def add_iptables_rules(): """ Open firewall for NFS just during the installation. """ iptables.add_nfs_chain()
def install_mail_client(args): """ Installs a local postfix MTA which accepts email on localhost forwards relays everything to mailrelay-server. Also installs mailx. See line comments in install_mail_server """ if"install-postfix-server"): app.print_verbose("This server will later install the postfix server, abort client installation.") return version_obj = version.Version("Install-postfix-client", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.check_executed() # Install required packages install.package("postfix") # Set config file parameters # general.use_original_file("/etc/postfix/") postfix_main_cf = scopen.scOpen("/etc/postfix/") postfix_main_cf.replace( "#myhostname = host.domain.tld", "myhostname = {0}.{1}".format(get_hostname(), config.general.get_resolv_domain()), ) # postfix_main_cf.replace( "#mydomain = domain.tld", "mydomain = {0}".format(config.general.get_resolv_domain()) ) # postfix_main_cf.replace("#myorigin = $mydomain", "myorigin = $myhostname") # Listen only on localhost postfix_main_cf.replace("inet_interfaces = localhost", "inet_interfaces = localhost") postfix_main_cf.replace("#mynetworks =,", "mynetworks =") postfix_main_cf.replace( "mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost", "mydestination = $myhostname, localhost" ) # Relay everything not for local machine to mailrelay. postfix_main_cf.replace( "#relay_domains = $mydestination", "relay_domains = {0}".format(config.general.get_resolv_domain()) ) postfix_main_cf.replace( "#relayhost = $mydomain", "relayhost = [{0}]".format(config.general.get_mail_relay_domain_name()) ) postfix_main_cf.replace("#home_mailbox = Maildir/", "home_mailbox = Maildir/") postfix_main_cf.replace("inet_protocols = all", "inet_protocols = ipv4") # Install a simple mail CLI-tool install_mailx() # Tell iptables and nrpe that this server is configured as a mail-relay server. iptables.add_mail_relay_chain() # Restart postfix x("service postfix restart") # Send test mail to the syco admin send_test_mail((None, config.general.get_admin_email()))
def install_openvas(args): ''' Install and configure openvas on the local host. ''' app.print_verbose("Install OpenVAS version: %d" % SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj = version.Version("InstallOpenVAS", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.check_executed() _install_packages() _disable_selinux() iptables.add_openvas_chain() # app.print_verbose("Get OpenVAS nvt.") x("openvas-nvt-sync --wget &> /dev/null ") # app.print_verbose("Rebuild OpenVAS database.") x("openvasmd --rebuild") # app.print_verbose("Add default OpenVAS admin user.") x("openvasad -c 'add_user' -u admin -w admin --role=Admin") _modify_configs() _setup_default_database() _start_all_services() version_obj.mark_executed()
def install_mail_server(args): app.print_verbose("Install mail-relay-server version: %d" % SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj = version.Version("Install-mail-relay-server", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.check_executed() general.shell_exec("yum -y install sendmail") # Tell iptables that this server is configured as a mail-relay server. general.shell_exec("touch /etc/mail/syco_mail_relay_server") iptables.add_mail_relay_chain() app.print_verbose("Configure /etc/mail/*") # Allow all servers on localdomain to relay through this server. set_config_property2("/etc/mail/access", "Connect:10.100 RELAY") x("/usr/sbin/makemap hash access < access") # Remove the loopback address restriction to accept email from the internet or intranet. set_config_property( "/etc/mail/", r".*DAEMON_OPTIONS\(\`Port\=smtp\,Addr\=127\.0\.0\.1\, Name\=MTA\'\)dnl", r"dnl DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtp,Addr=, Name=MTA')dnl") _rebuild_sendmail_config() _test_mail() version_obj.mark_executed()
def install_keepalived(args): global SYCO_PLUGIN_PATH, ACCEPTED_KA_ENV, ka_env SYCO_PLUGIN_PATH = app.get_syco_plugin_paths("/var/keepalived/").next() ACCEPTED_KA_ENV = get_environments() if len(args) != 2: print_killmessage() else: ka_env = args[1] if ka_env.lower() not in ACCEPTED_KA_ENV: print_killmessage() app.print_verbose("Install Keepalived version: %d" % script_version) version_obj = version.Version("InstallKeepalived", script_version) version_obj.check_executed() os.chdir("/") install_packages("keepalived") _configure_keepalived() # Adding iptables rules iptables_setup() save() version_obj.mark_executed()
def uninstall_openvas(args): ''' Uninstall openvas ''' if (os.access("/etc/init.d/openvas-manager", os.F_OK)): app.print_verbose("Stop all services.") x("/etc/init.d/openvas-manager stop") x("/etc/init.d/openvas-scanner stop") x("/etc/init.d/gsad stop") # app.print_verbose("Remove packages and files.") x("yum -y remove openvas-*") x("rm -rf /var/lib/openvas") x("rm /etc/yum.repos.d/atomic.repo") # app.print_verbose("Remove iptables rules.") iptables.del_openvas_chain() # app.print_verbose("Enabling SELINUX.") x("echo 1 > /selinux/enforce") selinuxconf = scOpen("/etc/selinux/config") selinuxconf.replace("^SELINUX=.*","SELINUX=enforcing") # app.print_verbose("Tell syco openvas is uninstalled.") version_obj = version.Version("InstallOpenVAS", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.mark_uninstalled()
