def main(): # load a single cube of surface temperature between +/- 5 latitude fname = iris.sample_data_path("") cube = iris.load_cube( fname, iris.Constraint("surface_temperature", latitude=lambda v: -5 < v < 5), ) # Take the mean over latitude cube = cube.collapsed("latitude", iris.analysis.MEAN) # Now that we have our data in a nice way, lets create the plot # contour with 20 levels qplt.contourf(cube, 20) # Put a custom label on the y axis plt.ylabel("Time / years") # Stop matplotlib providing clever axes range padding plt.axis("tight") # As we are plotting annual variability, put years as the y ticks plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_locator(mdates.YearLocator()) # And format the ticks to just show the year plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter("%Y"))
def main(): # Load some test data. fname = iris.sample_data_path("") theta = iris.load_cube(fname, "air_potential_temperature") # Extract a single height vs longitude cross-section. N.B. This could # easily be changed to extract a specific slice, or even to loop over *all* # cross section slices. cross_section = next(theta.slices(["grid_longitude", "model_level_number"])) qplt.contourf(cross_section, coords=["grid_longitude", "altitude"], cmap="RdBu_r") # Now do the equivalent plot, only against model level plt.figure() qplt.contourf( cross_section, coords=["grid_longitude", "model_level_number"], cmap="RdBu_r", )
def main(): # Enable a future option, to ensure that the netcdf load works the same way # as in future Iris versions. iris.FUTURE.netcdf_promote = True # load a single cube of surface temperature between +/- 5 latitude fname = iris.sample_data_path('') cube = iris.load_cube( fname, iris.Constraint('surface_temperature', latitude=lambda v: -5 < v < 5)) # Take the mean over latitude cube = cube.collapsed('latitude', iris.analysis.MEAN) # Now that we have our data in a nice way, lets create the plot # contour with 20 levels qplt.contourf(cube, 20) # Put a custom label on the y axis plt.ylabel('Time / years') # Stop matplotlib providing clever axes range padding plt.axis('tight') # As we are plotting annual variability, put years as the y ticks plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_locator(mdates.YearLocator()) # And format the ticks to just show the year plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%Y'))
def main(): fname = iris.sample_data_path('') # load a single cube of surface temperature between +/- 5 latitude cube = iris.load_cube(fname, iris.Constraint('surface_temperature', latitude=lambda v: -5 < v < 5)) # Take the mean over latitude cube = cube.collapsed('latitude', iris.analysis.MEAN) # Now that we have our data in a nice way, lets create the plot # contour with 20 levels qplt.contourf(cube, 20) # Put a custom label on the y axis plt.ylabel('Time / years') # Stop matplotlib providing clever axes range padding plt.axis('tight') # As we are plotting annual variability, put years as the y ticks plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_locator(mdates.YearLocator()) # And format the ticks to just show the year plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%Y'))
def main(): # Enable a future option, to ensure that the netcdf load works the same way # as in future Iris versions. iris.FUTURE.netcdf_promote = True # Load some test data. fname = iris.sample_data_path('') theta = iris.load_cube(fname, 'air_potential_temperature') # Extract a single height vs longitude cross-section. N.B. This could # easily be changed to extract a specific slice, or even to loop over *all* # cross section slices. cross_section = next(theta.slices(['grid_longitude', 'model_level_number'])) qplt.contourf(cross_section, coords=['grid_longitude', 'altitude'], cmap='RdBu_r') # Now do the equivalent plot, only against model level plt.figure() qplt.contourf(cross_section, coords=['grid_longitude', 'model_level_number'], cmap='RdBu_r')
def main(): # Load the whole time-sequence as a single cube. file_path = iris.sample_data_path("") cube = iris.load_cube(file_path) # Make an aggregator from the user function. SPELL_COUNT = Aggregator( "spell_count", count_spells, units_func=lambda units: 1 ) # Define the parameters of the test. threshold_temperature = 280.0 spell_years = 5 # Calculate the statistic. warm_periods = cube.collapsed( "time", SPELL_COUNT, threshold=threshold_temperature, spell_length=spell_years, ) warm_periods.rename("Number of 5-year warm spells in 240 years") # Plot the results. qplt.contourf(warm_periods, cmap="RdYlBu_r") plt.gca().coastlines()
def main(): fname = iris.sample_data_path("air_temp.pp") # Load exactly one cube from the given file. temperature = iris.load_cube(fname) # We only want a small number of latitudes, so filter some out # using "extract". temperature = temperature.extract( iris.Constraint(latitude=lambda cell: 68 <= cell < 78)) for cube in temperature.slices("longitude"): # Create a string label to identify this cube (i.e. latitude: value). cube_label = "latitude: %s" % cube.coord("latitude").points[0] # Plot the cube, and associate it with a label. qplt.plot(cube, label=cube_label) # Add the legend with 2 columns. plt.legend(ncol=2) # Put a grid on the plot. plt.grid(True) # Tell matplotlib not to extend the plot axes range to nicely # rounded numbers. plt.axis("tight") # Finally, show it.
def main(): fname = iris.sample_data_path('air_temp.pp') # Load exactly one cube from the given file. temperature = iris.load_cube(fname) # We only want a small number of latitudes, so filter some out # using "extract". temperature = temperature.extract( iris.Constraint(latitude=lambda cell: 68 <= cell < 78)) for cube in temperature.slices('longitude'): # Create a string label to identify this cube (i.e. latitude: value). cube_label = 'latitude: %s' % cube.coord('latitude').points[0] # Plot the cube, and associate it with a label. qplt.plot(cube, label=cube_label) # Add the legend with 2 columns. plt.legend(ncol=2) # Put a grid on the plot. plt.grid(True) # Tell matplotlib not to extend the plot axes range to nicely # rounded numbers. plt.axis('tight') # Finally, show it.
