def new_processInputs(self):

    request = self

    # Set the AcceptLanguage variable
    # Initialize with the browser configuration
    accept_language = request['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']
    # Patches for user agents that don't support correctly the protocol
    user_agent = request['HTTP_USER_AGENT']
    if user_agent.startswith('Mozilla/4') and user_agent.find('MSIE') == -1:
        # Netscape 4.x
        q = 1.0
        langs = []
        for lang in [ x.strip() for x in accept_language.split(',') ]:
            langs.append('%s;q=%f' % (lang, q))
            q = q/2
        accept_language = ','.join(langs)

    accept_language = AcceptLanguageType.decode(accept_language)
    self.other['AcceptLanguage'] = accept_language
    def testChange(self):
        al = AcceptLanguageType.decode("da, en-gb;q=0.8")
        al.set("es", 5.0)

        self.assertEqual(al.get_quality("es"), Decimal("5.0"))
 def setUp(self):
     self.al = AcceptLanguageType.decode("da, en-gb;q=0.8")
 def accept_language(self):
     accept_language = self.soup_message.get_header('accept-language')
     if accept_language is None:
         accept_language = ''
     return AcceptLanguageType.decode(accept_language)
    def testChange(self):
        al = AcceptLanguageType.decode("da, en-gb;q=0.8")
        al.set('es', 5.0)

        self.assertEqual(al.get_quality('es'), (Decimal('5.0'), 0))
 def test_format_fr(self):
     x = Decimal(self.x)
     accept = AcceptLanguageType.decode('fr;q=1.0')
     n = format_number(x, accept=accept)
     self.assertEqual(n, u"123 456,79")
 def setUp(self):
     self.al = AcceptLanguageType.decode("da, en-gb;q=0.8")
    def init_from_environ(self, environ, user=None):
        from server import get_server
        # Set environ
        self.environ = environ
        path = environ.get('PATH_INFO')
        self.path = path
        self.header_response = []
        self.content_type = None
        self.status = None
        # Get database
        server = get_server()
        self.server = server
        self.database = server.database
        # Root
        self.root = self.database.get_resource('/')
        # The request method
        self.method = environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD')
        # Get body
        self.body = self.get_body_from_environ()
        # The query
        query = environ.get('QUERY_STRING')
        self.query = decode_query(query)
        # Accept language
        accept_language = self.environ.get('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE', '')
        if accept_language is None:
            accept_language = ''
            self.accept_language = AcceptLanguageType.decode(accept_language)
            # Cannot decode accept language
        # The URI as it was typed by the client
        xfp = environ.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO')
        src_scheme = xfp or 'http'
        xff = environ.get('HTTP_X-Forwarded-Host')
        if xff:
            xff = xff.split(',', 1)[0].strip()
        src_host = xff or environ.get('HTTP_HOST')
        if query:
            uri = '%s://%s%s?%s' % (src_scheme, src_host, path, query)
            uri = '%s://%s%s' % (src_scheme, src_host, path)
        self.uri = get_reference(uri)

        # Split the path into path and method ("a/b/c/;view")
        path = path if type(path) is Path else Path(path)
        name = path.get_name()
        if name and name[0] == ';':
            self.path = path[:-1]
            self.view_name = name[1:]
            self.path = path
            self.view_name = None

        # Cookies
        self.cookies = {}

        # Media files (CSS, javascript)
        # Set the list of needed resources. The method we are going to
        # call may need external resources to be rendered properly, for
        # example it could need an style sheet or a javascript file to
        # be included in the html head (which it can not control). This
        # attribute lets the interface to add those resources.
        self.styles = []
        self.scripts = []
        # Log user if user is given
        if user:
        # The authenticated user
        # Search
        self._context_user_search = self._user_search(self.user)
        # The Site Root
        self.site_root.before_traverse(self)  # Hook
        # Not a cron
        self.is_cron = False
        # Set header
        self.set_header('Server', 'ikaaro.web')
class CMSContext(prototype):

    accept_language = AcceptLanguageType.decode('')
    body = {}
    commit = True
    content_type = None
    cookies = {}
    database = None
    entity = None
    environ = {}
    form = {}
    form_error = None
    header_response = []
    is_cron = False
    message = None
    method = None
    mtime = None # Last-Modified
    path_query_base = None
    query = {}
    request_time = 0
    resource = None
    root = None
    scripts = []
    server = None
    set_mtime = True
    soup_message = None
    status = None # response status
    styles = []
    uri = None
    user = None
    view = None