def add_iptables_rules(): ''' Open iptables for NFS just during the installation. ''' iptables.add_nfs_chain()
def install_sssd(args): ''' Install ldap client on current host and connect to networks ldap server. ''' app.print_verbose("Install sssd script-version: %d" % SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj = version.Version("InstallSssd", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.check_executed() # Get all passwords from installation user at the start of the script. app.get_ldap_sssd_password() install_packages() installOpenLdap.setup_hosts() iptables.add_ldap_chain() ip = config.general.get_ldap_server_ip() general.wait_for_server_to_start(ip, "636") install_certs() # For some reason it needs to be executed twice. authconfig() authconfig() installOpenLdap.configure_client_cert_for_ldaptools() configured_sssd() configured_sudo() version_obj.mark_executed()
def install_rsyslogd(args): """ Install rsyslogd on the server. """ app.print_verbose("Install rsyslogd.") version_obj = version.Version("InstallRsyslogd", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.check_executed() # Installing packages x("yum install rsyslog rsyslog-gnutls gnutls-utils -y") # Autostart rsyslog at boot x("chkconfig rsyslog on") # Generation new certs if no certs exsists if not os.path.exists('/etc/pki/rsyslog/ca.crt'): rsyslog_newcerts(args) _setup_rsyslogd() # Add iptables chains iptables.add_rsyslog_chain("server") # Restarting service x("service rsyslog restart") install_compress_logs() # Configure logrotate installLogrotate.install_logrotate(args) version_obj.mark_executed()
def _install_icinga_core(args): """ Core installation is decently straightforward. Icinga-bins are downloaded from the EPEL-repo and and SQL-db is created and set up with the standard icinga db-schema. The "hard" part is setting up the object base, which is done in via helper functions. """ # Disable SELinux for now, Install icinga-packages. x("setenforce 0") install.rforge_repo() x("yum -y install icinga icinga-idoutils-libdbi-mysql nagios-plugins-all nagios-plugins-nrpe") # Set set up icinga mysql-database icinga_sql_password = _setup_icinga_mysql() # Let ido2db know password has changed general.use_original_file("/etc/icinga/ido2db.cfg") general.set_config_property("/etc/icinga/ido2db.cfg","db_pass=icinga","db_pass={0}".format(icinga_sql_password, False)) x("cp --remove-destination {0}syco-private/var/nagios/icinga.cfg /etc/icinga/icinga.cfg".format(constant.SYCO_USR_PATH)) x("chown icinga:icinga /etc/icinga/icinga.cfg") # Add icinga-server iptables chain iptables.add_icinga_chain() # Reload the icinga object structure _reload_icinga(args,reload=False) return icinga_sql_password
def install_rsyslogd(args): """ Install rsyslogd on the server. """ app.print_verbose("Install rsyslogd.") version_obj = version.Version("InstallRsyslogd", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.check_executed() # Installing packages x("yum install rsyslog rsyslog-gnutls gnutls-utils -y") # Autostart rsyslog at boot x("chkconfig rsyslog on") # Generation new certs if no certs exsists if not os.path.exists('/etc/pki/rsyslog/ca.crt'): rsyslog_newcerts(args) # Add iptables chains iptables.add_rsyslog_chain("server") # Restarting service x("service rsyslog restart") install_compress_logs() # Configure logrotate installLogrotate.install_logrotate(args) version_obj.mark_executed()
def install_cobbler(args): ''' Install cobbler on current host. ''' app.print_verbose("Install cobbler version: %d" % SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj = version.Version("installCobbler", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.check_executed() # Initialize password. app.get_root_password_hash() # Disable SELINUX it just messes with me. x("echo 0 > /selinux/enforce") general.set_config_property("/etc/selinux/config", '^SELINUX=.*', "SELINUX=permissive") _install_cobbler() iptables.add_cobbler_chain() _modify_cobbler_settings() _import_repos() setup_all_systems(args) # Start/Restart used services. x("/etc/init.d/dhcpd restart") version_obj.mark_executed()
def install_haproxy(args): app.print_verbose("Install HA Proxy version: %d" % script_version) version_obj = version.Version("InstallHaproxy", script_version) version_obj.check_executed() global CERT_SERVER, CERT_SERVER_PATH, CERT_COPY_TO_PATH, SYCO_PLUGIN_PATH CERT_SERVER = config.general.get_cert_server_ip() CERT_SERVER_PATH = config.general.get_option('haproxy.remote_cert_path') CERT_COPY_TO_PATH = config.general.get_option('haproxy.local_cert_path') SYCO_PLUGIN_PATH = app.get_syco_plugin_paths("/var/haproxy/").next() # Validate all command line parameters. if len(sys.argv) != 4: print_killmessage() haproxy_env() haproxy_state() x("yum install -y tcl haproxy") iptables.add_haproxy_chain() _copy_certificate_files() _configure_haproxy() version_obj.mark_executed()
def install_ossec_client(args): ''' Install OSSEC Client on the server ''' if os.path.exists('/var/ossec/bin/manage_agents'): app.print_error("Not insalling OSSEC client since OSSEC server detected") return app.print_verbose("Install ossec client.") version_obj = version.Version("InstallOssec", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.check_executed() # Initialize all passwords used by the script app.init_mysql_passwords() build_ossec('preloaded-vars-client.conf') _setup_conf() _setup_keys() # Enabling syslog logging x('/var/ossec/bin/ossec-control enable client-syslog') # Adding iptables rules iptables.add_ossec_chain() # Restaring OSSEC server x("service ossec restart") x('yum remove gcc perl-Time-HiRes -y') version_obj.mark_executed()
