def _test_logdetM(self, kappa):
        "Test log(det(M))."

        nx = kappa.rows()
                          lambda msg:
                          isle.logdetM(isle.HubbardFermiMatrixDia(kappa, 1, 1), isle.CDVector(nx), isle.Species.PARTICLE),
                          msg="logdetM must throw a RuntimeError when called with mu != 0. If this bug has been fixed, update the unit test!")

        for nt, mu, sigmaKappa, species, rep in itertools.product((4, 8, 32),
                                                                  (-1, 1),
                                                                  (isle.Species.PARTICLE, isle.Species.HOLE),
            hfm = isle.HubbardFermiMatrixDia(kappa/nt, mu/nt, sigmaKappa)
            phi = _randomPhi(nx*nt)

            plain = isle.logdet(isle.Matrix(hfm.M(phi, species)))
            viaLU = isle.logdetM(hfm, phi, species)

            self.assertAlmostEqual(plain, viaLU, places=10,
                                   msg="Failed check log(det(M)) in repetition {}".format(rep)\
                                   + "for nt={}, mu={}, sigmaKappa={}, species={}:".format(nt, mu, sigmaKappa, species)\
                                   + "\nplain = {}".format(plain) \
                                   + "\nviaLU = {}".format(viaLU))
 def __call__(self, stage, itr):
     """!Record logdet."""
     if self.alpha == 1:
         self.nextItem("particles")[...] = isle.logdetM(
             self.hfm, stage.phi, isle.Species.PARTICLE)
         self.nextItem("holes")[...] = isle.logdetM(self.hfm, stage.phi,
         # use dense, slow numpy routine to get stable result
         ld = np.linalg.slogdet(
             isle.Matrix(self.hfm.M(-1j * stage.phi,
         self.nextItem("particles")[...] = np.log(ld[0]) + ld[1]
         ld = np.linalg.slogdet(
             isle.Matrix(self.hfm.M(-1j * stage.phi, isle.Species.HOLE)))
         self.nextItem("holes")[...] = np.log(ld[0]) + ld[1]
 def __call__(self, stage, itr):
     """!Record logdet."""
     if self.alpha == 1:
         for species, logdet in self.logdet.items():
             logdet.append(isle.logdetM(self.hfm, stage.phi, species))
         for species, logdet in self.logdet.items():
             # use dense, slow numpy routine to get stable result
             ld = np.linalg.slogdet(
                 isle.Matrix(self.hfm.M(-1j * stage.phi, species)))
             logdet.append(np.log(ld[0]) + ld[1])
    def _test_logdetM(self, HFM, kappa):
        "Test log(det(M))."

        nx = kappa.rows()
        for nt, beta, mu, sigmaKappa in product((2, 4, 8, 32),
                                                (3, 6),
                                                [0, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0],
                                                (-1, 1)):
            hfm = HFM(kappa * beta / nt, mu * beta / nt, sigmaKappa)
            for species, (real, imag), rep in product((isle.Species.PARTICLE, isle.Species.HOLE),
                                                      ((True, False), (False, True), (True, True)),
                phi = _randomPhi(nx * nt, real=real, imag=imag)
                plain = isle.logdet(isle.Matrix(hfm.M(phi, species)))
                viaLU = isle.logdetM(hfm, phi, species)
                self.assertAlmostEqual(plain, viaLU, places=5,
                                       msg="Failed check log(det(M)) in repetition {}".format(rep)
                                           + "\nfor nt={}, beta={}, mu={}, sigmaKappa={}, species={}, real={}, imag={}"
                                       .format(nt, beta, mu, sigmaKappa, species, real, imag)
                                           + "\n  plain = {}".format(plain)
                                           + "\n  viaLU = {}".format(viaLU))