def _default_toolbar(figure): pz = panzoom(figure.marks) normal_btn = ToggleButton(icon='fa-circle-o', tooltip='Normal', value=True) pz_btn = ToggleButton(icon='fa-arrows', tooltip='Pan and Zoom', value=False) snapshot_btn = Button(icon='fa-thumb-tack', tooltip='Snapshot View') reset_btn = Button(icon='fa-refresh', tooltip='Reset View') save_btn = Button(icon='fa-save', tooltip='Save as .png Image') def tog(btn, *args): # Traitlets closure def cb(): for other in args: other.value = not btn.value return cb def overl(btn, value): # Traitlets closure def cb(): if btn.value: figure.interaction = value return cb def snapshot(_): pz.snapshot() def reset(_): pz.reset() def save(_): pz_btn.on_trait_change(tog(pz_btn, normal_btn)) pz_btn.on_trait_change(overl(pz_btn, pz)) normal_btn.on_trait_change(tog(normal_btn, pz_btn)) normal_btn.on_trait_change(overl(normal_btn, None)) snapshot_btn.on_click(snapshot) reset_btn.on_click(reset) save_btn.on_click(save) figure.interaction = None button_group = HBox([normal_btn, pz_btn, snapshot_btn, reset_btn, save_btn]) button_group._dom_classes = list(button_group._dom_classes) + ['btn-group'] return button_group
def __init__(self, gen, display=True, leave=True, parent=None): self.progress, self.text = IntProgress(min=0, max=len(gen)), HTML() = HBox([self.progress, self.text]) super().__init__(gen, display, leave, parent)
def resultsTab(self): self.dt_widget = widgets.FloatText(value=0.01, description='dt:', disabled=False) self.dx_widget = widgets.FloatText(value=0.1, description='dx:', disabled=False) self.tend_widget = widgets.FloatText(value=10.0, description='tend:', disabled=False) self.minXlim_widget = widgets.FloatText(value=-4.0, description='x-min:', disabled=False) self.maxXlim_widget = widgets.FloatText(value=4.0, description='x-max:', disabled=False) self.CFL_widget = widgets.FloatText(value=0.1, description='CFL:', disabled=True) self.Fr_widget = widgets.FloatText(value=0.0, description='Fr:', disabled=True) self.progressBar_widget = widgets.IntProgress( value=0, min=0, max=int(self.tend_widget.value / self.dt_widget.value), step=1, description='Progress:', bar_style='', # 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger' or '' orientation='horizontal') self.generate_button_widget = widgets.Button(description='Generate') self.edit_button_widget = widgets.Button(description='Edit', disabled=True) self.savefig_button_widget = widgets.Button(description='save fig', disabled=True) self.timestep_widget = widgets.IntSlider( description='Timestep', min=0, max=int(self.tend_widget.value / self.dt_widget.value) - 1, step=1, value=0) self.resultTab = \ VBox(children=[ HBox(children=[ self.dt_widget, self.tend_widget ]), HBox(children=[ self.dx_widget, self.minXlim_widget, self.maxXlim_widget]), HBox(children=[ self.CFL_widget, self.Fr_widget ]), HBox(children=[ self.generate_button_widget, self.edit_button_widget, self.progressBar_widget ]), HBox(children=[self.timestep_widget, self.savefig_button_widget]) ]) self.tabs.append(self.resultTab)
def main(conn): def clear_map(): if 'm' in globals(): m.close() else: pass def clear_lat_longs(): if 'lat_longs' in globals(): lat_longs = None else: pass def clear_time_slider(): if 'time_slider' in globals(): time_slider = None else: pass def draw_update_map(b): clear_map() clear_lat_longs() plate = plate_dropdown.value start_date_time = str( start_date.value) + ' ' + start_time_dropdown.value end_date_time = str(end_date.value) + ' ' + end_time_dropdown.value global locations locations = sfmta.get_points_for_shuttle(conn, plate, start_date_time, end_date_time) zip_locations = zip(locations['lng'], locations['lat'], locations.index) global lat_longs lat_longs = [(x[0], x[1]) for x in zip_locations] index_value = find_index(lat_longs, time_slider.value) global m m = draw_map(lat_longs[:index_value]) display(m) button = Button(description="Draw/Update Map") button.on_click(draw_update_map) time_slider = IntSlider(min=0, max=100, step=1, description='% of Data', value=100) def find_index(lat_longs, value): length = len(lat_longs) index = int(length * value / 100) return index def draw_map(lat_longs): center = [37.79481, -122.41186] zoom = 12 m = Map(center=center, zoom=zoom, basemap=basemaps.Hydda.Full) m.layout.height = '650px' pl = Polyline(locations=lat_longs) pl.color = path_color.value pl.fill_color = path_color.value m.add_layer(pl) return m plates = sfmta.get_all_shuttles(conn)['LICENSE_PLATE'].unique() plate_dropdown = Dropdown(options=plates, description='Plate') def show_restrictions(b): polygons = './vehiclerestrictions_wgs.json' with open(polygons) as f: polygons_json = json.load(f) global geojson geojson = GeoJSON(data=polygons_json) m.add_layer(geojson) def remove_restrictions(b): if 'geojson' in globals(): m.remove_layer(geojson) else: pass def download_data(b): if 'lat_longs' in globals(): df = pd.DataFrame(data=lat_longs) df.to_excel('output.xlsx') else: pass button_restrictions = Button(description="Show Restrictions") button_restrictions.on_click(show_restrictions) button_remove_restrictions = Button(description="Hide Restrictions") button_remove_restrictions.on_click(remove_restrictions) path_color = ColorPicker(description='Color') export_data = Button(description="Download Data") export_data.on_click(download_data) def top_n_stops(b): from collections import Counter count_lat_longs = Counter(lat_longs).most_common() for lat_long in count_lat_longs[0:10]: location = lat_long[0] circle = Circle(location=location, radius=300) m.add_layer(circle) return m button_add_top_stops = Button(description="Display Bus Idling") button_add_top_stops.on_click(top_n_stops) # Remove map button needs its own function with a single argument def remove_map(b): clear_map() button_clear_map = Button(description="Remove Map") button_clear_map.on_click(remove_map) start = end = start_date = DatePicker(description='Start Date', value=start) end_date = DatePicker(description='End Date', value=end) start_time_dropdown = time_drop_down() start_time_dropdown.description = 'Start Time' end_time_dropdown = time_drop_down() end_time_dropdown.description = 'End Time' companies = sfmta.get_shuttles_companies(conn)['NAME'].unique() company = Dropdown(options=companies, value='WeDriveU', description='Company') return VBox([ HBox( [company, button, button_restrictions, button_remove_restrictions]), HBox([ plate_dropdown, export_data, button_add_top_stops, button_clear_map ]), HBox([path_color]), HBox([start_date, start_time_dropdown]), HBox([end_date, end_time_dropdown]), HBox([time_slider]), ])
def _dock_add_layout(self, vertical=True): return VBox() if vertical else HBox()
def actualiza_layout(): if animacion_on: anim.event_source.stop() clear() #Mostrar estadisticas de las variables max_value= "Max value: "+ str(propiedades[4]) min_value= "Min value: "+ str(propiedades[3]) mean_value= "Mean value: "+ str(propiedades[5]) #Muestra, si la hay, la descripcion de las variables des="" try: des=(variables[0][propiedades[0]]+": "+dataset.variables[variables[0][propiedades[0]]].long_name) except: des=("Variable sin descripcion") label= widgets.Label(des) label_min= widgets.Label(min_value) label_max= widgets.Label(max_value) label_mean= widgets.Label(mean_value) hb_max_min= HBox([label_min, label_max,label_mean]) hb_range= HBox([min_range, max_range, boton_range]) #Comprueba de que depende las variables, y escoge que pasarle dependiendo de eso if variables[1][propiedades[0]]==4: depth_wid.max= dataset.variables[variables[0][propiedades[0]]].shape[-3]-1 display(hb_3d, label, hb_max_min, hb_range) prof=propiedades[2] if tipo==0: dimz=dataset.variables[variables[0][propiedades[0]]].shape[-3]-1 prof=dimz-prof aux=dataset.variables[variables[0][propiedades[0]]][propiedades[1],prof,:,:] ev=vb_ev_3d if variables[1][propiedades[0]]==-1: depth_wid.max= dataset.variables["R1"].shape[-3]-1 display(hb_3d, label, hb_max_min, hb_range) prof=propiedades[2] dimz=dataset.variables["R1"].shape[-3]-1 prof=dimz-prof aux=dataset.variables["R1"][propiedades[1],1,prof,:,:] ev=vb_ev_3d if variables[1][propiedades[0]]==3: display(hb_2d, label, hb_max_min, hb_range) aux=dataset.variables[variables[0][propiedades[0]]][propiedades[1],:,:] ev=vb_ev_2d aux= np.transpose(aux) #Convierte los valores de relleno en nan para que no se pinten en el mapa v_m= np.nanmin(aux[:]) try: aux[ aux==v_m ] = np.nan except: print("fallo") fig=imshow_rango(aux,min_range.value, max_range.value) #Se crea un evento para coger las coordenadas escogidas cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick) display(ev)
description=r'$\overline{B}$$\to$$\overline{f}$', disabled=False) b_fbar = widgets.Checkbox(value=True, description=r'$B$$\to$$\overline{f}$', disabled=False) fold_amix = widgets.Checkbox(value=True, description=r'fold $A_{mix}$', disabled=False) k_acc = widgets.Checkbox(value=True, description=r'Acceptance', disabled=False) k_res = widgets.Checkbox(value=True, description=r'Resolution', disabled=False) ## Flavoure Tagging wbox_tag = HBox([ VBox([omega, d_omega, eff, d_eff]), VBox([xmin, xmax, y_tag, y_untag, y_mix]), VBox([k_acc, k_res, fold_amix]), VBox([b_f, bbar_f, bbar_fbar, b_fbar]), VBox([name, save]) ]) tag_pars = interactive_output( plot_tagging, { 'omega': omega, 'd_omega': d_omega, 'eff': eff, 'd_eff': d_eff, 'sigma_t': sigma_t, 'a_acc': a_acc, 'n_acc': n_acc, 'b_acc': b_acc, 'beta_acc': beta_acc, 'cutoff_acc': cutoff_acc,
def _widget(self): """ Create IPython widget for display within a notebook """ try: return self._cached_widget except AttributeError: pass try: from ipywidgets import Layout, VBox, HBox, IntText, Button, HTML, Accordion except ImportError: self._cached_widget = None return None layout = Layout(width="150px") if self.dashboard_link: link = '<p><b>Dashboard: </b><a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a></p>\n' % ( self.dashboard_link, self.dashboard_link, ) else: link = "" title = "<h2>%s</h2>" % self._cluster_class_name title = HTML(title) dashboard = HTML(link) status = HTML(self._widget_status(), layout=Layout(min_width="150px")) if self._supports_scaling: request = IntText(0, description="Workers", layout=layout) scale = Button(description="Scale", layout=layout) minimum = IntText(0, description="Minimum", layout=layout) maximum = IntText(0, description="Maximum", layout=layout) adapt = Button(description="Adapt", layout=layout) accordion = Accordion( [HBox([request, scale]), HBox([minimum, maximum, adapt])], layout=Layout(min_width="500px"), ) accordion.selected_index = None accordion.set_title(0, "Manual Scaling") accordion.set_title(1, "Adaptive Scaling") def adapt_cb(b): self.adapt(minimum=minimum.value, maximum=maximum.value) update() adapt.on_click(adapt_cb) def scale_cb(b): with log_errors(): n = request.value with suppress(AttributeError): self._adaptive.stop() self.scale(n) update() scale.on_click(scale_cb) else: accordion = HTML("") box = VBox([title, HBox([status, accordion]), dashboard]) self._cached_widget = box def update(): status.value = self._widget_status() cluster_repr_interval = parse_timedelta( dask.config.get("distributed.deploy.cluster-repr-interval", default="ms")) pc = PeriodicCallback(update, cluster_repr_interval * 1000) self.periodic_callbacks["cluster-repr"] = pc pc.start() return box