def _install_icinga_web(icinga_db_pass): """ This installs the icinga web module. Only source of complexity is moking icinga accessible from the document root. """ x("yum install -y icinga-web php php-cli php-pear php-xmlrpc php-xsl php-pdo php-soap php-gd php-ldap php-mysql" ) # Setup icinga-web mysql icinga_web_db_bass = _setup_icinga_web_mysql() # Configure icinga web client config files _configure_icinga_web(icinga_db_pass, icinga_web_db_bass) # Allow icinga-web to issue icinga commands x("useradd -G icingacmd apache") # Make everything startup on reboot x("/sbin/chkconfig --level 3 httpd on") x("/sbin/chkconfig --level 3 mysqld on") x("/sbin/chkconfig --level 3 ido2db on") # Harden with iptables-chain iptables.add_httpd_chain()
def _install_icinga_core(args): """ Core installation is decently straightforward. Icinga-bins are downloaded from the EPEL-repo and and SQL-db is created and set up with the standard icinga db-schema. The "hard" part is setting up the object base, which is done in via helper functions. """ # Disable SELinux for now, Install icinga-packages. x("setenforce 0") install.rforge_repo() x("yum -y install icinga icinga-idoutils-libdbi-mysql nagios-plugins-all nagios-plugins-nrpe" ) # Set set up icinga mysql-database icinga_sql_password = _setup_icinga_mysql() # Let ido2db know password has changed general.use_original_file("/etc/icinga/ido2db.cfg") general.set_config_property( "/etc/icinga/ido2db.cfg", "db_pass=icinga", "db_pass={0}".format(icinga_sql_password, False)) x("cp --remove-destination {0}syco-private/var/nagios/icinga.cfg /etc/icinga/icinga.cfg" .format(constant.SYCO_USR_PATH)) x("chown icinga:icinga /etc/icinga/icinga.cfg") # Add icinga-server iptables chain iptables.add_icinga_chain() # Reload the icinga object structure _reload_icinga(args, reload=False) return icinga_sql_password
def uninstall_openvas(args): ''' Uninstall openvas ''' if (os.access("/etc/init.d/openvas-manager", os.F_OK)): app.print_verbose("Stop all services.") x("/etc/init.d/openvas-manager stop") x("/etc/init.d/openvas-scanner stop") x("/etc/init.d/gsad stop") # app.print_verbose("Remove packages and files.") x("yum -y remove openvas-*") x("rm -rf /var/lib/openvas") x("rm /etc/yum.repos.d/atomic.repo") # app.print_verbose("Remove iptables rules.") iptables.del_openvas_chain() # app.print_verbose("Enabling SELINUX.") x("echo 1 > /selinux/enforce") selinuxconf = scOpen("/etc/selinux/config") selinuxconf.replace("^SELINUX=.*", "SELINUX=enforcing") # app.print_verbose("Tell syco openvas is uninstalled.") version_obj = version.Version("InstallOpenVAS", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.mark_uninstalled()
def install_freeradius(args): ''' Install and configure the freeradius on the local host. ''' app.print_verbose("Install FreeRadius version: %d" % SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj = version.Version("InstallFreeRadius", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.check_executed() # Initialize all passwords used by the script app.get_ldap_admin_password() _install_packages() # Configure iptables iptables.add_freeradius_chain() _configure_ldap() _enable_ldap() _configure_radius() _setup_radius_clients() x("/etc/init.d/radiusd restart") version_obj.mark_executed()
def install_openldap(args): ''' Install openldap on current host. ''' app.print_verbose("Install openldap script-version: %d" % SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj = version.Version("InstallOpenLdap", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.check_executed() initialize_passwords() # Do the installation. enable_selinux() install_packages() store_logs_on_file() configure_ldap_client() configure_openldap() configure_sudo_in_ldap() create_modules() add_auditlog_overlay() add_pwdpolicy_overlay() add_user_domain() create_certs() enable_ssl() require_highest_security_from_clients() # Let clients connect to the server through the firewall. This is done after # everything else is done, so we are sure that the server is secure before # letting somebody in. iptables.add_ldap_chain() _install_web_page() version_obj.mark_executed()
def uninstall_redis(args): """ Remove Redis from the server """ app.print_verbose("Uninstall Redis") os.chdir("/") _chkconfig("redis", "off") _service("redis", "stop") _chkconfig("keepalived", "on") _service("keepalived", "restart") x("yum -y remove redis keepalived") x("rm -rf {0}redis.conf".format(REDIS_CONF_DIR)) x("rm -rf {0}redis.conf.rpmsave".format(REDIS_CONF_DIR)) x("rm -rf {0}*".format(KEEPALIVED_CONF_DIR)) iptables.iptables( "-D syco_input -p tcp -m multiport --dports 6379 -j allowed_tcp") iptables.iptables( "-D syco_output -p tcp -m multiport --dports 6379 -j allowed_tcp") iptables.iptables("-D multicast_packets -d -j ACCEPT") iptables.iptables("-D multicast_packets -s -j ACCEPT") iptables.iptables("-D syco_input -p 112 -i eth1 -j ACCEPT") iptables.iptables("-D syco_output -p 112 -o eth1 -j ACCEPT") iptables.iptables("-A multicast_packets -s -j DROP") iptables.iptables("-A multicast_packets -d -j DROP") version_obj = version.Version("InstallRedis", script_version) version_obj.mark_uninstalled()
