def simulate(): """ Run several Ising model simulations with different temperatures. Store them in 1 hdf5 file. """ temperatures = numpy.linspace(args.tmin, args.tmax, args.steps) with HDF5Handler(args.filename) as handler: for index, T in enumerate(temperatures): h5path = "/"+"sim_"+str(index).zfill(4)+"/" # h5path thus looks like: # "/sim_0000/", "/sim_0001/", etc. handler.prefix = h5path i = Ising(args.shape, args.sweeps, temperature=T, handler=handler, aligned=args.aligned, mode=args.algorithm, saveinterval=args.saveinterval, skip_n_steps=args.skip) if args.verbose: i.print_sim_parameters() widgets=drawwidget(" T = {} {}/{} ".format(round(T,4), index+1, len(temperatures))) pbar = pb.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=args.sweeps).start() i.evolve(pbar) pbar.finish() handler.file.flush()
def worker(tasks_queue, done_queue): """ Pulls a task from the task queue and initiates the ising model simulation. Ising.evolve() is run within the context of HDF5Handler so a handler can be passed to Ising object. The HDF5Handler context block is run within the context of Pbar to track the progress of the simulation. """ for task, hash_ in iter(tasks_queue.get, 'STOP'): process_id = int((mp.current_process().name)[-1]) #find nicer way writer = Writer((0, process_id), TERM) with Pbar(task, writer) as bar: with HDF5Handler(filename=ARGS.tempdir+'/'+hash_+'.hdf5') as h: time_start = time.time() isingsim = Ising(shape=task['shape'], sweeps=task['mcs'], temperature=task['temperature'], aligned=task['aligned'], algorithm=task['algorithm'], handler=h, saveinterval=task['saveinterval'], skip_n_steps=task['skip_n_steps']) isingsim.evolve(pbar=bar) runtime = round(time.time() - time_start, 2) subs = {'temp' : task["temperature"], 'shape' : task['shape'], 'algo' : task['algorithm'], 'aligned' : task['aligned'], 'mcs' : task['mcs'], 'runtime' : runtime, 'timestamp': time.strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S") } s = "T={temp:.3f} {shape} {algo} {aligned} {mcs} {runtime:.2f} {timestamp} " job_report = s.format(**subs) done_queue.put(job_report)