def pack_01(): """ input: fc_j0 feature, rel_pose outputs: rel_pose, fc_j0_feature """ source_feature_network_path = '/opt/visal/tmp/for_sijin/Data/saved/theano_models/2015_02_02_acm_act_14_exp_2_19_graph_0012/' source_meta_path = '/opt/visal/tmp/for_sijin/tmp/tmp_saved' exp_meta_path = '/opt/visal/tmp/for_sijin/Data/H36M/H36MExp/folder_ASM_act_14_exp_2/batches.meta' save_path = '/opt/visal/tmp/for_sijin/Data/H36M/H36MExp/folder_FCJ0_act_14' feature_name = 'Relative_Y3d_mono_body' res = dict() exp_meta = mio.unpickle(exp_meta_path) source_meta = dutils.collect_feature_meta(source_meta_path) rel_pose = exp_meta[feature_name] fc_j0_feature = source_meta['feature_list'][1] rel_gt = source_meta['feature_list'][0] diff = rel_gt.reshape((-1, rel_gt.shape[-1]),order='F') * 1200 - rel_pose print 'diff is {}'.format(diff.flatten().sum()) feature_list = [rel_pose, fc_j0_feature] feature_dim = [rel_pose.shape[0], fc_j0_feature.shape[0]] print feature_dim, '<<<feature dim' res = {'feature_list': feature_list, 'feature_dim':feature_dim, 'info':{'indexes':source_meta['info']['indexes'], 'max_depth': 1200.0}} indexes = res['info']['indexes'] res['info']['soure_feature_network_path'] = source_feature_network_path print indexes[:10], min(indexes), max(indexes) print 'The number of data is {} == {}'.format(indexes.size, feature_list[0].shape[-1]) iu.ensure_dir(save_path) mio.pickle(iu.fullfile(save_path, 'batches.meta'), res)
def MakeDataFromImages(imgdir, max_per_batch , save_dir = None, save_name=None): import iutils as iu import iconvnet_datacvt as icvt from PIL import Image if max_per_batch == 0: raise CifarError('max_per_batch can''t not be zero') allfiles = iu.getfilelist(imgdir, '.*jpg|.*bmp|.*png$') ndata = len(allfiles) iu.ensure_dir(save_dir) d = PrepareData(min(max_per_batch, ndata)) j = 0 if save_name is None: save_name = 'data_batch' bid = 1 for i,fn in enumerate(allfiles): if j == max_per_batch: j = 0 if not save_dir is None: icvt.ut.pickle(iu.fullfile(save_dir, save_name + '_' + str(bid)), d) bid = bid + 1 if ndata - i < max_per_batch: d = PrepareData(ndata-i) fp = iu.fullfile(imgdir, fn) img = iu.imgproc.ensure_rgb(np.asarray( img = Image.fromarray(img).resize((img_size[0],img_size[1])) arr_img = np.asarray(img).reshape((dim_data), order='F') d['data'][...,j] = arr_img j = j + 1 if not save_dir is None: icvt.ut.pickle(iu.fullfile(save_dir, save_name + '_' + str(bid)), d)
def MakeDataFromImages(imgdir, max_per_batch, save_dir=None, save_name=None): import iutils as iu import iconvnet_datacvt as icvt from PIL import Image if max_per_batch == 0: raise CifarError('max_per_batch can' 't not be zero') allfiles = iu.getfilelist(imgdir, '.*jpg|.*bmp|.*png$') ndata = len(allfiles) iu.ensure_dir(save_dir) d = PrepareData(min(max_per_batch, ndata)) j = 0 if save_name is None: save_name = 'data_batch' bid = 1 for i, fn in enumerate(allfiles): if j == max_per_batch: j = 0 if not save_dir is None: icvt.ut.pickle( iu.fullfile(save_dir, save_name + '_' + str(bid)), d) bid = bid + 1 if ndata - i < max_per_batch: d = PrepareData(ndata - i) fp = iu.fullfile(imgdir, fn) img = iu.imgproc.ensure_rgb(np.asarray( img = Image.fromarray(img).resize((img_size[0], img_size[1])) arr_img = np.asarray(img).reshape((dim_data), order='F') d['data'][..., j] = arr_img j = j + 1 if not save_dir is None: icvt.ut.pickle(iu.fullfile(save_dir, save_name + '_' + str(bid)), d)
def add_part_indicatormap(data_dir, save_dir, mdim, rate, filter_size, stride): """ This function is used for generating part indicator map for old data data_dir is the directory that you put all batch_datayes """ allfile = iu.getfilelist(data_dir, 'data_batch_\d+') meta_path = iu.fullfile(data_dir, 'batches.meta') iu.ensure_dir(save_dir) if iu.exists(meta_path, 'file'): d_meta = myio.unpickle(meta_path) if 'savedata_info' not in d_meta: d_meta['savedata_info'] = dict() d_meta['savedata_info']['indmap_para'] = dict() d_meta['savedata_info']['indmap_para']['filter_size'] = filter_size d_meta['savedata_info']['indmap_para']['stride'] = stride d_meta['savedata_info']['indmap_para']['rate'] = rate myio.pickle(iu.fullfile(save_dir, 'batches.meta'), d_meta) for fn in allfile: print 'Processing %s' % fn d = myio.unpickle(iu.fullfile(data_dir, fn)) ndata = d['data'].shape[-1] nparts = 7 d['indmap'] = np.zeros((nparts, mdim[0], mdim[1], ndata), dtype=np.bool) for i in range(ndata): jts = d['joints8'][..., i] d['indmap'][..., i] = HMLPE.create_part_indicatormap( jts, part_idx, mdim, rate, filter_size, stride) myio.pickle(iu.fullfile(save_dir, fn), d)
