文件: vector.py 项目: dbstein/ipde
 def __call__(self, fu, fv, **kwargs):
     # separate the components
     fuc = fu.get_smoothed_grid_value()
     fvc = fv.get_smoothed_grid_value()
     fur_list = fu.get_radial_value_list()
     fvr_list = fv.get_radial_value_list()
     uc, vc, pc = self._grid_solve(fuc, fvc)
     # interpolate the solution to the interface
     bus = self.ebdyc.interpolate_grid_to_interface(
         uc, order=self.interpolation_order, cutoff=False)
     bvs = self.ebdyc.interpolate_grid_to_interface(
         vc, order=self.interpolation_order, cutoff=False)
     # get the grid solution's derivatives
     ucx, ucy = self.dx(uc), self.dy(uc)
     vcx, vcy = self.dx(vc), self.dy(vc)
     # compute the grid solutions stress
     tcxx = 2 * ucx - pc
     tcxy = ucy + vcx
     tcyy = 2 * vcy - pc
     # interpolate these to the interface
     btxxs = self.ebdyc.interpolate_grid_to_interface(
         tcxx, order=self.interpolation_order, cutoff=False)
     btxys = self.ebdyc.interpolate_grid_to_interface(
         tcxy, order=self.interpolation_order, cutoff=False)
     btyys = self.ebdyc.interpolate_grid_to_interface(
         tcyy, order=self.interpolation_order, cutoff=False)
     # convert these from lists to vectors
     bul, bvl = self.ebdyc.v2l(bus), self.ebdyc.v2l(bvs)
     btxxl, btxyl, btyyl = self.ebdyc.v2l(btxxs), self.ebdyc.v2l(
         btxys), self.ebdyc.v2l(btyys)
     # compute the needed layer potentials
     sigmag_list = []
     for helper, fur, fvr, bu, bv, btxx, btxy, btyy in zip(
             self.helpers, fur_list, fvr_list, bul, bvl, btxxl, btxyl,
             helper(fur, fvr, bu, bv, btxx, btxy, btyy, **kwargs))
     # we now need to evaluate this onto the grid / interface points
     sigmag = np.column_stack(sigmag_list)
     out = self.Layer_Apply(self.grid_sources, self.ebdyc.grid_pnai, sigmag)
     # need to divide this apart
     gu, bus = self.ebdyc.divide_pnai(out[0])
     gv, bvs = self.ebdyc.divide_pnai(out[1])
     gp, bps = self.ebdyc.divide_pnai(out[2])
     # we can now add gu directly to uc
     uc[self.ebdyc.phys_not_in_annulus] += gu
     vc[self.ebdyc.phys_not_in_annulus] += gv
     pc[self.ebdyc.phys_not_in_annulus] += gp
     # we have to send the bslps back to the indivdual ebdys to deal with them
     single_ebdy = len(self.ebdyc) == 1
     urs, vrs, prs = zip(*[
         helper.correct(bu, bv, bp, single_ebdy)
         for helper, bu, bv, bp in zip(self.helpers, bus, bvs, bps)
     # interpolate urs onto uc
     _ = self.ebdyc.interpolate_radial_to_grid1(urs, uc)
     _ = self.ebdyc.interpolate_radial_to_grid1(vrs, vc)
     _ = self.ebdyc.interpolate_radial_to_grid1(prs, pc)
     uc *= self.ebdyc.phys
     vc *= self.ebdyc.phys
     pc *= self.ebdyc.phys
     u = EmbeddedFunction(self.ebdyc)
     v = EmbeddedFunction(self.ebdyc)
     p = EmbeddedFunction(self.ebdyc)
     u.load_data(uc, urs)
     v.load_data(vc, vrs)
     p.load_data(pc, prs)
     return u, v, p
# get heaviside function
MOL = SlepianMollifier(slepian_r)
# construct boundary
bdy = GSB(c=star(nb, a=0.2, f=5))
bh = bdy.dt*bdy.speed.min()
# construct embedded boundary
ebdy = EmbeddedBoundary(bdy, True, M, bh*1, heaviside=MOL.step)
ebdys = [ebdy,]
ebdyc = EmbeddedBoundaryCollection([ebdy,])
# register the grid
print('\nRegistering the grid')
# ebdyc.register_grid(grid)
ebdyc.generate_grid(bh, bh)

# construct an embedded function
f = EmbeddedFunction(ebdyc)
f.define_via_function(lambda x, y: np.sin(x)*np.exp(y))

# try saving ebdy
ebdy_dict = ebdy.save()
ebdy2 = LoadEmbeddedBoundary(ebdy_dict)

# try saving ebdyc
ebdyc_dict = ebdyc.save()
ebdyc2 = LoadEmbeddedBoundaryCollection(ebdyc_dict)

# try saving f
f_full_dict = f.full_save()
f_dict = f.save()
f2, _ = LoadEmbeddedFunction(f_dict, ebdyc2)
f3, ebdyc3 = LoadEmbeddedFunction(f_full_dict)
fu = fu_function(grid.xg, grid.yg)
fv = fv_function(grid.xg, grid.yg)
ua = u_function(grid.xg, grid.yg)
va = v_function(grid.xg, grid.yg)
fu_rs = [fu_function(ebdy.radial_x, ebdy.radial_y) for ebdy in ebdys]
fv_rs = [fv_function(ebdy.radial_x, ebdy.radial_y) for ebdy in ebdys]
ua_rs = [u_function(ebdy.radial_x, ebdy.radial_y) for ebdy in ebdys]
va_rs = [v_function(ebdy.radial_x, ebdy.radial_y) for ebdy in ebdys]
pa_rs = [p_function(ebdy.radial_x, ebdy.radial_y) for ebdy in ebdys]
pa_rs = [pa_r - np.mean(pa_r) for pa_r in pa_rs]
upper_u = np.concatenate(
    [u_function(ebdy.bdy.x, ebdy.bdy.y) for ebdy in ebdys])
upper_v = np.concatenate(
    [v_function(ebdy.bdy.x, ebdy.bdy.y) for ebdy in ebdys])

_fu = EmbeddedFunction(ebdyc)
_fu.load_data(fu, fu_rs)
fu = _fu
_fv = EmbeddedFunction(ebdyc)
_fv.load_data(fv, fv_rs)
fv = _fv

# setup the solver
solver = StokesSolver(ebdyc, solver_type=solver_type)
uc, vc, pc = solver(fu, fv, tol=1e-12, verbose=verbose)
ur = urs[0]
vr = vrs[0]

if plot:
    mue = np.ma.array(uc, mask=ebdyc.ext)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()