def make_stats(data, raws):
    """ reads in pickled stats, collates, and writes to file """
    ## stats for each rawdata file
    perfile = {}
    for rawtuple in raws:
        handle = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(rawtuple[0]))[0]
        perfile[handle] = {}
        perfile[handle]["ftotal"] = 0
        perfile[handle]["fcutfound"] = 0
        perfile[handle]["fmatched"] = 0

    ## stats for each sample
    fdbars = {}
    fsamplehits = Counter()
    fbarhits = Counter()
    fmisses = Counter()

    ## get stats from each file pickle
    pickles = glob.glob(os.path.join(data.dirs.fastqs, "*.pickle"))
    for picfile in pickles:
        with open(picfile, "rb") as pickin:
            filestats, samplestats = pickle.load(pickin)

        #counts = [total, cutfound, matched]
        handle, total, cutfound, matched = filestats
        samplehits, barhits, misses, dbars = samplestats

        ## update file stats
        perfile[handle]["ftotal"] += total
        perfile[handle]["fcutfound"] += cutfound
        perfile[handle]["fmatched"] += matched    

        ## update sample stats

    data.statsfiles.s1 = os.path.join(data.dirs.fastqs, 
    outfile = open(data.statsfiles.s1, 'w')

    ## how many from each rawfile
    outfile.write('{:<35}  {:>13}{:>13}{:>13}\n'.\
                  format("raw_file", "total_reads", 
                         "cut_found", "bar_matched"))
    ## sort rawfile names
    rawfilenames = sorted(perfile)
    for rawstat in rawfilenames:
        dat = [perfile[rawstat][i] for i in ["ftotal", "fcutfound", "fmatched"]]
        outfile.write('{:<35}  {:>13}{:>13}{:>13}\n'.\
            format(*[rawstat]+[str(i) for i in dat]))
        if "pair" in data.paramsdict["datatype"]:
            rawstat2 = rawstat.replace("_R1_", "_R2_")
            outfile.write('{:<35}  {:>13}{:>13}{:>13}\n'.\
                format(*[rawstat2]+[str(i) for i in dat]))

    ## spacer, how many records for each sample
    outfile.write('\n{:<35}  {:>13}\n'.\
                  format("sample_name", "total_R1_reads"))

    ## names alphabetical
    names_sorted = sorted(data.barcodes)
    for name in names_sorted:
        outfile.write("{:<35}  {:>13}\n".format(name, fsamplehits[name]))

    ## spacer, which barcodes were found
    outfile.write('\n{:<35}  {:>13}{:>13}{:>13}\n'.\
                  format("sample_name", "true_bar", "obs_bar", "N_records"))

    ## write sample results
    for name in names_sorted:
        ## write perfect hit
        hit = data.barcodes[name]
        outfile.write('{:<35}  {:>13}{:>13}{:>13}\n'.\
            format(name, hit, hit, fsamplehits[name]))

        ## write off-n hits
        ## sort list of off-n hits
        if name in fdbars:
            offkeys = list(fdbars.get(name))
            for offhit in offkeys[::-1]:
                ## exclude perfect hit
                if offhit not in data.barcodes.values():
                    outfile.write('{:<35}  {:>13}{:>13}{:>13}\n'.\
                        format(name, hit, offhit, fbarhits[offhit]))

    ## write misses
    misskeys = list(fmisses.keys())
    for key in misskeys[::-1]:
        outfile.write('{:<35}  {:>13}{:>13}{:>13}\n'.\
            format("no_match", "_", key, fmisses[key]))


    ## Link Sample with this data file to the Assembly object
    for name in data.barcodes:
        sample = Sample()
        sample.name = name
        sample.barcode = data.barcodes[name]
        if "pair" in data.paramsdict["datatype"]:
            sample.files.fastqs = [(os.path.join(data.dirs.fastqs,
            sample.files.fastqs = [(os.path.join(data.dirs.fastqs,
        sample.stats["reads_raw"] = fsamplehits[name]
        if sample.stats["reads_raw"]:
            sample.stats.state = 1
            data.samples[sample.name] = sample
            print("Excluded sample: no data found for", name)
def make_stats(data, perfile, fsamplehits, fbarhits, fmisses, fdbars):
    Write stats and stores to Assembly object.

