    def decode(data):
        if not data:
            return None

        # Timezone
        if data[-1] == 'Z':
            data = data[:-1]
            tzinfo = fixed_offset(0)
            p_pos = data.find('+')
            m_pos = data.find('-')
            pos = m_pos * p_pos
            if pos > 0:
                tzinfo = None
                pos = -pos
                sign = data[pos]
                offset = data[pos + 1:]
                if ':' in offset:
                    offset = offset.split(':')
                    offset = [offset[0:2], offset[2:]]
                o_h = int(offset[0])
                o_m = int(offset[1]) if offset[1] else 0
                data = data[:pos]
                offset = (o_h * 60 + o_m)
                if sign == '-':
                    offset = -offset
                tzinfo = fixed_offset(offset)

        # Extended formats
        if ':' in data:
            parts = data.split(':')
            n = len(parts)
            if n > 3:
                raise ValueError, 'unexpected time value "%s"' % data
            hour = int(parts[0])
            minute = int(parts[1])
            if n == 2:
                return time(hour, minute, tzinfo=tzinfo)
            second = int(parts[2])
            return time(hour, minute, second, tzinfo=tzinfo)

        # Basic formats
        hour = int(data[:2])
        data = data[2:]
        if not data:
            return time(hour, tzinfo=tzinfo)
        # Minute
        minute = int(data[:2])
        data = data[2:]
        if not data:
            return time(hour, minute, tzinfo=tzinfo)
        # Second
        second = int(data)
        return time(hour, minute, second, tzinfo=tzinfo)
    def decode(data):
        if not data:
            return None

        # Timezone
        if data[-1] == 'Z':
            data = data[:-1]
            tzinfo = fixed_offset(0)
            p_pos = data.find('+')
            m_pos = data.find('-')
            pos = m_pos * p_pos
            if pos > 0:
                tzinfo = None
                pos = -pos
                sign = data[pos]
                offset = data[pos+1:]
                if ':' in offset:
                    offset = offset.split(':')
                    offset = [offset[0:2], offset[2:]]
                o_h = int(offset[0])
                o_m = int(offset[1]) if offset[1] else 0
                data = data[:pos]
                offset = (o_h * 60 + o_m)
                if sign == '-':
                    offset = -offset
                tzinfo = fixed_offset(offset)

        # Extended formats
        if ':' in data:
            parts = data.split(':')
            n = len(parts)
            if n > 3:
                raise ValueError, 'unexpected time value "%s"' % data
            hour = int(parts[0])
            minute = int(parts[1])
            if n == 2:
                return time(hour, minute, tzinfo=tzinfo)
            second = int(parts[2])
            return time(hour, minute, second, tzinfo=tzinfo)

        # Basic formats
        hour = int(data[:2])
        data = data[2:]
        if not data:
            return time(hour, tzinfo=tzinfo)
        # Minute
        minute = int(data[:2])
        data = data[2:]
        if not data:
            return time(hour, minute, tzinfo=tzinfo)
        # Second
        second = int(data)
        return time(hour, minute, second, tzinfo=tzinfo)
文件: ws_neutral.py 项目: hforge/itws
    def update_20101015(self):
        """Fix TagsAware pub_datetime
        Add tzinfo"""
        from pytz import timezone
        from itools.core import fixed_offset

        # Current server timezone
        paris = timezone('Europe/Paris')

        utc = fixed_offset(0)
        database = get_context().database
        for resource in self.traverse_resources():
            if isinstance(resource, TagsAware):
                pub_datetime = resource.get_property('pub_datetime')
                if pub_datetime is None:
                if pub_datetime.tzinfo:
                # localize date
                local_datetime = paris.localize(pub_datetime)
                utc_datetime = local_datetime - local_datetime.utcoffset()
                utc_datetime = utc_datetime.replace(tzinfo=utc)
                # Call metadata.set_property directly to avoid
                # comparison error 'TypeError'
                # -> can't compare offset-naive and offset-aware datetimes
                resource.metadata.set_property('pub_datetime', utc_datetime)
    def http_get(self):
        n = len(Path(self.mount_path))
        path = Path(self.path)[n:]
        path = '%s%s' % (self.local_path, path)

        # 404 Not Found
        if not isfile(path):
            return set_response(self.soup_message, 404)

        # 304 Not Modified
        mtime = getmtime(path)
        mtime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(mtime)
        mtime = mtime.replace(microsecond=0)
        mtime = fixed_offset(0).localize(mtime)
        since = self.get_header('If-Modified-Since')
        if since and since >= mtime:
            return set_response(self.soup_message, 304)

        # 200 Ok
        # FIXME Check we set the encoding for text files
        mimetype = get_mimetype(basename(path))
        data = open(path).read()
        self.soup_message.set_response(mimetype, data)
        self.set_header('Last-Modified', mtime)
    def http_get(self):
        n = len(Path(self.mount_path))
        path = Path(self.path)[n:]
        path = '%s%s' % (self.local_path, path)

