def test_build_arrays_unstructured_ndim_c_order(self):
     # Passing an unstructured array to build_arrays, should result in the
     # appropriately shaped array, plus any trailing dimensions.
     grp = GroupStructure(6, {'a': None}, array_order='c')
     orig = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]).reshape(2, 3)
     orig = np.dstack([orig, orig + 10])
     r = grp.build_arrays((2, 3), {'a': orig.reshape((-1, 2), order='c')})
     self.assert_built_array('a', r, (orig, (0, 1)))
 def test_build_arrays_unstructured_ndim_c_order(self):
     # Passing an unstructured array to build_arrays, should result in the
     # appropriately shaped array, plus any trailing dimensions.
     grp = GroupStructure(6, {'a': None}, array_order='c')
     orig = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]).reshape(2, 3)
     orig = np.dstack([orig, orig + 10])
     r = grp.build_arrays((2, 3), {'a': orig.reshape((-1, 2), order='c')})
     self.assert_built_array('a', r, (orig, (0, 1)))
 def test_simple_3d_structure(self):
     # Construct a structure representing a (3, 2, 4) group and assert
     # that the result is of the expected form.
     array_structures = {'a': ArrayStructure(1, [1, -1, 2]),
                         'b': ArrayStructure(3, [1, -1]),
                         'c': ArrayStructure(6, [1, -1, 2, 3])}
     structure = GroupStructure(24, array_structures, array_order='f')
     expected = ([('a', array_structures['a']),
                  ('b', array_structures['b']),
                  ('c', array_structures['c'])],)
     self.assertEqual(structure.possible_structures(), expected)
 def test_simple_3d_structure(self):
     # Construct a structure representing a (3, 2, 4) group and assert
     # that the result is of the expected form.
     array_structures = {
         'a': ArrayStructure(1, [1, -1, 2]),
         'b': ArrayStructure(3, [1, -1]),
         'c': ArrayStructure(6, [1, -1, 2, 3])
     structure = GroupStructure(24, array_structures, array_order='f')
     expected = ([('a', array_structures['a']),
                  ('b', array_structures['b']),
                  ('c', array_structures['c'])], )
     self.assertEqual(structure.possible_structures(), expected)
 def test_simple_3d_structure(self):
     # Construct a structure representing a (3, 2, 4) group and assert
     # that the result is of the expected form.
     array_structures = {
         "a": ArrayStructure(1, [1, -1, 2]),
         "b": ArrayStructure(3, [1, -1]),
         "c": ArrayStructure(6, [1, -1, 2, 3]),
     structure = GroupStructure(24, array_structures, array_order="f")
     expected = ([
         ("a", array_structures["a"]),
         ("b", array_structures["b"]),
         ("c", array_structures["c"]),
     ], )
     self.assertEqual(structure.possible_structures(), expected)
    def test_structured_array_not_applicable(self):
        # Just because an array has a possible structure, does not mean it
        # gets used. Check that 'd' which would make a good 1D array, doesn't
        # get used in a specific shape.
        elements = regular_array_structures((2, 2, 3))
        elements['d'] = ArrayStructure(3, range(4))
        grp = GroupStructure(12, elements, array_order='f')

        d = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]).reshape((3, 4),
        expected = np.array([[[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3]], [[0, 1, 3], [1, 2, 3]]])
        r = grp.build_arrays((2, 2, 3), {'a': np.arange(12),
                                         'b': np.arange(12),
                                         'c': np.arange(12),
                                         'd': d.flatten(order='f')})
        self.assert_built_array('d', r, (expected, (0, 1, 2)))
    def test_build_arrays_regular_f_order(self):
        # Construct simple orthogonal 1d array structures, adding a trailing
        # dimension to the second, and assert the result of build_arrays
        # produces the required result.
        elements = regular_array_structures((2, 3))

        a = elements['a'].construct_array(6)
        b = elements['b'].construct_array(6)
        # Make b 2 dimensional.
        b = np.vstack([b, b + 100]).T

        grp = GroupStructure(6, elements, array_order='f')

