def validate_networks( value: Union[bool, Sequence[str]] ) -> Union[bool, List[Union[IPv6Network, IPv4Network]]]: if value is True: return [IPv4Network(''), IPv6Network('::/0')] if not value: return [] converted_networks_ipv4 = [] converted_networks_ipv6 = [] for i, network in enumerate(value): try: if ':' in value: converted_networks_ipv6.append(IPv6Network(network)) else: converted_networks_ipv4.append(IPv4Network(network)) except ValueError: raise vol.Invalid("invalid network provided", path=[i]) if not converted_networks_ipv6: return list(collapse_addresses(converted_networks_ipv4)) elif not converted_networks_ipv4: return list(collapse_addresses(converted_networks_ipv6)) return [ *collapse_addresses(converted_networks_ipv4), *collapse_addresses(converted_networks_ipv6) ]
def getRKNdata(): # Get AWS prefixes aws_prefixes = downloadJSONdata() url = "" data = [] response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) reader = csv.reader(codecs.iterdecode(response, 'cp1251'), delimiter=';') for row in reader: for rkn_prefix in row[0].split(' | '): try: data.append(ipaddress.ip_network(rkn_prefix)) except ValueError: # Not an IP in rkn_blocklist row continue rkn_prefixes = [ipaddr for ipaddr in ipaddress.collapse_addresses(data)] data = [] for aws_prefix in aws_prefixes: for rkn_prefix in rkn_prefixes: if rkn_prefix.overlaps(aws_prefix): data.append(rkn_prefix) break return [ipaddr for ipaddr in ipaddress.collapse_addresses(data)]
def _clean_up_networks(strings: list) -> tuple: """ Take a list of strings. Convert elements to objects from the ipaddress class. For elements that fail conversion (still string), print an error and remove them. Separate remaining items into lists of a single address family: one of IPv4 objects and the other of IPv6 objects. Return a tuple of the IPv4Network list, IPv6Network list. """ # Get two empty lists ready ip4_nets = [] ip6_nets = [] # Convert strings to ipaddress objects ip_networks = _strings_to_networks(strings) # Print an error for each string that did not convert and remove it from # the list. Sort IPv4 and IPv6 objects into separate lists. for i,item in enumerate(ip_networks): if isinstance(item, str): print("ValueError: '{}' does not appear to be an IPv4 or IPv6 " "network, ignoring.".format(item)) del ip_networks[i] elif isinstance(item, ipaddress.IPv4Network): ip4_nets.append(item) elif isinstance(item, ipaddress.IPv6Network): ip6_nets.append(item) else: raise TypeError("Unexpected type for item {} found at " "'ip_networks[{}]'.".format(str(item), i)) # Return collapsed lists return (list(ipaddress.collapse_addresses(ip4_nets)), list(ipaddress.collapse_addresses(ip6_nets)))
def _parse_address_list(a): net4, net6 = [], [] for addr in a: m = sd_regex.match(addr).groupdict() if m['ipv4']: net4.append(ipaddress.IPv4Network(_unicode(m['ipv4']))) elif m['ipv6']: net6.append(ipaddress.IPv6Network(_unicode(m['ipv6']))) elif m['fqdn']: # throw up badly if domain names cannot be resolved # ignoring dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN silently here leads to generated # rules with missing src/dst filters, which is bad r4 = None r6 = None try: r4 = dns.resolver.query(m['fqdn'], dns.rdatatype.A) net4.extend(sorted([ipaddress.IPv4Network(_unicode(rr.to_text())) for rr in r4.rrset])) except dns.resolver.NoAnswer: pass except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN as e: logger.critical("NXDOMAIN on %s" % m['fqdn']) raise e try: r6 = dns.resolver.query(m['fqdn'], dns.rdatatype.AAAA) net6.extend(sorted([ipaddress.IPv6Network(_unicode(rr.to_text())) for rr in r6.rrset])) except dns.resolver.NoAnswer: pass except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN as e: logger.critical("NXDOMAIN on %s" % m['fqdn']) raise e rtxt = None if r4 is None and r6 is None: try: rtxt = dns.resolver.query(m['fqdn'], dns.rdatatype.TXT) for rr in rtxt.rrset: txt = rr.to_text() if txt.startswith('"') and txt.endswith('"'): txt = txt[1:-1] txt_net4, txt_net6 = _parse_address_list([txt]) net4.extend(txt_net4) net4 = sorted(ipaddress.collapse_addresses(net4)) net6.extend(txt_net6) net6 = sorted(ipaddress.collapse_addresses(net6)) except dns.resolver.NoAnswer: pass except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN as e: logger.critical("NXDOMAIN on %s" % m['fqdn']) raise e if r4 is None and r6 is None and rtxt is None: raise OinkwallException('No A, AAAA or TXT found for %s' % m['fqdn']) else: logger.critical('Regular expression for parse_address_list cannot ' 'deal with %s' % addr) return net4, net6
def get_as_prefixes_effective(self, asn): """ Returns the effective address space of given ASN by removing all overlaps among the prefixes :return: The effective prefixes resulting from removing overlaps of the given ASN's prefixes """ prefixes = self.get_as_prefixes(asn) if not prefixes: # issue 12 return None non_overlapping_prefixes4 = collapse_addresses([ip_network(i) for i in prefixes if ':' not in i]) non_overlapping_prefixes6 = collapse_addresses([ip_network(i) for i in prefixes if ':' in i]) return [i.compressed for i in non_overlapping_prefixes4] + [i.compressed for i in non_overlapping_prefixes6]
def supernet(self): if self._check() == 0: prefixlen = self._min_prefixlen() #print (prefixlen ) newPrefixNwList = [ip_network(x).supernet(new_prefix=prefixlen) for x in self ] newNetworkList = list(collapse_addresses(newPrefixNwList)) while len (newNetworkList) > 1: prefixlen = prefixlen - 1 newPrefixNwList = [ip_network(x).supernet(new_prefix=prefixlen) for x in self ] newNetworkList = (list(collapse_addresses(newPrefixNwList))) return newNetworkList[0]
def get_nets_krnic(self, response): """ The function for parsing network blocks from krnic whois data. Args: response (:obj:`str`): The response from the krnic server. Returns: list of dict: Mapping of networks with start and end positions. :: [{ 'cidr' (str) - The network routing block 'start' (int) - The starting point of the network 'end' (int) - The endpoint point of the network }] """ nets = [] # Iterate through all of the networks found, storing the CIDR value # and the start and end positions. for match in re.finditer( r'^(IPv4 Address)[\s]+:[^\S\n]+((.+?)[^\S\n]-[^\S\n](.+?)' '[^\S\n]\((.+?)\)|.+)$', response, re.MULTILINE): try: net = copy.deepcopy(BASE_NET) net['range'] = if and addrs = [] addrs.extend( summarize_address_range( ip_address(, ip_address( cidr = ', '.join( [i.__str__() for i in collapse_addresses(addrs)]) net['range'] = '{0} - {1}'.format(, else: cidr = ip_network( net['cidr'] = cidr net['start'] = match.start() net['end'] = match.end() nets.append(net) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass return nets
def get_net_in_area(OSW_CFG_TXT): ''' return a dict of kind: { area: [ipaddress('prefix/lenght'),] } ''' dict_net_in_area = dict() # { area: [ipaddress('prefix/lenght'),] } parse = c.CiscoConfParse(OSW_CFG_TXT) ospf_obj_list = parse.find_objects(r'^router ospf') for line in ospf_obj_list[0].ioscfg: hl = line.split() if hl[0] == 'network': net = hl[1] net_hostmask = hl[2] area = hl[4] if area not in dict_net_in_area: dict_net_in_area[area] = [ ipaddress.IPv4Network( net + '/' + net_hostmask)] else: dict_net_in_area[area].append( ipaddress.IPv4Network( net + '/' + net_hostmask)) for area in dict_net_in_area: dict_net_in_area[area] = list( ipaddress.collapse_addresses( dict_net_in_area[area])) return dict_net_in_area
def parse_blacklist(bl_data, bl_type, regex=None): """ Parses downloaded blacklist to the list of individual blacklist records :param bl_data: Blacklist data, which will be parsed :param bl_type: Type of blacklist (ip|prefixIP|domain) :param regex: Regular expression, which may be used for parsing records :return: List of individual blacklist records and length of blacklist (len of prefixIP blacklist needs to be calculated before collapsing range) """ bl_records = [] prefix_bl_length = 0 if regex: cregex = compile_regex(regex) bl_records = parse_bl_with_regex(bl_data, bl_type, cregex) else: bl_records = parse_bl_without_regex(bl_data, bl_type) # if the blacklist was prefix blacklist, try to collapse ranges if bl_type == "prefixIP": prefix_bl_length = len(bl_records) print("prefixbl length after collapsing: " + str(prefix_bl_length)) # remove overlaps from range IP blacklists bl_records = ipaddress.collapse_addresses(bl_records) return bl_records, prefix_bl_length if prefix_bl_length else 0
def cidrExclude(list1, list2): newAdd = [] cidrOutput = [] cidrOutputMerge = [] i = 0 while i < len(list1): overlap = 0 newAdd = [] for j in range(len(list2)): if list1[i].overlaps(list2[j]): overlap = 1 if list1[i].supernet_of(list2[j]): newAdd = list(list1[i].address_exclude(list2[j])) newAdd.sort() list1 = list1[:i + 1] + newAdd + list1[i + 1:] break if overlap == 0: print("Output", list1[i], "\n") cidrOutput.extend(list1[i]) i += 1 cidrOutputMerge = ipaddress.collapse_addresses(cidrOutput) fileOutput = open("cidrOutput.txt", "w") for iprange in cidrOutputMerge: fileOutput.write("".join(str(iprange))) fileOutput.write("\n")
def calculate_cidr(start_address, end_address): """ The function to calculate a CIDR range(s) from a start and end IP address. Args: start_address: The starting IP address in string format. end_address: The ending IP address in string format. Returns: List: A list of calculated CIDR ranges. """ tmp_addrs = [] try: tmp_addrs.extend(summarize_address_range( ip_address(start_address), ip_address(end_address))) except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError): # pragma: no cover try: tmp_addrs.extend(summarize_address_range( ip_network(start_address).network_address, ip_network(end_address).network_address)) except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover tmp_addrs.extend(summarize_address_range( ip_network(start_address).ip, ip_network(end_address).ip)) return [i.__str__() for i in collapse_addresses(tmp_addrs)]
def getBlockedIPList(connstr, collapse=True, ipv6=False): """ Complementary function for getting only IP list :param connstr: smth like "engine://*****:*****@host:port/dbname" :param collapse: merge and minimize IPs and networks :param ipv6: use ipv6 entities :return: The total and the list of ip subnets, using /32 for ips. """ bldt = BlockData(connstr) if ipv6: ips = [ ipaddress.ip_network(addr) for addr in bldt.getBlockedResourcesSet('ipv6') ] ipsubs = [ ipaddress.ip_network(addr) for addr in bldt.getBlockedResourcesSet('ipv6subnet') ] else: ips = [ ipaddress.ip_network(addr) for addr in bldt.getBlockedResourcesSet('ip') ] ipsubs = [ ipaddress.ip_network(addr) for addr in bldt.getBlockedResourcesSet('ipsubnet') ] ipsall = ips + ipsubs if collapse: return list(ipaddress.collapse_addresses(ipsall)) return list(ipsall)
