def surface_month_mean_temperature(lat, lon, m):
    A method to estimate the annual mean surface temperature (K) at 2 m
    above the surface of the Earth

    lat : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Latitudes of the receiver points
    lon : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Longitudes of the receiver points

    temperature: numpy.ndarray
        Annual mean surface temperature (K)

    [1] Annual mean surface temperature:

    global __model
    type_output = type(lat)
    lat = prepare_input_array(lat)
    lon = prepare_input_array(lon)
    lon = np.mod(lon, 360)
    val = __model.surface_month_mean_temperature(lat, lon, m)
    return prepare_output_array(val, type_output) * u.Kelvin
def rain_height(lat, lon):
    A method to estimate the rain height for propagation prediction.

    lat : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Latitudes of the receiver points
    lon : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Longitudes of the receiver points

    rain_height: numpy.ndarray
        Rain height (km)

    [1] Rain height model for prediction methods:
    global __model
    type_output = type(lat)
    lat = prepare_input_array(lat)
    lon = prepare_input_array(lon)
    lon = np.mod(lon, 360)
    val = __model.rain_height(lat, lon)
    return prepare_output_array(val, type_output) * u.km
def rainfall_probability(lat, lon):
    A method to compute the percentage probability of rain in an average
    year, P0

    lat : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Latitudes of the receiver points
    lon : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Longitudes of the receiver points

    P0: numpy.ndarray
        Percentage probability of rain in an average year (%)

    [1] Characteristics of precipitation for propagation modelling
    global __model
    type_output = type(lat)
    lat = prepare_input_array(lat)
    lon = prepare_input_array(lon)
    lon = np.mod(lon, 360)
    val = __model.rainfall_probability(lat, lon)
    return prepare_output_array(val, type_output) * u.pct
def rainfall_rate(lat, lon, p):
    A method to compute the rainfall rate exceeded for p% of the average year

    lat : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Latitudes of the receiver points
    lon : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Longitudes of the receiver points
    p : number
        Percentage of time exceeded for p% of the average year

    R001: numpy.ndarray
        Rainfall rate exceeded for p% of the average year

    [1] Characteristics of precipitation for propagation modelling
    global __model
    type_output = type(lat)
    lat = prepare_input_array(lat)
    lon = prepare_input_array(lon)
    lon = np.mod(lon, 360)
    val = __model.rainfall_rate(lat, lon, p)
    return prepare_output_array(val, type_output) * u.mm / u.hr
def unavailability_from_rainfall_rate(lat, lon, R):
    A method to estimate the percentage of time of the average year that a
    given rainfall rate (R) is exceeded. This method calls successively to the
    `rainfall_rate` method and interpolates its value.

    lat : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Latitudes of the receiver points
    lon : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Longitudes of the receiver points
    R : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Rainfall rate (mm/h)

    p: numpy.ndarray
        Rainfall rate exceeded for p% of the average year

    [1] Characteristics of precipitation for propagation modelling
    global __model
    lat = prepare_input_array(lat)
    lon = prepare_input_array(lon)
    lon = np.mod(lon, 360)
def XPD_outage_precipitation(lat, lon, d, f, el, C0_I, tau=45, U0=15, XPIF=0):
    """ Estimate the probability of outage due to cross-polar discrimnation
    reduction due to clear-air effects, assuming that a targe C0_I is

    lat : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Latitudes of the receiver points
    lon : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Longitudes of the receiver points
    d : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Distances between antennas [km]
    f : number
        Frequency of the link [GHz]
    el : sequence, or number
        Elevation angle (degrees)
    C0_I : number
         Carrier-to-interference ratio for a reference BER [dB]
    tau : number, optional
        Polarization tilt angle relative to the horizontal (degrees)
        (tau = 45 deg for circular polarization). Default value is 45
    U0 : number, optional
        Coefficient for the cumulative distribution of the co-polar attenuation
        (CPA) for rain. Default 15 dB.
    XPIF : number, optional
        Laboratory-measured cross-polarization improvement factor that gives
        the difference in cross-polar isolation (XPI) at sufficiently large
        carrier-to-noise ratio (typically 35 dB) and at a specific BER for
        systems with and without cross polar interference canceller (XPIC).
        A typical value of XPIF is about 20 dB. Default value 0 dB (no XPIC)

