def __init__(self, filename, mode, timestamp=None, creator=None, compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, rootpath=None, attrs={}, **kw): fn = tempfile.mkdtemp() # os.close(fd) # to be opened by name self.fn = fn self.filename = filename self.mode = mode self.compression = compression if rootpath is None: rootpath = filename.split('.')[0] self.path = rootpath preexisting = os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.fn, self.path)) if (mode == "a" and not preexisting) or mode == "w": os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.fn, self.path)) if timestamp is None: timestr = else: # If given a time string, check that it is valid try: timestamp = iso8601.parse_date(timestamp) except TypeError: pass timestr = iso8601.format_date(timestamp) attrs['NX_class'] = 'NXroot' attrs['file_name'] = filename attrs['file_time'] = timestr attrs['NeXus_version'] = __version__ if creator is not None: attrs['creator'] = creator self.attrs = attrs
def __init__(self, filename, mode="r", timestamp=None, creator=None, compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, attrs={}, **kw): fn = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.os_path = fn self.root_node = self self.filename = filename self.mode = mode self.compression = compression file_exists = os.path.exists(filename) if file_exists and (mode == "a" or mode == "r"): zipfile.ZipFile(filename).extractall(self.os_path) Node.__init__(self, parent_node=self, path="/") if mode == "a" or mode == "w": #os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.os_path, self.path.lstrip("/"))) if timestamp is None: timestr = else: # If given a time string, check that it is valid try: timestamp = iso8601.parse_date(timestamp) except TypeError: pass timestr = iso8601.format_date(timestamp) attrs['NX_class'] = 'NXroot' attrs['file_name'] = filename attrs['file_time'] = timestr attrs['NeXus_version'] = __version__ if creator is not None: attrs['creator'] = creator self.attrs.update(attrs) self.attrs._write()
def bt7_ice_to_nice(icedata): """ Convert BT-7 ice data to NeXus. The instrument description is stored in bt7.xml. """ # Pull together header and columns data = icedata.metadata.copy() data.update( # Expand lattice parameters data.update((k.capitalize(),v) for k,v in data['Lattice'].items()) # Fix up monochromator selection if abs(data["MonoSpacing"] - 1.278) < 1e-4: data["MonoMaterial"] = "Cu220" data["MonoFocus"] = data["FocusCu"] else: data["MonoMaterial"] = "PG002" data["MonoFocus"] = data["FocusPG"] # Gang monochromator and analyzer blades data['MonoBlades'] = numpy.array([data[f] for f in iceformat.BT7_MONOCHROMATOR_BLADES]) data['AnaBlades'] = numpy.array([data[f] for f in iceformat.BT7_ANALYZER_BLADES]) # Gather detector data columns data['SDC'] = numpy.array([['SDC%d'%d] for d in range(3)]) data['DDC'] = numpy.array([['DDC%d'%d] for d in range(3)]) data['TDC'] = numpy.array([['TDC%02d'%d] for d in range(9)]) if 'PSDC0' in data['PSDC'] = numpy.array([['PSDC%02d'%d] for d in range(48)]) # get counts on the detector data['Counts'] = icedata.counts() # Only include base E for FixedE. Fixed value is already reported if 'FixedE' in icedata.metadata: data['FixedE'] = icedata.metadata['FixedE'][0] lattice = data['Lattice'] data['Lattice'] = [lattice[k] for k in 'a', 'b', 'c', 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma'] orient = data['Orient1'] data['Orient1'] = [orient[k] for k in 'h','k','l'] orient = data['Orient2'] data['Orient2'] = [orient[k] for k in 'h','k','l'] data['FilTran'] = data['FilTran'][0] data['ScanVarying'] = ", ".join(data['ScanVarying']) data['Date'] = iso8601.format_date(data['Date']) data['Flip'] = data['Flip'][0] #data['Flip'] = [{'A':0,'B':1,'C':2,'D':3}.get(c,0) # for c in data['Flip']] nicedata = dict((nicekey, {'value': data[icekey], 'units': icedata.units(icekey), #'shortname': rename_field(nicekey), }) for icekey,nicekey in _ICE_TO_NICE.items() if icekey in data and nicekey) return nicedata