    ## out file
    outhandle = os.path.join(data.dirs.fastqs, 's1_demultiplex_stats.txt')
    outfile = open(outhandle, 'w')

    ## write the header for file stats
    outfile.write('{:<35}  {:>13}{:>13}{:>13}\n'.\
                  format("raw_file", "total_reads", "cut_found", "bar_matched"))

    ## write the file stats
    r1names = sorted(perfile)
    for fname in r1names:
        dat = perfile[fname]
        #dat = [perfile[fname][i] for i in ["ftotal", "fcutfound", "fmatched"]]
        outfile.write('{:<35}  {:>13}{:>13}{:>13}\n'.\
            format(fname, dat[0], dat[1], dat[2]))
        ## repeat for pairfile
        if 'pair' in data.paramsdict["datatype"]:
            fname = fname.replace("_R1_", "_R2_")
            outfile.write('{:<35}  {:>13}{:>13}{:>13}\n'.\
                format(fname, dat[0], dat[1], dat[2]))

    ## spacer, how many records for each sample
    outfile.write('\n{:<35}  {:>13}\n'.format("sample_name", "total_reads"))

    ## names alphabetical. Write to file. Will save again below to Samples.
    names_sorted = sorted(data.barcodes)
    for name in names_sorted:
        outfile.write("{:<35}  {:>13}\n".format(name, fsamplehits[name]))

    ## spacer, which barcodes were found
    outfile.write('\n{:<35}  {:>13} {:>13} {:>13}\n'.\
                  format("sample_name", "true_bar", "obs_bar", "N_records"))

    ## write sample results
    for name in names_sorted:
        ## write perfect hit
        hit = data.barcodes[name]
        offhitstring = ""
        sumoffhits = 0
        ## write off-n hits
        ## sort list of off-n hits
        if name in fdbars:
            offkeys = list(fdbars.get(name))
            for offhit in offkeys[::-1]:
                ## exclude perfect hit
                if offhit not in data.barcodes.values():
                    offhitstring += '{:<35}  {:>13} {:>13} {:>13}\n'.\
                        format(name, hit, offhit, fbarhits[offhit])
                    sumoffhits += fbarhits[offhit]
        ## write string to file
        outfile.write('{:<35}  {:>13} {:>13} {:>13}\n'.\
            format(name, hit, hit, fsamplehits[name]-sumoffhits))

    ## write misses
    misskeys = list(fmisses.keys())
    for key in misskeys[::-1]:
        outfile.write('{:<35}  {:>13}{:>13}{:>13}\n'.\
            format("no_match", "_", key, fmisses[key]))

    ## Link Sample with this data file to the Assembly object
    for name in data.barcodes:
        sample = Sample()
        sample.name = name
        sample.barcode = data.barcodes[name]
        if 'pair' in data.paramsdict["datatype"]:
            sample.files.fastqs = [(os.path.join(data.dirs.fastqs,
            sample.files.fastqs = [(os.path.join(data.dirs.fastqs,
                                                  name+"_R1_.fastq.gz"), "")]
        ## fill in the summary stats
        sample.stats["reads_raw"] = int(fsamplehits[name])
        ## fill in the full df stats value
        sample.stats_dfs.s1["reads_raw"] = int(fsamplehits[name])

        ## Only link Sample if it has data
        if sample.stats["reads_raw"]:
            sample.stats.state = 1
            data.samples[sample.name] = sample
            print("Excluded sample: no data found for", name)