    p_XP: Quantity
        Probability of outage due to clear-air cross-polarization

    [1] Propagation data and prediction methods required for the design of
    terrestrial line-of-sight systems: https://www.itu.int/rec/R-REC-P.530/en
    global __model
    type_output = type(lat)
    lat = prepare_input_array(lat)
    lon = prepare_input_array(lon)
    lon = np.mod(lon, 360)
    d = prepare_quantity(d, u.km, 'Distance between antennas')
    f = prepare_quantity(f, u.GHz, 'Frequency')
    C0_I = prepare_quantity(C0_I, u.dB, 'Carrier-to-interference ratio')
    U0 = prepare_quantity(U0, u.dB, 'Coefficient for the CPA')
    XPIF = prepare_quantity(XPIF, u.dB,
                            'Cross-polarization improvement factor')

    val = __model.XPD_outage_precipitation(lat, lon, d, f, C0_I, tau, U0, XPIF)
    return prepare_output_array(val, type_output) * u.percent
def map_wet_term_radio_refractivity(lat, lon, p=50):
    Method to determine the wet term of the radio refractivity

    lat : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Latitudes of the receiver points
    lon : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Longitudes of the receiver points

    N_wet: Quantity
        Wet term of the radio refractivity (-)

    [1] The radio refractive index: its formula and refractivity data
    global __model
    type_output = type(lat)
    lat = prepare_input_array(lat)
    lon = prepare_input_array(lon)
    lon = np.mod(lon, 360)
    val = __model.map_wet_term_radio_refractivity(lat, lon, p)
    return prepare_output_array(val, type_output) * u.g / u.m**3
def topographic_altitude(lat, lon):
    The values of topographical height (km) above mean sea level of the surface
    of the Earth a

    lat : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Latitudes of the receiver points
    lon : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Longitudes of the receiver points

    altitude: numpy.ndarray
        Topographic altitude (km)

    [1] Topography for Earth-to-space propagation modelling:

    global __model
    type_output = type(lat)
    lat = prepare_input_array(lat)
    lon = prepare_input_array(lon)
    lon = np.mod(lon, 360)
    val = __model.topographic_altitude(lat, lon)
    val = np.maximum(val, 1e-7)
    return prepare_output_array(val, type_output) * u.km
def multipath_loss_for_A(lat, lon, h_e, h_r, d, f, A):
    """ Method for predicting the single-frequency (or narrow-band) fading
    distribution at large fade depths in the average worst month in any part
    of the world. Given a fade depth value 'A', determines the amount of time
    it will be exceeded during a year

    This method does not make use of the path profile and can be used for
    initial planning, licensing, or design purposes.

    This method is only valid for small percentages of time.

    Multipath fading and enhancement only need to be calculated for path
    lengths longer than 5 km, and can be set to zero for shorter paths.

    lat : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Latitudes of the receiver points
    lon : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Longitudes of the receiver points
    h_e : number
        Emitter antenna height (above the sea level) [m]
    h_r : number
        Receiver antenna height (above the sea level) [m]
    d : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Distances between antennas [km]
    f : number
        Frequency of the link [GHz]
    A : number
         Fade depth [dB]

    p_w: Quantity
         percentage of time that fade depth A is exceeded in the average
         worst month  [%]

    [1] Propagation data and prediction methods required for the design of
    terrestrial line-of-sight systems: https://www.itu.int/rec/R-REC-P.530/en
    global __model
    type_output = type(lat)
    lat = prepare_input_array(lat)
    lon = prepare_input_array(lon)
    lon = np.mod(lon, 360)
    h_e = prepare_quantity(h_e, u.m,
                           'Emitter antenna height (above sea level)')
    h_r = prepare_quantity(h_r, u.m,
                           'Receiver antenna height (above sea level)')
    d = prepare_quantity(d, u.km, 'Distance between antennas')
    f = prepare_quantity(f, u.GHz, 'Frequency')
    A = prepare_quantity(A, u.dB, 'Fade depth')

    val = __model.multipath_loss_for_A(lat, lon, h_e, h_r, d, f, A)
    return prepare_output_array(val, type_output) * u.percent
def rain_event_count(lat, lon, d, f, el, A, tau=45, R001=None):
    """ Estimate the number of fade events exceeding attenuation 'A'
    for 10 seconds or longer.