def uninstall_redis(args): """ Remove Redis from the server """ app.print_verbose("Uninstall Redis") os.chdir("/") _chkconfig("redis", "off") _service("redis", "stop") _chkconfig("keepalived", "on") _service("keepalived", "restart") x("yum -y remove redis keepalived") x("rm -rf {0}redis.conf".format(REDIS_CONF_DIR)) x("rm -rf {0}redis.conf.rpmsave".format(REDIS_CONF_DIR)) x("rm -rf {0}*".format(KEEPALIVED_CONF_DIR)) iptables.iptables("-D syco_input -p tcp -m multiport --dports 6379 -j allowed_tcp") iptables.iptables("-D syco_output -p tcp -m multiport --dports 6379 -j allowed_tcp") iptables.iptables("-D multicast_packets -d -j ACCEPT") iptables.iptables("-D multicast_packets -s -j ACCEPT") iptables.iptables("-D syco_input -p 112 -i eth1 -j ACCEPT") iptables.iptables("-D syco_output -p 112 -o eth1 -j ACCEPT") iptables.iptables("-A multicast_packets -s -j DROP") iptables.iptables("-A multicast_packets -d -j DROP") version_obj = version.Version("InstallRedis", script_version) version_obj.mark_uninstalled()
def install_sssd(args): """ Install ldap client on current host and connect to networks ldap server. """ app.print_verbose("Install sssd script-version: %d" % SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj = version.Version("InstallSssd", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.check_executed() # Get all passwords from installation user at the start of the script. app.get_ldap_sssd_password() install_packages() installOpenLdap.setup_hosts() iptables.add_ldap_chain() ip = config.general.get_ldap_server_ip() general.wait_for_server_to_start(ip, "636") install_certs() # For some reason it needs to be executed twice. authconfig() authconfig() installOpenLdap.configure_client_cert_for_ldaptools() augeas = Augeas(x) create_sss_folders() configure_sssd(augeas) configure_sudo(augeas) version_obj.mark_executed()
def uninstall_openvas(args): ''' Uninstall nmap ''' if (os.access("/etc/init.d/openvas-manager", os.F_OK)): general.shell_exec("/etc/init.d/openvas-manager stop") general.shell_exec("/etc/init.d/openvas-scanner stop") general.shell_exec("/etc/init.d/gsad stop") x("yum -y remove openvas-*") x("rm -rf /var/lib/openvas") #x("rm /etc/yum.repos.d/atomic.repo") iptables.del_openvas_chain() app.print_verbose("Enabling SELINUX") x("echo 1 > /selinux/enforce") selinuxconf = scOpen("/etc/selinux/config") selinuxconf.replace("^SELINUX=.*","SELINUX=enforcing") version_obj = version.Version("InstallOpenVAS", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.mark_uninstalled()
def install_openldap(args): ''' Install openldap on current host. ''' app.print_verbose("Install openldap script-version: %d" % SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj = version.Version("InstallOpenLdap", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.check_executed() initialize_passwords() # Do the installation. enable_selinux() install_packages() store_logs_on_file() configure_ldap_client() configure_openldap() configure_sudo_in_ldap() create_modules() add_auditlog_overlay() add_pwdpolicy_overlay() add_user_domain() create_certs() enable_ssl() require_highest_security_from_clients() # Let clients connect to the server through the firewall. This is done after # everything else is done, so we are sure that the server is secure before # letting somebody in. iptables.add_ldap_chain() version_obj.mark_executed()
def install_mail_server(args): """ Installs a postfix-based mail relay MTA that listens on the DMZ, and relays towards the internet. Also possible to send from localhost. Also installs mailx. """ version_obj = version.Version("Install-postfix-server", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.check_executed() app.print_verbose("Installing postfix-server version: {0}".format(SCRIPT_VERSION)) init_properties = PostFixProperties() # Install required packages install.package("postfix") # Set config file parameters # general.use_original_file("/etc/postfix/") postfix_main_cf = scopen.scOpen("/etc/postfix/") # Hostname is full canonical name of machine. postfix_main_cf.replace( "#myhostname = host.domain.tld", "myhostname = {0}".format(config.general.get_mail_relay_domain_name()) ) # postfix_main_cf.replace( "#mydomain = domain.tld", "mydomain = {0}".format(config.general.get_resolv_domain()) ) # postfix_main_cf.replace("#myorigin = $mydomain", "myorigin = $myhostname") # Accept email from frontnet and backnet postfix_main_cf.replace( "inet_interfaces = localhost", "inet_interfaces =,{0},{1}".format(init_properties.server_front_ip, init_properties.server_back_ip), ) postfix_main_cf.replace( "#mynetworks =,", "mynetworks = {0}, {1},".format( init_properties.server_network_front, init_properties.server_network_back ), ) # Do not relay anywhere special, i.e straight to internet. postfix_main_cf.replace("#relay_domains = $mydestination", "relay_domains =") postfix_main_cf.replace("#home_mailbox = Maildir/", "home_mailbox = Maildir/") # Stop warning about IPv6. postfix_main_cf.replace("inet_protocols = all", "inet_protocols = ipv4") # Install a simple mail CLI-tool install_mailx() # Tell iptables and nrpe that this server is configured as a mail-relay server. iptables.add_mail_relay_chain() x("service postfix restart") # Send test mail to the syco admin send_test_mail((None, config.general.get_admin_email()))