def create_param_widget(self, param, value): from ipywidgets import Layout, HBox children = (HBox(),) if isinstance(value, bool): from ipywidgets import Label, ToggleButton p = Label(value=param, layout=Layout(width='10%')) t = ToggleButton(description=str(value), value=value) def on_bool_change(change): t.description = str(change['new']) self.params[self._method][param] = change['new'] self.replot_peaks() t.observe(on_bool_change, names='value') children = (p, t) elif isinstance(value, float): from ipywidgets import FloatSlider, FloatText, BoundedFloatText, \ Label from traitlets import link p = Label(value=param, layout=Layout(flex='0 1 auto', width='10%')) b = BoundedFloatText(value=0, min=1e-10, layout=Layout(flex='0 1 auto', width='10%'), font_weight='bold') a = FloatText(value=2 * value, layout=Layout(flex='0 1 auto', width='10%')) f = FloatSlider(value=value, min=b.value, max=a.value, step=np.abs(a.value - b.value) * 0.01, layout=Layout(flex='1 1 auto', width='60%')) l = FloatText(value=f.value, layout=Layout(flex='0 1 auto', width='10%'), disabled=True) link((f, 'value'), (l, 'value')) def on_min_change(change): if f.max > change['new']: f.min = change['new'] f.step = np.abs(f.max - f.min) * 0.01 def on_max_change(change): if f.min < change['new']: f.max = change['new'] f.step = np.abs(f.max - f.min) * 0.01 def on_param_change(change): self.params[self._method][param] = change['new'] self.replot_peaks() b.observe(on_min_change, names='value') f.observe(on_param_change, names='value') a.observe(on_max_change, names='value') children = (p, l, b, f, a) elif isinstance(value, int): from ipywidgets import IntSlider, IntText, BoundedIntText, \ Label from traitlets import link p = Label(value=param, layout=Layout(flex='0 1 auto', width='10%')) b = BoundedIntText(value=0, min=1e-10, layout=Layout(flex='0 1 auto', width='10%'), font_weight='bold') a = IntText(value=2 * value, layout=Layout(flex='0 1 auto', width='10%')) f = IntSlider(value=value, min=b.value, max=a.value, step=1, layout=Layout(flex='1 1 auto', width='60%')) l = IntText(value=f.value, layout=Layout(flex='0 1 auto', width='10%'), disabled=True) link((f, 'value'), (l, 'value')) def on_min_change(change): if f.max > change['new']: f.min = change['new'] f.step = 1 def on_max_change(change): if f.min < change['new']: f.max = change['new'] f.step = 1 def on_param_change(change): self.params[self._method][param] = change['new'] self.replot_peaks() b.observe(on_min_change, names='value') f.observe(on_param_change, names='value') a.observe(on_max_change, names='value') children = (p, l, b, f, a) container = HBox(children) return container
def __init__(self, keys, scheduler=None, minimum=0, dt=0.1, func=key_split, complete=False): self.func = func keys = {k.key if hasattr(k, 'key') else k for k in keys} self.setup_pre(keys, scheduler, minimum, dt, complete) def clear_errors(errors): for k in errors: self.task_erred(None, k, None, True) # Get keys and all-keys if self.scheduler.loop._thread_ident == threading.current_thread().ident: errors = self.setup(keys, complete) else: errors = sync(self.scheduler.loop, self.setup, keys, complete) # Set up widgets from ipywidgets import FloatProgress, VBox, HTML, HBox self.bars = {key: FloatProgress(min=0, max=1, description=key) for key in self.all_keys} self.texts = {key: HTML() for key in self.all_keys} self.boxes = {key: HBox([self.bars[key], self.texts[key]]) for key in self.all_keys} self.time = HTML() self.widget = HBox([self.time, VBox([self.boxes[key] for key in sorted(self.bars, key=str)])]) from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop loop = IOLoop.instance() self.pc = PeriodicCallback(self._update, 1000 * self._dt, io_loop=loop) self.pc.start() # Clear out errors clear_errors(errors)
def test_widget_utils(): box = HBox() i0 = IntText() i0._ngl_name = 'i0' i1 = IntText() i1._ngl_name = 'i1' box.children = [i0, i1] assert i0 is widget_utils.get_widget_by_name(box, 'i0') assert i1 is widget_utils.get_widget_by_name(box, 'i1') box.children = [i1, i0] assert i0 is widget_utils.get_widget_by_name(box, 'i0') assert i1 is widget_utils.get_widget_by_name(box, 'i1') assert widget_utils.get_widget_by_name(box, 'i100') is None assert widget_utils.get_widget_by_name(None, 'i100') is None
class ProgressIPy(ProgressBase): # pragma: no cover HTMLBOX = '<div class="widget-hbox widget-progress"><div class="widget-label" style="display:block;">{0}</div></div>' def __init__(self, *args, **kargs): # Ipython gives warnings when using widgets about the API potentially changing with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") try: from ipywidgets import IntProgress, HTML, HBox # type: ignore except ImportError: # Support IPython < 4.0 from IPython.html.widgets import IntProgress, HTML, HBox # type: ignore super(ProgressIPy, self).__init__(*args, **kargs) self.prog = IntProgress(max=self.length) self._label = HTML() self._box = HBox((self.prog, self._label)) def start(self): from IPython.display import display # type: ignore display(self._box) super(ProgressIPy, self).start() @property def value(self): """This is the current value, -1 allowed (automatically fixed for display)""" return self._value @value.setter def value(self, val): self._value = val self.prog.value = max(val, 0) self.prog.description = "{0:.2%}".format(self.value / self.length) if self.timer and val > 0: self._label.value = self.HTMLBOX.format(self.str_time_remaining()) def display(self): pass def done(self): if self.clear: self._box.close()
def _make_add_widget_repr(self, component_slider): dropdown_repr_name = Dropdown(options=REPRESENTATION_NAMES, value='cartoon') repr_selection = Text(value='*', description='') repr_button = Button(description='Add', tooltip="""Add representation. You can also hit Enter in selection box""") repr_button.layout = Layout(width='auto', flex='1 1 auto') dropdown_repr_name.layout.width = repr_selection.layout.width = default.DEFAULT_TEXT_WIDTH def on_click_or_submit(button_or_text_area): self._view.add_representation(selection=repr_selection.value.strip(), repr_type=dropdown_repr_name.value, component=component_slider.value) repr_button.on_click(on_click_or_submit) repr_selection.on_submit(on_click_or_submit) add_repr_box = HBox([repr_button, dropdown_repr_name, repr_selection]) add_repr_box._ngl_name = 'add_repr_box' return add_repr_box
def __init__(self, *args, **kargs): # Ipython gives warnings when using widgets about the API potentially changing with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") try: from ipywidgets import IntProgress, HTML, HBox except ImportError: # Support IPython < 4.0 from IPython.html.widgets import IntProgress, HTML, HBox super(ProgressIPy, self).__init__(*args, **kargs) self.prog = IntProgress(max=self.length) self._label = HTML() self._box = HBox((self.prog, self._label))
def _widget(self): """ Create IPython widget for display within a notebook """ try: return self._cached_widget except AttributeError: pass from ipywidgets import Layout, VBox, HBox, IntText, Button, HTML, Accordion layout = Layout(width='150px') if 'bokeh' in template = config.get('diagnostics-link', 'http://{host}:{port}/status') host = self.scheduler.address.split('://')[1].split(':')[0] port =['bokeh'].port link = template.format(host=host, port=port, **os.environ) link = '<p><b>Dashboard: </b><a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a></p>\n' % (link, link) else: link = '' title = '<h2>%s</h2>' % type(self).__name__ title = HTML(title) dashboard = HTML(link) status = HTML(self._widget_status(), layout=Layout(min_width='150px')) request = IntText(0, description='Workers', layout=layout) scale = Button(description='Scale', layout=layout) minimum = IntText(0, description='Minimum', layout=layout) maximum = IntText(0, description='Maximum', layout=layout) adapt = Button(description='Adapt', layout=layout) accordion = Accordion([HBox([request, scale]), HBox([minimum, maximum, adapt])], layout=Layout(min_width='500px')) accordion.selected_index = None accordion.set_title(0, 'Manual Scaling') accordion.set_title(1, 'Adaptive Scaling') box = VBox([title, HBox([status, accordion]), dashboard]) self._cached_widget = box def adapt_cb(b): self.adapt(minimum=minimum.value, maximum=maximum.value) adapt.on_click(adapt_cb) def scale_cb(b): with log_errors(): n = request.value with ignoring(AttributeError): self._adaptive.stop() self.scale(n) scale.on_click(scale_cb) scheduler_ref = ref(self.scheduler) def update(): status.value = self._widget_status() pc = PeriodicCallback(update, 500, io_loop=self.scheduler.loop) self.scheduler.periodic_callbacks['cluster-repr'] = pc pc.start() return box
def log_progress(sequence, every=None, size=None, start_time=None, name='Items'): """ Function to provide a progress bar. --- This function is useful only when this program is run as a Jupyter notebook. In order to use this, run `jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix widgetsnbextension` prior to launching the notebook server. """ from ipywidgets import IntProgress, HTML, VBox, HBox from IPython.display import display, Javascript from IPython.display import HTML as html import datetime import uuid image_id = "loading_image_{}".format(str(uuid.uuid4())) is_iterator = False if size is None: try: size = len(sequence) except TypeError: is_iterator = True if size is not None: if every is None: if size <= 200: every = 1 else: every = int(size / 200) # every 0.5% else: assert every is not None, 'sequence is iterator, set every' if start_time is None: start_time = if is_iterator: progress = IntProgress(min=0, max=1, value=1) progress.bar_style = 'info' else: progress = IntProgress(min=0, max=size, value=0) label = HTML() loading_image = HTML("<img id='{}' src='images/loading.gif' width=50 align=right alt='Loading Image.' />".format(image_id)) box = VBox(children=[label, HBox([progress, loading_image])]) display(box) #display(loading_image) index = 0 try: for index, record in enumerate(sequence, 1): if start_time is not None: time_elapsed = - start_time else: time_elapsed = if index == 1 or index % every == 0: if is_iterator: label.value = '{name}: {index} / ? | Time Elapsed: {time_elapsed}'.format( name=name, index=index, time_elapsed=time_elapsed ) else: progress.value = index if index == size: progress.value = index-1 label.value = u'{name}: {index} / {size} | Time Elapsed: {time_elapsed}'.format( name=name, index=index, size=size, time_elapsed=time_elapsed ) yield record except: progress.bar_style = 'danger' hide_command = """document.getElementById('{}').style.display='none';""".format(image_id) display(Javascript(hide_command)) else: progress.bar_style = 'success' hide_command = """document.getElementById('{}').style.display='none';""".format(image_id) display(Javascript(hide_command)) if start_time is not None: time_elapsed = - start_time else: time_elapsed = progress.value = index label.value = "{name}: {index} | Total Time: {time_elapsed}".format( name=name, index=str(index or '?'), time_elapsed=time_elapsed )