def main(): # Load data filepath = iris.sample_data_path("") cube = iris.load_cube(filepath) # Choose plot projections projections = {} projections["Mollweide"] = ccrs.Mollweide() projections["PlateCarree"] = ccrs.PlateCarree() projections["NorthPolarStereo"] = ccrs.NorthPolarStereo() projections["Orthographic"] = ccrs.Orthographic(central_longitude=-90, central_latitude=45) pcarree = projections["PlateCarree"] # Transform cube to target projection new_cube, extent = iris.analysis.cartography.project(cube, pcarree, nx=400, ny=200) # Plot data in each projection for name in sorted(projections): fig = plt.figure() fig.suptitle("ORCA2 Data Projected to {}".format(name)) # Set up axes and title ax = plt.subplot(projection=projections[name]) # Set limits ax.set_global() # plot with Iris quickplot pcolormesh qplt.pcolormesh(new_cube) # Draw coastlines ax.coastlines()
def main(): fname = iris.sample_data_path("NAME_output.txt") boundary_volc_ash_constraint = iris.Constraint("VOLCANIC_ASH_AIR_CONCENTRATION", flight_level="From FL000 - FL200") # Callback shown as None to illustrate where a cube-level callback function would be used if required cube = iris.load_cube(fname, boundary_volc_ash_constraint, callback=None) # draw contour levels for the data (the top level is just a catch-all) levels = (0.0002, 0.002, 0.004, 1e10) cs = iplt.contourf(cube, levels=levels, colors=("#80ffff", "#939598", "#e00404")) # draw a black outline at the lowest contour to highlight affected areas iplt.contour(cube, levels=(levels[0], 100), colors="black") # set an extent and a background image for the map ax = plt.gca() ax.set_extent((-90, 20, 20, 75)) ax.stock_img("ne_shaded") # make a legend, with custom labels, for the coloured contour set artists, _ = cs.legend_elements() labels = [ r"$%s < x \leq %s$" % (levels[0], levels[1]), r"$%s < x \leq %s$" % (levels[1], levels[2]), r"$x > %s$" % levels[2], ] ax.legend(artists, labels, title="Ash concentration / g m-3", loc="upper left") time = cube.coord("time") time_date = time.units.num2date(time.points[0]).strftime(UTC_format) plt.title("Volcanic ash concentration forecast\nvalid at %s" % time_date)
def main(): # Enable a future option, to ensure that the netcdf load works the same way # as in future Iris versions. iris.FUTURE.netcdf_promote = True # Load the whole time-sequence as a single cube. file_path = iris.sample_data_path('') cube = iris.load_cube(file_path) # Make an aggregator from the user function. SPELL_COUNT = Aggregator('spell_count', count_spells, units_func=lambda units: 1) # Define the parameters of the test. threshold_temperature = 280.0 spell_years = 5 # Calculate the statistic. warm_periods = cube.collapsed('time', SPELL_COUNT, threshold=threshold_temperature, spell_length=spell_years) warm_periods.rename('Number of 5-year warm spells in 240 years') # Plot the results. qplt.contourf(warm_periods, cmap='RdYlBu_r') plt.gca().coastlines()
def main(): fname = iris.sample_data_path('/nfs/a266/data/CMIP5_AFRICA/BC_0.5x0.5/IPSL-CM5A-LR/historical/') soi = iris.load_cube(fname) # Window length for filters. window = 121 # Construct 2-year (24-month) and 7-year (84-month) low pass filters # for the SOI data which is monthly. wgts24 = low_pass_weights(window, 1. / 24.) wgts84 = low_pass_weights(window, 1. / 84.) soi24 = soi.rolling_window('time', iris.analysis.SUM, len(wgts24), weights=wgts24) soi84 = soi.rolling_window('time', iris.analysis.SUM, len(wgts84), weights=wgts84) # Plot the SOI time series and both filtered versions. plt.figure(figsize=(9, 4)) iplt.plot(soi, color='0.7', linewidth=1., linestyle='-',alpha=1., label='no filter') iplt.plot(soi24, color='b', linewidth=2., linestyle='-',alpha=.7, label='2-year filter') iplt.plot(soi84, color='r', linewidth=2., linestyle='-',alpha=.7, label='7-year filter') plt.ylim([-4, 4]) plt.title('West Africa') plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('SOI') plt.legend(fontsize=10)
def main(): # Load data filepath = iris.sample_data_path('') cube = iris.load_cube(filepath) # Choose plot projections projections = {} projections['Mollweide'] = ccrs.Mollweide() projections['PlateCarree'] = ccrs.PlateCarree() projections['NorthPolarStereo'] = ccrs.NorthPolarStereo() projections['Orthographic'] = ccrs.Orthographic(central_longitude=-90, central_latitude=45) pcarree = projections['PlateCarree'] # Transform cube to target projection new_cube, extent = iris.analysis.cartography.project(cube, pcarree, nx=400, ny=200) # Plot data in each projection for name in sorted(projections): fig = plt.figure() fig.suptitle('ORCA2 Data Projected to {}'.format(name)) # Set up axes and title ax = plt.subplot(projection=projections[name]) # Set limits ax.set_global() # plot with Iris quickplot pcolormesh qplt.pcolormesh(new_cube) # Draw coastlines ax.coastlines()
def main(): # Enable a future option, to ensure that the netcdf load works the same way # as in future Iris versions. iris.FUTURE.netcdf_promote = True # Load the gridded temperature and salinity data. fname = iris.sample_data_path('') cubes = iris.load(fname) theta, = cubes.extract('sea_water_potential_temperature') salinity, = cubes.extract('sea_water_practical_salinity') # Extract profiles of temperature and salinity from a particular point in # the southern portion of the domain, and limit the depth of the profile # to 1000m. lon_cons = iris.Constraint(longitude=330.5) lat_cons = iris.Constraint(latitude=lambda l: -10 < l < -9) depth_cons = iris.Constraint(depth=lambda d: d <= 1000) theta_1000m = theta.extract(depth_cons & lon_cons & lat_cons) salinity_1000m = salinity.extract(depth_cons & lon_cons & lat_cons) # Plot these profiles on the same set of axes. In each case we call plot # with two arguments, the cube followed by the depth coordinate. Putting # them in this order places the depth coordinate on the y-axis. # The first plot is in the default axes. We'll use the same color for the # curve and its axes/tick labels. plt.figure(figsize=(5, 6)) temperature_color = (.3, .4, .5) ax1 = plt.gca() iplt.plot(theta_1000m, theta_1000m.coord('depth'), linewidth=2, color=temperature_color, alpha=.75) ax1.set_xlabel('Potential Temperature / K', color=temperature_color) ax1.set_ylabel('Depth / m') for ticklabel in ax1.get_xticklabels(): ticklabel.set_color(temperature_color) # To plot salinity in the same axes we use twiny(). We'll use a different # color to identify salinity. salinity_color = (.6, .1, .15) ax2 = plt.gca().twiny() iplt.plot(salinity_1000m, salinity_1000m.coord('depth'), linewidth=2, color=salinity_color, alpha=.75) ax2.set_xlabel('Salinity / PSU', color=salinity_color) for ticklabel in ax2.get_xticklabels(): ticklabel.set_color(salinity_color) plt.tight_layout() # Now plot a T-S diagram using scatter. We'll use all the profiles here, # and each point will be coloured according to its depth. plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) depth_values = theta.coord('depth').points for s, t in iris.iterate.izip(salinity, theta, coords='depth'): iplt.scatter(s, t, c=depth_values, marker='+', cmap='RdYlBu_r') ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel('Salinity / PSU') ax.set_ylabel('Potential Temperature / K') cb = plt.colorbar(orientation='horizontal') cb.set_label('Depth / m') plt.tight_layout()
def main(): file_path = iris.sample_data_path('polar_stereo.grib2') cube = iris.load_cube(file_path) qplt.contourf(cube) ax = plt.gca() ax.coastlines() ax.gridlines()
def main(): file_path = iris.sample_data_path("polar_stereo.grib2") cube = iris.load_cube(file_path) qplt.contourf(cube) ax = plt.gca() ax.coastlines() ax.gridlines()
def main(): file_path = iris.sample_data_path("") cube = iris.load_cube(file_path) qplt.contourf(cube) ax = plt.gca() ax.coastlines() ax.gridlines()