    lat : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Latitudes of the receiver points
    lon : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Longitudes of the receiver points
    d : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Path length [km]
    f : number
        Frequency of the link [GHz]
    el : sequence, or number
        Elevation angle (degrees)
    A : number
        Fade depth
    R001: number, optional
        Point rainfall rate for the location for 0.01% of an average year
        (mm/h). If not provided, an estimate is obtained from Recommendation
        Recommendation ITU-R P.837. Some useful values:
            * 0.25 mm/h : Drizle
            *  2.5 mm/h : Light rain
            * 12.5 mm/h : Medium rain
            * 25.0 mm/h : Heavy rain
            * 50.0 mm/h : Dwonpour
            * 100  mm/h : Tropical
            * 150  mm/h : Monsoon
    tau : number, optional
        Polarization tilt angle relative to the horizontal (degrees)
        (tau = 45 deg for circular polarization). Default value is 45

    p: Quantity
        Percentage of time that the attenuation A is exceeded.

    [1] Propagation data and prediction methods required for the design of
    terrestrial line-of-sight systems: https://www.itu.int/rec/R-REC-P.530/en
    global __model
    type_output = type(lat)
    lat = prepare_input_array(lat)
    lon = prepare_input_array(lon)
    lon = np.mod(lon, 360)
    d = prepare_quantity(d, u.km, 'Distance between antennas')
    f = prepare_quantity(f, u.GHz, 'Frequency')
    el = prepare_quantity(el, u.deg, 'Elevation Angle')
    A = prepare_quantity(A, u.dB, 'Fade depth')
    R001 = prepare_quantity(R001, u.mm / u.hr, 'Rainfall Rate')

    val = __model.rain_event_count(lat, lon, d, f, el, A, tau, R001)
    return prepare_output_array(val, type_output) * u.percent
def rain_attenuation_probability(lat, lon, el, hs=None, Ls=None, P0=None):
    The following procedure computes the probability of non-zero rain
    attenuation on a given slant path Pr(Ar > 0).

    lat : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Latitudes of the receiver points
    lon : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Longitudes of the receiver points
    el : sequence, or number
        Elevation angle (degrees)
    hs : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray, optional
        Heigh above mean sea level of the earth station (km). If local data for
        the earth station height above mean sea level is not available, an
        estimate is obtained from the maps of topographic altitude
        given in Recommendation ITU-R P.1511.
    Ls : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray, optional
        Slant path length from the earth station to the rain height (km). If
        data about the rain height is not available, this value is estimated
        automatically using Recommendation ITU-R P.838
    P0 : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray, optional
        Probability of rain at the earth station, (0 ≤ P0 ≤ 1)

    p: Quantity
         Probability of rain attenuation on the slant path (%)

    [1] Propagation data and prediction methods required for the design of
    Earth-space telecommunication systems:
    global __model
    type_output = type(lat)

    lat = prepare_input_array(lat)
    lon = prepare_input_array(lon)

    lon = np.mod(lon, 360)
    el = prepare_quantity(prepare_input_array(el), u.deg, 'Elevation angle')
    hs = prepare_quantity(hs, u.km,
                          'Heigh above mean sea level of the earth station')
    Ls = prepare_quantity(Ls, u.km,
                          'Heigh above mean sea level of the earth station')
    P0 = prepare_quantity(P0, u.pct, 'Point rainfall rate')

    val = __model.rain_attenuation_probability(lat, lon, el, hs, Ls, P0)

    return prepare_output_array(val, type_output) * 100 * u.pct
def fit_rain_attenuation_to_lognormal(lat, lon, f, el, hs, P_k, tau):
    Compute the log-normal fit of rain attenuation vs. probability of

    lat : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Latitudes of the receiver points
    lon : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Longitudes of the receiver points
    f : number or Quantity
        Frequency (GHz)
    el : sequence, or number
        Elevation angle (degrees)
    hs : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray, optional
        Heigh above mean sea level of the earth station (km). If local data for
        the earth station height above mean sea level is not available, an
        estimate is obtained from the maps of topographic altitude
        given in Recommendation ITU-R P.1511.
    P_k : number
        Rain probability
    tau : number, optional
        Polarization tilt angle relative to the horizontal (degrees)
        (tau = 45 deg for circular polarization). Default value is 45

        Standar deviation of the lognormal distribution
        Mean of the lognormal distribution

