def new_genome(request):
    """This is the page to create a new genome. 

    if request.method == "POST":
        # parse the data sent in
        name = request.POST.get('name', False)
        short_name = request.POST.get('short_name', False)
        fasta = request.POST.get('target_file', False)
        version = request.POST.get('version', "")
        notes = request.POST.get('notes', "")

        read_exclude_length = request.POST.get('read_exclude_length', False)

        #URL download
        url = request.POST.get('url', False)
        reference_path = os.path.join(settings.TEMP_PATH, fasta)
        why_delete = ""

        #if any of those were false send back a failed message
        if not all((name, short_name, fasta)):
            return render_to_json({"status": "Form validation failed", "error": True})

        if not set(short_name).issubset("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_"):
            return render_to_json({"status": "The short name has invalid characters. The valid values are letters, numbers, and underscores.", "error": True})

        #TODO: check to make sure the zip file only has one fasta or fa
        if not url:
            #check to ensure the size on the OS the same as the reported.
            reported_file_size = request.POST.get('reported_file_size', False)

                uploaded_file_size = str(os.path.getsize(reference_path))
            except OSError:
                return render_to_json({"status": "The FASTA temporary files was not found", "error": True})

            if reported_file_size != uploaded_file_size:
                why_delete = "The file you uploaded differs from the expected size. This is due to an error uploading."

            if not (fasta.lower().endswith(".fasta") or fasta.lower().endswith(".zip")):
                why_delete = "The file you uploaded does not have a .fasta or .zip extension.  It must be a plain text fasta file or a Zip compressed fasta."
        is_zip = zipfile.is_zipfile(reference_path)
        if is_zip:
            zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(reference_path, 'r')
            files = zip_file.namelist()
            # MAC OS zip is being compressed with __MACOSX folder Ex: '__MACOSX/', '__MACOSX/._contigs_2.fasta'.
            # Filter out those files and Upload only FASTA file
            files = [x for x in files if not 'MACOSX' in x]
            files = [fasta]
        fasta_files = filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.fa') or x.endswith('.fasta'), files)

        if len(fasta_files) != 1:
            why_delete = "Error: upload must contain exactly one fasta file"
            target_fasta_file = fasta_files[0]

        if why_delete:
            except OSError:
                why_delete += " The FASTA file could not be deleted."
            logger.warning("User uploaded bad fasta file: " + str(why_delete))
            return render_to_json({"status": why_delete, "error": True})

        #Make an genome ref object
        if ReferenceGenome.objects.filter(short_name=short_name, index_version=settings.TMAP_VERSION):
            #check to see if the genome already exists in the database with the same version
            return render_to_json({"status": "Failed - Genome with this short name and index version already exist.", "error": True})
        ref_genome = ReferenceGenome()
        ref_genome.name = name
        ref_genome.short_name = short_name
        ref_genome.version = version
        ref_genome.notes = notes
        ref_genome.status = "preprocessing"
        ref_genome.enabled = False
        ref_genome.index_version = settings.TMAP_VERSION
        logger.debug("Created new reference: %d/%s" % (ref_genome.pk, ref_genome))

        temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix=short_name, dir=settings.TEMP_PATH)
        temp_upload_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, fasta)
        os.chmod(temp_dir, 0777)
        os.rename(reference_path, temp_upload_path)
        monitor = FileMonitor(
        ref_genome.file_monitor = monitor
        ref_genome.reference_path = temp_upload_path

        index_task = tasks.build_tmap_index.subtask((ref_genome.id,), immutable=True)
        if is_zip:
            result = tasks.unzip_reference.apply_async(
                args=(ref_genome.id, target_fasta_file),
            result = tasks.copy_reference.apply_async(
        ref_genome.status = "queued"
        ref_genome.celery_task_id = result.task_id
        return render_to_json({"status": "The genome index is being created.  This might take a while, check the status on the references tab. \
                                You are being redirected there now.", "error": False})

    elif request.method == "GET":
        ctx = RequestContext(request, {})
        return render_to_response("rundb/configure/modal_references_new_genome.html", context_instance=ctx)
def new_genome(request):
    """This is the page to create a new genome. 
    def is_fasta(filename):
        ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]
        return ext.lower() in ['.fasta', '.fas', '.fa', '.seq']

    if request.method == "POST":
        # parse the data sent in
        name = request.POST.get('name', False)
        short_name = request.POST.get('short_name', False)
        fasta = request.POST.get('target_file', False)
        version = request.POST.get('version', "")
        notes = request.POST.get('notes', "")

        read_exclude_length = request.POST.get('read_exclude_length', False)

