def get_num_batch(file_list, infer=False): """ Get number of bacthes. """ data_list = read_list(file_list) counter = 0 with tf.Graph().as_default(): if not infer: inputs, labels = get_batch(data_list, FLAGS.batch_size, FLAGS.input_dim, FLAGS.output_dim, 0, 0, FLAGS.num_threads * 2, 1, infer=infer) else: utt_id, inputs, _ = get_batch(data_list, FLAGS.batch_size, FLAGS.input_dim, FLAGS.output_dim, 0, 0, FLAGS.num_threads * 2, 1, infer=infer) init =, tf.local_variables_initializer()) sess = tf.Session() coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) try: start = while not coord.should_stop():[inputs]) counter += 1 except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: end = duration = (end - start).total_seconds() print('Number of batches is %d. Reading time is %.0fs.' % (counter, duration)) finally: # When done, ask the threads to stop. coord.request_stop() # Wait for threads to finish. coord.join(threads) sess.close() return counter
def train(cv_num_batch, tr_num_batch): with tf.Graph().as_default(): with tf.device('/cpu:0'): with tf.name_scope('input'): tr_data_list = read_list(FLAGS.tr_list_file) tr_inputs, tr_labels = get_batch(tr_data_list, FLAGS.batch_size, FLAGS.input_dim, FLAGS.output_dim, FLAGS.left_context, FLAGS.right_context, FLAGS.num_threads, FLAGS.max_epoches) cv_data_list = read_list(FLAGS.cv_list_file) cv_inputs, cv_labels = get_batch(cv_data_list, FLAGS.batch_size, FLAGS.input_dim, FLAGS.output_dim, FLAGS.left_context, FLAGS.right_context, FLAGS.num_threads, FLAGS.max_epoches) devices = [] for i in xrange(FLAGS.num_gpu): device_name = ("/gpu:%d" % i) print('Using device: ', device_name) devices.append(device_name) # Prevent exhausting all the gpu memories. config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True config.allow_soft_placement = True # execute the session with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: # Create two models with tr_inputs and cv_inputs individually. with tf.name_scope('model'): print("=======================================================") print(" Build Train model ") print("=======================================================") tr_model = SEGAN(sess, FLAGS, devices, tr_inputs, tr_labels, cross_validation=False) # tr_model and val_model should share variables print("=======================================================") print(" Build Cross-Validation model ") print("=======================================================") tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables() cv_model = SEGAN(sess, FLAGS, devices, cv_inputs, cv_labels, cross_validation=True) show_all_variables() init =, tf.local_variables_initializer()) print("Initializing variables ...") if tr_model.load(tr_model.save_dir): print("[*] Load SUCCESS") else: print("[!] Load failed, maybe begin a new model.") coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(coord=coord) try: cv_g_loss, cv_d_loss = eval_one_epoch(sess, coord, cv_model, cv_num_batch) print(("CROSSVAL PRERUN AVG.LOSS " "%.4F(G_loss), %.4F(D_loss)") % (cv_g_loss, cv_d_loss)) sys.stdout.flush() for epoch in xrange(FLAGS.max_epoches): start = tr_g_loss, tr_d_loss = train_one_epoch(sess, coord, tr_model, tr_num_batch, epoch+1) cv_g_loss, cv_d_loss = eval_one_epoch(sess, coord, cv_model, cv_num_batch) end = print(("Epoch %02d: TRAIN AVG.LOSS " "%.5F(G_loss, lrate(%e)), %.5F(D_loss, lrate(%e)), " "CROSSVAL AVG.LOSS " "%.5F(G_loss), %.5F(D_loss), TIME USED: %.2fmin") % ( epoch+1, tr_g_loss, tr_model.g_learning_rate, tr_d_loss, tr_model.d_learning_rate, cv_g_loss, cv_d_loss, (end-start).seconds/60.0)) sys.stdout.flush() FLAGS.d_learning_rate *= FLAGS.halving_factor FLAGS.g_learning_rate *= FLAGS.halving_factor tr_model.d_learning_rate, tr_model.g_learning_rate = \ FLAGS.d_learning_rate, FLAGS.g_learning_rate, epoch+1) except Exception, e: # Report exceptions to the coordinator. coord.request_stop(e) finally:
def train(cv_num_batch, tr_num_batch): with tf.Graph().as_default(): with tf.device('/cpu:0'): with tf.name_scope('input'): tr_data_list = read_list(FLAGS.tr_list_file) tr_inputs, tr_labels = get_batch( tr_data_list, FLAGS.batch_size, FLAGS.input_dim, FLAGS.output_dim, FLAGS.left_context, FLAGS.right_context, FLAGS.num_threads, FLAGS.max_epoches) cv_data_list = read_list(FLAGS.cv_list_file) cv_inputs, cv_labels = get_batch( cv_data_list, FLAGS.batch_size, FLAGS.input_dim, FLAGS.output_dim, FLAGS.left_context, FLAGS.right_context, FLAGS.num_threads, FLAGS.max_epoches) devices = [] for i in xrange(FLAGS.num_gpu): device_name = ("/gpu:%d" % i) print('Using device: ', device_name) devices.append(device_name) # Prevent exhausting all the gpu memories. config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True config.allow_soft_placement = True # execute the session with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: # Create two models with tr_inputs and cv_inputs individually. with tf.name_scope('model'): print( "=======================================================") print( "| Build Train model |") print( "=======================================================") tr_model = GAN(sess, FLAGS, devices, tr_inputs, tr_labels, cross_validation=False) # tr_model and val_model should share variables print( "=======================================================") print( "| Build Cross-Validation model |") print( "=======================================================") tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables() cv_model = GAN(sess, FLAGS, devices, cv_inputs, cv_labels, cross_validation=True) show_all_variables() init =, tf.local_variables_initializer()) print("Initializing variables ...") if tr_model.load(tr_model.save_dir): print("[*] Load SUCCESS") else: print("[!] Begin a new model.") coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) try: cv_d_rl_loss, cv_d_fk_loss, \ cv_d_loss, cv_g_adv_loss, \ cv_g_mse_loss, cv_g_l2_loss, \ cv_g_loss = eval_one_epoch(sess, coord, cv_model, cv_num_batch, 0) print("CROSSVAL.LOSS PRERUN: " "d_rl_loss = {:.5f}, d_fk_loss = {:.5f}, " "d_loss = {:.5f}, g_adv_loss = {:.5f}, " "g_mse_loss = {:.5f}, g_l2_loss = {:.5f}, " "g_loss = {:.5f}".format(cv_d_rl_loss, cv_d_fk_loss, cv_d_loss, cv_g_adv_loss, cv_g_mse_loss, cv_g_l2_loss, cv_g_loss)) sys.stdout.flush() g_loss_prev = cv_g_loss decay_steps = 1 for epoch in range(FLAGS.max_epoches): start = tr_d_rl_loss, tr_d_fk_loss, \ tr_d_loss, tr_g_adv_loss, \ tr_g_mse_loss, tr_g_l2_loss, \ tr_g_loss = train_one_epoch(sess, coord, tr_model, tr_num_batch, epoch+1) cv_d_rl_loss, cv_d_fk_loss, \ cv_d_loss, cv_g_adv_loss, \ cv_g_mse_loss, cv_g_l2_loss, \ cv_g_loss = eval_one_epoch(sess, coord, cv_model, cv_num_batch, epoch+1) d_lr, g_lr = [tr_model.d_learning_rate, tr_model.g_learning_rate]) end = print("Epoch {} (TRAIN AVG.LOSS): " "d_rl_loss = {:.5f}, d_fk_loss = {:.5f}, " "d_loss = {:.5f}, g_adv_loss = {:.5f}, " "g_mse_loss = {:.5f}, g_l2_loss = {:.5f}, " "g_loss = {:.5f}, " "d_lr = {:.3e}, g_lr = {:.3e}\n" "Epoch {} (CROSS AVG.LOSS): " "d_rl_loss = {:.5f}, d_fk_loss = {:.5f}, " "d_loss = {:.5f}, g_adv_loss = {:.5f}, " "g_mse_loss = {:.5f}, g_l2_loss = {:.5f}, " "g_loss = {:.5f}, " "time = {:.2f} h".format( epoch + 1, tr_d_rl_loss, tr_d_fk_loss, tr_d_loss, tr_g_adv_loss, tr_g_mse_loss, tr_g_l2_loss, tr_g_loss, d_lr, g_lr, epoch + 1, cv_d_rl_loss, cv_d_fk_loss, cv_d_loss, cv_g_adv_loss, cv_g_mse_loss, cv_g_l2_loss, cv_g_loss, (end - start).seconds / 3600.0)) sys.stdout.flush() g_loss_new = cv_g_loss # Accept or reject new parameters if g_loss_new < g_loss_prev:, epoch + 1) print("Epoch {}: Nnet Accepted. " "Save model SUCCESS.".format(epoch + 1)) # Relative loss between previous and current val_loss g_rel_impr = (g_loss_prev - g_loss_new) / g_loss_prev g_loss_prev = g_loss_new else: print("Epoch {}: Nnet Rejected.".format(epoch + 1)) if tr_model.load(tr_model.save_dir): print("[*] Load previous model SUCCESS.") sys.stdout.flush() else: print("[!] Load failed. No checkpoint from {} to " "restore previous model. Exit now.".format( tr_model.save_dir)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.exit(1) # Relative loss between previous and current val_loss g_rel_impr = (g_loss_prev - g_loss_new) / g_loss_prev # Start decay when improvement is low (Exponential decay) if g_rel_impr < FLAGS.start_decay_impr and \ epoch+1 >= FLAGS.keep_lr: g_learning_rate = \ FLAGS.g_learning_rate * \ FLAGS.decay_factor ** (decay_steps) d_learning_rate = \ FLAGS.d_learning_rate * \ FLAGS.decay_factor ** (decay_steps) disc_noise_std = \ FLAGS.init_disc_noise_std * \ FLAGS.decay_factor ** (decay_steps) tf.assign(tr_model.g_learning_rate, g_learning_rate)) tf.assign(tr_model.d_learning_rate, d_learning_rate)) tf.assign(tr_model.disc_noise_std, disc_noise_std)) decay_steps += 1 # Stopping criterion if g_rel_impr < FLAGS.end_decay_impr: if epoch < FLAGS.min_epoches: print("Epoch %d: We were supposed to finish, " "but we continue as min_epoches %d" % (epoch + 1, FLAGS.min_epoches)) continue else: print("Epoch %d: Finished, too small relative " "G improvement %g" % (epoch + 1, g_rel_impr)) break except Exception, e: # Report exceptions to the coordinator. coord.request_stop(e) finally:
def decode(): """Decoding the inputs using current model.""""Get TEST sets number.") num_batch = get_num_batch(FLAGS.test_list_file, infer=True) with tf.Graph().as_default(): with tf.device('/cpu:0'): with tf.name_scope('input'): data_list = read_list(FLAGS.test_list_file) test_utt_id, test_inputs, _ = get_batch( data_list, batch_size=1, input_size=FLAGS.input_dim, output_size=FLAGS.output_dim, left=FLAGS.left_context, right=FLAGS.right_context, num_enqueuing_threads=FLAGS.num_threads, num_epochs=1, infer=True) devices = [] for i in xrange(FLAGS.num_gpu): device_name = ("/gpu:%d" % i) print('Using device: ', device_name) devices.append(device_name) # Prevent exhausting all the gpu memories. config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True config.allow_soft_placement = True # execute the session with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: # Create two models with tr_inputs and cv_inputs individually. with tf.name_scope('model'): model = GAN(sess, FLAGS, devices, test_inputs, labels=None, cross_validation=True) show_all_variables() init =, tf.local_variables_initializer()) print("Initializing variables ...") if model.load(model.save_dir, moving_average=True): print("[*] Load SUCCESS") else: print("[!] Load failed. Checkpoint not found. Exit now.") sys.exit(1) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) cmvn_filename = os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, "train_cmvn.npz") if os.path.isfile(cmvn_filename): cmvn = np.load(cmvn_filename) else: tf.logging.fatal("%s not exist, exit now." % cmvn_filename) sys.exit(1) out_dir_name = os.path.join(FLAGS.save_dir, 'test') if not os.path.exists(out_dir_name): os.makedirs(out_dir_name) write_scp_path = os.path.join(out_dir_name, 'feats.scp') write_ark_path = os.path.join(out_dir_name, 'feats.ark') writer = ArkWriter(write_scp_path) try: for batch in range(num_batch): if coord.should_stop(): break outputs = model.generator(test_inputs, None, reuse=True) outputs = tf.reshape(outputs, [-1, model.output_dim]) utt_id, activations =[test_utt_id, outputs]) sequence = activations * cmvn['stddev_labels'] + \ cmvn['mean_labels'] save_result = np.vstack(sequence) writer.write_next_utt(write_ark_path, utt_id[0], save_result)"Write inferred %s to %s" % (utt_id[0], write_ark_path)) except Exception, e: # Report exceptions to the coordinator. coord.request_stop(e) finally:
def decode(): """Decoding the inputs using current model.""""Get TEST sets number.") num_batch = get_num_batch(FLAGS.test_list_file, infer=True) with tf.Graph().as_default(): with tf.device('/cpu:0'): with tf.name_scope('input'): data_list = read_list(FLAGS.test_list_file) test_utt_id, test_inputs, _ = get_batch( data_list, batch_size=1, input_size=FLAGS.input_dim, output_size=FLAGS.output_dim, left=FLAGS.left_context, right=FLAGS.right_context, num_enqueuing_threads=FLAGS.num_threads, num_epochs=1, infer=True) # test_inputs = tf.squeeze(test_inputs, axis=[0]) devices = [] for i in xrange(FLAGS.num_gpu): device_name = ("/gpu:%d" % i) print('Using device: ', device_name) devices.append(device_name) # Prevent exhausting all the gpu memories. config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.4 #config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True config.allow_soft_placement = True set_session(tf.Session(config=config)) # execute the session with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: # Create two models with tr_inputs and cv_inputs individually. with tf.name_scope('model'): model = DNNTrainer(sess, FLAGS, devices, test_inputs, labels=None, cross_validation=True) show_all_variables() init =, tf.local_variables_initializer()) print("Initializing variables ...") if model.load(model.save_dir, moving_average=False): print("[*] Load Moving Average model SUCCESS") else: print("[!] Load failed. Checkpoint not found. Exit now.") sys.exit(1) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) cmvn_filename = os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, "train_cmvn.npz") if os.path.isfile(cmvn_filename): cmvn = np.load(cmvn_filename) else: tf.logging.fatal("%s not exist, exit now." % cmvn_filename) sys.exit(1) out_dir_name = os.path.join('/Work18/2017/linan/SE/my_enh', FLAGS.save_dir, FLAGS.savetestdir) # out_dir_name = os.path.join(FLAGS.save_dir, 'test') if not os.path.exists(out_dir_name): os.makedirs(out_dir_name) write_scp_path = os.path.join(out_dir_name, 'feats.scp') write_ark_path = os.path.join(out_dir_name, 'feats.ark') writer = ArkWriter(write_scp_path) outputs = model.generator(test_inputs, None, reuse=True) outputs = tf.reshape(outputs, [-1, model.output_dim]) print('shape is', np.shape(outputs)) try: for batch in range(num_batch): if coord.should_stop(): break # outputs = model.generator(test_inputs, None, reuse=True) # outputs = tf.reshape(outputs, [-1, model.output_dim]) utt_id, activations =[test_utt_id, outputs]) # sequence = activations * cmvn['stddev_labels'] + \ # cmvn['mean_labels'] sequence = activations save_result = np.vstack(sequence) dir_load = FLAGS.savetestdir dir_load = dir_load.split('/')[-1] mode = FLAGS.mode if mode == 'use_org': inputs_path = os.path.join( 'workspace/features/spectrogram/test', dir_load, '%s.wav.p' % utt_id[0]) data = cPickle.load(open(inputs_path, 'rb')) [mixed_complx_x] = data"Write inferred %s to %s" %(utt_id[0], np.shape(save_result))) save_result = np.exp(save_result) n_window = cfg.n_window s = recover_wav(save_result, mixed_complx_x, cfg.n_overlap, np.hamming) s *= np.sqrt( (np.hamming(n_window)**2 ).sum()) # Scaler for compensate the amplitude # change after spectrogram and IFFT. print("start enhance wav file") # Write out enhanced wav. out_path = os.path.join("workspace", "enh_wavs", "test", dir_load, "%s.enh.wav" % utt_id[0]) print("have enhanced all the wav") pp_data.create_folder(os.path.dirname(out_path)) pp_data.write_audio(out_path, s, 16000) elif mode == 'g_l': inputs_path = os.path.join( 'workspace/features/spectrogram/test', dir_load, '%s.wav.p' % utt_id[0]) data = cPickle.load(open(inputs_path, 'rb')) [mixed_complx_x] = data save_result = np.exp(save_result) s = save_result s = audio_utilities.reconstruct_signal_griffin_lim( s, mixed_complx_x, 512, 256, 15) #s = recover_wav(save_result,mixed_complx_x,cfg.n_overlap, np.hamming) s *= np.sqrt((np.hamming(cfg.n_window)**2).sum()) #s = audio._griffin_lim(s) out_path = os.path.join("workspace", "enh_wavs", "test2", dir_load, "%s.enh.wav" % utt_id[0]) pp_data.create_folder(os.path.dirname(out_path)) pp_data.write_audio(out_path, s, 16000)"Write inferred%s" % (np.shape(s))) #writer.write_next_utt(write_ark_path, utt_id[0], save_result)"Write inferred %s to %s" % (utt_id[0], out_path)) except Exception, e: # Report exceptions to the coordinator. coord.request_stop(e) finally:
def train(valdi_batch_per_iter, train_batch_per_iter, min_iters, max_iters): with tf.Graph().as_default(): with tf.device('/cpu:0'): with tf.name_scope('input'): tr_data_list = read_list(FLAGS.tr_list_file) tr_inputs, tr_labels = get_batch( tr_data_list, FLAGS.batch_size, FLAGS.input_dim, FLAGS.output_dim, FLAGS.left_context, FLAGS.right_context, FLAGS.num_threads, FLAGS.max_epoches) cv_data_list = read_list(FLAGS.cv_list_file) cv_inputs, cv_labels = get_batch( cv_data_list, FLAGS.batch_size, FLAGS.input_dim, FLAGS.output_dim, FLAGS.left_context, FLAGS.right_context, FLAGS.num_threads, None) devices = [] for i in xrange(FLAGS.num_gpu): device_name = ("/gpu:%d" % i) print('Using device: ', device_name) devices.append(device_name) # Prevent exhausting all the gpu memories. config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True config.allow_soft_placement = True # execute the session with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: # Create two models with tr_inputs and cv_inputs individually. with tf.name_scope('model'): print( "=======================================================") print( "| Build Train model |") print( "=======================================================") tr_model = GAN(sess, FLAGS, devices, tr_inputs, tr_labels, cross_validation=False) # tr_model and val_model should share variables print( "=======================================================") print( "| Build Cross-Validation model |") print( "=======================================================") tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables() cv_model = GAN(sess, FLAGS, devices, cv_inputs, cv_labels, cross_validation=True) show_all_variables() init =, tf.local_variables_initializer()) print("Initializing variables ...") if