def _values_retrieved(self, vals_dict):
        A values response has been received. Create and notify
        corresponding event to platform agent.

        # maximum of the latest timestamps in the returned values;
        # used to prepare for the next request:
        max_ntp_ts = None
        for attr_id, attr_vals in vals_dict.iteritems():
            assert attr_vals, "Must be a non-empty array of values per _retrieve_attribute_values"

            _, ntp_ts = attr_vals[-1]

            if max_ntp_ts is None:
                max_ntp_ts = ntp_ts
                max_ntp_ts = max(max_ntp_ts, ntp_ts)

        # update _last_ts based on max_ntp_ts: note that timestamps are reported
        # in NTP so we need to convert it to ION system time for a subsequent request:
        self._last_ts = ntp_2_ion_ts(max_ntp_ts)

        # finally, notify the values event:
        driver_event = AttributeValueDriverEvent(self._platform_id,
    def set_attribute_values(self, attrs):
        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            log.debug("set_attribute_values: attrs = %s" % str(attrs))

        error_vals = self._validate_set_attribute_values(attrs)
        if len(error_vals) > 0:
            # remove offending attributes for the request below
            attrs_dict = dict(attrs)
            for bad_attr_name in error_vals:
                del attrs_dict[bad_attr_name]

            # no good attributes at all?
            if len(attrs_dict) == 0:
                # just immediately return with the errors:
                return error_vals

            # else: update attrs with the good attributes:
            attrs = attrs_dict.items()

        # ok, now make the request to RSN OMS:
        retval = self._oms.setPlatformAttributeValues(self._platform_id, attrs)
        log.debug("setPlatformAttributeValues = %s", retval)

        if not self._platform_id in retval:
            raise PlatformException("Unexpected: response does not include "
                                    "requested platform '%s'" % self._platform_id)

        attr_values = retval[self._platform_id]

        # OOIION-631 the reported timestamps are in NTP; see below for
        # conversion to system time.

        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            log.debug("set_attribute_values: response before conversion = %s" %

        # conv_attr_values: the time converted dictionary to return, initialized
        # with the error ones determined above if any:
        conv_attr_values = error_vals

        for attr_name, attr_val_ts in attr_values.iteritems():
            (val, ntp_time) = attr_val_ts

            if isinstance(ntp_time, (float, int)):
                # do conversion:
                sys_ts = ntp_2_ion_ts(ntp_time)
                # NO conversion; just keep whatever the returned value is --
                # normally an error code in str format:
                sys_ts = ntp_time

            conv_attr_values[attr_name] = (val, sys_ts)

        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            log.debug("set_attribute_values: response  after conversion = %s" %

        return conv_attr_values
    def show_listeners():
        from datetime import datetime
        from ion.agents.platform.util import ntp_2_ion_ts

        event_listeners = proxy.event.get_registered_event_listeners()
        print("Event listeners (%d):" % len(event_listeners))
        for a, b in sorted(event_listeners.iteritems(),
                           lambda a, b: int(a[1] - b[1])):
            time = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(ntp_2_ion_ts(b)) / 1000)
            print("   %s  %s" % (time, a))
    def show_listeners():
        from datetime import datetime
        from ion.agents.platform.util import ntp_2_ion_ts

        event_listeners = proxy.event.get_registered_event_listeners()
        print("Event listeners (%d):" % len(event_listeners))
        for a, b in sorted(event_listeners.iteritems(),
                           lambda a, b: int(a[1] - b[1])):
            time = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(ntp_2_ion_ts(b)) / 1000)
            print("   %s  %s" % (time, a))
    def get_attribute_values(self, attr_names, from_time):
        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            log.debug("get_attribute_values: attr_names=%s from_time=%s" % (
                str(attr_names), from_time))


        # OOIION-631 convert the system time from_time to NTP, which is used by
        # the RSN OMS interface:
        ntp_from_time = ion_ts_2_ntp(from_time)
        retval = self._rsn_oms.get_platform_attribute_values(self._platform_id, attr_names, ntp_from_time)

        if not self._platform_id in retval:
            raise PlatformException("Unexpected: response does not include "
                                    "requested platform '%s'" % self._platform_id)

        attr_values = retval[self._platform_id]

        # OOIION-631 the reported timestamps are in NTP; do conversion to system time

        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.TRACE):
            log.trace("get_attribute_values: response before conversion = %s" %

        conv_attr_values = {}  # the converted dictionary to return
        for attr_name, array in attr_values.iteritems():
            conv_array = []
            for (val, ntp_time) in array:

                if isinstance(ntp_time, (float, int)):
                    # do conversion:
                    sys_ts = ntp_2_ion_ts(ntp_time)
                    # NO conversion; just keep whatever the returned value is --
                    # normally an error code in str format:
                    sys_ts = ntp_time

                conv_array.append((val, sys_ts))

            conv_attr_values[attr_name] = conv_array

        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.TRACE):
            log.trace("get_attribute_values: response  after conversion = %s" %

        return conv_attr_values
    def _values_retrieved(self, vals_dict):
        A values response has been received. Create and notify
        corresponding event to platform agent.

