def create_uniform_pixel_coords_image(image_dims, batch_shape=None, normalized=False, dev_str=None): """ Create image of homogeneous integer :math:`xy` pixel co-ordinates :math:`\mathbf{X}\in\mathbb{Z}^{h×w×3}`, stored as floating point values. The origin is at the top-left corner of the image, with :math:`+x` rightwards, and :math:`+y` downwards. The final homogeneous dimension are all ones. In subsequent use of this image, the depth of each pixel can be represented using this same homogeneous representation, by simply scaling each 3-vector by the depth value. The final dimension therefore always holds the depth value, while the former two dimensions hold depth scaled pixel co-ordinates.\n `[reference] <localhost:63342/ivy/docs/source/references/mvg_textbook.pdf#page=172>`_ deduction from top of page 154, section 6.1, equation 6.1 :param image_dims: Image dimensions. :type image_dims: sequence of ints. :param batch_shape: Shape of batch. Assumed no batch dimensions if None. :type batch_shape: sequence of ints, optional :param normalized: Whether to normalize x-y pixel co-ordinates to the range 0-1. :type normalized: bool :param dev_str: device on which to create the array 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' etc. :type dev_str: str, optional :return: Image of homogeneous pixel co-ordinates *[batch_shape,height,width,3]* """ # shapes as lists batch_shape = [] if batch_shape is None else batch_shape batch_shape = list(batch_shape) image_dims = list(image_dims) # other shape specs num_batch_dims = len(batch_shape) flat_shape = [1] * num_batch_dims + image_dims + [3] tile_shape = batch_shape + [1] * 3 # H x W x 1 pixel_x_coords = _ivy.cast(_ivy.reshape(_ivy.tile(_ivy.arange(image_dims[1], dev_str=dev_str), [image_dims[0]]), (image_dims[0], image_dims[1], 1)), 'float32') if normalized: pixel_x_coords = pixel_x_coords / (float(image_dims[1]) + MIN_DENOMINATOR) # W x H x 1 pixel_y_coords_ = _ivy.cast(_ivy.reshape(_ivy.tile(_ivy.arange(image_dims[0], dev_str=dev_str), [image_dims[1]]), (image_dims[1], image_dims[0], 1)), 'float32') # H x W x 1 pixel_y_coords = _ivy.transpose(pixel_y_coords_, (1, 0, 2)) if normalized: pixel_y_coords = pixel_y_coords / (float(image_dims[0]) + MIN_DENOMINATOR) # H x W x 1 ones = _ivy.ones_like(pixel_x_coords, dev_str=dev_str) # BS x H x W x 3 return _ivy.tile(_ivy.reshape(_ivy.concatenate((pixel_x_coords, pixel_y_coords, ones), -1), flat_shape), tile_shape)
def create_trimesh_indices_for_image(batch_shape, image_dims, dev_str='cpu:0'): """ Create triangle mesh for image with given image dimensions :param batch_shape: Shape of batch. :type batch_shape: sequence of ints :param image_dims: Image dimensions. :type image_dims: sequence of ints :param dev_str: device on which to create the array 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' etc. :type dev_str: str, optional :return: Triangle mesh indices for image *[batch_shape,h*w*some_other_stuff,3]* """ # shapes as lists batch_shape = list(batch_shape) image_dims = list(image_dims) # other shape specs num_batch_dims = len(batch_shape) tri_dim = 2 * (image_dims[0] - 1) * (image_dims[1] - 1) flat_shape = [1] * num_batch_dims + [tri_dim] + [3] tile_shape = batch_shape + [1] * 2 # 1 x W-1 t00_ = _ivy.reshape(_ivy.arange(image_dims[1] - 1, dtype_str='float32', dev_str=dev_str), (1, -1)) # H-1 x 1 k_ = _ivy.reshape(_ivy.arange(image_dims[0] - 1, dtype_str='float32', dev_str=dev_str), (-1, 1)) * image_dims[1] # H-1 x W-1 t00_ = _ivy.matmul(_ivy.ones((image_dims[0] - 1, 1), dev_str=dev_str), t00_) k_ = _ivy.matmul(k_, _ivy.ones((1, image_dims[1] - 1), dev_str=dev_str)) # (H-1xW-1) x 1 t00 = _ivy.expand_dims(t00_ + k_, -1) t01 = t00 + 1 t02 = t00 + image_dims[1] t10 = t00 + image_dims[1] + 1 t11 = t01 t12 = t02 # (H-1xW-1) x 3 t0 = _ivy.concatenate((t00, t01, t02), -1) t1 = _ivy.concatenate((t10, t11, t12), -1) # BS x 2x(H-1xW-1) x 3 return _ivy.tile(_ivy.reshape(_ivy.concatenate((t0, t1), 0), flat_shape), tile_shape)