    # WSGI environ

    def init_from_environ(self, environ, user=None):
        from server import get_server
        # Set environ
        self.environ = environ
        path = environ.get('PATH_INFO')
        self.path = path
        self.header_response = []
        self.content_type = None
        self.status = None
        # Get database
        server = get_server()
        self.server = server
        self.database = server.database
        # Root
        self.root = self.database.get_resource('/')
        # The request method
        self.method = environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD')
        # Get body
        self.body = self.get_body_from_environ()
        # The query
        query = environ.get('QUERY_STRING')
        self.query = decode_query(query)
        # Accept language
        accept_language = self.environ.get('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE', '')
        if accept_language is None:
            accept_language = ''
            self.accept_language = AcceptLanguageType.decode(accept_language)
            # Cannot decode accept language
        # The URI as it was typed by the client
        xfp = environ.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO')
        src_scheme = xfp or 'http'
        xff = environ.get('HTTP_X-Forwarded-Host')
        if xff:
            xff = xff.split(',', 1)[0].strip()
        src_host = xff or environ.get('HTTP_HOST')
        if query:
            uri = '%s://%s%s?%s' % (src_scheme, src_host, path, query)
            uri = '%s://%s%s' % (src_scheme, src_host, path)
        self.uri = get_reference(uri)

        # Split the path into path and method ("a/b/c/;view")
        path = path if type(path) is Path else Path(path)
        name = path.get_name()
        if name and name[0] == ';':
            self.path = path[:-1]
            self.view_name = name[1:]
            self.path = path
            self.view_name = None

        # Cookies
        self.cookies = {}

        # Media files (CSS, javascript)
        # Set the list of needed resources. The method we are going to
        # call may need external resources to be rendered properly, for
        # example it could need an style sheet or a javascript file to
        # be included in the html head (which it can not control). This
        # attribute lets the interface to add those resources.
        self.styles = []
        self.scripts = []
        # Log user if user is given
        if user:
        # The authenticated user
        # Search
        self._context_user_search = self._user_search(self.user)
        # The Site Root
        self.site_root.before_traverse(self)  # Hook
        # Not a cron
        self.is_cron = False
        # Set header
        self.set_header('Server', 'ikaaro.web')

    def on_request_end(self):

    def timestamp(self):
        return datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=fixed_offset(0))

    # Root

    def root(self):
        return self.database.get_resource('/')

    def find_site_root(self):
        self.site_root = self.root

    # Templates API

    def get_template(self, web_path):
        warning = None
        web_path_object = Path(normalize_path(web_path))
        skin_name = web_path_object[1]
            skin = skin_registry[skin_name]
        except KeyError:
            warning = 'WARNING: web_path {} is obsolete use /ui/ikaaro/'
            warning = warning.format(web_path)
            web_path = web_path.replace('/ui/', '/ui/ikaaro/')
            skin = skin_registry['ikaaro']
        # 1) Try with envionment skin
        skin_key = skin.get_environment_key(self.server)
        web_path = web_path.replace(skin.base_path, '')
        template = self.get_template_from_skin_key(skin_key, web_path, warning)
        if template:
            return template
        # 2) Try with standard skin
        return self.get_template_from_skin_key(skin.key, web_path, warning)

    def get_template_from_skin_key(self, skin_key, web_path, warning):
        local_path = skin_key + web_path
        # 3. Get the handler
        handler = ro_database.get_handler(local_path, soft=True)
        if handler:
            if warning:
                print warning
            return handler

        # 4. Not an exact match: trigger language negotiation
        folder_path, name = local_path.rsplit('/', 1)
        name = name + '.'
        n = len(name)
        languages = []
        for x in lfs.get_names(folder_path):
            if x[:n] == name:
                language = x[n:]
                if has_language(language):
        if not languages:
            return None

