def __setattr__(self, name, value): # call Screenlet.__setattr__ in baseclass (ESSENTIAL!!!!) screenlets.Screenlet.__setattr__(self, name, value) # check for this Screenlet's attributes, we are interested in: if name == "update_interval": if value > 0: self.__dict__['update_interval'] = value if self.__timeout: gobject.source_remove(self.__timeout) self.__timeout = gobject.timeout_add(int(value * 60 * 60 * 1000), self.update) else: # TODO: raise exception!!! self.__dict__['update_interval'] = 1 pass elif name =="account": if len(value) > 0: self.__dict__['account'] = value self.account_usage = AccountUsage(value) self.update() else: pass
def on_init (self): print "VideotronUsageScreenlet has been initialized." # add default menuitems self.account_usage = AccountUsage(self.account) self.account_usage.update() self.add_default_menuitems()
class VideotronUsageScreenlet (screenlets.Screenlet): """Videotron Usage Screenlet""" # default meta-info for Screenlets __name__ = 'VideotronUsageScreenlet' __version__ = '0.5' __author__ = 'Tim Voet' __desc__ = 'A screenlet to monitor your bandwidth usage for videotron users.' # internals __timeout = None # settings update_interval = 1 # editable options url = '' account = '' upload_limit = 10 download_limit = 20 account_usage = None # constructor def __init__ (self, **keyword_args): print "VideotronUsageScreenlet is initializing." #call super (width/height MUST match the size of graphics in the theme) screenlets.Screenlet.__init__(self, width=300, height=150, uses_theme=True, **keyword_args) # set theme self.theme_name = "thingrey" # add option group self.add_options_group('ISP', 'This is settings for ISP information ') # add editable option self.add_option(StringOption('ISP', # group name 'account', # attribute-name self.account, # default-value 'Account information', # widget-label 'This is your account string (usually begins with vlxxxxx)....' # description )) self.add_option(IntOption('ISP', 'update_interval', self.update_interval, 'Update interval ( in hours )', 'The amount of time between checks. Videotron updates the usage page only once a day', min=0, max=23 )) self.add_option(IntOption('ISP', 'upload_limit', self.upload_limit, 'Upload Limit', 'The amount of GB you are allowed to upload.', min=1, max=500, increment=1 )) self.add_option(IntOption('ISP', 'download_limit', self.download_limit, 'Download limit', 'The amount of GB you are allowed to download.', min=1, max=500, increment=1 )) def on_init (self): print "VideotronUsageScreenlet has been initialized." # add default menuitems self.account_usage = AccountUsage(self.account) self.account_usage.update() self.add_default_menuitems() # attribute-"setter", handles setting of attributes def __setattr__(self, name, value): # call Screenlet.__setattr__ in baseclass (ESSENTIAL!!!!) screenlets.Screenlet.__setattr__(self, name, value) # check for this Screenlet's attributes, we are interested in: if name == "update_interval": if value > 0: self.__dict__['update_interval'] = value if self.__timeout: gobject.source_remove(self.__timeout) self.__timeout = gobject.timeout_add(int(value * 60 * 60 * 1000), self.update) else: # TODO: raise exception!!! self.__dict__['update_interval'] = 1 pass elif name =="account": if len(value) > 0: self.__dict__['account'] = value self.account_usage = AccountUsage(value) self.update() else: pass def on_draw (self, ctx): # if theme is loaded if self.theme: # set scale rel. to scale-attribute ctx.scale(self.scale, self.scale) # draw bg (if theme available) ctx.set_operator(cairo.OPERATOR_OVER) if self.account_usage == None: startDate = 'n/a' endDate = 'n/a' uploadValue = 0 downloadValue = 0 else: startDate = self.account_usage.startDate endDate = self.account_usage.endDate uploadValue = self.account_usage.uploadSize downloadValue = self.account_usage.downloadSize #Render the whole BG self.theme['widget.svg'].render_cairo(ctx) ctx.set_source_rgba(1,1,1,0.8) self.theme.draw_text( ctx, 'Usage from:' , 20,10,'Free Sans', 8, self.width,pango.ALIGN_LEFT) self.theme.draw_text( ctx, startDate , 100,10,'Free Sans', 8, self.width,pango.ALIGN_LEFT) self.theme.draw_text( ctx, 'to:' , 20,25,'Free Sans', 8, self.width,pango.ALIGN_LEFT) self.theme.draw_text( ctx, endDate , 100,25,'Free Sans', 8, self.width,pango.ALIGN_LEFT) # render the upload bg image ctx.translate(10,40) self.theme['background.svg'].render_cairo(ctx) ctx.set_source_rgba(1,1,1,0.8) self.theme.draw_text(ctx, 'Up',6,4, 'Free Sans', 10, self.width,pango.ALIGN_LEFT) uploadPercent = (uploadValue/self.upload_limit) uploadWidth = uploadPercent*165 self.theme.draw_text(ctx, str(uploadValue),80,4,'Free Sans', 10, self.width, pango.ALIGN_LEFT) if ( uploadPercent < 0.7 ): ctx.set_source_rgba(0,255,0,0.4) elif ( uploadPercent <0.9): ctx.set_source_rgba(255,165,0,0.4) else: ctx.set_source_rgba(255,0,0,0.4) self.theme.draw_rounded_rectangle(ctx,78,6,3,uploadWidth,9,True) ctx.set_source_rgba(1,1,1,0.8) # Render the download bg image ctx.translate(0,20) self.theme['background.svg'].render_cairo(ctx) self.theme.draw_text(ctx, 'Down',6,4, 'Free Sans', 10, self.width,pango.ALIGN_LEFT) self.theme.draw_text(ctx, str(downloadValue),80,4, 'Free Sans', 10, self.width,pango.ALIGN_LEFT) downloadPercent = (downloadValue/self.download_limit) downloadWidth = downloadPercent*165 if ( uploadPercent < 0.7 ): ctx.set_source_rgba(0,255,0,0.4) elif ( uploadPercent <0.9): ctx.set_source_rgba(255,165,0,0.4) else: ctx.set_source_rgba(255,0,0,0.4) self.theme.draw_rounded_rectangle(ctx,78,6,3,downloadWidth,9,True) def on_draw_shape (self, ctx): self.on_draw(ctx) def update(self): self.account_usage.update() self.redraw_canvas() return True