def main(): # Load the monthly-valued Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) time-series. fname = iris.sample_data_path("") soi = iris.load_cube(fname) # Window length for filters. window = 121 # Construct 2-year (24-month) and 7-year (84-month) low pass filters # for the SOI data which is monthly. wgts24 = low_pass_weights(window, 1.0 / 24.0) wgts84 = low_pass_weights(window, 1.0 / 84.0) # Apply each filter using the rolling_window method used with the weights # keyword argument. A weighted sum is required because the magnitude of # the weights are just as important as their relative sizes. soi24 = soi.rolling_window("time", iris.analysis.SUM, len(wgts24), weights=wgts24) soi84 = soi.rolling_window("time", iris.analysis.SUM, len(wgts84), weights=wgts84) # Plot the SOI time series and both filtered versions. plt.figure(figsize=(9, 4)) iplt.plot( soi, color="0.7", linewidth=1.0, linestyle="-", alpha=1.0, label="no filter", ) iplt.plot( soi24, color="b", linewidth=2.0, linestyle="-", alpha=0.7, label="2-year filter", ) iplt.plot( soi84, color="r", linewidth=2.0, linestyle="-", alpha=0.7, label="7-year filter", ) plt.ylim([-4, 4]) plt.title("Southern Oscillation Index (Darwin Only)") plt.xlabel("Time") plt.ylabel("SOI") plt.legend(fontsize=10)
def main(): fname = iris.sample_data_path("colpex.pp") # The list of phenomena of interest phenomena = ["air_potential_temperature", "air_pressure"] # Define the constraint on standard name and model level constraints = [ iris.Constraint(phenom, model_level_number=1) for phenom in phenomena ] air_potential_temperature, air_pressure = iris.load_cubes( fname, constraints ) # Define a coordinate which represents 1000 hPa p0 = coords.AuxCoord(1000, long_name="P0", units="hPa") # Convert reference pressure 'p0' into the same units as 'air_pressure' p0.convert_units(air_pressure.units) # Calculate Exner pressure exner_pressure = (air_pressure / p0) ** (287.05 / 1005.0) # Set the name (the unit is scalar) exner_pressure.rename("exner_pressure") # Calculate air_temp air_temperature = exner_pressure * air_potential_temperature # Set the name (the unit is K) air_temperature.rename("air_temperature") # Now create an iterator which will give us lat lon slices of # exner pressure and air temperature in the form # (exner_slice, air_temp_slice). lat_lon_slice_pairs = iris.iterate.izip( exner_pressure, air_temperature, coords=["grid_latitude", "grid_longitude"], ) # For the purposes of this example, we only want to demonstrate the first # plot. lat_lon_slice_pairs = [next(lat_lon_slice_pairs)] plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4)) for exner_slice, air_temp_slice in lat_lon_slice_pairs: plt.subplot(121) cont = qplt.contourf(exner_slice) # The default colorbar has a few too many ticks on it, causing text to # overlap. Therefore, limit the number of ticks. limit_colorbar_ticks(cont) plt.subplot(122) cont = qplt.contourf(air_temp_slice) limit_colorbar_ticks(cont)
def main(): # Enable a future option, to ensure that the netcdf load works the same way # as in future Iris versions. iris.FUTURE.netcdf_promote = True # Load the monthly-valued Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) time-series. fname = iris.sample_data_path('') soi = iris.load_cube(fname) # Window length for filters. window = 121 # Construct 2-year (24-month) and 7-year (84-month) low pass filters # for the SOI data which is monthly. wgts24 = low_pass_weights(window, 1. / 24.) wgts84 = low_pass_weights(window, 1. / 84.) # Apply each filter using the rolling_window method used with the weights # keyword argument. A weighted sum is required because the magnitude of # the weights are just as important as their relative sizes. soi24 = soi.rolling_window('time', iris.analysis.SUM, len(wgts24), weights=wgts24) soi84 = soi.rolling_window('time', iris.analysis.SUM, len(wgts84), weights=wgts84) # Plot the SOI time series and both filtered versions. plt.figure(figsize=(9, 4)) iplt.plot(soi, color='0.7', linewidth=1., linestyle='-', alpha=1., label='no filter') iplt.plot(soi24, color='b', linewidth=2., linestyle='-', alpha=.7, label='2-year filter') iplt.plot(soi84, color='r', linewidth=2., linestyle='-', alpha=.7, label='7-year filter') plt.ylim([-4, 4]) plt.title('Southern Oscillation Index (Darwin Only)') plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('SOI') plt.legend(fontsize=10)
def main(): fname = iris.sample_data_path('air_temp.pp') temperature_orig = iris.load_cube(fname) temperature_noisy = copy.deepcopy(temperature_orig) sx = ([0] sy = ([1] gaussian_noise = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=5, size=(sx, sy)) gaussian_noise[:sx/4, :] = 0 gaussian_noise[(3*sx)/4:, :] = 0 gaussian_noise[:, sy/4:(3*sy)/4] = 0 = 2* + gaussian_noise #Original data plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5)) plt.subplot(221) qplt.contourf(temperature_orig, 15) plt.gca().coastlines() #Noisy data plt.subplot(222) qplt.contourf(temperature_noisy, 15) plt.gca().coastlines() # Plot scatter scatter_x = scatter_y = plt.subplot(223) plt.plot(scatter_x, scatter_y, '.', label="scatter") coeffs = np.polyfit(scatter_x, scatter_y, 1) print(coeffs) plt.title("Scatter plot") plt.xlabel("orig [K]") plt.ylabel("noisy [K]") fitted_y = np.polyval(coeffs, scatter_x) plt.plot(scatter_x, fitted_y, 'k', label="fit") plt.text(np.min(scatter_x), np.max(fitted_y), "\nax+b\na=%f3\nb=%g4" % (coeffs[0], coeffs[1])) #Plot diff_y = scatter_y - fitted_y temperature_diff = copy.deepcopy(temperature_orig) = diff_y.reshape( temperature_diff.standard_name = None temperature_diff.long_name = "Residual from fitted curve" temperature_diff.var_name = "Hello_World" plt.subplot(224) qplt.contourf(temperature_diff, 15) plt.gca().coastlines()
def main(): fname = iris.sample_data_path('colpex.pp') # The list of phenomena of interest phenomena = ['air_potential_temperature', 'air_pressure'] # Define the constraint on standard name and model level constraints = [iris.Constraint(phenom, model_level_number=1) for phenom in phenomena] air_potential_temperature, air_pressure = iris.load_cubes(fname, constraints) # Define a coordinate which represents 1000 hPa p0 = coords.AuxCoord(1000, long_name='P0', units='hPa') # Convert reference pressure 'p0' into the same units as 'air_pressure' p0.convert_units(air_pressure.units) # Calculate Exner pressure exner_pressure = (air_pressure / p0) ** (287.05 / 1005.0) # Set the name (the unit is scalar) exner_pressure.rename('exner_pressure') # Calculate air_temp air_temperature = exner_pressure * air_potential_temperature # Set the name (the unit is K) air_temperature.rename('air_temperature') # Now create an iterator which will give us lat lon slices of # exner pressure and air temperature in the form # (exner_slice, air_temp_slice). lat_lon_slice_pairs = iris.iterate.izip(exner_pressure, air_temperature, coords=['grid_latitude', 'grid_longitude']) # For the purposes of this example, we only want to demonstrate the first # plot. lat_lon_slice_pairs = [next(lat_lon_slice_pairs)] plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4)) for exner_slice, air_temp_slice in lat_lon_slice_pairs: plt.subplot(121) cont = qplt.contourf(exner_slice) # The default colorbar has a few too many ticks on it, causing text to # overlap. Therefore, limit the number of ticks. limit_colorbar_ticks(cont) plt.subplot(122) cont = qplt.contourf(air_temp_slice) limit_colorbar_ticks(cont)
def main(): # Enable a future option, to ensure that the grib load works the same way # as in future Iris versions. iris.FUTURE.strict_grib_load = True file_path = iris.sample_data_path('polar_stereo.grib2') cube = iris.load_cube(file_path) qplt.contourf(cube) ax = plt.gca() ax.coastlines() ax.gridlines()
def main(): # Load data into three Cubes, one for each set of PP files e1 = iris.load_strict(iris.sample_data_path('')) a1b = iris.load_strict(iris.sample_data_path('')) # load in the global pre-industrial mean temperature, and limit the domain to # the same North American region that e1 and a1b are at. north_america = iris.Constraint( longitude=lambda v: 225 <= v <= 315, latitude=lambda v: 15 <= v <= 60, ) pre_industrial = iris.load_strict(iris.sample_data_path('pre-industrial.pp'), north_america ) pre_industrial_mean = pre_industrial.collapsed(['latitude', 'longitude'], iris.analysis.MEAN) e1_mean = e1.collapsed(['latitude', 'longitude'], iris.analysis.MEAN) a1b_mean = a1b.collapsed(['latitude', 'longitude'], iris.analysis.MEAN) # Show ticks 30 years apart plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(mdates.YearLocator(30)) # Label the ticks with year data plt.gca().format_xdata = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y') # Plot the datasets qplt.plot(e1_mean, coords=['time'], label='E1 scenario', lw=1.5, color='blue') qplt.plot(a1b_mean, coords=['time'], label='A1B-Image scenario', lw=1.5, color='red') # Draw a horizontal line showing the pre industrial mean plt.axhline(, color='gray', linestyle='dashed', label='pre-industrial', lw=1.5) # Establish where r and t have the same data, i.e. the observations common = numpy.where( ==[0] observed = a1b_mean[common] # Plot the observed data qplt.plot(observed, coords=['time'], label='observed', color='black', lw=1.5) # Add a legend and title plt.legend(loc="upper left") plt.title('North American mean air temperature', fontsize=18) plt.xlabel('Time / year') plt.grid()