def legacy_import(db_user, db_pass, db_host, db_name): # init and connect to legacy db db_uri = 'postgresql://%s:%s@%s/%s' % (db_user, db_pass, db_host, db_name) db_engine = create_engine(db_uri, convert_unicode=True) db_metadata.bind = db_engine db_con = db_engine.connect() users = users_len = len(users) for i, user in enumerate(users): print("\n\n[%d/%d] %s <%s>..." % (i, users_len, user[1], user[3])) rows = == user[0]).execute().fetchall() networks = [IPv4Network(unicode(r[1])) for r in rows] collapsed = [c.compressed for c in collapse_addresses(networks)] for c in collapsed: pool = current_app.config['API_POOL_LEGACY'] try: data = { 'description': user[1], 'tags': ['legacy','imported'] } get_api().create_prefix_by_cidr(c, user[3], pool, data) print("\t* %s saved." % c) except NipapDuplicateError: print("\t* %s already exists." % c)
def sg_network_in_policy(sg, args): '''check_network_policy(json ASG entity) - validate network policy''' # check for exceptions to policy if args.skip is not None and sg['name'] in args.skip: return True if args.skip_re is not None: for r in args.skip_rec: if r.match(sg['name']): return True # collect all addresses, and apply policy to them in aggregate ip_n_list = list() for sg_rule in sg['rules']: if 'destination' not in sg_rule: return False ip_n_list.extend(compile_networks([sg_rule['destination']])) # take aggregate of addresses, and apply policy - this avoids # splitting non-compliant policy across serveral rules to # circumvent controls (note that this does not prevent it from # being done across multiple policies) ip_n_list = list(ipaddress.collapse_addresses(ip_n_list)) for ip_n in ip_n_list: if ip_n.prefixlen < args.min_cidr: if args.debug: print("%s rule %s fails /%d check" % (sg['name'], ip_n, args.min_cidr)) return False # no referring to banned networks if is not None: for banned in args.banned_networks: if ip_n.overlaps(banned): if args.debug: print("%s rule %s fails banned nets" % (sg['name'], ip_n)) return False return True # network policy passed
def merge_ip_nets(ip_net): ip_counter = 0 net_break_counter = 0 nets = [ipaddr for ipaddr in ipaddress.collapse_addresses(ip_net)] merged_nets = [] for n in nets: ip_counter += n.num_addresses start_ip = n[0] end_ip = n[-1] if net_break_counter == 0: net_start = start_ip net_end = end_ip # check if the temp ip net can be continue if net_break_counter > 0: if start_ip == net_end + 1: net_end = end_ip else: # net breaks net_break_counter = 0 merged_nets.append( [net_start.compressed + '-' + net_end.compressed]) print(merged_nets) # reset net_start & net_end net_start = start_ip net_end = end_ip net_break_counter += 1 merged_nets.append([net_start.compressed + '-' + net_end.compressed]) print(merged_nets) return (ip_counter, merged_nets)
def summarize_ipv6(mml_file): ipv6_pattern = r'.*prefix\s\d\s*([^\n\r]*)' ipv6_list = list() with open(mml_file) as fin: ip_list = list() for lines in fin: if lines.strip().startswith('prefix'): ip_list.append( re.findall(pattern=ipv6_pattern, string=lines)) for ls in ip_list: for txt in ls: ip_range = txt.strip().split() ipv6_list.append(ip_range) networks = list() for ls in ipv6_list: networks.extend( ipaddress.summarize_address_range( ipaddress.IPv6Address(ls[0]), ipaddress.IPv6Address(ls[-1]))) aggregate = [ str(network) for network in ipaddress.collapse_addresses(networks) ] return aggregate
def add_new_subnet(self, hosts, name): for subnet in self.subnets_lst: if == name: print("Name already exists!") return None holder = list() if self.version == 4: (cidr, block) = self.get_cidr_block_from_hosts(hosts) else: (cidr, block) = (64, Statics.get_block_size_from_cidr(64, self.version)) def add(name, network): subnet = Subnet(name, network) self.subnets[subnet] = IP_tracker(subnet) self.subnets_lst.append(subnet) self.subnets_lst = sorted(self.subnets_lst, key=lambda x: (, def get_split_addr(start, stop, cidr): if start == stop: return list() #sqeeze and sort address_space else: holder.append(ipaddress.ip_network("{}/{}".format(start, cidr))) return get_split_addr( start + Statics.get_block_size_from_cidr(cidr, self.version), stop, cidr - 1) while True: if not self.address_space: self.unsupported_lst.append("{}, {}".format(name, hosts)) print("There is no space for requirement '{}'!".format(name)) break else: avail_address = self.address_space.pop() avail_block = Statics.get_block_size_from_cidr( avail_address.prefixlen, self.version) if avail_block == block: add(name, avail_address) break elif avail_block > block: new_subnet = ipaddress.ip_network("{}/{}".format( avail_address[0], self.get_cidr_from_block(block))) add(name, new_subnet) get_split_addr(avail_address[0] + block, avail_address[0] + avail_block, cidr) break else: holder.append(avail_address) while holder: self.address_space.append(holder.pop()) self.address_space = sorted(list( ipaddress.collapse_addresses(self.address_space)), key=lambda x: (-x.prefixlen))
def get_as_prefixes_effective(self, asn): """ Returns the effective address space of given ASN by removing all overlaps among the prefixes :return: The effective prefixes resulting from removing overlaps of the given ASN's prefixes """ prefixes = self.get_as_prefixes(asn) non_overlapping_prefixes = collapse_addresses([ip_network(i) for i in prefixes]) return [i.compressed for i in non_overlapping_prefixes]
def get_as_prefixes_effective(self, asn): """ Returns the effective address space of given ASN by removing all overlaps among the prefixes :return: The effective prefixes resulting from removing overlaps of the given ASN's prefixes """ prefixes = self.get_as_prefixes(asn) non_overlapping_prefixes = collapse_addresses( [ip_network(i) for i in prefixes]) return [i.compressed for i in non_overlapping_prefixes]
def networks(self): if not hasattr(self, '_networks'): self._networks = [] for i, block in enumerate(self.blocks): self._networks += summarize_address_range( IPv4Address(block['start']), IPv4Address(block['end'])) self._networks = list(collapse_addresses(self._networks)) return self._networks
def blackhole_routes_as_array(): ip = IPRoute() array = [] # Blackhole routes are type 6 for r in ip.get_routes(type=6): array.append(ip_network('{}/{}'.format(r['attrs'][1][1], r['dst_len']))) return collapse_addresses(array)
def block_summarize(self,block_prefix=""): if self._check() == 0: if block_prefix == "": prefixlen = self._min_prefixlen() else: prefixlen = block_prefix #print ("prefixlen: " + str(prefixlen)) newPrefixNwList = [ip_network(x).supernet(new_prefix=prefixlen) for x in self ] return (list(collapse_addresses(newPrefixNwList)))
def gen_routes(srv): print('- Generating ccd routes for {}'.format(srv)) ccd_dir = '/etc/openvpn/ccd-{}'.format(srv) if not os.path.exists(ccd_dir): print('-- Directory `{}` does not exists, creating new one..'.format( ccd_dir)) os.makedirs(ccd_dir) target_f = ccd_dir + '/DEFAULT' target = open(target_f, 'w') def keyd_to_list(f): content = json.loads(open('../json/' + f + '.json', 'r').read()) list = [] for arr in content: list.extend(content[arr]) return list for addr in keyd_to_list('dns'): print('push "dhcp-option DNS %s"' % addr, 'push "route %s"' % addr, sep="\n", file=target) print('-- Getting AS\'s nets..') as_nets = [] for asn in keyd_to_list('asn-{}'.format(srv)): whois = os.popen('whois -h -- "-i origin AS' + asn + '" | grep -Eo "([0-9.]+){4}/[0-9]+"').read() as_nets.extend(whois.split()) print('-- Collapsing nets..') ip4 = [ipaddress.IPv4Network(addr) for addr in as_nets] ip4_collapsed = ipaddress.collapse_addresses(ip4) count = 0 for addr in ip4_collapsed: ip4_range = addr.with_netmask.replace('/', ' ') print('push "route {}"'.format(ip4_range), file=target) count += 1 print('-- Networks before collapsing: {}, after collapsing: {}'.format( len(as_nets), count)) print('\tSaved in', target_f)
def _get_nets_krnic(self, response): """ The function for parsing network blocks from krnic whois data. Args: response: The response from the krnic server. Returns: List: A of dictionaries containing keys: cidr, start, end. """ nets = [] # Iterate through all of the networks found, storing the CIDR value # and the start and end positions. for match in re.finditer( r'^(IPv4 Address)[\s]+:[^\S\n]+((.+?)[^\S\n]-[^\S\n](.+?)' '[^\S\n]\((.+?)\)|.+)$', response, re.MULTILINE ): try: net = copy.deepcopy(BASE_NET) net['range'] = if and addrs = [] addrs.extend(summarize_address_range( ip_address(, ip_address( cidr = ', '.join( [i.__str__() for i in collapse_addresses(addrs)] ) net['range'] = '{0} - {1}'.format(, ) else: cidr = ip_network( net['cidr'] = cidr net['start'] = match.start() net['end'] = match.end() nets.append(net) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass return nets
def run_old(): testdata = [ip_network(_) for _ in open('testdata.txt').readlines()] prof = cProfile.Profile() prof.enable() result = collapse_addresses(testdata) prof.disable() prof.dump_stats('old-algo.stats') resultlist = [str(_) for _ in result] with open("old_result.txt", "w") as fp: fp.write('\n'.join(resultlist))
def format_net(networks): networks = collapse_addresses(networks) results = {} for net in networks: address = struct.unpack("!I", net.network_address.packed)[0] cidr = net.prefixlen prefix = address >> (32 - cidr) results[f"{prefix}/{cidr}"] = 1 return json.dumps(results)
def convert(self): self.cidrs = [] self.collapsedCidrs = [] for ipRange in self.ipRanges: for cidr in netaddr.iprange_to_cidrs(ipRange['Start'], ipRange['End']): self.cidrs.append(ipaddress.ip_network(cidr)) for cidr in ipaddress.collapse_addresses(self.cidrs): self.collapsedCidrs.append(cidr) return self
def file_as_array(filename): print('Reading {} ... '.format(filename)) array = [] if filename.exists(): with as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if any((is_comment(line), is_blank(line))): if is_cidr(line) and line not in array: array.append(line) return collapse_addresses(array)
def main(): networks = get_networks_from_asn(ASN_LIST) ipv4_networks = [n for n in networks if n.version == 4] ipv6_networks = [n for n in networks if n.version == 6] print('Recieved: {} IPv4 networks, {} IPv6 networks.'.format( len(ipv4_networks), len(ipv6_networks), )) collapsed_ipv4 = list(ipaddress.collapse_addresses(ipv4_networks)) collapsed_ipv6 = list(ipaddress.collapse_addresses(ipv6_networks)) print('After collapsing: {} IPv4 networks, {} IPv6 networks.'.format( len(collapsed_ipv4), len(collapsed_ipv6), )) if CCD_FILEPATH: write_ovpn_ccd(chain(collapsed_ipv4, collapsed_ipv6), CCD_FILEPATH) else: print('"HOSTSUPDATE_CCD_FILEPATH" environment variable is not found.')