        #URL download
        url = request.POST.get('url', False)
        reference_path = os.path.join(settings.TEMP_PATH, fasta)
        why_delete = ""

        #if any of those were false send back a failed message
        if not all((name, short_name, fasta)):
            return render_to_json({
                "status": "Form validation failed",
                "error": True

        if not set(short_name).issubset(
            return render_to_json({
                "The short name has invalid characters. The valid values are letters, numbers, and underscores.",
                "error": True

        #TODO: check to make sure the zip file only has one fasta or fa
        if not url:
            #check to ensure the size on the OS the same as the reported.
            reported_file_size = request.POST.get('reported_file_size', False)

                uploaded_file_size = str(os.path.getsize(reference_path))
            except OSError:
                return render_to_json({
                    "status": "The FASTA temporary files was not found",
                    "error": True

            if reported_file_size != uploaded_file_size:
                why_delete = "The file you uploaded differs from the expected size. This is due to an error uploading."

            if not (is_fasta(fasta) or fasta.lower().endswith(".zip")):
                why_delete = "The file you uploaded does not have a FASTA or ZIP extension.  It must be a plain text a Zip compressed fasta file."
        is_zip = zipfile.is_zipfile(reference_path)
        if is_zip:
            zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(reference_path, 'r')
            files = zip_file.namelist()
            # MAC OS zip is being compressed with __MACOSX folder Ex: '__MACOSX/', '__MACOSX/._contigs_2.fasta'.
            # Filter out those files and Upload only FASTA file
            files = [x for x in files if not 'MACOSX' in x]
            files = [fasta]
        fasta_files = filter(lambda x: is_fasta(x), files)

        if len(fasta_files) != 1:
            why_delete = "Error: upload must contain exactly one fasta file"
            target_fasta_file = fasta_files[0]

        if why_delete:
            except OSError:
                why_delete += " The FASTA file could not be deleted."
            logger.warning("User uploaded bad fasta file: " + str(why_delete))
            return render_to_json({"status": why_delete, "error": True})

        #Make an genome ref object
        if ReferenceGenome.objects.filter(short_name=short_name,
            #check to see if the genome already exists in the database with the same version
            return render_to_json({
                "Failed - Genome with this short name and index version already exist.",
                "error": True
        ref_genome = ReferenceGenome()
        ref_genome.name = name
        ref_genome.short_name = short_name
        ref_genome.version = version
        ref_genome.notes = notes
        ref_genome.status = "preprocessing"
        ref_genome.enabled = False
        ref_genome.index_version = settings.TMAP_VERSION
        logger.debug("Created new reference: %d/%s" %
                     (ref_genome.pk, ref_genome))

        temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix=short_name, dir=settings.TEMP_PATH)
        temp_upload_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, fasta)
        os.chmod(temp_dir, 0777)
        os.rename(reference_path, temp_upload_path)
        monitor = FileMonitor(local_dir=temp_dir, name=fasta)
        ref_genome.file_monitor = monitor
        ref_genome.reference_path = temp_upload_path

        index_task = tasks.build_tmap_index.subtask((ref_genome.id, ),
        if is_zip:
            result = tasks.unzip_reference.apply_async(
                args=(ref_genome.id, target_fasta_file), link=index_task)
            result = tasks.copy_reference.apply_async(args=(ref_genome.id, ),
        ref_genome.status = "queued"
        ref_genome.celery_task_id = result.task_id
        return render_to_json({
            "The genome index is being created.  This might take a while, check the status on the references tab. \
                                You are being redirected there now.",
            "error": False

    elif request.method == "GET":
        ctx = RequestContext(request, {})
        return render_to_response(