, source, c_file, fingerprint, quiet, options, not exclude_failures, module_metadata.get( new_sources.append(c_file) if c_file not in modules_by_cfile: modules_by_cfile[c_file] = [m] else: modules_by_cfile[c_file].append(m) else: new_sources.append(source) if build_dir: copy_to_build_dir(source) m.sources = new_sources if hasattr(options, 'cache'): if not os.path.exists(options.cache): os.makedirs(options.cache) to_compile.sort() # Drop "priority" component of "to_compile" entries and add a # simple progress indicator. N = len(to_compile) progress_fmt = "[{0:%d}/{1}] " % len(str(N)) for i in range(N): progress = progress_fmt.format(i+1, N) to_compile[i] = to_compile[i][1:] + (progress,) if N <= 1: nthreads = 0 if nthreads: # Requires multiprocessing (or Python >= 2.6) try: import multiprocessing pool = multiprocessing.Pool( nthreads, initializer=_init_multiprocessing_helper) except (ImportError, OSError): print("multiprocessing required for parallel cythonization") nthreads = 0 else: # This is a bit more involved than it should be, because KeyboardInterrupts # break the multiprocessing workers when using a normal # See, for example: # try: result = pool.map_async(cythonize_one_helper, to_compile, chunksize=1) pool.close() while not result.ready(): try: result.get(99999) # seconds except multiprocessing.TimeoutError: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: pool.terminate() raise pool.join() if not nthreads: for args in to_compile: cythonize_one(*args) if exclude_failures: failed_modules = set() for c_file, modules in modules_by_cfile.iteritems(): if not os.path.exists(c_file): failed_modules.update(modules) elif os.path.getsize(c_file) < 200: f = io_open(c_file, 'r', encoding='iso8859-1') try: if'#error ')) == '#error ': # dead compilation result failed_modules.update(modules) finally: f.close() if failed_modules: for module in failed_modules: module_list.remove(module) print("Failed compilations: %s" % ', '.join(sorted([ for module in failed_modules]))) if hasattr(options, 'cache'): cleanup_cache(options.cache, getattr(options, 'cache_size', 1024 * 1024 * 100)) # cythonize() is often followed by the (non-Python-buffered) # compiler output, flush now to avoid interleaving output. sys.stdout.flush() return module_list
def history(self, parameter_s = ''): """Print input history (_i<n> variables), with most recent last. By default, input history is printed without line numbers so it can be directly pasted into an editor. Use -n to show them. By default, all input history from the current session is displayed. Ranges of history can be indicated using the syntax: ``4`` Line 4, current session ``4-6`` Lines 4-6, current session ``243/1-5`` Lines 1-5, session 243 ``~2/7`` Line 7, session 2 before current ``~8/1-~6/5`` From the first line of 8 sessions ago, to the fifth line of 6 sessions ago. Multiple ranges can be entered, separated by spaces The same syntax is used by %macro, %save, %edit, %rerun Examples -------- :: In [6]: %history -n 4-6 4:a = 12 5:print a**2 6:%history -n 4-6 """ args = parse_argstring(self.history, parameter_s) # For brevity history_manager = def _format_lineno(session, line): """Helper function to format line numbers properly.""" if session in (0, history_manager.session_number): return str(line) return "%s/%s" % (session, line) # Check if output to specific file was requested. outfname = args.filename if not outfname: outfile = io.stdout # default # We don't want to close stdout at the end! close_at_end = False else: if os.path.exists(outfname): try: ans = io.ask_yes_no("File %r exists. Overwrite?" % outfname) except StdinNotImplementedError: ans = True if not ans: print('Aborting.') return print("Overwriting file.") outfile = io_open(outfname, 'w', encoding='utf-8') close_at_end = True print_nums = args.print_nums get_output = args.get_output pyprompts = args.pyprompts raw = args.raw pattern = None limit = None if args.limit is _unspecified else args.limit if args.pattern is not None: if args.pattern: pattern = "*" + " ".join(args.pattern) + "*" else: pattern = "*" hist =, raw=raw, output=get_output, n=limit, unique=args.unique) print_nums = True elif args.limit is not _unspecified: n = 10 if limit is None else limit hist = history_manager.get_tail(n, raw=raw, output=get_output) else: if args.range: # Get history by ranges hist = history_manager.get_range_by_str(" ".join(args.range), raw, get_output) else: # Just get history for the current session hist = history_manager.get_range(raw=raw, output=get_output) # We could be displaying the entire history, so let's not try to pull # it into a list in memory. Anything that needs more space will just # misalign. width = 4 for session, lineno, inline in hist: # Print user history with tabs expanded to 4 spaces. The GUI # clients use hard tabs for easier usability in auto-indented code, # but we want to produce PEP-8 compliant history for safe pasting # into an editor. if get_output: inline, output = inline inline = inline.expandtabs(4).rstrip() multiline = "\n" in inline line_sep = '\n' if multiline else ' ' if print_nums: print(u'%s:%s' % (_format_lineno(session, lineno).rjust(width), line_sep), file=outfile, end=u'') if pyprompts: print(u">>> ", end=u"", file=outfile) if multiline: inline = "\n... ".join(inline.splitlines()) + "\n..." print(inline, file=outfile) if get_output and output: print(cast_unicode_py2(output), file=outfile) if close_at_end: outfile.close()
def magic_history(self, parameter_s = ''): """Print input history (_i<n> variables), with most recent last. %history [-o -p -t -n] [-f filename] [range | -g pattern | -l number] By default, input history is printed without line numbers so it can be directly pasted into an editor. Use -n to show them. By default, all input history from the current session is displayed. Ranges of history can be indicated using the syntax: 4 : Line 4, current session 4-6 : Lines 4-6, current session 243/1-5: Lines 1-5, session 243 ~2/7 : Line 7, session 2 before current ~8/1-~6/5 : From the first line of 8 sessions ago, to the fifth line of 6 sessions ago. Multiple ranges can be entered, separated by spaces The same syntax is used by %macro, %save, %edit, %rerun Options: -n: print line numbers for each input. This feature is only available if numbered prompts are in use. -o: also print outputs for each input. -p: print classic '>>>' python prompts before each input. This is useful for making documentation, and in conjunction with -o, for producing doctest-ready output. -r: (default) print the 'raw' history, i.e. the actual commands you typed. -t: print the 'translated' history, as IPython understands it. IPython filters your input and converts it all into valid Python source before executing it (things like magics or aliases are turned into function calls, for example). With this option, you'll see the native history instead of the user-entered version: '%cd /' will be seen as 'get_ipython().magic("%cd /")' instead of '%cd /'. -g: treat the arg as a pattern to grep for in (full) history. This includes the saved history (almost all commands ever written). Use '%hist -g' to show full saved history (may be very long). -l: get the last n lines from all sessions. Specify n as a single arg, or the default is the last 10 lines. -f FILENAME: instead of printing the output to the screen, redirect it to the given file. The file is always overwritten, though *when it can*, IPython asks for confirmation first. In particular, running the command "history -f FILENAME" from the IPython Notebook interface will replace FILENAME even if it already exists *without* confirmation. Examples -------- :: In [6]: %hist -n 4-6 4:a = 12 5:print a**2 6:%hist -n 4-6 """ if not print('This feature is only available if numbered prompts are in use.') return opts,args = self.parse_options(parameter_s,'noprtglf:',mode='string') # For brevity history_manager = def _format_lineno(session, line): """Helper function to format line numbers properly.""" if session in (0, history_manager.session_number): return str(line) return "%s/%s" % (session, line) # Check if output to specific file was requested. try: outfname = opts['f'] except KeyError: outfile = io.stdout # default # We don't want to close stdout at the end! close_at_end = False else: if os.path.exists(outfname): try: ans = io.ask_yes_no("File %r exists. Overwrite?" % outfname) except StdinNotImplementedError: ans = True if not ans: print('Aborting.') return print("Overwriting file.") outfile = io_open(outfname, 'w', encoding='utf-8') close_at_end = True print_nums = 'n' in opts get_output = 'o' in opts pyprompts = 'p' in opts # Raw history is the default raw = not('t' in opts) default_length = 40 pattern = None if 'g' in opts: # Glob search pattern = "*" + args + "*" if args else "*" hist =, raw=raw, output=get_output) print_nums = True elif 'l' in opts: # Get 'tail' try: n = int(args) except ValueError, IndexError: n = 10 hist = history_manager.get_tail(n, raw=raw, output=get_output)