def consolidate_networks(networks): # Split to IPv4 and IPv6 ranges ipv4_networks = [] ipv6_networks = [] for network in networks: if isinstance(network, str): # Convert string to IpNetwork network = ipaddress.ip_network(network) if network.version == 4: ipv4_networks.append(network) else: ipv6_networks.append(network) # Collapse ranges networks_to_keep = list( map(str, ipaddress.collapse_addresses(ipv4_networks))) networks_to_keep.extend( map(str, ipaddress.collapse_addresses(ipv6_networks))) return networks_to_keep
def ip_main(sourcefile, outputfile, *args, **kwargs): try: with open(sourcefile, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: allip = f.readlines() ip = [ipaddress.IPv4Network(net.strip('\n ')) for net in allip] ip2 = [addr for addr in ipaddress.collapse_addresses(ip)] with open(outputfile, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f1: for i in ip2: f1.write(str(i) + '\n') except Exception as e: sys.exit(e)
def _get_nets_other(self, response): """ The function for parsing network blocks from generic whois data. Args: response: The response from the whois/rwhois server. Returns: List: A of dictionaries containing keys: cidr, start, end. """ nets = [] # Iterate through all of the networks found, storing the CIDR value # and the start and end positions. for match in re.finditer( r'^(inetnum|inet6num|route):[^\S\n]+((.+?)[^\S\n]-[^\S\n](.+)|' '.+)$', response, re.MULTILINE ): try: net = copy.deepcopy(BASE_NET) net['range'] = if and addrs = [] addrs.extend(summarize_address_range( ip_address(, ip_address( cidr = ', '.join( [i.__str__() for i in collapse_addresses(addrs)] ) else: cidr = ip_network( net['cidr'] = cidr net['start'] = match.start() net['end'] = match.end() nets.append(net) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass return nets
def updateRealmScope(networkEntriesForRealm, logger): collapsed = None networkList = [] for entry in networkEntriesForRealm: parseEntry(networkList,, logger) # insert logger ## Get a unique set, then colapse to the smallest number of entries collapsed = [ ipaddr for ipaddr in ipaddress.collapse_addresses(list(set(networkList))) ] ## end updateRealmScope return collapsed
def __init__(self, ips): """ Constructor. Params: ips: An iterable of network specifications in either CIDR notation or with the network and subnet masks separated by a slash, for example: and would be equivalent. """ self._ipv4 = [] self._ipv6 = [] for ip in ips: network = ipaddress.ip_network(ip, False) if isinstance(network, IPv4Network): self._ipv4.append(network) else: self._ipv6.append(network) self._ipv4 = set(ipaddress.collapse_addresses(self._ipv4)) self._ipv6 = set(ipaddress.collapse_addresses(self._ipv6))
def getBlockedIPCount(connstr): bldt = BlockData(connstr) ips = [ ipaddress.ip_network(addr) for addr in bldt.getBlockedResourcesSet('ip') ] ipsubs = [ ipaddress.ip_network(addr) for addr in bldt.getBlockedResourcesSet('ipsubnet') ] ipNum = sum( map(lambda x: x.num_addresses, ipaddress.collapse_addresses(ips + ipsubs))) return ipNum
def spanning_network(networks): if not networks: raise ValueError("List of networks is empty") if len(networks) == 1: return networks[0] sorter = operator.attrgetter("num_addresses") while True: networks = sorted( ipaddress.collapse_addresses(networks), key=sorter, reverse=True) if len(networks) == 1: return networks[0] networks[-1] = networks[-1].supernet()
def fetch_ip_data(): print("Fetching data from, please wait...", file=sys.stderr) url = '' try: data = subprocess.check_output(['wget', url, '-O-']).decode() except (OSError, AttributeError): response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) data ="UTF-8") cnregex = re.compile(r'^apnic\|cn\|ipv4\|[\d\.]+\|\d+\|\d+\|a\w*$', re.I | re.M) cndata = cnregex.findall(data) results = [] for item in cndata: unit_items = item.split('|') starting_ip = unit_items[3] num_ip = int(unit_items[4]) imask = 0xffffffff ^ (num_ip - 1) imask = hex(imask)[2:] mask = [imask[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, 8, 2)] mask = '.'.join([str(int(i, 16)) for i in mask]) cidr = 32 - int(math.log(num_ip, 2)) results.append((starting_ip, mask, cidr)) print("Collapsing addresses, please wait...", file=sys.stderr) networks = [] for ip, _, mask in results: networks.append(ipaddress.ip_network("%s/%s" % (ip, mask))) results = [] for net in ipaddress.collapse_addresses(networks): results.append((str(net.network_address), str(net.netmask), net.prefixlen)) return results
def merge_ip_nets(ip_net): summ_net = [ipaddr for ipaddr in ipaddress.collapse_addresses(ip_net)] print(summ_net) return(summ_net)
def lookup(self, inc_raw = False): """ The function for retrieving and parsing whois information for an IP address via port 43 (WHOIS). Args: inc_raw: Boolean for whether to include the raw whois results in the returned dictionary. Returns: Dictionary: A dictionary containing the following keys: query (String) - The IP address. asn (String) - The Autonomous System Number. asn_date (String) - The ASN Allocation date. asn_registry (String) - The assigned ASN registry. asn_cidr (String) - The assigned ASN CIDR. asn_country_code (String) - The assigned ASN country code. nets (List) - Dictionaries containing network information which consists of the fields listed in the NIC_WHOIS dictionary. Certain IPs have more granular network listings, hence the need for a list object. raw (String) - Raw whois results if the inc_raw parameter is True. """ #Attempt to resolve ASN info via Cymru. DNS is faster, so try that first. try: asn_data = self.get_asn_dns() except ASNLookupError: asn_data = self.get_asn_whois() #Create the return dictionary. results = { 'query': self.address_str, 'nets': [], 'raw': None } #Add the ASN information to the return dictionary. results.update(asn_data) #Retrieve the whois data. response = self.get_whois(results['asn_registry']) #If the inc_raw parameter is True, add the response to the return dictionary. if inc_raw: results['raw'] = response #Create the network dictionary template. The start and end fields will be removed in the final returned dictionary. base_net = { 'cidr': None, 'name': None, 'description': None, 'country': None, 'state': None, 'city': None, 'address': None, 'postal_code': None, 'start': None, 'end': None } nets = [] if results['asn_registry'] == 'arin': #Iterate through all of the networks found, storing the CIDR value and the start and end positions. for match in re.finditer(r'^CIDR:[^\S\n]+(.+?,[^\S\n].+|.+)$', response, re.MULTILINE): try: net = base_net.copy() net['cidr'] = ', '.join([ipaddress.ip_network(c.strip()).__str__() for c in', ')]) net['start'] = match.start() net['end'] = match.end() nets.append(net) except: pass #Future fix: LACNIC has to be special and shorten inetnum field (no validity testing done for these). elif results['asn_registry'] == 'lacnic': #Iterate through all of the networks found, storing the CIDR value and the start and end positions. for match in re.finditer(r'^(inetnum|inet6num):[^\S\n]+(.+?,[^\S\n].+|.+)$', response, re.MULTILINE): try: cidr = net = base_net.copy() net['cidr'] = cidr net['start'] = match.start() net['end'] = match.end() nets.append(net) except: pass else: #Iterate through all of the networks found, storing the CIDR value and the start and end positions. for match in re.finditer(r'^(inetnum|inet6num):[^\S\n]+((.+?)[^\S\n]-[^\S\n](.+)|.+)$', response, re.MULTILINE): try: if and addrs = [] addrs.extend(ipaddress.summarize_address_range(ipaddress.ip_address(, ipaddress.ip_address( cidr = ', '.join([i.__str__() for i in ipaddress.collapse_addresses(addrs)]) else: cidr = ipaddress.ip_network( net = base_net.copy() net['cidr'] = cidr net['start'] = match.start() net['end'] = match.end() nets.append(net) except: pass #Iterate through all of the network sections and parse out the appropriate fields for each. for index, net in enumerate(nets): end = None if index + 1 < len(nets): end = nets[index + 1]['start'] for field in NIC_WHOIS[results['asn_registry']]['fields']: pattern = re.compile(r'' + NIC_WHOIS[results['asn_registry']]['fields'][field], re.MULTILINE) if end: match = pattern.finditer(response, net['end'], end) else: match = pattern.finditer(response, net['end']) value = '' sub_end = None for m in match: if sub_end: if sub_end != (m.start()-1): break if value != '': value += '\n' value += sub_end = m.end() if value != '': if field == 'country': value = value.upper() net[field] = value #The start and end values are no longer needed. del net['start'], net['end'] #Add the networks to the return dictionary. results['nets'] = nets return results
