def test_parse_version(self): incorrect_versions_legacy = [ "random_letters qwerasdfzxcv", "340", "03.4.0" "3.4.0.", "(3.4.0)", "3_20_20", ] for test_v in incorrect_versions_legacy: try: self.assertFalse(VerStruct.parse_version(test_v) != None, "VerStruct.parse_version allowed bad legacy style version %s through" % test_v) except Exception as e: pass incorrect_versions_modern = [ "3.4.0.beta.1", #Bad separator "3.4.0-alpha.-1", #Int, but not < 0 "3.4.0-rc", #Missing revision number "3.4.0-rc.1-1.20170906153430", #Bad separator "3.4.0-rc.1+1.YYYYMMDDHHMMSS", #Parsing the description, not the contents "3.4.0-rc.1+1.2017" #Build string is numbers, but not long enough ] for test_v in incorrect_versions_modern: try: self.assertFalse(VerStruct.parse_version(test_v) != None, "VerStruct.parse_version allowed bad modern style version %s through" % test_v) except Exception as e: pass correct_versions_legacy = [ ("3.2.0", VerStruct(addon_version=(3,2,0), build_type=xplane_constants.BUILD_TYPE_LEGACY)), ("3.20.0",VerStruct(addon_version=(3,20,0), build_type=xplane_constants.BUILD_TYPE_LEGACY)), #Keep 20->2 in ("3.3.13",VerStruct(addon_version=(3,3,13),build_type=xplane_constants.BUILD_TYPE_LEGACY)) ] for test_v, test_v_res in correct_versions_legacy: v_res = VerStruct.parse_version(test_v) self.assertTrue(v_res is not None, "VerStruct.parse_version did not allow valid legacy style version %s through" % test_v) self.assertTrue(test_v_res == v_res, "Test string %s did not parse to expected data %s" % (test_v,str(v_res))) correct_versions_modern = [ ("3.4.0-rc.5+1.20170914160830",VerStruct(addon_version=(3,4,0),build_type=xplane_constants.BUILD_TYPE_RC, build_type_version=5, data_model_version=1,build_number="20170914160830")) ] for test_v, test_v_res in correct_versions_modern: v_res = VerStruct.parse_version(test_v) self.assertTrue(v_res is not None, "VerStruct.parse_version did not allow valid modern style version %s through" % test_v) self.assertTrue(test_v_res == v_res, "Test string %s did not parse to expected data %s" % (test_v,str(v_res)))
def test_build_number_obj_footer(self): test_creation_helpers.create_datablock_collection("Layer 1") out = self.exportLayer(0) version_match ="Exported with XPlane2Blender (.*)", out) self.assertIsNotNone(version_match, "Version string not found in footer of obj") version = VerStruct.parse_version( self.assertIsNotNone( version, "%s could not be parsed to a valid VerStruct" % self.assertEqual(version, xplane_helpers.VerStruct.current(), "Version in obj is not equal to current version")
def test_build_number_obj_footer(self): bpy.ops.scene.add_xplane_layers() out = self.exportLayer(0) version_match ="Exported with XPlane2Blender (.*)", out) self.assertTrue(version_match is not None, "Version string not found in footer of obj") version = VerStruct.parse_version( self.assertTrue( version is not None, "%s could not be parsed to a valid VerStruct" % self.assertTrue(version == xplane_helpers.VerStruct.current(), "Version in obj is not equal to current version")
def try_asserts(): current = xplane_helpers.VerStruct.current() self.assertTrue( bpy.context.scene['xplane2blender_version'] == xplane_constants.DEPRECATED_XP2B_VER, "scene['xplane2blender_version'] was not deprecated on load") history = bpy.context.scene.xplane.xplane2blender_ver_history self.assertTrue( len(history) == 2, 'xplane2blender_ver_history is %d long == not 2' % (len(history))) self.assertTrue( history[0].make_struct() == VerStruct.parse_version(to_parse), 'First entry in history %s is wrong or not the legacy string' % str(history[0])) self.assertTrue( history[1].make_struct() == VerStruct.current(), 'Second entry in history %s is wrong' % str(history[1]))
def test_parse_version(self): incorrect_versions_legacy = [ "random_letters qwerasdfzxcv", "340", "03.4.0" "3.4.0.", "(3.4.0)", "3_20_20", ] for test_v in incorrect_versions_legacy: try: self.assertFalse( VerStruct.parse_version(test_v) != None, "VerStruct.parse_version allowed bad legacy style version %s through" % test_v) except Exception as e: pass incorrect_versions_modern = [ "3.4.0.beta.1", #Bad separator "3.4.0-alpha.