        # 4.1 Get the best variant
        accept = self.accept_language
        language = accept.select_language(languages)
        # Print Warning
        if warning:
            print warning
        # 4.2 By default use whatever variant
        # (XXX we need a way to define the default)
        if language is None:
            language = languages[0]
        local_path = '%s.%s' % (local_path, language)
        return ro_database.get_handler(local_path, soft=True)

    # Request
    def get_request_line(self):
        #  XXX
        return ''

    def get_headers(self):
        headers = []
        for name, value in self.environ.iteritems():
            if name.startswith('HTTP_'):
                name = name.lower().replace('HTTP_', '')
                name = '-'.join([x.capitalize() for x in name.split('-')])
                headers.append((name, value))
        return headers

    def get_header(self, name):
        name = name.lower()
        datatype = get_type(name)
        name = name.replace('-', '_')
        if name == 'content_type':
            value = self.environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE')
            value = self.environ.get('HTTP_'+ name.upper())
        if value is None:
            return datatype.get_default() or ''
            return datatype.decode(value) or ''
        except ValueError:
            log_warning('malformed header: %s: %s' % (name, value),
            return datatype.get_default()

    def set_header(self, name, value):
        datatype = get_type(name)
        value = datatype.encode(value)
        self._set_header(name, value)

    def _set_header(self, name, value):
        """ Set header without encoding """
        l = []
        added = False
        for key, old_value in self.header_response:
            if key == name and key != 'Set-Cookie':
                l.append((name, value))
                added = True
                l.append((key, old_value))
        if not added:
            l.append((name, value))
        self.header_response = l

    def get_referrer(self):
        return self.get_header('referer')

    def get_form(self):
        if self.method in ('GET', 'HEAD'):
            return self.uri.query
        # XXX What parameters with the fields defined in the query?
        return self.body

    def accept_cors(self):
        origin = self.get_header('Origin')
        self.set_header('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', 'true')
        self.set_header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', origin)
        self.set_header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Authorization')

    # Web response API

    def set_content_type(self, content_type, **kw):
        if type(content_type) is not str:
            raise TypeError('expected string, got %s' % repr(content_type))

        parameters = [ '; %s=%s' % x for x in kw.items() ]
        parameters = ''.join(parameters)
        self.content_type = content_type + parameters

    def set_content_disposition(self, disposition, filename=None):
        if filename:
            disposition = '%s; filename="%s"' % (disposition, filename)
        self._set_header('Content-Disposition', disposition)

    def http_not_modified(self):
        self.status = 304

    def set_default_response(self, status):
        # Build response
        self.status = status
        self.entity = '{0} {1}'.format(status, reason_phrases[status])
        # Set response

    def set_response_from_context(self):
        # Accept cors
        if self.server.accept_cors:
        # Set default content type XXX ?
        if self.status == 304:
            # "NotModified" request
            # No status, content-type or other header should be added
        if self.content_type is None:
            self.content_type = 'text/plain'
        # Set response body
        if self.entity is None:
            self.status = 204
        elif isinstance(self.entity, Reference):
            location = self.uri.resolve(self.entity)
            location = str(location)
            self.entity = str(self.entity)
            self.status = 302
            self.set_header('Location', location)
        # Never cache if status != 200
        if self.mtime and self.status != 200:
            self.set_header('Last-Modified', self.mtime)
            self.set_header('Cache-Control', 'max-age=1')

    # Cookies
    def get_cookie(self, name, datatype=None):
        value = None
        if name in self.cookies:
            # Case 1: the cookie was set in this request
            value = self.cookies[name].value
            # Case 2: read the cookie from the request
            cookies = self.get_header('cookie')
            if cookies:
                cookie = cookies.get(name)
                if cookie:
                    value = cookie.value

        if datatype is None:
            return value

        # Deserialize
        if value is None:
            return datatype.get_default()
        value = datatype.decode(value)
        if not datatype.is_valid(value):
            raise ValueError("Invalid cookie value")
        return value

    def set_cookie(self, name, value, **kw):
        # Build cookie
        self.cookies[name] = Cookie(name, value, **kw)
        # Set in headers
        for cookie in self.cookies.values():
            cookie = SetCookieDataType.encode(cookie)
            self._set_header('Set-Cookie', cookie)

    def del_cookie(self, name):
        # Del cookie
        self.cookies[name] = Cookie(name, '', max_age=0)
        # Write all cookies
        for cookie in self.cookies.values():
            cookie = SetCookieDataType.encode(cookie)
            self._set_header('Set-Cookie', cookie)

    def _clear_cookie(self):
        l = []
        for name, value in self.header_response:
            if name != 'Set-Cookie':
                l.append((name, value))
        self.header_response = l

