    def _finalize_core(self, **defaults):
        Complete initialization of standard IPA environment.

        This method will perform the following steps:

            1. Call `Env._bootstrap()` if it hasn't already been called.

            2. Merge-in variables from the configuration file ``self.conf``
               (if it exists) by calling `Env._merge_from_file()`.

            3. Merge-in variables from the defaults configuration file
               ``self.conf_default`` (if it exists) by calling

            4. Intelligently fill-in the *in_server* , *logdir*, *log*, and
               *jsonrpc_uri* variables if they haven't already been set.

            5. Merge-in the variables in ``defaults`` by calling `Env._merge()`.
               In normal circumstances ``defaults`` will simply be those
               specified in `constants.DEFAULT_CONFIG`.

        After this method is called, all the environment variables used by all
        the built-in plugins will be available.  As such, this method should be
        called *before* any plugins are loaded.

        After this method has finished, the `Env` instance is still writable
        so that 3rd-party plugins can set variables they may require as the
        plugins are registered.

        Also see `Env._finalize()`, the final method in the bootstrap sequence.

        :param defaults: Internal defaults for all built-in variables.

        # Merge in context config file and then default config file:
        if self.__d.get('mode', None) != 'dummy':

        # Determine if in_server:
        if 'in_server' not in self:
            self.in_server = (self.context == 'server')

        # Set logdir:
        if 'logdir' not in self:
            if self.in_tree or not self.in_server:
                self.logdir = self._join('dot_ipa', 'log')
                self.logdir = path.join('/', 'var', 'log', 'ipa')

        # Set log file:
        if 'log' not in self:
            self.log = self._join('logdir', '%s.log' % self.context)

        if 'basedn' not in self and 'domain' in self:
            self.basedn = DN(*(('dc', dc) for dc in self.domain.split('.')))

        # Derive xmlrpc_uri from server
        # (Note that this is done before deriving jsonrpc_uri from xmlrpc_uri
        # and server from jsonrpc_uri so that when only server or xmlrpc_uri
        # is specified, all 3 keys have a value.)
        if 'xmlrpc_uri' not in self and 'server' in self:
            self.xmlrpc_uri = 'https://{}/ipa/xml'.format(self.server)

        # Derive ldap_uri from server
        if 'ldap_uri' not in self and 'server' in self:
            self.ldap_uri = 'ldap://{}'.format(self.server)

        # Derive jsonrpc_uri from xmlrpc_uri
        if 'jsonrpc_uri' not in self:
            if 'xmlrpc_uri' in self:
                xmlrpc_uri = self.xmlrpc_uri
                xmlrpc_uri = defaults.get('xmlrpc_uri')
            if xmlrpc_uri:
                (scheme, netloc, uripath, params, query,
                 fragment) = urlparse(xmlrpc_uri)
                uripath = uripath.replace('/xml', '/json', 1)
                self.jsonrpc_uri = urlunparse(
                    (scheme, netloc, uripath, params, query, fragment))

        if 'server' not in self:
            if 'jsonrpc_uri' in self:
                jsonrpc_uri = self.jsonrpc_uri
                jsonrpc_uri = defaults.get('jsonrpc_uri')
            if jsonrpc_uri:
                parsed = urlparse(jsonrpc_uri)
                self.server = parsed.netloc


        # set the best known TLS version if min/max versions are not set
        if 'tls_version_min' not in self:
            self.tls_version_min = TLS_VERSIONS[-1]
        elif self.tls_version_min not in TLS_VERSIONS:
            raise errors.EnvironmentError(
                "Unknown TLS version '{ver}' set in tls_version_min.".format(

        if 'tls_version_max' not in self:
            self.tls_version_max = TLS_VERSIONS[-1]
        elif self.tls_version_max not in TLS_VERSIONS:
            raise errors.EnvironmentError(
                "Unknown TLS version '{ver}' set in tls_version_max.".format(

        if self.tls_version_max < self.tls_version_min:
            raise errors.EnvironmentError(
                "tls_version_min is set to a higher TLS version than "
    def _bootstrap(self, **overrides):
        Initialize basic environment.

        This method will perform the following steps:

            1. Initialize certain run-time variables.  These run-time variables
               are strictly determined by the external environment the process
               is running in; they cannot be specified on the command-line nor
               in the configuration files.

            2. Merge-in the variables in ``overrides`` by calling
               `Env._merge()`.  The intended use of ``overrides`` is to merge-in
               variables specified on the command-line.

            3. Intelligently fill-in the *in_tree*, *context*, *conf*, and
               *conf_default* variables if they haven't been set already.

        Also see `Env._finalize_core()`, the next method in the bootstrap

        :param overrides: Variables specified via command-line options.

        # Set run-time variables (cannot be overridden):
        self.ipalib = path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__))
        self.site_packages = path.dirname(self.ipalib)
        self.script = path.abspath(sys.argv[0])
        self.bin = path.dirname(self.script)
        self.home = os.environ.get('HOME', None)
        self.fips_mode = tasks.is_fips_enabled()

        # Merge in overrides:

        # Determine if running in source tree:
        if 'in_tree' not in self:
            self.in_tree = (self.bin == self.site_packages
                            and path.isfile(path.join(self.bin, 'setup.py')))
        if self.in_tree and 'mode' not in self:
            self.mode = 'developer'

        # Set dot_ipa:
        if 'dot_ipa' not in self:
            self.dot_ipa = self._join('home', '.ipa')

        # Set context
        if 'context' not in self:
            self.context = 'default'

        # Set confdir:
        self.env_confdir = os.environ.get('IPA_CONFDIR')

        if 'confdir' in self and self.env_confdir is not None:
            raise errors.EnvironmentError(
                "IPA_CONFDIR env cannot be set because explicit confdir "
                "is used")

        if 'confdir' not in self:
            if self.env_confdir is not None:
                if (not path.isabs(self.env_confdir)
                        or not path.isdir(self.env_confdir)):
                    raise errors.EnvironmentError(
                        "IPA_CONFDIR env var must be an absolute path to an "
                        "existing directory, got '{}'.".format(
                self.confdir = self.env_confdir
            elif self.in_tree:
                self.confdir = self.dot_ipa
                self.confdir = path.join('/', 'etc', 'ipa')

        # Set conf (config file for this context):
        if 'conf' not in self:
            self.conf = self._join('confdir', '%s.conf' % self.context)

        # Set conf_default (default base config used in all contexts):
        if 'conf_default' not in self:
            self.conf_default = self._join('confdir', 'default.conf')

        if 'nss_dir' not in self:
            self.nss_dir = self._join('confdir', 'nssdb')

        if 'tls_ca_cert' not in self:
            self.tls_ca_cert = self._join('confdir', 'ca.crt')

        # having tls_ca_cert an absolute path could help us extending this
        # in the future for different certificate providers simply by adding
        # a prefix to the path
        if not path.isabs(self.tls_ca_cert):
            raise errors.EnvironmentError(
                "tls_ca_cert has to be an absolute path to a CA certificate, "
                "got '{}'".format(self.tls_ca_cert))

        # Set plugins_on_demand:
        if 'plugins_on_demand' not in self:
            self.plugins_on_demand = (self.context == 'cli')