def _configure_iptables(): ''' Accept TCP traffic on 3128 from localnets and allow output to anywhere on port 80 and 443 ''' iptables.iptables("-A syco_input -p tcp -m multiport --dports 3128 -j allowed_tcp") iptables.iptables("-A syco_output -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j allowed_tcp")
def install_ntp(ntp_server_ip = False): ''' Install and configure the ntp-server on the local host. ''' app.print_verbose("Install NTP version: %d" % SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj = version.Version("InstallNTP", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.check_executed() # Install the NTP packages. if (not os.access("/etc/ntp.conf", os.F_OK)): general.shell_exec("yum -y install ntp") general.shell_exec("/sbin/chkconfig ntpd on") iptables.add_ntp_chain() # Set ntp-server configs # # For restrict info: # if (ntp_server_ip): app.print_verbose("Configure /etc/ntp.conf as a client") # Deny packets of all kinds, including ntpq(8) and ntpdc(8) queries. general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", "restrict default.*", "restrict default ignore") general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", "restrict -6 default.*", "restrict -6 default ignore") # Using only internal NTP-server. general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", "server 0.*", "server " + ntp_server_ip + " burst") general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", ".*server 1.*", "#server") general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", ".*server 2.*", "#server") general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", ".*server 3.*", "#server") # Allow access to/from the ntp-server. You may use either a hostname or IP address # on the server line. You must use an IP address on the restrict line. Or do I?? general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", "restrict " + ntp_server_ip + " kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery", "restrict " + ntp_server_ip + " kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery") # Don't use fudge server general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", ".*server.**", "#server") general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", ".*fudge.**", "#fudge stratum 10") # This command modifies the ntpd panic threshold (which is normally 1024 # seconds). Setting this to 0 disables the panic sanity check and a clock # offset of any value will be accepted. general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", ".*tinker panic.*", "tinker panic 0") else: app.print_verbose("Configure /etc/ntp.conf as a server") general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", "server 0.*", "server") general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", "server 1.*", "server") general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", "server 2.*", "server") general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", "server 3.*", "server " + config.general.get_slave_ntp_server()) general.shell_exec("service ntpd start") version_obj.mark_executed()
def install_mail_server(args): ''' Installs a postfix-based mail relay MTA that listens on the DMZ, and relays towards the internet. Also possible to send from localhost. Also installs mailx. ''' version_obj = version.Version("Install-postfix-server", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.check_executed() app.print_verbose( "Installing postfix-server version: {0}".format(SCRIPT_VERSION)) # Install required packages install.package("postfix") # Set config file parameters # general.use_original_file("/etc/postfix/") postfix_main_cf = scopen.scOpen("/etc/postfix/") # Hostname is full canonical name of machine. postfix_main_cf.replace( "#myhostname = host.domain.tld", "myhostname = {0}".format( config.general.get_mail_relay_domain_name())) # postfix_main_cf.replace("#mydomain = domain.tld", "mydomain = {0}".format( config.general.get_resolv_domain())) # postfix_main_cf.replace("#myorigin = $mydomain", "myorigin = $myhostname") # Accept email from frontnet and backnet postfix_main_cf.replace( "inet_interfaces = localhost", "inet_interfaces =,{0},{1}".format(server_front_ip, server_back_ip)) postfix_main_cf.replace( "#mynetworks =,", "mynetworks = {0}, {1},".format(server_front_network, server_back_network)) # Do not relay anywhere special, i.e straight to internet. postfix_main_cf.replace("#relay_domains = $mydestination", "relay_domains =") postfix_main_cf.replace("#home_mailbox = Maildir/", "home_mailbox = Maildir/") # Stop warning about IPv6. postfix_main_cf.replace("inet_protocols = all", "inet_protocols = ipv4") # Install a simple mail CLI-tool install_mailx() # Tell iptables and nrpe that this server is configured as a mail-relay server. iptables.add_mail_relay_chain() x("service postfix restart") # Send test mail to the syco admin send_test_mail((None, config.general.get_admin_email()))
