def slider(aoi, pid, chipsize=512, extend=512, tms=['Google']): workdir = config.get_value(['paths', 'temp']) path = f'{workdir}/{aoi}/{pid}/' bg_path = f'{path}/backgrounds/' for t in tms: if not os.path.isfile(f'{bg_path}{t.lower()}.tif'): bg.by_pid(aoi, pid, chipsize, extend, t, True) with open(f'{path}info.json', "r") as f: json_data = json.load(f) def overlay_parcel(img, geom): patche = [ PolygonPatch(feature, edgecolor="yellow", facecolor="none", linewidth=2) for feature in geom['geom'] ] return patche with'{bg_path}{tms[0].lower()}.tif') as img: img_epsg = geom = spatial_utils.transform_geometry(json_data, img_epsg) patches = overlay_parcel(img, geom) selection = SelectionSlider(options=tms, value=tms[0], disabled=False, continuous_update=False, orientation='horizontal', readout=True) output = Output() fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) with output: with'{bg_path}{selection.value.lower()}.tif') as img: for patch in patches: ax.add_patch(copy(patch)) show(img, ax=ax) def on_value_change(change): with output: output.clear_output() fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) with f'{bg_path}{selection.value.lower()}.tif') as im: for patch in patches: ax.add_patch(copy(patch)) show(im, ax=ax) selection.observe(on_value_change, names='value') return VBox([selection, output])
def test_index_trigger(self): slider = SelectionSlider(options=['a', 'b', 'c']) observations = [] def f(change): observations.append( slider.observe(f, 'index') assert slider.index == 0 slider.options = [4, 5, 6] assert slider.index == 0 assert slider.value == 4 assert slider.label == '4' assert observations == [0]
def modify_tree(doc, distance=80): """Interactive plotting: expect spacy doc structure e.g. doc = nlp('He is here') modify_tree(doc) """ def get_html(doc, init=False): html = displacy.render(doc, style="dep", jupyter=False, options=dict(distance=distance)) # add preview of compressed tree html += '\n\n\n' + str(spacy_to_tree(next(doc.sents).root)) return html # Init parse widgets html = widgets.HTML(values=get_html(doc, init=True)) out = widgets.Output() edges = [ SelectionSlider(options=[w.text + '_%i' % w.i for w in doc], value=str(word.head) + '_%i' % word.head.i, description=str(word)) for word in doc ] dep = ('ROOT', 'acl', 'acomp', 'advcl', 'advmod', 'agent', 'amod', 'appos', 'attr', 'aux', 'auxpass', 'case', 'cc', 'ccomp', 'compound', 'compound:prt', 'conj', 'cop', 'csubj', 'dative', 'dep', 'det', 'det:nummod', 'dobj', 'expl', 'expl:pv', 'flat', 'intj', 'iobj', 'mark', 'meta', 'neg', 'nmod', 'npadvmod', 'nsubj', 'nsubjpass', 'nummod', 'obj', 'obl', 'oprd', 'parataxis', 'pcomp', 'pobj', 'poss', 'preconj', 'predet', 'prep', 'prt', 'punct', 'quantmod', 'relcl', 'subtok', 'xcomp') dep = [ Dropdown(options=dep, value=str(word.dep_), description=' ') for word in doc ] def plot_tree(*args, **kwargs): # Update values for word, c in zip(doc, edges): word.head = [w for w in doc][c.index] for word, value in zip(doc, dep): word.dep_ = value.value html.value = get_html(doc) # interaction controls controls = np.ravel([z for z in zip(edges, dep)]) interact(plot_tree, **dict(('w%i' % i, v) for i, v in enumerate(controls))) clear_output(wait=True) # plot display(VBox([HBox([VBox(edges), VBox(dep)]), html]))
def __init__(self, sentences, nlp, data_path='./', distance=80): self.sentences = sentences self.nlp = nlp self.data_path = data_path = SelectionSlider(options=sentences.index, description='sentence id') self.save_button = widgets.Button(description='save') self.save_button.on_click( self.reset_button = widgets.Button(description='reset') self.reset_button.on_click(self.reset) self.load_button = widgets.Button(description='load') self.load_button.on_click(self.load) self.distance = distance self.load() self.update()