""" Setup for keepa """ from setuptools import setup import os from io import open as io_open package_name = 'keepa' # Get version from ./ __version__ = None version_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), package_name, '') with io_open(version_file, mode='r') as fd: exec( filepath = os.path.dirname(__file__) readme_file = os.path.join(filepath, 'README.rst') setup( name=package_name, packages=[package_name], version=__version__, description='Interfaces with', long_description=open(readme_file).read(), author='Alex Kaszynski', author_email='*****@*****.**', license='Apache Software License', classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', 'Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop',
def parse_makefile_aliases(filepath): """ Parse a makefile to find commands and substitute variables. Expects a makefile with only aliases and a line return between each command. Returns a dict, with a list of commands for each alias. """ # -- Parsing the Makefile using ConfigParser # Adding a fake section to make the Makefile a valid Ini file ini_str = '[root]\n' with io_open(filepath, mode='r') as fd: ini_str = ini_str + RE_MAKE_CMD.sub('\t', ini_fp = StringIO.StringIO(ini_str) # Parse using ConfigParser config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() config.readfp(ini_fp) # Fetch the list of aliases aliases = config.options('root') # -- Extracting commands for each alias commands = {} for alias in aliases: if alias.lower() in ['.phony']: continue # strip the first line return, and then split by any line return commands[alias] = config.get('root', alias).lstrip('\n').split('\n') # -- Commands substitution # Loop until all aliases are substituted by their commands: # Check each command of each alias, and if there is one command that is to # be substituted by an alias, try to do it right away. If this is not # possible because this alias itself points to other aliases , then stop # and put the current alias back in the queue to be processed again later. # Create the queue of aliases to process aliases_todo = list(commands.keys()) # Create the dict that will hold the full commands commands_new = {} # Loop until we have processed all aliases while aliases_todo: # Pick the first alias in the queue alias = aliases_todo.pop(0) # Create a new entry in the resulting dict commands_new[alias] = [] # For each command of this alias for cmd in commands[alias]: # Ignore self-referencing (alias points to itself) if cmd == alias: pass # Substitute full command elif cmd in aliases and cmd in commands_new: # Append all the commands referenced by the alias commands_new[alias].extend(commands_new[cmd]) # Delay substituting another alias, waiting for the other alias to # be substituted first elif cmd in aliases and cmd not in commands_new: # Delete the current entry to avoid other aliases # to reference this one wrongly (as it is empty) del commands_new[alias] aliases_todo.append(alias) break # Full command (no aliases) else: commands_new[alias].append(cmd) commands = commands_new del commands_new # -- Prepending prefix to avoid conflicts with standard commands # for alias in commands.keys(): # commands['make_'+alias] = commands[alias] # del commands[alias] return commands
except ImportError: from distutils.core import setup def find_packages(where='.'): # os.walk -> list[(dirname, list[subdirs], list[files])] return [folder.replace("/", ".").lstrip(".") for (folder, _, fils) in os.walk(where) if "" in fils] import sys from io import open as io_open # Get version from tqdm/ __version__ = None src_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) version_file = os.path.join(src_dir, 'tqdm', '') with io_open(version_file, mode='r') as fd: exec( # Executing makefile commands if specified if sys.argv[1].lower().strip() == 'make': import pymake # Filename of the makefile fpath = os.path.join(src_dir, 'Makefile') pymake.main(['-f', fpath] + sys.argv[2:]) # Stop to avoid raising non-standard command error sys.exit(0) extras_require = {} requirements_dev = os.path.join(src_dir, 'requirements-dev.txt') with io_open(requirements_dev, mode='r') as fd: extras_require['dev'] = [i.strip().split('#', 1)[0].strip()