def uninstall_glassfish(args): ''' The main function the glassfish uninstallation. ''' app.print_verbose("Uninstall " + GLASSFISH_VERSION + " version: %d" % SCRIPT_VERSION) if (os.access(GLASSFISH_INSTALL_PATH, os.F_OK)): os.chdir("/tmp") x("/etc/init.d/" + GLASSFISH_VERSION + " stop -an") x("rm -rf " + GLASSFISH_INSTALL_PATH) x("/sbin/chkconfig --del " + GLASSFISH_VERSION) x("rm " + "/etc/init.d/" + GLASSFISH_VERSION) if (_is_glassfish_user_installed()): # Change dir if some of the rm commands fails, so not everythig will # be deleted by mistake. x("rm -rf /home/glassfish") x("userdel glassfish") x("groupdel glassfishadm") if (os.access("/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_22", os.F_OK)): x("rpm -e sun-javadb-core-10.5.3-0.2") x("rpm -e sun-javadb-client-10.5.3-0.2") x("rpm -e sun-javadb-demo-10.5.3-0.2") x("rpm -e sun-javadb-docs-10.5.3-0.2") x("rpm -e sun-javadb-javadoc-10.5.3-0.2") x("rpm -e sun-javadb-common-10.5.3-0.2") x("rpm -e jdk-1.6.0_22-fcs") if (os.access("/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_24", os.F_OK)): x("rpm -e sun-javadb-core-10.6.2-1.1.i386") x("rpm -e sun-javadb-client-10.6.2-1.1.i386") x("rpm -e sun-javadb-demo-10.6.2-1.1.i386") x("rpm -e sun-javadb-docs-10.6.2-1.1.i386") x("rpm -e sun-javadb-javadoc-10.6.2-1.1.i386") x("rpm -e sun-javadb-common-10.6.2-1.1.i386") x("rpm -e jdk-1.6.0_24-fcs") x("rpm -e jdk-6u24-linux-amd64") if (os.access("/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_29", os.F_OK)): x("rpm -e sun-javadb-javadoc-10.6.2-1.1.i386") x("rpm -e sun-javadb-docs-10.6.2-1.1.i386") x("rpm -e sun-javadb-demo-10.6.2-1.1.i386") x("rpm -e sun-javadb-client-10.6.2-1.1.i386") x("rpm -e sun-javadb-core-10.6.2-1.1.i386") x("rpm -e sun-javadb-common-10.6.2-1.1.i386") x("rpm -e jdk-6u29-linux-amd64") iptables.del_glassfish_chain() version_obj = version.Version("Install" + GLASSFISH_VERSION, SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.mark_uninstalled()
def _configure_iptables(): ''' Accept TCP traffic on 3128 from localnets and allow output to anywhere on port 80 and 443 ''' iptables.iptables( "-A syco_input -p tcp -m multiport --dports 3128 -j allowed_tcp") iptables.iptables( "-A syco_output -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j allowed_tcp")
def uninstall_sssd(args): app.print_verbose("Uninstall sssd script-version: %d" % SCRIPT_VERSION) x("yum -y remove openldap-clients sssd") x("rm -rf /var/lib/sss/") iptables.del_ldap_chain() version_obj = version.Version("InstallSssd", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.mark_uninstalled()
def install_freeradius(args): ''' Install and configure the mysql-server on the local host. ''' app.print_verbose("Install FreeRadius version: %d" % SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj = version.Version("InstallFreeRadius", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.check_executed() # Install the mysql-server packages. if (not os.access("/usr/sbin/radiusd", os.W_OK | os.X_OK)): x("yum -y install freeradius-utils freeradius-ldap") x("/sbin/chkconfig radiusd on ") if (not os.access("/usr/sbin/radiusd", os.F_OK)): raise Exception("Couldn't install FreeRadius") # Configure iptables iptables.add_freeradius_chain() app.print_verbose("Copying config") ldapconf = scOpen("/etc/raddb/modules/ldap") ldapconf.replace( "\\t*server =.*", "\\tserver=\"ldaps://%s\"" % config.general.get_ldap_hostname()) ldapconf.replace("\\t#password = .*", "\\tpassword =%s" % app.get_ldap_admin_password()) ldapconf.replace( "\\t#identity = .*", "\\tidentity = \"cn=Manager,%s\"" % config.general.get_ldap_dn()) ldapconf.replace("\\t#base_filter = .*", "\\tbase_filter = \"(employeeType=Sysop)\"") ldapconf.replace("\\tfilter = .*", "\\tfilter =\"(uid=%u)\"") ldapconf.replace("\\tbasedn = .*", "\\tbasedn =\"%s\"" % config.general.get_ldap_dn()) #Deal with certs ldapconf.replace("\\t\\t# cacertfile.*=.*", "\\t\\tcacertfile\\t= /etc/openldap/cacerts/ca.crt") ldapconf.replace("\\t\\t# certfile.*=.*", "\\t\\tcertfile\\t= /etc/openldap/cacerts/client.crt") ldapconf.replace("\\t\\t# keyfile.*=.*", "\\t\\tkeyfile\\t= /etc/openldap/cacerts/client.key") x("/usr/bin/awk '/^[#]\\tldap/{c++;if(c==1){sub(\"^[#]\\tldap\",\"\\tldap\")}}1' %s" % "/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default > /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default.tmp" ) x("cp /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default.tmp /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default" ) x("rm /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default.tmp") version_obj.mark_executed()
def _configure_iptables(): """ * Keepalived uses multicast and VRRP protocol to talk to the nodes and need to be opened. So first we remove the multicast blocks and then open them up. * VRRP is known as Protocol 112 in iptables. """ iptables.iptables("-D multicast_packets -s -j DROP") iptables.iptables("-D multicast_packets -d -j DROP") iptables.iptables("-A multicast_packets -d -j ACCEPT") iptables.iptables("-A multicast_packets -s -j ACCEPT") iptables.iptables("-A syco_input -p 112 -i eth1 -j ACCEPT") iptables.iptables("-A syco_output -p 112 -o eth1 -j ACCEPT")
def install_espower(args): """Installation of Elastic search passing rule""" if (len(args) != 2): raise Exception("syco install-espower Logstash Version [syco install-es 1.4.2]") install_rabbit() install_logstash(args[1]) config_rabbitmq() config_logstash() # Adding iptables rules iptables.add_rabbitmq_chain() print("Go to http://ip-address:15672 for rabbit mq ")