def generate_positive_data(self, generate_type, allfile=None): """ generate_type = 'rt': random translation 'ct' center block """ if allfile is None: allfile = iu.getfilelist(self.imgdata_info['imgdatapath'], '\w+\.mat') print 'imgdatapath=%s, %d files are found' % ( self.imgdata_info['imgdatapath'], len(allfile)) iu.ensure_dir(self.savedata_info['savedir']) self.batch_id = self.savedata_info['start_patch_id'] self.init_meta(generate_type) print self.meta np.random.seed(7) for fn in allfile: print 'Processing %s ' % fn mpath = iu.fullfile(self.imgdata_info['imgdatapath'], fn) self.generate_positive_data_from_mat(generate_type, iu.fullfile(mpath)) if self.meta['ndata'] > 0: self.meta['data_mean'] = self.meta['data_sum'] / self.meta['ndata'] self.meta['data_mean'] = self.meta['data_mean'].reshape((-1, 1)) else: self.meta['data_mean'] = 0 del self.meta['data_sum'] myio.pickle(iu.fullfile(self.savedata_info['savedir'], 'batches.meta'), self.meta)
def merge_batch_data(data_dir_list, save_dir, is_symbolic = True, batch_start_num = 1): """ This function will merge all the data_batches in data_dir into one folder and rename them accordining. Of cause, meta data will be updated """ import os import shutil iu.ensure_dir(save_dir) meta = None for ddir in data_dir_list: cur_meta = myio.unpickle(iu.fullfile(ddir, 'batches.meta')) meta = HMLPE.merge_meta(meta, cur_meta) myio.pickle(iu.fullfile(save_dir, 'batches.meta'), meta) cur_id = batch_start_num for ddir in data_dir_list: all_file = iu.getfilelist(ddir, 'data_batch_\d+') print 'I find %d batches in %s' % (len(all_file), ddir) if is_symbolic: for fn in all_file: sn = iu.fullfile(save_dir, 'data_batch_%d' % cur_id) if iu.exists(sn, 'file'): os.remove(sn) os.symlink(iu.fullfile(ddir, fn), sn) cur_id = cur_id + 1 else: for fn in all_file: shutil.copyfile(iu.fullfile(ddir, fn), iu.fullfile(save_dir, 'data_batch_%d' % cur_id)) cur_id = cur_id + 1
def add_part_indicatormap(data_dir, save_dir, mdim, rate, filter_size, stride): """ This function is used for generating part indicator map for old data data_dir is the directory that you put all batch_datayes """ allfile = iu.getfilelist(data_dir, 'data_batch_\d+') meta_path = iu.fullfile(data_dir, 'batches.meta') iu.ensure_dir(save_dir) if iu.exists(meta_path, 'file'): d_meta = myio.unpickle(meta_path) if 'savedata_info' not in d_meta: d_meta['savedata_info'] = dict() d_meta['savedata_info']['indmap_para'] = dict() d_meta['savedata_info']['indmap_para']['filter_size'] = filter_size d_meta['savedata_info']['indmap_para']['stride'] = stride d_meta['savedata_info']['indmap_para']['rate'] = rate myio.pickle(iu.fullfile(save_dir, 'batches.meta'), d_meta) for fn in allfile: print 'Processing %s' % fn d = myio.unpickle(iu.fullfile(data_dir, fn)) ndata = d['data'].shape[-1] nparts = 7 d['indmap'] = np.zeros((nparts, mdim[0], mdim[1], ndata), dtype=np.bool) for i in range(ndata): jts = d['joints8'][...,i] d['indmap'][...,i] = HMLPE.create_part_indicatormap(jts, part_idx, mdim, rate, filter_size, stride) myio.pickle(iu.fullfile(save_dir, fn), d)
def merge_batch_data(data_dir_list, save_dir, is_symbolic=True, batch_start_num=1): """ This function will merge all the data_batches in data_dir into one folder and rename them accordining. Of cause, meta data will be updated """ import os import shutil iu.ensure_dir(save_dir) meta = None for ddir in data_dir_list: cur_meta = myio.unpickle(iu.fullfile(ddir, 'batches.meta')) meta = HMLPE.merge_meta(meta, cur_meta) myio.pickle(iu.fullfile(save_dir, 'batches.meta'), meta) cur_id = batch_start_num for ddir in data_dir_list: all_file = iu.getfilelist(ddir, 'data_batch_\d+') print 'I find %d batches in %s' % (len(all_file), ddir) if is_symbolic: for fn in all_file: sn = iu.fullfile(save_dir, 'data_batch_%d' % cur_id) if iu.exists(sn, 'file'): os.remove(sn) os.symlink(iu.fullfile(ddir, fn), sn) cur_id = cur_id + 1 else: for fn in all_file: shutil.copyfile( iu.fullfile(ddir, fn), iu.fullfile(save_dir, 'data_batch_%d' % cur_id)) cur_id = cur_id + 1
def ReadDataToCifarDic(imgdir, example_path, data_category, max_per_batch, save_dir): """ read all data in 'data_category' into cifar style dictionary """ import as sio import iutils as iu import cifar import iconvnet_datacvt as icvt from iutils import imgproc as imgproc from PIL import Image if data_category != 'istest': print 'I haven' 't implement joints8 part ' #raise ModecError('I haven''t implement joints8 part ') all_examples = sio.loadmat(example_path)['examples'] examples = ExtractSubExample(all_examples, data_category) ndata = examples.shape[-1] iu.ensure_dir(save_dir) s_first = min(ndata, max_per_batch) d = cifar.PrepareData(s_first) d['oridet'] = np.ndarray((4, s_first), d['filepath'] = [str() for x in range(s_first)] d['coords'] = np.ndarray((2, 29, s_first), dtype=np.float32) tdsize = cifar.img_size[0] # make sure img_size[0] == img_size[1] j = 0 bid = 1 for i in range(ndata): if j == max_per_batch: icvt.ut.pickle(iu.fullfile(save_dir, 'data_batch_' + str(bid)), \ d) bid = bid + 1 j = 0 if ndata - i < max_per_batch: d = cifar.PrepareData(ndata - i) fn = str(examples[i]['filepath'][0]) fp = iu.fullfile(imgdir, fn) img = tbox = examples[i]['torsobox'][0].reshape((4)) d['filepath'][j] = fp d['oridet'][..., j] = tbox d['oribbox'][..., j] = bbox = ExtendBndbox(tbox, img.size) d['coords'][..., j] = examples[i]['coords'] orijoints8 = CvtCoordsToJoints(examples[i]['coords']).reshape( (8, 2), order='C') d['joints8'][..., j] = TransformPoints(orijoints8, bbox, cifar.img_size).reshape( (16), order='C') img = imgproc.ensure_rgb(np.asarray(img)) sub_img = Image.fromarray(img[bbox[1]:bbox[3], bbox[0]:bbox[2], :]) data_img = np.asarray(sub_img.resize((cifar.img_size[0],\ cifar.img_size[1]))).reshape((cifar.dim_data),order='F') d['data'][..., j] = data_img j = j + 1 icvt.ut.pickle(iu.fullfile(save_dir, 'data_batch_' + str(bid)), d)