def main(): fname = iris.sample_data_path('air_temp.pp') temperature = iris.load_cube(fname) # Plot #1: contourf with axes longitude from -180 to 180 plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5)) plt.subplot(121) qplt.contourf(temperature, 15) plt.gca().coastlines() # Plot #2: contourf with axes longitude from 0 to 360 proj = ccrs.PlateCarree(central_longitude=-180.0) plt.subplot(122, projection=proj) qplt.contourf(temperature, 15) plt.gca().coastlines()
def main(): # Load the "total electron content" cube. filename = iris.sample_data_path('') cube = iris.load_cube(filename, 'total electron content') # Explicitly mask negative electron content. = ma.masked_less(, 0) # Plot the cube using one hundred colour levels. qplt.contourf(cube, 100) plt.title('Total Electron Content') plt.xlabel('longitude / degrees') plt.ylabel('latitude / degrees') plt.gca().stock_img() plt.gca().coastlines()
def main(): fname = iris.sample_data_path('') theta = iris.load_cube(fname) # Extract a single height vs longitude cross-section. N.B. This could easily be changed to # extract a specific slice, or even to loop over *all* cross section slices. cross_section = next(theta.slices(['grid_longitude', 'model_level_number'])) qplt.contourf(cross_section, coords=['grid_longitude', 'altitude']) # Now do the equivalent plot, only against model level plt.figure() qplt.contourf(cross_section, coords=['grid_longitude', 'model_level_number'])
def main(): fname = iris.sample_data_path('air_temp.pp') temperature = iris.load_cube(fname) # Plot #1: contourf with axes longitude from -180 to 180 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5)) plt.subplot(121) qplt.contourf(temperature, 15) plt.gca().coastlines() # Plot #2: contourf with axes longitude from 0 to 360 proj = ccrs.PlateCarree(central_longitude=-180.0) ax = plt.subplot(122, projection=proj) qplt.contourf(temperature, 15) plt.gca().coastlines()
def main(): fname = iris.sample_data_path('') theta = iris.load_cube(fname) # Extract a single height vs longitude cross-section. N.B. This could easily be changed to # extract a specific slice, or even to loop over *all* cross section slices. cross_section = next(theta.slices(['grid_longitude', 'model_level_number'])) qplt.contourf(cross_section, coords=['grid_longitude', 'altitude'], cmap='RdBu_r') # Now do the equivalent plot, only against model level plt.figure() qplt.contourf(cross_section, coords=['grid_longitude', 'model_level_number'], cmap='RdBu_r')
def main(): # Load data into three Cubes, one for each set of PP files e1 = iris.load_cube(iris.sample_data_path("")) a1b = iris.load_cube(iris.sample_data_path("")) # load in the global pre-industrial mean temperature, and limit the domain to # the same North American region that e1 and a1b are at. north_america = iris.Constraint(longitude=lambda v: 225 <= v <= 315, latitude=lambda v: 15 <= v <= 60) pre_industrial = iris.load_cube(iris.sample_data_path("pre-industrial.pp"), north_america) pre_industrial_mean = pre_industrial.collapsed(["latitude", "longitude"], iris.analysis.MEAN) e1_mean = e1.collapsed(["latitude", "longitude"], iris.analysis.MEAN) a1b_mean = a1b.collapsed(["latitude", "longitude"], iris.analysis.MEAN) # Show ticks 30 years apart plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(mdates.YearLocator(30)) # Label the ticks with year data plt.gca().format_xdata = mdates.DateFormatter("%Y") # Plot the datasets qplt.plot(e1_mean, coords=["time"], label="E1 scenario", lw=1.5, color="blue") qplt.plot(a1b_mean, coords=["time"], label="A1B-Image scenario", lw=1.5, color="red") # Draw a horizontal line showing the pre industrial mean plt.axhline(, color="gray", linestyle="dashed", label="pre-industrial", lw=1.5) # Establish where r and t have the same data, i.e. the observations common = np.where( ==[0] observed = a1b_mean[common] # Plot the observed data qplt.plot(observed, coords=["time"], label="observed", color="black", lw=1.5) # Add a legend and title plt.legend(loc="upper left") plt.title("North American mean air temperature", fontsize=18) plt.xlabel("Time / year") plt.grid()
def main(): fname = iris.sample_data_path("NAME_output.txt") boundary_volc_ash_constraint = iris.Constraint( "VOLCANIC_ASH_AIR_CONCENTRATION", flight_level="From FL000 - FL200") # Callback shown as None to illustrate where a cube-level callback function # would be used if required cube = iris.load_cube(fname, boundary_volc_ash_constraint, callback=None) # draw contour levels for the data (the top level is just a catch-all) levels = (0.0002, 0.002, 0.004, 1e10) cs = iplt.contourf( cube, levels=levels, colors=("#80ffff", "#939598", "#e00404"), ) # draw a black outline at the lowest contour to highlight affected areas iplt.contour(cube, levels=(levels[0], 100), colors="black") # set an extent and a background image for the map ax = plt.gca() ax.set_extent((-90, 20, 20, 75)) ax.stock_img("ne_shaded") # make a legend, with custom labels, for the coloured contour set artists, _ = cs.legend_elements() labels = [ r"$%s < x \leq %s$" % (levels[0], levels[1]), r"$%s < x \leq %s$" % (levels[1], levels[2]), r"$x > %s$" % levels[2], ] ax.legend(artists, labels, title="Ash concentration / g m-3", loc="upper left") time = cube.coord("time") time_date = time.units.num2date(time.points[0]).strftime(UTC_format) plt.title("Volcanic ash concentration forecast\nvalid at %s" % time_date)
def visualization(cube_regrid): # support NetCDF iris.FUTURE.netcdf_promote = True print cube_regrid fig2 = plt.figure() fig2.suptitle('Oceanic Meridional Energy Transport in 1993 (GLORYS2V3)') # Set up axes and title #ax = plt.subplot(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()) ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()) # Set limits ax.set_global() # Draw coastlines ax.coastlines() # set gridlines and ticks gl = ax.gridlines(crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), draw_labels=True, linewidth=1, color='gray', alpha=0.5, linestyle='--') gl.xlabels_top = False gl.xlabel_style = {'size': 11, 'color': 'gray'} #gl.xlines = False #gl.set_xticks() #gl.set_yticks() gl.xformatter = LONGITUDE_FORMATTER gl.ylabel_style = {'size': 11, 'color': 'gray'} #ax.ylabels_left = False gl.yformatter = LATITUDE_FORMATTER # plot with Iris quickplot pcolormesh cs = iplt.pcolormesh(cube_regrid / 1000, cmap='coolwarm', vmin=-0.5, vmax=0.5) # Add a citation to the plot. #iplt.citation(iris.plot.BREWER_CITE) cbar = fig2.colorbar(cs, extend='both', orientation='horizontal', shrink=1.0) cbar.set_label('PW (1E+15W)') fig2.savefig(output_path + os.sep + 'OMET_GLORYS2V3.jpg', dpi=500)
def main(): # Enable a future option, to ensure that the netcdf load works the same way # as in future Iris versions. iris.FUTURE.netcdf_promote = True # Load the "total electron content" cube. filename = iris.sample_data_path('') cube = iris.load_cube(filename, 'total electron content') # Explicitly mask negative electron content. = ma.masked_less(, 0) # Plot the cube using one hundred colour levels. qplt.contourf(cube, 100) plt.title('Total Electron Content') plt.xlabel('longitude / degrees') plt.ylabel('latitude / degrees') plt.gca().stock_img() plt.gca().coastlines()