        result = grp.build_arrays((2, 3), {'a': a, 'b': b})
        self.assert_built_array('a', result, ([0, 1], (0,)))
        self.assert_built_array('b', result, ([[0, 100], [1, 101], [2, 102]],
    def test_build_arrays_regular_f_order(self):
        # Construct simple orthogonal 1d array structures, adding a trailing
        # dimension to the second, and assert the result of build_arrays
        # produces the required result.
        elements = regular_array_structures((2, 3))

        a = elements['a'].construct_array(6)
        b = elements['b'].construct_array(6)
        # Make b 2 dimensional.
        b = np.vstack([b, b + 100]).T

        grp = GroupStructure(6, elements, array_order='f')

        result = grp.build_arrays((2, 3), {'a': a, 'b': b})
        self.assert_built_array('a', result, ([0, 1], (0, )))
        self.assert_built_array('b', result,
                                ([[0, 100], [1, 101], [2, 102]], (1, )))
    def test_structure_creation(self):
        # Test that the appropriate dictionary containing ArrayStructures is
        # computed when constructing a GroupStructure from_component_arrays.
        array = np.arange(6)
        expected_structure = {'a': ArrayStructure.from_array(array)}

        grp = GroupStructure.from_component_arrays({'a': array})

        self.assertEqual(grp.length, 6)
        self.assertEqual(grp._cmpt_structure, expected_structure)
    def test_structured_array_not_applicable(self):
        # Just because an array has a possible structure, does not mean it
        # gets used. Check that 'd' which would make a good 1D array, doesn't
        # get used in a specific shape.
        elements = regular_array_structures((2, 2, 3))
        elements['d'] = ArrayStructure(3, np.arange(4))
        grp = GroupStructure(12, elements, array_order='f')

        d = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]).reshape((3, 4),
        expected = np.array([[[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3]], [[0, 1, 3], [1, 2, 3]]])
        r = grp.build_arrays(
            (2, 2, 3), {
                'a': np.arange(12),
                'b': np.arange(12),
                'c': np.arange(12),
                'd': d.flatten(order='f')
        self.assert_built_array('d', r, (expected, (0, 1, 2)))
    def test_structure_creation(self):
        # Test that the appropriate dictionary containing ArrayStructures is
        # computed when constructing a GroupStructure from_component_arrays.
        array = np.arange(6)
        expected_structure = {'a': ArrayStructure.from_array(array)}

        grp = GroupStructure.from_component_arrays({'a': array})

        self.assertEqual(grp.length, 6)
        self.assertEqual(grp._cmpt_structure, expected_structure)
def optimal_array_structure(ordering_elements, actual_values_elements=None):
    Calculate an optimal array replication structure for a set of vectors.


    * ordering_elements (iterable of (name, 1-d array)):
        Input element names and value-vectors.  Must all be the same length
        (but not necessarily type).  Must have at least one.


    * actual_values_elements (iterable of (name, 1-d array)):
        The 'real' values used to construct the result arrays, if different
        from 'ordering_elements'.  Must contain all the same names (but not
        necessarily in the same order).

    The 'ordering_elements' arg contains the pattern used to deduce a
    structure.  The order of this is significant, in that earlier elements get
    priority when associating dimensions with specific elements.


        dims_shape, primary_elements, element_arrays_and_dims, where:

        * 'dims_shape' is the shape of the vector dimensions chosen.

        * 'primary_elements' is a set of dimension names; the names of input
            elements that are identified as dimensions. At most one for each

        * 'element_arrays_and_dims' is a dictionary [name: (array, dims)],
            for all elements that are not dimensionless. Each array is reduced
            to the shape of its mapped dimension.