def push_config_to_apic(self): """ Push the configuration to the APIC :return: Requests Response instance indicating success or not """ THROTTLE_SIZE = 500000 / 8 # Set the tenant name correctly if self._tenant_name == '' and self.cdb.has_context_config(): self.set_tenant_name(self.cdb.get_context_config().tenant_name) elif self._tenant_name == '': self.set_tenant_name('acitoolkit') # Find all the unique contract providers logging.debug('Finding the unique contract providers') unique_providers = {} for provided_policy in self.cdb.get_contract_policies(): if provided_policy.dst_id not in unique_providers: unique_providers[provided_policy.dst_id] = 0 else: unique_providers[provided_policy.dst_id] += 1 logging.debug('Found %s unique contract providers', len(unique_providers)) # Find any duplicate contracts that this provider is providing (remove) logging.debug('Finding any duplicate contracts') duplicate_policies = [] for provider in unique_providers: for provided_policy in self.cdb.get_contract_policies(): if provided_policy in duplicate_policies: continue if provider in provided_policy.dst_ids: for other_policy in self.cdb.get_contract_policies(): if other_policy == provided_policy or other_policy in duplicate_policies: continue if other_policy.dst_ids == provided_policy.dst_ids and other_policy.has_same_permissions(provided_policy): provided_policy.src_ids = provided_policy.src_ids + other_policy.src_ids duplicate_policies.append(other_policy) logging.debug('duplicate_policies now has %s entries', len(duplicate_policies)) logging.debug('Removing duplicate contracts') for duplicate_policy in duplicate_policies: self.cdb.remove_contract_policy(duplicate_policy) if not self.displayonly: # Log on to the APIC apic_cfg = self.cdb.get_apic_config() apic = Session(apic_cfg.url, apic_cfg.user_name, apic_cfg.password) resp = apic.login() if not resp.ok: return resp logging.debug('Generating JSON....') # Push all of the Contracts logging.debug('Pushing contracts. # of Contract policies: %s', len(self.cdb.get_contract_policies())) tenant = Tenant(self._tenant_name) for contract_policy in self.cdb.get_contract_policies(): name = contract_policy.src_name + '::' + contract_policy.dst_name contract = Contract(name, tenant) contract.descr = contract_policy.descr[0:127 - (contract_policy.descr.count('"') + contract_policy.descr.count("'") + contract_policy.descr.count('/'))] for whitelist_policy in contract_policy.get_whitelist_policies(): entry_name = whitelist_policy.proto + '.' + whitelist_policy.port_min + '.' + whitelist_policy.port_max if whitelist_policy.proto == '6' or whitelist_policy.proto == '17': entry = FilterEntry(entry_name, applyToFrag='no', arpOpc='unspecified', dFromPort=whitelist_policy.port_min, dToPort=whitelist_policy.port_max, etherT='ip', prot=whitelist_policy.proto, sFromPort='unspecified', sToPort='unspecified', tcpRules='unspecified', parent=contract) else: entry = FilterEntry(entry_name, applyToFrag='no', arpOpc='unspecified', etherT='ip', prot=whitelist_policy.proto, parent=contract) if not self.displayonly: if len(str(tenant.get_json())) > THROTTLE_SIZE: logging.debug('Throttling contracts. Pushing config...') resp = tenant.push_to_apic(apic) if not resp.ok: return resp tenant = Tenant(self._tenant_name) if self.displayonly: print json.dumps(tenant.get_json(), indent=4, sort_keys=True) else: logging.debug('Pushing remaining contracts') resp = tenant.push_to_apic(apic) if not resp.ok: return resp # Push all of the EPGs logging.debug('Pushing EPGs') if not self.displayonly: tenant = Tenant(self._tenant_name) app = AppProfile(self._app_name, tenant) if self._use_ip_epgs: # Create a Base EPG base_epg = EPG('base', app) if self.cdb.has_context_config(): context_name = self.cdb.get_context_config().name else: context_name = 'vrf1' context = Context(context_name, tenant) bd = BridgeDomain('bd', tenant) bd.add_context(context) base_epg.add_bd(bd) if self.displayonly: # If display only, just deploy the EPG to leaf 101 base_epg.add_static_leaf_binding('101', 'vlan', '1', encap_mode='untagged') else: # Deploy the EPG to all of the leaf switches nodes = Node.get(apic) for node in nodes: if node.role == 'leaf': base_epg.add_static_leaf_binding(node.node, 'vlan', '1', encap_mode='untagged') # Create the Attribute based EPGs logging.debug('Creating Attribute Based EPGs') for epg_policy in self.cdb.get_epg_policies(): if not self.displayonly: # Check if we need to throttle very large configs if len(str(tenant.get_json())) > THROTTLE_SIZE: resp = tenant.push_to_apic(apic) if not resp.ok: return resp tenant = Tenant(self._tenant_name) app = AppProfile(self._app_name, tenant) context = Context(context_name, tenant) bd = BridgeDomain('bd', tenant) bd.add_context(context) if self._use_ip_epgs: base_epg = EPG('base', app) base_epg.add_bd(bd) epg = EPG(, app) # Check if the policy has the default IP address no_default_endpoint = True for node_policy in epg_policy.get_node_policies(): if node_policy.ip == '' and node_policy.prefix_len == 0: no_default_endpoint = False epg.add_bd(bd) # Add all of the IP addresses if no_default_endpoint: epg.is_attributed_based = True epg.set_base_epg(base_epg) criterion = AttributeCriterion('criterion', epg) ipaddrs = [] for node_policy in epg_policy.get_node_policies(): ipaddr = ipaddress.ip_address(unicode(node_policy.ip)) if not ipaddr.is_multicast: # Skip multicast addresses. They cannot be IP based EPGs ipaddrs.append(ipaddr) nets = ipaddress.collapse_addresses(ipaddrs) for net in nets: criterion.add_ip_address(str(net)) epg.descr = epg_policy.descr[0:127] # Consume and provide all of the necessary contracts for contract_policy in self.cdb.get_contract_policies(): contract = None if in contract_policy.src_ids: name = contract_policy.src_name + '::' + contract_policy.dst_name contract = Contract(name, tenant) epg.consume(contract) if in contract_policy.dst_ids: name = contract_policy.src_name + '::' + contract_policy.dst_name if contract is None: contract = Contract(name, tenant) epg.provide(contract) else: logging.debug('Creating EPGs') for epg_policy in self.cdb.get_epg_policies(): epg = EPG(, app) epg.descr = epg_policy.descr[0:127] # Consume and provide all of the necessary contracts for contract_policy in self.cdb.get_contract_policies(): contract = None if in contract_policy.src_ids: name = contract_policy.src_name + '::' + contract_policy.dst_name contract = Contract(name, tenant) epg.consume(contract) if in contract_policy.dst_ids: name = contract_policy.src_name + '::' + contract_policy.dst_name if contract is None: contract = Contract(name, tenant) epg.provide(contract) if self.displayonly: print json.dumps(tenant.get_json(), indent=4, sort_keys=True) else: resp = tenant.push_to_apic(apic) return resp
def lookup_rws(self, inc_raw = False): """ The function for retrieving and parsing whois information for an IP address via HTTP (Whois-RWS). NOTE: This should be faster than IPWhois.lookup(), but may not be as reliable. APNIC, LACNIC, and AFRINIC do not have a Whois-RWS service yet. We have to rely on the Ripe RWS service, which does not contain all of the data we need. Args: inc_raw: Boolean for whether to include the raw whois results in the returned dictionary. Returns: Dictionary: A dictionary containing the following keys: query (String) - The IP address. asn (String) - The Autonomous System Number. asn_date (String) - The ASN Allocation date. asn_registry (String) - The assigned ASN registry. asn_cidr (String) - The assigned ASN CIDR. asn_country_code (String) - The assigned ASN country code. nets (List) - Dictionaries containing network information which consists of the fields listed in the NIC_WHOIS dictionary. Certain IPs have more granular network listings, hence the need for a list object. raw (Dictionary) - Whois results in Json format if the inc_raw parameter is True. """ #Attempt to resolve ASN info via Cymru. DNS is faster, so try that first. try: asn_data = self.get_asn_dns() except ASNLookupError: asn_data = self.get_asn_whois() #Create the return dictionary. results = { 'query': self.address_str, 'nets': [], 'raw': None } #Add the ASN information to the return dictionary. results.update(asn_data) #Retrieve the whois data. try: response = self.get_rws(NIC_WHOIS[results['asn_registry']]['url'].format(self.address_str)) #If the query failed, try the radb-grs source. except WhoisLookupError: response = self.get_rws('{0}&source=radb-grs'.format(self.address_str)) #If the inc_raw parameter is True, add the response to the return dictionary. if inc_raw: results['raw'] = response #Create the network dictionary template. base_net = { 'cidr': None, 'name': None, 'description': None, 'country': None, 'state': None, 'city': None, 'address': None, 'postal_code': None } nets = [] if results['asn_registry'] == 'arin': try: net_list = response['nets']['net'] if not isinstance(net_list, list): net_list = [net_list] for n in net_list: if 'orgRef' in n and n['orgRef']['@handle'] in ('ARIN', 'VR-ARIN'): continue addrs = [] addrs.extend(ipaddress.summarize_address_range(ipaddress.ip_address(n['startAddress']['$'].strip()), ipaddress.ip_address(n['endAddress']['$'].strip()))) net = base_net.copy() net['cidr'] = ', '.join([i.__str__() for i in ipaddress.collapse_addresses(addrs)]) if 'name' in n: net['name'] = n['name']['$'].strip() ref = None if 'customerRef' in n: ref = ['customerRef', 'customer'] elif 'orgRef' in n: ref = ['orgRef', 'org'] if ref is not None: net['description'] = n[ref[0]]['@name'].strip() ref_url = n[ref[0]]['$'].strip() ref_response = self.get_rws(ref_url) if ref_response: if 'streetAddress' in ref_response[ref[1]]: addr_list = ref_response[ref[1]]['streetAddress']['line'] if not isinstance(addr_list, list): addr_list = [addr_list] net['address'] = '\n'.join([line['$'].strip() for line in addr_list]) if 'postalCode' in ref_response[ref[1]]: net['postal_code'] = ref_response[ref[1]]['postalCode']['$'] if 'city' in ref_response[ref[1]]: net['city'] = ref_response[ref[1]]['city']['$'] if 'iso3166-1' in ref_response[ref[1]]: net['country'] = ref_response[ref[1]]['iso3166-1']['code2']['$'] if 'iso3166-2' in ref_response[ref[1]]: net['state'] = ref_response[ref[1]]['iso3166-2']['$'] nets.append(net) except: pass else: try: object_list = response['whois-resources']['objects']['object'] if not isinstance(object_list, list): object_list = [object_list] for n in object_list: if n['type'] in ('inetnum', 'inet6num', 'route', 'route6'): net = base_net.copy() for attr in n['attributes']['attribute']: if attr['name'] in ('inetnum', 'inet6num'): ipr = attr['value'].strip() ip_range = ipr.split(' - ') try: if len(ip_range) > 1: addrs = [] addrs.extend(ipaddress.summarize_address_range(ipaddress.ip_address(ip_range[0]), ipaddress.ip_address(ip_range[1]))) cidr = ', '.join([i.