    [1] Propagation data and prediction methods required for the design of
    Earth-space telecommunication systems:

    global __model

    lat = prepare_input_array(lat)
    lon = prepare_input_array(lon)
    lon = np.mod(lon, 360)
    f = prepare_quantity(f, u.GHz, 'Frequency')
    el = prepare_quantity(prepare_input_array(el), u.deg, 'Elevation angle')
    hs = prepare_quantity(hs, u.km,
                          'Heigh above mean sea level of the earth station')
    tau = prepare_quantity(tau, u.one, 'Polarization tilt angle')
    sigma_lna, m_lna = __model.fit_rain_attenuation_to_lognormal(
        lat, lon, f, el, hs, P_k, tau)
    return sigma_lna, m_lna
def pressure(lat, h, season='summer'):
    Method to determine the pressure as a function of altitude and latitude,
    for calculating gaseous attenuation along an Earth-space path.
    This method is recommended when more reliable local data are not available.

    lat : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Latitudes of the receiver points
    h : number or Quantity
        Height (km)
    season : string
        Season of the year (available values, 'summer', and 'winter').
        Default 'summer'

    P: Quantity
        Pressure (hPa)

    [1] Reference Standard Atmospheres
    global __model
    type_output = type(lat)
    lat = prepare_input_array(lat)
    h = prepare_quantity(h, u.km, 'Height')
    val = __model.pressure(lat, h, season)
    return prepare_output_array(val, type_output) * u.hPa
def zenit_water_vapour_attenuation(lat, lon, p, f, V_t=None, h=None):
    An alternative method may be used to compute the slant path attenuation by
    water vapour, in cases where the integrated water vapour content along the
    path, ``V_t``, is known.

    lat : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Latitudes of the receiver points
    lon : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Longitudes of the receiver points
    p : number
        Percentage of the time the zenit water vapour attenuation value is
    f : number or Quantity
        Frequency (GHz)
    V_t : number or Quantity, optional
        Integrated water vapour content along the path (kg/m2 or mm).
        If not provided this value is estimated using Recommendation
        ITU-R P.836. Default value None
    h : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Altitude of the receivers. If None, use the topographical altitude as
        described in recommendation ITU-R P.1511

    A_w : Quantity
        Water vapour attenuation along the slant path (dB)

    [1] Attenuation by atmospheric gases:
    type_output = type(lat)
    lat = prepare_input_array(lat)
    lon = prepare_input_array(lon)
    lon = np.mod(lon, 360)
    f = prepare_quantity(f, u.GHz, 'Frequency')
    V_t = prepare_quantity(V_t, u.kg / u.m**2,
                           'Integrated water vapour content along the path')
    h = prepare_quantity(h, u.km, 'Altitude')
    val = __model.zenit_water_vapour_attenuation(lat, lon, p, f, V_t=V_t, h=h)
    return prepare_output_array(val, type_output) * u.dB
def cloud_attenuation(lat, lon, el, f, p):
    A method to estimate the attenuation due to clouds along slant paths for
    a given probability.

    lat : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Latitudes of the receiver points
    lon : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Longitudes of the receiver points
    el : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Elevation angle of the receiver points (deg)
    f : number
        Frequency (GHz)
    p : number
         Percentage of time exceeded for p% of the average year

    p: numpy.ndarray
        Rainfall rate exceeded for p% of the average year

    [1] Attenuation due to clouds and fog:
    global __model
    type_output = type(lat)
    lat = prepare_input_array(lat)
    lon = prepare_input_array(lon)
    lon = np.mod(lon, 360)
    el = prepare_quantity(el, u.deg, 'Elevation angle')
    f = prepare_quantity(f, u.GHz, 'Frequency')
    val = __model.cloud_attenuation(lat, lon, el, f, p)
    return prepare_output_array(val, type_output) * u.dB
def gaseous_attenuation_terrestrial_path(r, f, el, rho, P, T, mode):
    Estimate the attenuation of atmospheric gases on terrestrial paths.
    This function operates in two modes, 'approx', and 'exact':

    * 'approx': a simplified approximate method to estimate gaseous attenuation
    that is applicable in the frequency range 1-350 GHz.
    * 'exact': an estimate of gaseous attenuation computed by summation of
    individual absorption lines that is valid for the frequency
    range 1-1,000 GHz

    r : number or Quantity
        Path length (km)
    f : number or Quantity
        Frequency (GHz)
    el : sequence, number or Quantity
        Elevation angle (degrees)
    rho : number or Quantity
        Water vapor density (g/m**3)
    P : number or Quantity
        Atmospheric pressure (hPa)
    T : number or Quantity
        Absolute temperature (K)
    mode : string, optional
        Mode for the calculation. Valid values are 'approx', 'exact'. If
        'approx' Uses the method in Annex 2 of the recommendation (if any),
        else uses the method described in Section 1. Default, 'approx'

    attenuation: Quantity
        Terrestrial path attenuation (dB)