def estimate_pose(self): import as sio from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D self.crop_cls = None if self.op.get_value('crop_image'): if self.op.get_value('crop_image') in self.cropper_dict: self.crop_cls = self.cropper_dict[self.op.get_value( 'crop_image')]() params = self.parse_params(self.op.get_value('do_pose_evaluation')) input_params = self.parse_params(self.op.get_value('inputstream')) input_type = str(input_params[0]) if input_type == 'imgcamera': ca = ImageCamera(str(input_params[1])) else: ca = CVCamera() output_layer_idx = self.get_layer_idx(params[0]) if len(params) == 1: target_type = 'h36m_body' gt_idx = 1 else: target_type = params[1] gt_idx = int(params[2]) data_dim = self.model_state['layers'][output_layer_idx]['outputs'] if 'feature_name_3d' not in dir(self.test_data_provider): is_relskel = False else: is_relskel = (self.test_data_provider.feature_name_3d == 'RelativeSkel_Y3d_mono_body') print 'I am using %s' % ('RelSkel' if is_relskel else 'Rel') convert_dic = {'h36m_body':self.convert_relskel2rel, \ 'humaneva_body':self.convert_relskel2rel_eva} input_dic = {'data_dim':data_dim, 'target_type':target_type, \ 'output_layer_idx':output_layer_idx} output_dic = {'est': None} input_dic['convert_dic'] = convert_dic input_dic['camera'] = ca input_dic['next_data'], input_dic['raw_img'], input_dic['bnd'] = \ self.get_hmlpe_posedata_from_camera(input_dic['camera'], self.test_data_provider) input_dic['camera_fig'] = plt.figure(0) input_dic['camera_im'] = plt.imshow(input_dic['raw_img']) input_dic['pose_fig'] = plt.figure(1) if target_type == 'hmlpe_2d': input_dic['pose_ax'] = plt.imshow(input_dic['raw_img']) else: input_dic['pose_ax'] = input_dic['pose_fig'].add_subplot( 111, projection='3d') input_dic['pose_ax'].plot(range(10), range(10), range(10)) input_dic['pose_ax'].view_init(azim=-94, elev=-71) if self.op.get_value('outputdir'): input_dic['outputdir'] = self.op.get_value('outputdir') input_dic['savecnt'] = 0 iu.ensure_dir(input_dic['outputdir']) ani_func = lambda *x: self.estimate_pose_main_process( input_dic, output_dic) dummy = animation.FuncAnimation(input_dic['camera_fig'], ani_func, \ interval=5, blit=True, repeat=False)
def ReadDataToHMLPEDic(imgdir,example_path, data_category, max_per_batch,save_dir): """ Read all data in 'data_category' into HMLPE dictionary There is no need to generating training data, since they can be generated in """ import as sio import iutils as iu import iread.myio as mio import iread.hmlpe as hmlpe import imgproc from PIL import Image if data_category != 'istest': print 'Warn: The correctness of data type %s is not guaranteed' % data_category all_example = sio.loadmat(example_path)['examples'] examples = ExtractSubExample(all_example, data_category) ndata = examples.shape[-1] iu.ensure_dir(save_dir) buf_size = min(ndata, max_per_batch) dimdic = {'data':(112,112,3), 'part_indmap':(8,8), 'joint_indmap':(8,8)} nparts = 7 njoints = 8 d = hmlpe.HMLPE.prepare_savebuffer(dimdic, buf_size, nparts, njoints) d['oridet'] = np.zeros((4,buf_size), d['coords'] = np.ndarray((2,29, buf_size), dtype=np.float32) tdsize = dimdic['data'][0] dsize = dimdic['data'][0] * dimdic['data'][1] * dimdic['data'][2] d['data'] = d['data'].reshape((dsize, -1),order='F') d['is_positive'][:] = True d['is_mirror'][:] = False bid = 1 j = 0 for i in range(ndata): if j == max_per_batch: mio.pickle(iu.fullfile(save_dir, 'data_batch_%d' % bid), d) bid = bid + 1 if ndata - i < max_per_batch: d = hmlpe.HMLPE.prepare_savebuffer(dimdic, buf_size, nparts, njoints) fp = iu.fullfile(imgdir, str(examples[i]['filepath'][0])) img = tbox = examples[i]['torsobox'][0].reshape((4)) d['filenames'][j] = fp d['coords'][...,j] = examples[i]['coords'] d['oribbox'][...,j] = bbox = ExtendBndbox(tbox, img.size) orijoints8 = CvtCoordsToJoints(examples[i]['coords']).reshape((8,2),order='C') - 1 # to python stype 0-idx d['joints8'][...,j] = TransformPoints(orijoints8, bbox, dimdic['data']).reshape((8,2),order='C') imgarr = imgproc.ensure_rgb(np.asarray(img)) sub_img = Image.fromarray(imgarr[bbox[1]:bbox[3], bbox[0]:bbox[2],:]) data_img = np.asarray(sub_img.resize((dimdic['data'][0], dimdic['data'][1]))).reshape((dsize),order='F') d['data'][...,j] = data_img d['indmap'][...,j] = hmlpe.HMLPE.create_part_indicatormap(d['joints8'][...,j], hmlpe.part_idx, dimdic['part_indmap'], 0.3, 30.0, 12.0) d['joint_indmap'][...,j] = hmlpe.HMLPE.create_joint_indicatormap(d['joints8'][...,j], dimdic['joint_indmap'], 30.0, 12.0) d['jointmasks'][...,j] = hmlpe.HMLPE.makejointmask(dimdic['data'], d['joints8'][...,j]) j = j + 1 mio.pickle(iu.fullfile(save_dir, 'data_batch_%d' % bid), d)