__str__() for i in ipaddress.collapse_addresses(addrs)]) else: cidr = ipaddress.ip_network(ip_range[0]).__str__() net['cidr'] = cidr except: pass elif attr['name'] in ('route', 'route6'): ipr = attr['value'].strip() ip_ranges = ipr.split(', ') try: net['cidr'] = ', '.join(ipaddress.ip_network(r).__str__() for r in ip_ranges) except: pass elif attr['name'] == 'netname': net['name'] = attr['value'].strip() elif attr['name'] == 'descr': if net['description']: net['description'] += '\n%s' % attr['value'].strip() else: net['description'] = attr['value'].strip() elif attr['name'] == 'country': net['country'] = attr['value'].strip() elif attr['name'] == 'address': if net['address']: net['address'] += '\n%s' % attr['value'].strip() else: net['address'] = attr['value'].strip() nets.append(net) break except: pass #Add the networks to the return dictionary. results['nets'] = nets return results
def lookup(self, inc_raw=False, retry_count=3): """ The function for retrieving and parsing whois information for an IP address via port 43 (WHOIS). Args: inc_raw: Boolean for whether to include the raw whois results in the returned dictionary. retry_count: The number of times to retry in case socket errors, timeouts, connection resets, etc. are encountered. Returns: Dictionary: A dictionary containing the following keys: query (String) - The IP address. asn (String) - The Autonomous System Number. asn_date (String) - The ASN Allocation date. asn_registry (String) - The assigned ASN registry. asn_cidr (String) - The assigned ASN CIDR. asn_country_code (String) - The assigned ASN country code. nets (List) - Dictionaries containing network information which consists of the fields listed in the NIC_WHOIS dictionary. Certain IPs have more granular network listings, hence the need for a list object. raw (String) - Raw whois results if the inc_raw parameter is True. """ # Initialize the response. response = None # Attempt to resolve ASN info via Cymru. DNS is faster, try that first. try: asn_data = self.get_asn_dns() except (ASNLookupError, ASNRegistryError): try: asn_data = self.get_asn_whois(retry_count) except (ASNLookupError, ASNRegistryError): # Lets attempt to get the ASN registry information from ARIN. response = self.get_whois("arin", retry_count) asn_data = { "asn_registry": None, "asn": None, "asn_cidr": None, "asn_country_code": None, "asn_date": None, } matched = False for match in re.finditer(r"^ReferralServer:[^\S\n]+(.+)$", response, re.MULTILINE): matched = True try: referral = referral = referral.replace(":43", "") asn_data["asn_registry"] = ASN_REFERRALS[referral] except KeyError: raise ASNRegistryError("ASN registry lookup failed.") break if not matched: asn_data["asn_registry"] = "arin" # Create the return dictionary. results = {"query": self.address_str, "nets": [], "raw": None} # Add the ASN information to the return dictionary. results.update(asn_data) # Only fetch the response if we haven't already. if response is None or results["asn_registry"] is not "arin": # Retrieve the whois data. response = self.get_whois(results["asn_registry"], retry_count) # If inc_raw parameter is True, add the response to return dictionary. if inc_raw: results["raw"] = response nets = [] if results["asn_registry"] == "arin": # Iterate through all of the networks found, storing the CIDR value # and the start and end positions. for match in re.finditer(r"^CIDR:[^\S\n]+(.+?,[^\S\n].+|.+)$", response, re.MULTILINE): try: net = BASE_NET.copy() net["cidr"] = ", ".join([ip_network(c.strip()).__str__() for c in", ")]) net["start"] = match.start() net["end"] = match.end() nets.append(net) except ValueError: pass elif results["asn_registry"] == "lacnic": # Iterate through all of the networks found, storing the CIDR value # and the start and end positions. for match in re.finditer(r"^(inetnum|inet6num):[^\S\n]+(.+?,[^\S\n].+|.+)$", response, re.MULTILINE): try: temp = [] for addr in", "): count = addr.count(".") if count is not 0 and count < 4: addr_split = addr.strip().split("/") for i in range(count + 1, 4): addr_split[0] += ".0" addr = "/".join(addr_split) temp.append(ip_network(addr.strip()).__str__()) net = BASE_NET.copy() net["cidr"] = ", ".join(temp) net["start"] = match.start() net["end"] = match.end() nets.append(net) except ValueError: pass else: # Iterate through all of the networks found, storing the CIDR value # and the start and end positions. for match in re.finditer( r"^(inetnum|inet6num):[^\S\n]+((.+?)[^\S\n]-[^\S\n](.+)|.+)$", response, re.MULTILINE ): try: if and addrs = [] addrs.extend( summarize_address_range( ip_address(, ip_address( ) ) cidr = ", ".join([i.__str__() for i in collapse_addresses(addrs)]) else: cidr = ip_network( net = BASE_NET.copy() net["cidr"] = cidr net["start"] = match.start() net["end"] = match.end() nets.append(net) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass # Iterate through all of the network sections and parse out the # appropriate fields for each. for index, net in enumerate(nets): section_end = None if index + 1 < len(nets): section_end = nets[index + 1]["start"] for field in NIC_WHOIS[results["asn_registry"]]["fields"]: pattern = re.compile(str(NIC_WHOIS[results["asn_registry"]]["fields"][field]), re.MULTILINE) if section_end is not None: match = pattern.finditer(response, net["end"], section_end) else: match = pattern.finditer(response, net["end"]) values = [] sub_section_end = None for m in match: if sub_section_end: if field not in ("abuse_emails", "tech_emails", "misc_emails") and ( sub_section_end != (m.start() - 1) ): break try: values.append("val").strip()) except AttributeError: values.append("val2").strip()) sub_section_end = m.end() if len(values) > 0: try: if field == "country": value = values[0].upper() elif field in ["created", "updated"]: value = datetime.strptime( values[0], str(NIC_WHOIS[results["asn_registry"]]["dt_format"]) ).isoformat("T") else: values = list(set(values)) value = "\n".join(values) except ValueError: value = None pass net[field] = value # The start and end values are no longer needed. del net["start"], net["end"] # Add the networks to the return dictionary. results["nets"] = nets return results
def _lookup_rws_apnic(self, response=None): """ The function for retrieving and parsing whois information for a APNIC IP address via HTTP (Whois-RWS). Args: response: The dictionary containing whois information to parse. Returns: List: Dictionaries containing network information which consists of the fields listed in the NIC_WHOIS dictionary. Certain IPs have more granular network listings, hence the need for a list object. """ addrs = [] net = BASE_NET.copy() try: addrs.extend(summarize_address_range( ip_address(response['startAddress'].strip()), ip_address(response['endAddress'].strip()))) net['cidr'] = ', '.join( [i.__str__() for i in collapse_addresses(addrs)] ) except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError): pass try: net['country'] = str(response['country']).strip().upper() except KeyError: pass try: events = response['events'] if not isinstance(events, list): events = [events] except KeyError: events = [] for ev in events: try: if ev['eventAction'] == 'registration': net['created'] = str(ev['eventDate']).strip() elif ev['eventAction'] == 'last changed': net['updated'] = str(ev['eventDate']).strip() except (KeyError, ValueError): pass try: entities = response['entities'] if not isinstance(entities, list): entities = [entities] except KeyError: entities = [] for en in entities: try: temp = en['vcardArray'][1] for t in temp: if 'administrative' in en['roles'] and t[0] == 'fn': net['name'] = str(t[3]).strip() elif 'administrative' in en['roles'] and t[0] == 'adr': try: net['address'] = str(t[1]['label']).strip() except KeyError: pass elif t[0] == 'email': key = None if (len(en['roles']) > 1 or en['roles'][0] == 'administrative'): key = 'misc_emails' elif en['roles'][0] == 'abuse': key = 'abuse_emails' elif en['roles'][0] == 'technical': key = 'tech_emails' if key is not None: if net[key] is not None: net[key] += '\n%s' % str(t[3]).strip() else: net[key] = str(t[3]).strip() except (KeyError, IndexError): pass try: remarks = response['remarks'] if not isinstance(remarks, list): remarks = [remarks] except KeyError: remarks = [] for rem in remarks: try: if rem['title'] == 'description': net['description'] = str('\n'.join(rem['description'])) except (KeyError, IndexError): pass return [net]