def manual_qc_interface( df, variable_list: list, flags: dict or str, review_flag: str = "_review_flag", comment_column: str = "_review_comment", default_flag=None, ): """ Manually QC interface to manually QC oceanographic data, through a Jupyter notebook. :param default_flag: :param comment_column: :param df: DataFrame input to QC :param variable_list: Variable List to review :param flags: Flag convention used :param review_flag: """ # # Generate a copy of the provided dataframe which will be use for filtering and plotting data| # df_temp = df # Retrieve Flag Convention if type(flags) is str: flag_convention = flags flags = flag_conventions[flags] flag_descriptor = f"{flag_convention}\n" + "\n".join([ f"{key} = {item['Meaning']}" for key, item in flag_conventions[flag_convention].items() ]) else: flag_descriptor = "\n".join( [f"{key} = {item}" for key, item in flags.items()]) # Set Widgets of the interface yaxis = widgets.Dropdown( options=variable_list, value=variable_list[0], description="Y Axis:", disabled=False, ) xaxis = widgets.Dropdown( options=["depth", "time"], value="time", description="X Axis:", disabled=False, ) filter_by = widgets.Text( value=None, description="Filter by", placeholder="ex: 20<depth<30", disabled=False, ) filter_by_result = filter_by_result = widgets.HTML( value="{0} records available".format(len(df)), ) apply_filter = widgets.Button( value=False, description="Apply Filter", disabled=False, button_style="success", # 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger' or '' tooltip="Apply Filter to the full dataset.", ) flag_selection = widgets.Dropdown(options=list(flags.keys()), description=flag_descriptor, disabled=False) flag_comment = widgets.Textarea( value="", placeholder="Add review comment", description="Comment:", disabled=False, ) apply_flag = widgets.Button( value=False, description="Apply Flag", disabled=False, button_style="success", # 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger' or '' tooltip="Apply Flag to select records.", ) accordion = widgets.Accordion() accordion.selected_index = None show_selection = widgets.Button( value=False, description="Show Selection", disabled=False, button_style="success", # 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger' or '' tooltip="Present selected records in table.", ) selected_table = widgets.Output() def get_filtered_data(df): """Apply query if available otherwise give back the full dataframe""" try: return df.query(filter_by.value) except ValueError: return df # Create the initial plots # Plot widget with def _get_plots(): """Generate plots based on the dataframe df, yaxis and xaxis values present within the respective widgets and flags in seperate colors""" plots = [] for flag_name, flag_value in flags.items(): if type(flag_value) is dict and "Color" in flag_value: flag_color = flag_value["Color"] flag_meaning = flag_value["Meaning"] else: flag_color = flag_value flag_meaning = flag_value df_temp = get_filtered_data(df) df_flag = df_temp.loc[df_temp[yaxis.value + review_flag] == flag_name] plots += [ go.Scattergl( x=df_flag[xaxis.value], y=df_flag[yaxis.value], mode="markers", name=flag_meaning, marker={ "color": flag_color, "opacity": 1 }, ) ] return tuple(plots) # Initialize Figure Widget and layout f = go.FigureWidget(data=_get_plots(), layout=go.Layout(barmode="overlay")) f.update_layout(margin=dict(l=50, r=20, t=50, b=20)) f.layout.xaxis.title = xaxis.value f.layout.yaxis.title = yaxis.value f.layout.title = "Review" f.update_layout( showlegend=True, legend={ "orientation": "h", "yanchor": "bottom", "y": 1.02, "xanchor": "right", "x": 1, }, ) # Set the update to figure if the drop menu is changed figure_data = def update_filter(query_string=None): """Update filter report below the filter_by cell""" df_temp = get_filtered_data(df) if len(df_temp) == 0: # Give a message back saying no match and don't change anything else filter_by_result.value = "<p style='color:red;'>0 records found</p>" else: # Update text back and update plot with selection filter_by_result.value = "{0} records found".format(len(df_temp)) def update_figure(_): """Update figure with present x and y items in menu""" update_axes(xaxis.value, yaxis.value) def update_axes(xvar, yvar): """ Update figure, based on x,y axis provided :param xvar: :param yvar: """ kk = 0 with f.batch_update(): f.layout.xaxis.title = xvar f.layout.yaxis.title = yvar for plot in _get_plots():[kk].x = plot.x[kk].y = plot.y kk += 1 def _get_selected_records(): """Method to retrieve the x and y coordinates of the records selected with the plotly lasso tool.""" xs = [] ys = [] for layer in figure_data: if layer["selectedpoints"]: xs += list(layer.x[list(layer["selectedpoints"])]) ys += list(layer.y[list(layer["selectedpoints"])]) return xs, ys def _get_selected_indexes(xs, ys): """Method to retrieve dataframe indexes of the selected x,y records shown on the figure.""" df_temp = get_filtered_data(df) is_indexes_selected = (df_temp[[xaxis.value, yaxis.value]].apply( tuple, axis=1).isin(tuple(zip(xs, ys)))) return df_temp.index[is_indexes_selected].tolist() def selection_fn(_): """Method to update the table showing the selected records.""" xs, ys = _get_selected_records() selected_indexes = _get_selected_indexes(xs, ys) if selected_indexes: with selected_table: selected_table.clear_output() display(df.loc[selected_indexes]) def update_flag_in_dataframe(_): """Tool triggered when flag is applied to selected records.""" # Retrieve selected records and flag column xs, ys = _get_selected_records() selected_indexes = _get_selected_indexes(xs, ys) flag_name = yaxis.value + review_flag comment_name = yaxis.value + comment_column # Create a column for the manual flag if it doesn't exist if flag_name not in df: df[flag_name] = default_flag # Print below the interface what's happening print( "Apply {0} to {1} records to {2}".format(flag_selection.value, len(selected_indexes), flag_name), end="", ) if flag_comment.value: print(" and add comment: {0}".format(flag_comment.value), end="") print(" ... ", end="") # Update flag value within the data frame df.loc[selected_indexes, flag_name] = flag_selection.value # Update comment if flag_comment.value: df.loc[selected_indexes, comment_name] = flag_comment.value # Update figure with the new flags update_figure(True) print("Completed") # Setup the interaction between the different components axis_dropdowns = interactive(update_axes, yvar=yaxis, xvar=xaxis) show_selection.on_click(selection_fn) apply_filter.on_click(update_figure) apply_flag.on_click(update_flag_in_dataframe) filter_data = interactive(update_filter, query_string=filter_by) # Create the interface layout plot_interface = VBox(axis_dropdowns.children) flag_interface = VBox( (flag_selection, flag_comment, apply_flag), layout={"align_items": "flex-end"}, ) filter_by_interface = VBox((filter_by, filter_by_result), layout={"align_items": "flex-end"}) filter_interface = HBox((filter_by_interface, apply_filter)) upper_menu_left = VBox((plot_interface, filter_interface)) upper_menu = HBox((upper_menu_left, flag_interface), layout={"justify_content": "space-between"}) selection_table = VBox((show_selection, selected_table)) return VBox(( upper_menu, f, selection_table, ))
def _make_export_image_widget(self): if self.widget_export_image is None: self.widget_export_image = HBox([self._make_button_export_image()]) return self.widget_export_image
def imgs_grid(path): def show_imgs(): print(f"Crop name: {crop_name}, Area: {area:.2f} sqm") def multi_bands_imgs(bands, fname): df = raster_utils.create_df(ci_path, pid, ci_band.value) rows = round((df.shape[0] / columns) + 0.5) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 4 * rows)) for i, row in df.iterrows(): fig.add_subplot(rows, columns, i + 1) str_date = str(row['date'].date()).replace('-', '') img_png = normpath(join(ci_path, f'{fname}_{str_date}.png')) # Create color image if it does not exist # Merge bands (images path, export image path, bands list) if not isfile(img_png): imgs_path = normpath(join(ci_path, row['imgs'])) raster_utils.merge_bands(imgs_path, img_png, bands) with, format='PNG') as img: overlay_date(img, row['date'].date()) # Add date overlay. ax = plt.gca() if show_parcel.value: ax.add_patch(overlay_parcel(img, info_data)) plt.axis('off') # Turn of axis. pA, pB = np.percentile(, tuple(ci_percent.value)) # Strech image to A - B percentile. stack = [ exposure.rescale_intensity([i, :, :], in_range=(pA, pB)) for i in range(len(bands)) ] rgb_enhanced = np.dstack(stack) show(np.uint16(rgb_enhanced.transpose(2, 0, 1) / 300), ax=ax, transform=img.transform) return def ndvi_imgs(bands, fname): df = raster_utils.create_df(ci_path, pid, ci_band.value) rows = round((df.shape[0] / columns) + 0.5) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 4 * rows)) for i, row in df.iterrows(): fig.add_subplot(rows, columns, i + 1) str_date = str(row['date'].date()).replace('-', '') img_png = normpath(join(ci_path, f'{fname}_{str_date}.png')) imgs_path = normpath(join(ci_path, row['imgs'])) b4f = f"{imgs_path}.B04.tif" b4 =, format='GTiff') ndvi = raster_utils.calc_ndvi(imgs_path, img_png, bands) overlay_date(b4, row['date'].date()) # Add date overlay. ax = plt.gca() if show_parcel.value: ax.add_patch(overlay_parcel(b4, info_data)) plt.axis('off') # Turn of axis. pA, pB = np.percentile(ndvi, tuple(ci_percent.value)) show(ndvi, ax=ax, transform=b4.transform, cmap=ci_cmaps.value, vmin=pA, vmax=pB) b4.close() return def single_band(band): df = raster_utils.create_df(ci_path, pid, ci_band.value) rows = round((df.shape[0] / columns) + 0.5) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 4 * rows)) for i, row in df.iterrows(): img_gtif = normpath( join(ci_path, f"{row['imgs']}.{ci_band.value[0]}.tif")) with, format='GTiff') as img: fig.add_subplot(rows, columns, i + 1) overlay_date(img, row['date'].date()) plt.axis('off') ax = plt.gca() if show_parcel.value: ax.add_patch(overlay_parcel(img, info_data)) img_read = pA, pB = np.percentile(img_read, tuple(ci_percent.value)) show(, ax=ax, transform=img.transform, cmap=data_options.cmaps(ci_band.value[0]), vmin=pA, vmax=pB) return if len(ci_band.value) == 1: single_band(ci_band.value[0]) elif ci_band.value == ['B04', 'B08']: ndvi_imgs(ci_band.value, 'NDVI') else: multi_bands_imgs(ci_band.value, ('').join(ci_band.value)) def overlay_date(img, date): date_text = plt.text( img.bounds.left + ((img.bounds.right - img.bounds.left) / 6.5), - (( - img.bounds.bottom) / 6.5), date, color='yellow', weight='bold', size=12, bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", ec='yellow', fc='black', alpha=0.2)) return date_text def overlay_parcel(img, geom): with open(file_info, 'r') as f: info_data = json.loads( img_epsg = geo_json = spatial_utils.transform_geometry(info_data, img_epsg) patche = [ PolygonPatch(feature, edgecolor="yellow", facecolor="none", linewidth=2) for feature in [geo_json['geom'][0]] ] return patche[0] # Images options. file_info = normpath(join(path, 'info.json')) with open(file_info, 'r') as f: info_data = json.loads( # print(info_data) pid = info_data['pid'][0] crop_name = info_data['cropname'][0] area = info_data['area'][0] ci_path = normpath(join(path, 'chip_images')) columns = 4 available_options = raster_utils.available_options(path, pid) ci_band = Dropdown( options=available_options, description='Select band:', disabled=False, ) ci_cmaps = Dropdown(options=data_options.color_maps(), value='RdYlGn_r', description='Color map:', disabled=False, layout=Layout(width='15%')) ci_percent = IntRangeSlider( value=[2, 98], min=0, max=100, step=1, description='%:', disabled=False, continuous_update=False, orientation='horizontal', readout=True, readout_format='d', ) show_parcel = Checkbox(value=True, description='Show parcel', disabled=False, indent=False, layout=Layout(width='100px')) ci_cloud = Checkbox(value=False, description='Cloud free', disabled=True, indent=False, layout=Layout(width='140px')) btn_ci = Button(value=False, description='Show images', disabled=False, button_style='info', tooltip='Refresh output', icon='') ci_out = Output() @btn_ci.on_click def btn_ci_on_click(b): btn_ci.description = 'Refresh' btn_ci.icon = 'refresh' with ci_out: ci_out.clear_output() show_imgs() wbox_ci_cloud = HBox([]) if len([val for key, val in available_options if 'SCL' in val]) > 0: wbox_ci_cloud = HBox([ci_cloud]) wbox_ci = HBox([btn_ci, ci_band, show_parcel, ci_percent, wbox_ci_cloud]) def ci_band_change(change): if len(ci_band.value) == 1: if ci_band.value[0] in ['B02', 'B03', 'B04', 'B08']: wbox_ci.children = [btn_ci, ci_band, show_parcel, ci_percent] show_parcel.value = True else: wbox_ci.children = [btn_ci, ci_band, ci_percent] show_parcel.value = False elif ci_band.value == ['B04', 'B08']: wbox_ci.children = [ btn_ci, ci_band, show_parcel, ci_cmaps, ci_percent, wbox_ci_cloud ] show_parcel.value = True else: wbox_ci.children = [ btn_ci, ci_band, show_parcel, ci_percent, wbox_ci_cloud ] show_parcel.value = True ci_band.observe(ci_band_change, 'value') wbox = VBox([wbox_ci, ci_out]) return wbox