        # update _last_ts_millis for each retrieved attribute:
        for attr_id, attr_vals in vals_dict.iteritems():

            _, ntp_ts = attr_vals[-1]

            # update _last_ts_millis based on ntp_ts: note that timestamps are reported
            # in NTP so we need to convert it to ION system time for a subsequent request:
            self._last_ts_millis[attr_id] = ntp_2_ion_ts(ntp_ts)

        # finally, notify the values event:
        driver_event = AttributeValueDriverEvent(self._platform_id,
                                                 _STREAM_NAME, vals_dict)
    def _values_retrieved(self, vals_dict):
        A values response has been received. Create and notify
        corresponding event to platform agent.

        # update _last_ts_millis for each retrieved attribute:
        for attr_id, attr_vals in vals_dict.iteritems():

            _, ntp_ts = attr_vals[-1]

            # update _last_ts_millis based on ntp_ts: note that timestamps are reported
            # in NTP so we need to convert it to ION system time for a subsequent request:
            self._last_ts_millis[attr_id] = ntp_2_ion_ts(ntp_ts)

        # finally, notify the values event:
        driver_event = AttributeValueDriverEvent(self._platform_id,
    def test_resource_monitoring_recent(self):
        # Verifies that the requests for attribute values are always for
        # the most recent ones, meaning that the retrieved values should *not*
        # be older than a small multiple of the nominal monitoring rate, even
        # after a long period in non-monitoring state.
        # See ResourceMonitor._retrieve_attribute_values

        # start this test as in test_resource_monitoring()
        # which completes right after stopping monitoring. We want that initial
        # start/stop-monitoring phase to make this test more comprehensive.

        # now, the rest of this test does the following:
        # - pick an attribute to use as a basis for the time parameters to
        #   be used in the test
        # - wait for a while in the current non-monitoring mode
        # - re-enable monitoring
        # - wait for a sample to be published
        # - verify that new received data sample is "recent"
        # - stop monitoring

        # first, use an attribute (from the root platform being tested) with
        # a minimal monitoring rate, since that attribute should be reported
        # in a first sample received after re-enabling the monitoring.
        attr = None
        for attr_id, plat_attr in self._platform_attributes[self.PLATFORM_ID].iteritems():
            if attr is None or \
               float(plat_attr['monitor_cycle_seconds']) < float(attr['monitor_cycle_seconds']):
                attr = plat_attr

                             "some attribute expected to be defined for %r to "
                             "actually proceed with this test" % self.PLATFORM_ID)

        attr_id = attr['attr_id']
        monitor_cycle_seconds = attr['monitor_cycle_seconds']"test_resource_monitoring_recent: using attr_id=%r: monitor_cycle_seconds=%s",
                 attr_id, monitor_cycle_seconds)

        # sleep for twice the interval defining "recent":
        from ion.agents.platform.resource_monitor import _MULT_INTERVAL
        time_to_sleep = 2 * (_MULT_INTERVAL * monitor_cycle_seconds)"test_resource_monitoring_recent: sleeping for %s secs "
                 "before resuming monitoring", time_to_sleep)

        # reset the variables associated with the _wait_for_a_data_sample call below:
        self._samples_received = []
        self._async_data_result = AsyncResult()

        # re-start monitoring and wait for new sample:"test_resource_monitoring_recent: re-starting monitoring")
        # should also work with recursion to children but set recursion=False
        # to avoid wasting the extra time in this test.


            # get current time here (right after receiving sample) for comparison below:
            curr_time_millis = current_time_millis()

            # verify that the timestamp of the received sample is not too old.
            # For this, use the minimum of the reported timestamps:
            rdt = RecordDictionaryTool.load_from_granule(self._samples_received[0])
            log.trace("test_resource_monitoring_recent: rdt:\n%s", rdt.pretty_print())
            temporal_parameter_name = rdt.temporal_parameter
            times = rdt[temporal_parameter_name]
            log.trace("test_resource_monitoring_recent: times:\n%s", self._pp.pformat(times))

            # minimum reported timestamp (note the NTP -> ION_time conversion):
            min_reported_time_ntp = min(times)
            min_reported_time_millis = float(ntp_2_ion_ts(min_reported_time_ntp))
  "test_resource_monitoring_recent: sample received, min_reported_time_millis=%s",

