def Instanton(x0, f0, f1, h, update, asr, im, gm, big_step, opt, m, omaker):
    """Do one step. Update hessian for the new position. Update the position and force inside the mapper.

       Input:  x0 = last positions
               f0 = last physical forces
               f1 = last spring forces
                h = physical hessian
           update = how to update the hessian
              asr = how to clean the hessian
               im = spring mapper
               gm = gradient  mapper
         big_step = limit on step length
              opt = optimization algorithm to use
              m   = type of calculation: rate or splitting"""

    info(" @Instanton_step", verbosity.high)

    if opt == 'nichols':
        # Construct hessian and get eigenvalues and eigenvector
        h0 = red2comp(h, im.dbeads.nbeads, im.dbeads.natoms)    # construct complete hessian from reduced
        h1 = np.add(im.h, h0)                                 # add spring terms to the physical hessian
        d, w = clean_hessian(h1, im.dbeads.q, im.dbeads.natoms, im.dbeads.nbeads, im.dbeads.m, im.dbeads.m3, asr)

        # Find new movement direction
        if m == 'rate':
            d_x = nichols(f0, f1, d, w, im.dbeads.m3, big_step)
        elif m == 'splitting':
            d_x = nichols(f0, f1, d, w, im.dbeads.m3, big_step, mode=0)

    elif opt == 'NR':
        h_up_band = banded_hessian(h, im)  # create upper band matrix
        f = (f0 + f1).reshape(im.dbeads.natoms * 3 * im.dbeads.nbeads, 1)

        d_x = invmul_banded(h_up_band, f)
        d_x.shape = im.dbeads.q.shape

    # Rescale step
    d_x_max = np.amax(np.absolute(d_x))
    info(" @Instanton: Current step norm = %g" % d_x_max, verbosity.medium)
    if np.amax(np.absolute(d_x)) > big_step:
        info(" @Instanton: Attempted step norm = %g, scaled down to %g" % (d_x_max, big_step), verbosity.low)
        d_x *= big_step / np.amax(np.absolute(d_x_max))

    # Make movement and get new energy (u)  and forces(f) using mapper
    x = x0 + d_x
    im(x, ret=False)  # Only to update the mapper
    u, g2 = gm(x)
    f = -g2

    # Update hessian
    if update == 'powell':
        d_g = np.subtract(f0, f)
        i = im.dbeads.natoms * 3
        for j in range(im.dbeads.nbeads):
            aux = h[:, j * i:(j + 1) * i]
            dg = d_g[j, :]
            dx = d_x[j, :]
            Powell(dx, dg, aux)
    elif update == 'recompute':
        get_hessian(h, gm, x, omaker)
                asr = 'none'
        print 'We can not recognize the mode. STOP HERE'

beta = 1.0 / (kb * temp)
betaP = 1.0 / (kb * (nbeads) * temp)

print 'We have %i atoms.' % natoms
print 'We are using asr = %s' % asr
print ''

if not quiet:
    print 'Diagonalization....'
    d, w, detI = clean_hessian(h, pos, natoms, nbeads, m, m3, asr, mofi=True)
    print "Final lowest 15 frequencies (cm^-1)"
    print np.sign(d[0:15]) * np.absolute(
        d[0:15])**0.5 / cm2au  # convert to cm^-1

if case == 'reactant':
    Qtras = ((np.sum(m)) / (2 * np.pi * beta * hbar**2))**1.5

    if asr == 'poly':
        Qrot = (8 * np.pi * detI / ((hbar)**6 * (beta)**3))**0.5
        Qrot = 1.0

    outfile = open('freq.dat', 'w')
    if asr == 'poly':
        nzeros = 6
                asr = 'none'
        print 'We can not recognize the mode. STOP HERE'

# ----------------------------------------------------------START----------------------------------------------
beta = 1.0 / (kb * temp)
betaP = 1.0 / (kb * (nbeads) * temp)

print 'We have %i atoms.' % natoms
print 'We are using asr = %s' % asr
print ''

if not quiet:
    print 'Diagonalization....'
    d, w, detI = clean_hessian(h, pos, natoms, nbeads, m, m3, asr, mofi=True)
    print "Final lowest 15 frequencies (cm^-1)"
    print np.sign(d[0:15]) * np.absolute(d[0:15]) ** 0.5 / cm2au  # convert to cm^-1

if case == 'reactant':
    Qtras = ((np.sum(m)) / (2 * np.pi * beta * hbar**2))**1.5

    if asr == 'poly':
        Qrot = (8 * np.pi * detI / ((hbar)**6 * (beta)**3))**0.5
        Qrot = 1.0

    outfile = open('freq.dat', 'w')
    if asr == 'poly':
        nzeros = 6
    elif asr == 'crystal':