    For example::

        >>> import as optdims
        >>> elements_structure = [('a', np.array([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2])),
        ...                       ('b', np.array([0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2])),
        ...                       ('c', np.array([11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]))]
        >>> elements_values = [('a', np.array([10, 10, 10, 12, 12, 12])),
        ...                    ('b', np.array([15, 16, 17, 15, 16, 17])),
        ...                    ('c', np.array([9, 3, 5, 2, 7, 1]))]
        >>> dims_shape, dim_names, arrays_and_dims = \
        ...      optdims.optimal_array_structure(elements_structure,
        ...                                      elements_values)
        >>> print dims_shape
        (2, 3)
        >>> print dim_names
        set(['a', 'b'])
        >>> print arrays_and_dims
        {'a': (array([10, 12]), (0,)), 'c': (array([[9, 3, 5],
               [2, 7, 1]]), (0, 1)), 'b': (array([15, 16, 17]), (1,))}

    # Convert the inputs to dicts.
    element_ordering_arrays = dict(ordering_elements)
    if actual_values_elements is None:
        actual_values_elements = element_ordering_arrays
    actual_value_arrays = dict(actual_values_elements)
    if set(actual_value_arrays.keys()) != set(element_ordering_arrays.keys()):
        msg = 'Names in values arrays do not match those in ordering arrays.'
        raise ValueError(msg)

    # Define element priorities from ordering, to choose between equally good
    # structures, as structure code does not recognise any element ordering.
    n_elements = len(ordering_elements)
    element_priorities = {
        name: n_elements - index
        for index, (name, array) in enumerate(ordering_elements)

    # Calculate the basic fields-group array structure.
    base_structure = GroupStructure.from_component_arrays(

    # Work out the target cube structure.
    target_structure = _optimal_dimensioning_structure(base_structure,

    # Work out result cube dimensions.
    if not target_structure:
        # Get the length of an input array (they are all the same).
        # Note that no elements map to multiple dimensions.
        elements_length = len(ordering_elements[0][1])
        vector_dims_shape = (elements_length, )
        vector_dims_shape = tuple(struct.size
                                  for (_, struct) in target_structure)

    # Build arrays of element values mapped onto the vectorised dimensions.
    elements_and_dimensions = base_structure.build_arrays(
        vector_dims_shape, actual_value_arrays)

    # Filter out the trivial (scalar) ones.
    elements_and_dimensions = {
        name: (array, dims)
        for name, (array, dims) in elements_and_dimensions.items() if len(dims)

    # Make a list of 'primary' elements; i.e. those in the target structure.
    primary_dimension_elements = set(name for (name, _) in target_structure)

    if vector_dims_shape == (1, ):
        shape = ()
        shape = vector_dims_shape

    # Return all the information.
    return (shape, primary_dimension_elements, elements_and_dimensions)
def optimal_array_structure(ordering_elements, actual_values_elements=None):
    Calculate an optimal array replication structure for a set of vectors.


    * ordering_elements (iterable of (name, 1-d array)):
        Input element names and value-vectors.  Must all be the same length
        (but not necessarily type).  Must have at least one.


    * actual_values_elements (iterable of (name, 1-d array)):
        The 'real' values used to construct the result arrays, if different
        from 'ordering_elements'.  Must contain all the same names (but not
        necessarily in the same order).

    The 'ordering_elements' arg contains the pattern used to deduce a
    structure.  The order of this is significant, in that earlier elements get
    priority when associating dimensions with specific elements.


        dims_shape, primary_elements, element_arrays_and_dims, where:

        * 'dims_shape' is the shape of the vector dimensions chosen.

        * 'primary_elements' is a set of dimension names; the names of input
            elements that are identified as dimensions. At most one for each

        * 'element_arrays_and_dims' is a dictionary [name: (array, dims)],
            for all elements that are not dimensionless. Each array is reduced
            to the shape of its mapped dimension.

