 def init_resource(self, **kw):
     Diaporama.init_resource(self, **kw)
     # Check if the loading image is here!
     context = get_context()
     # XXX from handler level to the resource one,
     # finding the site_root and indexing image
     site_root = context.site_root
     if site_root.get_resource('images/loading', soft=True) is None:
         path = get_abspath('ui/loading.gif')
         with open(path) as file:
             body = file.read()
         site_root.make_resource('images/loading', Image,
                 format='image/gif', filename='loading.gif',
                 extension='gif', state='public', body=body)
 def get_metadata_schema(cls):
     return merge_dicts(Diaporama.get_metadata_schema(),
         {'width': Integer(default=256),
         'height': Integer(default=256),
         'border': Unicode(default="#FF0000"),
         'show_border': Boolean(default=True),
         'show_title': Boolean(default=True),
         ## slideViewerPro options (defaults)
         # The border width around the main images 
         'galBorderWidth': Integer(default=6),
         # The distance that separates the thumbnails
         # and the buttons from the main images 
         'thumbsTopMargin': Integer(default=3),
         # The distance of each thumnail respect to the next one 
         'thumbsRightMargin': Integer(default=3),            
         # The border width of each thumbnail.
         # Note that the border in reality is above, not around 
         'thumbsBorderWidth': Integer(default=3),            
         # The width of the prev/next buttons that commands the thumbnails 
         'buttonsWidth': Integer(default=20),            
         # The border color around the main
         'galBorderColor': Unicode(default="#ff0000"),
         # The border color of the thumbnails but not the current one 
         'images thumbsBorderColor': Unicode(default="#d8d8d8"),
         # The border color of the current thumbnail 
         'thumbsActiveBorderColor': Unicode(default="#ff0000"),
         # The color of the optional text in leftButtonInner/rightButtonInner 
         'buttonsTextColor': Unicode(default="#ff0000"),
         # Could be 0, 0.1 up to 1.0
         'thumbsBorderOpacity': Decimal(default=1.0),
         # Could be 0, 0.1 up to 1.0 
         'thumbsActiveBorderOpacity': Decimal(default=1.0),
         # The time it takes a slide to move to its position 
         'easeTime': Integer(default=750),
         # If autoslide is true, this is the interval between each slide 
         'asTimer': Integer(default=4000),            
         # The number of visible thumbnails
         'thumbs': Integer(default=5),     
         # The percentual reduction of the thumbnails in relation to the original 
         'thumbsPercentReduction': Integer(default=12),
         # With this option set to false,
         # the whole UI (thumbs and buttons) are not visible
         'thumbsVis': Boolean(default=True),            
         # Could be an image "<img src='images/larw.gif' />" or an escaped
         # char as "&larr;" 
         'leftButtonInner': Unicode(default="-"),             
         # could be an image or an escaped char as "&rarr;"
         'rightButtonInner': Unicode(default="+"),            
         # By default the slider do not slides automatically.
         # When set to true REQUIRES the jquery.timers plugin 
         'autoslide': Boolean(default=False),
         # The typographic info of each slide.
         # When set to true, the ALT tag content is displayed 
         'typo': Boolean(default=False),             
         # The opacity for typographic info. 1 means fully visible. 
         'typoFullOpacity': Decimal(default=0.9),
         # The LI items can be shuffled (randomly mixed) when shuffle is true 
         'shuffle': Boolean(default=False)