def install_espower(args): """Installation of Elastic search passing rule""" if len(args) != 2: raise Exception("syco install-espower Logstash Version [syco install-es 1.4.2]") install_rabbit() install_logstash(args[1]) config_rabbitmq() config_logstash() # Adding iptables rules iptables.add_rabbitmq_chain() print("Go to http://ip-address:15672 for rabbit mq ")
def install_mail_client(args): """ Installs a local postfix MTA which accepts email on localhost forwards relays everything to mailrelay-server. Also installs mailx. See line comments in install_mail_server """ if"install-postfix-server"): app.print_verbose( "This server will later install the postfix server, abort client installation." ) return version_obj = version.Version("Install-postfix-client", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.check_executed() # Install required packages install.package("postfix") # Set config file parameters # general.use_original_file("/etc/postfix/") postfix_main_cf = scopen.scOpen("/etc/postfix/") postfix_main_cf.replace("#myhostname = host.domain.tld", "myhostname = {0}.{1}".format(get_hostname(), config.general.get_resolv_domain())) # postfix_main_cf.replace("#mydomain = domain.tld", "mydomain = {0}".format(config.general.get_resolv_domain())) # postfix_main_cf.replace("#myorigin = $mydomain", "myorigin = $myhostname") # Listen only on localhost postfix_main_cf.replace("inet_interfaces = localhost", "inet_interfaces = localhost") postfix_main_cf.replace("#mynetworks =,", "mynetworks =") postfix_main_cf.replace("mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost", "mydestination = $myhostname, localhost") # Relay everything not for local machine to mailrelay. postfix_main_cf.replace("#relay_domains = $mydestination", "relay_domains = {0}".format(config.general.get_resolv_domain())) postfix_main_cf.replace("#relayhost = $mydomain","relayhost = [{0}]".format(config.general.get_mail_relay_domain_name())) postfix_main_cf.replace("#home_mailbox = Maildir/","home_mailbox = Maildir/") postfix_main_cf.replace("inet_protocols = all","inet_protocols = ipv4") # Install a simple mail CLI-tool install_mailx() # Tell iptables and nrpe that this server is configured as a mail-relay server. iptables.add_mail_relay_chain() # Restart postfix x("service postfix restart") # Send test mail to the syco admin send_test_mail((None, config.general.get_admin_email()))
def uninstall_mail_relay(args): """ Uninstalls postfix and mailx. """ app.print_verbose("Removing mail-relay chain") # Remove package and rpmsave of cfg x("yum remove postfix mailx -y") x("rm -rf /etc/postfix") # Remote iptables chains iptables.del_mail_relay_chain()
def uninstall_ntp(args): ''' Uninstall NTP ''' if (os.access("/etc/ntp.conf", os.F_OK)): general.shell_exec("service ntpd stop") general.shell_exec("yum -y remove ntp ") iptables.del_ntp_chain() version_obj = version.Version("InstallNTP", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.mark_uninstalled()
def _install_nrpe(args): """ The nrpe installation is quite standard . Except that the stock NRPE.conf is replaced with a prepped one. Server only listens to this IP. Not super safe but better than nothing. Also, argument parsing is _disabled_. """ # Initialize all used passwords at the beginning of the script. app.get_ldap_sssd_password() app.get_mysql_monitor_password() install.epel_repo() # Confusing that nagios-plugins-all does not really include all plugins # WARNING: nrpe in EPEL and nagios-nrpe in RPMForge are the same package. At # the moment EPEL has the latest version but RPMForge obsolete the EPEL # package. Because of that, exclude nagios-nrpe from RPMForge. app.print_verbose("Install required packages for NRPE") install_packages( "nagios-plugins-all nrpe nagios-plugins-nrpe php-ldap nagios-plugins-perl perl-Net-DNS " "perl-Proc-ProcessTable perl-Date-Calc policycoreutils-python") # Move object structure and prepare conf-file x("rm -rf /etc/nagios/nrpe.d") x("rm -rf /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg") x("cp -r {0}syco-private/var/nagios/nrpe.d /etc/nagios/".format( constant.SYCO_USR_PATH)) x("cp {0}syco-private/var/nagios/nrpe.cfg /etc/nagios/".format( constant.SYCO_USR_PATH)) # Extra plugins installed _install_nrpe_plugins() # Allow only monitor to query NRPE monitor_server_front_ip = config.general.get_monitor_server_ip() app.print_verbose("Set monitor server: %s" % monitor_server_front_ip) nrpe_config = scopen.scOpen("/etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg") nrpe_config.replace("$(MONITORIP)", monitor_server_front_ip) # Set permissions for read/execute under nagios-user x("chown -R root:nrpe /etc/nagios/") # Allow nrpe to listen on UDP port 5666 iptables.add_nrpe_chain() # Make nrpe-server startup stateful and restart x("/sbin/chkconfig --level 3 nrpe on") x("service nrpe restart")
def uninstall_squid(args=""): ''' Remove Squid Caching Proxy from the server. ''' app.print_verbose("Uninstall Squid Caching Proxy") os.chdir("/") _chkconfig("squid","off") _service("squid","stop") x("yum -y remove squid") x("rm -rf %s*" % (SQUID_CONF_DIR)) iptables.iptables("-D syco_input -p tcp -m multiport --dports 3128 -j allowed_tcp") iptables.iptables("-D syco_output -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j allowed_tcp")