        # 404 Not Found
        if not isfile(path):
            return set_response(self.soup_message, 404)

        # 304 Not Modified
        mtime = getmtime(path)
        mtime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(mtime)
        mtime = mtime.replace(microsecond=0)
        mtime = fixed_offset(0).localize(mtime)
        since = self.get_header('If-Modified-Since')
        if since and since >= mtime:
            return set_response(self.soup_message, 304)

        # 200 Ok
        # FIXME Check we set the encoding for text files
        mimetype = get_mimetype(basename(path))
        data = open(path).read()
        self.soup_message.set_response(mimetype, data)
        self.set_header('Last-Modified', mtime)
文件: static.py 项目: hforge/itools
 def GET(self, query, context):
     n = len(Path(self.mount_path))
     path = Path(context.path)[n:]
     path = '%s%s' % (self.local_path, path)
     # 404 Not Found
     if not isfile(path):
         return context.set_default_response(404)
     # 304 Not Modified
     mtime = getmtime(path)
     mtime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(mtime)
     mtime = mtime.replace(microsecond=0)
     mtime = fixed_offset(0).localize(mtime)
     since = context.get_header('If-Modified-Since')
     if since and since >= mtime:
         raise NotModified
     # 200 Ok
     # FIXME Check we set the encoding for text files
     mimetype = get_mimetype(basename(path))
     # Get data
     with open(path, 'r') as f:
         data = f.read()
     # Response
     context.status = 200
     context.set_header('Last-Modified', mtime)
     return data
 def get_fallback(self, resource, context):
     n = len(Path(self.mount_path))
     path = Path(context.path)[n:]
     path = '%s%s' % (self.local_path, path)
     # 404 Not Found
     if not isfile(path):
         return context.set_default_response(404)
     # 304 Not Modified
     mtime = getmtime(path)
     mtime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(mtime)
     mtime = mtime.replace(microsecond=0)
     mtime = fixed_offset(0).localize(mtime)
     since = context.get_header('If-Modified-Since')
     if since and since >= mtime:
         raise NotModified
     # 200 Ok
     # FIXME Check we set the encoding for text files
     mimetype = get_mimetype(basename(path))
     # Get data
     with open(path, 'r') as f:
         data = f.read()
     # Response
     context.status = 200
     context.set_header('Last-Modified', mtime)
     return data
def _encode_simple_value(field_cls, value):
    # Integers (FIXME this doesn't work with the big integers)
    if issubclass(field_cls, Integer):
        return sortable_serialise(value)

    # Datetimes: normalize to UTC, so searching works
    if type(value) is datetime:
        value = value.astimezone(fixed_offset(0))

    # A common field or a new field
    return field_cls.encode(value)
文件: catalog.py 项目: hforge/itools
def _encode_simple_value(field_cls, value):
    # Integers (FIXME this doesn't work with the big integers)
    if issubclass(field_cls, Integer):
        return sortable_serialise(value)
    elif issubclass(field_cls, Decimal):
        # FIXME: We convert decimal->float so we lost precision
        return sortable_serialise(float(value))

    # Datetimes: normalize to UTC, so searching works
    if type(value) is datetime:
        value = value.astimezone(fixed_offset(0))

    # A common field or a new field
    return field_cls.encode(value)
文件: catalog.py 项目: nkhine/itools
def _encode_simple_value(field_cls, value):
    # Integers (FIXME this doesn't work with the big integers)
    if issubclass(field_cls, Integer):
        return sortable_serialise(value)
    elif issubclass(field_cls, Decimal):
        # FIXME: We convert decimal->float so we lost precision
        return sortable_serialise(float(value))

    # Datetimes: normalize to UTC, so searching works
    if type(value) is datetime:
        value = value.astimezone(fixed_offset(0))

    # A common field or a new field
    return field_cls.encode(value)
    def test_time_encode(self):
        gmt2 = fixed_offset(120)
        test_times = {
            (13, 45, 30): "13:45:30",
            (13, 45): "13:45:00",
            (13,): "13:00:00",
            (12, 34, 56): "12:34:56",
            (12, 34): "12:34:00",
            (9, 42, 17, 0, utc): "09:42:17Z",
            (17, 23, 27, 0, gmt2): "17:23:27+02:00",
            (2, 3, 5, 42, gmt2): "02:03:05+02:00",

        for data, result in test_times.iteritems():
            value = ISOTime.encode(time(*data))
            expected = result
            self.assertEqual(value, expected)
    def decode(data):
        """Decode dates in formats RFC 1123 (inc. 822), RFC-850, ANSI C's
        asctime() format, and non-standard formats sent by some HTTP
        # Parse the date into a tuple, including the timezone
        parts = parsedate_tz(data)
        if parts is None:
            raise ValueError('date "%s" is not supported' % data)
        parts, tz = parts[:9], parts[9]