    # API / Forms
    def get_path_query_value(self, name, type=String, default=None):
        """Returns the value for the given name from the path query.
        form = self.path_query_base
        return get_form_value(form, name, type, default)

    def get_query_value(self, name, type=String, default=None):
        """Returns the value for the given name from the query.  Useful for
        POST requests.
        form = self.uri.query
        return get_form_value(form, name, type, default)

    def get_form_value(self, name, type=String, default=None):
        form = self.get_form()
        return get_form_value(form, name, type, default)

    def get_form_keys(self):
        return self.get_form().keys()

    def get_form_body(self, body):
        return decode_query(body)

    def get_json_body(self, body):
        data = json.loads(body)
        return fix_json(data)

    def get_body_from_environ(self):
        # Get content type
        response = self.get_header('content-type')
            content_type, type_parameters = response
            content_type = response
        # Case 1: nothing
        length = int(self.environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', '0') or 0)
        body = self.environ['wsgi.input'].read(length)
        if not body:
            return {}
        # XXX
        if content_type == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded':
            # Case 1: urlencoded
            return self.get_form_body(body)
        elif content_type == 'application/json':
            # Case 2: json
            return self.get_json_body(body)
        elif content_type.startswith('multipart/'):
            # Case 3: multipart
            return self.get_multipart_body(body)
        elif content_type.startswith('application/'):
            return {'body': body}
        # Case 4: Not managed content type
        raise ValueError('Invalid content type "{0}"'.format(content_type))

    def get_multipart_body(self, body):
        from itools.web.entities import Entity
        content_type, type_parameters = self.get_header('content-type')
        boundary = type_parameters.get('boundary')
        boundary = '--%s' % boundary
        form = {}
        for part in body.split(boundary)[1:-1]:
            # Parse the entity
            entity = Entity(string=part)
            # Find out the parameter name
            header = entity.get_header('Content-Disposition')
            value, header_parameters = header
            name = header_parameters['name']
            # Load the value
            body = entity.get_body()
            if 'filename' in header_parameters:
                filename = header_parameters['filename']
                if filename:
                    # Strip the path (for IE).
                    filename = filename.split('\\')[-1]
                    # Default content-type, see
                    # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2045#section-5.2
                    if entity.has_header('content-type'):
                        mimetype = entity.get_header('content-type')[0]
                        mimetype = 'text/plain'
                    form[name] = filename, mimetype, body
                    form[name] = None
                if name not in form:
                    form[name] = body
                    if isinstance(form[name], list):
                        form[name] = [form[name], body]
        return form

    # ACL API

    def is_access_allowed(self, resource, view, user=None):
        """Returns True if the given user is allowed to access the given
        method of the given resource. False otherwise.
        if user is None:
            user = self.user

        # Get the access control definition (default to False)
        if view is None:
            return False
        access = getattr(view, 'access_%s' % self.method, view.access)

        # Private (False) or Public (True)
        if type(access) is bool:
            return access

        # Only booleans and strings are allowed
        if type(access) is not str:
            raise TypeError('unexpected value "%s"' % access)

        # Access Control through a method
        method = getattr(self.root, access, None)
        if method is None:
            raise ValueError('access control "%s" not defined' % access)

        return method(user, resource)

    # Search
    def _user_search(self, user):
        access = self.root.get_resource('/config/access')
        query = access.get_search_query(user, 'view')
        return self.database.search(query)

    def _context_user_search(self):
        return self._user_search(self.user)

    def search(self, query=None, user=None, **kw):
        if self.is_cron:
            # If the search is done by a CRON we don't
            # care about the default ACLs rules
            return self.database.search(query)
        if user is None:
            return self._context_user_search.search(query, **kw)
        return self._user_search(user).search(query, **kw)