def _widget(self): """ Create IPython widget for display within a notebook """ try: return self._cached_widget except AttributeError: pass if self.asynchronous: return None try: from ipywidgets import Layout, VBox, HBox, IntText, Button, HTML, Accordion except ImportError: self._cached_widget = None return None layout = Layout(width="150px") title = HTML("<h2>YarnCluster</h2>") status = HTML(self._widget_status(), layout=Layout(min_width="150px")) request = IntText(0, description="Workers", layout=layout) scale = Button(description="Scale", layout=layout) minimum = IntText(0, description="Minimum", layout=layout) maximum = IntText(0, description="Maximum", layout=layout) adapt = Button(description="Adapt", layout=layout) accordion = Accordion( [HBox([request, scale]), HBox([minimum, maximum, adapt])], layout=Layout(min_width="500px"), ) accordion.selected_index = None accordion.set_title(0, "Manual Scaling") accordion.set_title(1, "Adaptive Scaling") @adapt.on_click def adapt_cb(b): self.adapt(minimum=minimum.value, maximum=maximum.value) @scale.on_click def scale_cb(b): with log_errors(): self.scale(request.value) app_id = HTML("<p><b>Application ID: </b>{0}</p>".format(self.app_id)) elements = [title, HBox([status, accordion]), app_id] if self.dashboard_link is not None: link = HTML( '<p><b>Dashboard: </b><a href="{0}" target="_blank">{0}' "</a></p>\n".format(self.dashboard_link)) elements.append(link) self._cached_widget = box = VBox(elements) self._status_widget = status return box
def __init__(self, show=True, style=True): # header # filechooser self.base = BASE self.filechooser = FileChooser(self.base, accept=('MS', 'fid', 'FID')) self.datap = None self.MAX_DISP_PEAKS = NbMaxDisplayPeaks # buttons # load self.bload = Button(description='Load', layout=Layout(width='15%'), tooltip='load and display experiment') self.bload.on_click(self.load) # FT self.bproc = Button(description='Process', layout=Layout(width='15%'), tooltip='Fourier transform of the fid') self.bproc.on_click(self.process) # pp self.bpeak = Button(description='Peak Pick', layout=Layout(width='15%'), tooltip='Detect Peaks') self.bpeak.on_click(self.peakpick) self.bsave = Button(description='Save', layout=Layout(width='15%'), tooltip='Save processed data set in msh5 format') self.bsave.on_click( # GUI set-up and scene # tools self.header = Output() with self.header: self.waitarea = Output() self.buttonbar = HBox([ self.bload, self.bproc, self.bpeak, self.bsave, self.waitarea ]) display( Markdown('---\n# Select an experiment, and load to process')) display(self.filechooser) display(self.buttonbar) NODATA = HTML("<br><br><h3><i><center>No Data</center></i></h3>") # fid self.fid = Output() # the area where 1D is shown with self.fid: display(NODATA) display(Markdown("use the `Load` button above")) # spectrum self.out1D = Output() # the area where 1D is shown with self.out1D: display(NODATA) display( Markdown( "After loading, use the `Process` or `Load` buttons above") ) # peaklist self.peaklist = Output() # the area where peak list is shown with self.peaklist: display(NODATA) display( Markdown("After Processing, use the `Peak Pick` button above")) # form self.outform = Output( ) # the area where processing parameters are displayed with self.outform: self.paramform() display(self.form) # Info self.outinfo = Output() # the area where info is shown self.showinfo() # tabs self.tabs = widgets.Tab() self.tabs.children = [ self.fid, self.out1D, self.peaklist, self.outform, self.outinfo ] self.tabs.set_title(0, 'raw fid') self.tabs.set_title(1, 'Spectrum') self.tabs.set_title(2, 'Peak List') self.tabs.set_title(3, 'Processing Parameters') self.tabs.set_title(4, 'Info') # self.tabs = VBox([ self.out2D, self.outpp2D, self.out1D, self.outinfo ]) = VBox([self.header, self.tabs]) # = VBox([self.title, # self.FC, # HBox([self.bdisp2D, self.bpp2D, self.bdisp1D]) # ]) if style: injectcss() if show: display(
def view(): info = Label("Select a parcel to display.") temppath = config.get_value(['paths', 'temp']) datapath = config.get_value(['paths', 'data']) method = ToggleButtons(options=[('From local storage', 0), ('Remote to memory', 1)], value=0, description='', disabled=True, button_style='info', tooltips=[ 'View data that are stored on the local drive.', 'View data from memory.' ]) paths = RadioButtons(options=[ (f"Temporary folder: '{temppath}'.", temppath), (f"Personal data folder: '{datapath}'.", datapath) ], layout={'width': 'max-content'}, value=temppath) paths_box = Box([Label(value="Select folder:"), paths]) tables_first = [ f for f in os.listdir(paths.value) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(paths.value, f)) ] select_table = Dropdown( options=[f for f in tables_first if not f.startswith('.')], value=None, description='Select tabe:', disabled=False, ) select_option = RadioButtons(options=[(f"Single parcel selection.", 1), (f"Multiple parcels selection.", 2)], disabled=True, layout={'width': 'max-content'}) button_refresh = Button(layout=Layout(width='35px'), icon='fa-refresh') select_option_box = HBox([ select_table, button_refresh, Label(value="Selection method:"), select_option ]) selection_single = Dropdown( options=[], value=None, description='Select parcel:', disabled=False, ) selection_multi = SelectMultiple( options=[], value=[], description='Select parcels:', disabled=False, ) view_method = ToggleButtons( options=[], value=None, description='', disabled=False, button_style='info', tooltips=[], ) rm_parcel = Button(value=False, disabled=False, button_style='danger', tooltip='Delete parcel data.', icon='trash', layout=Layout(width='35px')) code_info = Label() single_box = HBox([selection_single, rm_parcel]) select_box = Box([single_box]) method_0 = VBox([info, paths_box, select_option_box, select_box]) method_1 = VBox([]) view_box = Output(layout=Layout(border='1px solid black')) method_out = Output() with method_out: display(method_0) def method_options(obj): with method_out: method_out.clear_output() if obj['new'] == 0: display(method_0) elif obj['new'] == 1: display(method_1) method.observe(method_options, 'value') @button_refresh.on_click def button_refresh_on_click(b): view_box.clear_output() tables_first = [ f for f in os.listdir(paths.value) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(paths.value, f)) ] select_table.options = [ f for f in tables_first if not f.startswith('.') ] if select_table.value is not None: parcels = f"{paths.value}{select_table.value}" parcels_list = [ f for f in os.listdir(parcels) if not f.startswith('.') ] selection_single.options = parcels_list selection_multi.options = parcels_list else: selection_single.options = [] selection_single.value = None selection_multi.options = [] selection_multi.value = [] @rm_parcel.on_click def rm_parcel_on_click(b): try: parcel_to_rm = f"{paths.value}{select_table.value}/{selection_single.value}" try: shutil.rmtree(f'{parcel_to_rm}') except Exception: pass try: os.remove(f'{parcel_to_rm}') except Exception: pass # print(f"The parce: '{selection_single.value}' is deleted.") parcels = f"{paths.value}{select_table.value}" parcels_list = [ f for f in os.listdir(parcels) if not f.startswith('.') ] selection_single.options = parcels_list view_box.clear_output() except Exception: pass def on_select_option_change(change): if select_option.value == 1: select_box.children = [single_box] else: select_box.children = [selection_multi] select_option.observe(on_select_option_change, 'value') def on_datapath_change(change): tables = [ f for f in os.listdir(paths.value) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(paths.value, f)) ] tables = [f for f in tables if not f.startswith('.')] select_table.options = tables paths.observe(on_datapath_change, 'value') def on_table_change(change): if select_table.value is not None: parcels = f"{paths.value}{select_table.value}" parcels_list = [ f for f in os.listdir(parcels) if not f.startswith('.') ] selection_single.options = parcels_list selection_multi.options = parcels_list else: selection_single.options = [] selection_single.value = None selection_multi.options = [] selection_multi.value = [] view_method.options = [] select_table.observe(on_table_change, 'value') def on_selection_change(obj): code_info.value = "Select how to view the dataset." options_list = [('Get example code', 1)] if obj['new'] is not None: parceldata = f"{paths.value}{select_table.value}/{selection_single.value}" data_list = [ f for f in os.listdir(parceldata) if not f.startswith('.') ] if any("time_series" in s for s in data_list): options_list.append(('Plot time series', 2)) if any("chip_images" in s for s in data_list): options_list.append(('View images', 3)) options_list.append(("Show on map", 4)) if select_option.value == 2: options_list.append(('Comparison', 5)) view_method.options = options_list view_method.value = None selection_single.observe(on_selection_change, 'value') selection_multi.observe(on_selection_change, 'value') def method_options(obj): view_box.clear_output() with view_box: if selection_single.value is None: with view_box: print("Please select a parcel") elif select_option.value == 1: data_path = f'{paths.value}{select_table.value}/{selection_single.value}/' if obj['new'] == 1: from src.ipycbm.ui_view import view_code display(view_code.code(data_path)) elif obj['new'] == 2: from src.ipycbm.ui_view import view_time_series display(view_time_series.time_series(data_path)) elif obj['new'] == 3: from src.ipycbm.ui_view import view_calendar display(view_calendar.calendar(data_path)) elif obj['new'] == 4: from src.ipycbm.ui_view import view_map display(view_map.widget_box(data_path)) elif select_option.value == 2 and len(selection_multi.value) > 0: data_path = f'{paths.value}{select_table.value}/' data_paths = [ f'{data_path}{s}/' for s in selection_multi.value ] if obj['new'] == 1: from src.ipycbm.ui_view import view_code display(view_code.code(data_paths[0])) pass elif obj['new'] == 2: from src.ipycbm.ui_view import view_time_series # display(view_time_series.time_series(data_list[0])) pass elif obj['new'] == 3: from src.ipycbm.ui_view import view_calendar # display(view_chip_images.calendar(data_path)) pass elif obj['new'] == 4: from src.ipycbm.ui_view import view_maps display(view_maps.with_polygons(data_paths)) selection_single.observe(method_options, 'value') selection_multi.observe(method_options, 'value') view_method.observe(method_options, 'value') notes_info = Label("Add a note for the parcel") notes_bt = Button(value=False, description='Add note', disabled=False, button_style='info', tooltip='Add a note.', icon='sticky-note') notes_box = VBox([]) @notes_bt.on_click def notes_bt_on_click(b): if notes_box.children == (): notes_box.children = [ view_notes.notes(f"{paths.value}{select_table.value}/", select_table.value, selection_single.value.replace('parcel_', '')) ] else: notes_box.children = [] wbox = VBox([ method_out, code_info, view_method, view_box, HBox([notes_info, notes_bt]), notes_box ]) return wbox