def process(): train_dp, test_dp = create_dp2() layers, eval_net, train_net = create_layers2() solver_params = {'num_epoch':200, 'save_path':'/opt/visal/tmp/for_sijin/tmp/itheano_test_act14', 'testing_freq':1, 'K_candidate':2000, 'max_num':10 } iu.ensure_dir(solver_params['save_path']) solvers = MMLSSolver([eval_net, train_net], train_dp, test_dp, solver_params) GraphParser.print_graph_connections(layers) solvers.train()
def ReadDataToCifarDic(imgdir,example_path, data_category, max_per_batch,save_dir): """ read all data in 'data_category' into cifar style dictionary """ import as sio import iutils as iu import cifar import iconvnet_datacvt as icvt from iutils import imgproc as imgproc from PIL import Image if data_category != 'istest': print 'I haven''t implement joints8 part ' #raise ModecError('I haven''t implement joints8 part ') all_examples = sio.loadmat(example_path)['examples'] examples = ExtractSubExample(all_examples, data_category) ndata = examples.shape[-1] iu.ensure_dir(save_dir) s_first = min(ndata, max_per_batch) d = cifar.PrepareData(s_first) d['oridet'] = np.ndarray((4,s_first), d['filepath'] = [str() for x in range(s_first)] d['coords'] = np.ndarray((2,29,s_first),dtype=np.float32) tdsize= cifar.img_size[0] # make sure img_size[0] == img_size[1] j = 0 bid = 1 for i in range(ndata): if j == max_per_batch: icvt.ut.pickle(iu.fullfile(save_dir, 'data_batch_' + str(bid)), \ d) bid = bid + 1 j = 0 if ndata - i < max_per_batch: d = cifar.PrepareData(ndata-i) fn = str(examples[i]['filepath'][0]) fp = iu.fullfile(imgdir, fn) img = tbox = examples[i]['torsobox'][0].reshape((4)) d['filepath'][j] = fp d['oridet'][...,j] = tbox d['oribbox'][...,j] = bbox = ExtendBndbox(tbox,img.size) d['coords'][...,j] = examples[i]['coords'] orijoints8 = CvtCoordsToJoints(examples[i]['coords']).reshape((8,2),order='C') d['joints8'][...,j] = TransformPoints(orijoints8, bbox,cifar.img_size).reshape((16),order='C') img = imgproc.ensure_rgb(np.asarray(img)) sub_img = Image.fromarray(img[bbox[1]:bbox[3], bbox[0]:bbox[2],:]) data_img = np.asarray(sub_img.resize((cifar.img_size[0],\ cifar.img_size[1]))).reshape((cifar.dim_data),order='F') d['data'][...,j] = data_img j = j + 1 icvt.ut.pickle(iu.fullfile(save_dir, 'data_batch_' + str(bid)),d)
def estimate_pose(self): import as sio from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D self.crop_cls = None if self.op.get_value('crop_image'): if self.op.get_value('crop_image') in self.cropper_dict: self.crop_cls = self.cropper_dict[self.op.get_value('crop_image')]() params = self.parse_params(self.op.get_value('do_pose_evaluation')) input_params = self.parse_params(self.op.get_value('inputstream')) input_type = str(input_params[0]) if input_type == 'imgcamera': ca = ImageCamera(str(input_params[1])) else: ca = CVCamera() output_layer_idx = self.get_layer_idx(params[0]) if len(params) == 1: target_type = 'h36m_body' gt_idx = 1 else: target_type = params[1] gt_idx = int(params[2]) data_dim = self.model_state['layers'][output_layer_idx]['outputs'] if 'feature_name_3d' not in dir(self.test_data_provider): is_relskel = False else: is_relskel = (self.test_data_provider.feature_name_3d == 'RelativeSkel_Y3d_mono_body') print 'I am using %s' % ('RelSkel' if is_relskel else 'Rel') convert_dic = {'h36m_body':self.convert_relskel2rel, \ 'humaneva_body':self.convert_relskel2rel_eva} input_dic = {'data_dim':data_dim, 'target_type':target_type, \ 'output_layer_idx':output_layer_idx} output_dic = {'est':None} input_dic['convert_dic'] = convert_dic input_dic['camera'] = ca input_dic['next_data'], input_dic['raw_img'], input_dic['bnd'] = \ self.get_hmlpe_posedata_from_camera(input_dic['camera'], self.test_data_provider) input_dic['camera_fig'] = plt.figure(0) input_dic['camera_im'] = plt.imshow(input_dic['raw_img']) input_dic['pose_fig'] = plt.figure(1) if target_type == 'hmlpe_2d': input_dic['pose_ax'] = plt.imshow(input_dic['raw_img']) else: input_dic['pose_ax'] = input_dic['pose_fig'].add_subplot(111,projection='3d') input_dic['pose_ax'].plot(range(10),range(10),range(10)) input_dic['pose_ax'].view_init(azim=-94, elev=-71) if self.op.get_value('outputdir'): input_dic['outputdir'] = self.op.get_value('outputdir') input_dic['savecnt'] = 0 iu.ensure_dir(input_dic['outputdir']) ani_func = lambda *x: self.estimate_pose_main_process(input_dic, output_dic) dummy = animation.FuncAnimation(input_dic['camera_fig'], ani_func, \ interval=5, blit=True, repeat=False)
def process(): train_dp, test_dp = create_dp2() layers, eval_net, train_net = create_layers2() solver_params = { 'num_epoch': 200, 'save_path': '/opt/visal/tmp/for_sijin/tmp/itheano_test_act14', 'testing_freq': 1, 'K_candidate': 2000, 'max_num': 10 } iu.ensure_dir(solver_params['save_path']) solvers = MMLSSolver([eval_net, train_net], train_dp, test_dp, solver_params) GraphParser.print_graph_connections(layers) solvers.train()
