def spam_detector(data):
	# We secure the opening of the directory

		files = os.listdir(".")

		spam_detected = 0
		mails =[]

		print "Beginning of the analysis of " + data
		#We put the mails in the RAM
		print "We put the mails in the RAM..."
		for mail in files:
			text = open(mail, "r").read()

		#We examine each mail
		print "We analyze each mail ..."
		for mail in mails:
			if isspam.is_spam(mail) == "spam":
				spam_detected += 1

		print "The number of spams detected in the directory " + data +" is " + str(spam_detected) + " over " + str(files.__len__()) + " mails"
		return spam_detected

	except OSError:
		print "No such directory: " + data
def spam_detector(data):
    # We secure the opening of the directory

        files = os.listdir(".")

        # We create the dictionary of spam words
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM words_spam")
        table1 = [element[1] for element in cursor.fetchall()]
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM words_spam")
        table2 = [element[2] for element in cursor.fetchall()]
        table_word_spam = dict(zip(table1, table2))

        # We create the dictionary of ham words
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM words_ham")
        table1 = [element[1] for element in cursor.fetchall()]
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM words_ham")
        table2 = [element[2] for element in cursor.fetchall()]
        table_word_ham = dict(zip(table1, table2))

        spam_detected = 0
        # counter = 0
        mails = []

        print "Beginning of the analysis of " + data
        # We put the mails in the RAM
        print "We put the mails in the RAM..."
        for mail in files:
            text = open(mail, "r").read()

            # We analyze each mails
        print "We analyze each mail..."
        for mail in mails:
            if isspam.is_spam(mail, table_word_spam, table_word_ham) == "spam":
                spam_detected += 1
                # counter += 1
                # print counter

        print "The number of spams detected in this directory is " + str(spam_detected) + " over " + str(
        ) + " mails"

        return spam_detected

    except OSError:
        print "No such directory: " + data
    except sqlite3.OperationalError:
        print "We need to analyze mails with the learning files in order to detect spam"