    For example::

        >>> import as optdims
        >>> elements_structure = [('a', np.array([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2])),
        ...                       ('b', np.array([0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2])),
        ...                       ('c', np.array([11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]))]
        >>> elements_values = [('a', np.array([10, 10, 10, 12, 12, 12])),
        ...                    ('b', np.array([15, 16, 17, 15, 16, 17])),
        ...                    ('c', np.array([9, 3, 5, 2, 7, 1]))]
        >>> dims_shape, dim_names, arrays_and_dims = \
        ...      optdims.optimal_array_structure(elements_structure,
        ...                                      elements_values)
        >>> print dims_shape
        (2, 3)
        >>> print dim_names
        set(['a', 'b'])
        >>> print arrays_and_dims
        {'a': (array([10, 12]), (0,)), 'c': (array([[9, 3, 5],
               [2, 7, 1]]), (0, 1)), 'b': (array([15, 16, 17]), (1,))}

    # Convert the inputs to dicts.
    element_ordering_arrays = dict(ordering_elements)
    if actual_values_elements is None:
        actual_values_elements = element_ordering_arrays
    actual_value_arrays = dict(actual_values_elements)
    if set(actual_value_arrays.keys()) != set(element_ordering_arrays.keys()):
        msg = 'Names in values arrays do not match those in ordering arrays.'
        raise ValueError(msg)

    # Define element priorities from ordering, to choose between equally good
    # structures, as structure code does not recognise any element ordering.
    n_elements = len(ordering_elements)
    element_priorities = {
        name: n_elements - index
        for index, (name, array) in enumerate(ordering_elements)}

    # Calculate the basic fields-group array structure.
    base_structure = GroupStructure.from_component_arrays(

    # Work out the target cube structure.
    target_structure = _optimal_dimensioning_structure(base_structure,

    # Work out result cube dimensions.
    if not target_structure:
        # Get the length of an input array (they are all the same).
        # Note that no elements map to multiple dimensions.
        elements_length = len(ordering_elements[0][1])
        vector_dims_shape = (elements_length,)
        vector_dims_shape = tuple(
            struct.size for (_, struct) in target_structure)

    # Build arrays of element values mapped onto the vectorised dimensions.
    elements_and_dimensions = base_structure.build_arrays(
        vector_dims_shape, actual_value_arrays)

    # Filter out the trivial (scalar) ones.
    elements_and_dimensions = {
        name: (array, dims)
        for name, (array, dims) in six.iteritems(elements_and_dimensions)
        if len(dims)}

    # Make a list of 'primary' elements; i.e. those in the target structure.
    primary_dimension_elements = set(
        name for (name, _) in target_structure)

    if vector_dims_shape == (1,):
        shape = ()
        shape = vector_dims_shape

    # Return all the information.
    return (shape, primary_dimension_elements, elements_and_dimensions)
 def assert_potentials(self, length, array_structures, expected):
     structure = GroupStructure(length, array_structures, array_order='f')
     allowed = structure.possible_structures()
     names = [[name for (name, _) in allowed_structure]
              for allowed_structure in allowed]
     self.assertEqual(names, expected)
 def test_build_arrays_unstructured(self):
     # Check that an unstructured array gets reshaped appropriately.
     grp = GroupStructure(6, {'a': None}, array_order='c')
     orig = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]).reshape(2, 3)
     r = grp.build_arrays((2, 3), {'a': orig.flatten(order='c')})
     self.assert_built_array('a', r, (orig, (0, 1)))
 def test_different_sizes(self):
     arrays = {'a': np.arange(6), 'b': np.arange(5)}
     msg = 'All array elements must have the same size.'
     with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, msg):
 def test_different_sizes(self):
     arrays = {'a': np.arange(6), 'b': np.arange(5)}
     msg = 'All array elements must have the same size.'
     with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, msg):
 def test_build_arrays_unstructured(self):
     # Check that an unstructured array gets reshaped appropriately.
     grp = GroupStructure(6, {'a': None}, array_order='c')
     orig = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]).reshape(2, 3)
     r = grp.build_arrays((2, 3), {'a': orig.flatten(order='c')})
     self.assert_built_array('a', r, (orig, (0, 1)))
 def assert_potentials(self, length, array_structures, expected):
     structure = GroupStructure(length, array_structures, array_order='f')
     allowed = structure.possible_structures()
     names = [[name for (name, _) in allowed_structure]
              for allowed_structure in allowed]
     self.assertEqual(names, expected)