    ## initiate s1 key for data object
    data.stats_dfs.s1 = data._build_stat("s1")
    data.stats_files.s1 = outhandle
def make_stats(data, raws):
    """ reads in pickled stats, collates, and writes to file """
    ## stats for each rawdata file
    perfile = {}
    for rawtuple in raws:
        handle = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(rawtuple[0]))[0]
        perfile[handle] = {}
        perfile[handle]["ftotal"] = 0
        perfile[handle]["fcutfound"] = 0
        perfile[handle]["fmatched"] = 0

    ## stats for each sample
    fdbars = {}
    fsamplehits = Counter()
    fbarhits = Counter()
    fmisses = Counter()

    ## get stats from each file pickle
    pickles = glob.glob(os.path.join(data.dirs.fastqs, "*.pickle"))
    for picfile in pickles:
        with open(picfile, "rb") as pickin:
            filestats, samplestats = pickle.load(pickin)

        #counts = [total, cutfound, matched]
        handle, total, cutfound, matched = filestats
        samplehits, barhits, misses, dbars = samplestats

        ## update file stats
        perfile[handle]["ftotal"] += total
        perfile[handle]["fcutfound"] += cutfound
        perfile[handle]["fmatched"] += matched

        ## update sample stats

    data.statsfiles.s1 = os.path.join(data.dirs.fastqs,
    outfile = open(data.statsfiles.s1, 'w')

    ## how many from each rawfile
    outfile.write('{:<35}  {:>13}{:>13}{:>13}\n'.\
                  format("raw_file", "total_reads",
                         "cut_found", "bar_matched"))
    ## sort rawfile names
    rawfilenames = sorted(perfile)
    for rawstat in rawfilenames:
        dat = [
            perfile[rawstat][i] for i in ["ftotal", "fcutfound", "fmatched"]
        outfile.write('{:<35}  {:>13}{:>13}{:>13}\n'.\
            format(*[rawstat]+[str(i) for i in dat]))
        if "pair" in data.paramsdict["datatype"]:
            rawstat2 = rawstat.replace("_R1_", "_R2_")
            outfile.write('{:<35}  {:>13}{:>13}{:>13}\n'.\
                format(*[rawstat2]+[str(i) for i in dat]))

    ## spacer, how many records for each sample
    outfile.write('\n{:<35}  {:>13}\n'.\
                  format("sample_name", "total_R1_reads"))

    ## names alphabetical
    names_sorted = sorted(data.barcodes)
    for name in names_sorted:
        outfile.write("{:<35}  {:>13}\n".format(name, fsamplehits[name]))

    ## spacer, which barcodes were found
    outfile.write('\n{:<35}  {:>13}{:>13}{:>13}\n'.\
                  format("sample_name", "true_bar", "obs_bar", "N_records"))

    ## write sample results
    for name in names_sorted:
        ## write perfect hit
        hit = data.barcodes[name]
        outfile.write('{:<35}  {:>13}{:>13}{:>13}\n'.\
            format(name, hit, hit, fsamplehits[name]))

        ## write off-n hits
        ## sort list of off-n hits
        if name in fdbars:
            offkeys = list(fdbars.get(name))
            for offhit in offkeys[::-1]:
                ## exclude perfect hit
                if offhit not in data.barcodes.values():
                    outfile.write('{:<35}  {:>13}{:>13}{:>13}\n'.\
                        format(name, hit, offhit, fbarhits[offhit]))

    ## write misses
    misskeys = list(fmisses.keys())
    for key in misskeys[::-1]:
        outfile.write('{:<35}  {:>13}{:>13}{:>13}\n'.\
            format("no_match", "_", key, fmisses[key]))


    ## Link Sample with this data file to the Assembly object
    for name in data.barcodes:
        sample = Sample()
        sample.name = name
        sample.barcode = data.barcodes[name]
        if "pair" in data.paramsdict["datatype"]:
            sample.files.fastqs = [(os.path.join(data.dirs.fastqs,
                                                 name + "_R1_.fastq.gz"),
                                                 name + "_R2_.fastq.gz"))]
            sample.files.fastqs = [(os.path.join(data.dirs.fastqs,
                                                 name + "_R1_.fastq.gz"), )]
        sample.stats["reads_raw"] = fsamplehits[name]
        if sample.stats["reads_raw"]:
            sample.stats.state = 1
            data.samples[sample.name] = sample
            print("Excluded sample: no data found for", name)
def make_stats(data, perfile, fsamplehits, fbarhits, fmisses, fdbars):
    Write stats and stores to Assembly object.