def cvt1(source_exp_name, target_exp_name): print ''' SP_t004_act_14: source meta [rel_gt, img_feature_accv_fc_j0, relskel_feature_t004] Raw_SP_t004_act_14: target meta [rel_gt, img_feature_accv_fc_j0, rel_gt] ''' base_path = '/opt/visal/tmp/for_sijin/Data/H36M/H36MExp/' source_meta = mio.unpickle( iu.fullfile(base_path, 'folder_%s' % source_exp_name, 'batches.meta')) target_meta_folder = iu.fullfile(base_path, 'folder_%s' % target_exp_name) target_meta_path = iu.fullfile(target_meta_folder, 'batches.meta') d = source_meta.copy() print d.keys() d['feature_list'] = [source_meta['feature_list'][k] for k in [0, 1, 0]] d['feature_dim'] = [source_meta['feature_dim'][k] for k in [0, 1, 0]] # print d['info'] print 'folder :{}\n path {}'.format(target_meta_folder, target_meta_path) iu.ensure_dir(target_meta_folder) mio.pickle(target_meta_path, d)
def cvt1(source_exp_name, target_exp_name): print ''' SP_t004_act_14: source meta [rel_gt, img_feature_accv_fc_j0, relskel_feature_t004] Raw_SP_t004_act_14: target meta [rel_gt, img_feature_accv_fc_j0, rel_gt] ''' base_path = '/opt/visal/tmp/for_sijin/Data/H36M/H36MExp/' source_meta = mio.unpickle(iu.fullfile(base_path, 'folder_%s' % source_exp_name, 'batches.meta')) target_meta_folder = iu.fullfile(base_path, 'folder_%s' % target_exp_name) target_meta_path = iu.fullfile(target_meta_folder, 'batches.meta') d = source_meta.copy() print d.keys() d['feature_list'] = [source_meta['feature_list'][k] for k in [0, 1, 0]] d['feature_dim'] = [source_meta['feature_dim'][k] for k in [0, 1, 0]] # print d['info'] print 'folder :{}\n path {}'.format(target_meta_folder, target_meta_path) iu.ensure_dir(target_meta_folder) mio.pickle(target_meta_path, d)
def pack_01(): """ input: fc_j0 feature, rel_pose outputs: rel_pose, fc_j0_feature """ source_feature_network_path = '/opt/visal/tmp/for_sijin/Data/saved/theano_models/2015_02_02_acm_act_14_exp_2_19_graph_0012/' source_meta_path = '/opt/visal/tmp/for_sijin/tmp/tmp_saved' exp_meta_path = '/opt/visal/tmp/for_sijin/Data/H36M/H36MExp/folder_ASM_act_14_exp_2/batches.meta' save_path = '/opt/visal/tmp/for_sijin/Data/H36M/H36MExp/folder_FCJ0_act_14' feature_name = 'Relative_Y3d_mono_body' res = dict() exp_meta = mio.unpickle(exp_meta_path) source_meta = dutils.collect_feature_meta(source_meta_path) rel_pose = exp_meta[feature_name] fc_j0_feature = source_meta['feature_list'][1] rel_gt = source_meta['feature_list'][0] diff = rel_gt.reshape((-1, rel_gt.shape[-1]), order='F') * 1200 - rel_pose print 'diff is {}'.format(diff.flatten().sum()) feature_list = [rel_pose, fc_j0_feature] feature_dim = [rel_pose.shape[0], fc_j0_feature.shape[0]] print feature_dim, '<<<feature dim' res = { 'feature_list': feature_list, 'feature_dim': feature_dim, 'info': { 'indexes': source_meta['info']['indexes'], 'max_depth': 1200.0 } } indexes = res['info']['indexes'] res['info']['soure_feature_network_path'] = source_feature_network_path print indexes[:10], min(indexes), max(indexes) print 'The number of data is {} == {}'.format(indexes.size, feature_list[0].shape[-1]) iu.ensure_dir(save_path) mio.pickle(iu.fullfile(save_path, 'batches.meta'), res)
def generate_data(self, generate_type, allfile = None): """ generate_type = 'rt' only """ if allfile is None: allfile = iu.getfilelist( self.imgdata_info['imgdata_path'], '\w+\.mat') print 'imgdatapath=%s, %d files are found' % (self.imgdata_info['imgdata_path'], len(allfile)) iu.ensure_dir(self.savedata_info['savedir']) self.batch_id = self.savedata_info['start_patch_id'] ndata = 0 self.meta = {'imgdata_info':self.imgdata_info,'savedata_info':self.savedata_info} self.meta['num_vis'] =['newdim']) self.meta['data_sum'] = 0 self.meta['ndata'] = 0 self.meta['nparts'] = len(part_idx) for fn in allfile: if generate_type == 'rt': mpath = iu.fullfile(self.imgdata_info['imgdata_path'], fn) self.generate_rt_data(iu.fullfile(mpath)) if self.meta['ndata'] > 0: self.meta['data_mean'] = self.meta['data_sum'] / self.meta['ndata'] del self.meta['data_sum'] myio.pickle(iu.fullfile(self.savedata_info['savedir'], 'batches.meta'), self.meta)
def generate_positive_data(self, generate_type, allfile = None): """ generate_type = 'rt': random translation 'ct' center block """ if allfile is None: allfile = iu.getfilelist( self.imgdata_info['imgdatapath'], '\w+\.mat') print 'imgdatapath=%s, %d files are found' % (self.imgdata_info['imgdatapath'], len(allfile)) iu.ensure_dir(self.savedata_info['savedir']) self.batch_id = self.savedata_info['start_patch_id'] self.init_meta(generate_type) print self.meta np.random.seed(7) for fn in allfile: print 'Processing %s ' % fn mpath = iu.fullfile(self.imgdata_info['imgdatapath'], fn) self.generate_positive_data_from_mat(generate_type ,iu.fullfile(mpath)) if self.meta['ndata'] > 0: self.meta['data_mean'] = self.meta['data_sum'] / self.meta['ndata'] self.meta['data_mean'] = self.meta['data_mean'].reshape((-1,1)) else: self.meta['data_mean'] = 0 del self.meta['data_sum'] myio.pickle(iu.fullfile(self.savedata_info['savedir'], 'batches.meta'), self.meta)