def _dashboard(datadir, *, nodes, continuous_sender=False, node_legend="node", node_key='node_id'): """ some contorsions with ipywidgets to show controls in a compact way create and display a dashboard return a dictionary name->widget suitable for interactive_output """ show_node_slider = len(nodes) > 1 lfull = Layout(width='100%') lsmall = Layout(width='25%') llarge = Layout(width='75%') # no longer possible to choose datadir here w_datadir = fixed(datadir) interference_options = available_interference_options(datadir) default = 'None' if 'None' in interference_options \ else list(interference_options.keys())[0] w_interference = Dropdown(options=interference_options, value=default, description="Interference amplitude in % : ", layout=lsmall if show_node_slider else lfull) row = [w_interference] mapping = dict(datadir=w_datadir, interference=w_interference) if not show_node_slider: w_node = fixed(nodes[0]) else: w_node = SelectionSlider(description=node_legend, options=nodes, continuous_update=continuous_sender, layout=llarge) row.append(w_node) mapping[node_key] = w_node #def update_interferences(info): # # info is a dict with fields like # # 'old', 'new' and 'owner' # new_datadir = info['new'] # w_interference.options = available_interference_options(new_datadir) #w_datadir.observe(update_interferences, 'value') dashboard_widget = HBox(row) display(dashboard_widget) return mapping
def dashboard(datadir, onnodes,continuous_sender = False): """ some contorsions with ipywidgets to show controls in a compact way create and display a dashboard return a dictionary name->widget suitable for interactive_output """ # dashboard pieces as widgets l75 = Layout(width='75%') l50 = Layout(width='50%') l32 = Layout(width='32%') l25 = Layout(width='25%') # all space w_datadir = Text(description="run name", value=datadir, layout=l25) w_sender = SelectionSlider(description="sender node", options = onnodes, continuous_update=continuous_sender, layout=l75) w_power = Dropdown(options=list(range(1, 15)), value=1, description="tx power in dBm", layout=l32) w_rate = Dropdown(options=[54], value=54, description="phy rate", layout=l32) # yeah, this is a little weird all right w_antenna_mask = Dropdown(options=OrderedDict([("1", 1), ("2", 3), ("3", 7)]), value=1, description="number of antennas: ", layout=l50) w_channel = Dropdown(options=channel_options, value=10, description="channel", layout=l32) w_interference = Dropdown( options = OrderedDict([("-12", -12),("-11", -11) ,("-10", -10) ,("-9", -9),("-8", -8) ,("-7", -7) ,("None", "None") , ("1", 1) , ("2", 2), ("3", 3) , ("4", 4) , ("5", 5) , ("6", 6) , ("7", 7)]) , value="None", description="Interference power in dBm: ", layout=l50) # make up a dashboard dashboard = VBox([HBox([w_datadir, w_sender]), HBox([w_power, w_rate, w_channel]), HBox([w_antenna_mask, w_interference])]) display(dashboard) return dict(datadir=w_datadir, tx_power=w_power, phy_rate=w_rate, channel=w_channel, antenna_mask=w_antenna_mask, interference=w_interference, source=w_sender)
def visualize(self, interactive=False): """ This method simply serves as a quick visualization of the portfolio performance, comparing it with the returns of the S&P 500 as a benchmark. If interactive is True, and if running in an iPython notebook environment, a slider for a date selection appears. This slider allows the user to view the news of the dataset closest to such date, as well as the predictor's response to the news. """ if != 'Date': self.portfolio['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(self.portfolio['Date'], utc=True) self.portfolio.set_index('Date', inplace=True) self.market_benchmark = '^GSPC',['release_date'].min() - timedelta(days=1),['release_date'].max()) self.market_benchmark = (self.market_benchmark[self.price] - self.market_benchmark[self.price][0]) * 100 / \ self.market_benchmark[self.price][0] self.portfolio_benchmark = self.portfolio[self.price_cols].bfill(axis=0).sum(axis=1) * self.starting_amount + \ self.starting_cash self.portfolio_benchmark = (self.portfolio_benchmark - self.portfolio_benchmark[0]) * 100 / \ self.portfolio_benchmark[0] if interactive: dates = self.portfolio.index options = [(date.strftime(' %d %b %Y '), date) for date in dates] selection_range_slider = SelectionSlider( value=dates[0], options=options, description='Select a Date:', style={'description_width': 'initial'}, orientation='horizontal', layout={ 'width': '750px', 'height': '50px' }) _ = interact(self.return_selected_date, date=selection_range_slider) else: _, _ = self.plot_single_frame()
def display_result(self): if len(self.result) == 2: orig = self.result[0][1] solv = self.result[1][1] display(Label('Problem:')) display(orig) display(Label('Solution:')) display(solv) else: interact( self.result.f, i=SelectionSlider( options={ iteration: i for i, (iteration, _) in enumerate( }, description='Iteration', ), )
def test_construction(self): SelectionSlider(options=['a', 'b', 'c'])
def plot_interactive(self, axis=None, rc_params=None, **kwargs): """ Plot map with interactive widgets to explore the non spatial axes. Parameters ---------- axis : str Axis name to slide through, with the interactive slider. By default the first non-spatial axis is used. rc_params : dict Passed to ``matplotlib.rc_context(rc=rc_params)`` to style the plot. **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to `WcsNDMap.plot`. Examples -------- You can try this out e.g. using a Fermi-LAT diffuse model cube with an energy axis:: from gammapy.maps import Map m ="$GAMMAPY_EXTRA/datasets/vela_region/gll_iem_v05_rev1_cutout.fits") m.plot_interactive(cmap='gnuplot2') If you would like to adjust the figure size you can use the ``rc_params`` argument:: rc_params = {'figure.figsize': (12, 6), 'font.size': 12} m.plot_interactive(rc_params=rc_params) """ import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from ipywidgets.widgets.interaction import interact from ipywidgets import SelectionSlider, RadioButtons kwargs.setdefault('interpolation', 'nearest') kwargs.setdefault('origin', 'lower') kwargs.setdefault('cmap', 'afmhot') rc_params = rc_params or {} stretch = kwargs.pop('stretch', 'sqrt') if self.geom.is_image: raise TypeError('Use .plot() for 2D Maps') axis = axis or self.geom.axes[0].name map_axis = self.geom.get_axis_by_name(axis) if map_axis.node_type == 'edge': edges = map_axis.edges options = ['{:.0f} - {:.0f} {}'.format(val_min, val_max, map_axis.unit) for val_min, val_max in zip(edges[:-1], edges[1:])] else: center = options = ['{:.0f} {}'.format(val, map_axis.unit) for val in center] @interact( val=SelectionSlider(options=options, description='Select {}:'.format(axis), continuous_update=False, style={'description_width': 'initial'}, layout={'width': '36%'}), stretch=RadioButtons(options=['linear', 'sqrt', 'log'], value=stretch, description='Select stretch:', style={'description_width': 'initial'}), ) def _plot_interactive(val, stretch): idx = options.index(val) img = self.get_image_by_idx([idx]) with mpl.rc_context(rc=rc_params): fig, ax, cbar = img.plot(stretch=stretch, **kwargs)
# %% loopback_el_datasets = OrderedDict() loopback_el_datasets['pi_6'] = (3, 1, 5, 10, pi / 6, 100) loopback_el_datasets['pi_4'] = (5, 1, 20, 30, pi / 4, 50) loopback_el_datasets['pi_3'] = (10, 1, 100, 200, pi / 3, 25) loopback_el_datasets['pi_2'] = (1.2, 1, 100, 200, pi / 2, 100) def loopback_el_wrap(k): args = loopback_el_datasets[k] print("args = ", args) loopback_el(*args) interact(loopback_el_wrap, k=SelectionSlider(options=list(loopback_el_datasets.keys()), continuous_update=False)) # %% [markdown] # ### Gaussian distribs # %% def loopback_ra(cx, cy, sdx, sdy, alpha, n): raw = random_points(sdx, sdy, n) points = translate(rotate(raw, alpha), (cx, cy)) loopback(points, alpha, [(alpha, 3 * max(sdx, sdy))]) # %% [markdown] # #### More and more points
def __init__(self): # размерность задачи items_layout = Layout (flex = '1 1 auto', width = 'auto') self.w_title = HTML('<h3>Параметры задачи</h3>') self.w_l_dim = Label('Размерность задачи:') self.w_dim = ToggleButtons( options=['2', '3'], value = '2', #description=' ', disabled=False, button_style='', # 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger' or '' tooltips=['Плоская двухмерная задача', 'Трехмерная осесимметричная задача'], layout=items_layout ) chg.r0=1e-6 self.w_l_r0 = Label('Радиус заряда:') self.w_r0 =SelectionSlider( options=['1e-6', '1e-5', '1e-4', '1e-3', '1e-2'], value='1e-6', #description=' ', disabled=False, continuous_update=False, orientation='horizontal', readout=True, layout=items_layout ) chg.alpha = 0 self.w_l_alpha = Label(r"Параметр регуляризации ($\alpha$):") self.w_alpha =SelectionSlider( options=['0', '1e-6', '1e-4', '1e-2', '1e-1', '0.5', '1.0'], value='0', #description=' ', disabled=False, continuous_update=False, orientation='horizontal', readout=True, layout=items_layout ) chg.n = 100 self.w_l_n = Label('Число разбиений области:') self.w_n = SelectionSlider( options=['20', '50', '100', '200', '400', '500', '1000'], value='100', #description=' ', disabled=False, continuous_update=False, orientation='horizontal', readout=True, layout=items_layout ) chg.minmaxxy=(0., 0, 1.,1.) self.w_l_minmaxxy = Label('Область для расчета и отображения потенциала (x, y):') self.w_minmaxx = FloatRangeSlider(value=[0.,1.], min=0, max=2.0, #description='xmin, xmax', step=0.01, disabled=False, continuous_update=False, orientation='horizontal', readout=True, readout_format='.2f', layout=items_layout) self.w_minmaxy = FloatRangeSlider(value=[0.,1.], min=0, max=2.0, #description='ymin, ymax', step=0.02, disabled=False, continuous_update=False, orientation='horizontal', readout=True, readout_format='.2f', layout=items_layout) chg.minmaxarea=(0.2, 0.2, 0.9,0.9) self.w_l_minmaxarea = Label('Область для расчета напряженности (x, y):') self.w_minmaxxarea = FloatRangeSlider(value=[0.2,0.9], min=0, max=1.0, #description='xmin, xmax', step=0.01, disabled=False, continuous_update=False, orientation='horizontal', readout=True, readout_format='.2f', layout=items_layout) self.w_minmaxyarea = FloatRangeSlider(value=[0.2,0.9], min=0, max=1.2, #description='ymin, ymax', step=0.005, disabled=False, continuous_update=False, orientation='horizontal', readout=True, readout_format='.3f', layout=items_layout) self.w_l_na = Label('Разбиений для аппроксимации электродов:') = 50 self.w_na = IntSlider(, min=20, max=250, step=2, #description=' ', disabled=False, continuous_update=False, orientation='horizontal', readout=True, readout_format='d', layout=items_layout ) chg.c = None self.l_c = Label('') self.update_label('cond', chg.c, self.l_c) chg.err = None self.l_err = Label('') self.update_label('err', chg.err, self.l_err) chg.E = None self.l_E = Label('') self.update_label('E', chg.E, self.l_E) chg.t = None self.l_t = Label('') self.update_label('t', chg.t, self.l_t) self.l_msg=HTML('<b></b>') self.l_var = Label('Вариант:') self.w_dsc = Textarea(value='', placeholder='Введите пояснения по варианту расчета', description='', disabled=False ) self.btn0 = Button(description ='Пересчитать поле', button_style='primary') self.btn01 = Button(description ='Emax/Emin', button_style='primary', disabled=True) self.out0 = Output() self.btn02 = Button(description='Сохранить', disabled=False) vb01= VBox([self.w_l_dim, self.w_dim, self.w_l_r0, self.w_r0, self.w_l_alpha, self.w_alpha, self.w_l_n, self.w_n, self.w_l_minmaxxy, self.w_minmaxx, self.w_minmaxy, self.w_l_minmaxarea, self.w_minmaxxarea, self.w_minmaxyarea], layout=Layout(width='47%')) vb02 = VBox([self.w_l_na, self.w_na, self.l_var, self.w_dsc, self.l_c, self.l_err, self.l_E , self.l_t, self.l_msg ], layout=Layout(width='47%')) hbox =HBox([vb01, vb02], layout=Layout(justify_content='space-between')) hbox2 = HBox([self.btn0, self.btn01, self.btn02]) self.layout = VBox([self.w_title, hbox, hbox2, self.out0], layout=Layout(width='100%')) # инициализация self.get_data()
class InteractiveTree(): def __init__(self, sentences, nlp, data_path='./', distance=80): self.sentences = sentences self.nlp = nlp self.data_path = data_path = SelectionSlider(options=sentences.index, description='sentence id') self.save_button = widgets.Button(description='save') self.save_button.on_click( self.reset_button = widgets.Button(description='reset') self.reset_button.on_click(self.reset) self.load_button = widgets.Button(description='load') self.load_button.on_click(self.load) self.distance = distance self.load() self.update() def update(self, ): interact(modify_tree(self.doc_, distance=self.distance),, load=self.load_button, reset=self.reset_button) display( HBox([, self.save_button, self.load_button, self.reset_button ])) def reset(self, *args, **kwargs): self.doc_ = self.nlp(self.sentences.loc[]) self.update() def load(self, *args, **kwargs): try: fname = os.path.join(self.data_path, '%i_parsed.json' % with open(fname, 'r') as f: json = literal_eval(f.readlines()[0]) doc = self.nlp(json['text']) for w, token in zip(doc, json['tokens']): w.pos_ = token['pos'] w.head = doc[token['head']] w.dep_ = token['dep'] print(str(spacy_to_tree(next(doc.sents).root))) self.doc_ = doc except Exception: print('default parsing!') self.reset() self.update() return self.doc_ def save(self, *args, **kwargs): fname = os.path.join(self.data_path, '%i_parsed.json' % with open(fname, 'w') as f: f.write(str(self.doc_.to_json())) print('saving %s' % fname) print(str(spacy_to_tree(next(self.doc_.sents).root)))
def plot(self): """Interactive plot of self. Supported in two dimensions (so far).""" if self.M[0, 0].parent() == sage.all.SR: free_variables = list(sum(sum(self.M)).free_variables()) else: free_variables = list() var_sliders = {str(var): SelectionSlider(options=SoLE.SLIDER_RANGE, continuous_update=False, value=0) for var in free_variables} def f(**_var_sliders): M = self.M.subs({sage.all.var(v): _var_sliders[v] for v in _var_sliders}) avg_y = 0 """Average y-value of subsystems consisting of two equations.""" """Determine x- and y- range of the plot.""" for i, j in combinations(range(M.nrows()), 2): solution = sage.all.solve([self._equation(M[i]), self._equation(M[j])], *self.var_sr, solution_dict=True) if solution: solution = solution[0] if solution[self.var_sr[0]].free_variables() or solution[self.var_sr[1]].free_variables(): continue avg_y += solution[self.var_sr[1]] if self.x_min is None or solution[self.var_sr[0]] - 1 < self.x_min: self.x_min = solution[self.var_sr[0]] - 1 if self.x_max is None or solution[self.var_sr[0]] + 1 > self.x_max: self.x_max = solution[self.var_sr[0]] + 1 if self.x_min is None: self.x_min = -10.0 if self.x_max is None: self.x_max = 10.0 avg_y = avg_y / M.nrows() self.y_max = avg_y + SoLE.MAX_ASPECT_RATIO * (self.x_max - self.x_min) / 2 self.y_min = avg_y - SoLE.MAX_ASPECT_RATIO * (self.x_max - self.x_min) / 2 x = np.arange(self.x_min, self.x_max, sage.all.QQ((self.x_max - self.x_min)/100)) fig, ax = plt.subplots() for i in range(M.nrows()): if M[i][-2] == 0.0: # vertical line if M[i][0] != 0.0: xv = M[i][-1] / M[i][0] ax.plot([xv, xv], [self.y_min, self.y_max], label=self._format_equation(M[i])) else: row_f = SoLE._row_to_function(M[i]) y = [row_f(_x) for _x in x] x_clip, y_clip = list(), list() for _x, _y in zip(x, y): if self.y_min <= _y <= self.y_max: x_clip.append(_x) y_clip.append(_y) ax.plot(x_clip, y_clip, label=self._format_equation(M[i])) ax.set(xlabel=self.var[0], ylabel=self.var[1]) ax.grid() plt.legend() w = sage_interactive(f, **var_sliders) # output = w.children[-1] # output.layout.height = '600px' default_dpi = plt.rcParamsDefault['figure.dpi'] plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = default_dpi * 1.5 display(w)
def z1_interact(box_z, indz, nb_d, z_d, sigr_d, sigz_d, nb_w, sigr_w, z1_w, z2_w, use_fixed_length, use_theory): if nb_w > 0 and not (z1_w > np.pi / 2.0 and z1_w < np.pi): sys.exit('Error: trying to load beam in the wrong region') if nb_w < 0 and not (z1_w > 1.5 * np.pi and z1_w < 2.0 * np.pi): sys.exit('Error: trying to load beam in the wrong region') R0th = float(sigr_d**2 / 2.0 * np.exp(sigr_d**2 / 2.0) * mp.gammainc(0, sigr_d**2 / 2.0)) R0thw = float(sigr_w**2 / 2.0 * np.exp(sigr_w**2 / 2.0) * mp.gammainc(0, sigr_w**2 / 2.0)) olength = z2_w - z1_w nb_w0 = nb_w ximin = box_z[0] ximax = box_z[1] shape_alpha = 0.9 def plot_wakes(z1_w): nb_wlocal = 0.0 z2_wlocal = 0.0 if use_theory == True: z2_wlocal = z1_w - np.tan(z1_w) nb_wlocal = nb_d * np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi) * sigz_d * np.exp( -sigz_d**2 / 2.) * np.sin(z1_w) * R0th / R0thw else: nb_wlocal = nb_w if use_fixed_length == True: z2_wlocal = z1_w + olength else: z2_wlocal = z2_w figure_title = '$E_z$' xlabel_bottom = r'$\xi = ct-z\;[c/\omega_p]$' ylabel_left = '$eE_z/mc\omega_p$' ylabel_right = '$n_b/n_p$' datamin = -1.0 datamax = 1.0 xi = np.linspace(ximin, ximax, 2**indz) fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 5)) #plt.axis([ xi.min(), xi.max(),datamin, datamax]) plt.title(figure_title) ax1.set_xlabel(xlabel_bottom) ax1.set_ylabel(ylabel_left, color='k') ax1.tick_params('y', colors='k') ax1.set_xlim([xi.min(), xi.max()]) ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax2.set_ylabel(ylabel_right, color='b') ax2.tick_params('y', colors='b') nbmax = np.max(np.array([nb_d, nb_wlocal])) ax2.set_ylim([-2.0 * nbmax, 2.0 * nbmax]) temp = xi[xi < z_d + 3.0 * sigr_d] xid = temp[temp > z_d - 3.0 * sigr_d] d_profile = nb_d * np.exp(-(xid - z_d)**2 / (2.0 * sigz_d**2)) ax2.fill_between(xid, 0, d_profile, alpha=shape_alpha) temp = xi[xi > z1_w + z_d] xiw = temp[temp < z2_wlocal + z_d] w_profile = nb_wlocal * (z2_wlocal + z_d - xiw) / (z2_wlocal - z1_w) ax2.fill_between(xiw, 0, w_profile, alpha=shape_alpha) def Zpth(kpxi): return nb_d * np.sqrt(2. * np.pi) * sigz_d * np.exp( -sigz_d**2 / 2.) * np.cos(kpxi) def Ezth(kpxi): return Zpth(kpxi) * R0th def Zpthw(kpxi): if kpxi < z2_wlocal: return nb_wlocal / (z2_wlocal - z1_w) * ( (z2_wlocal - z1_w) * np.sin(kpxi - z1_w) + np.cos(kpxi - z1_w) - 1.0) else: return nb_wlocal / (z2_wlocal - z1_w) * ( (z2_wlocal - z1_w) * np.sin(kpxi - z1_w) + np.cos(kpxi - z1_w) - np.cos(kpxi - z2_wlocal)) def Ezthw(kpxi): return [Zpthw(i) * R0thw for i in kpxi] ezmaxd = np.max(np.abs(Ezth(xi[xi > z_d] - z_d))) ezmaxw = np.max(np.abs(Ezthw(xi[xi > z1_w + z_d] - z_d))) ezmaxt = np.max( np.abs( Ezthw(xi[xi > z1_w + z_d] - z_d) + Ezth(xi[xi > z1_w + z_d] - z_d))) ezmax = np.max(np.array([float(ezmaxd), float(ezmaxw), float(ezmaxt)])) ax1.set_ylim([-1.1 * ezmax, 1.1 * ezmax]) Eztot = np.copy(Ezth(xi - z_d)) Ezw = np.copy(Ezthw(xi - z_d)) Eztot[xi > z1_w + z_d] = np.add(Eztot[xi > z1_w + z_d], Ezw[xi > z1_w + z_d]) ax1.plot(xi[xi > z_d], Ezth(xi[xi > z_d] - z_d), 'C0', label='wake from driver') ax1.plot(xi[xi > z1_w + z_d], Ezthw(xi[xi > z1_w + z_d] - z_d), 'k', linewidth=1.5) ax1.plot(xi[xi > z1_w + z_d], Ezthw(xi[xi > z1_w + z_d] - z_d), 'C1', linewidth=1.4, label='wake from witness beam') ax1.plot(xi[xi > z_d], Eztot[xi > z_d], 'r--', label='total wake') #ax1.plot(xi[xi>z1_w+z_d],Ezthw(xi[xi>z1_w+z_d]-z_d)+Ezth(xi[xi>z1_w+z_d]-z_d),'r',label='total wake') #ax1.plot(xi,Ezth(xi-z_d),label='wake from driver') #ax1.plot(xi,Ezthw(xi-z_d),label='wake from witness beam') #ax1.plot(xi,Ezthw(xi-z_d)+Ezth(xi-z_d),'r--',label='total wake') ax1.legend(loc=3) ax1.set_zorder(ax2.get_zorder() + 1) ax1.patch.set_visible(False) fig.tight_layout() if use_theory == True: print('Tail location = ', '%.3f' % z2_wlocal) print('Beam density = ', '%.3e' % nb_wlocal) def plot_wakes_nb(nb_w): if nb_w0 < 0: nb_w = -nb_w #if use_theory==True: # z1_w=np.pi+np.arcsin(R0thw/R0th*nb_w/(nb_d*np.sqrt(2.0*np.pi)*sigz_d*np.exp(-sigz_d**2/2.))) # z2_w=z1_w+np.tan(z1_w) z1_wlocal = 0.0 z2_wlocal = 0.0 if use_theory == True: z1_wlocal = np.pi - np.arcsin(R0thw / R0th * nb_w / (nb_d * np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi) * sigz_d * np.exp(-sigz_d**2 / 2.))) z2_wlocal = z1_wlocal - np.tan(z1_wlocal) if nb_w0 < 0: z1_wlocal = 2.0 * np.pi - np.arcsin( -R0thw / R0th * nb_w / (nb_d * np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi) * sigz_d * np.exp(-sigz_d**2 / 2.))) z2_wlocal = z1_wlocal - np.tan(z1_wlocal) else: z1_wlocal = z1_w z2_wlocal = z2_w figure_title = '$E_z$' xlabel_bottom = r'$\xi = ct-z\;[c/\omega_p]$' ylabel_left = '$eE_z/mc\omega_p$' ylabel_right = '$n_b/n_p$' datamin = -1.0 datamax = 1.0 xi = np.linspace(ximin, ximax, 2**indz) fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 5)) #plt.axis([ xi.min(), xi.max(),datamin, datamax]) plt.title(figure_title) ax1.set_xlabel(xlabel_bottom) ax1.set_ylabel(ylabel_left, color='k') ax1.tick_params('y', colors='k') ax1.set_xlim([xi.min(), xi.max()]) def Zpth(kpxi): return nb_d * np.sqrt(2. * np.pi) * sigz_d * np.exp( -sigz_d**2 / 2.) * np.cos(kpxi) def Ezth(kpxi): return Zpth(kpxi) * R0th def Zpthw(kpxi): if kpxi < z2_wlocal: return nb_w / (z2_wlocal - z1_wlocal) * ( (z2_wlocal - z1_wlocal) * np.sin(kpxi - z1_wlocal) + np.cos(kpxi - z1_wlocal) - 1.0) else: return nb_w / (z2_wlocal - z1_wlocal) * ( (z2_wlocal - z1_wlocal) * np.sin(kpxi - z1_wlocal) + np.cos(kpxi - z1_wlocal) - np.cos(kpxi - z2_wlocal)) def Ezthw(kpxi): return [Zpthw(i) * R0thw for i in kpxi] ezmaxd = np.max(np.abs(Ezth(xi[xi > z_d] - z_d))) ezmaxw = np.max(np.abs(Ezthw(xi[xi > z1_wlocal + z_d] - z_d))) ezmaxt = np.max( np.abs( Ezthw(xi[xi > z1_wlocal + z_d] - z_d) + Ezth(xi[xi > z1_wlocal + z_d] - z_d))) ezmax = np.max(np.array([float(ezmaxd), float(ezmaxw), float(ezmaxt)])) ax1.set_ylim([-1.1 * ezmax, 1.1 * ezmax]) Eztot = np.copy(Ezth(xi - z_d)) Ezw = np.copy(Ezthw(xi - z_d)) Eztot[xi > z1_wlocal + z_d] = np.add(Eztot[xi > z1_wlocal + z_d], Ezw[xi > z1_wlocal + z_d]) ax1.plot(xi[xi > z_d], Ezth(xi[xi > z_d] - z_d), 'C0', label='wake from driver') ax1.plot(xi[xi > z1_wlocal + z_d], Ezthw(xi[xi > z1_wlocal + z_d] - z_d), 'k', linewidth=1.5) ax1.plot(xi[xi > z1_wlocal + z_d], Ezthw(xi[xi > z1_wlocal + z_d] - z_d), 'C1', linewidth=1.4, label='wake from witness beam') ax1.plot(xi[xi > z_d], Eztot[xi > z_d], 'r--', label='total wake') #ax1.plot(xi[xi>z1_w+z_d],Ezthw(xi[xi>z1_w+z_d]-z_d)+Ezth(xi[xi>z1_w+z_d]-z_d),'r',label='total wake') #ax1.plot(xi,Ezth(xi-z_d),label='wake from driver') #ax1.plot(xi,Ezthw(xi-z_d),label='wake from witness beam') #ax1.plot(xi,Ezthw(xi-z_d)+Ezth(xi-z_d),'r--',label='total wake') ax1.legend(loc=3) ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax2.set_ylabel(ylabel_right, color='b') ax2.tick_params('y', colors='b') nbmax = np.max(np.array([nb_d, nb_w])) ax2.set_ylim([-2.0 * nbmax, 2.0 * nbmax]) temp = xi[xi < z_d + 3.0 * sigr_d] xid = temp[temp > z_d - 3.0 * sigr_d] d_profile = nb_d * np.exp(-(xid - z_d)**2 / (2.0 * sigz_d**2)) ax2.fill_between(xid, 0, d_profile, alpha=shape_alpha) temp = xi[xi > z1_wlocal + z_d] xiw = temp[temp < z2_wlocal + z_d] w_profile = nb_w * (z2_wlocal + z_d - xiw) / (z2_wlocal - z1_wlocal) ax2.fill_between(xiw, 0, w_profile, alpha=shape_alpha) ax1.set_zorder(ax2.get_zorder() + 1) ax1.patch.set_visible(False) fig.tight_layout() if use_theory == True: print('Head location = ', '%.3f' % z1_wlocal) print('Tail location = ', '%.3f' % z2_wlocal) z1_wmin = 1.6 z1_wmax = 3.1 if nb_w < 0: z1_wmin += np.pi z1_wmax += np.pi i1 = interact(plot_wakes, z1_w=FloatSlider(min=z1_wmin, max=z1_wmax, step=0.05, value=z1_w, continuous_update=False)) nb_wmax = nb_d * np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi) * sigz_d * np.exp( -sigz_d**2 / 2.) * R0th / R0thw * 0.99 #if nb_w0>0: # i2=interact(plot_wakes_nb,nb_w=FloatSlider(min=nb_wmax/10.0,max=nb_wmax,step=nb_wmax/10.0,value=nb_w0,continuous_update=False)) #else: # i2=interact(plot_wakes_nb,nb_w=FloatSlider(min=nb_wmax/10.0,max=nb_wmax,step=nb_wmax/10.0,value=-nb_w0,continuous_update=False)) values = np.arange(nb_wmax / 10.0, 1.01 * nb_wmax, nb_wmax / 10.0) i2 = interact(plot_wakes_nb, nb_w=SelectionSlider(options=[("%.3e" % i, i) for i in values], continuous_update=False))
def plot_interactive(self, rc_params=None, **kwargs): """ Plot map with interactive widgets to explore the non spatial axes. Parameters ---------- rc_params : dict Passed to ``matplotlib.rc_context(rc=rc_params)`` to style the plot. **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to `WcsNDMap.plot`. Examples -------- You can try this out e.g. using a Fermi-LAT diffuse model cube with an energy axis:: from gammapy.maps import Map m ="$GAMMAPY_DATA/fermi_3fhl/gll_iem_v06_cutout.fits") m.plot_interactive(add_cbar=True, stretch="sqrt") If you would like to adjust the figure size you can use the ``rc_params`` argument:: rc_params = {'figure.figsize': (12, 6), 'font.size': 12} m.plot_interactive(rc_params=rc_params) """ import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from ipywidgets.widgets.interaction import interact, fixed from ipywidgets import SelectionSlider, RadioButtons if self.geom.is_image: raise TypeError("Use .plot() for 2D Maps") kwargs.setdefault("interpolation", "nearest") kwargs.setdefault("origin", "lower") kwargs.setdefault("cmap", "afmhot") rc_params = rc_params or {} stretch = kwargs.pop("stretch", "sqrt") interact_kwargs = {} for axis in self.geom.axes: if axis.node_type == "edges": options = [ "{:.2e} - {:.2e} {}".format(val_min, val_max, axis.unit) for val_min, val_max in zip(axis.edges[:-1], axis.edges[1:]) ] else: options = ["{:.2e} {}".format(val, axis.unit) for val in] interact_kwargs[] = SelectionSlider( options=options, description="Select {}:".format(, continuous_update=False, style={"description_width": "initial"}, layout={"width": "50%"}, ) interact_kwargs[ + "_options"] = fixed(options) interact_kwargs["stretch"] = RadioButtons( options=["linear", "sqrt", "log"], value=stretch, description="Select stretch:", style={"description_width": "initial"}, ) @interact(**interact_kwargs) def _plot_interactive(**ikwargs): idx = [ ikwargs[ + "_options"].index(ikwargs[]) for ax in self.geom.axes ] img = self.get_image_by_idx(idx) stretch = ikwargs["stretch"] with mpl.rc_context(rc=rc_params): fig, ax, cbar = img.plot(stretch=stretch, **kwargs)
def show(): df = SelectionSlider(options=[1, 3, 10, 30, 100], description='自由度', continuous_update=False) interact(plot, df=df)