def visualization(cube_regrid, year): print "Visualize the data on PlateCarree map!""Visualize the data on PlateCarree map!") # support NetCDF iris.FUTURE.netcdf_promote = True print cube_regrid fig2 = plt.figure() fig2.suptitle('Oceanic Meridional Energy Transport in %d (ORAS4)' % (year)) # Set up axes and title ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()) # Set limits ax.set_global() # Draw coastlines ax.coastlines() # set gridlines and ticks gl = ax.gridlines(crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), draw_labels=True, linewidth=1, color='gray', alpha=0.5, linestyle='--') gl.xlabels_top = False gl.xlabel_style = {'size': 11, 'color': 'gray'} #gl.xlines = False #gl.set_xticks() #gl.set_yticks() gl.xformatter = LONGITUDE_FORMATTER gl.ylabel_style = {'size': 11, 'color': 'gray'} #ax.ylabels_left = False gl.yformatter = LATITUDE_FORMATTER # plot with Iris quickplot pcolormesh cs = iplt.pcolormesh(cube_regrid, cmap='coolwarm', vmin=-0.7, vmax=0.7) cbar = fig2.colorbar(cs, extend='both', orientation='horizontal', shrink=1.0) cbar.set_label('PW (1E+15W)') fig2.savefig(output_path + os.sep + 'lat-lon' + os.sep + 'OMET_ORAS4_lat-lon_%d.png' % (year), dpi=500)
def main(): file_path = iris.sample_data_path( '/nfs/a266/data/CMIP5_AFRICA/BC_0.5x0.5/IPSL-CM5A-LR/historical/' ) cube = iris.load_cube(file_path) cube_wafr = cube.intersection(latitude=(-10.0, 10.0), longitude=(4.0, 25.0)) iris.coord_categorisation.add_year(cube_wafr, 'time', name='year') iris.coord_categorisation.add_month_number(cube_wafr, 'time', name='month_number') iris.coord_categorisation.add_season(cube_wafr, 'time', name='season') SPELL_COUNT = Aggregator('spell_count', count_spells, units_func=lambda units: 1) threshold_rainfall = 0.1 spell_days = 10 dry_periods = cube.collapsed('time', SPELL_COUNT, threshold=threshold_rainfall, spell_length=spell_days) dry_periods.rename('Number of 10-days dry spells in 35 years') qplt.contourf(dry_periods, cmap='RdYlBu_r') plt.gca().coastlines()
def main(): # Load the three files of sample NEMO data. fname = iris.sample_data_path("NEMO/nemo_1m_*.nc") cubes = iris.load(fname) # Some attributes are unique to each file and must be blanked # to allow concatenation. differing_attrs = ["file_name", "name", "timeStamp", "TimeStamp"] for cube in cubes: for attribute in differing_attrs: cube.attributes[attribute] = "" # The cubes still cannot be concatenated because their time dimension is # time_counter rather than time. time needs to be promoted to allow # concatenation. for cube in cubes: promote_aux_coord_to_dim_coord(cube, "time") # The cubes can now be concatenated into a single time series. cube = cubes.concatenate_cube() # Generate a time series plot of a single point plt.figure() y_point_index = 100 x_point_index = 100 qplt.plot(cube[:, y_point_index, x_point_index], "o-") # Include the point's position in the plot's title lat_point = cube.coord("latitude").points[y_point_index, x_point_index] lat_string = "{:.3f}\u00B0 {}".format(abs(lat_point), "N" if lat_point > 0.0 else "S") lon_point = cube.coord("longitude").points[y_point_index, x_point_index] lon_string = "{:.3f}\u00B0 {}".format(abs(lon_point), "E" if lon_point > 0.0 else "W") plt.title("{} at {} {}".format(cube.long_name.capitalize(), lat_string, lon_string))
def main(): # Enable a future option, to ensure that the netcdf load works the same way # as in future Iris versions. iris.FUTURE.netcdf_promote = True # Load data filepath = iris.sample_data_path('') cube = iris.load_cube(filepath) # Choose plot projections projections = {} projections['Mollweide'] = ccrs.Mollweide() projections['PlateCarree'] = ccrs.PlateCarree() projections['NorthPolarStereo'] = ccrs.NorthPolarStereo() projections['Orthographic'] = ccrs.Orthographic(central_longitude=-90, central_latitude=45) pcarree = projections['PlateCarree'] # Transform cube to target projection new_cube, extent = iris.analysis.cartography.project(cube, pcarree, nx=400, ny=200) # Plot data in each projection for name in sorted(projections): fig = plt.figure() fig.suptitle('ORCA2 Data Projected to {}'.format(name)) # Set up axes and title ax = plt.subplot(projection=projections[name]) # Set limits ax.set_global() # plot with Iris quickplot pcolormesh qplt.pcolormesh(new_cube) # Draw coastlines ax.coastlines()
def main(): # Load the three files of sample NEMO data. fname = iris.sample_data_path('NEMO/nemo_1m_*.nc') cubes = iris.load(fname) # Some attributes are unique to each file and must be blanked # to allow concatenation. differing_attrs = ['file_name', 'name', 'timeStamp', 'TimeStamp'] for cube in cubes: for attribute in differing_attrs: cube.attributes[attribute] = '' # The cubes still cannot be concatenated because their time dimension is # time_counter rather than time. time needs to be promoted to allow # concatenation. for cube in cubes: promote_aux_coord_to_dim_coord(cube, 'time') # The cubes can now be concatenated into a single time series. cube = cubes.concatenate_cube() # Generate a time series plot of a single point plt.figure() y_point_index = 100 x_point_index = 100 qplt.plot(cube[:, y_point_index, x_point_index], 'o-') # Include the point's position in the plot's title lat_point = cube.coord('latitude').points[y_point_index, x_point_index] lat_string = '{:.3f}\u00B0 {}'.format(abs(lat_point), 'N' if lat_point > 0. else 'S') lon_point = cube.coord('longitude').points[y_point_index, x_point_index] lon_string = '{:.3f}\u00B0 {}'.format(abs(lon_point), 'E' if lon_point > 0. else 'W') plt.title('{} at {} {}'.format(cube.long_name.capitalize(), lat_string, lon_string))
def main(): # Enable a future option, to ensure that the netcdf load works the same way # as in future Iris versions. iris.FUTURE.netcdf_promote = True # Load some test data. fname = iris.sample_data_path('') air_pressure = iris.load_cube(fname) # Plot #1: Point plot showing data values & a colorbar plt.figure() points = qplt.points(air_pressure, cb = plt.colorbar(points, orientation='horizontal') cb.set_label(air_pressure.units) plt.gca().coastlines() # Plot #2: Contourf of the point based data plt.figure() qplt.contourf(air_pressure, 15) plt.gca().coastlines() # Plot #3: Contourf overlayed by coloured point data plt.figure() qplt.contourf(air_pressure) iplt.points(air_pressure, plt.gca().coastlines() # For the purposes of this example, add some bounds to the latitude # and longitude air_pressure.coord('grid_latitude').guess_bounds() air_pressure.coord('grid_longitude').guess_bounds() # Plot #4: Block plot plt.figure() plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()) iplt.pcolormesh(air_pressure) plt.gca().stock_img() plt.gca().coastlines()
def main(): # Load some test data. fname = iris.sample_data_path("") air_pressure = iris.load_cube(fname) # Plot #1: Point plot showing data values & a colorbar plt.figure() points = qplt.points(air_pressure, cb = plt.colorbar(points, orientation="horizontal") cb.set_label(air_pressure.units) plt.gca().coastlines() # Plot #2: Contourf of the point based data plt.figure() qplt.contourf(air_pressure, 15) plt.gca().coastlines() # Plot #3: Contourf overlayed by coloured point data plt.figure() qplt.contourf(air_pressure) iplt.points(air_pressure, plt.gca().coastlines() # For the purposes of this example, add some bounds to the latitude # and longitude air_pressure.coord("grid_latitude").guess_bounds() air_pressure.coord("grid_longitude").guess_bounds() # Plot #4: Block plot plt.figure() plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()) iplt.pcolormesh(air_pressure) plt.gca().stock_img() plt.gca().coastlines()