def _install_nrpe(args): """ The nrpe installation is quite standard . Except that the stock NRPE.conf is replaced with a prepped one. Server only listens to this IP. Not super safe but better than nothing. Also, argument parsing is _disabled_. """ # Initialize all used passwords at the beginning of the script. app.get_ldap_sssd_password() app.get_mysql_monitor_password() install.epel_repo() # Confusing that nagios-plugins-all does not really include all plugins # WARNING: nrpe in EPEL and nagios-nrpe in RPMForge are the same package. At # the moment EPEL has the latest version but RPMForge obsolete the EPEL # package. Because of that, exclude nagios-nrpe from RPMForge. x( "yum install -y nagios-plugins-all nrpe nagios-plugins-nrpe php-ldap " "nagios-plugins-perl perl-Net-DNS perl-Proc-ProcessTable" "perl-Date-Calc policycoreutils-python --exclude=nagios-nrpe" ) # Move object structure and prepare conf-file x("rm -rf /etc/nagios/nrpe.d") x("rm -rf /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg") x("cp -r {0}syco-private/var/nagios/nrpe.d /etc/nagios/".format(constant.SYCO_USR_PATH)) x("cp {0}syco-private/var/nagios/nrpe.cfg /etc/nagios/".format(constant.SYCO_USR_PATH)) # Extra plugins installed _install_nrpe_plugins() # Allow only monitor to query NRPE monitor_server_front_ip = config.general.get_monitor_server_ip() app.print_verbose("Set monitor server: %s" % monitor_server_front_ip) nrpe_config = scopen.scOpen("/etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg") nrpe_config.replace("$(MONITORIP)", monitor_server_front_ip) # Set permissions for read/execute under nagios-user x("chown -R root:nrpe /etc/nagios/") # Allow nrpe to listen on UDP port 5666 iptables.add_nrpe_chain() # Make nrpe-server startup stateful and restart x("/sbin/chkconfig --level 3 nrpe on") x("service nrpe restart")
def setup_node(): """ Setup nodejs for deployments """ # Installing nodejs modules for system x("/usr/local/bin/npm -g install express express-generator supervisor") # Setup webbfront x("yum install httpd -y") # Config webfront to proxy all info to port 3000 x("cp /opt/syco/var/nodejs/httpd/nodejs.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/") x("chkconfig httpd on") x("/etc/init.d/httpd restart") # Configure iptables iptables.add_httpd_chain()
def install_rsyslogd_client(args): ''' Install rsyslog client the server ''' app.print_verbose("Install rsyslog client.") # If rsyslogd is installed, raise exception. version_obj = version.Version("InstallRsyslogd", installRsyslogd.SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.check_executed() # version_obj = version.Version("InstallRsyslogdClient", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.check_executed() # Initialize all passwords used by the script app.init_mysql_passwords() #Enabling iptables before server has start iptables.add_rsyslog_chain("client") # Wating for rsyslog Server to start general.wait_for_server_to_start(config.general.get_log_server_hostname1(), "514") app.print_verbose("CIS 5.2 Configure rsyslog") app.print_verbose("CIS 5.2.1 Install the rsyslog package") general.install_packages("rsyslog rsyslog-gnutls") app.print_verbose("CIS 5.2.2 Activate the rsyslog Service") if os.path.exists('/etc/xinetd.d/syslog'): x("chkconfig syslog off") x("chkconfig rsyslog on") _configure_rsyslog_conf() _gen_and_copy_cert(args) # Restaring rsyslog x("/etc/init.d/rsyslog restart") # Configure logrotate installLogrotate.install_logrotate(args) version_obj.mark_executed()
def uninstall_squid(args=""): ''' Remove Squid Caching Proxy from the server. ''' app.print_verbose("Uninstall Squid Caching Proxy") os.chdir("/") _chkconfig("squid", "off") _service("squid", "stop") x("yum -y remove squid") x("rm -rf %s*" % (SQUID_CONF_DIR)) iptables.iptables( "-D syco_input -p tcp -m multiport --dports 3128 -j allowed_tcp") iptables.iptables( "-D syco_output -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j allowed_tcp")
def _configure_iptables(args): ''' * Keepalived uses multicast and VRRP protocol to talk to the nodes and need to be opened. So first we remove the multicast blocks and then open them up. * VRRP is known as Protocol 112 in iptables. * Redis uses port 6379 and need to be opened. ''' iptables.iptables("-A syco_input -p tcp -m multiport --dports 6379 -j allowed_tcp") iptables.iptables("-A syco_output -p tcp -m multiport --dports 6379 -j allowed_tcp") iptables.iptables("-D multicast_packets -s -j DROP") iptables.iptables("-D multicast_packets -d -j DROP") iptables.iptables("-A multicast_packets -d -j ACCEPT") iptables.iptables("-A multicast_packets -s -j ACCEPT") iptables.iptables("-A syco_input -p 112 -i eth1 -j ACCEPT") iptables.iptables("-A syco_output -p 112 -o eth1 -j ACCEPT")
def uninstall_haproxy(args=""): ''' Remove HA Proxy from the server. ''' app.print_verbose("Uninstall HA Proxy") os.chdir("/") _chkconfig("haproxy","off") _service("haproxy","stop") x("yum -y remove haproxy") x("rm -rf {0}*".format(HAPROXY_CONF_DIR)) x("rm -rf {0}/{1}.pem".format(CERT_COPY_TO_PATH, HAPROXY_ENV)) iptables.iptables("-D syco_input -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j allowed_tcp") iptables.iptables("-D syco_output -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j allowed_tcp") iptables.iptables("-D syco_input -p tcp -m multiport --dports 81,82,83,84 -j allowed_tcp") iptables.iptables("-D syco_output -p tcp -m multiport --dports 81,82,83,84 -j allowed_tcp")