def _lookup_rws_lacnic(self, response=None): """ The function for retrieving and parsing whois information for a LACNIC IP address via HTTP (Whois-RWS). Args: response: The dictionary containing whois information to parse. Returns: List: Dictionaries containing network information which consists of the fields listed in the NIC_WHOIS dictionary. Certain IPs have more granular network listings, hence the need for a list object. """ addrs = [] net = BASE_NET.copy() try: addrs.extend(summarize_address_range( ip_address(response['startAddress'].strip()), ip_address(response['endAddress'].strip()))) net['cidr'] = ', '.join( [i.__str__() for i in collapse_addresses(addrs)] ) except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError): pass try: net['country'] = str(response['country']).strip().upper() except KeyError: pass try: events = response['events'] if not isinstance(events, list): events = [events] except KeyError: events = [] for ev in events: try: if ev['eventAction'] == 'registration': tmp = str(ev['eventDate']).strip() value = datetime.strptime( tmp, str(NIC_WHOIS['lacnic']['dt_rws_format']) ).isoformat('T') net['created'] = value elif ev['eventAction'] == 'last changed': tmp = str(ev['eventDate']).strip() value = datetime.strptime( tmp, str(NIC_WHOIS['lacnic']['dt_rws_format']) ).isoformat('T') net['updated'] = value except (KeyError, ValueError): pass try: entities = response['entities'] if not isinstance(entities, list): entities = [entities] except KeyError: entities = [] for en in entities: try: if en['roles'][0] == 'registrant': temp = en['vcardArray'][1] for t in temp: if t[0] == 'fn': net['name'] = str(t[3]).strip() elif t[0] == 'org': net['description'] = str(t[3][0]).strip() elif t[0] == 'adr': net['address'] = str(t[1]['label']).strip() elif t[0] == 'email': net['misc_emails'] = str(t[3]).strip() elif en['roles'][0] == 'abuse': temp = en['vcardArray'][1] for t in temp: if t[0] == 'email': net['abuse_emails'] = str(t[3]).strip() elif en['roles'][0] == 'tech': temp = en['vcardArray'][1] for t in temp: if t[0] == 'email': net['tech_emails'] = str(t[3]).strip() except (KeyError, IndexError): pass return [net]
def _lookup_rws_arin(self, response=None, retry_count=3): """ The function for retrieving and parsing whois information for an ARIN IP address via HTTP (Whois-RWS). Args: response: The dictionary containing whois information to parse. retry_count: The number of times to retry in case socket errors, timeouts, connection resets, etc. are encountered. Returns: List: Dictionaries containing network information which consists of the fields listed in the NIC_WHOIS dictionary. Certain IPs have more granular network listings, hence the need for a list object. """ nets = [] try: net_list = response['nets']['net'] if not isinstance(net_list, list): net_list = [net_list] except KeyError: net_list = [] for n in net_list: if 'orgRef' in n and n['orgRef']['@handle'] in ('ARIN', 'VR-ARIN'): continue addrs = [] net = BASE_NET.copy() try: addrs.extend(summarize_address_range( ip_address(n['startAddress']['$'].strip()), ip_address(n['endAddress']['$'].strip()))) net['cidr'] = ', '.join( [i.__str__() for i in collapse_addresses(addrs)] ) except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError): pass for k, v in { 'created': 'registrationDate', 'updated': 'updateDate', 'name': 'name' }.items(): try: net[k] = str(n[v]['$']).strip() except KeyError: pass ref = None if 'customerRef' in n: ref = ['customerRef', 'customer'] elif 'orgRef' in n: ref = ['orgRef', 'org'] if ref is not None: try: net['description'] = str(n[ref[0]]['@name']).strip() except KeyError: pass try: ref_url = n[ref[0]]['$'].strip() + '?showPocs=true' ref_response = self.get_rws(ref_url, retry_count) except (KeyError, WhoisLookupError): nets.append(net) continue try: addr_list = ( ref_response[ref[1]]['streetAddress']['line'] ) if not isinstance(addr_list, list): addr_list = [addr_list] net['address'] = '\n'.join( [str(line['$']).strip() for line in addr_list] ) except KeyError: pass for k, v in { 'postal_code': 'postalCode', 'city': 'city', 'state': 'iso3166-2' }.items(): try: net[k] = str(ref_response[ref[1]][v]['$']) except KeyError: pass try: net['country'] = ( str(ref_response[ref[1]]['iso3166-1']['code2']['$']) ).upper() except KeyError: pass try: for poc in ( ref_response[ref[1]]['pocs']['pocLinkRef'] ): if poc['@description'] in ('Abuse', 'Tech'): poc_url = poc['$'] poc_response = self.get_rws( poc_url, retry_count ) emails = poc_response['poc']['emails']['email'] if not isinstance(emails, list): emails = [emails] temp = [] for e in emails: temp.append(str(e['$']).strip()) key = '%s_emails' % poc['@description'].lower() net[key] = ( '\n'.join(set(temp)) if len(temp) > 0 else None ) except (KeyError, WhoisLookupError): pass nets.append(net) return nets
def get_nets_other(self, response): """ The function for parsing network blocks from generic whois data. Args: response (:obj:`str`): The response from the whois/rwhois server. Returns: list of dict: Mapping of networks with start and end positions. :: [{ 'cidr' (str) - The network routing block 'start' (int) - The starting point of the network 'end' (int) - The endpoint point of the network }] """ nets = [] # Iterate through all of the networks found, storing the CIDR value # and the start and end positions. for match in re.finditer( r'^(inetnum|inet6num|route):[^\S\n]+((.+?)[^\S\n]-[^\S\n](.+)|' '.+)$', response, re.MULTILINE ): try: net = copy.deepcopy(BASE_NET) net_range = try: net['range'] = net['range'] = '{0} - {1}'.format( ip_network(net_range)[0].__str__(), ip_network(net_range)[-1].__str__() ) if '/' in net_range else net_range except ValueError: # pragma: no cover net['range'] = net_range if and addrs = [] addrs.extend(summarize_address_range( ip_address(, ip_address( cidr = ', '.join( [i.__str__() for i in collapse_addresses(addrs)] ) else: cidr = ip_network(net_range).__str__() net['cidr'] = cidr net['start'] = match.start() net['end'] = match.end() nets.append(net) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass return nets
def _lookup_rws_apnic(self, response=None): """ The function for retrieving and parsing whois information for a APNIC IP address via HTTP (Whois-RWS). Args: response: The dictionary containing whois information to parse. Returns: List: Dictionaries containing network information which consists of the fields listed in the NIC_WHOIS dictionary. Certain IPs have more granular network listings, hence the need for a list object. """ addrs = [] net = BASE_NET.copy() try: addrs.extend( summarize_address_range( ip_address(response["startAddress"].strip()), ip_address(response["endAddress"].strip()) ) ) net["cidr"] = ", ".join([i.__str__() for i in collapse_addresses(addrs)]) except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError): pass try: net["country"] = str(response["country"]).strip().upper() except KeyError: pass try: events = response["events"] if not isinstance(events, list): events = [events] except KeyError: events = [] for ev in events: try: if ev["eventAction"] == "registration": net["created"] = str(ev["eventDate"]).strip() elif ev["eventAction"] == "last changed": net["updated"] = str(ev["eventDate"]).strip() except (KeyError, ValueError): pass try: entities = response["entities"] if not isinstance(entities, list): entities = [entities] except KeyError: entities = [] for en in entities: try: temp = en["vcardArray"][1] for t in temp: if "administrative" in en["roles"] and t[0] == "fn": net["name"] = str(t[3]).strip() elif "administrative" in en["roles"] and t[0] == "adr": try: net["address"] = str(t[1]["label"]).strip() except KeyError: pass elif t[0] == "email": key = None if len(en["roles"]) > 1 or en["roles"][0] == "administrative": key = "misc_emails" elif en["roles"][0] == "abuse": key = "abuse_emails" elif en["roles"][0] == "technical": key = "tech_emails" if key is not None: if net[key] is not None: net[key] += "\n%s" % str(t[3]).strip() else: net[key] = str(t[3]).strip() except (KeyError, IndexError): pass try: remarks = response["remarks"] if not isinstance(remarks, list): remarks = [remarks] except KeyError: remarks = [] for rem in remarks: try: if rem["title"] == "description": net["description"] = str("\n".join(rem["description"])) except (KeyError, IndexError): pass return [net]
def _lookup_rws_lacnic(self, response=None): """ The function for retrieving and parsing whois information for a LACNIC IP address via HTTP (Whois-RWS). Args: response: The dictionary containing whois information to parse. Returns: List: Dictionaries containing network information which consists of the fields listed in the NIC_WHOIS dictionary. Certain IPs have more granular network listings, hence the need for a list object. """ addrs = [] net = BASE_NET.copy() try: addrs.extend( summarize_address_range( ip_address(response["startAddress"].strip()), ip_address(response["endAddress"].strip()) ) ) net["cidr"] = ", ".join([i.__str__() for i in collapse_addresses(addrs)]) except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError): pass try: net["country"] = str(response["country"]).strip().upper() except KeyError: pass try: events = response["events"] if not isinstance(events, list): events = [events] except KeyError: events = [] for ev in events: try: if ev["eventAction"] == "registration": tmp = str(ev["eventDate"]).strip() value = datetime.strptime(tmp, str(NIC_WHOIS["lacnic"]["dt_rws_format"])).isoformat("T") net["created"] = value elif ev["eventAction"] == "last changed": tmp = str(ev["eventDate"]).strip() value = datetime.strptime(tmp, str(NIC_WHOIS["lacnic"]["dt_rws_format"])).isoformat("T") net["updated"] = value except (KeyError, ValueError): pass try: entities = response["entities"] if not isinstance(entities, list): entities = [entities] except KeyError: entities = [] for en in entities: try: if en["roles"][0] == "registrant": temp = en["vcardArray"][1] for t in temp: if t[0] == "fn": net["name"] = str(t[3]).strip() elif t[0] == "org": net["description"] = str(t[3][0]).strip() elif t[0] == "adr": net["address"] = str(t[1]["label"]).strip() elif t[0] == "email": net["misc_emails"] = str(t[3]).strip() elif en["roles"][0] == "abuse": temp = en["vcardArray"][1] for t in temp: if t[0] == "email": net["abuse_emails"] = str(t[3]).strip() elif en["roles"][0] == "tech": temp = en["vcardArray"][1] for t in temp: if t[0] == "email": net["tech_emails"] = str(t[3]).strip() except (KeyError, IndexError): pass return [net]
def _lookup_rws_ripe(self, response=None): """ The function for retrieving and parsing whois information for a RIPE IP address via HTTP (Whois-RWS). *** THIS FUNCTION IS TEMPORARILY BROKEN UNTIL RIPE FIXES THEIR API: *** Args: response: The dictionary containing whois information to parse. Returns: List: Dictionaries containing network information which consists of the fields listed in the NIC_WHOIS dictionary. Certain IPs have more granular network listings, hence the need for a list object. """ nets = [] try: object_list = response['objects']['object'] except KeyError: object_list = [] ripe_abuse_emails = [] ripe_misc_emails = [] net = BASE_NET.copy() for n in object_list: try: if n['type'] == 'role': for attr in n['attributes']['attribute']: if attr['name'] == 'abuse-mailbox': ripe_abuse_emails.append(str( attr['value'] ).strip()) elif attr['name'] == 'e-mail': ripe_misc_emails.append(str(attr['value']).strip()) elif attr['name'] == 'address': if net['address'] is not None: net['address'] += '\n%s' % ( str(attr['value']).strip() ) else: net['address'] = str(attr['value']).strip() elif n['type'] in ('inetnum', 'inet6num'): for attr in n['attributes']['attribute']: if attr['name'] in ('inetnum', 'inet6num'): ipr = str(attr['value']).strip() ip_range = ipr.split(' - ') try: if len(ip_range) > 1: addrs = [] addrs.extend( summarize_address_range( ip_address(ip_range[0]), ip_address(ip_range[1]) ) ) cidr = ', '.join( [i.__str__() for i in collapse_addresses(addrs)] ) else: cidr = ip_network(ip_range[0]).__str__() net['cidr'] = cidr except (ValueError, TypeError): pass elif attr['name'] == 'netname': net['name'] = str(attr['value']).strip() elif attr['name'] == 'descr': if net['description'] is not None: net['description'] += '\n%s' % ( str(attr['value']).strip() ) else: net['description'] = str(attr['value']).strip() elif attr['name'] == 'country': net['country'] = str(attr['value']).strip().upper() except KeyError: pass nets.append(net) #This is nasty. Since RIPE RWS doesn't provide a granular #contact to network relationship, we apply to all networks. if len(ripe_abuse_emails) > 0 or len(ripe_misc_emails) > 0: abuse = ( '\n'.join(set(ripe_abuse_emails)) if len(ripe_abuse_emails) > 0 else None ) misc = ( '\n'.join(set(ripe_misc_emails)) if len(ripe_misc_emails) > 0 else None ) for net in nets: net['abuse_emails'] = abuse net['misc_emails'] = misc return nets
def push_config_to_apic(self): """ Push the configuration to the APIC :return: Requests Response instance indicating success or not """ THROTTLE_SIZE = 500000 / 8 # Set the tenant name correctly if self._tenant_name == '' and self.cdb.has_context_config(): self.set_tenant_name(self.cdb.get_context_config().tenant_name) elif self._tenant_name == '': self.set_tenant_name('acitoolkit') # Find all the unique contract providers logging.debug('Finding the unique contract providers') unique_providers = {} for provided_policy in self.cdb.get_contract_policies(): if provided_policy.dst_id not in unique_providers: unique_providers[provided_policy.dst_id] = 0 else: unique_providers[provided_policy.dst_id] += 1 logging.debug('Found %s unique contract providers', len(unique_providers)) # Find any duplicate contracts that this provider is providing (remove) logging.debug('Finding any duplicate contracts') duplicate_policies = [] for provider in unique_providers: for provided_policy in self.cdb.get_contract_policies(): if provided_policy in duplicate_policies: continue if provider in provided_policy.dst_ids: for other_policy in self.cdb.get_contract_policies(): if other_policy == provided_policy or other_policy in duplicate_policies: continue if other_policy.dst_ids == provided_policy.dst_ids and other_policy.has_same_permissions( provided_policy): provided_policy.src_ids = provided_policy.src_ids + other_policy.src_ids duplicate_policies.append(other_policy) logging.debug('duplicate_policies now has %s entries', len(duplicate_policies)) logging.debug('Removing duplicate contracts') for duplicate_policy in duplicate_policies: self.cdb.remove_contract_policy(duplicate_policy) if not self.displayonly: # Log on to the APIC apic_cfg = self.cdb.get_apic_config() apic = Session(apic_cfg.url, apic_cfg.user_name, apic_cfg.password) resp = apic.login() if not resp.ok: return resp tenant_names = [] tenant_names.append(self._tenant_name) # delete all the unwanted epgs tenant = Tenant(self._tenant_name) existing_epgs = [] if Tenant.exists(apic, tenant): tenants = Tenant.get_deep( apic, names=tenant_names, limit_to=[ 'fvTenant', 'fvAp', 'vzFilter', 'vzEntry', 'vzBrCP', 'vzSubj', 'vzRsSubjFiltAtt']) tenant = tenants[0] appProfiles = tenant.get_children(AppProfile) app = appProfiles[0] existing_epgs = app.get_children(EPG) else: app = AppProfile(self._app_name, tenant) for existing_epg in existing_epgs: matched = False if != "base": for epg_policy in self.cdb.get_epg_policies(): if existing_epg.descr.split(":")[1] == epg_policy.descr.split(":")[1]: matched = True if not matched: existing_epg.mark_as_deleted() if self.displayonly: print json.dumps(tenant.get_json(), indent=4, sort_keys=True) else: logging.debug('Pushing EPGS by deleting unwanted epgs ') if len(tenant.get_children()) > 0: resp = tenant.push_to_apic(apic) if not resp.ok: return resp # delete all the unwanted contracts tenants = Tenant.get_deep( apic, names=tenant_names, limit_to=[ 'fvTenant', 'fvAp', 'vzFilter', 'vzEntry', 'vzBrCP', 'vzSubj', 'vzRsSubjFiltAtt']) tenant = tenants[0] existing_contracts = tenant.get_children(Contract) for existing_contract in existing_contracts: matched = False for contract_policy in self.cdb.get_contract_policies(): if existing_contract.descr.split("::")[1] == contract_policy.descr.split("::")[1]: matched = True if not matched: existing_contract.mark_as_deleted() exist_contract_providing_epgs = existing_contract.get_all_providing_epgs() for exist_contract_providing_epg in exist_contract_providing_epgs: exist_contract_providing_epg.mark_as_deleted() exist_contract_consuming_epgs = existing_contract.get_all_consuming_epgs() for exist_contract_consuming_epg in exist_contract_consuming_epgs: exist_contract_consuming_epg.mark_as_deleted() if self.displayonly: print json.dumps(tenant.get_json(), indent=4, sort_keys=True) else: logging.debug('Pushing contracts by deleting unwanted contracts') if len(tenant.get_children()) > 0: resp = tenant.push_to_apic(apic) if not resp.ok: return resp filterEntry_list = [] logging.debug('Generating JSON....') # Push all of the Contracts logging.debug('Pushing contracts. # of Contract policies: %s', len(self.cdb.get_contract_policies())) tenant = Tenant(self._tenant_name) if Tenant.exists(apic, tenant): tenants = Tenant.get_deep( apic, names=tenant_names, limit_to=[ 'fvTenant', 'vzFilter', 'vzEntry', 'vzBrCP', 'vzSubj', 'vzRsSubjFiltAtt']) tenant = tenants[0] existing_contracts = tenant.get_children(Contract) else: existing_contracts = tenant.get_children(Contract) # removing the unwanted contractsubject filters for each contract subject for contract_policy in self.cdb.get_contract_policies(): name = contract_policy.src_name + '::' + contract_policy.dst_name for existing_contract in existing_contracts: if existing_contract.descr.split("::")[1] == contract_policy.descr.split("::")[1]: for child_contractSubject in existing_contract.get_children(ContractSubject): for child_filter in child_contractSubject.get_filters(): matched = False for whitelist_policy in contract_policy.get_whitelist_policies(): entry_name = whitelist_policy.proto + '.' + whitelist_policy.port_min + '.' + whitelist_policy.port_max if == entry_name + '_Filter': matched = True continue if not matched: # TBD need to check this. this is not working child_contractSubject._remove_relation(child_filter) child_filter._remove_attachment(child_contractSubject) logging.debug('removing filter ' + if self.displayonly: print json.dumps(tenant.get_json(), indent=4, sort_keys=True) else: logging.debug('Pushing contracts by deleting unwanted filters') if len(tenant.get_children()) > 0: resp = tenant.push_to_apic(apic) if not resp.ok: return resp # if num of contract_subjects is 0 then remove it finally for contract_policy in self.cdb.get_contract_policies(): name = contract_policy.src_name + '::' + contract_policy.dst_name contract = Contract(name, tenant) contract.descr = contract_policy.descr[0:127 - (contract_policy.descr.count('"') + contract_policy.descr.count("'") + contract_policy.descr.count('/'))] for whitelist_policy in contract_policy.get_whitelist_policies(): entry_name = whitelist_policy.proto + '.' + whitelist_policy.port_min + '.' + whitelist_policy.port_max if whitelist_policy.proto == '6' or whitelist_policy.proto == '17': entry = FilterEntry(entry_name, applyToFrag='no', arpOpc='unspecified', dFromPort=whitelist_policy.port_min, dToPort=whitelist_policy.port_max, etherT='ip', prot=whitelist_policy.proto, sFromPort='unspecified', sToPort='unspecified', tcpRules='unspecified', parent=contract) else: entry = FilterEntry(entry_name, applyToFrag='no', arpOpc='unspecified', etherT='ip', prot=whitelist_policy.proto, parent=contract) filterEntry_list.append(entry_name) if not self.displayonly: if len(str(tenant.get_json())) > THROTTLE_SIZE: logging.debug('Throttling contracts. Pushing config...') resp = tenant.push_to_apic(apic) if not resp.ok: return resp tenant = Tenant(self._tenant_name) if self.displayonly: print json.dumps(tenant.get_json(), indent=4, sort_keys=True) else: logging.debug('Pushing remaining contracts') resp = tenant.push_to_apic(apic) if not resp.ok: return resp # Push all of the EPGs logging.debug('Pushing EPGs') if not self.displayonly: tenants = Tenant.get_deep(apic, names=tenant_names) tenant = tenants[0] appProfiles = tenant.get_children(AppProfile) app = appProfiles[0] if self._use_ip_epgs: # Create a Base EPG base_epg = EPG('base', app) if self.cdb.has_context_config(): context_name = self.cdb.get_context_config().name else: context_name = 'vrf1' context = Context(context_name, tenant) bd = BridgeDomain('bd', tenant) bd.add_context(context) base_epg.add_bd(bd) if self.displayonly: # If display only, just deploy the EPG to leaf 101 base_epg.add_static_leaf_binding('101', 'vlan', '1', encap_mode='untagged') else: # Deploy the EPG to all of the leaf switches nodes = Node.get(apic) for node in nodes: if node.role == 'leaf': base_epg.add_static_leaf_binding(node.node, 'vlan', '1', encap_mode='untagged') # Create the Attribute based EPGs logging.debug('Creating Attribute Based EPGs') existing_epgs = app.get_children(EPG) for epg_policy in self.cdb.get_epg_policies(): if not self.displayonly: # Check if we need to throttle very large configs if len(str(tenant.get_json())) > THROTTLE_SIZE: resp = tenant.push_to_apic(apic) if not resp.ok: return resp tenant = Tenant(self._tenant_name) app = AppProfile(self._app_name, tenant) context = Context(context_name, tenant) bd = BridgeDomain('bd', tenant) bd.add_context(context) if self._use_ip_epgs: base_epg = EPG('base', app) base_epg.add_bd(bd) matched = False for existing_epg in existing_epgs: if != "base": if existing_epg.descr.split(":")[1] == epg_policy.descr.split(":")[1]: matched = True break consumed_contracts = [] provided_contracts = [] if matched is True: consumed_contracts = existing_epg.get_all_consumed() provided_contracts = existing_epg.get_all_provided() epg = existing_epg else: epg = EPG(, app) # Check if the policy has the default IP address no_default_endpoint = True for node_policy in epg_policy.get_node_policies(): if node_policy.ip == '' and node_policy.prefix_len == 0: no_default_endpoint = False epg.add_bd(bd) # Add all of the IP addresses if no_default_endpoint: epg.is_attributed_based = True epg.set_base_epg(base_epg) criterion = AttributeCriterion('criterion', epg) ipaddrs = [] # check if the existing nodes are there in the present config,if not delete them for node_policy in epg_policy.get_node_policies(): ipaddr = ipaddress.ip_address(unicode(node_policy.ip)) if not ipaddr.is_multicast: # Skip multicast addresses. They cannot be IP based EPGs ipaddrs.append(ipaddr) nets = ipaddress.collapse_addresses(ipaddrs) for net in nets: criterion.add_ip_address(str(net)) epg.descr = epg_policy.descr[0:127] # Consume and provide all of the necessary contracts for contract_policy in self.cdb.get_contract_policies(): contract = None if in contract_policy.src_ids: name = contract_policy.src_name + '::' + contract_policy.dst_name existing = False for existing_consumed_contract in consumed_contracts: if name == existing = True contract = existing_consumed_contract if not existing: contract = Contract(name, tenant) epg.consume(contract) if in contract_policy.dst_ids: name = contract_policy.src_name + '::' + contract_policy.dst_name if contract is None: existing = False for existing_provided_contract in provided_contracts: if name == existing = True contract = existing_provided_contract if not existing: contract = Contract(name, tenant) epg.provide(contract) else: logging.debug('Creating EPGs') tenants = Tenant.get_deep(apic, names=tenant_names) tenant = tenants[0] appProfiles = tenant.get_children(AppProfile) if len(appProfiles) > 0: app = appProfiles[0] else: app = AppProfile(self._app_name, tenant) existing_epgs = app.get_children(EPG) for epg_policy in self.cdb.get_epg_policies(): matched = False for existing_epg in existing_epgs: if != "base": if existing_epg.descr.split(":")[1] == epg_policy.descr.split(":")[1]: matched = True break consumed_contracts = [] provided_contracts = [] if matched is True: consumed_contracts = existing_epg.get_all_consumed() provided_contracts = existing_epg.get_all_provided() epg = EPG(, app) epg.descr = epg_policy.descr[0:127] # Consume and provide all of the necessary contracts for contract_policy in self.cdb.get_contract_policies(): contract = None if in contract_policy.src_ids: name = contract_policy.src_name + '::' + contract_policy.dst_name existing = False for existing_consumed_contract in consumed_contracts: if name == existing = True contract = existing_consumed_contract if not existing: contract = Contract(name, tenant) epg.consume(contract) if in contract_policy.dst_ids: name = contract_policy.src_name + '::' + contract_policy.dst_name if contract is None: existing = False for existing_provided_contract in provided_contracts: if name == existing = True contract = existing_provided_contract if not existing: contract = Contract(name, tenant) epg.provide(contract) if self.displayonly: print json.dumps(tenant.get_json(), indent=4, sort_keys=True) else: resp = tenant.push_to_apic(apic) if not resp.ok: return resp # remove the unwanted filters existing_filters = tenant.get_children(Filter) for existing_filetrEntry in existing_filters: matched = False for filterEntry in filterEntry_list: if filterEntry + '_Filter' == matched = True if not matched: existing_filetrEntry.mark_as_deleted() if self.displayonly: print json.dumps(tenant.get_json(), indent=4, sort_keys=True) else: resp = tenant.push_to_apic(apic) return resp
def _lookup_rws_arin(self, response=None, retry_count=3): """ The function for retrieving and parsing whois information for an ARIN IP address via HTTP (Whois-RWS). Args: response: The dictionary containing whois information to parse. retry_count: The number of times to retry in case socket errors, timeouts, connection resets, etc. are encountered. Returns: List: Dictionaries containing network information which consists of the fields listed in the NIC_WHOIS dictionary. Certain IPs have more granular network listings, hence the need for a list object. """ nets = [] try: net_list = response["nets"]["net"] if not isinstance(net_list, list): net_list = [net_list] except KeyError: net_list = [] for n in net_list: if "orgRef" in n and n["orgRef"]["@handle"] in ("ARIN", "VR-ARIN"): continue addrs = [] net = BASE_NET.copy() try: addrs.extend( summarize_address_range( ip_address(n["startAddress"]["$"].strip()), ip_address(n["endAddress"]["$"].strip()) ) ) net["cidr"] = ", ".join([i.__str__() for i in collapse_addresses(addrs)]) except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError): pass for k, v in {"created": "registrationDate", "updated": "updateDate", "name": "name"}.items(): try: net[k] = str(n[v]["$"]).strip() except KeyError: pass ref = None if "customerRef" in n: ref = ["customerRef", "customer"] elif "orgRef" in n: ref = ["orgRef", "org"] if ref is not None: try: net["description"] = str(n[ref[0]]["@name"]).strip() except KeyError: pass try: ref_url = n[ref[0]]["$"].strip() + "?showPocs=true" ref_response = self.get_rws(ref_url, retry_count) except (KeyError, WhoisLookupError): nets.append(net) continue try: addr_list = ref_response[ref[1]]["streetAddress"]["line"] if not isinstance(addr_list, list): addr_list = [addr_list] net["address"] = "\n".join([str(line["$"]).strip() for line in addr_list]) except KeyError: pass for k, v in {"postal_code": "postalCode", "city": "city", "state": "iso3166-2"}.items(): try: net[k] = str(ref_response[ref[1]][v]["$"]) except KeyError: pass try: net["country"] = (str(ref_response[ref[1]]["iso3166-1"]["code2"]["$"])).upper() except KeyError: pass try: for poc in ref_response[ref[1]]["pocs"]["pocLinkRef"]: if poc["@description"] in ("Abuse", "Tech"): poc_url = poc["$"] poc_response = self.get_rws(poc_url, retry_count) emails = poc_response["poc"]["emails"]["email"] if not isinstance(emails, list): emails = [emails] temp = [] for e in emails: temp.append(str(e["$"]).strip()) key = "%s_emails" % poc["@description"].lower() net[key] = "\n".join(set(temp)) if len(temp) > 0 else None except (KeyError, WhoisLookupError): pass nets.append(net) return nets