def status_printer(_, total=None, desc=None): # Prepare IPython progress bar from ipywidgets import IntProgress, HTML, HBox, Layout, Label if total: pbar = IntProgress(min=0, max=total) else: # No total? Show info style bar with no progress tqdm status pbar = IntProgress(min=0, max=1) pbar.value = 1 pbar.bar_style = 'info' if desc: description = Label(desc) description_box = HBox(children=[description]) description_box.layout.min_width = '35%' description_box.layout.max_width = '35%' else: description_box = None # Prepare status text ptext = HTML() inner = HBox([pbar, ptext], layout=Layout(padding='0 0 0 20px')) # Only way to place text to the right of the bar is to use a container box_layout = Layout(display='flex', width='100%') container = HBox( children=[description_box, inner] if description_box else [inner], layout=box_layout) from IPython.core.display import display display(container) # HTML encoding try: # Py3 from html import escape except ImportError: # Py2 from cgi import escape def print_status(s='', close=False, bar_style=None, desc=None): # Note: contrary to native tqdm, s='' does NOT clear bar # goal is to keep all infos if error happens so user knows # at which iteration the loop failed. # Clear previous output (really necessary?) # clear_output(wait=1) # Get current iteration value from format_meter string if total: # n = None if s: npos = s.find(r'/|/') # cause we use bar_format=r'{n}|...' # Check that n can be found in s (else n > total) if npos >= 0: n = int(s[:npos]) # get n from string s = s[npos + 3:] # remove from string # Update bar with current n value if n is not None: pbar.value = n # Print stats if s: # never clear the bar (signal: s='') s = s.replace('||', '') # remove inesthetical pipes s = escape(s) # html escape special characters (like '?') ptext.value = s # Change bar style if bar_style: # Hack-ish way to avoid the danger bar_style being overriden by # success because the bar gets closed after the error... if not (pbar.bar_style == 'danger' and bar_style == 'success'): pbar.bar_style = bar_style # Special signal to close the bar if close and pbar.bar_style != 'danger': # hide only if no error try: container.close() except AttributeError: container.visible = False # Update description if desc: #nonlocal description description.value = desc return print_status
def __init__(self): micron_units = Label( 'micron') # use "option m" (Mac, for micro symbol) constWidth = '180px' tab_height = '500px' stepsize = 10 #style = {'description_width': '250px'} style = {'description_width': '25%'} layout = {'width': '400px'} name_button_layout = {'width': '25%'} widget_layout = {'width': '15%'} widget_layout_long = {'width': '20%'} units_button_layout = {'width': '15%'} desc_button_layout = {'width': '45%'} divider_button_layout = {'width': '40%'} divider_button_layout = {'width': '60%'} box_layout = Layout(display='flex', flex_flow='row', align_items='stretch', width='100%') self.cell_type_dropdown = Dropdown(description='Cell type:', ) = { 'description_width': '%sch' % str(len(self.cell_type_dropdown.description) + 1) } cell_type_names_layout = {'width': '30%'} cell_type_names_style = {'description_width': 'initial'} self.parent_name = Text( value='None', description='inherits properties from parent type:', disabled=True, style=cell_type_names_style, layout=cell_type_names_layout) explain_inheritance = Label( value= ' This cell line inherits its properties from its parent type. Any settings below override those inherited properties.' ) # , style=cell_type_names_style, layout=cell_type_names_layout) self.cell_type_parent_row = HBox( [self.cell_type_dropdown, self.parent_name]) self.cell_type_parent_dict = {} self.cell_type_dict = {} self.cell_type_dict['default'] = 'default' self.cell_type_dropdown.options = self.cell_type_dict self.cell_type_dropdown.observe(self.cell_type_cb) self.cell_type_parent_dict['default'] = 'None' self.cell_def_vboxes = [] self.bnd_filenames = [None] * 1 self.cfg_filenames = [None] * 1 # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <cell_definition> = default # ------------------------- div_row1 = Button( description= 'phenotype:cycle (model: advanced_Ki67_cycle_model; code=0)', disabled=True, layout=divider_button_layout) = 'orange' name_btn = Button(description='Phase 0 -> Phase 1 transition rate', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' self.float0 = FloatText(value='1e30', step='100000000000000000000000000000', style=style, layout=widget_layout) units_btn = Button(description='1/min', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' row = [ name_btn, self.float0, units_btn, ] box0 = Box(children=row, layout=box_layout) name_btn = Button(description='Phase 1 -> Phase 2 transition rate', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'tan' self.float1 = FloatText(value='1e30', step='100000000000000000000000000000', style=style, layout=widget_layout) units_btn = Button(description='1/min', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'tan' row = [ name_btn, self.float1, units_btn, ] box1 = Box(children=row, layout=box_layout) name_btn = Button(description='Phase 2 -> Phase 0 transition rate', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' self.float2 = FloatText(value='0.006666667', step='0.001', style=style, layout=widget_layout) units_btn = Button(description='1/min', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' row = [ name_btn, self.float2, units_btn, ] box2 = Box(children=row, layout=box_layout) # ------------------------- div_row2 = Button(description='phenotype:death', disabled=True, layout=divider_button_layout) = 'orange' death_model1 = Button(description='model: apoptosis', disabled=True, layout={'width': '30%'}) = '#ffde6b' name_btn = Button(description='death rate', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'tan' self.float3 = FloatText(value='0.0', step='0.01', style=style, layout=widget_layout) units_btn = Button(description='1/min', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'tan' row = [ name_btn, self.float3, units_btn, ] box3 = Box(children=row, layout=box_layout) death_model2 = Button(description='model: necrosis', disabled=True, layout={'width': '30%'}) = '#ffde6b' name_btn = Button(description='death rate', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' self.float4 = FloatText(value='0.0', step='0.01', style=style, layout=widget_layout) units_btn = Button(description='1/min', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' row = [ name_btn, self.float4, units_btn, ] box4 = Box(children=row, layout=box_layout) # ------------------------- div_row3 = Button(description='phenotype:motility', disabled=True, layout=divider_button_layout) = 'orange' name_btn = Button(description='speed', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'tan' self.float5 = FloatText(value='1', step='0.1', style=style, layout=widget_layout) units_btn = Button(description='micron/min', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'tan' row = [name_btn, self.float5, units_btn] box5 = Box(children=row, layout=box_layout) name_btn = Button(description='persistence_time', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' self.float6 = FloatText(value='1', step='0.1', style=style, layout=widget_layout) units_btn = Button(description='min', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' row = [name_btn, self.float6, units_btn] box6 = Box(children=row, layout=box_layout) name_btn = Button(description='migration_bias', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'tan' self.float7 = FloatText(value='0.3', step='0.01', style=style, layout=widget_layout) units_btn = Button(description='dimensionless', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'tan' row = [name_btn, self.float7, units_btn] box7 = Box(children=row, layout=box_layout) self.bool0 = Checkbox(description='enabled', value=True, layout=name_button_layout) self.bool1 = Checkbox(description='use_2D', value=False, layout=name_button_layout) # ------------------------- div_row4 = Button(description='phenotype:intracellular (maboss)', disabled=True, layout=divider_button_layout) = 'orange' bnd_filename = Button(description='bnd_filename', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' self.bnd_filenames[0] = Text( value='../data/boolean_network/CCM_mod4_1.bnd', style=style, layout=widget_layout) row = [bnd_filename, self.bnd_filenames[0]] box8 = Box(children=row, layout=box_layout) cfg_filename = Button(description='cfg_filename', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'tan' self.cfg_filenames[0] = Text( value='../data/boolean_network/CCM_mod4_1.cfg', style=style, layout=widget_layout) row = [cfg_filename, self.cfg_filenames[0]] box9 = Box(children=row, layout=box_layout) time_step = Button(description='time_step', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' self.float8 = FloatText(value='12', style=style, layout=widget_layout) units_btn = Button(description='min', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'tan' row = [time_step, self.float8, units_btn] box10 = Box(children=row, layout=box_layout) intracellular_initial_values = Button(description='initial_values', disabled=True, layout={'width': '30%'}) = '#ffde6b' name_btn = Button(description='Single', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'tan' self.float9 = FloatText(value='0.1', step='0.01', style=style, layout=widget_layout) units_btn = Button(description='dimensionless', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'tan' time_step = [ name_btn, self.float9, units_btn, ] box11 = Box(children=time_step, layout=box_layout) intracellular_mutations = Button(description='mutations', disabled=True, layout={'width': '30%'}) = '#ffde6b' name_btn = Button(description='GF', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' self.float10 = FloatText(value='1', step='0.1', style=style, layout=widget_layout) units_btn = Button(description='dimensionless', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'lightgreen' time_step = [ name_btn, self.float10, units_btn, ] box12 = Box(children=time_step, layout=box_layout) name_btn = Button(description='Glucose', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'tan' self.float11 = FloatText(value='1', step='0.1', style=style, layout=widget_layout) units_btn = Button(description='dimensionless', disabled=True, layout=name_button_layout) = 'tan' time_step = [ name_btn, self.float11, units_btn, ] box13 = Box(children=time_step, layout=box_layout) # ================== <custom_data>, if present ================== self.cell_def_vbox0 = VBox([ div_row1, box0, box1, box2, div_row2, death_model1, box3, death_model2, box4, div_row3, box5, box6, box7, self.bool0, self.bool1, div_row4, box8, box9, box10, intracellular_initial_values, box11, intracellular_mutations, box12, box13, ]) # ------------------------------------------ self.cell_def_vboxes.append(self.cell_def_vbox0) row = [time_step, self.float8, units_btn] box13 = Box(children=time_step, layout=box_layout) = VBox([ self.cell_type_parent_row, explain_inheritance, self.cell_def_vbox0, ]) self.display_cell_type_default()
def __init__(self): tab_height = '520px' tab_height = '600px' tab_layout = Layout(width='900px', # border='2px solid black', height=tab_height, overflow_y='scroll') self.output_dir = '.' constWidth = '180px' # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7)) max_frames = 1 self.svg_plot = interactive(self.plot_svg, frame=(0, max_frames), continuous_update=False) plot_size = '500px' plot_size = '600px' self.svg_plot.layout.width = plot_size self.svg_plot.layout.height = plot_size self.use_defaults = True self.show_nucleus = 0 # 0->False, 1->True in Checkbox! self.show_edge = 1 # 0->False, 1->True in Checkbox! self.scale_radius = 1.0 self.axes_min = 0.0 self.axes_max = 2000 # hmm, this can change (TODO?) self.max_frames = BoundedIntText( min=0, max=99999, value=max_frames, description='Max', layout=Layout(width='160px'), # layout=Layout(flex='1 1 auto', width='auto'), #Layout(width='160px'), ) self.max_frames.observe(self.update_max_frames) self.show_nucleus_checkbox= Checkbox( description='nucleus', value=False, disabled=False, layout=Layout(width=constWidth), # layout=Layout(flex='1 1 auto', width='auto'), #Layout(width='160px'), ) self.show_nucleus_checkbox.observe(self.show_nucleus_cb) self.show_edge_checkbox= Checkbox( description='edge', value=True, disabled=False, layout=Layout(width=constWidth), # layout=Layout(flex='1 1 auto', width='auto'), #Layout(width='160px'), ) self.show_edge_checkbox.observe(self.show_edge_cb) # row1 = HBox([Label('(select slider: drag or left/right arrows)'), # self.max_frames, VBox([self.show_nucleus_checkbox, self.show_edge_checkbox])]) # self.max_frames, self.show_nucleus_checkbox], layout=Layout(width='500px')) # = VBox([row1,self.svg_plot], layout=tab_layout) items_auto = [Label('select slider: drag or left/right arrows'), self.max_frames, self.show_nucleus_checkbox, self.show_edge_checkbox, ] #row1 = HBox([Label('(select slider: drag or left/right arrows)'), # max_frames, show_nucleus_checkbox, show_edge_checkbox], # layout=Layout(width='800px')) box_layout = Layout(display='flex', flex_flow='row', align_items='stretch', width='70%') row1 = Box(children=items_auto, layout=box_layout) if (hublib_flag): self.download_button = Download('', style='warning', icon='cloud-download', tooltip='You need to allow pop-ups in your browser', cb=self.download_cb) download_row = HBox([self.download_button.w, Label("Download all cell plots (browser must allow pop-ups).")]) = VBox([row1, self.svg_plot, self.download_button.w], layout=tab_layout) # = VBox([row1, self.svg_plot, self.download_button.w]) # = VBox([row1, self.svg_plot, download_row]) else: = VBox([row1, self.svg_plot])
def set_widgets(): global drop_var, drop_date, depth_wid, hb_3d, hb_2d, vb_ev_2d, vb_ev_3d, valor_x, valor_y, date, drop_date_range2, drop_date_range1 #widgets para escoger que datos mostrar drop_var=widgets.Dropdown( options=[(variables[2][n], n) for n in range(len(variables[2]))], value=0, description='Variables:', ) date= set_date() drop_date=widgets.Dropdown( options=[(str(date[i]), i) for i in range(len(date))], value=0, description='Date:', ) drop_date.observe(date_on_change, names='value') drop_var.observe(variable_on_change, names='value') hb_3d= HBox([drop_var, drop_date, depth_wid]) hb_2d= HBox([drop_var, drop_date]) #cuadro de texto para donde se escoge el valor de coordenada x e y valor_x= widgets.BoundedFloatText( value=0, min=0, max=dataset.variables[variables[0][propiedades[0]]].shape[-2]-1, step=1, description='x:' ) valor_y= widgets.BoundedFloatText( value=0, min=0, max=dataset.variables[variables[0][propiedades[0]]].shape[-1]-1, step=1, description='y:' ) #widgets para ver mas info boton_tiempo= widgets.Button( description='Tiempo' ) boton_animacion= widgets.Button( description='Animacion evolucion' ) boton_prof= widgets.Button( description='Profundidad' ) boton_corte_lon= widgets.Button( description='Longitudinal' ) boton_corte_lat= widgets.Button( description='Latitudinal' ) Label_cor= widgets.Label("Clicar en el mapa para escoger coordenadas:") Label_display= widgets.Label("Mostrar:") Label_date= widgets.Label("Rango de fechas:") Label_section= widgets.Label("Mapa con corte:") Label_plot= widgets.Label("Diagrama con evolucion en funcion:") drop_date_range1=widgets.Dropdown( options=[(str(date[i]), i) for i in range(0,len(date)-range_index)], value=0, description='Desde:', ) drop_date_range2=widgets.Dropdown( options=[(str(date[i]), i) for i in range(range_index,len(date))], value=len(date)-range_index, description='Hasta:', ) vb_cor=VBox([Label_cor,valor_x, valor_y]) vb_date_range= VBox([Label_date,drop_date_range1,drop_date_range2]) hb_options= HBox([vb_cor,vb_date_range]) hb_corte= HBox([boton_corte_lat, boton_corte_lon], layout= box_layout) hb_plot= HBox([boton_tiempo, boton_prof], layout= box_layout) hb_time= HBox([boton_tiempo], layout= box_layout) vb_ev_3d= VBox([hb_options, Label_display,boton_animacion,Label_section, hb_corte, Label_plot,hb_plot]) vb_ev_2d= VBox([hb_options, Label_display,boton_animacion,Label_plot, hb_time]) widgets.interact(drop_date_range1 = drop_date_range1, drop_date_range2 = drop_date_range2) drop_date_range1.observe(range_on_change, names='value') boton_prof.on_click(on_button_clicked_ev_prof) boton_tiempo.on_click(on_button_clicked_ev_time) boton_animacion.on_click(on_button_clicked_animacion) boton_corte_lat.on_click(on_button_clicked_corte_lat) boton_corte_lon.on_click(on_button_clicked_corte_lon)
output_items_left = [ Box([jobListBtn]), Box([jobSelect], layout = Layout(width='100%')), Box([jobOutputBtn,abortBtn], layout = Layout(display = 'flex', justify_content = 'space-between', width='100%')), Box([outputSelect], layout = Layout(width='100%')), Box([downloadOpBtn]) ] output_items_right = [ Box([jobHisBtn]), Box([jobHisSelect],layout = Layout(width='100%')) ] outputBox = HBox([VBox(output_items_left, layout = Layout(width='50%')), VBox(output_items_right, layout = Layout(width='50%'))], layout = Layout(width='100%')) #outputBox = HBox(output_items_right) ################################# Output tab end ################################### ################################# building tab ################################### build_item_layout = Layout( display = 'flex', flex_flow = 'row', justify_content = 'flex-start', width = '50%' ) modelDd = Dropdown(options=['Swan','Funwave_tvd','OpenFoam', 'NHWAVE'])
def _tool_bar_initialize(self, name="default", window=None): self.actions = dict() self._tool_bar = self._tool_bar_layout = HBox() self._layout_initialize(None)
class MultiProgressWidget(MultiProgress): """ Multiple progress bar Widget suitable for the notebook Displays multiple progress bars for a computation, split on computation type. See Also -------- progress: User-level function <--- use this MultiProgress: Non-visualization component that contains most logic ProgressWidget: Single progress bar widget """ def __init__(self, keys, scheduler=None, minimum=0, dt=0.1, func=key_split, complete=False): self.func = func keys = {k.key if hasattr(k, 'key') else k for k in keys} self.setup_pre(keys, scheduler, minimum, dt, complete) def clear_errors(errors): for k in errors: self.task_erred(None, k, None, True) # Get keys and all-keys if self.scheduler.loop._thread_ident == threading.current_thread().ident: errors = self.setup(keys, complete) else: errors = sync(self.scheduler.loop, self.setup, keys, complete) # Set up widgets from ipywidgets import FloatProgress, VBox, HTML, HBox self.bars = {key: FloatProgress(min=0, max=1, description=key) for key in self.all_keys} self.texts = {key: HTML() for key in self.all_keys} self.boxes = {key: HBox([self.bars[key], self.texts[key]]) for key in self.all_keys} self.time = HTML() self.widget = HBox([self.time, VBox([self.boxes[key] for key in sorted(self.bars, key=str)])]) from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop loop = IOLoop.instance() self.pc = PeriodicCallback(self._update, 1000 * self._dt, io_loop=loop) self.pc.start() # Clear out errors clear_errors(errors) def _start(self): return self._update() def _ipython_display_(self, **kwargs): return self.widget._ipython_display_(**kwargs) def stop(self, exception=None, key=None): with ignoring(AttributeError): self.pc.stop() Progress.stop(self, exception, key) self._update() for k, v in self.keys.items(): if not v: self.bars[k].bar_style = 'success' if exception: self.bars[self.func(key)].value = 1 self.bars[self.func(key)].bar_style = 'danger' def _update(self): for k in self.all_keys: ntasks = len(self.all_keys[k]) ndone = ntasks - len(self.keys[k]) self.bars[k].value = ndone / ntasks if ntasks else 1.0 self.texts[k].value = "%d / %d" % (ndone, ntasks) self.time.value = format_time(self.elapsed)
def time_series(path): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.dates as mdates from datetime import timedelta import pandas as pd import json import glob confvalues = inst = confvalues['set']['institution'] file_info = glob.glob(f"{path}*_information.json")[0] with open(file_info, 'r') as f: info_data = json.loads( pid = info_data['ogc_fid'][0] crop_name = info_data['cropname'][0] area = info_data['area'][0] figure_dpi = 50 def plot_ts_s2(cloud): file_ts = glob.glob(f"{path}*_time_series_s2.csv")[0] df = pd.read_csv(file_ts, index_col=0) df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date_part'], unit='s') start_date = df.iloc[0]['date'].date() end_date = df.iloc[-1]['date'].date() print(f"From '{start_date}' to '{end_date}'.") pd.set_option('max_colwidth', 200) pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 20) # Plot settings are confirm IJRS graphics instructions plt.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 16 plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 14 plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 12 plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 12 plt.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 14 df.set_index(['date'], inplace=True) dfB4 = df[ == 'B4'].copy() dfB8 = df[ == 'B8'].copy() datesFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%-d %b %Y') if cloud is False: # Plot NDVI fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16.0, 10.0)) axb = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) axb.set_title( f"Parcel {pid} (crop: {crop_name}, area: {area:.2f} ha)") axb.set_xlabel("Date") axb.xaxis.set_major_formatter(datesFmt) axb.set_ylabel(r'DN') axb.plot(dfB4.index, dfB4['mean'], linestyle=' ', marker='s', markersize=10, color='DarkBlue', fillstyle='none', label='B4') axb.plot(dfB8.index, dfB8['mean'], linestyle=' ', marker='o', markersize=10, color='Red', fillstyle='none', label='B8') axb.set_xlim(start_date, end_date + timedelta(1)) axb.set_ylim(0, 10000) axb.legend(frameon=False) # loc=2) return else: # Plot Cloud free NDVI. dfSC = df[ == 'SC'].copy() dfNDVI = (dfB8['mean'] - dfB4['mean']) / \ (dfB8['mean'] + dfB4['mean']) cloudfree = ((dfSC['mean'] >= 4) & (dfSC['mean'] < 6)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16.0, 10.0)) axb = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) axb.set_title( f"{inst}\nParcel {pid} (crop: {crop_name}, area: {area:.2f} sqm)") axb.set_xlabel("Date") axb.xaxis.set_major_formatter(datesFmt) axb.set_ylabel(r'NDVI') axb.plot(dfNDVI.index, dfNDVI, linestyle=' ', marker='s', markersize=10, color='DarkBlue', fillstyle='none', label='NDVI') axb.plot(dfNDVI[cloudfree].index, dfNDVI[cloudfree], linestyle=' ', marker='P', markersize=10, color='Red', fillstyle='none', label='Cloud free NDVI') axb.set_xlim(start_date, end_date + timedelta(1)) axb.set_ylim(0, 1.0) axb.legend(frameon=False) # loc=2) return def plot_ts_bs(): import numpy as np file_ts = glob.glob(f"{path}*_time_series_bs.csv")[0] df = pd.read_csv(file_ts, index_col=0) df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date_part'], unit='s') start_date = df.iloc[0]['date'].date() end_date = df.iloc[-1]['date'].date() print(f"From '{start_date}' to '{end_date}'.") pd.set_option('max_colwidth', 200) pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 20) # Plot settings are confirm IJRS graphics instructions plt.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 16 plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 14 plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 12 plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 12 plt.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 14 df.set_index(['date'], inplace=True) datesFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%-d %b %Y') # Plot Backscattering coefficient datesFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%-d %b %Y') df = df[df['mean'] >= 0] # to remove negative values dfVV = df[ == 'VV'].copy() dfVH = df[ == 'VH'].copy() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16.0, 10.0)) axb = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) dfVV['mean'] = dfVV['mean'].map(lambda s: 10.0 * np.log10(s)) dfVH['mean'] = dfVH['mean'].map(lambda s: 10.0 * np.log10(s)) axb.set_title( f"{inst}\nParcel {pid} (crop: {crop_name}, area: {area:.2f} sqm)") axb.set_xlabel("Date") axb.xaxis.set_major_formatter(datesFmt) axb.set_ylabel(r'Backscattering coefficient, $\gamma\degree$ (dB)') axb.plot(dfVH.index, dfVH['mean'], linestyle=' ', marker='s', markersize=10, color='DarkBlue', fillstyle='none', label='VH') axb.plot(dfVV.index, dfVV['mean'], linestyle=' ', marker='o', markersize=10, color='Red', fillstyle='none', label='VV') axb.set_xlim(start_date, end_date + timedelta(1)) axb.set_ylim(-25, 0) axb.legend(frameon=False) # loc=2) return def plot_ts_c6(): file_ts = glob.glob(f"{path}*_time_series_c6.csv")[0] df = pd.read_csv(file_ts, index_col=0) df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date_part'], unit='s') start_date = df.iloc[0]['date'].date() end_date = df.iloc[-1]['date'].date() print(f"From '{start_date}' to '{end_date}'.") pd.set_option('max_colwidth', 200) pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 20) datesFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%-d %b %Y') # Plot settings are confirm IJRS graphics instructions plt.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 16 plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 14 plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 12 plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 12 plt.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 14 df.set_index(['date'], inplace=True) # Plot Coherence dfVV = df[ == 'VV'].copy() dfVH = df[ == 'VH'].copy() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16.0, 10.0)) axb = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) axb.set_title( f"{inst}\nParcel {pid} (crop: {crop_name}, area: {area:.2f} sqm)") axb.set_xlabel("Date") axb.xaxis.set_major_formatter(datesFmt) axb.set_ylabel(r'Coherence') axb.plot(dfVH.index, dfVH['mean'], linestyle=' ', marker='s', markersize=10, color='DarkBlue', fillstyle='none', label='VH') axb.plot(dfVV.index, dfVV['mean'], linestyle=' ', marker='o', markersize=10, color='Red', fillstyle='none', label='VV') axb.set_xlim(start_date, end_date + timedelta(1)) axb.set_ylim(0, 1) axb.legend(frameon=False) # loc=2) return ts_cloud = Checkbox( value=True, description='Cloud free', disabled=False, indent=False ) ts_files = glob.glob(f"{path}*time_series*.csv") ts_file_types = [b.split('_')[-1].split('.')[0] for b in ts_files] ts_types = [t for t in data_options.pts_tstype() if t[1] in ts_file_types] ts_type = Dropdown( options=ts_types, description='Select type:', disabled=False, ) btn_ts = Button( value=False, description='Plot TS', disabled=False, button_style='info', tooltip='Refresh output', icon='' ) ts_out = Output() @btn_ts.on_click def btn_ts_on_click(b): btn_ts.description = 'Refresh' btn_ts.icon = 'refresh' with ts_out: ts_out.clear_output() if ts_type.value == 's2': plot_ts_s2(ts_cloud.value) elif ts_type.value == 'bs': plot_ts_bs() elif ts_type.value == 'c6': plot_ts_c6() def on_ts_type_change(change): if ts_type.value == 's2': wbox_ts.children = [btn_ts, ts_type, ts_cloud] else: wbox_ts.children = [btn_ts, ts_type] ts_type.observe(on_ts_type_change, 'value') wbox_ts = HBox([btn_ts, ts_type, ts_cloud]) wbox = VBox([wbox_ts, ts_out]) return wbox
def __init__(self, gen, total=None, display=True, leave=True, parent=None, auto_update=True): self.progress,self.text = IntProgress(min=0, max=len(gen) if total is None else total), HTML() = HBox([self.progress, self.text]) super().__init__(gen, total, display, leave, parent, auto_update)
def plot(self, absolute_value=False, digits=3, rounding_function=np.around, bar_width=25, width=1500, abbrev_labels=0, vcolors=None, title="Predict Triplot", widget=False, show=True): """Plot the Predict Triplot explanation (triplot visualization). Parameters ---------- absolute_value : bool, optional If `True` aspect importance values are drawn as absolute values (default is `False`). digits : int, optional Number of decimal places (`np.around`) to round contributions. See `rounding_function` parameter (default is `3`). rounding_function : function, optional A function that will be used for rounding numbers (default is `np.around`). bar_width : float, optional Width of bars in px (default is `25`). width : float, optional Width of triplot in px (default is `1500`). abbrev_labels : int, optional If greater than 0, labels for axis Y will be abbreviated according to this parameter (default is `0`, which means no abbreviation). vcolors : 2-tuple of str, optional Color of bars (default is `["#8bdcbe", "#f05a71"]`). title : str, optional Title of the plot (default is `"Predict Triplot"`). widget : bool, optional If `True` triplot interactive widget version is generated (default is `False`). show : bool, optional `True` shows the plot; `False` returns the plotly Figure object (default is `True`). NOTE: Ignored if `widget` is `True`. Returns ------- None or plotly.graph_objects.Figure or ipywidgets.HBox with plotly.graph_objs._figurewidget.FigureWidget Return figure that can be edited or saved. See `show` parameter. """ _global_checks.global_check_import('kaleido', 'Predict Triplot') ## right plot hierarchical_clustering_dendrogram_plot_without_annotations = go.Figure( self._hierarchical_clustering_dendrogram) variables_order = list( hierarchical_clustering_dendrogram_plot_without_annotations.layout. yaxis.ticktext) ## middle plot ( hierarchical_importance_dendrogram_plot_without_annotations, updated_dendro_traces, ) = plot.plot_predict_hierarchical_importance( hierarchical_clustering_dendrogram_plot_without_annotations, self.result, rounding_function, digits, absolute_value, self.type, ) hierarchical_clustering_dendrogram_plot = plot.add_text_to_dendrogram( hierarchical_clustering_dendrogram_plot_without_annotations, updated_dendro_traces, rounding_function, digits, type="clustering", ) hierarchical_importance_dendrogram_plot = plot.add_text_to_dendrogram( hierarchical_importance_dendrogram_plot_without_annotations, updated_dendro_traces, rounding_function, digits, type="importance", ) ## left plot fig = plot.plot_single_aspects_importance( self.single_variable_importance, variables_order, rounding_function, digits, vcolors, ) fig.layout["xaxis"]["range"] = ( fig.layout["xaxis"]["range"][0], fig.layout["xaxis"]["range"][1] * 1.05, ) m = len(variables_order) y_vals = [-5 - i * 10 for i in range(m)][0]["y"] = y_vals ## triplot fig.add_shape( type="line", x0=0, x1=0, y0=-0.01, y1=1.01, yref="paper", xref="x2", line={ "color": "#371ea3", "width": 1.5, "dash": "dot" }, ) min_x_imp, max_x_imp = np.Inf, -np.Inf for data in hierarchical_importance_dendrogram_plot["data"][::-1]: data["xaxis"] = "x2" data["hoverinfo"] = "text" data["line"] = {"color": "#46bac2", "width": 2} fig.add_trace(data) min_x_imp = np.min([min_x_imp, np.min(data["x"])]) max_x_imp = np.max([max_x_imp, np.max(data["x"])]) min_max_margin_imp = (max_x_imp - min_x_imp) * 0.15 min_x_clust, max_x_clust = np.Inf, -np.Inf for data in hierarchical_clustering_dendrogram_plot["data"]: data["xaxis"] = "x3" data["hoverinfo"] = "text" data["line"] = {"color": "#46bac2", "width": 2} fig.add_trace(data) min_x_clust = np.min([min_x_clust, np.min(data["x"])]) max_x_clust = np.max([max_x_clust, np.max(data["x"])]) min_max_margin_clust = (max_x_clust - min_x_clust) * 0.15 plot_height = 78 + 71 + m * bar_width + (m + 1) * bar_width / 4 ticktext = plot.get_ticktext_for_plot(self.single_variable_importance, variables_order, abbrev_labels) fig.update_layout(xaxis={ "autorange": False, "domain": [0, 0.33], "mirror": False, "showgrid": False, "showline": False, "zeroline": False, "ticks": "", "title_text": "Local variable importance", }, xaxis2={ "domain": [0.33, 0.66], "mirror": False, "showgrid": False, "showline": False, "zeroline": False, "showticklabels": True, "tickvals": [0], "ticktext": [""], "ticks": "", "title_text": "Hierarchical aspect importance", "autorange": False, "fixedrange": True, "range": [ min_x_imp - min_max_margin_imp, max_x_imp + min_max_margin_imp, ], }, xaxis3={ "domain": [0.66, 0.99], "mirror": False, "showgrid": False, "showline": False, "zeroline": False, "showticklabels": True, "tickvals": [0], "ticktext": [""], "ticks": "", "title_text": "Hierarchical clustering", "autorange": False, "fixedrange": True, "range": [ min_x_clust - min_max_margin_clust, max_x_clust + min_max_margin_clust, ], }, yaxis={ "mirror": False, "ticks": "", "fixedrange": True, "gridwidth": 1, "type": "linear", "tickmode": "array", "tickvals": y_vals, "ticktext": ticktext, }, title_text=title, title_x=0.5, font={"color": "#371ea3"}, template="none", margin={ "t": 78, "b": 71, "r": 30 }, width=width, height=plot_height, showlegend=False, hovermode="closest") fig, middle_point = plot._add_points_on_dendrogram_traces(fig) ################################################################## if widget: _global_checks.global_check_import('ipywidgets', 'Predict Triplot') from ipywidgets import HBox, Layout fig = go.FigureWidget(fig, layout={ "autosize": True, "hoverdistance": 100 }) original_bar_colors = deepcopy(list([0]["marker"]["color"])) original_text_colors = deepcopy( list([0]["textfont"]["color"])) k = len( updated_dendro_traces_in_full_figure = list( np.array(updated_dendro_traces) + (k - 1) / 2 + 1) + list((k - 1) / 2 - np.array(updated_dendro_traces)) def _update_childs(x, y, fig, k, selected, selected_y_cord): for i in range(1, k): if middle_point[i] == (x, y):[i]["line"]["color"] = "#46bac2"[i]["line"]["width"] = 3[k - i]["line"]["color"] = "#46bac2"[k - i]["line"]["width"] = 3 selected.append(i) selected.append(k - i) if ([i]["y"][0] + 5) % 10 == 0: selected_y_cord.append( ([i]["y"][0] + 5) // -10) if ([i]["y"][-1] - 5) % 10 == 0: selected_y_cord.append( ([i]["y"][-1] + 5) // -10) _update_childs([i]["x"][0],[i]["y"][0], fig, k, selected, selected_y_cord, ) _update_childs([i]["x"][-1],[i]["y"][-1], fig, k, selected, selected_y_cord, ) def _update_trace(trace, points, selector): if len(points.point_inds) == 1: selected_ind = points.trace_index with fig.batch_update(): if selected_ind not in updated_dendro_traces_in_full_figure: for i in range(1, k):[i]["line"]["color"] = "#46bac2"[i]["line"]["width"] = 2[i]["textfont"]["color"] = "#371ea3"[i]["textfont"]["size"] = 12[0]["marker"][ "color"] = original_bar_colors[0]["textfont"][ "color"] = original_text_colors else: selected = [selected_ind, k - selected_ind] selected_y_cord = [] if ([selected_ind]["y"][0] - 5) % 10 == 0: selected_y_cord.append( ([selected_ind]["y"][0] + 5) // -10) if ([selected_ind]["y"][-1] - 5) % 10 == 0: selected_y_cord.append( ([selected_ind]["y"][-1] + 5) // -10)[selected_ind]["line"]["color"] = "#46bac2"[selected_ind]["line"]["width"] = 3[selected_ind]["textfont"][ "color"] = "#371ea3"[selected_ind]["textfont"]["size"] = 14[k - selected_ind]["line"]["color"] = "#46bac2"[k - selected_ind]["line"]["width"] = 3[ k - selected_ind]["textfont"]["color"] = "#371ea3"[k - selected_ind]["textfont"]["size"] = 14 _update_childs([selected_ind]["x"][0],[selected_ind]["y"][0], fig, k, selected, selected_y_cord, ) _update_childs([selected_ind]["x"][-1],[selected_ind]["y"][-1], fig, k, selected, selected_y_cord, ) for i in range(1, k): if i not in [selected_ind, k - selected_ind]:[i]["textfont"][ "color"] = "#ceced9"[i]["textfont"]["size"] = 12 if i not in selected:[i]["line"][ "color"] = "#ceced9"[i]["line"]["width"] = 1 bars_colors_list = deepcopy(original_bar_colors) text_colors_list = deepcopy(original_text_colors) for i in range(m): if i not in selected_y_cord: bars_colors_list[i] = "#ceced9" text_colors_list[i] = "#ceced9"[0]["marker"]["color"] = bars_colors_list[0]["textfont"]["color"] = text_colors_list for i in range(1, k):[i].on_click(_update_trace) return HBox([fig], layout=Layout(overflow='scroll', width=f'{fig.layout.width}px')) if show: else: return fig
def _widget(self): """ Create IPython widget for display within a notebook """ try: return self._cached_widget except AttributeError: pass try: from ipywidgets import Layout, VBox, HBox, IntText, Button, HTML, Accordion except ImportError: self._cached_widget = None return None layout = Layout(width="150px") if self.dashboard_link: dashboard_link = ( '<p><b>Dashboard: </b><a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a></p>\n' % (self.dashboard_link, self.dashboard_link) ) else: dashboard_link = "" if self.jupyter_link: jupyter_link = ( '<p><b>Jupyter: </b><a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a></p>\n' % (self.jupyter_link, self.jupyter_link) ) else: jupyter_link = "" title = "<h2>%s</h2>" % self._cluster_class_name title = HTML(title) dashboard = HTML(dashboard_link) jupyter = HTML(jupyter_link) status = HTML(self._widget_status(), layout=Layout(min_width="150px")) if self._supports_scaling: request = IntText( self.initial_node_count, description="Nodes", layout=layout ) scale = Button(description="Scale", layout=layout) minimum = IntText(0, description="Minimum", layout=layout) maximum = IntText(0, description="Maximum", layout=layout) adapt = Button(description="Adapt", layout=layout) accordion = Accordion( [HBox([request, scale]), HBox([minimum, maximum, adapt])], layout=Layout(min_width="500px"), ) accordion.selected_index = None accordion.set_title(0, "Manual Scaling") accordion.set_title(1, "Adaptive Scaling") def adapt_cb(b): self.adapt(minimum=minimum.value, maximum=maximum.value) update() adapt.on_click(adapt_cb) def scale_cb(b): with log_errors(): n = request.value with suppress(AttributeError): self._adaptive.stop() self.scale(n) update() scale.on_click(scale_cb) else: accordion = HTML("") box = VBox([title, HBox([status, accordion]), jupyter, dashboard]) self._cached_widget = box def update(): self.close_when_disconnect() status.value = self._widget_status() pc = PeriodicCallback(update, 500) # , io_loop=self.loop) self.periodic_callbacks["cluster-repr"] = pc pc.start() return box
def _status_bar_initialize(self, window=None): self._status_bar = self._status_bar_layout = HBox() self._layout_initialize(None)
def interact_gravity_Dike(): s1 = FloatSlider( description=r"$\Delta\rho$", min=-5.0, max=5.0, step=0.1, value=1.0, continuous_update=False, ) s2 = FloatSlider( description=r"$z_1$", min=0.1, max=4.0, step=0.1, value=1 / 3, continuous_update=False, ) s3 = FloatSlider( description=r"$z_2$", min=0.1, max=5.0, step=0.1, value=4 / 3, continuous_update=False, ) s4 = FloatSlider(description="b", min=0.1, max=5.0, step=0.1, value=1.0, continuous_update=False) s5 = FloatSlider( description=r"$\beta$", min=-85, max=85, step=5, value=45, continuous_update=False, ) s6 = FloatSlider( description="Step", min=0.005, max=0.10, step=0.005, value=0.01, continuous_update=False, readout_format=".3f", ) b1 = ToggleButton( value=True, description="keep previous plots", disabled=False, button_style="", # 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger' or '' tooltip="Click me", layout=Layout(width="20%"), ) v1 = VBox([s1, s2, s3]) v2 = VBox([s4, s5, s6]) out1 = HBox([v1, v2, b1]) out = interactive_output( drawfunction, { "delta_rho": s1, "z1": s2, "z2": s3, "b": s4, "beta": s5, "stationSpacing": s6, "B": b1, }, ) return VBox([out1, out])
def __init__(self, *, bundle: Bundle, default_token_filter: str = None, **kwargs): global CURRENT_BUNDLE CURRENT_BUNDLE = bundle """Alternative implementation that uses VectorizedCorpus""" self.bundle: Bundle = bundle self.co_occurrences: pd.DataFrame = None self.pivot_column_name: str = 'time_period' if not isinstance(bundle.token2id, Token2Id): raise ValueError( f"Expected Token2Id, found {type(bundle.token2id)}") if not isinstance(bundle.compute_options, dict): raise ValueError( "Expected Compute Options in bundle but found no such thing.") """Current processed corpus""" self.corpus: VectorizedCorpus = bundle.corpus """Properties that changes current corpus""" self._pivot: Dropdown = Dropdown( options=["year", "lustrum", "decade"], value="decade", placeholder='Group by', layout=Layout(width='auto'), ) """"Keyness source""" self._keyness_source: Dropdown = Dropdown( options={ "Full corpus": KeynessMetricSource.Full, "Concept corpus": KeynessMetricSource.Concept, "Weighed corpus": KeynessMetricSource.Weighed, } if bundle.concept_corpus is not None else { "Full corpus": KeynessMetricSource.Full, }, value=KeynessMetricSource.Weighed if bundle.concept_corpus is not None else KeynessMetricSource.Full, layout=Layout(width='auto'), ) """Properties that changes current corpus""" self._keyness: Dropdown = Dropdown( options={ "TF": KeynessMetric.TF, "TF (norm)": KeynessMetric.TF_normalized, "TF-IDF": KeynessMetric.TF_IDF, "HAL CWR": KeynessMetric.HAL_cwr, "PPMI": KeynessMetric.PPMI, "LLR": KeynessMetric.LLR, "LLR(Z)": KeynessMetric.LLR_Z, "LLR(N)": KeynessMetric.LLR_N, "DICE": KeynessMetric.DICE, }, value=KeynessMetric.TF, layout=Layout(width='auto'), ) """Properties that don't change current corpus""" self._token_filter: Text = Text(value=default_token_filter, placeholder='token match', layout=Layout(width='auto')) self._global_threshold_filter: Dropdown = Dropdown( options={ f'>= {i}': i for i in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500) }, value=5, layout=Layout(width='auto'), ) self.concepts: Set[str] = set(self.bundle.context_opts.concept or []) self._largest: Dropdown = Dropdown( options=[10**i for i in range(0, 7)], value=10000, layout=Layout(width='auto'), ) self._show_concept = ToggleButton( description='Show concept', value=False, icon='', layout=Layout(width='auto'), ) self._message: HTML = HTML() self._compute: Button = Button(description="Compute", button_style='success', layout=Layout(width='auto')) self._save = Button(description='Save', layout=Layout(width='auto')) self._download = Button(description='Download', layout=Layout(width='auto')) self._download_output: Output = Output() self._table_view = TableViewerClass(data=empty_data()) self._button_bar = HBox( children=[ VBox([HTML("<b>Token match</b>"), self._token_filter]), VBox([HTML("<b>Source</b>"), self._keyness_source]), VBox([HTML("<b>Keyness</b>"), self._keyness]), VBox([HTML("🙂"), self._show_concept]), VBox([HTML("<b>Group by</b>"), self._pivot]), VBox([HTML("<b>Threshold</b>"), self._global_threshold_filter]), VBox([HTML("<b>Group limit</b>"), self._largest]), VBox([self._save, self._download]), VBox([self._compute, self._message]), self._download_output, ], layout=Layout(width='auto'), ) super().__init__( children=[self._button_bar, self._table_view.container], layout=Layout(width='auto'), **kwargs) self._save.on_click( self._download.on_click( self.start_observe()
Quarantine_box = VBox([widgets.Label(value="1. Quarantine parameters"), ξ_base, \ rel_λ, A_rel], layout = box_layout_wide) Timing_box = VBox([widgets.Label(value="2. Timing parameters"), d_vaccine, \ δ_param, ωR_param], layout = box_layout_wide) Spread_box = VBox([widgets.Label(value="3. Contagion parameters"), R_0, rel_ρ], \ layout = box_layout_wide) Disease_box = VBox([widgets.Label(value="4. Disease parameters"), initial_infect, π_D], \ layout = box_layout_wide) slide_var_box = VBox([widgets.Label(value="5. Policy parameters"), slide_var, slide_varOut], \ layout = box_layout_wide) # slide_var_box1 = VBox([widgets.Label(value="Plotting Parameters"), slide_var], \ # layout = box_layout_small) # slide_var_box2 = VBox([widgets.Label(value="Plotting Parameters"), slide_varOut], \ # layout = box_layout_small) line1 = HBox([Quarantine_box, Timing_box], layout=box_layout) line2 = HBox([Disease_box, Spread_box], layout=box_layout) line3 = HBox([slide_var_box], layout=box_layout) paramsPanel = VBox([line1, line2, line3]) paramsPanel2d = VBox([line1, line2]) run_box = VBox([widgets.Label(value="Execute Model"), runModel, \ displayPlotPanel]) ####################################################### # Functions # ####################################################### def runModelFn(b): ## This is the function triggered by the runModel button. clear_output() ## clear the output of the existing print-out