def __video_search(self, cb, args, query, start_index): start_index = int(start_index) if (not query): # present search dialog dlg = InputDialog("Search", label_ok="Search") dlg.add_input("Keywords:", "") resp = values = dlg.get_values() if (resp == dlg.RETURN_OK and values): query = urllib.quote_plus(values[0]) else: cb(None, *args) return url = _VIDEO_SEARCH % (1, 1, query) #print "URL", url Downloader(url, self.__on_receive_xml, [""], "video", query, True, cb, *args) else: url = _VIDEO_SEARCH % (start_index, _PAGE_SIZE, query) #print "URL", url Downloader(url, self.__on_receive_xml, [""], "video", query, False, cb, *args)
def get_contents(self, folder, begin_at, end_at, cb, *args): def list_genres(): cnt = 0 for name in self.__genres: if (cnt < begin_at): continue if (end_at and cnt > end_at): break f = self.__make_genre(name) cb(f, *args) cnt += 1 #end for cb(None, *args) def on_load_genres(d, amount, total, data): if (d): data[0] += d else: #open("/tmp/shoutcast-genres.html", "w").write(data[0]) self.__genres = self.__parse_genres(data[0]) list_genres() def on_load_stations(d, amount, total, data, genre): if (d): data[0] += d else: #open("/tmp/shoutcast-stations.html", "w").write(data[0]) stations = self.__parse_stations(data[0], genre) cnt = 0 for station in stations: if (cnt < begin_at): continue if (end_at and cnt > end_at): break cb(station, *args) cnt += 1 #end for cb(None, *args) path = folder.path self.__current_folder = folder if (not path.endswith("/")): path += "/" parts = [p for p in path.split("/") if p] len_parts = len(parts) if (len_parts == 0): # list genres if (not self.__genres): dl = Downloader(_SHOUTCAST_BASE + "/", on_load_genres, [""]) else: list_genres() elif (len_parts == 1): # list stations genre = urlquote.unquote(parts[0]) dl = Downloader(_SHOUTCAST_BASE + "/radio/" + genre, on_load_stations, [""], genre)
def __category_search(self, category, cb, args, start_index): start_index = int(start_index) #print category, start_index if (start_index == 0): url = _CATEGORIES[category] % (1, 1) Downloader(url, self.__on_receive_xml, [""], category, "", True, cb, *args) else: url = _CATEGORIES[category] % (start_index, _PAGE_SIZE) Downloader(url, self.__on_receive_xml, [""], category, "", False, cb, *args)
def __parse_scpd(self, scpdurl): def on_download(data, s, t, xml): if (data): xml[0] += data xml = [""] dl = Downloader(scpdurl, on_download, xml) dl.wait_until_closed() scpd = MiniXML(xml[0], _XMLNS_UPNP).get_dom() for c in scpd.get_children(): name = c.get_name() if (name == "{%s}specVersion" % _XMLNS_UPNP): pass elif (name == "{%s}actionList" % _XMLNS_UPNP): for action in c.get_children(): self.__parse_action(action) elif (name == "{%s}serviceStateTable" % _XMLNS_UPNP): pass
def load(self, resource, maxlen, cb, *args): def f(d, amount, total): try: cb(d, amount, total, *args) except: pass if (d and maxlen > 0 and amount >= maxlen): try: cb("", amount, total, *args) except: pass dloader.cancel() dloader = Downloader(resource.resource, f)
def __load_page(self, url, cb, args): def on_page_loaded(d, amount, total, data, genre): if (d): data[0] += d else: stations, next = self.__parse_stations(data[0], genre) cnt = 0 for station in stations: cb(station, *args) #end for print "NEXT", next if (next): self.__load_page(url + next, cb, args) else: cb(None, *args) base = url dl = Downloader(url, on_page_loaded, [""], "")
def get_contents(self, folder, begin_at, end_at, cb, *args): def list_genres(): cnt = 0 for name, href in self.__genres: if (cnt < begin_at): continue if (end_at and cnt > end_at): break f = self.__make_genre(name, href) cb(f, *args) cnt += 1 #end for cb(None, *args) def on_load_genres(d, amount, total, data): if (d): data[0] += d else: self.__genres = self.__parse_genres(data[0]) list_genres() path = folder.path self.__current_folder = folder print path if (not path.endswith("/")): path += "/" parts = [p for p in path.split("/") if p] len_parts = len(parts) if (len_parts == 0): # list genres if (not self.__genres): dl = Downloader(_ICECAST_BASE + "/index.php", on_load_genres, [""]) else: list_genres() else: #if (len_parts == 1): # list stations href = path self.__load_page(_ICECAST_BASE + href, cb, args)
def __handle_ssdp_alive(self, uuid, location, max_age): logging.debug("[ssdp monitor] ALIVE from: %s, max-age %ds", uuid, max_age) if (not uuid in self.__servers and not uuid in self.__processing): self.__servers[uuid] = location self.__processing[uuid] = location Downloader(location, self.__on_receive_description_xml, location, uuid, [""]) #end if # set up expiration handler if (uuid in self.__expiration_handlers): logging.debug("[ssdp monitor] still ALIVE from: %s", uuid) gobject.source_remove(self.__expiration_handlers[uuid]) logging.debug("[ssdp monitor] expires in %d seconds: %s", max_age, uuid) self.__expiration_handlers[uuid] = gobject.timeout_add( max_age * 1000, self.__on_expire, uuid)