-1", #Int, but not < 0 "3.4.0-rc", #Missing revision number "3.4.0-rc.1-1.20170906153430", #Bad separator "3.4.0-rc.1+1.YYYYMMDDHHMMSS", #Parsing the description, not the contents "3.4.0-rc.1+1.2017" #Build string is numbers, but not long enough ] for test_v in incorrect_versions_modern: try: self.assertFalse( VerStruct.parse_version(test_v) != None, "VerStruct.parse_version allowed bad modern style version %s through" % test_v) except Exception as e: pass correct_versions_legacy = [ ("3.2.0", VerStruct(addon_version=(3, 2, 0), build_type=xplane_constants.BUILD_TYPE_LEGACY)), ("3.20.0", VerStruct(addon_version=(3, 20, 0), build_type=xplane_constants.BUILD_TYPE_LEGACY) ), #Keep 20->2 in ("3.3.13", VerStruct(addon_version=(3, 3, 13), build_type=xplane_constants.BUILD_TYPE_LEGACY)) ] for test_v, test_v_res in correct_versions_legacy: v_res = VerStruct.parse_version(test_v) self.assertTrue( v_res is not None, "VerStruct.parse_version did not allow valid legacy style version %s through" % test_v) self.assertTrue( test_v_res == v_res, "Test string %s did not parse to expected data %s" % (test_v, str(v_res))) correct_versions_modern = [ ("3.4.0-rc.5+1.20170914160830", VerStruct(addon_version=(3, 4, 0), build_type=xplane_constants.BUILD_TYPE_RC, build_type_version=5, data_model_version=1, build_number="20170914160830")) ] for test_v, test_v_res in correct_versions_modern: v_res = VerStruct.parse_version(test_v) self.assertTrue( v_res is not None, "VerStruct.parse_version did not allow valid modern style version %s through" % test_v) self.assertTrue( test_v_res == v_res, "Test string %s did not parse to expected data %s" % (test_v, str(v_res)))
def test_xplane2blender_str(self): parsed_str = str(VerStruct.parse_version('3.4.0')) self.assertEqual( "3.4.0-leg.0+0.NO_BUILD_NUMBR", parsed_str, "VerStruct.__str__ does not format string into proper form %s" % parsed_str)
def test_rich_compare(self): #The following are made up and may not represent reality or the history # of XPlane2Blender's development legacy = VerStruct.parse_version('3.3.12') beta_4 = VerStruct.parse_version('3.4.0') beta_5 = VerStruct.parse_version('3.4.0-beta.5+1.NO_BUILD_NUMBR') rc_1_rebuild_1 = VerStruct.parse_version('3.4.0-rc.1+1.20170923121212') rc_1_rebuild_2 = VerStruct.parse_version('3.4.0-rc.1+1.20170924121212') rc_1 = VerStruct.parse_version('3.4.0-rc.1+1.NO_BUILD_NUMBR') rc_2 = VerStruct.parse_version('3.4.0-rc.2+2.20170922121212') rc_2_rebuild = VerStruct.parse_version( '3.4.0-rc.2+3.20170921121212' ) #Here the data model version has increased but was built a day before. Represents checkign out a previous commit and building from it ver_future_dev = VerStruct.parse_version( '3.4.1-dev.0+3.NO_BUILD_NUMBR') ver_future_alpha = VerStruct.parse_version( '3.4.1-alpha.1+3.20170925121212') self.assertTrue( legacy < beta_4 < beta_5 < rc_1_rebuild_1 <= rc_1_rebuild_2 <= rc_1 < rc_2 <= rc_2_rebuild < ver_future_dev < ver_future_alpha, "VerStruct.__lt__ not implemented correctly") self.assertTrue( ver_future_alpha > ver_future_dev > rc_2_rebuild >= rc_2 > rc_1 >= rc_1_rebuild_2 >= rc_1_rebuild_1 > beta_5 > beta_4 > legacy, "VerStruct.__gt__ not implemented correctly") legacy_copy = VerStruct.parse_version('3.3.12') self.assertTrue(legacy == legacy_copy, "VerStruct.__eq__ not implemented correctly") self.assertTrue(legacy != beta_4, "VerStruct.__ne__ not implemented correctly")
def test_xplane2blender_str(self): parsed_str = str(VerStruct.parse_version('3.4.0')) self.assertEqual("3.4.0-leg.0+0.NO_BUILD_NUMBR", parsed_str, "VerStruct.__str__ does not format string into proper form %s" % parsed_str)
def test_rich_compare(self): #The following are made up and may not represent reality or the history # of XPlane2Blender's development legacy = VerStruct.parse_version('3.3.12') beta_4 = VerStruct.parse_version('3.4.0') beta_5 = VerStruct.parse_version('3.4.0-beta.5+1.NO_BUILD_NUMBR') rc_1_rebuild_1 = VerStruct.parse_version('3.4.0-rc.1+1.20170923121212') rc_1_rebuild_2 = VerStruct.parse_version('3.4.0-rc.1+1.20170924121212') rc_1 = VerStruct.parse_version('3.4.0-rc.1+1.NO_BUILD_NUMBR') rc_2 = VerStruct.parse_version('3.4.0-rc.2+2.20170922121212') rc_2_rebuild = VerStruct.parse_version('3.4.0-rc.2+3.20170921121212') #Here the data model version has increased but was built a day before. Represents checkign out a previous commit and building from it ver_future_dev = VerStruct.parse_version('3.4.1-dev.0+3.NO_BUILD_NUMBR') ver_future_alpha = VerStruct.parse_version('3.4.1-alpha.1+3.20170925121212') self.assertTrue(legacy < beta_4 < beta_5 < rc_1_rebuild_1 <= rc_1_rebuild_2 <= rc_1 < rc_2 <= rc_2_rebuild < ver_future_dev < ver_future_alpha, "VerStruct.__lt__ not implemented correctly") self.assertTrue(ver_future_alpha > ver_future_dev > rc_2_rebuild >= rc_2 > rc_1 >= rc_1_rebuild_2 >= rc_1_rebuild_1 > beta_5 > beta_4 > legacy, "VerStruct.__gt__ not implemented correctly") legacy_copy = VerStruct.parse_version('3.3.12') self.assertTrue(legacy == legacy_copy, "VerStruct.__eq__ not implemented correctly") self.assertTrue(legacy != beta_4, "VerStruct.__ne__ not implemented correctly")