    [1] Attenuation by atmospheric gases:
    type_output = type(el)
    r = prepare_quantity(r, u.km, 'Path Length')
    f = prepare_quantity(f, u.GHz, 'Frequency')
    el = prepare_quantity(prepare_input_array(el), u.deg, 'Elevation angle')
    rho = prepare_quantity(rho, u.g / u.m**3, 'Water vapor density')
    P = prepare_quantity(P, u.hPa, 'Atospheric pressure')
    T = prepare_quantity(T, u.K, 'Temperature')
    val = __model.gaseous_attenuation_terrestrial_path(r, f, el, rho, P, T,
    return prepare_output_array(val, type_output) * u.dB
def total_water_vapour_content(lat, lon, p, alt=None):
    Method to compute the total water vapour content along a path  at any
    desired location on the surface of the Earth.

    lat : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Latitudes of the receiver points
    lon : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Longitudes of the receiver points
    p : number
        Percentage of time exceeded for p% of the average year
    alt : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Altitude of the receivers. If None, use the topographical altitude as
        described in recommendation ITU-R P.1511

    V: Quantity
       Total water vapour content (kg/m2)

    [1] Water vapour: surface density and total columnar content
    global __model
    type_output = type(lat)
    lat = prepare_input_array(lat)
    lon = prepare_input_array(lon)
    lon = np.mod(lon, 360)
    alt = prepare_input_array(alt)
    alt = prepare_quantity(alt, u.km, 'Altitude of the receivers')
    val = __model.total_water_vapour_content(lat, lon, p, alt)
    return prepare_output_array(val, type_output) * u.kg / u.m**2
def lognormal_approximation_coefficient(lat, lon):
    A method to estimate the paramerts of the lognormla distribution used to
    approximate the total columnar content of cloud liquid water

    lat : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Latitudes of the receiver points
    lon : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Longitudes of the receiver points

    m: numpy.ndarray
        Mean of the lognormal distribution
    sigma: numpy.ndarray
        Standard deviation of the lognormal distribution
    Pclw: numpy.ndarray
        Probability of liquid water of the lognormal distribution

    [1] Attenuation due to clouds and fog:
    type_output = type(lat)
    lat = prepare_input_array(lat)
    lon = prepare_input_array(lon)
    lon = np.mod(lon, 360)
    val = __model.lognormal_approximation_coefficient(lat, lon)
    u_adim = u.dimensionless_unscaled
    return (prepare_output_array(val[0], type_output) * u_adim,
            prepare_output_array(val[1], type_output) * u_adim,
            prepare_output_array(val[2], type_output) * u_adim)
def DN65(lat, lon, p):
    Method to determine the statistics of the vertical gradient of radio
    refractivity in the lowest 65 m from the surface of the Earth.

    lat : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Latitudes of the receiver points
    lon : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Longitudes of the receiver points
    p : number
        Percentage of time exceeded for p% of the average year

    DN65_p: Quantity
        Vertical gradient of radio refractivity in the lowest 65 m from the
        surface of the Earth exceeded for p% of the average year

    [1] The radio refractive index: its formula and refractivity data

    global __model
    type_output = type(lat)
    lat = prepare_input_array(lat)
    lon = prepare_input_array(lon)
    lon = np.mod(lon, 360)
    val = __model.DN65(lat, lon, p)
    return prepare_output_array(val, type_output) * u.one
def columnar_content_reduced_liquid(lat, lon, p):
    A method to compute the total columnar content of reduced cloud liquid
    water, Lred (kg/m2), exceeded for p% of the average year

    lat : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Latitudes of the receiver points
    lon : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Longitudes of the receiver points
    p : number
        Percentage of time exceeded for p% of the average year

    Lred: numpy.ndarray
        Total columnar content of reduced cloud liquid water, Lred (kg/m2),
        exceeded for p% of the average year

