def run(f): patient_id = os.path.basename(f)[:-len("_seg.nii.gz")] # if patient_id != "1585": # return print "PATIENT_ID",patient_id f_img = img_folder + "/" + patient_id + ".nii" if not os.path.exists(f_img): f_img += ".gz" seg = irtk.imread( f, dtype='float32', force_neurological=True ) img = irtk.imread( f_img, dtype='float32', force_neurological=True ) img = irtk.Image(nd.median_filter(img.view(np.ndarray),(3,5,5)),img.get_header()) ga = all_ga[patient_id] scale = get_CRL(ga)/get_CRL(30.0) # if all_iugr[patient_id][0] == 1: # scale = (get_weight(ga,0.02) / get_weight(30,0.5)) ** (1.0/3.0) # else: # scale = (get_weight(ga,0.5) / get_weight(30,0.5)) ** (1.0/3.0) seg = seg.resample( 1.0*scale, interpolation='nearest') img = img.resample( 1.0*scale, interpolation='bspline' ) irtk.imwrite(output_folder + "/data_resampled_weight/"+patient_id+"_img.nii.gz",img) irtk.imwrite(output_folder + "/data_resampled_weight/"+patient_id+"_seg.nii.gz",seg) return
def get_training_data(file_img, file_mask, r): # create mask input_mask = irtk.imread(file_mask) x_min, y_min, z_min, x_max, y_max, z_max = (input_mask == 0).bbox() background = irtk.zeros(input_mask.get_header(), dtype='uint8') background[z_min:z_max + 1, y_min:y_max + 1, x_min:x_max + 1] = 1 background = nd.morphological_gradient(background, size=7) n = background[z_min + 1:z_max, y_min + 1:y_max, x_min + 1:x_max].sum() z = np.random.randint(low=0, high=input_mask.shape[0], size=1.25 * n) y = np.random.randint(low=0, high=input_mask.shape[1], size=1.25 * n) x = np.random.randint(low=0, high=input_mask.shape[2], size=1.25 * n) background[z, y, x] = 1 background[z_min + 1:z_max, y_min + 1:y_max, x_min + 1:x_max] = 0 foreground = (input_mask == 1).astype('uint8') new_mask = irtk.zeros(input_mask.get_header(), dtype='uint8') new_mask[foreground == 1] = 1 new_mask[background != 0] = 2 img = irtk.imread(file_img, dtype='float32') X = [] Y = [] for z in xrange(img.shape[0]): YX = np.transpose(np.nonzero(foreground[z])) if DEBUG: YX = YX[::10] else: YX = YX[::2] if YX.shape[0] == 0: continue patches = extract_patches2D(img[z], r, YX) patches = np.reshape( patches, (patches.shape[0], patches.shape[1] * patches.shape[2])) print patches.shape, YX.shape X.extend(patches) Y.extend([1] * len(YX)) for z in xrange(img.shape[0]): YX = np.transpose(np.nonzero(background[z])) if DEBUG: YX = YX[::10] else: YX = YX[::2] if YX.shape[0] == 0: continue patches = extract_patches2D(img[z], r, YX) patches = np.reshape( patches, (patches.shape[0], patches.shape[1] * patches.shape[2])) print patches.shape, YX.shape X.extend(patches) Y.extend([0] * len(YX)) return X, Y
def show_offline_preprocessing( self, folder ): if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) all_files = glob( "offline_preprocessing/*_img.nii.gz" ) for f in all_files: print f name = os.path.basename(f)[:-len("_img.nii.gz")] img = irtk.imread(f,dtype='float32') seg = irtk.imread("offline_preprocessing/"+name+"_seg.nii.gz",dtype='uint8') irtk.imshow(img,seg,filename=folder+"/"+name+".png",opacity=0.4)
def create_mask_from_all_masks(f_lists,transformations,ga,resolution=0.75): points = [] for f, t in zip(f_lists,transformations): m = irtk.imread(f,force_neurological=True) points.extend( t.apply(get_corners(m)) ) points = np.array(points,dtype='float64') x_min, y_min, z_min = points.min(axis=0) x_max, y_max, z_max = points.max(axis=0) pixelSize = [resolution, resolution, resolution, 1] orientation = np.eye( 3, dtype='float64' ) origin = [ x_min + (x_max - x_min)/2, y_min + (y_max - y_min)/2, z_min + (z_max - z_min)/2, 0 ] dim = [ (x_max - x_min)/resolution, (y_max - y_min)/resolution, (z_max - z_min)/resolution, 1 ] header = irtk.new_header( pixelSize=pixelSize, orientation=orientation, origin=origin, dim=dim ) mask = irtk.zeros( header, dtype='float32' ) for f, t in zip( f_lists, transformations ): m = irtk.imread(f,force_neurological=True).transform(t, target=mask,interpolation="linear") mask += m irtk.imwrite( "debug_mask1.nii.gz", mask) mask = irtk.Image( nd.gaussian_filter( mask, 0.5 ), mask.get_header() ) irtk.imwrite( "debug_mask2.nii.gz", mask) mask = (mask > 0).bbox(crop=True).astype('uint8') scale = get_CRL(ga)/get_CRL(30.0) template = irtk.imread(f_template,force_neurological=True) template.header['pixelSize'][:3] /= scale template = template.transform(target=mask,interpolation='nearest') mask[template==0] = 0 irtk.imwrite( "debug_template.nii.gz", template) irtk.imwrite( "debug_mask3.nii.gz", mask) return mask
def crop_data(f,mask,t): file_id = os.path.basename(f).split('.')[0] img = irtk.imread( f, dtype='float32',force_neurological=True ) seg = mask.transform(t.invert(), target=img,interpolation='nearest') x_min,y_min,z_min,x_max,y_max,z_max = seg.bbox() seg = seg[z_min:z_max+1, y_min:y_max+1, x_min:x_max+1] img = img[z_min:z_max+1, y_min:y_max+1, x_min:x_max+1].rescale(0,1000) + 1.0 # +1 to avoid zeros in the heart img_file = output_dir + '/img_' + file_id + ".nii.gz" irtk.imwrite( img_file, img ) for z in range(img.shape[0]): scale = img[z].max() img[z] = restoration.nl_means_denoising(img[z].rescale(0.0,1.0).view(np.ndarray), fast_mode=False, patch_size=5, patch_distance=7, h=0.05, multichannel=False) img[z] *= scale img[seg==0] = 0 masked_file = output_dir + '/masked_' + file_id + ".nii.gz" irtk.imwrite( masked_file, img )
def predict( self, filename, nb_autocontext=None, mask=None, debug=False, return_all=False ): """ The prediction function must be defined outside of the main class in order to be used in joblib's Parallel. """ nb_labels = len(self.params['labels'])+1 if nb_autocontext is None: nb_autocontext = len(glob(self.params['name'] + "_*")) if self.params['predict_preprocessing_function'] is None: img = irtk.imread( filename, dtype="float32" ) img = img.resample( pixelSize=self.params['resample'], interpolation='linear' ).rescale(0,1000) else: img = self.params['predict_preprocessing_function'](self, filename).copy() if mask is None: mask = irtk.ones( img.get_header(), dtype="uint8" ).as3D() mask[img==0] = 0 else: mask = mask.resample( pixelSize=self.params['resample'], interpolation='nearest' ).astype('uint8') probas = predict_autocontext( self, img, mask, nb_labels, nb_autocontext, debug=debug, return_all=return_all ) return probas
def show(all_files,prefix="",saturate=False): for f in all_files: name = os.path.basename(f)[:-len('.nii.gz')] img = irtk.imread(f,dtype="float32") if saturate: img = img.saturate().rescale() png_name = "img/"+prefix+name+".png" print png_name irtk.imshow(img,filename=png_name)
def align_to_template(f,f_template,output_folder,ga): file_id = f.split('/')[-3] landmarks = irtk.imread(f,force_neurological=True) scale = get_CRL(ga)/get_CRL(30.0) template = irtk.imread(f_template,force_neurological=True) template.header['pixelSize'][:3] /= scale points = [] points_template = [] for i,j in zip( [2,8,3,4,5], [5,4,1,2,3] ): points_template.append( template.ImageToWorld( nd.center_of_mass(template.view(np.ndarray)==i)[::-1] ) ) points.append( landmarks.ImageToWorld( nd.center_of_mass(landmarks.view(np.ndarray)==j)[::-1] ) ) t,rms = irtk.registration_rigid_points( np.array(points), np.array(points_template), rms=True ) print "RMS: ", rms t.invert().write( output_folder + '/' + file_id + '.dof' ) landmarks = landmarks.transform(t,target=template) irtk.imwrite( output_folder + '/landmarks_' + file_id + '.nii.gz',landmarks ) return t
def run(f): patient_id = os.path.basename(f)[:-len("_seg.nii.gz")] print "PATIENT_ID",patient_id f_img = data_folder + "/" + patient_id + ".nii" if not os.path.exists(f_img): f_img += ".gz" seg = irtk.imread( f, dtype='float32', force_neurological=True ) img = irtk.imread( f_img, dtype='float32', force_neurological=True ) img = irtk.Image(nd.median_filter(img.view(np.ndarray),(3,5,5)),img.get_header()) ga = all_ga[patient_id] scale = get_CRL(ga)/get_CRL(30.0) OFD = get_OFD(30.0) BPD = get_BPD(30.0) CRL = get_CRL(30.0) brain_center = seg.ImageToWorld( np.array(nd.center_of_mass( (seg == 2).view(np.ndarray) ), dtype='float32')[::-1] ) header = img.get_header() header['origin'][:3] = brain_center header['pixelSize'][:3] = 1.0*scale header['dim'][0] = CRL header['dim'][1] = CRL header['dim'][2] = CRL img = img.transform( target=header, interpolation="bspline" ) seg = seg.transform( target=header, interpolation="nearest" ) img[img<1.0] = 0 irtk.imwrite(output_folder + "brain_center/"+patient_id+"_img.nii.gz",img) irtk.imwrite(output_folder + "brain_center/"+patient_id+"_seg.nii.gz",seg) return
def get_center_brain_detection(f,world=True): input_mask = irtk.imread( f, force_neurological=False ) mask = irtk.ones( input_mask.get_header(), dtype='uint8' ) mask[input_mask == 2] = 0 x_min, y_min, z_min, x_max, y_max, z_max = map( float, mask.bbox() ) center = [ x_min + (x_max-x_min)/2, y_min + (y_max-y_min)/2, z_min + (z_max-z_min)/2 ] if not world: center = np.array(center,dtype='float64')[::-1] return center else: center = input_mask.ImageToWorld(center) return center
def score( self, validation_patients, nb_autocontext=None ): gc.collect() filenames = [] for patient_id in validation_patients: img_filename = self.params['img_folder'] + "/" + patient_id + self.params['file_extension'] filenames.append(img_filename) # probas = Parallel(n_jobs=self.params['n_jobs'])(delayed(predict_level)( self, # img_filename, # all_ga[patient_id], # level=level, # nb_autocontext=nb_autocontext ) # for patient_id,img_filename in zip(validation_patients,filenames) ) probas = [] for patient_id,img_filename in zip(validation_patients,filenames): print img_filename probas.append( predict( self, img_filename, nb_autocontext=nb_autocontext ) ) print "will compute Dice scores" score = 0.0 n = 0 for patient_id,proba in zip(validation_patients,probas): header = proba.get_header() header['dim'][3] = 1 if self.params['offline_preprocessing']: seg_filename = "offline_preprocessing/"+patient_id+"_seg"+ self.params['file_extension'] else: seg_filename = self.params['seg_folder'] + "/" +patient_id+"_seg"+ self.params['file_extension'] seg = irtk.imread( seg_filename, dtype="uint8" ) #seg = seg.resample( self.params['resample'], interpolation="nearest").astype('uint8') # irtk.imwrite( "debug/"+patient_id+"_proba"+str(nb_autocontext)+".nii.gz", # proba ) # we skip mother/background as it depends of mask for i in [1]:#xrange(1,proba.shape[0]): dice,overlap = (seg==i).dice( self.hard_thresholding( proba[i] ), verbose=False) score += dice n += 1 return score/n
def process_file( f, ga, step=1, DEBUG=False ): print f img = irtk.imread( f, dtype='float32', force_neurological=False ) ## Resample img = resampleOFD( img, ga ) ## Contrast-stretch with saturation img = img.saturate(1,99).rescale().astype('uint8') detector = cv2.SIFT( nfeatures=0, nOctaveLayers=3, contrastThreshold=0.04, edgeThreshold=10, sigma=0.8) descriptorExtractor = cv2.DescriptorExtractor_create("SIFT") points = [] for z in range(0,img.shape[0],step): keypoints = detector.detect(img[z]) if keypoints is None or len(keypoints) == 0: continue (keypoints, descriptors) = descriptorExtractor.compute(img[z],keypoints) unique_index= np.unique(, return_index=True)[1] points.extend(descriptors[unique_index]) ## For debugging purpose: if DEBUG: img_color = cv2.cvtColor( img[z].astype('uint8'), ) for y,x in F.transpose(): img_color, (int(x),int(y)), 2, (0,0,255), -1) cv2.imwrite( "/tmp/" + os.path.basename(f.rstrip('.nii')) + "_" + str(z) +".png", img_color ) points = np.array(points) unique_index= np.unique(, return_index=True)[1] return points[unique_index]
def mask_data(f): file_id = f.split('/')[-3] seg = irtk.imread(f,force_neurological=True) > 0 r = 10 x_min,y_min,z_min,x_max,y_max,z_max = seg.bbox() seg = seg[max(0,z_min-3*r):min(z_max+3*r+1,seg.shape[0]), max(0,y_min-3*r):min(y_max+3*r+1,seg.shape[1]), max(0,x_min-3*r):min(x_max+3*r+1,seg.shape[2])] ball = morphology.ball( 5 ) seg = irtk.Image( nd.binary_dilation(seg,ball), seg.get_header() ) ball = morphology.ball( r ) seg = irtk.Image( nd.binary_closing(seg,ball), seg.get_header() ) seg = seg.bbox(crop=True) seg_file = output_dir + '/seg_' + file_id + ".nii.gz" irtk.imwrite( seg_file, seg )
def predict(self, filename, ga, nb_autocontext=None, mask=None, debug=False, return_all=False): nb_labels = len(self.labels) + 1 if nb_autocontext is None: nb_autocontext = len(glob(self.params['name'] + "_*")) img = irtk.imread(filename, dtype="float32") img = img.resample(pixelSize=self.params['resample'], interpolation='linear').rescale(0, 1000) extra_layers = [] if mask is None: mask = irtk.ones(img.get_header(), dtype="uint8") mask[img == 0] = 0 else: mask = mask.resample(pixelSize=self.params['resample'], interpolation='nearest').astype('uint8') metadata = None probas = predict_autocontext(self, img, mask, np.array(extra_layers, dtype="float32"), metadata, nb_labels, ga, nb_autocontext, debug=debug, return_all=return_all) return probas
def predict( self, filename, ga, nb_autocontext=None, mask=None, debug=False, return_all=False ): nb_labels = len(self.labels)+1 if nb_autocontext is None: nb_autocontext = len(glob(self.params['name'] + "_*")) img = irtk.imread( filename, dtype="float32" ) img = img.resample( pixelSize=self.params['resample'], interpolation='linear' ).rescale(0,1000) extra_layers = [] if mask is None: mask = irtk.ones( img.get_header(), dtype="uint8" ) mask[img==0] = 0 else: mask = mask.resample( pixelSize=self.params['resample'], interpolation='nearest' ).astype('uint8') metadata = None probas = predict_autocontext( self, img, mask, np.array( extra_layers, dtype="float32" ), metadata, nb_labels, ga, nb_autocontext, debug=debug, return_all=return_all ) return probas
def get_coordinates( f ): seg = irtk.imread( f ) u,v,w = get_orientation_training(seg) M = np.array( [u,v,w], dtype='float32' ) # Change of basis matrix heart = np.array(nd.center_of_mass( (seg == 5).view(np.ndarray) ), dtype='float32') brain = np.array(nd.center_of_mass( (seg == 2).view(np.ndarray) ), dtype='float32') left_lung = np.array(nd.center_of_mass( (seg == 3).view(np.ndarray) ), dtype='float32') right_lung = np.array(nd.center_of_mass( (seg == 4).view(np.ndarray) ), dtype='float32') liver = np.array(nd.center_of_mass( (seg == 8).view(np.ndarray) ), dtype='float32') # centering and orient brain = M, brain - heart) left_lung = M, left_lung - heart) right_lung = M, right_lung - heart) liver = M, liver - heart) return np.array( [brain, left_lung, right_lung, liver], dtype='float32' ).flatten()
def detect_mser( raw_file, ga, vocabulary, mser_detector, NEW_SAMPLING, output_folder="debug", DEBUG=False, return_image_regions=False, ): OFD = get_OFD(ga) / NEW_SAMPLING BPD = get_BPD(ga) / NEW_SAMPLING max_e = 0.64 mser = cv2.MSER( _delta=5, _min_area=60, _max_area=14400, _max_variation=0.15, _min_diversity=0.1, _max_evolution=200, _area_threshold=1.01, _min_margin=0.003, _edge_blur_size=5, ) sift = cv2.SIFT(nfeatures=0, nOctaveLayers=3, contrastThreshold=0.04, edgeThreshold=10, sigma=0.8) siftExtractor = cv2.DescriptorExtractor_create("SIFT") voca = np.load(open(vocabulary, "rb")) classifier = neighbors.NearestNeighbors(1, algorithm="kd_tree") N = voca.shape[0] # flann = pyflann.FLANN() # flann.build_index( voca.astype('float32') ) svc = joblib.load(mser_detector) img = irtk.imread(raw_file, dtype="float32") img = img.resample2D(NEW_SAMPLING).saturate().rescale().astype("uint8") detections = [] image_regions = [] for z in range(img.shape[0]): detections.append([]) image_regions.append([]) # Extract MSER # print "extracting mser" contours = mser.detect(img[z, :, :]) # print "mser done" if DEBUG: img_color = cv2.cvtColor(img[z, :, :], for c in contours: ellipse = cv2.fitEllipse(np.array(map(lambda x: [x], c), dtype="int32")) cv2.ellipse(img_color, (ellipse[0], (ellipse[1][0], ellipse[1][1]), ellipse[2]), (0, 0, 255)) cv2.imwrite(output_folder + "/" + str(z) + "_all_mser_.png", img_color) img_color_mser = cv2.cvtColor(img[z, :, :], # Filter MSER selected_mser = [] mask = np.zeros((img.shape[1], img.shape[2]), dtype="uint8") # print "fitting ellipses" for c in contours: ellipse = cv2.fitEllipse(np.reshape(c, (c.shape[0], 1, 2)).astype("int32")) # filter by size if ellipse[1][0] > OFD or ellipse[1][1] > OFD or ellipse[1][0] < 0.5 * OFD or ellipse[1][1] < 0.5 * OFD: continue # filter by eccentricity if math.sqrt(1 - (np.min(ellipse[1]) / np.max(ellipse[1])) ** 2) > max_e: continue cv2.ellipse(mask, ellipse, 255, -1) selected_mser.append((c, ellipse)) # print "ellipses done" if len(selected_mser) == 0: continue # Extract SIFT # print "extracting SIFT" keypoints = sift.detect(img[z, :, :], mask=mask) # print "SIFT done" if keypoints is None or len(keypoints) == 0: continue (keypoints, descriptors) = siftExtractor.compute(img[z, :, :], keypoints) # words = np.zeros(len(keypoints),dtype="int") # for i,d in enumerate(descriptors): # words[i] = classifier.kneighbors(d, return_distance=False) words = classifier.kneighbors(descriptors, return_distance=False) # words, dist = flann.nn_index( descriptors.astype('float32') ) for i, (c, ellipse) in enumerate(selected_mser): # Compute histogram hist = np.zeros(N, dtype="float") for ki, k in enumerate(keypoints): if is_in_ellipse(, ellipse): hist[words[ki]] += 1 # Normalize histogram norm = np.linalg.norm(hist) if norm > 0: hist /= norm cl = svc.predict(hist).flatten() if DEBUG: if cl == 1: opacity = 0.4 img_color = cv2.cvtColor(img[z, :, :], for p in c: img_color[p[1], p[0], :] = (1 - opacity) * img_color[p[1], p[0], :] + opacity * np.array( [0, 255, 0] ) cv2.imwrite(output_folder + "/" + str(z) + "_" + str(i) + "_region.png", img_color) img_color = cv2.cvtColor(img[z, :, :], cv2.ellipse(img_color, (ellipse[0], (ellipse[1][0], ellipse[1][1]), ellipse[2]), (0, 0, 255)) for k_id, k in enumerate(keypoints): if is_in_ellipse(, ellipse): if cl == 1:, (int([0]), int([1])), 2, (0, 255, 0), -1) else:, (int([0]), int([1])), 2, (0, 0, 255), -1) cv2.imwrite(output_folder + "/" + str(z) + "_" + str(i) + ".png", img_color) cv2.ellipse( img_color_mser, (ellipse[0], (ellipse[1][0], ellipse[1][1]), ellipse[2]), (0, 255, 0) if cl == 1 else (0, 0, 255), ) if cl == 1: ellipse_center = [ellipse[0][0], ellipse[0][1], z] print c.shape if return_image_regions: image_regions[-1].append((ellipse_center, c)) else: region = np.hstack((c, [[z]] * c.shape[0])) detections[-1].append((img.ImageToWorld(ellipse_center), img.ImageToWorld(region))) if DEBUG: cv2.imwrite(output_folder + "/" + str(z) + "_color_mser.png", img_color_mser) if return_image_regions: return image_regions else: return detections
#!/usr/bin/python import irtk import cv2 mask = irtk.imread("mask.nii", dtype='uint8') irtk.imwrite("mask.png", mask) img = irtk.Image(cv2.imread("lena.png", 0)) irtk.imshow(img, mask, filename="initialisation.png", colors={ 1: (255, 0, 0), 2: (0, 255, 0) }, opacity=1.0) mask2 = irtk.imread("mask2.nii", dtype='uint8') irtk.imwrite("mask2.png", mask2) irtk.imshow(img, mask2, filename="initialisation2.png", colors={ 1: (255, 0, 0), 2: (0, 255, 0) }, opacity=1.0)
def getIRTKDtls(self, fileName): header, dtype = irtk._irtk.get_header(fileName) img = irtk.imread(fileName, dtype='float32') irtkDtls = [] irtkDtls.append( ("Image Size", str(header['dim'][0]) + "\t" + str(header['dim'][1]) + "\t" + str(header['dim'][2]) + "\t" + str(header['dim'][3]) + "\t")) irtkDtls.append( ("Voxel Size (mm)", format(header['pixelSize'][0], '.3f') + "\t" + format(header['pixelSize'][1], '.3f') + "\t" + format(header['pixelSize'][2], '.3f') + "\t" + format(header['pixelSize'][3], '.3f') + "\t")) irtkDtls.append(("Origin", format(header['origin'][0], '.3f') + "\t" + format(header['origin'][1], '.3f') + "\t" + format(header['origin'][2], '.3f') + "\t" + format(header['origin'][3], '.3f') + "\t")) irtkDtls.append(("X Axis", format(header['orientation'][0, 0], '.3f') + "\t" + format(header['orientation'][0, 1], '.3f') + "\t" + format(header['orientation'][0, 2], '.3f'))) irtkDtls.append(("Y Axis", format(header['orientation'][1, 0], '.3f') + "\t" + format(header['orientation'][1, 1], '.3f') + "\t" + format(header['orientation'][1, 2], '.3f'))) irtkDtls.append(("Z Axis", format(header['orientation'][2, 0], '.3f') + "\t" + format(header['orientation'][2, 1], '.3f') + "\t" + format(header['orientation'][2, 2], '.3f'))) irtkDtls.append(("Ordering", img.order())) orientation = img.orientation() irtkDtls.append( ("Orientation", orientation[0] + "\t" + orientation[1] + "\t" + orientation[2])) irtkDtls.append(("Data Type", dtype)) irtkDtls.append(("Min-Max", format(float(img.min()), '.3f') + "\t" + format(float(img.max()), '.3f'))) irtkDtls.append(("Image to World", format(img.I2W[0, 0], '.3f') + "\t" + format(img.I2W[0, 1], '.3f') + "\t" + format(img.I2W[0, 2], '.3f') + "\t" + format(img.I2W[0, 3], '.3f') + "\n" + format(img.I2W[1, 0], '.3f') + "\t" + format(img.I2W[1, 1], '.3f') + "\t" + format(img.I2W[1, 2], '.3f') + "\t" + format(img.I2W[1, 3], '.3f') + "\n" + format(img.I2W[2, 0], '.3f') + "\t" + format(img.I2W[2, 1], '.3f') + "\t" + format(img.I2W[2, 2], '.3f') + "\t" + format(img.I2W[2, 3], '.3f') + "\n" + format(img.I2W[3, 0], '.3f') + "\t" + format(img.I2W[3, 1], '.3f') + "\t" + format(img.I2W[3, 2], '.3f') + "\t" + format(img.I2W[3, 3], '.3f'))) irtkDtls.append(("World to Image", format(img.W2I[0, 0], '.3f') + "\t" + format(img.W2I[0, 1], '.3f') + "\t" + format(img.W2I[0, 2], '.3f') + "\t" + format(img.W2I[0, 3], '.3f') + "\n" + format(img.W2I[1, 0], '.3f') + "\t" + format(img.W2I[1, 1], '.3f') + "\t" + format(img.W2I[1, 2], '.3f') + "\t" + format(img.W2I[1, 3], '.3f') + "\n" + format(img.W2I[2, 0], '.3f') + "\t" + format(img.W2I[2, 1], '.3f') + "\t" + format(img.W2I[2, 2], '.3f') + "\t" + format(img.W2I[2, 3], '.3f') + "\n" + format(img.W2I[3, 0], '.3f') + "\t" + format(img.W2I[3, 1], '.3f') + "\t" + format(img.W2I[3, 2], '.3f') + "\t" + format(img.W2I[3, 3], '.3f'))) return irtkDtls
return noise.std() def get_noiseZ(img): img = img.astype('float32') new_img = np.zeros(img.shape, dtype='float32') for x in xrange(img.shape[2]): new_img[:, :, x] = nd.gaussian_filter(img[:, :, x], 2, mode='reflect') noise = img - new_img #print "Noise Z:", noise.std(), img.std() return noise.std() output_filename = sys.argv[3] img = irtk.imread(sys.argv[1], dtype='float64').saturate() mask = irtk.imread(sys.argv[2], dtype='int16') mask = irtk.Image(mask, img.get_header()) # crop x_min, y_min, z_min, x_max, y_max, z_max = mask.bbox() mask = mask[z_min:z_max + 1, y_min:y_max + 1, x_min:x_max + 1] tmp_img = img[z_min:z_max + 1, y_min:y_max + 1, x_min:x_max + 1] downsampled_img = tmp_img.resample(2) mask = mask.transform(target=downsampled_img, interpolation='nearest') seg = irtk.graphcut(downsampled_img, mask, sigma=get_noiseXY(downsampled_img), sigmaZ=get_noiseZ(downsampled_img))
def detect_mser( f, ga, vocabulary, mser_detector, output_folder="debug", DEBUG=False ): max_e = 0.64 OFD = get_OFD(30.0,centile=50) BPD = get_BPD(30.0,centile=50) mser = cv2.MSER( _delta=5, _min_area=60, _max_area=14400, _max_variation=0.15, _min_diversity=.1, _max_evolution=200, _area_threshold=1.01, _min_margin=0.003, _edge_blur_size=5) sift = cv2.SIFT( nfeatures=0, nOctaveLayers=3, contrastThreshold=0.04, edgeThreshold=10, sigma=0.8) siftExtractor = cv2.DescriptorExtractor_create("SIFT") voca = np.load( open(vocabulary, 'rb') ) nn_classifier = neighbors.NearestNeighbors(1,algorithm='kd_tree') N = voca.shape[0] classifier = joblib.load(mser_detector) classifier.classes_ = np.array([0,1],dtype='int') img = irtk.imread( f, dtype='float32', force_neurological=False ).saturate(1,99).rescale() img = resampleOFD( img, ga ).astype('uint8') detected_centers = [] detected_regions = [] for z in range(img.shape[0]): # Extract MSER #print "extracting mser" contours = mser.detect(img[z]) #print "mser done" if DEBUG: img_color = cv2.cvtColor( img[z], ) for c in contours: ellipse = cv2.fitEllipse(np.array(map(lambda x:[x], c),dtype='int32')) cv2.ellipse( img_color, (ellipse[0], (ellipse[1][0],ellipse[1][1]), ellipse[2]) , (0,0,255)) cv2.imwrite(output_folder + "/" +str(z) + "_all_mser_.png",img_color ) img_color_mser = cv2.cvtColor( img[z], ) # Filter MSER selected_mser = [] mask = np.zeros( (img.shape[1],img.shape[2]), dtype='uint8' ) #print "fitting ellipses" for c in contours: ellipse = cv2.fitEllipse(np.reshape(c, (c.shape[0],1,2) ).astype('int32')) # filter by size if ( ellipse[1][0] > OFD or ellipse[1][1] > OFD or ellipse[1][0] < 0.5*OFD or ellipse[1][1] < 0.5*OFD ) : continue # filter by eccentricity if math.sqrt(1-(np.min(ellipse[1])/np.max(ellipse[1]))**2) > max_e: continue cv2.ellipse( mask, ellipse, 255, -1 ) selected_mser.append((c,ellipse)) #print "ellipses done" if len(selected_mser) == 0: continue # Extract SIFT #print "extracting SIFT" keypoints = sift.detect(img[z],mask=mask) #print "SIFT done" if keypoints is None or len(keypoints) == 0: continue (keypoints, descriptors) = siftExtractor.compute(img[z],keypoints) words = nn_classifier.kneighbors(descriptors, return_distance=False) for i,(c,ellipse) in enumerate(selected_mser): # Compute histogram hist = np.zeros(N, dtype='float') for ki,k in enumerate(keypoints): if is_in_ellipse(,ellipse): hist[words[ki]] += 1 # Normalize histogram norm = np.linalg.norm(hist) if norm > 0: hist /= norm cl = classifier.predict(hist) if DEBUG: if cl == 1: opacity = 0.4 img_color = cv2.cvtColor( img[z], ) for p in c: img_color[p[1],p[0],:] = ( (1-opacity)*img_color[p[1],p[0],:] + opacity * np.array([0,255,0]) ) cv2.imwrite(output_folder + "/"+str(z) + '_' +str(i) +"_region.png",img_color) img_color = cv2.cvtColor( img[z], ) cv2.ellipse( img_color, (ellipse[0], (ellipse[1][0],ellipse[1][1]), ellipse[2]) , (0,0,255)) for k_id,k in enumerate(keypoints): if is_in_ellipse(,ellipse): if cl == 1: img_color, (int([0]),int([1])), 2, (0,255,0), -1) else: img_color, (int([0]),int([1])), 2, (0,0,255), -1) cv2.imwrite(output_folder + "/"+str(z) + '_' +str(i) +".png",img_color) cv2.ellipse( img_color_mser, (ellipse[0], (ellipse[1][0],ellipse[1][1]), ellipse[2]), (0,255,0) if cl == 1 else (0,0,255) ) if cl == 1: ellipse_center = [z,ellipse[0][1],ellipse[0][0]] detected_centers.append( ellipse_center ) detected_regions.append( c ) if DEBUG: cv2.imwrite(output_folder + "/"+str(z) + "_color_mser.png",img_color_mser) return np.array(detected_centers, dtype='int32'), np.array(detected_regions)
#!/usr/bin/python import irtk import sys import scipy.ndimage as nd input_file = sys.argv[1] output_file = sys.argv[2] img = irtk.imread(input_file, dtype='float32') img = irtk.Image(nd.median_filter(img.get_data(), 5), img.get_header()) irtk.imwrite(output_file, img)
import irtk from glob import glob import os def get_ED_ES(patient_id): f = "/vol/biomedic/users/kpk09/DATASETS/CETUS_data/Training/Images/"+patient_id+"/"+patient_id+"_ED_ES_time.txt" f = open(f,"rb") res = [] for line in f: line = line.rstrip() # chomp res.append( int(line.split(' ')[-1])) return res all_files = glob("nifti/*_seg.nii.gz") m = 0.0 n = 0.0 for f in all_files: patient_id = os.path.basename(f).split("_")[0] frame_id = int(os.path.basename(f).split("_")[1][len("frame"):]) ED_ES = get_ED_ES(patient_id) print patient_id, frame_id, ED_ES if frame_id == ED_ES[1]: mask = irtk.imread(f).resample(0.001, interpolation='nearest') m += mask.sum() n += 1 m /= n print "mean heart volume:",m
import numpy as np import irtk def get_center_brain_detection(f,world=True): input_mask = irtk.imread( f, force_neurological=False ) mask = irtk.ones( input_mask.get_header(), dtype='uint8' ) mask[input_mask == 2] = 0 x_min, y_min, z_min, x_max, y_max, z_max = map( float, mask.bbox() ) center = [ x_min + (x_max-x_min)/2, y_min + (y_max-y_min)/2, z_min + (z_max-z_min)/2 ] if not world: center = np.array(center,dtype='float64')[::-1] return center else: center = input_mask.ImageToWorld(center) return center def get_box_center((z,y,x),(d,h,w),f): img = irtk.imread( f, empty=True, force_neurological=False ) center = np.array( [ x+w/2, y+h/2, z+d/2 ], dtype='float' ) center = img.ImageToWorld(center) return center
def mask_image(file_img, file_mask, ga, r, neigh, output_dir): img = irtk.imread(file_img, dtype='float32') input_mask = irtk.imread(file_mask) print "predicting..." res = irtk.zeros(img.get_header(), dtype='float32') res2 = irtk.zeros(img.get_header(), dtype='float32') res3 = irtk.zeros(img.get_header(), dtype='float32') res4 = irtk.zeros(img.get_header(), dtype='uint8') mask = irtk.ones(input_mask.get_header(), dtype='uint8') mask[input_mask == 2] = 0 for z in xrange(img.shape[0]): print z YX = np.transpose(np.nonzero(mask[z])) if YX.shape[0] == 0: continue # this slice does not intersect the box patches = extract_patches2D(img[z], r, YX) patches = np.reshape( patches, (patches.shape[0], patches.shape[1] * patches.shape[2])) predictions = neigh.predict_proba(patches)[:, 1] res[z, YX[:, 0], YX[:, 1]] = predictions x_min, y_min, z_min, x_max, y_max, z_max = mask.bbox() proba = res[z_min:z_max + 1, y_min:y_max + 1, x_min:x_max + 1] if args.mass: BV = get_BV( box_volume = (z_max - z_min) * img.header['pixelSize'][2] * ( y_max - y_min) * img.header['pixelSize'][1] * ( x_max - x_min) * img.header['pixelSize'][0] ratio = float(BV) / float(box_volume) print "ratio", ratio q0, q1 = mquantiles(proba.flatten(), prob=[0.5 * (1.0 - ratio), 1.0 - 0.5 * ratio]) print "threshold", q0, q1 #threshold = max(0.5,threshold) # labels = res[z_min:z_max+1, # y_min:y_max+1, # x_min:x_max+1] > threshold #res = 1 / (np.exp(-(res-threshold)/(res.max()-res.min()))) res[res < q0] = q0 res[res > q1] = q1 res -= res.min() res /= res.max() labels = res[z_min:z_max + 1, y_min:y_max + 1, x_min:x_max + 1] > 0.5 proba = res[z_min:z_max + 1, y_min:y_max + 1, x_min:x_max + 1] cropped_img = img[z_min:z_max + 1, y_min:y_max + 1, x_min:x_max + 1] if args.do_3D: labels = irtk.crf(cropped_img, labels, proba, l=args.l, sigma=get_noiseXY(cropped_img), sigmaZ=get_noiseZ(cropped_img)) # elif args.do_patchZ: # labels = irtk.crf_patchZ( cropped_img, # labels, # proba, # l=10.0 ) # else: # for z in xrange(z_min,z_max+1): # labels[z] = irtk.crf( cropped_img[z], # labels[z], # proba[z], # l=1.0 ) print "MAX LABEL:", labels.max() irtk.imwrite(output_dir + "/bare_" + os.path.basename(file_img), labels) tmp = irtk.zeros(img.get_header(), dtype='uint8') tmp[z_min:z_max + 1, y_min:y_max + 1, x_min:x_max + 1] = labels (min_x_bare, min_y_bare, min_z_bare, max_x_bare, max_y_bare, max_z_bare) = tmp.bbox() if not args.no_cleaning: # clean by fitting ellipses enlarged of 10% for z in xrange(labels.shape[0]): edges = nd.morphological_gradient(labels[z] > 0, size=5) points = np.transpose(edges.nonzero())[:, ::-1] if len(points) == 0: continue points = np.array(map(lambda x: [x], points), dtype='int32') ellipse = cv2.fitEllipse(points) cv2.ellipse( labels[z], (ellipse[0], (1.1 * ellipse[1][0], 1.1 * ellipse[1][1]), ellipse[2]), 1, -1) irtk.imwrite(output_dir + "/seg_" + os.path.basename(file_img), labels) irtk.imwrite(output_dir + "/res_" + os.path.basename(file_img), res) # re-read the image in case we processed it img = irtk.imread(file_img, dtype='float32') cropped_img = img[z_min:z_max + 1, y_min:y_max + 1, x_min:x_max + 1] cropped_img[labels == 0] = -1 masked = cropped_img.bbox(crop=True) irtk.imwrite(output_dir + "/masked_" + os.path.basename(file_img), masked) # re-read the image in case we processed it img = irtk.imread(file_img, dtype='float32') x0 = min_x_bare + (max_x_bare - min_x_bare) / 2 y0 = min_y_bare + (max_y_bare - min_y_bare) / 2 ofd = get_OFD(ga) / img.header['pixelSize'][0] cropped_img = img[min_z_bare:max_z_bare + 1, max(0, int(round(y0 - ofd / 2)) ):min(img.shape[1], int(round(y0 + ofd / 2 + 1))), max(0, int(round(x0 - ofd / 2)) ):min(img.shape[2], int(round(x0 + ofd / 2 + 1)))].copy() irtk.imwrite(output_dir + "/very_large_" + os.path.basename(file_img), cropped_img) cropped_proba = res[min_z_bare:max_z_bare + 1, max(0, int(round(y0 - ofd / 2)) ):min(img.shape[1], int(round(y0 + ofd / 2 + 1))), max(0, int(round(x0 - ofd / 2)) ):min(img.shape[2], int(round(x0 + ofd / 2 + 1)))].copy() irtk.imwrite(output_dir + "/proba_" + os.path.basename(file_img), cropped_proba)
def mask_image( file_img, file_mask, ga, r, neigh, output_dir ): img = irtk.imread( file_img, dtype='float32' ) input_mask = irtk.imread( file_mask ) print "predicting..." res = irtk.zeros( img.get_header(), dtype='float32' ) res2 = irtk.zeros( img.get_header(), dtype='float32' ) res3 = irtk.zeros( img.get_header(), dtype='float32' ) res4 = irtk.zeros( img.get_header(), dtype='uint8' ) mask = irtk.ones( input_mask.get_header(), dtype='uint8' ) mask[input_mask == 2] = 0 for z in xrange(img.shape[0]): print z YX = np.transpose( np.nonzero( mask[z] ) ) if YX.shape[0] == 0: continue # this slice does not intersect the box patches = extract_patches2D( img[z], r, YX ) patches = np.reshape( patches, (patches.shape[0],patches.shape[1]*patches.shape[2]) ) predictions = neigh.predict_proba(patches)[:,1] res[z,YX[:,0],YX[:,1]] = predictions x_min, y_min, z_min, x_max, y_max, z_max = mask.bbox() proba = res[z_min:z_max+1, y_min:y_max+1, x_min:x_max+1] if args.mass: BV = get_BV( ) box_volume = (z_max-z_min)*img.header['pixelSize'][2]*(y_max-y_min)*img.header['pixelSize'][1]*(x_max-x_min)*img.header['pixelSize'][0] ratio = float(BV) / float(box_volume) print "ratio", ratio q0,q1 = mquantiles( proba.flatten(), prob=[0.5*(1.0-ratio), 1.0-0.5*ratio] ) print "threshold", q0,q1 #threshold = max(0.5,threshold) # labels = res[z_min:z_max+1, # y_min:y_max+1, # x_min:x_max+1] > threshold #res = 1 / (np.exp(-(res-threshold)/(res.max()-res.min()))) res[res<q0] = q0 res[res>q1] = q1 res -= res.min() res /= res.max() labels = res[z_min:z_max+1, y_min:y_max+1, x_min:x_max+1] > 0.5 proba = res[z_min:z_max+1, y_min:y_max+1, x_min:x_max+1] cropped_img = img[z_min:z_max+1, y_min:y_max+1, x_min:x_max+1] if args.do_3D: labels = irtk.crf( cropped_img, labels, proba, l=args.l, sigma=get_noiseXY(cropped_img), sigmaZ=get_noiseZ(cropped_img) ) # elif args.do_patchZ: # labels = irtk.crf_patchZ( cropped_img, # labels, # proba, # l=10.0 ) # else: # for z in xrange(z_min,z_max+1): # labels[z] = irtk.crf( cropped_img[z], # labels[z], # proba[z], # l=1.0 ) print "MAX LABEL:", labels.max() irtk.imwrite(output_dir + "/bare_"+os.path.basename(file_img), labels ) tmp = irtk.zeros( img.get_header(), dtype='uint8' ) tmp[z_min:z_max+1, y_min:y_max+1, x_min:x_max+1] = labels ( min_x_bare, min_y_bare, min_z_bare, max_x_bare, max_y_bare, max_z_bare ) = tmp.bbox() if not args.no_cleaning: # clean by fitting ellipses enlarged of 10% for z in xrange(labels.shape[0]): edges = nd.morphological_gradient( labels[z] > 0,size=5 ) points = np.transpose(edges.nonzero())[:,::-1] if len(points) == 0: continue points = np.array(map(lambda x:[x],points),dtype='int32') ellipse = cv2.fitEllipse(points) cv2.ellipse( labels[z], (ellipse[0], (1.1*ellipse[1][0],1.1*ellipse[1][1]), ellipse[2]) , 1, -1 ) irtk.imwrite(output_dir + "/seg_"+os.path.basename(file_img), labels ) irtk.imwrite(output_dir + "/res_"+os.path.basename(file_img), res ) # re-read the image in case we processed it img = irtk.imread( file_img, dtype='float32' ) cropped_img = img[z_min:z_max+1, y_min:y_max+1, x_min:x_max+1] cropped_img[labels==0] = -1 masked = cropped_img.bbox(crop=True) irtk.imwrite(output_dir + "/masked_"+os.path.basename(file_img), masked ) # re-read the image in case we processed it img = irtk.imread( file_img, dtype='float32' ) x0 = min_x_bare + (max_x_bare - min_x_bare) / 2 y0 = min_y_bare + (max_y_bare - min_y_bare) / 2 ofd = get_OFD(ga)/img.header['pixelSize'][0] cropped_img = img[min_z_bare:max_z_bare+1, max(0,int(round(y0-ofd/2))):min(img.shape[1],int(round(y0+ofd/2+1))), max(0,int(round(x0-ofd/2))):min(img.shape[2],int(round(x0+ofd/2+1)))].copy() irtk.imwrite(output_dir + "/very_large_"+os.path.basename(file_img), cropped_img ) cropped_proba = res[min_z_bare:max_z_bare+1, max(0,int(round(y0-ofd/2))):min(img.shape[1],int(round(y0+ofd/2+1))), max(0,int(round(x0-ofd/2))):min(img.shape[2],int(round(x0+ofd/2+1)))].copy() irtk.imwrite(output_dir + "/proba_"+os.path.basename(file_img), cropped_proba )
def run_detection( filename, ga, output_folder ): file_id = os.path.basename(filename).split('.')[0] if '_' in os.path.basename(filename): patient_id = file_id.split('_')[0] else: patient_id = file_id print patient_id # brain detection vocabulary = "../brain-detector/trained_model/vocabulary_0.npy" mser_detector = "../brain-detector/trained_model/mser_detector_0_LinearSVC" mask_file = output_folder +"/" + file_id + "/brain_mask.nii.gz" cmd = [ "python", "../brain-detector/", filename, str(ga), mask_file, "--classifier", mser_detector, "--vocabulary", vocabulary ] print ' '.join(cmd) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) (out, err) = proc.communicate() print out print err # heart and body detection ## preprocessing (resampling+denoising) img = irtk.imread( filename, dtype='float32', force_neurological=True ) img = irtk.Image(nd.median_filter(img.view(np.ndarray),(3,5,5)),img.get_header()) scale = get_CRL(ga)/get_CRL(30.0) img = img.resample( 1.0*scale, interpolation='bspline' ) brain_center = img.WorldToImage( get_center_brain_detection(mask_file) )[::-1] new_filename = output_folder + "/" + file_id + "/" + os.path.basename(filename) irtk.imwrite(new_filename,img) n_jobs = 5 output_folder1 = output_folder + "/" + file_id + "/prediction_1/" output_folder2 = output_folder + "/" + file_id + "/prediction_2" detector1 = "trained_model/stage1" detector2 = "trained_model/stage2" shape_model = "trained_model/stage1/" cmd = [ "python", "", "--input", new_filename, "--output", output_folder1, "--output2", output_folder2, "--detector", detector1, "--detector2", detector2, "--padding", str(10), "--chunk_size", str(int(1e5)), "--n_jobs", str(n_jobs), "--brain_center"] + map(str,brain_center) + \ ["--shape_model",shape_model, "-l", str(0.5), "--shape_optimisation", "--narrow_band", "--selective"] print ' '.join(cmd) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (out, err) = proc.communicate() print out print err return
print args start = time() detector = heartdetector.HeartDetector( name=args.forest ) detector.load() if not args.time: print detector if not os.path.exists("predictions/"+args.patient_id): os.makedirs("predictions/"+args.patient_id) all_frames = sorted(glob("denoised/"+args.patient_id+"_frame*.nii.gz")) tmp = irtk.imread(all_frames[0]) mask = irtk.zeros(tmp.get_header(),dtype='float32') for f in all_frames: if "_seg" in f: continue mask += irtk.imread(f) mask = (mask > 0).astype('uint8') # if args.frame is not None: # all_frames = [all_frames[args.frame]] # elif not args.all: # ED,ES = get_ED_ES(args.patient_id) # all_frames = [all_frames[ED],all_frames[ES]] for f in all_frames:
def preprocess_training_data(patient_id, img_folder, seg_folder, resample, offline=False, online=True): if offline or online: if (offline and os.path.exists("offline_preprocessing/" + patient_id + "_img.nii.gz") and os.path.exists("offline_preprocessing/" + patient_id + "_seg.nii.gz")): return img = irtk.imread(img_folder + "/" + patient_id + ".nii.gz", dtype='float32') seg = irtk.imread(seg_folder + "/" + patient_id + "_seg.nii.gz", dtype="uint8") wall = nd.binary_dilation( seg, morphology.ball(int(12.5 * 0.001 / seg.header['pixelSize'][0]))) wall = wall.astype('int') points = np.transpose(np.nonzero(wall))[::4] center, S, V = fit_ellipsoidPCA(points) if V[0, 0] < 0: V *= -1 points = np.transpose(np.nonzero(wall)) projections = - center, V[0]) # valves index = projections > (projections.max() - 40.0 * 0.001 / seg.header['pixelSize'][0]) #print "VALVE size:",np.sum(index), projections.max(), 40.0*0.001/seg.header['pixelSize'][0] wall[points[index, 0], points[index, 1], points[index, 2]] = 2 #print "VALVE1", wall.max() wall = irtk.Image(wall, seg.get_header()) img = img.resample(pixelSize=resample, interpolation='linear').rescale(0, 1000) seg = seg.transform(target=img, interpolation="nearest").astype('uint8') wall = wall.transform(target=img, interpolation="nearest").astype('uint8') wall[seg > 0] = 0 seg[wall == 1] = 2 seg[wall == 2] = 3 #print "VALVE2", seg.max() #irtk.imwrite("debug/"+patient_id+"_border.nii.gz",seg) seg[img == 0] = 255 if offline: irtk.imwrite("offline_preprocessing/" + patient_id + "_img.nii.gz", img) irtk.imwrite("offline_preprocessing/" + patient_id + "_seg.nii.gz", seg) return if not online: img = irtk.imread("offline_preprocessing/" + patient_id + "_img.nii.gz") seg = irtk.imread("offline_preprocessing/" + patient_id + "_seg.nii.gz") mask = irtk.ones(img.get_header(), dtype='uint8') mask[img == 0] = 0 return { 'patient_id': patient_id, 'img': img, 'seg': seg, 'extra_layers': np.array([], dtype='float32'), 'metadata': None, 'mask': mask }
print args start = time() detector = heartdetector.HeartDetector(name=args.forest) detector.load() if not args.time: print detector if not os.path.exists("predictions/" + args.patient_id): os.makedirs("predictions/" + args.patient_id) all_frames = sorted(glob("denoised/" + args.patient_id + "_frame*.nii.gz")) tmp = irtk.imread(all_frames[0]) mask = irtk.zeros(tmp.get_header(), dtype='float32') for f in all_frames: if "_seg" in f: continue mask += irtk.imread(f) mask = (mask > 0).astype('uint8') # if args.frame is not None: # all_frames = [all_frames[args.frame]] # elif not args.all: # ED,ES = get_ED_ES(args.patient_id) # all_frames = [all_frames[ED],all_frames[ES]] for f in all_frames:
sizes3 = np.load( args.detector + '/sizes3.npy' ) offsets4 = np.load( args.detector + '/offsets4.npy' ) sizes4 = np.load( args.detector + '/sizes4.npy' ) offsets5 = np.load( args.detector + '/offsets5.npy' ) offsets6 = np.load( args.detector + '/offsets6.npy' ) clf_heart = joblib.load( args.detector + '/clf_heart' ) reg_heart = joblib.load( args.detector + '/reg_heart' ) clf_heart.set_params(n_jobs=args.n_jobs) reg_heart.set_params(n_jobs=args.n_jobs) print "done loading detectors" print "preprocessing..." img = irtk.imread( args.input, dtype='float32', force_neurological=True ) grad = irtk.Image(nd.gaussian_gradient_magnitude( img, 0.5 ), img.get_header()) sat = integral_image(img) sat_grad = integral_image(grad) blurred_img = nd.gaussian_filter(img,0.5) gradZ = nd.sobel( blurred_img, axis=0 ).astype('float32') gradY = nd.sobel( blurred_img, axis=1 ).astype('float32') gradX = nd.sobel( blurred_img, axis=2 ).astype('float32') irtk.imwrite(args.output + "/img.nii.gz", img) irtk.imwrite(args.output + "/grad.nii.gz", grad)
#!/usr/bin/python import sys, os import irtk import numpy as np def rand(scale): return float(scale) * (np.random.random(1) - 0.5) * 2 img = irtk.imread(sys.argv[1]) seg = irtk.imread(sys.argv[2]) prefix = sys.argv[3] tx, ty, tz = img.ImageToWorld([(img.shape[2] - 1) / 2, (img.shape[1] - 1) / 2, (img.shape[0] - 1) / 2]) centering = irtk.RigidTransformation(tx=-tx, ty=-ty, tz=-tz) t = irtk.RigidTransformation(tx=rand(img.header['pixelSize'][0] * 10), ty=rand(img.header['pixelSize'][1] * 10), tz=rand(img.header['pixelSize'][2] * 10), rx=rand(30), ry=rand(30), rz=rand(30)) print t t = centering.invert() * t * centering new_img = img.transform(t, target=img.get_header(), interpolation='linear') new_seg = seg.transform(t, target=img.get_header(), interpolation='nearest')
def preprocess_training_data( patient_id, img_folder, seg_folder, resample, offline=False, online=True): if offline or online: if ( offline and os.path.exists( "offline_preprocessing/"+patient_id+"_img.nii.gz" ) and os.path.exists( "offline_preprocessing/"+patient_id+"_seg.nii.gz" ) ): return img = irtk.imread( img_folder + "/" + patient_id + ".nii.gz", dtype='float32' ) seg = irtk.imread( seg_folder +"/"+patient_id+"_seg.nii.gz", dtype="uint8" ) wall = nd.binary_dilation( seg, morphology.ball(int(12.5*0.001/seg.header['pixelSize'][0])) ) wall = wall.astype('int') points = np.transpose(np.nonzero(wall))[::4] center,S,V = fit_ellipsoidPCA( points ) if V[0,0] < 0: V *= -1 points = np.transpose(np.nonzero(wall)) projections =,V[0]) # valves index = projections > (projections.max() - 40.0*0.001/seg.header['pixelSize'][0]) #print "VALVE size:",np.sum(index), projections.max(), 40.0*0.001/seg.header['pixelSize'][0] wall[points[index,0], points[index,1], points[index,2]] = 2 #print "VALVE1", wall.max() wall = irtk.Image(wall,seg.get_header()) img = img.resample( pixelSize=resample, interpolation='linear' ).rescale(0,1000) seg = seg.transform(target=img,interpolation="nearest").astype('uint8') wall = wall.transform(target=img,interpolation="nearest").astype('uint8') wall[seg>0] = 0 seg[wall==1] = 2 seg[wall==2] = 3 #print "VALVE2", seg.max() #irtk.imwrite("debug/"+patient_id+"_border.nii.gz",seg) seg[img==0] = 255 if offline: irtk.imwrite( "offline_preprocessing/"+patient_id+"_img.nii.gz", img ) irtk.imwrite( "offline_preprocessing/"+patient_id+"_seg.nii.gz", seg ) return if not online: img = irtk.imread( "offline_preprocessing/"+patient_id+"_img.nii.gz" ) seg = irtk.imread( "offline_preprocessing/"+patient_id+"_seg.nii.gz" ) mask = irtk.ones( img.get_header(), dtype='uint8' ) mask[img==0] = 0 return { 'patient_id': patient_id, 'img' : img, 'seg' : seg, 'mask' : mask }
import scipy.ndimage as nd from skimage import morphology import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='' ) parser.add_argument( '--seg', type=str, required=True ) parser.add_argument( '--img', type=str, required=True ) parser.add_argument( '--output', type=str, required=True ) parser.add_argument( '--narrow_band', type=int, default=5 ) parser.add_argument( '--debug', action="store_true", default=False ) args = parser.parse_args() seg = irtk.imread( args.seg, dtype='int32', force_neurological=True ) img = irtk.imread( args.img, dtype='float32', force_neurological=True ).rescale(0,1000) res = irtk.zeros( seg.get_header(), dtype='uint8' ) ball = morphology.ball( args.narrow_band ) nb_labels = 5 # for i in range(1,5): # tmp_seg = (seg==i).astype('int32') # # crop # x_min,y_min,z_min,x_max,y_max,z_max = (tmp_seg).bbox() # mask = tmp_seg[max(0,z_min-2*args.narrow_band):min(seg.shape[0],z_max+2*args.narrow_band+1), # max(0,y_min-2*args.narrow_band):min(seg.shape[1],y_max+2*args.narrow_band+1), # max(0,x_min-2*args.narrow_band):min(seg.shape[2],x_max+2*args.narrow_band+1)]
#!/usr/bin/python import sys import numpy as np import irtk full_file = sys.argv[1] cropped_file = sys.argv[2] full_img = irtk.imread(full_file, dtype='float32') cropped_img = irtk.imread(cropped_file, dtype='float32') (z, y, x), score = irtk.match_template(full_img, cropped_img, pad_input=False) print score print ' '.join( map(str, [full_img.shape[0], full_img.shape[1], full_img.shape[2], z, y, x]))
def get_training_data( file_img, file_mask, r ): # create mask input_mask = irtk.imread( file_mask ) x_min, y_min, z_min, x_max, y_max, z_max = (input_mask == 0).bbox() background = irtk.zeros( input_mask.get_header(), dtype='uint8' ) background[z_min:z_max+1, y_min:y_max+1, x_min:x_max+1] = 1 background = nd.morphological_gradient( background, size=7) n = background[z_min+1:z_max, y_min+1:y_max, x_min+1:x_max].sum() z = np.random.randint(low=0, high=input_mask.shape[0],size=1.25*n) y = np.random.randint(low=0, high=input_mask.shape[1],size=1.25*n) x = np.random.randint(low=0, high=input_mask.shape[2],size=1.25*n) background[z,y,x] = 1 background[z_min+1:z_max, y_min+1:y_max, x_min+1:x_max] = 0 foreground = (input_mask == 1).astype('uint8') new_mask = irtk.zeros( input_mask.get_header(), dtype='uint8' ) new_mask[foreground == 1] = 1 new_mask[background != 0] = 2 img = irtk.imread( file_img, dtype='float32' ) X = [] Y = [] for z in xrange(img.shape[0]): YX = np.transpose( np.nonzero( foreground[z] ) ) if DEBUG: YX = YX[::10] else: YX = YX[::2] if YX.shape[0] == 0: continue patches = extract_patches2D( img[z], r, YX ) patches = np.reshape( patches, (patches.shape[0],patches.shape[1]*patches.shape[2]) ) print patches.shape, YX.shape X.extend( patches ) Y.extend( [1]*len(YX) ) for z in xrange(img.shape[0]): YX = np.transpose( np.nonzero( background[z] ) ) if DEBUG: YX = YX[::10] else: YX = YX[::2] if YX.shape[0] == 0: continue patches = extract_patches2D( img[z], r, YX ) patches = np.reshape( patches, (patches.shape[0],patches.shape[1]*patches.shape[2]) ) print patches.shape, YX.shape X.extend( patches ) Y.extend( [0]*len(YX) ) return X, Y
#!/usr/bin/python import sys import numpy as np import irtk from pyhull.convex_hull import ConvexHull from irtk.vtk2irtk import voxellise seg = irtk.imread(sys.argv[1]) output = sys.argv[2] ZYX = np.transpose(np.nonzero(seg)) pts = seg.ImageToWorld(ZYX[:, ::-1]) hull = ConvexHull(pts) img = voxellise(hull.points, hull.vertices, header=seg.get_header()) irtk.imwrite(output, img)
return labels == best_label def background_distance(img,metric='geodesic',includeEDT=True): background = get_background(img) if metric == "euclidean": distanceMap = edt( img, background ) elif metric == "geodesic": distanceMap = gdt( img, background, includeEDT ) else: raise ValueError("Unknown metric: "+ metric) return irtk.Image(distanceMap,img.get_header()) if __name__ == "__main__": img = irtk.imread( sys.argv[1], dtype="float64" ) #filtered = nd.minimum_filter(img,5) filtered = nd.gaussian_gradient_magnitude(img,0.5) img = irtk.Image(filtered,img.get_header()) irtk.imwrite("test2.nii.gz",img) exit(0) img = world_align(img,pixelSize=[2,2,2,1]) irtk.imwrite("distanceEDT.nii.gz",background_distance(img,metric="euclidean")) irtk.imwrite( "distanceGDT.nii.gz", background_distance(img,metric="geodesic"))
def detect_mser(raw_file, ga, vocabulary, mser_detector, NEW_SAMPLING, output_folder="debug", DEBUG=False, return_image_regions=False): OFD = get_OFD(ga) / NEW_SAMPLING BPD = get_BPD(ga) / NEW_SAMPLING max_e = 0.64 mser = cv2.MSER(_delta=5, _min_area=60, _max_area=14400, _max_variation=0.15, _min_diversity=.1, _max_evolution=200, _area_threshold=1.01, _min_margin=0.003, _edge_blur_size=5) sift = cv2.SIFT(nfeatures=0, nOctaveLayers=3, contrastThreshold=0.04, edgeThreshold=10, sigma=0.8) siftExtractor = cv2.DescriptorExtractor_create("SIFT") voca = np.load(open(vocabulary, 'rb')) classifier = neighbors.NearestNeighbors(1, algorithm='kd_tree') N = voca.shape[0] #flann = pyflann.FLANN() #flann.build_index( voca.astype('float32') ) svc = joblib.load(mser_detector) img = irtk.imread(raw_file, dtype='float32') img = img.resample2D(NEW_SAMPLING).saturate().rescale().astype('uint8') detections = [] image_regions = [] for z in range(img.shape[0]): detections.append([]) image_regions.append([]) # Extract MSER #print "extracting mser" contours = mser.detect(img[z, :, :]) #print "mser done" if DEBUG: img_color = cv2.cvtColor(img[z, :, :], for c in contours: ellipse = cv2.fitEllipse( np.array(map(lambda x: [x], c), dtype='int32')) cv2.ellipse(img_color, (ellipse[0], (ellipse[1][0], ellipse[1][1]), ellipse[2]), (0, 0, 255)) cv2.imwrite(output_folder + "/" + str(z) + "_all_mser_.png", img_color) img_color_mser = cv2.cvtColor(img[z, :, :], # Filter MSER selected_mser = [] mask = np.zeros((img.shape[1], img.shape[2]), dtype='uint8') #print "fitting ellipses" for c in contours: ellipse = cv2.fitEllipse( np.reshape(c, (c.shape[0], 1, 2)).astype('int32')) # filter by size if (ellipse[1][0] > OFD or ellipse[1][1] > OFD or ellipse[1][0] < 0.5 * OFD or ellipse[1][1] < 0.5 * OFD): continue # filter by eccentricity if math.sqrt(1 - (np.min(ellipse[1]) / np.max(ellipse[1]))**2) > max_e: continue cv2.ellipse(mask, ellipse, 255, -1) selected_mser.append((c, ellipse)) #print "ellipses done" if len(selected_mser) == 0: continue # Extract SIFT #print "extracting SIFT" keypoints = sift.detect(img[z, :, :], mask=mask) #print "SIFT done" if keypoints is None or len(keypoints) == 0: continue (keypoints, descriptors) = siftExtractor.compute(img[z, :, :], keypoints) # words = np.zeros(len(keypoints),dtype="int") # for i,d in enumerate(descriptors): # words[i] = classifier.kneighbors(d, return_distance=False) words = classifier.kneighbors(descriptors, return_distance=False) #words, dist = flann.nn_index( descriptors.astype('float32') ) for i, (c, ellipse) in enumerate(selected_mser): # Compute histogram hist = np.zeros(N, dtype='float') for ki, k in enumerate(keypoints): if is_in_ellipse(, ellipse): hist[words[ki]] += 1 # Normalize histogram norm = np.linalg.norm(hist) if norm > 0: hist /= norm cl = svc.predict(hist).flatten() if DEBUG: if cl == 1: opacity = 0.4 img_color = cv2.cvtColor(img[z, :, :], for p in c: img_color[p[1], p[0], :] = ( (1 - opacity) * img_color[p[1], p[0], :] + opacity * np.array([0, 255, 0])) cv2.imwrite( output_folder + "/" + str(z) + '_' + str(i) + "_region.png", img_color) img_color = cv2.cvtColor(img[z, :, :], cv2.ellipse(img_color, (ellipse[0], (ellipse[1][0], ellipse[1][1]), ellipse[2]), (0, 0, 255)) for k_id, k in enumerate(keypoints): if is_in_ellipse(, ellipse): if cl == 1:, (int([0]), int([1])), 2, (0, 255, 0), -1) else:, (int([0]), int([1])), 2, (0, 0, 255), -1) cv2.imwrite( output_folder + "/" + str(z) + '_' + str(i) + ".png", img_color) cv2.ellipse(img_color_mser, (ellipse[0], (ellipse[1][0], ellipse[1][1]), ellipse[2]), (0, 255, 0) if cl == 1 else (0, 0, 255)) if cl == 1: ellipse_center = [ellipse[0][0], ellipse[0][1], z] print c.shape if return_image_regions: image_regions[-1].append((ellipse_center, c)) else: region = np.hstack((c, [[z]] * c.shape[0])) detections[-1].append((img.ImageToWorld(ellipse_center), img.ImageToWorld(region))) if DEBUG: cv2.imwrite(output_folder + "/" + str(z) + "_color_mser.png", img_color_mser) if return_image_regions: return image_regions else: return detections
import os def get_ED_ES(patient_id): f = "/vol/biomedic/users/kpk09/DATASETS/CETUS_data/Training/Images/" + patient_id + "/" + patient_id + "_ED_ES_time.txt" f = open(f, "rb") res = [] for line in f: line = line.rstrip() # chomp res.append(int(line.split(' ')[-1])) return res all_files = glob("nifti/*_seg.nii.gz") m = 0.0 n = 0.0 for f in all_files: patient_id = os.path.basename(f).split("_")[0] frame_id = int(os.path.basename(f).split("_")[1][len("frame"):]) ED_ES = get_ED_ES(patient_id) print patient_id, frame_id, ED_ES if frame_id == ED_ES[1]: mask = irtk.imread(f).resample(0.001, interpolation='nearest') m += mask.sum() n += 1 m /= n print "mean heart volume:", m
parser.add_argument( '--brain_center', type=float, nargs=3 ) parser.add_argument( '--verbose', action="store_true", default=False ) parser.add_argument( '--debug', action="store_true", default=False ) parser.add_argument( '--n_jobs', type=int, default=20 ) parser.add_argument( '--chunk_size', type=int, default=int(3e6) ) parser.add_argument( '-l', type=float, default=0.5 ) parser.add_argument( '--theta', type=int, default=90 ) args = parser.parse_args() print args output_dir = os.path.dirname(args.output) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) template = irtk.imread(args.template,force_neurological=True) img = irtk.imread(args.input,force_neurological=True) if > 0: scale = get_CRL( resized_img = img.resample( 1.0*scale, interpolation='bspline' ).rescale(0,1000) resized_input = output_dir + "/resized_" + os.path.basename(args.input) irtk.imwrite( resized_input, resized_img ) heart_center = resized_img.WorldToImage([0,0,0])[::-1]#np.array(resized_img.shape,dtype='float32')/2 if not args.brain_center: brain_center = heart_center + np.array([0,0,100]) else: brain_center = np.array(args.brain_center,dtype='float32') else:
#!/usr/bin/python import irtk from glob import glob import os import sys import numpy as np if not os.path.exists("png"): os.makedirs("png") if len(sys.argv) == 1: all_files = glob("predictions/*/iter4_*_hard.nii.gz") else: all_files = glob("predictions/" + sys.argv[1] + "/iter4_*_hard.nii.gz") for f in all_files: print f name = os.path.basename(f)[len("iter4_"):-len("_hard.nii.gz")] img = irtk.imread("denoised/" + name + ".nii.gz", dtype='int32') mask = irtk.imread(f).transform(target=img.get_header(), interpolation="nearest") irtk.imshow(img, mask, filename="png/" + name + ".png", opacity=0.4)
def process_file( f, ga, coordinates, size, classifier, N, DEBUG=False ): X = [] Y = [] scan_id = os.path.basename(f).split('.')[0] max_e = 0.64 OFD = get_OFD(30.0,centile=50) mser = cv2.MSER( _delta=5, _min_area=60, _max_area=14400, _max_variation=0.15, _min_diversity=.1, _max_evolution=200, _area_threshold=1.01, _min_margin=0.003, _edge_blur_size=5) sift = cv2.SIFT( nfeatures=0, nOctaveLayers=3, contrastThreshold=0.04, edgeThreshold=10, sigma=0.8) siftExtractor = cv2.DescriptorExtractor_create("SIFT") box = np.array(map(float,coordinates.split(',')),dtype='float') size = np.array(map(float,size.split(',')),dtype='float') img = irtk.imread( f, dtype='float32', force_neurological=False ) old_img = img.copy() ## Resample img = resampleOFD( img, ga ) # Adjust coordinates and size box = img.WorldToImage( old_img.ImageToWorld(box[::-1]) )[::-1] box_size = size * old_img.header['pixelSize'][:3][::-1]/img.header['pixelSize'][:3][::-1] z0,y0,x0 = box.astype('int') d0,h0,w0 = box_size.astype('int') brain_center = (x0 + w0/2, y0 + h0/2) ## Contrast-stretch with saturation img = img.saturate(1,99).rescale().astype('uint8') for z in range(img.shape[0]): contours = mser.detect(img[z]) keypoints = sift.detect(img[z]) if keypoints is None or len(keypoints) == 0: continue (keypoints, descriptors) = siftExtractor.compute(img[z],keypoints) for i,c in enumerate(contours): hist = np.zeros(N, dtype='float') ellipse = cv2.fitEllipse(np.array(map(lambda x:[x], c),dtype='int32')) # filter by size if ( ellipse[1][0] > OFD or ellipse[1][1] > OFD or ellipse[1][0] < 0.5*OFD or ellipse[1][1] < 0.5*OFD ) : continue # filter by eccentricity if math.sqrt(1-(np.min(ellipse[1])/np.max(ellipse[1]))**2) > max_e: continue distance = math.sqrt((ellipse[0][0]-brain_center[0])**2 +(ellipse[0][1]-brain_center[1])**2) if max(w0,h0)/2 >= distance >= min(w0,h0)/8: continue for k,d in zip(keypoints,descriptors): if is_in_ellipse(,ellipse): c = classifier.kneighbors(d, return_distance=False) hist[c] += 1 # Normalize histogram norm = np.linalg.norm(hist) if norm > 0: hist /= norm if distance > max(w0,h0)/4: if DEBUG: print 0 X.append(hist) Y.append(0) else: if distance < min(w0,h0)/8 and z0 + d0/8 <= z <= z0+7*d0/8: if DEBUG: print 1 X.append(hist) Y.append(1) else: continue if DEBUG and Y[-1] == 1: img_color = cv2.cvtColor( img[z], ) cv2.ellipse( img_color, (ellipse[0], (ellipse[1][0],ellipse[1][1]), ellipse[2]) , (0,0,255)) for k_id,k in enumerate(keypoints): if is_in_ellipse(,ellipse): if Y[-1] == 1: img_color, (int([0]),int([1])), 2, (0,255,0), -1) else: img_color, (int([0]),int([1])), 2, (0,0,255), -1) cv2.imwrite("debug/"+scan_id+'_'+str(z) + '_' +str(i) +'_'+str(k_id)+".png",img_color) return X,Y
#!/usr/bin/python import sys import numpy as np import irtk full_file = sys.argv[1] cropped_file = sys.argv[2] full_img = irtk.imread(full_file, dtype="float32") cropped_img = irtk.imread(cropped_file, dtype="float32") (z, y, x), score = irtk.match_template(full_img, cropped_img, pad_input=False) print score print " ".join(map(str, [full_img.shape[0], full_img.shape[1], full_img.shape[2], z, y, x]))
if os.environ['USER'] == "kevin": raw_folder = "/home/kevin/Imperial/PhD/DATASETS/Originals/" vocabulary = "/home/kevin/Imperial/PhD/MyPHD/Detection/BOW/pipeline2/LEARNING/vocabulary_" + args.fold + ".npy" mser_detector = "/home/kevin/Imperial/PhD/MyPHD/Detection/BOW/pipeline2/LEARNING/mser_detector_" + args.fold + "_linearSVM" ga_file = "/home/kevin/Imperial/PhD/MyPHD/Detection/BOW/pipeline2/LEARNING/metadata/ga.csv" else: raw_folder = "/vol/biomedic/users/kpk09/DATASETS/Originals" vocabulary = "/vol/biomedic/users/kpk09/pipeline2/LEARNING/vocabulary_" + args.fold + ".npy" mser_detector = "/vol/biomedic/users/kpk09/pipeline2/LEARNING/mser_detector_" + args.fold + "_linearSVM" ga_file = "/vol/biomedic/users/kpk09/pipeline2/LEARNING/metadata/ga.csv" print "Detect MSER regions" detections = [] NEW_SAMPLING = 0.8 img = irtk.imread(filename, dtype="float32").saturate().rescale() image_regions = detect_mser(filename, ga, vocabulary, mser_detector, NEW_SAMPLING, DEBUG=args.debug, output_folder=output_dir, return_image_regions=True) # flatten list # import itertools chain = itertools.chain(*image_regions) image_regions = list(chain)
#!/usr/bin/python import irtk from glob import glob import os import sys import numpy as np if not os.path.exists("png"): os.makedirs("png") if len(sys.argv) == 1: all_files = glob( "predictions/*/iter4_*_hard.nii.gz" ) else: all_files = glob( "predictions/"+sys.argv[1]+"/iter4_*_hard.nii.gz" ) for f in all_files: print f name = os.path.basename(f)[len("iter4_"):-len("_hard.nii.gz")] img = irtk.imread("denoised/"+name+".nii.gz",dtype='int32') mask = irtk.imread(f).transform(target=img.get_header(),interpolation="nearest") irtk.imshow(img,mask,filename="png/"+name+".png",opacity=0.4)
#!/usr/bin/python import sys import numpy as np import irtk # img1 = irtk.imread("reconstruction/t2.nii", dtype='float32') # img2 = irtk.imread("reconstruction/t2seg.nii", dtype='float32') # irtk.imwrite( "reconstruction/segfixed.nii", img2.transform(target=img1) ) shape = map(int, sys.argv[1:4]) z = int(sys.argv[4]) y = int(sys.argv[5]) x = int(sys.argv[6]) target = irtk.imread(sys.argv[7]) img = irtk.imread(sys.argv[8], dtype='float32') new_data = np.zeros(shape, dtype='int32') new_data[z:z + img.shape[0], y:y + img.shape[1], x:x + img.shape[2]] = img new_img = irtk.Image(new_data, target.get_header()) irtk.imwrite(sys.argv[9], new_img)