def shuffle_data(source_dir, target_dir, max_per_file=4000): """ This function will shuflle all the data in source_dir and save it to target_dir """ if source_dir == target_dir: raise HMLPEError('source dir can not be the same as target dir') import shutil import sys iu.ensure_dir(target_dir) shutil.copy(iu.fullfile(source_dir, 'batches.meta'), \ iu.fullfile(target_dir, 'batches.meta')) meta = myio.unpickle(iu.fullfile(source_dir, 'batches.meta')) ndata = meta['ndata'] nbatch = (ndata - 1) / max_per_file + 1 nparts = meta['nparts'] njoints = meta['njoints'] newdim = meta['savedata_info']['newdim'] filter_size = meta['savedata_info']['indmap_para']['filter_size'] stride = meta['savedata_info']['indmap_para']['stride'] joint_filter_size = meta['savedata_info']['indmap_para'][ 'joint_filter_size'] joint_stride = meta['savedata_info']['indmap_para']['joint_stride'] mdim = HMLPE.get_indmapdim(newdim, filter_size, stride) jtmdim = HMLPE.get_indmapdim(newdim, joint_filter_size, joint_stride) print('There are %d data in total, I need %d batch to hold it' % (ndata, nbatch)) print 'Begin creating empty files' rest = ndata d = HMLPE.prepare_savebuffer({'data':newdim, 'part_indmap':mdim, \ 'joint_indmap': jtmdim}, max_per_file, nparts, njoints) HMLPE.adjust_savebuffer_shape(d) for b in range(nbatch): cur_n = min(max_per_file, rest) if b != nbatch - 1: saved = d else: saved = HMLPE.prepare_savebuffer({'data':newdim, 'part_indmap':mdim, \ 'joint_indmap': jtmdim}, cur_n, nparts, njoints) HMLPE.adjust_savebuffer_shape(saved) myio.pickle(iu.fullfile(target_dir, 'data_batch_%d' % (b + 1)), saved) rest = rest - cur_n print 'End creating' allbatchfn = iu.getfilelist(source_dir, 'data_batch_\d+') np.random.seed(7) perm = range(ndata) np.random.shuffle(perm) buf_cap = 12 # store six batch at most nround = (nbatch - 1) / buf_cap + 1 for rd in range(nround): print('Round %d of %d' % (rd, nround)) buf = dict() offset = 0 for fn in allbatchfn: print('Processing %s' % fn) d = myio.unpickle(iu.fullfile(source_dir, fn)) cur_n = d['data'].shape[-1] for b in range(rd * buf_cap, min(nbatch, (rd + 1) * buf_cap)): sys.stdout.write('\rpadding %d of %d' % (b + 1, nbatch)) sys.stdout.flush() sidx = b * max_per_file eidx = min(ndata, sidx + max_per_file) cur_idx_list = [ i for i in range(cur_n) if perm[offset + i] >= sidx and perm[offset + i] < eidx ] if len(cur_idx_list) == 0: continue if not b in buf: dsave = myio.unpickle( iu.fullfile(target_dir, 'data_batch_%d' % (b + 1))) buf[b] = dsave else: dsave = buf[b] save_idx_list = [perm[x + offset] - sidx for x in cur_idx_list] HMLPE.selective_copydic(d, dsave, cur_idx_list, save_idx_list) # myio.pickle(iu.fullfile(target_dir, 'data_batch_%d' % (b+1)), dsave) print 'Finished %s' % fn offset = offset + cur_n for b in range(rd * buf_cap, min(nbatch, (rd + 1) * buf_cap)): myio.pickle(iu.fullfile(target_dir, 'data_batch_%d' % (b + 1)), buf[b])
def shuffle_data(source_dir, target_dir, max_per_file = 4000): """ This function will shuflle all the data in source_dir and save it to target_dir """ if source_dir == target_dir: raise HMLPEError('source dir can not be the same as target dir') import shutil import sys iu.ensure_dir( target_dir) shutil.copy(iu.fullfile(source_dir, 'batches.meta'), \ iu.fullfile(target_dir, 'batches.meta')) meta = myio.unpickle(iu.fullfile(source_dir, 'batches.meta')) ndata = meta['ndata'] nbatch = (ndata - 1) / max_per_file + 1 nparts = meta['nparts'] njoints = meta['njoints'] newdim = meta['savedata_info']['newdim'] filter_size = meta['savedata_info']['indmap_para']['filter_size'] stride = meta['savedata_info']['indmap_para']['stride'] joint_filter_size = meta['savedata_info']['indmap_para']['joint_filter_size'] joint_stride = meta['savedata_info']['indmap_para']['joint_stride'] mdim = HMLPE.get_indmapdim(newdim, filter_size, stride) jtmdim = HMLPE.get_indmapdim(newdim, joint_filter_size, joint_stride) print('There are %d data in total, I need %d batch to hold it' %(ndata, nbatch)) print 'Begin creating empty files' rest = ndata d = HMLPE.prepare_savebuffer({'data':newdim, 'part_indmap':mdim, \ 'joint_indmap': jtmdim}, max_per_file, nparts, njoints) HMLPE.adjust_savebuffer_shape(d) for b in range(nbatch): cur_n = min(max_per_file, rest) if b != nbatch - 1: saved = d else: saved = HMLPE.prepare_savebuffer({'data':newdim, 'part_indmap':mdim, \ 'joint_indmap': jtmdim}, cur_n, nparts, njoints) HMLPE.adjust_savebuffer_shape(saved) myio.pickle(iu.fullfile(target_dir, 'data_batch_%d' % (b + 1)), saved) rest = rest - cur_n print 'End creating' allbatchfn = iu.getfilelist(source_dir, 'data_batch_\d+') np.random.seed(7) perm = range(ndata) np.random.shuffle(perm) buf_cap = 12 # store six batch at most nround = (nbatch - 1)/buf_cap + 1 for rd in range(nround): print ('Round %d of %d' % (rd,nround)) buf = dict() offset = 0 for fn in allbatchfn: print( 'Processing %s' % fn ) d = myio.unpickle(iu.fullfile(source_dir, fn)) cur_n = d['data'].shape[-1] for b in range(rd * buf_cap, min(nbatch, (rd+1)*buf_cap)): sys.stdout.write('\rpadding %d of %d' % (b + 1, nbatch)) sys.stdout.flush() sidx = b * max_per_file eidx = min(ndata, sidx + max_per_file) cur_idx_list = [i for i in range(cur_n) if perm[offset + i] >= sidx and perm[offset + i] < eidx] if len(cur_idx_list) == 0: continue if not b in buf: dsave = myio.unpickle(iu.fullfile(target_dir, 'data_batch_%d' % (b+1))) buf[b] = dsave else: dsave = buf[b] save_idx_list = [perm[ x + offset] - sidx for x in cur_idx_list] HMLPE.selective_copydic(d, dsave, cur_idx_list, save_idx_list) # myio.pickle(iu.fullfile(target_dir, 'data_batch_%d' % (b+1)), dsave) print 'Finished %s' % fn offset = offset + cur_n for b in range(rd * buf_cap, min(nbatch, (rd+1)*buf_cap)): myio.pickle(iu.fullfile(target_dir, 'data_batch_%d' % (b+1)), buf[b])