    [1] Attenuation due to clouds and fog:
    global __model
    type_output = type(lat)
    lat = prepare_input_array(lat)
    lon = prepare_input_array(lon)
    lon = np.mod(lon, 360)
    val = __model.columnar_content_reduced_liquid(lat, lon, p)
    return prepare_output_array(val, type_output) * u.kg / u.m**2
def rain_cross_polarization_discrimination(Ap, f, el, p, tau=45):
    Calculation of the cross-polarization discrimination (XPD) statistics from
    rain attenuation statistics. The following procedure provides estimates of
    the long-term statistics of the cross-polarization discrimination (XPD)
    statistics for frequencies up to 55 GHz and elevation angles lower than 60

    Ap : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Rain attenuation (dB) exceeded for the required percentage of time, p,
        for the path in question, commonly called co-polar attenuation (CPA)
    f : number
    el : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Elevation angle (degrees)
    p : number
        Percetage of the time the XPD is exceeded.
    tau : number, optional
        Polarization tilt angle relative to the horizontal (degrees)
        (tau = 45 deg for circular polarization). Default value is 45

    attenuation: Quantity
        Cross-polarization discrimination (dB)

    [1] Propagation data and prediction methods required for the design of
    Earth-space telecommunication systems:
    global __model
    type_output = type(Ap)
    Ap = prepare_input_array(Ap)
    f = prepare_quantity(f, u.GHz, 'Frequency')
    el = prepare_quantity(el, u.deg, 'Elevation angle')
    tau = prepare_quantity(tau, u.one, 'Polarization tilt angle')
    val = __model.rain_cross_polarization_discrimination(Ap, f, el, p, tau=tau)
    return prepare_output_array(val, type_output) * u.dB
def XPD_outage_clear_air(lat, lon, h_e, h_r, d, f, XPD_g, C0_I, XPIF=0):
    """ Estimate the probability of outage due to cross-polar discrimnation
    reduction due to clear-air effects, assuming that a targe C0_I is

    lat : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Latitudes of the receiver points
    lon : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Longitudes of the receiver points
    h_e : number
        Emitter antenna height (above the sea level) [m]
    h_r : number
        Receiver antenna height (above the sea level) [m]
    d : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Distances between antennas [km]
    f : number
        Frequency of the link [GHz]
    XPD_g : number
        Manufacturer's guaranteed minimum XPD at boresight for both the
        transmitting and receiving antennas [dB]
    C0_I : number
         Carrier-to-interference ratio for a reference BER [dB]
    XPIF : number, optional
        Laboratory-measured cross-polarization improvement factor that gives
        the difference in cross-polar isolation (XPI) at sufficiently large
        carrier-to-noise ratio (typically 35 dB) and at a specific BER for
        systems with and without cross polar interference canceller (XPIC).
        A typical value of XPIF is about 20 dB. Default value 0 dB (no XPIC)

    p_XP: Quantity
        Probability of outage due to clear-air cross-polarization

    [1] Propagation data and prediction methods required for the design of
    terrestrial line-of-sight systems: https://www.itu.int/rec/R-REC-P.530/en
    global __model
    type_output = type(lat)
    lat = prepare_input_array(lat)
    lon = prepare_input_array(lon)
    lon = np.mod(lon, 360)
    h_e = prepare_quantity(h_e, u.m,
                           'Emitter antenna height (above sea level)')
    h_r = prepare_quantity(h_r, u.m,
                           'Receiver antenna height (above sea level)')
    d = prepare_quantity(d, u.km, 'Distance between antennas')
    f = prepare_quantity(f, u.GHz, 'Frequency')
    XPD_g = prepare_quantity(XPD_g, u.dB, 'Manufacturers minimum XPD')
    C0_I = prepare_quantity(C0_I, u.dB, 'Carrier-to-interference ratio')
    XPIF = prepare_quantity(XPIF, u.dB,
                            'Cross-polarization improvement factor')

    val = __model.XPD_outage_clear_air(lat, lon, h_e, h_r, d, f, XPD_g, C0_I,
    return prepare_output_array(val, type_output) * u.percent
def scintillation_attenuation(lat,
    Calculation of monthly and long-term statistics of amplitude scintillations
    at elevation angles greater than 5° and frequencies up to 20 GHz.

