    def testSCH2(self):
        elp = Planet("Earth").get_elp()

        #Peg at North Pole, S path on prime meridian heading North to South
        elp.setSCH(90., 0., -90.)

        #SCH = [0.,0.,0.] => XYZ = [elp.b, 0., 0.]
        sch = [0., 0., 0.]
        xyz = elp.sch_to_xyz(sch)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[0], 0., places=3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[1], 0., places=3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[2], elp.b, places=3)
        sch1 = elp.xyz_to_sch(xyz)
        for (s, s1) in zip(sch, sch1):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(s, s1, places=3)

        #SCH = [pi*elp.pegRadCur, 0, elp.b+(elp.pegOV[2]-elp.pegRadCur)] =>
        #XYZ=[0., 0., -elp.b]
        sch = [
            numpy.pi * elp.pegRadCur, 0., elp.b + elp.pegOV[2] - elp.pegRadCur
        xyz = elp.sch_to_xyz(sch)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[0], 0., places=3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[1], 0., places=3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[2], -elp.b, places=3)
        sch1 = elp.xyz_to_sch(xyz)
        for (s, s1) in zip(sch, sch1):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(s, s1, places=3)
    def testXYZSCH(self):
        elp = Planet("Earth").get_elp()

        elp.setSCH(30., 60., 45.)
        sch = [-50000., 200000., 1000.]
        xyz = elp.sch_to_xyz(sch)
        sch1 = elp.xyz_to_sch(xyz)
        for (s, s1) in zip(sch, sch1):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(s, s1, places=3)

        xyz = [-4.e6, 10.e6, 1.e6]
        sch = elp.xyz_to_sch(xyz)
        xyz1 = elp.sch_to_xyz(sch)
        for (x, x1) in zip(xyz, xyz1):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(x, x1, places=3)

        elp.setSCH(65., -22., -30.)
        sch = [100000., -100000., 100000.]
        xyz = elp.sch_to_xyz(sch)
        sch1 = elp.xyz_to_sch(xyz)
        for (s, s1) in zip(sch, sch1):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(s, s1, places=3)

        xyz = [-1.e6, -2.e6, 100.e6]
        sch = elp.xyz_to_sch(xyz)
        xyz1 = elp.sch_to_xyz(sch)
        for (x, x1) in zip(xyz, xyz1):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(x, x1, places=3)
    def rdr2geo(self, aztime, rng, height=0.,
            doppler = None, wvl = None,
            planet=None, side=-1):
        Returns point on ground at given height and doppler frequency.
        Never to be used for heavy duty computing.

        from isceobj.Planet.Planet import Planet

        ####Setup doppler for the equations
        dopfact = 0.0

        hdg = self.getENUHeading(time=aztime)

        sv = self.interpolateOrbit(aztime, method='hermite')
        pos = sv.getPosition()
        vel = sv.getVelocity()
        vmag = np.linalg.norm(vel)

        if doppler is not None:
            dopfact = doppler(DTU.seconds_since_midnight(aztime), rng) * 0.5 * wvl * rng/vmag

        if planet is None:
            refElp = Planet(pname='Earth').ellipsoid
            refElp = planet.ellipsoid

        ###Convert position and velocity to local tangent plane
        satLLH = refElp.xyz_to_llh(pos)

        refElp.setSCH(satLLH[0], satLLH[1], hdg)
        radius = refElp.pegRadCur

        #####Setup ortho normal system right below satellite
        satVec = np.array(pos)
        velVec = np.array(vel)

        ###Setup TCN basis
        clat = np.cos(np.radians(satLLH[0]))
        slat = np.sin(np.radians(satLLH[0]))
        clon = np.cos(np.radians(satLLH[1]))
        slon = np.sin(np.radians(satLLH[1]))
        nhat = np.array([-clat*clon, -clat*slon, -slat])
        temp = np.cross(nhat, velVec)
        chat = temp / np.linalg.norm(temp)
        temp = np.cross(chat, nhat)
        that = temp / np.linalg.norm(temp)
        vhat = velVec / np.linalg.norm(velVec)

        ####Solve the range doppler eqns iteratively
        ####Initial guess
        zsch = height

        for ii in range(10):

            ###Near nadir tests
            if (satLLH[2]-zsch) >= rng:
                return None 

            a = (satLLH[2] + radius)
            b = (radius + zsch)

            costheta = 0.5*(a/rng + rng/a - (b/a)*(b/rng))
            sintheta = np.sqrt(1-costheta*costheta)

            gamma = rng*costheta
            alpha = dopfact - gamma*np.dot(nhat,vhat)/np.dot(vhat,that)
            beta = -side*np.sqrt(rng*rng*sintheta*sintheta - alpha*alpha)

            delta = alpha * that + beta * chat + gamma * nhat

            targVec = satVec + delta

            targLLH = refElp.xyz_to_llh(list(targVec))
            targXYZ = refElp.llh_to_xyz([targLLH[0], targLLH[1], height])
            targSCH = refElp.xyz_to_sch(targXYZ)

            zsch = targSCH[2]

            rdiff  = rng - np.linalg.norm(np.array(satVec) - np.array(targXYZ))

        return targLLH
    def testSCH1(self):
        elp = Planet("Earth").get_elp()

        #S path on Earth equator West to East, origin at y=z=0
        elp.setSCH(0., 0., 90.)

        #SCH = [0.,0.,0.] => XYZ = [elp.a, 0., 0.]
        sch = [0., 0., 0.]
        xyz = elp.sch_to_xyz(sch)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[0], elp.a, places=3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[1], 0., places=3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[2], 0., places=3)
        sch1 = elp.xyz_to_sch(xyz)
        for (s, s1) in zip(sch, sch1):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(s, s1, places=3)

        #SCH = [(pi/2)*elp.a, 0, 0] => XYZ=[0., elp.a, 0.]
        sch = [numpy.pi * elp.a / 2., 0., 0.]
        xyz = elp.sch_to_xyz(sch)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[0], 0., places=3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[1], elp.a, places=3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[2], 0., places=3)
        sch1 = elp.xyz_to_sch(xyz)
        for (s, s1) in zip(sch, sch1):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(s, s1, places=3)

        #SCH = [pi*elp.a, 0, 0] => XYZ=[-elp.a, 0., 0.]
        sch = [numpy.pi * elp.a, 0., 0.]
        xyz = elp.sch_to_xyz(sch)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[0], -elp.a, places=3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[1], 0., places=3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[2], 0., places=3)
        # Round off causes degenerate case where lon = -180 and lon=180 are the same
        # point and xyz(-sch) = xyz(+sch), but -sch != sch
        #        sch1 = elp.xyz_to_sch(xyz)
        #        print(sch1)
        #        for (s,s1) in zip(sch, sch1):
        #            self.assertAlmostEqual(s, s1, places=3)

        #SCH = [(3pi/2)*elp.a, 0, 0] => XYZ=[0., -elp.a, 0.]
        sch = [3 * numpy.pi * elp.a / 2., 0., 0.]
        xyz = elp.sch_to_xyz(sch)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[0], 0., places=3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[1], -elp.a, places=3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[2], 0., places=3)
        #        sch1 = elp.xyz_to_sch(xyz)
        #        for (s,s1) in zip(sch, sch1):
        #            self.assertAlmostEqual(s, s1, places=3)

        #SCH = [2pi*elp.a, 0, 0] => XYZ=[elp.a, 0., 0.]
        sch = [2. * numpy.pi * elp.a, 0., 0.]
        xyz = elp.sch_to_xyz(sch)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[0], elp.a, places=3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[1], 0., places=3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[2], 0., places=3)
        #Another sch degeneracy due to angle branch cut
        #        sch1 = elp.xyz_to_sch(xyz)
        #        for (s,s1) in zip(sch, sch1):
        #            self.assertAlmostEqual(s, s1, places=3)

        #SCH = [0., (pi/2)*elp.a, elp.b-elp.a] => XYZ = [0., 0., elp.b]
        sch = [0., numpy.pi * elp.a / 2., elp.b - elp.a]
        xyz = elp.sch_to_xyz(sch)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[0], 0., places=3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[1], 0., places=3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[2], elp.b, places=3)
        #        sch1 = elp.xyz_to_sch(xyz)
        #        for (s,s1) in zip(sch, sch1):
        #            self.assertAlmostEqual(s, s1, places=3)

        #SCH = [0., pi*elp.a, 0.] => XYZ = [-elp.a, 0., 0.]
        sch = [0., numpy.pi * elp.a, 0.]
        xyz = elp.sch_to_xyz(sch)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[0], -elp.a, places=3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[1], 0., places=3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[2], 0., places=3)

        #SCH = [0., (3pi/2)*elp.a, elp.b-elp.a] => XYZ = [0., 0., -elp.b]
        sch = [0., 3. * numpy.pi * elp.a / 2., elp.b - elp.a]
        xyz = elp.sch_to_xyz(sch)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[0], 0., places=3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[1], 0., places=3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[2], -elp.b, places=3)