def generate_negative_data_from_image(self, generate_type, allfile=None): """ generate_type = 'neg_sample' savedata_info should have 'neg_sample_num': indicating sampling how many negative window per image If some image is small, then it will try to generate as much as possible """ import Image if allfile is None: allfile = iu.getfilelist(self.imgdata_info['imgdatapath'], \ '\w+(\.png|\.jpg|\.pgm|.jpeg)') print 'imgdatapath=%s, %d images are found' % ( self.imgdata_info['imgdatapath'], len(allfile)) iu.ensure_dir(self.savedata_info['savedir']) savedir = self.savedata_info['savedir'] self.batch_id = self.savedata_info['start_patch_id'] self.init_meta(generate_type) print(self.meta) sample_num = self.savedata_info['neg_sample_num'] totaldata = len(allfile) * sample_num self.meta['ndata'] = 0 newdim = self.savedata_info['newdim'] nparts = self.meta['nparts'] njoints = self.meta['njoints'] if njoints == 8: dicjtname = 'joints8' else: dicjtname = 'joints' #raise HMLPEError('njoints = %d are not supported yet' % njoints) filter_size = self.savedata_info['indmap_para']['filter_size'] stride = self.savedata_info['indmap_para']['stride'] #rate = self.savedata_info['indmap_para']['rate'] mdim = self.get_indmapdim(newdim, filter_size, stride) self.meta['ind_dim']['part_indmap'] = mdim joint_filter_size = self.savedata_info['indmap_para'][ 'joint_filter_size'] joint_stride = self.savedata_info['indmap_para']['joint_stride'] jtmdim = self.get_indmapdim(newdim, joint_filter_size, joint_stride) self.meta['ind_dim']['joint_indmap'] = jtmdim per_size = min(totaldata, self.savedata_info['max_batch_size']) res = self.prepare_savebuffer({'data':newdim, 'part_indmap':mdim, \ 'joint_indmap': jtmdim}, per_size, nparts, njoints) res[dicjtname][:] = 0 res['jointmasks'][:] = False res['indmap'][:] = False res['joint_indmap'][:] = False res['is_mirror'][:] = False res['is_positive'][:] = False pre_nc = 0 nc = 0 np.random.seed(7) for it, fn in enumerate(allfile): print('Processing %s' % fn) curimgpath = iu.fullfile(self.imgdata_info['imgdatapath'], fn) img = np.asarray(, dtype=np.uint8) imgdim = img.shape if imgdim[0] < newdim[0] or imgdim[1] < newdim[1]: print('small image, ignored') continue mesh = self.create_augumentation_mesh(imgdim, newdim, generate_type) ts = min(len(mesh), sample_num) l = (np.random.permutation(range(len(mesh))))[:ts] for p in l: r, c = mesh[p] timg = img[r:r + newdim[0], c:c + newdim[0], :] res['data'][..., nc - pre_nc] = timg res['joint_sample_offset'][..., nc - pre_nc] = [c, r] res['filenames'][nc - pre_nc] = curimgpath res['oribbox'][..., nc - pre_nc] = [ c, r, c + newdim[1] - 1, r + newdim[0] - 1 ] nc = nc + 1 if sample_num + nc - pre_nc > per_size or it == len(allfile) - 1: tmpres = self.truncated_copydic(res, nc - pre_nc) tmpres['data'] = tmpres['data'].reshape((-1, nc - pre_nc), order='F') self.meta['data_sum'] += tmpres['data'].sum(axis=1, dtype=float) self.meta['ndata'] += nc - pre_nc savepath = iu.fullfile(self.savedata_info['savedir'], \ self.savedata_info['savename'] + \ '_' + str(self.batch_id)) myio.pickle(savepath, tmpres) self.batch_id = self.batch_id + 1 pre_nc = nc if self.meta['ndata'] > 0: self.meta['data_mean'] = self.meta['data_sum'] / self.meta['ndata'] self.meta['data_mean'] = self.meta['data_mean'].reshape((-1, 1), order='F') else: self.meta['data_mean'] = 0 del self.meta['data_sum'] myio.pickle(iu.fullfile(self.savedata_info['savedir'], 'batches.meta'), self.meta)
def ReadDataToHMLPEDic(imgdir, example_path, data_category, max_per_batch, save_dir): """ Read all data in 'data_category' into HMLPE dictionary There is no need to generating training data, since they can be generated in """ import as sio import iutils as iu import iread.myio as mio import iread.hmlpe as hmlpe import imgproc from PIL import Image if data_category != 'istest': print 'Warn: The correctness of data type %s is not guaranteed' % data_category all_example = sio.loadmat(example_path)['examples'] examples = ExtractSubExample(all_example, data_category) ndata = examples.shape[-1] iu.ensure_dir(save_dir) buf_size = min(ndata, max_per_batch) dimdic = { 'data': (112, 112, 3), 'part_indmap': (8, 8), 'joint_indmap': (8, 8) } nparts = 7 njoints = 8 d = hmlpe.HMLPE.prepare_savebuffer(dimdic, buf_size, nparts, njoints) d['oridet'] = np.zeros((4, buf_size), d['coords'] = np.ndarray((2, 29, buf_size), dtype=np.float32) tdsize = dimdic['data'][0] dsize = dimdic['data'][0] * dimdic['data'][1] * dimdic['data'][2] d['data'] = d['data'].reshape((dsize, -1), order='F') d['is_positive'][:] = True d['is_mirror'][:] = False bid = 1 j = 0 for i in range(ndata): if j == max_per_batch: mio.pickle(iu.fullfile(save_dir, 'data_batch_%d' % bid), d) bid = bid + 1 if ndata - i < max_per_batch: d = hmlpe.HMLPE.prepare_savebuffer(dimdic, buf_size, nparts, njoints) fp = iu.fullfile(imgdir, str(examples[i]['filepath'][0])) img = tbox = examples[i]['torsobox'][0].reshape((4)) d['filenames'][j] = fp d['coords'][..., j] = examples[i]['coords'] d['oribbox'][..., j] = bbox = ExtendBndbox(tbox, img.size) orijoints8 = CvtCoordsToJoints(examples[i]['coords']).reshape( (8, 2), order='C') - 1 # to python stype 0-idx d['joints8'][..., j] = TransformPoints(orijoints8, bbox, dimdic['data']).reshape( (8, 2), order='C') imgarr = imgproc.ensure_rgb(np.asarray(img)) sub_img = Image.fromarray(imgarr[bbox[1]:bbox[3], bbox[0]:bbox[2], :]) data_img = np.asarray( sub_img.resize((dimdic['data'][0], dimdic['data'][1]))).reshape( (dsize), order='F') d['data'][..., j] = data_img d['indmap'][..., j] = hmlpe.HMLPE.create_part_indicatormap( d['joints8'][..., j], hmlpe.part_idx, dimdic['part_indmap'], 0.3, 30.0, 12.0) d['joint_indmap'][..., j] = hmlpe.HMLPE.create_joint_indicatormap( d['joints8'][..., j], dimdic['joint_indmap'], 30.0, 12.0) d['jointmasks'][..., j] = hmlpe.HMLPE.makejointmask(dimdic['data'], d['joints8'][..., j]) j = j + 1 mio.pickle(iu.fullfile(save_dir, 'data_batch_%d' % bid), d)
def generate_negative_data_from_image(self, generate_type, allfile=None): """ generate_type = 'neg_sample' savedata_info should have 'neg_sample_num': indicating sampling how many negative window per image If some image is small, then it will try to generate as much as possible """ import Image if allfile is None: allfile = iu.getfilelist(self.imgdata_info['imgdatapath'], \ '\w+(\.png|\.jpg|\.pgm|.jpeg)') print 'imgdatapath=%s, %d images are found' % (self.imgdata_info['imgdatapath'], len(allfile)) iu.ensure_dir(self.savedata_info['savedir']) savedir = self.savedata_info['savedir'] self.batch_id = self.savedata_info['start_patch_id'] self.init_meta(generate_type) print(self.meta) sample_num = self.savedata_info['neg_sample_num'] totaldata = len(allfile) * sample_num self.meta['ndata'] = 0 newdim = self.savedata_info['newdim'] nparts = self.meta['nparts'] njoints = self.meta['njoints'] if njoints == 8: dicjtname = 'joints8' else: dicjtname = 'joints' #raise HMLPEError('njoints = %d are not supported yet' % njoints) filter_size = self.savedata_info['indmap_para']['filter_size'] stride = self.savedata_info['indmap_para']['stride'] #rate = self.savedata_info['indmap_para']['rate'] mdim = self.get_indmapdim(newdim, filter_size, stride) self.meta['ind_dim']['part_indmap'] = mdim joint_filter_size = self.savedata_info['indmap_para']['joint_filter_size'] joint_stride = self.savedata_info['indmap_para']['joint_stride'] jtmdim = self.get_indmapdim(newdim, joint_filter_size, joint_stride) self.meta['ind_dim']['joint_indmap'] = jtmdim per_size = min(totaldata, self.savedata_info['max_batch_size']) res = self.prepare_savebuffer({'data':newdim, 'part_indmap':mdim, \ 'joint_indmap': jtmdim}, per_size, nparts, njoints) res[dicjtname][:] = 0 res['jointmasks'][:] = False res['indmap'][:] = False res['joint_indmap'][:] = False res['is_mirror'][:] = False res['is_positive'][:] = False pre_nc = 0 nc = 0 np.random.seed(7) for it, fn in enumerate(allfile): print('Processing %s' % fn) curimgpath= iu.fullfile(self.imgdata_info['imgdatapath'], fn) img = np.asarray(, dtype=np.uint8) imgdim = img.shape if imgdim[0] < newdim[0] or imgdim[1] < newdim[1]: print('small image, ignored') continue mesh = self.create_augumentation_mesh(imgdim, newdim, generate_type) ts = min(len(mesh), sample_num) l = (np.random.permutation(range(len(mesh))))[:ts] for p in l: r, c = mesh[p] timg = img[r:r+newdim[0],c:c+newdim[0],:] res['data'][...,nc-pre_nc] = timg res['joint_sample_offset'][...,nc-pre_nc] = [c,r] res['filenames'][nc-pre_nc] = curimgpath res['oribbox'][...,nc-pre_nc] = [c,r,c+newdim[1]-1,r+newdim[0]-1] nc = nc + 1 if sample_num + nc-pre_nc > per_size or it == len(allfile)-1: tmpres = self.truncated_copydic(res, nc-pre_nc) tmpres['data'] = tmpres['data'].reshape((-1,nc-pre_nc),order='F') self.meta['data_sum'] += tmpres['data'].sum(axis=1,dtype=float) self.meta['ndata'] += nc - pre_nc savepath = iu.fullfile(self.savedata_info['savedir'], \ self.savedata_info['savename'] + \ '_' + str(self.batch_id)) myio.pickle(savepath, tmpres) self.batch_id = self.batch_id + 1 pre_nc = nc if self.meta['ndata'] > 0: self.meta['data_mean'] = self.meta['data_sum'] / self.meta['ndata'] self.meta['data_mean'] = self.meta['data_mean'].reshape((-1,1),order='F') else: self.meta['data_mean'] = 0 del self.meta['data_sum'] myio.pickle(iu.fullfile(self.savedata_info['savedir'], 'batches.meta'), self.meta)