    lat : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Latitudes of the receiver points
    lon : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Longitudes of the receiver points
    f : number or Quantity
        Frequency (GHz)
    el : sequence, or number
        Elevation angle (degrees)
    p : number
        Percetage of the time the scintillation attenuation value is exceeded.
    D: number
        Physical diameter of the earth-station antenna (m)
    eta: number, optional
        Antenna efficiency. Default value 0.5 (conservative estimate)
    T: number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray, optional
        Average surface ambient temperature (°C) at the site. If None, uses the
        ITU-R P.453 to estimate the wet term of the radio refractivity.
    H: number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray, optional
        Average surface relative humidity (%) at the site. If None, uses the
        ITU-R P.453 to estimate the wet term of the radio refractivity.
    P: number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray, optional
        Average surface pressure (hPa) at the site. If None, uses the
        ITU-R P.453 to estimate the wet term of the radio refractivity.
    hL : number, optional
        Height of the turbulent layer (m). Default value 1000 m

    attenuation: Quantity
        Attenuation due to scintillation (dB)

    [1] Propagation data and prediction methods required for the design of
    Earth-space telecommunication systems:
    global __model
    type_output = type(lat)

    lat = prepare_input_array(lat)
    lon = prepare_input_array(lon)

    lon = np.mod(lon, 360)
    f = prepare_quantity(f, u.GHz, 'Frequency')
    el = prepare_quantity(prepare_input_array(el), u.deg, 'Elevation angle')
    D = prepare_quantity(D, u.m, 'Antenna diameter')
    eta = prepare_quantity(eta, u.one, 'Antenna efficiency')
    T = prepare_quantity(T, u.deg_C, 'Average surface temperature')
    H = prepare_quantity(H, u.percent, 'Average surface relative humidity')
    P = prepare_quantity(P, u.hPa, 'Average surface pressure')
    hL = prepare_quantity(hL, u.m, 'Height of the turbulent layer')

    val = __model.scintillation_attenuation(lat,

    return prepare_output_array(val, type_output) * u.dB
def rain_attenuation(lat,
    Calculation of long-term rain attenuation statistics from point rainfall
    The following procedure provides estimates of the long-term statistics of
    the slant-path rain attenuation at a given location for frequencies up
    to 55 GHz.

    lat : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Latitudes of the receiver points
    lon : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Longitudes of the receiver points
    f : number
        Frequency (GHz)
    el : sequence, or number
        Elevation angle (degrees)
    hs : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray, optional
        Heigh above mean sea level of the earth station (km). If local data for
        the earth station height above mean sea level is not available, an
        estimate is obtained from the maps of topographic altitude
        given in Recommendation ITU-R P.1511.
    p : number, optional
        Percetage of the time the rain attenuation value is exceeded.
    R001: number, optional
        Point rainfall rate for the location for 0.01% of an average year
        If not provided, an estimate is obtained from Recommendation
        Recommendation ITU-R P.837. Some useful values:
            * 0.25 mm/h : Drizle
            *  2.5 mm/h : Light rain
            * 12.5 mm/h : Medium rain
            * 25.0 mm/h : Heavy rain
            * 50.0 mm/h : Dwonpour
            * 100  mm/h : Tropical
            * 150  mm/h : Monsoon
    tau : number, optional
        Polarization tilt angle relative to the horizontal (degrees)
        (tau = 45 deg for circular polarization). Default value is 45
    Ls :number, optional
        Slant path length (km). If not provided, it will be computed using the
        rain height and the elevation angle. The ITU model does not require
        this parameter as an input.

    attenuation: Quantity
        Attenuation due to rain (dB)

    [1] Propagation data and prediction methods required for the design of
    Earth-space telecommunication systems:
    global __model
    type_output = type(lat)

    lat = prepare_input_array(lat)
    lon = prepare_input_array(lon)

    lon = np.mod(lon, 360)
    f = prepare_quantity(f, u.GHz, 'Frequency')
    el = prepare_quantity(prepare_input_array(el), u.deg, 'Elevation angle')
    hs = prepare_quantity(hs, u.km,
                          'Heigh above mean sea level of the earth station')
    R001 = prepare_quantity(R001, u.mm / u.hr, 'Point rainfall rate')
    tau = prepare_quantity(tau, u.one, 'Polarization tilt angle')
    Ls = prepare_quantity(Ls, u.km, 'Slant path length')

    val = __model.rain_attenuation(lat,
    return prepare_output_array(val, type_output) * u.dB
def gaseous_attenuation_slant_path(f,
    Estimate the attenuation of atmospheric gases on slant paths. This function
    operates in two modes, 'approx', and 'exact':