        # Get a naive datetime
        timestamp = mktime(parts)
        naive_dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)

        # Return an aware datetime (if tz is None assume GMT)
        if tz is None:
            tz = 0
        tz = fixed_offset(tz/60)
        return tz.localize(naive_dt)
    def decode(data):
        """Decode dates in formats RFC 1123 (inc. 822), RFC-850, ANSI C's
        asctime() format, and non-standard formats sent by some HTTP
        # Parse the date into a tuple, including the timezone
        parts = parsedate_tz(data)
        if parts is None:
            raise ValueError, 'date "%s" is not supported' % data
        parts, tz = parts[:9], parts[9]

        # Get a naive datetime
        timestamp = mktime(parts)
        naive_dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)

        # Return an aware datetime (if tz is None assume GMT)
        if tz is None:
            tz = 0
        tz = fixed_offset(tz/60)
        return tz.localize(naive_dt)
    def decode(value):
        if value is None:
            return None

        date = value[:8]
        year, month, day = int(date[:4]), int(date[4:6]), int(date[6:8])
        hour, min, sec = 0, 0, 0

        # Default is a naive datetime
        tzinfo = None
        # Time can be omitted
        if 'T' in value:
            time = value[9:]

            if time[-1] == 'Z':
                tzinfo = fixed_offset(0)
                time = time[:-1]

            hour, min, sec = int(time[:2]), int(time[2:4]), int(time[4:6])

        return datetime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, tzinfo=tzinfo)
    def decode(value):
        if value is None:
            return None

        date = value[:8]
        year, month, day = int(date[:4]), int(date[4:6]), int(date[6:8])
        hour, min, sec = 0, 0, 0

        # Default is a naive datetime
        tzinfo = None
        # Time can be omitted
        if 'T' in value:
            time = value[9:]

            if time[-1] == 'Z':
                tzinfo = fixed_offset(0)
                time = time[:-1]

            hour, min, sec = int(time[:2]), int(time[2:4]), int(time[4:6])

        return datetime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, tzinfo=tzinfo)
    def test_time_decode(self):
        gmt2 = fixed_offset(120)
        test_times = {
            "13:45:30": (13, 45, 30),
            "13:45": (13, 45),
            "13": (13,),
            "123456": (12, 34, 56),
            "1234": (12, 34),
            "094217Z": (9, 42, 17, 0, utc),
            "09:42:17Z": (9, 42, 17, 0, utc),
            "17:23:27+0200": (17, 23, 27, 0, gmt2),
            "17:23:27+02:00": (17, 23, 27, 0, gmt2),
            "17:23:27+02": (17, 23, 27, 0, gmt2),
            "020305+0200": (2, 3, 5, 0, gmt2),
            "020305+02:00": (2, 3, 5, 0, gmt2),
            "020305+02": (2, 3, 5, 0, gmt2),

        for data, result in test_times.iteritems():
            value = ISOTime.decode(data)
            expected = time(*result)
            self.assertEqual(value, expected)
 def get_from_template(self, resource, context):
     # FIXME Check we set the encoding for text files
     path = str(context.path)
     ts = context.server.timestamp
     path = path.replace('/cached/%s' % ts, '')
     template = context.get_template(path)
     # 404 Not Found
     if not template:
         return context.set_default_response(404)
     # 304 Not Modified
     mtime = template.get_mtime()
     mtime = fixed_offset(0).localize(mtime)
     since = context.get_header('If-Modified-Since')
     if since and since >= mtime:
         raise NotModified
     mimetype = template.get_mimetype()
     # Get data
     data = template.to_str()
     # Response
     context.status = 200
     context.set_header('Last-Modified', mtime)
     return data
 def timestamp(self):
     return datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=fixed_offset(0))
 def timestamp(self):
     return datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=fixed_offset(0))
文件: git_bare.py 项目: Ramel/itools
 def get_handler_mtime(self, key):
     # FIXME
     return datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=fixed_offset(0))
# Import from the Standard Library
from datetime import time, date, datetime
import decimal
import random
from unittest import TestCase, main

# Import from itools
from itools.core import fixed_offset
from itools.datatypes import ISOTime, ISOCalendarDate, ISODateTime, HTTPDate
from itools.datatypes import Integer, Decimal, Boolean, Unicode, URI, Email
from itools.datatypes import QName, Tokens, Enumerate
from itools.datatypes import XMLContent, XMLAttribute

utc = fixed_offset(0)

def datetime_utc2local(dt):
    """Given a naive datetime object in UTC, return a naive datetime object
    in local time.
    return utc.localize(dt)

class BasicTypeTest(TestCase):
    def test_Integer(self):
        for x in range(-10, 11):
            data = Integer.encode(x)
            self.assertEqual(x, Integer.decode(data))