def load_fields_3D(file,field_id):
    coords, fields = io.ReadDatFile(infile)
    nfields = fields.shape[-1]
    if field_id>nfields:
        print('Warning No Field!')
        singlefield = fields[:,:,:,field_id]
    return coords,fields,singlefield
      outfile = outfile_notdigits + zeropadded  + ".vtk"
      # check if vtk dont already exist?
      if args.verbose:
          logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG)
          logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.WARNING)

      orthorhombic = True

      # Check whether the input file exits, and whether it is a binary PolyFTS file or a formatted on.
      # Dispatch reading to relevant function.
      # Open as binary first
      print("Reading input file {}".format(infile))
#      if iotools.TestBinFile(infile):
        #ndim, Nx, orthorhombic, M, nfields, AllCoords, AllFields = iotools.ReadBinFile(infile)
#        AllCoords, AllFields = iotools.ReadBinFile(infile)
#      else:
        #ndim, Nx, orthorhombic, M, nfields, AllCoords, AllFields = iotools.ReadDatFile(infile)
      AllCoords, AllFields = iotools.ReadDatFile(infile)

      logging.info("Orthorhombic cell? {}".format(orthorhombic))
      print ("Outputting to Legacy VTK formatted file {}".format(outfile))
      #viztools.writeVTK(outfile, Nx, orthorhombic, M, AllCoords, AllFields)
      viztools.writeVTK(outfile, AllCoords, AllFields)

                    help='Output h5 file to be read by MPB code')
# Parse the command-line arguments
args = parser.parse_args()

# setup and parse input file name
# use iotools to load density.bin to get coords and fields
if args.input != '':
    infile = args.input
    suffix = infile.split('.')[-1]
    if suffix == 'bin':
        coords, fields = io.ReadBinFile(infile)
        fields_have_imag = True
    elif suffix == 'dat':
        coords, fields = io.ReadDatFile(infile)
        fields_have_imag = False
        raise RuntimeError(f"invalid suffix of args.input: {suffix}")
else:  # args.input not specified, try density.bin and density.dat

    if os.path.isfile('density.bin'):
        coords, fields = io.ReadBinFile('density.bin')
        fields_have_imag = True
    elif os.path.isfile('density.dat'):
        coords, fields = io.ReadDatFile('density.dat')
        fields_have_imag = False
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Default inputs density.bin and density.dat not found")
    if newDim == 3:
        Nz = args.Nz  # number of plane waves in new dimension
        Lz = args.Lz  # length of box in new dimension

    infiletype = infilename.split('.')[-1]
    outfiletype = outfilename.split('.')[-1]
    if (infiletype != "bin" and infiletype != 'dat'):
        raise RuntimeError(
            f"input file ({infilename}) must have file type of .bin or .dat")
    if (outfiletype != "bin" and outfiletype != 'dat' and outfiletype != 'in'):
        raise RuntimeError(
            f"output file ({outfilename}) must have file type of .bin, .dat or .in"

    if infiletype == 'dat':
        coords, fields = io.ReadDatFile(infilename)
        coords, fields = io.ReadBinFile(infilename)

    #cb, fb = io.ReadBinFile('density.bin')
    #cd, fd = io.ReadDatFile('density.dat')

    # check newDim relative to origDim
    origDim = len(coords.shape) - 1
    assert (origDim <
            newDim), "output dimension must be greater than input dimension"

    if origDim == 1:
        # convert from 1d to 2d
    #in order to change this expand the box by a factor, so the relative
    #tolerance is tighter
    box_multiplier = 0.5 / args.tolerance
    #    if not os.path.isfile('structure.cif') and not args.overwrite:
    #        make_domains(args.filename)
    #    else:
    #        print('Found an existing structure.cif skipping domain calculation, disable this feature with -o')

    #this section finds the domains, using domaintools with meshing enabled
    filetype = re.split('\.', args.filename)[-1]
    if filetype == 'bin':
        AllCoords, AllFields = io.ReadBinFile(args.filename)
    elif filetype == 'dat':
        AllCoords, AllFields = io.ReadDatFile(args.filename)
        raise NotImplementedError('This only supports .bin and .dat files')
    #normalize by box length
    #extra AllCoords[1,1,1] is because boxes are mesured by lower left corner
    box_length = AllCoords[-1, -1, -1] + AllCoords[1, 1, 1]
    AllCoords = AllCoords / (box_length)
    domainanalyzer = DomainAnalyzer(AllCoords, AllFields)
    ndomains, com, area, vol, IQ = domainanalyzer.getDomainStats(
        plotMesh=False, add_periodic_domains=True)
    stats = np.vstack((com.T, area, vol, IQ)).T
    np.savetxt("stats_mesh.dat", stats, header="comx comy comz area vol IQ")

    #this section makes a crystalography file for platon (.cif)