    * 'approx': a simplified approximate method to estimate gaseous attenuation
    that is applicable in the frequency range 1-350 GHz.
    * 'exact': an estimate of gaseous attenuation computed by summation of
    individual absorption lines that is valid for the frequency
    range 1-1,000 GHz

    f : number or Quantity
        Frequency (GHz)
    el : sequence, number or Quantity
        Elevation angle (degrees)
    rho : number or Quantity
        Water vapor density (g/m3)
    P : number or Quantity
        Atmospheric pressure (hPa)
    T : number or Quantity
        Absolute temperature (K)
    V_t: number or Quantity (kg/m2)
        Integrated water vapour content from: a) local radiosonde or
        radiometric data or b) at the required percentage of time (kg/m2)
        obtained from the digital maps in Recommendation ITU-R P.836 (kg/m2).
        If None, use general method to compute the wet-component of the
        gaseous attenuation. If provided, 'h' must be also provided. Default
        is None.
    h : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Altitude of the receivers. If None, use the topographical altitude as
        described in recommendation ITU-R P.1511. If provided, 'V_t' needs to
        be also provided. Default is None.
    mode : string, optional
        Mode for the calculation. Valid values are 'approx', 'exact'. If
        'approx' Uses the method in Annex 2 of the recommendation (if any),
        else uses the method described in Section 1. Default, 'approx'

    attenuation: Quantity
        Slant path attenuation (dB)

    [1] Attenuation by atmospheric gases:
    type_output = type(el)
    f = prepare_quantity(f, u.GHz, 'Frequency')
    el = prepare_quantity(prepare_input_array(el), u.deg, 'Elevation angle')
    rho = prepare_quantity(rho, u.g / u.m**3, 'Water vapor density')
    P = prepare_quantity(P, u.hPa, 'Atospheric pressure')
    T = prepare_quantity(T, u.K, 'Temperature')
    V_t = prepare_quantity(V_t, u.kg / u.m**2,
                           'Integrated water vapour content')
    h = prepare_quantity(h, u.km, 'Altitude')
    val = __model.gaseous_attenuation_slant_path(f, el, rho, P, T, V_t, h,
    return prepare_output_array(val, type_output) * u.dB
def rain_attenuation(lat, lon, d, f, el, p, tau=45, R001=None):
    """ Estimate long-term statistics of rain attenuation. Attenuation can also
    occur as a result of absorption and scattering by such hydrometeors as
    rain, snow, hail and fog. Although rain attenuation can be ignored at
    frequencies below about 5 GHz, it must be included in design calculations
    at higher frequencies, where its importance increases rapidly.

    lat : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Latitudes of the receiver points
    lon : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Longitudes of the receiver points
    d : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray
        Path length [km]
    f : number
        Frequency of the link [GHz]
    el : sequence, or number
        Elevation angle (degrees)
    p : number
        Percetage of the time the rain attenuation value is exceeded.
    R001: number, optional
        Point rainfall rate for the location for 0.01% of an average year
        (mm/h). If not provided, an estimate is obtained from Recommendation
        Recommendation ITU-R P.837. Some useful values:
            * 0.25 mm/h : Drizle
            *  2.5 mm/h : Light rain
            * 12.5 mm/h : Medium rain
            * 25.0 mm/h : Heavy rain
            * 50.0 mm/h : Dwonpour
            * 100  mm/h : Tropical
            * 150  mm/h : Monsoon
    tau : number, optional
        Polarization tilt angle relative to the horizontal (degrees)
        (tau = 45 deg for circular polarization). Default value is 45

    A_r: Quantity
         Attenuation exceeded during p percent of the time  [dB]

    [1] Propagation data and prediction methods required for the design of
    terrestrial line-of-sight systems: https://www.itu.int/rec/R-REC-P.530/en
    global __model
    type_output = type(lat)
    lat = prepare_input_array(lat)
    lon = prepare_input_array(lon)
    lon = np.mod(lon, 360)
    d = prepare_quantity(d, u.km, 'Distance between antennas')
    f = prepare_quantity(f, u.GHz, 'Frequency')
    el = prepare_quantity(el, u.deg, 'Elevation Angle')
    R001 = prepare_quantity(R001, u.mm / u.hr, 'Rainfall Rate')

    val = __model.rain_attenuation(lat, lon, d, f, el, p, tau, R001)
    return prepare_output_array(val, type_output) * u.dB