    # Login API

    def login(self, user):
        user_id = user.get_user_id()
        user_token = user.get_auth_token()

        # Make cookie
        token = self._get_auth_token(user_token)
        cookie = '%s:%s' % (user_id, token)
        cookie = quote(encodestring(cookie))

        # Set the user
        self.user = user

    def logout(self):
        self.user = None

    def _set_auth_cookie(self, cookie):
        session_timeout = self.get_session_timeout()
        expires = self.timestamp + session_timeout
        # If never expires, set cookie's expire date in 365 days
        # By default, if we don't give expires date,
        # the cookie will expires at the end of the browser session
        # (so when restarting the browser)
        if not session_timeout:
            expires += timedelta(days=365)
        # Encode expires
        expires = HTTPDate.encode(expires)
        # Set cookie
        self.set_cookie('iauth', cookie, path='/', expires=expires)

    def get_session_timeout(self):
        return self.server.session_timeout

    def _get_auth_token(self, user_token):
        # We use the header X-User-Agent or User-Agent
        ua = self.get_header('X-User-Agent')
        if not ua:
            ua = self.get_header('User-Agent')
        token = '%s:%s' % (user_token, ua)
        return sha224(token).digest()

    def authenticate(self):
        """Checks the authentication credentials and sets the context user if all
        checks are ok.
        self.user = None

        # 1. Get credentials with username and token
            username, token = self.get_authentication_credentials()
        except ValueError as error:
            msg = "Authentication error : %s " % error.message
            log_warning(msg, domain='ikaaro.web')

        if not username or not token:

        # 2. Get the user
        user = self.root.get_user(username)
        if not user:

        # 3. Check the token
        user_token = user.get_auth_token()
        if token == self._get_auth_token(user_token):
            self.user = user

    def get_authentication_credentials(self):
        """Try to get credentials from Authorization header or Cookies"""

        # Check for credential in headers
        auth_header = self.get_header('Authorization')
        if auth_header:
            # Parse the header credentials
            auth_type, b64_credentials = auth_header
            # No Authorization header, get credentials in cookies
            b64_credentials = self.get_cookie('iauth')

        if not b64_credentials:
            # No credentials found
            return None, None

        # Try to return the decoded credentials
            credentials = decodestring(unquote(b64_credentials))
        except Exception:
            raise ValueError('bad credentials "%s"' % b64_credentials)

        return credentials.split(':', 1)

    # Tools API

    def agent_is_a_robot(self):
        return False

    def get_remote_ip(self):
        remote_ip = self.get_header('X_FORWARDED_FOR')
        return remote_ip.split(',', 1)[0].strip() if remote_ip else None

    def get_link(self, resource):
        """Return a link to the given resource, from the given context.
        return str(resource.abspath)

    def return_json(self, data, status=None):
        if status:
            self.status = status
        self.entity = json.dumps(data, cls=NewJSONEncoder)
        return self.entity

    def come_back(self, message, goto=None, keep=freeze([]), **kw):
        """This is a handy method that builds a resource URI from some
        parameters.  It exists to make short some common patterns.
        # By default we come back to the referrer
        if goto is None:
            goto = self.get_referrer()
            # Replace goto if no referrer
            if goto is None:
                goto = str(self.uri)
                if '/;' in goto:
                    goto = goto.split('/;')[0]

        if type(goto) is str:
            goto = get_reference(goto)

        # Preserve some form values
        form = {}
        for key, value in self.get_form().items():
            # Be robust
            if not key:
            # Omit methods
            if key[0] == ';':
            # Omit files
            if isinstance(value, tuple) and len(value) == 3:
            # Keep form field
            if (keep is True) or (key in keep):
                form[key] = value
        if form:
            goto = goto.replace(**form)
        # Translate the source message
        if message:
            text = message.gettext(**kw)
            if is_prototype(message, ERROR):
                goto = goto.replace(error=text)
                goto = goto.replace(info=text)
        # Keep fancybox
        if 'fancybox' in self.uri.query:
            goto.query['fancybox'] = '1'
        # Ok
        return goto