tr_model.load(tr_model.save_dir, moving_average=False): print("[*] Load SUCCESS") else: print("[!] Begin a new model.") coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) try: # Early stop counter g_loss_prev = 10000.0 g_rel_impr = 1.0 check_interval = 3 windows_g_loss = [] g_learning_rate = FLAGS.num_gpu * FLAGS.g_learning_rate d_learning_rate = FLAGS.num_gpu * FLAGS.d_learning_rate, g_learning_rate)), d_learning_rate)) for iteration in range(max_iters): start = tr_d_rl_loss, tr_d_fk_loss, \ tr_d_loss, tr_g_adv_loss, \ tr_g_mse_loss, tr_g_l2_loss, \ tr_g_loss = train_one_iteration(sess, coord, tr_model, train_batch_per_iter, iteration+1) cv_d_rl_loss, cv_d_fk_loss, \ cv_d_loss, cv_g_adv_loss, \ cv_g_mse_loss, cv_g_l2_loss, \ cv_g_loss = eval_one_iteration(sess, coord, cv_model, valdi_batch_per_iter, iteration+1) d_learning_rate, \ g_learning_rate =[tr_model.d_learning_rate, tr_model.g_learning_rate]) end = print("{}/{} (INFO): d_learning_rate = {:.5e}, " "g_learning_rate = {:.5e}, time = {:.3f} min\n" "{}/{} (TRAIN AVG.LOSS): " "d_rl_loss = {:.5f}, d_fk_loss = {:.5f}, " "d_loss = {:.5f}, g_adv_loss = {:.5f}, " "g_mse_loss = {:.5f}, g_l2_loss = {:.5f}, " "g_loss = {:.5f}\n" "{}/{} (CROSS AVG.LOSS): " "d_rl_loss = {:.5f}, d_fk_loss = {:.5f}, " "d_loss = {:.5f}, g_adv_loss = {:.5f}, " "g_mse_loss = {:.5f}, g_l2_loss = {:.5f}, " "g_loss = {:.5f}".format( iteration + 1, max_iters, d_learning_rate, g_learning_rate, (end - start).seconds / 60.0, iteration + 1, max_iters, tr_d_rl_loss, tr_d_fk_loss, tr_d_loss, tr_g_adv_loss, tr_g_mse_loss, tr_g_l2_loss, tr_g_loss, iteration + 1, max_iters, cv_d_rl_loss, cv_d_fk_loss, cv_d_loss, cv_g_adv_loss, cv_g_mse_loss, cv_g_l2_loss, cv_g_loss)) sys.stdout.flush() # Start decay learning rate g_learning_rate = exponential_decay( iteration + 1, FLAGS.num_gpu, min_iters, FLAGS.g_learning_rate) d_learning_rate = exponential_decay( iteration + 1, FLAGS.num_gpu, min_iters, FLAGS.d_learning_rate) disc_noise_std = exponential_decay( iteration + 1, FLAGS.num_gpu, min_iters, FLAGS.init_disc_noise_std, multiply_jobs=False) tf.assign(tr_model.g_learning_rate, g_learning_rate)) tf.assign(tr_model.d_learning_rate, d_learning_rate)), disc_noise_std)) windows_g_loss.append(cv_g_loss) # Accept or reject new parameters. if (iteration + 1) % check_interval == 0: g_loss_new = np.mean(windows_g_loss) g_rel_impr = (g_loss_prev - g_loss_new) / g_loss_prev if g_rel_impr > 0.0:, iteration + 1) print("Iteration {}: Nnet Accepted. " "Save model SUCCESS. g_loss_prev = {:.5f}, " "g_loss_new = {:.5f}".format( iteration + 1, g_loss_prev, g_loss_new)) g_loss_prev = g_loss_new else: print("Iteration {}: Nnet Rejected. " "g_loss_prev = {:.5f}, " "g_loss_new = {:.5f}".format( iteration + 1, g_loss_prev, g_loss_new)) # tr_model.load(tr_model.save_dir, moving_average=False) windows_g_loss = [] # Stopping criterion. if iteration + 1 > min_iters and \ (iteration + 1) % check_interval == 0: if g_rel_impr < FLAGS.end_improve: print("Iteration %d: Finished, too small relative " "G improvement %g" % (iteration + 1, g_rel_impr)) break sys.stdout.flush() if windows_g_loss: g_loss_new = np.mean(windows_g_loss) g_rel_impr = (g_loss_prev - g_loss_new) / g_loss_prev if g_rel_impr > 0.0:, iteration + 1) print("Iteration {}: Nnet Accepted. " "Save model SUCCESS. g_loss_prev = {:.5f}, " "g_loss_new = {:.5f}".format( iteration + 1, g_loss_prev, g_loss_new)) g_loss_prev = g_loss_new sys.stdout.flush() windows_g_loss = [] except Exception, e: # Report exceptions to the coordinator. coord.request_stop(e) finally: