def renew_external_step_2(self, ca, old_cert_der): print("Importing the renewed CA certificate, please wait") options = self.options conn = api.Backend.ldap2 old_cert_obj = x509.load_certificate(old_cert_der, x509.DER) old_der_subject = x509.get_der_subject(old_cert_der, x509.DER) old_spki = old_cert_obj.public_key().public_bytes( serialization.Encoding.DER, serialization.PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo ) cert_file, ca_file = installutils.load_external_cert( options.external_cert_files, DN(old_cert_obj.subject)) with open( as f: new_cert_data = new_cert_der = x509.normalize_certificate(new_cert_data) new_cert_obj = x509.load_certificate(new_cert_der, x509.DER) new_der_subject = x509.get_der_subject(new_cert_der, x509.DER) new_spki = new_cert_obj.public_key().public_bytes( serialization.Encoding.DER, serialization.PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo ) if new_cert_obj.subject != old_cert_obj.subject: raise admintool.ScriptError( "Subject name mismatch (visit " " for " "troubleshooting guide)") if new_der_subject != old_der_subject: raise admintool.ScriptError( "Subject name encoding mismatch (visit " " for " "troubleshooting guide)") if new_spki != old_spki: raise admintool.ScriptError( "Subject public key info mismatch (visit " " for " "troubleshooting guide)") with certs.NSSDatabase() as tmpdb: tmpdb.create_db() tmpdb.add_cert(old_cert_der, 'IPA CA', EXTERNAL_CA_TRUST_FLAGS) try: tmpdb.add_cert(new_cert_der, 'IPA CA', EXTERNAL_CA_TRUST_FLAGS) except ipautil.CalledProcessError as e: raise admintool.ScriptError( "Not compatible with the current CA certificate: %s" % e) ca_certs = x509.load_certificate_list_from_file( for ca_cert in ca_certs: data = ca_cert.public_bytes(serialization.Encoding.DER) tmpdb.add_cert( data, str(DN(ca_cert.subject)), EXTERNAL_CA_TRUST_FLAGS) try: tmpdb.verify_ca_cert_validity('IPA CA') except ValueError as e: raise admintool.ScriptError( "Not a valid CA certificate: %s (visit " " for " "troubleshooting guide)" % e) trust_chain = tmpdb.get_trust_chain('IPA CA')[:-1] for nickname in trust_chain: try: ca_cert = tmpdb.get_cert(nickname) except RuntimeError: break certstore.put_ca_cert_nss( conn, api.env.basedn, ca_cert, nickname, EMPTY_TRUST_FLAGS) dn = DN(('cn', self.cert_nickname), ('cn', 'ca_renewal'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'), api.env.basedn) try: entry = conn.get_entry(dn, ['usercertificate']) entry['usercertificate'] = [new_cert_der] conn.update_entry(entry) except errors.NotFound: entry = conn.make_entry( dn, objectclass=['top', 'pkiuser', 'nscontainer'], cn=[self.cert_nickname], usercertificate=[new_cert_der]) conn.add_entry(entry) except errors.EmptyModlist: pass try: ca.set_renewal_master() except errors.NotFound: raise admintool.ScriptError("CA renewal master not found") self.resubmit_request('dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent-reuse') print("CA certificate successfully renewed")
def renew_external_step_2(self, ca, old_cert_der): print("Importing the renewed CA certificate, please wait") options = self.options conn = api.Backend.ldap2 old_cert_obj = x509.load_certificate(old_cert_der, x509.DER) old_der_subject = x509.get_der_subject(old_cert_der, x509.DER) old_spki = old_cert_obj.public_key().public_bytes( serialization.Encoding.DER, serialization.PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo ) cert_file, ca_file = installutils.load_external_cert( options.external_cert_files, DN(old_cert_obj.subject)) with open( as f: new_cert_data = new_cert_der = x509.normalize_certificate(new_cert_data) new_cert_obj = x509.load_certificate(new_cert_der, x509.DER) new_der_subject = x509.get_der_subject(new_cert_der, x509.DER) new_spki = new_cert_obj.public_key().public_bytes( serialization.Encoding.DER, serialization.PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo ) if new_cert_obj.subject != old_cert_obj.subject: raise admintool.ScriptError( "Subject name mismatch (visit " " for " "troubleshooting guide)") if new_der_subject != old_der_subject: raise admintool.ScriptError( "Subject name encoding mismatch (visit " " for " "troubleshooting guide)") if new_spki != old_spki: raise admintool.ScriptError( "Subject public key info mismatch (visit " " for " "troubleshooting guide)") with certs.NSSDatabase() as tmpdb: tmpdb.create_db() tmpdb.add_cert(old_cert_der, 'IPA CA', 'C,,') try: tmpdb.add_cert(new_cert_der, 'IPA CA', 'C,,') except ipautil.CalledProcessError as e: raise admintool.ScriptError( "Not compatible with the current CA certificate: %s" % e) ca_certs = x509.load_certificate_list_from_file( for ca_cert in ca_certs: data = ca_cert.public_bytes(serialization.Encoding.DER) tmpdb.add_cert(data, str(DN(ca_cert.subject)), 'C,,') try: tmpdb.verify_ca_cert_validity('IPA CA') except ValueError as e: raise admintool.ScriptError( "Not a valid CA certificate: %s (visit " " for " "troubleshooting guide)" % e) trust_chain = tmpdb.get_trust_chain('IPA CA')[:-1] for nickname in trust_chain: try: ca_cert = tmpdb.get_cert(nickname) except RuntimeError: break certstore.put_ca_cert_nss( conn, api.env.basedn, ca_cert, nickname, ',,') dn = DN(('cn', self.cert_nickname), ('cn', 'ca_renewal'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'), api.env.basedn) try: entry = conn.get_entry(dn, ['usercertificate']) entry['usercertificate'] = [new_cert_der] conn.update_entry(entry) except errors.NotFound: entry = conn.make_entry( dn, objectclass=['top', 'pkiuser', 'nscontainer'], cn=[self.cert_nickname], usercertificate=[new_cert_der]) conn.add_entry(entry) except errors.EmptyModlist: pass try: ca.set_renewal_master() except errors.NotFound: raise admintool.ScriptError("CA renewal master not found") self.resubmit_request(ca, 'ipaRetrieval') print("CA certificate successfully renewed")
def insert_ca_certs_into_systemwide_ca_store(self, ca_certs): new_cacert_path = paths.SYSTEMWIDE_IPA_CA_CRT if os.path.exists(new_cacert_path): try: os.remove(new_cacert_path) except OSError as e: root_logger.error( "Could not remove %s: %s", new_cacert_path, e) return False new_cacert_path = paths.IPA_P11_KIT try: f = open(new_cacert_path, 'w') except IOError as e:"Failed to open %s: %s" % (new_cacert_path, e)) return False f.write("# This file was created by IPA. Do not edit.\n" "\n") has_eku = set() for cert, nickname, trusted, ext_key_usage in ca_certs: try: subject = x509.get_der_subject(cert, x509.DER) issuer = x509.get_der_issuer(cert, x509.DER) serial_number = x509.get_der_serial_number(cert, x509.DER) public_key_info = x509.get_der_public_key_info(cert, x509.DER) except (NSPRError, PyAsn1Error, ValueError) as e: root_logger.warning( "Failed to decode certificate \"%s\": %s", nickname, e) continue label = urllib.parse.quote(nickname) subject = urllib.parse.quote(subject) issuer = urllib.parse.quote(issuer) serial_number = urllib.parse.quote(serial_number) public_key_info = urllib.parse.quote(public_key_info) cert = base64.b64encode(cert) cert = x509.make_pem(cert) obj = ("[p11-kit-object-v1]\n" "class: certificate\n" "certificate-type: x-509\n" "certificate-category: authority\n" "label: \"%(label)s\"\n" "subject: \"%(subject)s\"\n" "issuer: \"%(issuer)s\"\n" "serial-number: \"%(serial_number)s\"\n" "x-public-key-info: \"%(public_key_info)s\"\n" % dict(label=label, subject=subject, issuer=issuer, serial_number=serial_number, public_key_info=public_key_info)) if trusted is True: obj += "trusted: true\n" elif trusted is False: obj += "x-distrusted: true\n" obj += "%s\n\n" % cert f.write(obj) if ext_key_usage is not None and public_key_info not in has_eku: if not ext_key_usage: ext_key_usage = {x509.EKU_PLACEHOLDER} try: ext_key_usage = x509.encode_ext_key_usage(ext_key_usage) except PyAsn1Error as e: root_logger.warning( "Failed to encode extended key usage for \"%s\": %s", nickname, e) continue value = urllib.parse.quote(ext_key_usage) obj = ("[p11-kit-object-v1]\n" "class: x-certificate-extension\n" "label: \"ExtendedKeyUsage for %(label)s\"\n" "x-public-key-info: \"%(public_key_info)s\"\n" "object-id:\n" "value: \"%(value)s\"\n\n" % dict(label=label, public_key_info=public_key_info, value=value)) f.write(obj) has_eku.add(public_key_info) f.close() # Add the CA to the systemwide CA trust database if not self.reload_systemwide_ca_store(): return False return True
def insert_ca_certs_into_systemwide_ca_store(self, ca_certs): # pylint: disable=ipa-forbidden-import from ipalib import x509 # FixMe: break import cycle from ipalib.errors import CertificateError # pylint: enable=ipa-forbidden-import new_cacert_path = paths.SYSTEMWIDE_IPA_CA_CRT if os.path.exists(new_cacert_path): try: os.remove(new_cacert_path) except OSError as e: root_logger.error("Could not remove %s: %s", new_cacert_path, e) return False new_cacert_path = paths.IPA_P11_KIT try: f = open(new_cacert_path, 'w') except IOError as e:"Failed to open %s: %s" % (new_cacert_path, e)) return False f.write("# This file was created by IPA. Do not edit.\n" "\n") has_eku = set() for cert, nickname, trusted, ext_key_usage in ca_certs: try: subject = x509.get_der_subject(cert, x509.DER) issuer = x509.get_der_issuer(cert, x509.DER) serial_number = x509.get_der_serial_number(cert, x509.DER) public_key_info = x509.get_der_public_key_info(cert, x509.DER) except (PyAsn1Error, ValueError, CertificateError) as e: root_logger.warning("Failed to decode certificate \"%s\": %s", nickname, e) continue label = urllib.parse.quote(nickname) subject = urllib.parse.quote(subject) issuer = urllib.parse.quote(issuer) serial_number = urllib.parse.quote(serial_number) public_key_info = urllib.parse.quote(public_key_info) cert = base64.b64encode(cert) cert = x509.make_pem(cert) obj = ("[p11-kit-object-v1]\n" "class: certificate\n" "certificate-type: x-509\n" "certificate-category: authority\n" "label: \"%(label)s\"\n" "subject: \"%(subject)s\"\n" "issuer: \"%(issuer)s\"\n" "serial-number: \"%(serial_number)s\"\n" "x-public-key-info: \"%(public_key_info)s\"\n" % dict(label=label, subject=subject, issuer=issuer, serial_number=serial_number, public_key_info=public_key_info)) if trusted is True: obj += "trusted: true\n" elif trusted is False: obj += "x-distrusted: true\n" obj += "%s\n\n" % cert f.write(obj) if ext_key_usage is not None and public_key_info not in has_eku: if not ext_key_usage: ext_key_usage = {x509.EKU_PLACEHOLDER} try: ext_key_usage = x509.encode_ext_key_usage(ext_key_usage) except PyAsn1Error as e: root_logger.warning( "Failed to encode extended key usage for \"%s\": %s", nickname, e) continue value = urllib.parse.quote(ext_key_usage) obj = ("[p11-kit-object-v1]\n" "class: x-certificate-extension\n" "label: \"ExtendedKeyUsage for %(label)s\"\n" "x-public-key-info: \"%(public_key_info)s\"\n" "object-id:\n" "value: \"%(value)s\"\n\n" % dict(label=label, public_key_info=public_key_info, value=value)) f.write(obj) has_eku.add(public_key_info) f.close() # Add the CA to the systemwide CA trust database if not self.reload_systemwide_ca_store(): return False return True
def renew_external_step_2(self, ca, old_cert): print("Importing the renewed CA certificate, please wait") options = self.options conn = api.Backend.ldap2 cert_file, ca_file = installutils.load_external_cert( options.external_cert_files, x509.subject_base()) nss_cert = None nss.nss_init(paths.PKI_TOMCAT_ALIAS_DIR) try: nss_cert = x509.load_certificate(old_cert, x509.DER) subject = nss_cert.subject der_subject = x509.get_der_subject(old_cert, x509.DER) #pylint: disable=E1101 pkinfo = nss_cert.subject_public_key_info.format() #pylint: enable=E1101 nss_cert = x509.load_certificate_from_file( cert = nss_cert.der_data if nss_cert.subject != subject: raise admintool.ScriptError( "Subject name mismatch (visit " " for " "troubleshooting guide)") if x509.get_der_subject(cert, x509.DER) != der_subject: raise admintool.ScriptError( "Subject name encoding mismatch (visit " " for " "troubleshooting guide)") #pylint: disable=E1101 if nss_cert.subject_public_key_info.format() != pkinfo: raise admintool.ScriptError( "Subject public key info mismatch (visit " " for " "troubleshooting guide)") #pylint: enable=E1101 finally: del nss_cert nss.nss_shutdown() with certs.NSSDatabase() as tmpdb: pw = ipautil.write_tmp_file(ipautil.ipa_generate_password()) tmpdb.create_db( tmpdb.add_cert(old_cert, 'IPA CA', 'C,,') try: tmpdb.add_cert(cert, 'IPA CA', 'C,,') except ipautil.CalledProcessError as e: raise admintool.ScriptError( "Not compatible with the current CA certificate: %s" % e) ca_certs = x509.load_certificate_list_from_file( for ca_cert in ca_certs: tmpdb.add_cert(ca_cert.der_data, str(ca_cert.subject), 'C,,') del ca_certs del ca_cert try: tmpdb.verify_ca_cert_validity('IPA CA') except ValueError as e: raise admintool.ScriptError( "Not a valid CA certificate: %s (visit " " for " "troubleshooting guide)" % e) trust_chain = tmpdb.get_trust_chain('IPA CA')[:-1] for nickname in trust_chain: try: ca_cert = tmpdb.get_cert(nickname) except RuntimeError: break certstore.put_ca_cert_nss( conn, api.env.basedn, ca_cert, nickname, ',,') dn = DN(('cn', self.cert_nickname), ('cn', 'ca_renewal'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'), api.env.basedn) try: entry = conn.get_entry(dn, ['usercertificate']) entry['usercertificate'] = [cert] conn.update_entry(entry) except errors.NotFound: entry = conn.make_entry( dn, objectclass=['top', 'pkiuser', 'nscontainer'], cn=[self.cert_nickname], usercertificate=[cert]) conn.add_entry(entry) except errors.EmptyModlist: pass try: ca.set_renewal_master() except errors.NotFound: raise admintool.ScriptError("CA renewal master not found") self.resubmit_request(ca, 'ipaRetrieval') print("CA certificate successfully renewed")
def renew_external_step_2(self, ca, old_cert): print("Importing the renewed CA certificate, please wait") options = self.options conn = api.Backend.ldap2 cert_file, ca_file = installutils.load_external_cert( options.external_cert_files, x509.subject_base()) nss_cert = None nss.nss_init(paths.PKI_TOMCAT_ALIAS_DIR) try: nss_cert = x509.load_certificate(old_cert, x509.DER) subject = nss_cert.subject der_subject = x509.get_der_subject(old_cert, x509.DER) #pylint: disable=E1101 pkinfo = nss_cert.subject_public_key_info.format() #pylint: enable=E1101 nss_cert = x509.load_certificate_from_file( cert = nss_cert.der_data if nss_cert.subject != subject: raise admintool.ScriptError( "Subject name mismatch (visit " " for " "troubleshooting guide)") if x509.get_der_subject(cert, x509.DER) != der_subject: raise admintool.ScriptError( "Subject name encoding mismatch (visit " " for " "troubleshooting guide)") #pylint: disable=E1101 if nss_cert.subject_public_key_info.format() != pkinfo: raise admintool.ScriptError( "Subject public key info mismatch (visit " " for " "troubleshooting guide)") #pylint: enable=E1101 finally: del nss_cert nss.nss_shutdown() with certs.NSSDatabase() as tmpdb: pw = ipautil.write_tmp_file(ipautil.ipa_generate_password()) tmpdb.create_db( tmpdb.add_cert(old_cert, 'IPA CA', 'C,,') try: tmpdb.add_cert(cert, 'IPA CA', 'C,,') except ipautil.CalledProcessError as e: raise admintool.ScriptError( "Not compatible with the current CA certificate: %s" % e) ca_certs = x509.load_certificate_list_from_file( for ca_cert in ca_certs: tmpdb.add_cert(ca_cert.der_data, str(ca_cert.subject), 'C,,') del ca_certs del ca_cert try: tmpdb.verify_ca_cert_validity('IPA CA') except ValueError as e: raise admintool.ScriptError( "Not a valid CA certificate: %s (visit " " for " "troubleshooting guide)" % e) trust_chain = tmpdb.get_trust_chain('IPA CA')[:-1] for nickname in trust_chain: try: ca_cert = tmpdb.get_cert(nickname) except RuntimeError: break certstore.put_ca_cert_nss(conn, api.env.basedn, ca_cert, nickname, ',,') dn = DN(('cn', self.cert_nickname), ('cn', 'ca_renewal'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'), api.env.basedn) try: entry = conn.get_entry(dn, ['usercertificate']) entry['usercertificate'] = [cert] conn.update_entry(entry) except errors.NotFound: entry = conn.make_entry( dn, objectclass=['top', 'pkiuser', 'nscontainer'], cn=[self.cert_nickname], usercertificate=[cert]) conn.add_entry(entry) except errors.EmptyModlist: pass try: ca.set_renewal_master() except errors.NotFound: raise admintool.ScriptError("CA renewal master not found") self.resubmit_request(ca, 'ipaRetrieval') print("CA certificate successfully renewed")
new_cacert_path = paths.IPA_P11_KIT try: f = open(new_cacert_path, 'w') except IOError, e:"Failed to open %s: %s" % (new_cacert_path, e)) return False f.write("# This file was created by IPA. Do not edit.\n" "\n") has_eku = set() for cert, nickname, trusted, ext_key_usage in ca_certs: try: subject = x509.get_der_subject(cert, x509.DER) issuer = x509.get_der_issuer(cert, x509.DER) serial_number = x509.get_der_serial_number(cert, x509.DER) public_key_info = x509.get_der_public_key_info(cert, x509.DER) except (NSPRError, PyAsn1Error), e: root_logger.warning( "Failed to decode certificate \"%s\": %s", nickname, e) continue label = urllib.quote(nickname) subject = urllib.quote(subject) issuer = urllib.quote(issuer) serial_number = urllib.quote(serial_number) public_key_info = urllib.quote(public_key_info) cert = base64.b64encode(cert)
return False new_cacert_path = paths.IPA_P11_KIT try: f = open(new_cacert_path, 'w') except IOError, e:"Failed to open %s: %s" % (new_cacert_path, e)) return False f.write("# This file was created by IPA. Do not edit.\n" "\n") has_eku = set() for cert, nickname, trusted, ext_key_usage in ca_certs: try: subject = x509.get_der_subject(cert, x509.DER) issuer = x509.get_der_issuer(cert, x509.DER) serial_number = x509.get_der_serial_number(cert, x509.DER) public_key_info = x509.get_der_public_key_info(cert, x509.DER) except (NSPRError, PyAsn1Error), e: root_logger.warning("Failed to decode certificate \"%s\": %s", nickname, e) continue label = urllib.quote(nickname) subject = urllib.quote(subject) issuer = urllib.quote(issuer) serial_number = urllib.quote(serial_number) public_key_info = urllib.quote(public_key_info) cert = base64.b64encode(cert)
def renew_external_step_2(self, ca, old_cert): print "Importing the renewed CA certificate, please wait" options = self.options cert_file, ca_file = installutils.load_external_cert( options.external_cert_files, x509.subject_base()) nss_cert = None nss.nss_init(ca.dogtag_constants.ALIAS_DIR) try: nss_cert = x509.load_certificate(old_cert, x509.DER) subject = nss_cert.subject der_subject = x509.get_der_subject(old_cert, x509.DER) #pylint: disable=E1101 pkinfo = nss_cert.subject_public_key_info.format() #pylint: enable=E1101 nss_cert = x509.load_certificate_from_file( cert = nss_cert.der_data if nss_cert.subject != subject: raise admintool.ScriptError( "Subject name mismatch (visit " " for " "troubleshooting guide)") if x509.get_der_subject(cert, x509.DER) != der_subject: raise admintool.ScriptError( "Subject name encoding mismatch (visit " " for " "troubleshooting guide)") #pylint: disable=E1101 if nss_cert.subject_public_key_info.format() != pkinfo: raise admintool.ScriptError( "Subject public key info mismatch (visit " " for " "troubleshooting guide)") #pylint: enable=E1101 finally: del nss_cert nss.nss_shutdown() with certs.NSSDatabase() as tmpdb: pw = ipautil.write_tmp_file(ipautil.ipa_generate_password()) tmpdb.create_db( tmpdb.add_cert(old_cert, 'IPA CA', 'C,,') try: tmpdb.add_cert(cert, 'IPA CA', 'C,,') except ipautil.CalledProcessError, e: raise admintool.ScriptError( "Not compatible with the current CA certificate: %s" % e) ca_certs = x509.load_certificate_list_from_file( for ca_cert in ca_certs: tmpdb.add_cert(ca_cert.der_data, str(ca_cert.subject), 'C,,') del ca_certs del ca_cert try: tmpdb.verify_ca_cert_validity('IPA CA') except ValueError, e: raise admintool.ScriptError( "Not a valid CA certificate: %s (visit " " for " "troubleshooting guide)" % e)