    # API i18n

    def fix_tzinfo(self, datetime, tz=None):
        if tz is None and self.user:
            tz = self.user.get_timezone()

        # 1. Build the tzinfo object
        tzinfo = timezone(tz) if tz else local_tz

        # 2. Change datetime
        if datetime.tzinfo:
            datetime = datetime.astimezone(tzinfo)
            datetime = tzinfo.localize(datetime)

        return datetime

    def format_datetime(self, datetime, tz=None):
        datetime = self.fix_tzinfo(datetime, tz)
        # Ok
        return format_datetime(datetime, accept=self.accept_language)

    def format_date(self, date):
        return format_date(date, accept=self.accept_language)

    def format_time(self, time):
        return format_time(time, accept=self.accept_language)

    def format_number(self, number, places=2, curr='', pos=u'', neg=u'-',
        return format_number(number, places=places, curr=curr, pos=pos,
                neg=neg, trailneg=trailneg, accept=self.accept_language)
 def accept_language(self):
     accept_language = self.soup_message.get_header('accept-language')
     if accept_language is None:
         accept_language = ''
     return AcceptLanguageType.decode(accept_language)
文件: context.py 项目: hforge/ikaaro
    def init_from_environ(self, environ, user=None):
        from server import get_server
        # Set environ
        self.environ = environ
        path = environ.get('PATH_INFO')
        self.path = path
        self.header_response = []
        self.content_type = None
        self.status = None
        # Get database
        server = get_server()
        self.server = server
        self.database = server.get_database()
        # Root
        self.root = self.database.get_resource('/')
        # The request method
        self.method = environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD')
        # Get body
        self.body = self.get_body_from_environ()
        # The query
        query = environ.get('QUERY_STRING')
        self.query = decode_query(query)
        # Accept language
        accept_language = self.environ.get('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE', '')
        if accept_language is None:
            accept_language = ''
            self.accept_language = AcceptLanguageType.decode(accept_language)
            # Cannot decode accept language
        # The URI as it was typed by the client
        xfp = environ.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO')
        src_scheme = xfp or 'http'
        xff = environ.get('HTTP_X-Forwarded-Host')
        if xff:
            xff = xff.split(',', 1)[0].strip()
        src_host = xff or environ.get('HTTP_HOST')
        if query:
            uri = '%s://%s%s?%s' % (src_scheme, src_host, path, query)
            uri = '%s://%s%s' % (src_scheme, src_host, path)
        self.uri = get_reference(uri)

        # Split the path into path and method ("a/b/c/;view")
        path = path if type(path) is Path else Path(path)
        name = path.get_name()
        if name and name[0] == ';':
            self.path = path[:-1]
            self.view_name = name[1:]
            self.path = path
            self.view_name = None

        # Cookies
        self.cookies = {}

        # Media files (CSS, javascript)
        # Set the list of needed resources. The method we are going to
        # call may need external resources to be rendered properly, for
        # example it could need an style sheet or a javascript file to
        # be included in the html head (which it can not control). This
        # attribute lets the interface to add those resources.
        self.styles = []
        self.scripts = []
        # Log user if user is given
        if user:
        # The authenticated user
        # Search
        self._context_user_search = self._user_search(self.user)
        # The Site Root
        self.site_root.before_traverse(self)  # Hook
        # Not a cron
        self.is_cron = False
        # Set header
        self.set_header('Server', 'ikaaro.web')
文件: utils.py 项目: eaudeweb/naaya
 def select_language(cls, languages):
     request = get_request()
     accept = request.get_header('accept-language', default='')
     accept = AcceptLanguageType.decode(accept)
     return accept.select_language(languages)
    def testChange(self):
        al = AcceptLanguageType.decode("da, en-gb;q=0.8")
        al.set('es', 5.0)

        self.assertEqual(al.get_quality('es'), (Decimal('5.0'), 0))
 def test_format_fr(self):
     x = Decimal(self.x)
     accept = AcceptLanguageType.decode('fr;q=1.0')
     n = format_number(x, accept=accept)
     self.assertEqual(n, u"123 456,79")