            # finally verify that it is actually not older than the small multiple
            # of monitor_cycle_seconds plus some additional tolerance (which is
            # arbitrarily set here to 10 secs):
            lower_limit_millis = \
                curr_time_millis - 1000 * (_MULT_INTERVAL * monitor_cycle_seconds + 10)

                min_reported_time_millis, lower_limit_millis,
                "min_reported_time_millis=%s must be >= %s. Diff=%s millis" % (
                min_reported_time_millis, lower_limit_millis,
                min_reported_time_millis - lower_limit_millis))

 def test_ion_ts_and_ntp_conversion(self):
     sys_time = get_ion_ts()
     ntp_time = ion_ts_2_ntp(sys_time)
     sys2_time = ntp_2_ion_ts(ntp_time)
     self.assertEquals(sys_time, sys2_time)
    def test_resource_monitoring_recent(self):
        # Verifies that the requests for attribute values are always for
        # the most recent ones, meaning that the retrieved values should *not*
        # be older than a small multiple of the nominal monitoring rate, even
        # after a long period in non-monitoring state.
        # See ResourceMonitor._retrieve_attribute_values

        # start this test as in test_resource_monitoring()
        # which completes right after stopping monitoring. We want that initial
        # start/stop-monitoring phase to make this test more comprehensive.

        # now, the rest of this test does the following:
        # - pick an attribute to use as a basis for the time parameters to
        #   be used in the test
        # - wait for a while in the current non-monitoring mode
        # - re-enable monitoring
        # - wait for a sample to be published
        # - verify that new received data sample is "recent"
        # - stop monitoring

        # first, use an attribute (from the root platform being tested) with
        # a minimal monitoring rate, since that attribute should be reported
        # in a first sample received after re-enabling the monitoring.
        attr = None
        for attr_id, plat_attr in self._platform_attributes[
            if attr is None or \
               float(plat_attr['monitor_cycle_seconds']) < float(attr['monitor_cycle_seconds']):
                attr = plat_attr

            attr, "some attribute expected to be defined for %r to "
            "actually proceed with this test" % self.PLATFORM_ID)

        attr_id = attr['attr_id']
        monitor_cycle_seconds = attr['monitor_cycle_seconds']
            "test_resource_monitoring_recent: using attr_id=%r: monitor_cycle_seconds=%s",
            attr_id, monitor_cycle_seconds)

        # sleep for twice the interval defining "recent":
        from ion.agents.platform.resource_monitor import _MULT_INTERVAL
        time_to_sleep = 2 * (_MULT_INTERVAL * monitor_cycle_seconds)
            "test_resource_monitoring_recent: sleeping for %s secs "
            "before resuming monitoring", time_to_sleep)

        # reset the variables associated with the _wait_for_a_data_sample call below:
        self._samples_received = []
        self._async_data_result = AsyncResult()

        # re-start monitoring and wait for new sample:"test_resource_monitoring_recent: re-starting monitoring")
        # should also work with recursion to children but set recursion=False
        # to avoid wasting the extra time in this test.


            # get current time here (right after receiving sample) for comparison below:
            curr_time_millis = current_time_millis()

            # verify that the timestamp of the received sample is not too old.
            # For this, use the minimum of the reported timestamps:
            rdt = RecordDictionaryTool.load_from_granule(
            log.trace("test_resource_monitoring_recent: rdt:\n%s",
            temporal_parameter_name = rdt.temporal_parameter
            times = rdt[temporal_parameter_name]
            log.trace("test_resource_monitoring_recent: times:\n%s",

            # minimum reported timestamp (note the NTP -> ION_time conversion):
            min_reported_time_ntp = min(times)
            min_reported_time_millis = float(
                "test_resource_monitoring_recent: sample received, min_reported_time_millis=%s",

            # finally verify that it is actually not older than the small multiple
            # of monitor_cycle_seconds plus some additional tolerance (which is
            # arbitrarily set here to 10 secs):
            lower_limit_millis = \
                curr_time_millis - 1000 * (_MULT_INTERVAL * monitor_cycle_seconds + 10)

                min_reported_time_millis, lower_limit_millis,
                "min_reported_time_millis=%s must be >= %s. Diff=%s millis" %
                (min_reported_time_millis, lower_limit_millis,
                 min_reported_time_millis - lower_limit_millis))

 def test_ion_ts_and_ntp_conversion(self):
     sys_time = get_ion_ts()
     ntp_time = ion_ts_2_ntp(sys_time)
     sys2_time = ntp_2_ion_ts(ntp_time)
     self.assertEquals(sys_time, sys2_time)