def main(): # extract surface temperature cubes which have an ensemble member coordinate, adding appropriate lagged ensemble metadata surface_temp = iris.load_cube(iris.sample_data_path('GloSea4', 'ensemble_???.pp'), iris.Constraint('surface_temperature', realization=lambda value: True), callback=realization_metadata, ) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Plot #1: Ensemble postage stamps # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # for the purposes of this example, take the last time element of the cube last_timestep = surface_temp[:, -1, :, :] # Make 50 evenly spaced levels which span the dataset contour_levels = np.linspace(np.min(, np.max(, 50) # Create a wider than normal figure to support our many plots plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6), dpi=100) # Also manually adjust the spacings which are used when creating subplots plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(hspace=0.05, wspace=0.05, top=0.95, bottom=0.05, left=0.075, right=0.925) # iterate over all possible latitude longitude slices for cube in last_timestep.slices(['latitude', 'longitude']): # get the ensemble member number from the ensemble coordinate ens_member = cube.coord('realization').points[0] # plot the data in a 4x4 grid, with each plot's position in the grid being determined by ensemble member number # the special case for the 13th ensemble member is to have the plot at the bottom right if ens_member == 13: plt.subplot(4, 4, 16) else: plt.subplot(4, 4, ens_member+1) cf = iplt.contourf(cube, contour_levels) # add coastlines plt.gca().coastlines() # make an axes to put the shared colorbar in colorbar_axes = plt.gcf().add_axes([0.35, 0.1, 0.3, 0.05]) colorbar = plt.colorbar(cf, colorbar_axes, orientation='horizontal') colorbar.set_label('%s' % last_timestep.units) # limit the colorbar to 8 tick marks import matplotlib.ticker colorbar.locator = matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator(8) colorbar.update_ticks() # get the time for the entire plot time_coord = last_timestep.coord('time') time = time_coord.units.num2date(time_coord.points[0]) # set a global title for the postage stamps with the date formated by "monthname year" plt.suptitle('Surface temperature ensemble forecasts for %s' % time.strftime('%B %Y')) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Plot #2: ENSO plumes # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Nino 3.4 lies between: 170W and 120W, 5N and 5S, so define a constraint which matches this nino_3_4_constraint = iris.Constraint(longitude=lambda v: -170+360 <= v <= -120+360, latitude=lambda v: -5 <= v <= 5) nino_cube = surface_temp.extract(nino_3_4_constraint) # Subsetting a circular longitude coordinate always results in a circular coordinate, so set the coordinate to be non-circular nino_cube.coord('longitude').circular = False # Calculate the horizontal mean for the nino region mean = nino_cube.collapsed(['latitude', 'longitude'], iris.analysis.MEAN) # Calculate the ensemble mean of the horizontal mean. To do this, remove the "forecast_period" and # "forecast_reference_time" coordinates which span both "relalization" and "time". mean.remove_coord("forecast_reference_time") mean.remove_coord("forecast_period") ensemble_mean = mean.collapsed('realization', iris.analysis.MEAN) # take the ensemble mean from each ensemble member mean -= plt.figure() for ensemble_member in mean.slices(['time']): # draw each ensemble member as a dashed line in black iplt.plot(ensemble_member, '--k') plt.title('Mean temperature anomaly for ENSO 3.4 region') plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('Temperature anomaly / K')
def main(): # Load data into three Cubes, one for each set of NetCDF files. e1 = iris.load_cube(iris.sample_data_path('')) a1b = iris.load_cube(iris.sample_data_path('')) # load in the global pre-industrial mean temperature, and limit the domain # to the same North American region that e1 and a1b are at. north_america = iris.Constraint(longitude=lambda v: 225 <= v <= 315, latitude=lambda v: 15 <= v <= 60) pre_industrial = iris.load_cube(iris.sample_data_path('pre-industrial.pp'), north_america) # Generate area-weights array. As e1 and a1b are on the same grid we can # do this just once and re-use. This method requires bounds on lat/lon # coords, so let's add some in sensible locations using the "guess_bounds" # method. e1.coord('latitude').guess_bounds() e1.coord('longitude').guess_bounds() e1_grid_areas = iris.analysis.cartography.area_weights(e1) pre_industrial.coord('latitude').guess_bounds() pre_industrial.coord('longitude').guess_bounds() pre_grid_areas = iris.analysis.cartography.area_weights(pre_industrial) # Perform the area-weighted mean for each of the datasets using the # computed grid-box areas. pre_industrial_mean = pre_industrial.collapsed(['latitude', 'longitude'], iris.analysis.MEAN, weights=pre_grid_areas) e1_mean = e1.collapsed(['latitude', 'longitude'], iris.analysis.MEAN, weights=e1_grid_areas) a1b_mean = a1b.collapsed(['latitude', 'longitude'], iris.analysis.MEAN, weights=e1_grid_areas) # Show ticks 30 years apart plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(mdates.YearLocator(30)) # Plot the datasets qplt.plot(e1_mean, label='E1 scenario', lw=1.5, color='blue') qplt.plot(a1b_mean, label='A1B-Image scenario', lw=1.5, color='red') # Draw a horizontal line showing the pre-industrial mean plt.axhline(, color='gray', linestyle='dashed', label='pre-industrial', lw=1.5) # Constrain the period 1860-1999 and extract the observed data from a1b constraint = iris.Constraint( time=lambda cell: 1860 <= cell.point.year <= 1999) with iris.FUTURE.context(cell_datetime_objects=True): observed = a1b_mean.extract(constraint) # Assert that this data set is the same as the e1 scenario: # they share data up to the 1999 cut off. assert np.all( np.isclose(, e1_mean.extract(constraint).data)) # Plot the observed data qplt.plot(observed, label='observed', color='black', lw=1.5) # Add a legend and title plt.legend(loc="upper left") plt.title('North American mean air temperature', fontsize=18) plt.xlabel('Time / year') plt.grid()
def main(): # Load data into three Cubes, one for each set of NetCDF files. e1 = iris.load_cube(iris.sample_data_path('')) a1b = iris.load_cube(iris.sample_data_path('')) # load in the global pre-industrial mean temperature, and limit the domain # to the same North American region that e1 and a1b are at. north_america = iris.Constraint(longitude=lambda v: 225 <= v <= 315, latitude=lambda v: 15 <= v <= 60) pre_industrial = iris.load_cube(iris.sample_data_path('pre-industrial.pp'), north_america) # Generate area-weights array. As e1 and a1b are on the same grid we can # do this just once and re-use. This method requires bounds on lat/lon # coords, so let's add some in sensible locations using the "guess_bounds" # method. e1.coord('latitude').guess_bounds() e1.coord('longitude').guess_bounds() e1_grid_areas = iris.analysis.cartography.area_weights(e1) pre_industrial.coord('latitude').guess_bounds() pre_industrial.coord('longitude').guess_bounds() pre_grid_areas = iris.analysis.cartography.area_weights(pre_industrial) # Perform the area-weighted mean for each of the datasets using the # computed grid-box areas. pre_industrial_mean = pre_industrial.collapsed(['latitude', 'longitude'], iris.analysis.MEAN, weights=pre_grid_areas) e1_mean = e1.collapsed(['latitude', 'longitude'], iris.analysis.MEAN, weights=e1_grid_areas) a1b_mean = a1b.collapsed(['latitude', 'longitude'], iris.analysis.MEAN, weights=e1_grid_areas) # Show ticks 30 years apart plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(mdates.YearLocator(30)) # Plot the datasets qplt.plot(e1_mean, label='E1 scenario', lw=1.5, color='blue') qplt.plot(a1b_mean, label='A1B-Image scenario', lw=1.5, color='red') # Draw a horizontal line showing the pre-industrial mean plt.axhline(, color='gray', linestyle='dashed', label='pre-industrial', lw=1.5) # Establish where r and t have the same data, i.e. the observations observed = a1b_mean[:np.argmin(np.isclose(,] # Plot the observed data qplt.plot(observed, label='observed', color='black', lw=1.5) # Add a legend and title plt.legend(loc="upper left") plt.title('North American mean air temperature', fontsize=18) plt.xlabel('Time / year') plt.grid()
def main(): # Load e1 and a1 using the callback to update the metadata e1 = iris.load_cube(iris.sample_data_path('E1.2098.pp'), callback=cop_metadata_callback) a1b = iris.load_cube(iris.sample_data_path('A1B.2098.pp'), callback=cop_metadata_callback) # Load the global average data and add an 'Experiment' coord it global_avg = iris.load_cube(iris.sample_data_path('pre-industrial.pp')) # Define evenly spaced contour levels: -2.5, -1.5, ... 15.5, 16.5 with the # specific colours levels = np.arange(20) - 2.5 red = np.array([0, 0, 221, 239, 229, 217, 239, 234, 228, 222, 205, 196, 161, 137, 116, 89, 77, 60, 51]) / 256. green = np.array([16, 217, 242, 243, 235, 225, 190, 160, 128, 87, 72, 59, 33, 21, 29, 30, 30, 29, 26]) / 256. blue = np.array([255, 255, 243, 169, 99, 51, 63, 37, 39, 21, 27, 23, 22, 26, 29, 28, 27, 25, 22]) / 256. # Put those colours into an array which can be passed to contourf as the # specific colours for each level colors = np.array([red, green, blue]).T # Subtract the global # Iterate over each latitude longitude slice for both e1 and a1b scenarios # simultaneously for e1_slice, a1b_slice in zip(e1.slices(['latitude', 'longitude']), a1b.slices(['latitude', 'longitude'])): time_coord = a1b_slice.coord('time') # Calculate the difference from the mean delta_e1 = e1_slice - global_avg delta_a1b = a1b_slice - global_avg # Make a wider than normal figure to house two maps side-by-side fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5)) # Get the time datetime from the coordinate time = time_coord.units.num2date(time_coord.points[0]) # Set a title for the entire figure, giving the time in a nice format # of "MonthName Year". Also, set the y value for the title so that it # is not tight to the top of the plot. fig.suptitle( 'Annual Temperature Predictions for ' + time.strftime("%Y"), y=0.9, fontsize=18) # Add the first subplot showing the E1 scenario plt.subplot(121) plt.title('HadGEM2 E1 Scenario', fontsize=10) iplt.contourf(delta_e1, levels, colors=colors, extend='both') plt.gca().coastlines() # get the current axes' subplot for use later on plt1_ax = plt.gca() # Add the second subplot showing the A1B scenario plt.subplot(122) plt.title('HadGEM2 A1B-Image Scenario', fontsize=10) contour_result = iplt.contourf(delta_a1b, levels, colors=colors, extend='both') plt.gca().coastlines() # get the current axes' subplot for use later on plt2_ax = plt.gca() # Now add a colourbar who's leftmost point is the same as the leftmost # point of the left hand plot and rightmost point is the rightmost # point of the right hand plot # Get the positions of the 2nd plot and the left position of the 1st # plot left, bottom, width, height = plt2_ax.get_position().bounds first_plot_left = plt1_ax.get_position().bounds[0] # the width of the colorbar should now be simple width = left - first_plot_left + width # Add axes to the figure, to place the colour bar colorbar_axes = fig.add_axes([first_plot_left, bottom + 0.07, width, 0.03]) # Add the colour bar cbar = plt.colorbar(contour_result, colorbar_axes, orientation='horizontal') # Label the colour bar and add ticks cbar.set_label(e1_slice.units)
def main(): # Enable a future option, to ensure that the netcdf load works the same way # as in future Iris versions. iris.FUTURE.netcdf_promote = True # Load a sample air temperatures sequence. file_path = iris.sample_data_path('') temperatures = iris.load_cube(file_path) # Create a year-number coordinate from the time information. iris.coord_categorisation.add_year(temperatures, 'time') # Create a sample anomaly field for one chosen year, by extracting that # year and subtracting the time mean. sample_year = 1982 year_temperature = temperatures.extract(iris.Constraint(year=sample_year)) time_mean = temperatures.collapsed('time', iris.analysis.MEAN) anomaly = year_temperature - time_mean # Construct a plot title string explaining which years are involved. years = temperatures.coord('year').points plot_title = 'Temperature anomaly' plot_title += '\n{} differences from {}-{} average.'.format( sample_year, years[0], years[-1]) # Define scaling levels for the logarithmic colouring. minimum_log_level = 0.1 maximum_scale_level = 3.0 # Use a standard colour map which varies blue-white-red. # For suitable options, see the 'Diverging colormaps' section in: # anom_cmap = 'bwr' # Create a 'logarithmic' data normalization. anom_norm = mcols.SymLogNorm(linthresh=minimum_log_level, linscale=0, vmin=-maximum_scale_level, vmax=maximum_scale_level) # Setting "linthresh=minimum_log_level" makes its non-logarithmic # data range equal to our 'zero band'. # Setting "linscale=0" maps the whole zero band to the middle colour value # (i.e. 0.5), which is the neutral point of a "diverging" style colormap. # Create an Axes, specifying the map projection. plt.axes(projection=ccrs.LambertConformal()) # Make a pseudocolour plot using this colour scheme. mesh = iplt.pcolormesh(anomaly, cmap=anom_cmap, norm=anom_norm) # Add a colourbar, with extensions to show handling of out-of-range values. bar = plt.colorbar(mesh, orientation='horizontal', extend='both') # Set some suitable fixed "logarithmic" colourbar tick positions. tick_levels = [-3, -1, -0.3, 0.0, 0.3, 1, 3] bar.set_ticks(tick_levels) # Modify the tick labels so that the centre one shows "+/-<minumum-level>". tick_levels[3] = r'$\pm${:g}'.format(minimum_log_level) bar.set_ticklabels(tick_levels) # Label the colourbar to show the units. bar.set_label('[{}, log scale]'.format(anomaly.units)) # Add coastlines and a title. plt.gca().coastlines() plt.title(plot_title) # Display the result.
def main(): # Load e1 and a1 using the callback to update the metadata e1 = iris.load_cube(iris.sample_data_path('E1.2098.pp'), callback=cop_metadata_callback) a1b = iris.load_cube(iris.sample_data_path('A1B.2098.pp'), callback=cop_metadata_callback) # Load the global average data and add an 'Experiment' coord it global_avg = iris.load_cube(iris.sample_data_path('pre-industrial.pp')) # Define evenly spaced contour levels: -2.5, -1.5, ... 15.5, 16.5 with the # specific colours levels = np.arange(20) - 2.5 red = np.array([ 0, 0, 221, 239, 229, 217, 239, 234, 228, 222, 205, 196, 161, 137, 116, 89, 77, 60, 51 ]) / 256. green = np.array([ 16, 217, 242, 243, 235, 225, 190, 160, 128, 87, 72, 59, 33, 21, 29, 30, 30, 29, 26 ]) / 256. blue = np.array([ 255, 255, 243, 169, 99, 51, 63, 37, 39, 21, 27, 23, 22, 26, 29, 28, 27, 25, 22 ]) / 256. # Put those colours into an array which can be passed to contourf as the # specific colours for each level colors = np.array([red, green, blue]).T # Subtract the global # Iterate over each latitude longitude slice for both e1 and a1b scenarios # simultaneously for e1_slice, a1b_slice in zip(e1.slices(['latitude', 'longitude']), a1b.slices(['latitude', 'longitude'])): time_coord = a1b_slice.coord('time') # Calculate the difference from the mean delta_e1 = e1_slice - global_avg delta_a1b = a1b_slice - global_avg # Make a wider than normal figure to house two maps side-by-side fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5)) # Get the time datetime from the coordinate time = time_coord.units.num2date(time_coord.points[0]) # Set a title for the entire figure, giving the time in a nice format # of "MonthName Year". Also, set the y value for the title so that it # is not tight to the top of the plot. fig.suptitle('Annual Temperature Predictions for ' + time.strftime("%Y"), y=0.9, fontsize=18) # Add the first subplot showing the E1 scenario plt.subplot(121) plt.title('HadGEM2 E1 Scenario', fontsize=10) iplt.contourf(delta_e1, levels, colors=colors, linewidth=0, extend='both') plt.gca().coastlines() # get the current axes' subplot for use later on plt1_ax = plt.gca() # Add the second subplot showing the A1B scenario plt.subplot(122) plt.title('HadGEM2 A1B-Image Scenario', fontsize=10) contour_result = iplt.contourf(delta_a1b, levels, colors=colors, linewidth=0, extend='both') plt.gca().coastlines() # get the current axes' subplot for use later on plt2_ax = plt.gca() # Now add a colourbar who's leftmost point is the same as the leftmost # point of the left hand plot and rightmost point is the rightmost # point of the right hand plot # Get the positions of the 2nd plot and the left position of the 1st # plot left, bottom, width, height = plt2_ax.get_position().bounds first_plot_left = plt1_ax.get_position().bounds[0] # the width of the colorbar should now be simple width = left - first_plot_left + width # Add axes to the figure, to place the colour bar colorbar_axes = fig.add_axes( [first_plot_left, bottom + 0.07, width, 0.03]) # Add the colour bar cbar = plt.colorbar(contour_result, colorbar_axes, orientation='horizontal') # Label the colour bar and add ticks cbar.set_label(e1_slice.units)
def main(): # Load data into three Cubes, one for each set of NetCDF files. e1 = iris.load_cube(iris.sample_data_path('')) a1b = iris.load_cube(iris.sample_data_path('')) # load in the global pre-industrial mean temperature, and limit the domain # to the same North American region that e1 and a1b are at. north_america = iris.Constraint(longitude=lambda v: 225 <= v <= 315, latitude=lambda v: 15 <= v <= 60) pre_industrial = iris.load_cube(iris.sample_data_path('pre-industrial.pp'), north_america) # Generate area-weights array. As e1 and a1b are on the same grid we can # do this just once and re-use. This method requires bounds on lat/lon # coords, so let's add some in sensible locations using the "guess_bounds" # method. e1.coord('latitude').guess_bounds() e1.coord('longitude').guess_bounds() e1_grid_areas = iris.analysis.cartography.area_weights(e1) pre_industrial.coord('latitude').guess_bounds() pre_industrial.coord('longitude').guess_bounds() pre_grid_areas = iris.analysis.cartography.area_weights(pre_industrial) # Perform the area-weighted mean for each of the datasets using the # computed grid-box areas. pre_industrial_mean = pre_industrial.collapsed(['latitude', 'longitude'], iris.analysis.MEAN, weights=pre_grid_areas) e1_mean = e1.collapsed(['latitude', 'longitude'], iris.analysis.MEAN, weights=e1_grid_areas) a1b_mean = a1b.collapsed(['latitude', 'longitude'], iris.analysis.MEAN, weights=e1_grid_areas) # Plot the datasets qplt.plot(e1_mean, label='E1 scenario', lw=1.5, color='blue') qplt.plot(a1b_mean, label='A1B-Image scenario', lw=1.5, color='red') # Draw a horizontal line showing the pre-industrial mean plt.axhline(, color='gray', linestyle='dashed', label='pre-industrial', lw=1.5) # Constrain the period 1860-1999 and extract the observed data from a1b constraint = iris.Constraint(time=lambda cell: 1860 <= cell.point.year <= 1999) observed = a1b_mean.extract(constraint) # Assert that this data set is the same as the e1 scenario: # they share data up to the 1999 cut off. assert np.all(np.isclose(, e1_mean.extract(constraint).data)) # Plot the observed data qplt.plot(observed, label='observed', color='black', lw=1.5) # Add a legend and title plt.legend(loc="upper left") plt.title('North American mean air temperature', fontsize=18) plt.xlabel('Time / year') plt.grid()
def make_plot(projection_name, projection_crs): # Create a matplotlib Figure. plt.figure() # Add a matplotlib Axes, specifying the required display projection. # NOTE: specifying 'projection' (a "") makes the # resulting Axes a "cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxes", which supports plotting # in different coordinate systems. ax = plt.axes(projection=projection_crs) # Set display limits to include a set region of latitude * longitude. # (Note: Cartopy-specific). ax.set_extent((-80.0, 20.0, 10.0, 80.0), crs=crs_latlon) # Add coastlines and meridians/parallels (Cartopy-specific). ax.coastlines(linewidth=0.75, color='navy') ax.gridlines(crs=crs_latlon, linestyle='-') # Plot the first dataset as a pseudocolour filled plot. maindata_filepath = iris.sample_data_path('') main_data = iris.load_cube(maindata_filepath) # NOTE: iplt.pcolormesh calls "pyplot.pcolormesh", passing in a coordinate # system with the 'transform' keyword: This enables the Axes (a cartopy # GeoAxes) to reproject the plot into the display projection. iplt.pcolormesh(main_data, cmap='RdBu_r') # Overplot the other dataset (which has a different grid), as contours. overlay_filepath = iris.sample_data_path('') overlay_data = iris.load_cube(overlay_filepath, 'total electron content') # NOTE: as above, "iris.plot.contour" calls "pyplot.contour" with a # 'transform' keyword, enabling Cartopy reprojection. iplt.contour(overlay_data, 20, linewidths=2.0, colors='darkgreen', linestyles='-') # Draw a margin line, some way in from the border of the 'main' data... # First calculate rectangle corners, 7% in from each corner of the data. x_coord, y_coord = main_data.coord(axis='x'), main_data.coord(axis='y') x_start, x_end = np.min(x_coord.points), np.max(x_coord.points) y_start, y_end = np.min(y_coord.points), np.max(y_coord.points) margin = 0.07 margin_fractions = np.array([margin, 1.0 - margin]) x_lower, x_upper = x_start + (x_end - x_start) * margin_fractions y_lower, y_upper = y_start + (y_end - y_start) * margin_fractions box_x_points = x_lower + (x_upper - x_lower) * np.array([0, 1, 1, 0, 0]) box_y_points = y_lower + (y_upper - y_lower) * np.array([0, 0, 1, 1, 0]) # Get the Iris coordinate sytem of the X coordinate (Y should be the same). cs_data1 = x_coord.coord_system # Construct an equivalent Cartopy coordinate reference system ("crs"). crs_data1 = cs_data1.as_cartopy_crs() # Draw the rectangle in this crs, with matplotlib "pyplot.plot". # NOTE: the 'transform' keyword specifies a non-display coordinate system # for the plot points (as used by the "iris.plot" functions). plt.plot(box_x_points, box_y_points, transform=crs_data1, linewidth=2.0, color='white', linestyle='--') # Mark some particular places with a small circle and a name label... # Define some test points with latitude and longitude coordinates. city_data = [('London', 51.5072, 0.1275), ('Halifax, NS', 44.67, -63.61), ('Reykjavik', 64.1333, -21.9333)] # Place a single marker point and a text annotation at each place. for name, lat, lon in city_data: plt.plot(lon, lat, marker='o', markersize=7.0, markeredgewidth=2.5, markerfacecolor='black', markeredgecolor='white', transform=crs_latlon) # NOTE: the "plt.annotate call" does not have a "transform=" keyword, # so for this one we transform the coordinates with a Cartopy call. at_x, at_y = ax.projection.transform_point(lon, lat, src_crs=crs_latlon) plt.annotate( name, xy=(at_x, at_y), xytext=(30, 20), textcoords='offset points', color='black', backgroundcolor='white', size='large', arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', color='white', linewidth=2.5)) # Add a title, and display. plt.title('A pseudocolour plot on the {} projection,\n' 'with overlaid contours.'.format(projection_name))
def main(): # Load data into three Cubes, one for each set of PP files e1 = iris.load_cube(iris.sample_data_path('')) a1b = iris.load_cube(iris.sample_data_path('')) # load in the global pre-industrial mean temperature, and limit the domain to # the same North American region that e1 and a1b are at. north_america = iris.Constraint( longitude=lambda v: 225 <= v <= 315, latitude=lambda v: 15 <= v <= 60, ) pre_industrial = iris.load_cube(iris.sample_data_path('pre-industrial.pp'), north_america) # Generate area-weights array. As e1 and a1b are on the same grid we can # do this just once and re-use. # This method requires bounds on lat/lon coords, so first we must guess # these. e1.coord('latitude').guess_bounds() e1.coord('longitude').guess_bounds() e1_grid_areas = iris.analysis.cartography.area_weights(e1) pre_industrial.coord('latitude').guess_bounds() pre_industrial.coord('longitude').guess_bounds() pre_grid_areas = iris.analysis.cartography.area_weights(pre_industrial) # Now perform an area-weighted collape for each dataset: pre_industrial_mean = pre_industrial.collapsed(['latitude', 'longitude'], iris.analysis.MEAN, weights=pre_grid_areas) e1_mean = e1.collapsed(['latitude', 'longitude'], iris.analysis.MEAN, weights=e1_grid_areas) a1b_mean = a1b.collapsed(['latitude', 'longitude'], iris.analysis.MEAN, weights=e1_grid_areas) # Show ticks 30 years apart plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(mdates.YearLocator(30)) # Label the ticks with year data plt.gca().format_xdata = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y') # Plot the datasets qplt.plot(e1_mean, label='E1 scenario', lw=1.5, color='blue') qplt.plot(a1b_mean, label='A1B-Image scenario', lw=1.5, color='red') # Draw a horizontal line showing the pre industrial mean plt.axhline(, color='gray', linestyle='dashed', label='pre-industrial', lw=1.5) # Establish where r and t have the same data, i.e. the observations common = np.where( ==[0] observed = a1b_mean[common] # Plot the observed data qplt.plot(observed, label='observed', color='black', lw=1.5) # Add a legend and title plt.legend(loc="upper left") plt.title('North American mean air temperature', fontsize=18) plt.xlabel('Time / year') plt.grid()