def pixmap(Isize1,Isize2,this_frame_phi_deg,pixel_size,size1,size2,spot_convention,procid): # returms a list of data points in a chunk of each image with info to calculate the h,k,l from spotfinder.applications.xfel import cxi_phil from iotbx.detectors.context.spot_xy_convention import spot_xy_convention SXYC = spot_xy_convention(pixel_size*size1,pixel_size*size2) from spotfinder.math_support import pixels_to_mmPos # for parallel running; calculate the range that will be worked on by this process chunksize = int(Isize2/nproc) if (Isize2 % nproc != 0): chunksize += 1 y1 = procid*chunksize y2 = y1 + chunksize if (y2>Isize2): y2=Isize2 # now walk through the pixels and create the list of data points raw_spot_input = flex.vec3_double() for y in xrange(y1,y2): # slow dimension for x in xrange(Isize1): # fast dimension mmPos = pixels_to_mmPos(x,y,pixel_size) rawspot = (mmPos[0],mmPos[1],this_frame_phi_deg) transpot =,spot_convention) raw_spot_input.append(transpot) return raw_spot_input
def pixmap(Isize1,Isize2,this_frame_phi_deg,pixel_size,size1,size2,spot_convention,procid): # returms a list of data points in a chunk of each image with info to calculate the h,k,l from spotfinder.applications.xfel import cxi_phil from iotbx.detectors.context.spot_xy_convention import spot_xy_convention SXYC = spot_xy_convention(pixel_size*size1,pixel_size*size2) from spotfinder.math_support import pixels_to_mmPos # for parallel running; calculate the range that will be worked on by this process chunksize = int(Isize1/nproc) if (Isize1 % nproc != 0): chunksize += 1 x1 = procid*chunksize x2 = x1 + chunksize if (x2>Isize1): x2=Isize1 # now walk through the pixels and create the list of data points raw_spot_input = flex.vec3_double() for x in xrange(x1,x2): # slow dimension for y in xrange(Isize2): # fast dimension mmPos = pixels_to_mmPos(x,y,pixel_size) rawspot = (mmPos[0],mmPos[1],this_frame_phi_deg) transpot =,spot_convention) raw_spot_input.append(transpot) return raw_spot_input
# parse the input file line into a diffuse image file name and scale factor words = line.split() imgname = os.path.join(procpath + "/" + words[1]) scale = float(words[2]) print "processing file %s with scale factor %f" % (imgname, scale) I = QuickImage(imgname) DATA = I.linearintdata print "transform pixel numbers to mm positions and rotational degrees" from iotbx.detectors.context.spot_xy_convention import spot_xy_convention SF = results.spotfinder_results SXYC = spot_xy_convention(SF.pixel_size * SF.size1, SF.pixel_size * SF.size2) from spotfinder.math_support import pixels_to_mmPos this_frame_phi_deg = I.deltaphi / 2.0 + I.osc_start print "Creating pixel map in parallel..." t0 = clock() raw_spot_input_all = flex.vec3_double() Isize1 = I.size1 Isize2 = I.size2 pixel_size = SF.pixel_size # prepare the list of arguments to run pixmap in parallel pixmap_tasks = [ (Isize1, Isize2, this_frame_phi_deg, SF.pixel_size, SF.size1, SF.size2, results.horizons_phil.spot_convention, procid) for procid in range(nproc) ]
# parse the input file line into a diffuse image file name and scale factor words = line.split() imgname = words[1] scale = float(words[2]) print "processing file %s with scale factor %f"%(imgname,scale) I = QuickImage(imgname) DATA = I.linearintdata print "transform pixel numbers to mm positions and rotational degrees" from iotbx.detectors.context.spot_xy_convention import spot_xy_convention SF = results.spotfinder_results SXYC = spot_xy_convention(SF.pixel_size*SF.size1,SF.pixel_size*SF.size2) from spotfinder.math_support import pixels_to_mmPos this_frame_phi_deg = I.deltaphi/2.0+I.osc_start print "Creating pixel map in parallel..." t0 = clock() raw_spot_input_all = flex.vec3_double() Isize1 = I.size1 Isize2 = I.size2 pixel_size = SF.pixel_size # prepare the list of arguments to run pixmap in parallel pixmap_tasks = [(Isize1,Isize2,this_frame_phi_deg,SF.pixel_size,SF.size1,SF.size2,results.horizons_phil.spot_convention,procid) for procid in range(nproc)] # run pixmap in parallel and collect results raw_spot_input_it =,pixmap_tasks) # gather pixmap results into a single collection of data points for raw_spot_input_this in raw_spot_input_it: