def sample_mesh(n_nodes=None, n_faces=None, n_edges=None): """ Make a test mesh. Mesh has faces edges, face-coords and edge-coords, numbers of which can be controlled. """ if n_nodes is None: n_nodes = _TEST_N_NODES if n_faces is None: n_faces = _TEST_N_FACES if n_edges is None: n_edges = _TEST_N_EDGES node_x = AuxCoord( 1100 + np.arange(n_nodes), standard_name="longitude", units="degrees_east", long_name="long-name", var_name="var-name", attributes={"a": 1, "b": "c"}, ) node_y = AuxCoord(1200 + np.arange(n_nodes), standard_name="latitude") # Define a rather arbitrary edge-nodes connectivity. # Some nodes are left out, because n_edges*2 < n_nodes. conns = np.arange(n_edges * 2, dtype=int) # Missing nodes include #0-5, because we add 5. conns = ((conns + 5) % n_nodes).reshape((n_edges, 2)) edge_nodes = Connectivity(conns, cf_role="edge_node_connectivity") conns = np.arange(n_edges * 2, dtype=int) # Some numbers for the edge coordinates. edge_x = AuxCoord(2100 + np.arange(n_edges), standard_name="longitude") edge_y = AuxCoord(2200 + np.arange(n_edges), standard_name="latitude") # Define a rather arbitrary face-nodes connectivity. # Some nodes are left out, because n_faces*n_bounds < n_nodes. conns = np.arange(n_faces * _TEST_N_BOUNDS, dtype=int) conns = (conns % n_nodes).reshape((n_faces, _TEST_N_BOUNDS)) face_nodes = Connectivity(conns, cf_role="face_node_connectivity") # Some numbers for the edge coordinates. face_x = AuxCoord(3100 + np.arange(n_faces), standard_name="longitude") face_y = AuxCoord(3200 + np.arange(n_faces), standard_name="latitude") mesh = Mesh( topology_dimension=2, node_coords_and_axes=[(node_x, "x"), (node_y, "y")], connectivities=[face_nodes, edge_nodes], edge_coords_and_axes=[(edge_x, "x"), (edge_y, "y")], face_coords_and_axes=[(face_x, "x"), (face_y, "y")], ) return mesh
def setUp(self): # Crete an instance, with non-default arguments to allow testing of # correct property setting. self.kwargs = { "indices": np.linspace(1, 9, 9, dtype=int).reshape((3, -1)), "cf_role": "face_node_connectivity", "long_name": "my_face_nodes", "var_name": "face_nodes", "attributes": {"notes": "this is a test"}, "start_index": 1, "src_dim": 1, } self.connectivity = Connectivity(**self.kwargs)
def test_connectivity__location_axis(self): # Check we can print a Connectivity # Like a Coord, but always print : cf_role, location_axis, start_index data = self.sample_data(shape=(3, 2), datatype=int) conn = Connectivity( data.transpose(), location_axis=1, cf_role="edge_node_connectivity", long_name="enc", units="1", ) result = self.repr_str_strings(conn) expected = [ "<Connectivity: enc / (1) [[0, 2, 4], [1, 3, 5]] shape(2, 3)>", "Connectivity : enc / (1)", " data: [", " [0, 2, 4],", " [1, 3, 5]]", " shape: (2, 3)", " dtype: int64", " long_name: 'enc'", " cf_role: 'edge_node_connectivity'", " start_index: 0", " location_axis: 1", ] self.assertLines(expected, result)
def test_connectivity_start_index(self): """Test a mesh where some connectivities have start_index = 1.""" # Make a mesh with both faces *and* some edges mesh = make_mesh(n_edges=7) # Get the face-node and edge-node connectivities face_nodes_conn = mesh.face_node_connectivity edge_nodes_conn = mesh.edge_node_connectivity edge_nodes_conn2 = Connectivity( indices=edge_nodes_conn.indices + 1, cf_role=edge_nodes_conn.cf_role, var_name="edges_x_2", start_index=1, ) # Make a new mesh with altered connectivities. mesh2 = Mesh( topology_dimension=mesh.topology_dimension, node_coords_and_axes=zip(mesh.node_coords, XY_LOCS), face_coords_and_axes=zip(mesh.face_coords, XY_LOCS), connectivities=[face_nodes_conn, edge_nodes_conn2], ) # Save and snapshot the result tempfile_path = self.check_save_mesh(mesh2) dims, vars = scan_dataset(tempfile_path) # Check shape and dimensions of the associated connectivity variables. (mesh_name,) = vars_meshnames(vars) mesh_props = vars[mesh_name] faceconn_name = mesh_props["face_node_connectivity"] edgeconn_name = mesh_props["edge_node_connectivity"] faceconn_props = vars[faceconn_name] edgeconn_props = vars[edgeconn_name] self.assertEqual(faceconn_props["start_index"], 0) self.assertEqual(edgeconn_props["start_index"], 1)
def test___eq__(self): equivalent_kwargs = self.kwargs equivalent_kwargs["indices"] = self.kwargs["indices"].transpose() equivalent_kwargs["location_axis"] = 1 - self.kwargs["location_axis"] equivalent = Connectivity(**equivalent_kwargs) self.assertFalse( np.array_equal(equivalent.indices, self.connectivity.indices)) self.assertEqual(equivalent, self.connectivity)
def test___eq__(self): equivalent_kwargs = self.kwargs equivalent_kwargs["indices"] = self.kwargs["indices"].transpose() equivalent_kwargs["src_dim"] = 1 - self.kwargs["src_dim"] equivalent = Connectivity(**equivalent_kwargs) self.assertFalse( (equivalent.indices == self.connectivity.indices).all() ) self.assertEqual(equivalent, self.connectivity)
def test_nonuniform_connectivity(self): # Check handling of connectivities with missing points. n_faces = 7 mesh = make_mesh(n_faces=n_faces) # In this case, add on a partial face-face connectivity. # construct a vaguely plausible face-face index array indices = * 4).reshape((7, 4)) indices = indices % 7 # make some missing points -- i.e. not all faces have 4 neighbours indices[(2, (2, 3))] = indices[(3, (0, 2))] = indices[6, :] = conn = Connectivity( indices, cf_role="face_face_connectivity", ) mesh.add_connectivities(conn) # Save and snapshot the result tempfile_path = self.check_save_mesh(mesh) dims, vars = scan_dataset(tempfile_path) # Check that the mesh saved with the additional connectivity (mesh_name,) = vars_meshnames(vars) mesh_props = vars[mesh_name] self.assertIn("face_face_connectivity", mesh_props) ff_conn_name = mesh_props["face_face_connectivity"] # check that the connectivity has the corrects dims and fill-property ff_props = vars[ff_conn_name] self.assertEqual( ff_props[_VAR_DIMS], ["Mesh2d_faces", "Mesh2d_face_N_faces"] ) self.assertIn("_FillValue", ff_props) self.assertEqual(ff_props["_FillValue"], -1) # Check that a 'normal' connectivity does *not* have a _FillValue fn_conn_name = mesh_props["face_node_connectivity"] fn_props = vars[fn_conn_name] self.assertNotIn("_FillValue", fn_props) # For what it's worth, *also* check the actual data array in the file ds = nc.Dataset(tempfile_path) conn_var = ds.variables[ff_conn_name] data = conn_var[:] ds.close() self.assertIsInstance(data, self.assertEqual(data.fill_value, -1) # Compare raw values stored to indices, but with -1 at missing points raw_data = filled_indices = indices.filled(-1) self.assertArrayEqual(raw_data, filled_indices)
def test_indices_locations_masked(self): mask = ([0, 0, 0] * 2) + [0, 0, 1] data = np.linspace(1, 9, 9, dtype=int).reshape((3, -1)) kwargs = { "indices": ma.array(data=data, mask=mask), "cf_role": "face_node_connectivity", } # Validation of individual location sizes (denoted by masks) only # available through explicit call of Connectivity.validate_indices(). connectivity = Connectivity(**kwargs) self.assertRaisesRegex( ValueError, "Not all src_locations meet requirement: len>=3", connectivity.validate_indices, )
def _make_test_meshcoord( self, lazy_sources=False, location="face", inds_start_index=0, inds_location_axis=0, facenodes_changes=None, ): # Construct a miniature face-nodes mesh for testing. # NOTE: we will make our connectivity arrays with standard # start_index=0 and location_axis=0 : We only adjust that (if required) when # creating the actual connectivities. face_nodes_array = np.array( [ [0, 2, 1, 3], [1, 3, 10, 13], [2, 7, 9, 19], [ 3, 4, 7, -1, ], # This one has a "missing" point (it's a triangle) [8, 1, 7, 2], ] ) # Connectivity uses *masked* for missing points. face_nodes_array =, 0) if facenodes_changes: facenodes_changes = facenodes_changes.copy() facenodes_changes.pop("n_extra_bad_points") for indices, value in facenodes_changes.items(): face_nodes_array[indices] = value # Construct a miniature edge-nodes mesh for testing. edge_nodes_array = np.array([[0, 2], [1, 3], [1, 4], [3, 7]]) # Connectivity uses *masked* for missing points. edge_nodes_array =, 0) n_faces = face_nodes_array.shape[0] n_edges = edge_nodes_array.shape[0] n_nodes = int(face_nodes_array.max() + 1) self.NODECOORDS_BASENUM = 1100.0 self.EDGECOORDS_BASENUM = 1200.0 self.FACECOORDS_BASENUM = 1300.0 node_xs = self.NODECOORDS_BASENUM + np.arange(n_nodes) edge_xs = self.EDGECOORDS_BASENUM + np.arange(n_edges) face_xs = self.FACECOORDS_BASENUM + np.arange(n_faces) # Record all these for re-use in tests self.n_faces = n_faces self.n_nodes = n_nodes self.face_xs = face_xs self.node_xs = node_xs self.edge_xs = edge_xs self.face_nodes_array = face_nodes_array self.edge_nodes_array = edge_nodes_array # convert source data to Dask arrays if asked. if lazy_sources: def lazify(arr): return da.from_array(arr, chunks=-1, meta=np.ndarray) node_xs = lazify(node_xs) face_xs = lazify(face_xs) edge_xs = lazify(edge_xs) face_nodes_array = lazify(face_nodes_array) edge_nodes_array = lazify(edge_nodes_array) # Build a mesh with this info stored in it. co_nodex = AuxCoord( node_xs, standard_name="longitude", long_name="node_x", units=1 ) co_facex = AuxCoord( face_xs, standard_name="longitude", long_name="face_x", units=1 ) co_edgex = AuxCoord( edge_xs, standard_name="longitude", long_name="edge_x", units=1 ) # N.B. the Mesh requires 'Y's as well. co_nodey = co_nodex.copy() co_nodey.rename("latitude") co_nodey.long_name = "node_y" co_facey = co_facex.copy() co_facey.rename("latitude") co_facey.long_name = "face_y" co_edgey = co_edgex.copy() co_edgey.rename("edge_y") co_edgey.long_name = "edge_y" face_node_conn = Connectivity( inds_start_index + ( face_nodes_array.transpose() if inds_location_axis == 1 else face_nodes_array ), cf_role="face_node_connectivity", long_name="face_nodes", start_index=inds_start_index, location_axis=inds_location_axis, ) edge_node_conn = Connectivity( inds_start_index + ( edge_nodes_array.transpose() if inds_location_axis == 1 else edge_nodes_array ), cf_role="edge_node_connectivity", long_name="edge_nodes", start_index=inds_start_index, location_axis=inds_location_axis, ) self.mesh = Mesh( topology_dimension=2, node_coords_and_axes=[(co_nodex, "x"), (co_nodey, "y")], connectivities=[face_node_conn, edge_node_conn], face_coords_and_axes=[(co_facex, "x"), (co_facey, "y")], edge_coords_and_axes=[(co_edgex, "x"), (co_edgey, "y")], ) # Construct a test meshcoord. meshcoord = MeshCoord(mesh=self.mesh, location=location, axis="x") self.meshcoord = meshcoord return meshcoord
def sample_mesh(n_nodes=None, n_faces=None, n_edges=None, lazy_values=False): """ Make a test mesh. Mesh has nodes, plus faces and/or edges, with face-coords and edge-coords, numbers of which can be controlled. Args: * n_nodes (int or None): Number of nodes in mesh. Default is 15. Cannot be 0. * n_edges (int or None): Number of edges in mesh. Default is 5. If not 0, edge coords and an 'edge_node_connectivity' are included. * n_faces (int or None): Number of faces in mesh. Default is 3. If not 0, face coords and a 'face_node_connectivity' are included. * lazy_values (bool): If True, all content values of coords and connectivities are lazy. """ if lazy_values: import dask.array as da arr = da else: arr = np if n_nodes is None: n_nodes = _TEST_N_NODES if n_faces is None: n_faces = _TEST_N_FACES if n_edges is None: n_edges = _TEST_N_EDGES node_x = AuxCoord( 1100 + arr.arange(n_nodes), standard_name="longitude", units="degrees_east", long_name="long-name", var_name="var-name", attributes={ "a": 1, "b": "c" }, ) node_y = AuxCoord(1200 + arr.arange(n_nodes), standard_name="latitude") connectivities = [] if n_edges == 0: edge_coords_and_axes = None else: # Define a rather arbitrary edge-nodes connectivity. # Some nodes are left out, because n_edges*2 < n_nodes. conns = arr.arange(n_edges * 2, dtype=int) # Missing nodes include #0-5, because we add 5. conns = ((conns + 5) % n_nodes).reshape((n_edges, 2)) edge_nodes = Connectivity(conns, cf_role="edge_node_connectivity") connectivities.append(edge_nodes) edge_x = AuxCoord(2100 + arr.arange(n_edges), standard_name="longitude") edge_y = AuxCoord(2200 + arr.arange(n_edges), standard_name="latitude") edge_coords_and_axes = [(edge_x, "x"), (edge_y, "y")] if n_faces == 0: face_coords_and_axes = None else: # Define a rather arbitrary face-nodes connectivity. # Some nodes are left out, because n_faces*n_bounds < n_nodes. conns = arr.arange(n_faces * _TEST_N_BOUNDS, dtype=int) conns = (conns % n_nodes).reshape((n_faces, _TEST_N_BOUNDS)) face_nodes = Connectivity(conns, cf_role="face_node_connectivity") connectivities.append(face_nodes) # Some numbers for the edge coordinates. face_x = AuxCoord(3100 + arr.arange(n_faces), standard_name="longitude") face_y = AuxCoord(3200 + arr.arange(n_faces), standard_name="latitude") face_coords_and_axes = [(face_x, "x"), (face_y, "y")] mesh = Mesh( topology_dimension=2, node_coords_and_axes=[(node_x, "x"), (node_y, "y")], connectivities=connectivities, edge_coords_and_axes=edge_coords_and_axes, face_coords_and_axes=face_coords_and_axes, ) return mesh
class TestStandard(tests.IrisTest): def setUp(self): # Crete an instance, with non-default arguments to allow testing of # correct property setting. self.kwargs = { "indices": np.linspace(1, 9, 9, dtype=int).reshape((3, -1)), "cf_role": "face_node_connectivity", "long_name": "my_face_nodes", "var_name": "face_nodes", "attributes": {"notes": "this is a test"}, "start_index": 1, "src_dim": 1, } self.connectivity = Connectivity(**self.kwargs) def test_cf_role(self): self.assertEqual(self.kwargs["cf_role"], self.connectivity.cf_role) def test_src_location(self): expected = self.kwargs["cf_role"].split("_")[0] self.assertEqual(expected, self.connectivity.src_location) def test_tgt_location(self): expected = self.kwargs["cf_role"].split("_")[1] self.assertEqual(expected, self.connectivity.tgt_location) def test_start_index(self): self.assertEqual( self.kwargs["start_index"], self.connectivity.start_index ) def test_src_dim(self): self.assertEqual(self.kwargs["src_dim"], self.connectivity.src_dim) def test_indices(self): self.assertArrayEqual( self.kwargs["indices"], self.connectivity.indices ) def test_read_only(self): attributes = ("indices", "cf_role", "start_index", "src_dim") for attribute in attributes: self.assertRaisesRegex( AttributeError, "can't set attribute", setattr, self.connectivity, attribute, 1, ) def test_transpose(self): expected_dim = 1 - self.kwargs["src_dim"] expected_indices = self.kwargs["indices"].transpose() new_connectivity = self.connectivity.transpose() self.assertEqual(expected_dim, new_connectivity.src_dim) self.assertArrayEqual(expected_indices, new_connectivity.indices) def test_lazy_indices(self): self.assertTrue(is_lazy_data(self.connectivity.lazy_indices())) def test_core_indices(self): self.assertArrayEqual( self.kwargs["indices"], self.connectivity.core_indices() ) def test_has_lazy_indices(self): self.assertFalse(self.connectivity.has_lazy_indices()) def test_lazy_src_lengths(self): self.assertTrue(is_lazy_data(self.connectivity.lazy_src_lengths())) def test_src_lengths(self): expected = [3, 3, 3] self.assertArrayEqual(expected, self.connectivity.src_lengths()) def test___str__(self): expected = ( "Connectivity(cf_role='face_node_connectivity', start_index=1)" ) self.assertEqual(expected, self.connectivity.__str__()) def test___repr__(self): expected = ( "Connectivity(array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]), " "cf_role='face_node_connectivity', long_name='my_face_nodes', " "var_name='face_nodes', attributes={'notes': 'this is a test'}, " "start_index=1, src_dim=1)" ) self.assertEqual(expected, self.connectivity.__repr__()) def test_xml_element(self): doc = minidom.Document() connectivity_element = self.connectivity.xml_element(doc) self.assertEqual(connectivity_element.tagName, "connectivity") for attribute in ("cf_role", "start_index", "src_dim"): self.assertIn(attribute, connectivity_element.attributes) def test___eq__(self): equivalent_kwargs = self.kwargs equivalent_kwargs["indices"] = self.kwargs["indices"].transpose() equivalent_kwargs["src_dim"] = 1 - self.kwargs["src_dim"] equivalent = Connectivity(**equivalent_kwargs) self.assertFalse( (equivalent.indices == self.connectivity.indices).all() ) self.assertEqual(equivalent, self.connectivity) def test_different(self): different_kwargs = self.kwargs different_kwargs["indices"] = self.kwargs["indices"].transpose() different = Connectivity(**different_kwargs) self.assertNotEqual(different, self.connectivity) def test_no_cube_dims(self): self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, self.connectivity.cube_dims, 1) def test_shape(self): self.assertEqual(self.kwargs["indices"].shape, self.connectivity.shape) def test_ndim(self): self.assertEqual(self.kwargs["indices"].ndim, self.connectivity.ndim) def test___getitem_(self): subset = self.connectivity[:, 0:1] self.assertArrayEqual(self.kwargs["indices"][:, 0:1], subset.indices) def test_copy(self): new_indices = np.linspace(11, 16, 6, dtype=int).reshape((3, -1)) copy_connectivity = self.connectivity.copy(new_indices) self.assertArrayEqual(new_indices, copy_connectivity.indices) def test_indices_by_src(self): expected = self.kwargs["indices"].transpose() self.assertArrayEqual(expected, self.connectivity.indices_by_src()) def test_indices_by_src_input(self): expected = as_lazy_data(self.kwargs["indices"].transpose()) by_src = self.connectivity.indices_by_src( self.connectivity.lazy_indices() ) self.assertArrayEqual(expected, by_src)
def test_has_lazy_indices(self): connectivity = Connectivity( indices=self.lazy_indices, cf_role="face_node_connectivity" ) self.assertTrue(connectivity.has_lazy_indices())
def common(self, indices): connectivity = Connectivity( indices=indices, cf_role="face_node_connectivity" ) self.assertArrayEqual(indices, connectivity.indices)
def test_different(self): different_kwargs = self.kwargs different_kwargs["indices"] = self.kwargs["indices"].transpose() different = Connectivity(**different_kwargs) self.assertNotEqual(different, self.connectivity)
def build_mesh( n_nodes=2, n_faces=0, n_edges=0, nodecoord_xyargs=None, edgecoord_xyargs=None, facecoord_xyargs=None, conn_role_kwargs=None, # mapping {connectivity-role: connectivity-kwargs} mesh_kwargs=None, ): """ Make a test mesh. Mesh has faces edges, face-coords and edge-coords, numbers of which can be controlled. Args: * n_nodes, n_faces, n_edges (int): Basic dimensions of mesh components. Zero means no such location. * nodecoord_xyargs, edgecoord_xyargs, facecoord_xyargs (pair of dict): Pairs (x,y) of settings kwargs, applied after initial creation the relevant location coordinates. * conn_role_kwargs (dict of string:dict): Mapping from cf_role name to settings kwargs for connectivities, applied after initially creating them. * mesh_kwargs (dict): Dictionary of key settings to apply to the Mesh, after creating it. """ def applyargs(coord, kwargs): if kwargs: for key, val in kwargs.items(): # kwargs is a dict setattr(coord, key, val) def apply_xyargs(coords, xyargs): if xyargs: for coord, kwargs in zip(coords, xyargs): # coords and xyargs both iterables : implicitly=(x,y) applyargs(coord, kwargs) node_coords = [ AuxCoord(np.arange(n_nodes), standard_name=name) for name in XY_NAMES ] apply_xyargs(node_coords, nodecoord_xyargs) connectivities = {} edge_coords = [] face_coords = [] topology_dimension = 0 if n_edges: topology_dimension = 1 connectivities["edge_node_connectivity"] = Connectivity( np.zeros((n_edges, 2), np.int32), cf_role="edge_node_connectivity" ) edge_coords = [ AuxCoord(np.arange(n_edges), standard_name=name) for name in XY_NAMES ] apply_xyargs(edge_coords, edgecoord_xyargs) if n_faces: topology_dimension = 2 connectivities["face_node_connectivity"] = Connectivity( np.zeros((n_faces, 4), np.int32), cf_role="face_node_connectivity" ) face_coords = [ AuxCoord(np.arange(n_faces), standard_name=name) for name in XY_NAMES ] apply_xyargs(face_coords, facecoord_xyargs) mesh_dims = {"node": n_nodes, "edge": n_edges, "face": n_faces} if conn_role_kwargs: for role, kwargs in conn_role_kwargs.items(): if role in connectivities: conn = connectivities[role] else: loc_from, loc_to, _ = role.split("_") dims = [mesh_dims[loc] for loc in (loc_from, loc_to)] conn = Connectivity( np.zeros(dims, dtype=np.int32), cf_role=role ) connectivities[role] = conn applyargs(conn, kwargs) mesh = Mesh( topology_dimension=topology_dimension, node_coords_and_axes=zip(node_coords, XY_LOCS), edge_coords_and_axes=zip(edge_coords, XY_LOCS), face_coords_and_axes=zip(face_coords, XY_LOCS), connectivities=connectivities.values(), ) applyargs(mesh, mesh_kwargs) return mesh
class TestStandard(tests.IrisTest): def setUp(self): # Crete an instance, with non-default arguments to allow testing of # correct property setting. self.kwargs = { "indices": np.linspace(1, 12, 12, dtype=int).reshape((4, -1)), "cf_role": "face_node_connectivity", "long_name": "my_face_nodes", "var_name": "face_nodes", "attributes": { "notes": "this is a test" }, "start_index": 1, "location_axis": 1, } self.connectivity = Connectivity(**self.kwargs) def test_cf_role(self): self.assertEqual(self.kwargs["cf_role"], self.connectivity.cf_role) def test_location(self): expected = self.kwargs["cf_role"].split("_")[0] self.assertEqual(expected, self.connectivity.location) def test_connected(self): expected = self.kwargs["cf_role"].split("_")[1] self.assertEqual(expected, self.connectivity.connected) def test_start_index(self): self.assertEqual(self.kwargs["start_index"], self.connectivity.start_index) def test_location_axis(self): self.assertEqual(self.kwargs["location_axis"], self.connectivity.location_axis) def test_indices(self): self.assertArrayEqual(self.kwargs["indices"], self.connectivity.indices) def test_read_only(self): attributes = ("indices", "cf_role", "start_index", "location_axis") for attribute in attributes: self.assertRaisesRegex( AttributeError, "can't set attribute", setattr, self.connectivity, attribute, 1, ) def test_transpose(self): expected_dim = 1 - self.kwargs["location_axis"] expected_indices = self.kwargs["indices"].transpose() new_connectivity = self.connectivity.transpose() self.assertEqual(expected_dim, new_connectivity.location_axis) self.assertArrayEqual(expected_indices, new_connectivity.indices) def test_lazy_indices(self): self.assertTrue(is_lazy_data(self.connectivity.lazy_indices())) def test_core_indices(self): self.assertArrayEqual(self.kwargs["indices"], self.connectivity.core_indices()) def test_has_lazy_indices(self): self.assertFalse(self.connectivity.has_lazy_indices()) def test_lazy_location_lengths(self): self.assertTrue(is_lazy_data( self.connectivity.lazy_location_lengths())) def test_location_lengths(self): expected = [4, 4, 4] self.assertArrayEqual(expected, self.connectivity.location_lengths()) def test___str__(self): expected = "\n".join([ "Connectivity : my_face_nodes / (unknown)", " data: [", " [ 1, 2, 3],", " [ 4, 5, 6],", " [ 7, 8, 9],", " [10, 11, 12]]", " shape: (4, 3)", " dtype: int64", " long_name: 'my_face_nodes'", " var_name: 'face_nodes'", " attributes:", " notes 'this is a test'", " cf_role: 'face_node_connectivity'", " start_index: 1", " location_axis: 1", ]) self.assertEqual(expected, self.connectivity.__str__()) def test___repr__(self): expected = "<Connectivity: my_face_nodes / (unknown) [[1, 2, 3], ...] shape(4, 3)>" self.assertEqual(expected, self.connectivity.__repr__()) def test_xml_element(self): doc = minidom.Document() connectivity_element = self.connectivity.xml_element(doc) self.assertEqual(connectivity_element.tagName, "connectivity") for attribute in ("cf_role", "start_index", "location_axis"): self.assertIn(attribute, connectivity_element.attributes) def test___eq__(self): equivalent_kwargs = self.kwargs equivalent_kwargs["indices"] = self.kwargs["indices"].transpose() equivalent_kwargs["location_axis"] = 1 - self.kwargs["location_axis"] equivalent = Connectivity(**equivalent_kwargs) self.assertFalse( np.array_equal(equivalent.indices, self.connectivity.indices)) self.assertEqual(equivalent, self.connectivity) def test_different(self): different_kwargs = self.kwargs different_kwargs["indices"] = self.kwargs["indices"].transpose() different = Connectivity(**different_kwargs) self.assertNotEqual(different, self.connectivity) def test_no_cube_dims(self): self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, self.connectivity.cube_dims, 1) def test_shape(self): self.assertEqual(self.kwargs["indices"].shape, self.connectivity.shape) def test_ndim(self): self.assertEqual(self.kwargs["indices"].ndim, self.connectivity.ndim) def test___getitem_(self): subset = self.connectivity[:, 0:1] self.assertArrayEqual(self.kwargs["indices"][:, 0:1], subset.indices) def test_copy(self): new_indices = np.linspace(11, 16, 6, dtype=int).reshape((3, -1)) copy_connectivity = self.connectivity.copy(new_indices) self.assertArrayEqual(new_indices, copy_connectivity.indices) def test_indices_by_location(self): expected = self.kwargs["indices"].transpose() self.assertArrayEqual(expected, self.connectivity.indices_by_location()) def test_indices_by_location_input(self): expected = as_lazy_data(self.kwargs["indices"].transpose()) by_location = self.connectivity.indices_by_location( self.connectivity.lazy_indices()) self.assertArrayEqual(expected, by_location)