def list(self, response): """ Returns { experiments: [[id, title, date], ...] }. Experiment id, title and date are strings, with date formatted like 2007-01-25T07:00:00-05:00. The experiments are sorted by experiment id. """ items = ((exp['id'], exp['title'], iso8601.format_date(exp['creationTimeStamp']*0.001)) for exp in self.experiments.values()) return { 'experiments': list(sorted(items)) }
def list(self, response): """ Returns { experiments: [[id, title, date], ...] }. Experiment id, title and date are strings, with date formatted like 2007-01-25T07:00:00-05:00. The experiments are sorted by experiment id. """ items = ((exp['id'], exp['title'], iso8601.format_date(exp['creationTimeStamp'] * 0.001)) for exp in self.experiments.values()) return {'experiments': list(sorted(items))}
def __init__(self, filename, mode="r", timestamp=None, creator=None, compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, attrs={}, os_path=None, **kw): self.readonly = (mode == "r") Node.__init__(self, parent_node=None, path="/") if self.readonly: self.zipfile = zipfile.ZipFile(filename) self.attrs = self.makeAttrs() self.filename = filename self.mode = mode self.compression = compression file_exists = os.path.exists(filename) if not self.readonly: if os_path is None: fn = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.os_path = fn else: self.os_path = os_path if file_exists and (mode == "a"): zipfile.ZipFile(filename).extractall(self.os_path) if timestamp is None: timestr = else: # If given a time string, check that it is valid try: timestamp = iso8601.parse_date(timestamp) except TypeError: pass timestr = iso8601.format_date(timestamp) attrs['NX_class'] = 'NXroot' attrs['file_name'] = filename attrs['file_time'] = timestr attrs['NeXus_version'] = __version__ if creator is not None: attrs['creator'] = creator self.attrs.update(attrs) self.attrs._write()
def bt7_ice_to_nice(icedata): """ Convert BT-7 ice data to NeXus. The instrument description is stored in bt7.xml. """ # Pull together header and columns data = icedata.metadata.copy() data.update( # Expand lattice parameters data.update((k.capitalize(), v) for k, v in data['Lattice'].items()) # Fix up monochromator selection if abs(data["MonoSpacing"] - 1.278) < 1e-4: data["MonoMaterial"] = "Cu220" data["MonoFocus"] = data["FocusCu"] else: data["MonoMaterial"] = "PG002" data["MonoFocus"] = data["FocusPG"] # Gang monochromator and analyzer blades data['MonoBlades'] = numpy.array( [data[f] for f in iceformat.BT7_MONOCHROMATOR_BLADES]) data['AnaBlades'] = numpy.array( [data[f] for f in iceformat.BT7_ANALYZER_BLADES]) # Gather detector data columns data['SDC'] = numpy.array([['SDC%d' % d] for d in range(3)]) data['DDC'] = numpy.array([['DDC%d' % d] for d in range(3)]) data['TDC'] = numpy.array([['TDC%02d' % d] for d in range(9)]) if 'PSDC0' in data['PSDC'] = numpy.array( [['PSDC%02d' % d] for d in range(48)]) # get counts on the detector data['Counts'] = icedata.counts() # Only include base E for FixedE. Fixed value is already reported if 'FixedE' in icedata.metadata: data['FixedE'] = icedata.metadata['FixedE'][0] lattice = data['Lattice'] data['Lattice'] = [ lattice[k] for k in 'a', 'b', 'c', 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma' ] orient = data['Orient1'] data['Orient1'] = [orient[k] for k in 'h', 'k', 'l'] orient = data['Orient2'] data['Orient2'] = [orient[k] for k in 'h', 'k', 'l'] data['FilTran'] = data['FilTran'][0] data['ScanVarying'] = ", ".join(data['ScanVarying']) data['Date'] = iso8601.format_date(data['Date']) data['Flip'] = data['Flip'][0] #data['Flip'] = [{'A':0,'B':1,'C':2,'D':3}.get(c,0) # for c in data['Flip']] nicedata = dict(( nicekey, { 'value': data[icekey], 'units': icedata.units(icekey), #'shortname': rename_field(nicekey), }) for icekey, nicekey in _ICE_TO_NICE.items() if icekey in data and nicekey) return nicedata