    ## out file
    outhandle = os.path.join(data.dirs.fastqs, 's1_demultiplex_stats.txt')
    outfile = open(outhandle, 'w')

    ## how many from each rawfile
    outfile.write('{:<35}  {:>13}{:>13}{:>13}\n'.\
                  format("raw_file", "total_reads", "cut_found", "bar_matched"))

    ## sort rawfile names
    rawfilenames = sorted(perfile)
    for rawstat in rawfilenames:
        dat = [
            perfile[rawstat][i] for i in ["ftotal", "fcutfound", "fmatched"]
        outfile.write('{:<35}  {:>13}{:>13}{:>13}\n'.\
            format(*[rawstat]+[str(i) for i in dat]))
        if "pair" in data.paramsdict["datatype"]:
            rawstat2 = rawstat.replace("_R1_", "_R2_")
            outfile.write('{:<35}  {:>13}{:>13}{:>13}\n'.\
                format(*[rawstat2]+[str(i) for i in dat]))

    ## spacer, how many records for each sample
    outfile.write('\n{:<35}  {:>13}\n'.\
                  format("sample_name", "total_reads"))

    ## names alphabetical. Write to file. Will save again below to Samples.
    names_sorted = sorted(data.barcodes)
    for name in names_sorted:
        outfile.write("{:<35}  {:>13}\n".format(name, fsamplehits[name]))

    ## spacer, which barcodes were found
    outfile.write('\n{:<35}  {:>13}{:>13}{:>13}\n'.\
                  format("sample_name", "true_bar", "obs_bar", "N_records"))

    ## write sample results
    for name in names_sorted:
        ## write perfect hit
        hit = data.barcodes[name]
        outfile.write('{:<35}  {:>13}{:>13}{:>13}\n'.\
            format(name, hit, hit, fsamplehits[name]))

        ## write off-n hits
        ## sort list of off-n hits
        if name in fdbars:
            offkeys = list(fdbars.get(name))
            for offhit in offkeys[::-1]:
                ## exclude perfect hit
                if offhit not in data.barcodes.values():
                    outfile.write('{:<35}  {:>13}{:>13}{:>13}\n'.\
                        format(name, hit, offhit, fbarhits[offhit]))

    ## write misses
    misskeys = list(fmisses.keys())
    for key in misskeys[::-1]:
        outfile.write('{:<35}  {:>13}{:>13}{:>13}\n'.\
            format("no_match", "_", key, fmisses[key]))

    ## Link Sample with this data file to the Assembly object
    for name in data.barcodes:
        sample = Sample()
        sample.name = name
        sample.barcode = data.barcodes[name]
        if "pair" in data.paramsdict["datatype"]:
            sample.files.fastqs = [(os.path.join(data.dirs.fastqs,
                                                 name + "_R1_.fastq.gz"),
                                                 name + "_R2_.fastq.gz"))]
            sample.files.fastqs = [(os.path.join(data.dirs.fastqs,
                                                 name + "_R1_.fastq.gz"), "")]
        ## fill in the summary stats
        sample.stats["reads_raw"] = int(fsamplehits[name])
        ## fill in the full df stats value
        sample.stats_dfs.s1["reads_raw"] = int(fsamplehits[name])

        ## Only link Sample if it has data
        if sample.stats["reads_raw"]:
            sample.stats.state = 1
            data.samples[sample.name] = sample
            print("Excluded sample: no data found for", name)

    ## initiate s1 key for data object
    data.stats_dfs.s1 = data.build_stat("s1")
    data.stats_files.s1 = outhandle