def _group_tensor_into_windowed_tensor(self, x, valid_first_frame): if self._window_size == 1: valid_first_frame_pruned = ivy.cast(valid_first_frame[:, 0], 'bool') else: valid_first_frame_pruned = ivy.cast( valid_first_frame[:1 - self._window_size, 0], 'bool') if ivy.reduce_sum(ivy.cast(valid_first_frame_pruned, 'int32'))[0] == 0: valid_first_frame_pruned =\ ivy.cast(ivy.one_hot(0, self._sequence_lengths[0] - self._window_size + 1), 'bool') window_idxs_single = ivy.indices_where(valid_first_frame_pruned) gather_idxs_list = list() for w_idx in window_idxs_single: gather_idxs_list.append( ivy.expand_dims( ivy.arange(w_idx[0] + self._window_size, w_idx[0], 1), 0)) gather_idxs = ivy.concatenate(gather_idxs_list, 0) gather_idxs = ivy.reshape(gather_idxs, (-1, 1)) num_valid_windows_for_seq = ivy.shape(window_idxs_single)[0:1] return ivy.reshape( ivy.gather_nd(x, gather_idxs), ivy.concatenate( (num_valid_windows_for_seq, ivy.array( [self._window_size]), ivy.shape(x)[1:]), 0))
def _se_to_mask(se: ivy.Array) -> ivy.Array: se_h, se_w = se.shape se_flat = ivy.reshape(se, (-1,)) num_feats = se_h * se_w i_s = ivy.expand_dims(ivy.arange(num_feats, dev_str=ivy.dev_str(se)), -1) y_s = i_s % se_h x_s = i_s // se_h indices = ivy.concatenate((i_s, ivy.zeros_like(i_s, dtype_str='int32'), x_s, y_s), -1) out = ivy.scatter_nd( indices, ivy.cast(se_flat >= 0, ivy.dtype_str(se)), (num_feats, 1, se_h, se_w), dev_str=ivy.dev_str(se)) return out
def _group_tensor_into_windowed_tensor_simple(self, x, seq_info): seq_info = self._update_seq_info_for_window(seq_info) if self._fixed_sequence_length: return ivy.reshape(ivy.gather_nd(x, ivy.array(self._gather_idxs)), (self._windows_per_seq, self._window_size) + x.shape[1:]) else: num_windows_in_seq = int( ivy.to_numpy( ivy.maximum(seq_info.length[0] - self._window_size + 1, 1))) window_idxs_in_seq = ivy.arange(num_windows_in_seq, 0, 1) gather_idxs = ivy.tile( ivy.reshape(ivy.arange(self._window_size, 0, 1), (1, self._window_size)), (num_windows_in_seq, 1)) + ivy.expand_dims( window_idxs_in_seq, -1) gather_idxs_flat = ivy.reshape( gather_idxs, (self._window_size * num_windows_in_seq, 1)) return ivy.reshape(ivy.gather_nd(x, gather_idxs_flat), (num_windows_in_seq, self._window_size) + x.shape[1:])
def _forward(self, x, prev_state): prev_read_vector_list = prev_state[1] controller_input = ivy.concatenate([x] + prev_read_vector_list, axis=1) controller_output, controller_state = self._controller(ivy.expand_dims(controller_input, -2), initial_state=prev_state[0]) controller_output = controller_output[..., -1, :] parameters = self._controller_proj(controller_output) parameters = ivy.clip(parameters, -self._clip_value, self._clip_value) head_parameter_list = \ ivy.split(parameters[:, :self._num_parameters_per_head * self._num_heads], self._num_heads, axis=1) erase_add_list = ivy.split(parameters[:, self._num_parameters_per_head * self._num_heads:], 2 * self._write_head_num, axis=1) prev_w_list = prev_state[2] prev_M = prev_state[4] w_list = [] for i, head_parameter in enumerate(head_parameter_list): k = ivy.tanh(head_parameter[:, 0:self._memory_vector_dim]) beta = ivy.softplus(head_parameter[:, self._memory_vector_dim]) g = ivy.sigmoid(head_parameter[:, self._memory_vector_dim + 1]) s = ivy.softmax( head_parameter[:, self._memory_vector_dim + 2:self._memory_vector_dim + 2 + (self._shift_range * 2 + 1)]) gamma = ivy.softplus(head_parameter[:, -1]) + 1 w = self._addressing(k, beta, g, s, gamma, prev_M, prev_w_list[i]) w_list.append(w) # Reading (Sec 3.1) read_w_list = w_list[:self._read_head_num] if self._step == 0: usage_indicator = ivy.zeros_like(w_list[0]) else: usage_indicator = prev_state[3] + ivy.reduce_sum(ivy.concatenate(read_w_list, 0)) read_vector_list = [] for i in range(self._read_head_num): read_vector = ivy.reduce_sum(ivy.expand_dims(read_w_list[i], axis=2) * prev_M, axis=1) read_vector_list.append(read_vector) # Writing (Sec 3.2) prev_wrtie_w_list = prev_w_list[self._read_head_num:] w_wr_size = math.ceil(self._memory_size / 2) if self._retroactive_updates else self._memory_size if self._sequential_writing: batch_size = ivy.shape(x)[0] if self._step < w_wr_size: w_wr_list = [ivy.tile(ivy.cast(ivy.one_hot( ivy.array([self._step]), w_wr_size), 'float32'), (batch_size, 1))] * self._write_head_num else: batch_idxs = ivy.expand_dims(ivy.arange(batch_size, 0), -1) mem_idxs = ivy.expand_dims(ivy.argmax(usage_indicator[..., :w_wr_size], -1), -1) total_idxs = ivy.concatenate((batch_idxs, mem_idxs), -1) w_wr_list = [ivy.scatter_nd(total_idxs, ivy.ones((batch_size,)), (batch_size, w_wr_size))] * self._write_head_num else: w_wr_list = w_list[self._read_head_num:] if self._retroactive_updates: w_ret_list = [self._retroactive_discount * prev_wrtie_w[..., w_wr_size:] + (1 - self._retroactive_discount) * prev_wrtie_w[..., :w_wr_size] for prev_wrtie_w in prev_wrtie_w_list] w_wrtie_list = [ivy.concatenate((w_wr, w_ret), -1) for w_wr, w_ret in zip(w_wr_list, w_ret_list)] else: w_wrtie_list = w_wr_list M = prev_M for i in range(self._write_head_num): w = ivy.expand_dims(w_wrtie_list[i], axis=2) if self._with_erase: erase_vector = ivy.expand_dims(ivy.sigmoid(erase_add_list[i * 2]), axis=1) M = M * ivy.ones(ivy.shape(M)) - ivy.matmul(w, erase_vector) add_vector = ivy.expand_dims(ivy.tanh(erase_add_list[i * 2 + 1]), axis=1) M = M + ivy.matmul(w, add_vector) NTM_output = self._output_proj(ivy.concatenate([controller_output] + read_vector_list, axis=1)) NTM_output = ivy.clip(NTM_output, -self._clip_value, self._clip_value) self._step += 1 return NTM_output, NTMControllerState( controller_state=controller_state, read_vector_list=read_vector_list, w_list=w_list, usage_indicator=usage_indicator, M=M)
def _get_dataset(self, starting_example, ending_example): class ContainerIdxMap: def __init__(self, sizes, fpath_template=None, seq_idxs=None, start=None, end=None, max_seq_len=None, conts_to_skip=None, pruned_sizes=None): if isinstance(sizes, (tuple, list)): pruned_sizes = ivy.default(pruned_sizes, [ SeqDataLoader._compute_seq_len(i, sl, conts_to_skip) for i, sl in enumerate(sizes) ]) num_empty = sum([ps == 0 for ps in pruned_sizes]) self._raw_sizes = dict( zip(range(start, end + 1 + num_empty), sizes[start:end + 1 + num_empty])) self._pruned_sizes = dict( zip(range(start, end + 1 + num_empty), pruned_sizes[start:end + 1 + num_empty])) elif isinstance(sizes, (int, dict)): self._raw_sizes = sizes self._pruned_sizes = ivy.default(pruned_sizes, sizes) if isinstance(self._pruned_sizes, int): pruned_dict = dict() for seq_idx, win_idx in conts_to_skip: if seq_idx not in pruned_dict: pruned_dict[seq_idx] = list() pruned_dict[seq_idx].append(win_idx) pruned_dict = { k: len(set(v)) for k, v in pruned_dict.items() } pruned_sizes_dict = { k: self._pruned_sizes - num_pruned for k, num_pruned in pruned_dict.items() } num_empty = sum( [size == 0 for size in pruned_sizes_dict.values()]) pruned_sizes = collections.defaultdict( lambda: self._pruned_sizes, pruned_sizes_dict) else: num_empty = sum([ps == 0 for ps in self._pruned_sizes]) else: raise Exception( 'Invalid type for sizes, expected one of int, dict, tuple or list,' 'but found {} or type {}'.format(sizes, type(sizes))) self._constant_size = isinstance(self._raw_sizes, int) if max_seq_len: self._max_seq_len = max_seq_len else: self._max_seq_len = self._pruned_sizes if self._constant_size else max( self._pruned_sizes.values()) self._fpath_template = fpath_template self._conts_to_skip = conts_to_skip if seq_idxs: self._seq_idxs = seq_idxs else: vals = [ v for i, v in enumerate(range(start, end + 1 + num_empty)) if pruned_sizes[i] > 0 ] keys = range(0, min(end - start + 1 + num_empty, len(vals))) self._seq_idxs = dict(zip(keys, vals)) def __getitem__(self, slice_obj): if isinstance(slice_obj, slice): seq_idxs = collections.OrderedDict([ (i, self._seq_idxs[idx]) for i, idx in enumerate( range(slice_obj.start, slice_obj.stop, ivy.default(slice_obj.step, 1))) ]) elif isinstance(slice_obj, int): seq_idxs = collections.OrderedDict( {0: self._seq_idxs[slice_obj]}) else: raise Exception( 'Invalid type for slice_obj, expected either slice or int,' 'but found {} of type {}'.format( slice_obj, type(slice_obj))) if self._constant_size: sizes = self._raw_sizes else: sizes = collections.OrderedDict({ seq_idx: self._raw_sizes[seq_idx] for seq_idx in seq_idxs.values() }) return ContainerIdxMap(sizes, self._fpath_template, seq_idxs, max_seq_len=self._max_seq_len, conts_to_skip=self._conts_to_skip, pruned_sizes=self._pruned_sizes) def __len__(self): return len(self._seq_idxs) def shuffle(self): mapped_idxs = list(self._seq_idxs.values()) np.random.shuffle(mapped_idxs) self._seq_idxs = collections.OrderedDict( zip(self._seq_idxs.keys(), mapped_idxs)) def to_idxs(self): seq_idxs = self._seq_idxs.values() sizes = [ self._raw_sizes if self._constant_size else self._raw_sizes[seq_idx] for seq_idx in seq_idxs ] rets = [[(seq_idx, win_idx) for win_idx in range(size) if not SeqDataLoader._skip_cont( seq_idx, win_idx, self._conts_to_skip)] for seq_idx, size in zip(seq_idxs, sizes)] return [ r + [(None, None)] * (self._max_seq_len - len(r)) for r in rets if list(set(r)) != [None] ] def to_filepaths(self): if not ivy.exists(self._fpath_template): raise Exception( 'to_filepaths method is not valid if fpath_template has not been specified' 'in the constructor.') seq_idxs = self._seq_idxs.values() sizes = [ self._raw_sizes if self._constant_size else self._raw_sizes[seq_idx] for seq_idx in seq_idxs ] rets = [[ self._fpath_template % (seq_idx, win_idx) for win_idx in range(size) if not SeqDataLoader._skip_cont( seq_idx, win_idx, self._conts_to_skip) ] for seq_idx, size in zip(seq_idxs, sizes)] return [ r + [''] * (self._max_seq_len - len(r)) for r in rets if ''.join(r) != '' ] @property def sizes(self): return self._pruned_sizes # container filepaths if self._spec.container_load_mode in ['preload', 'dynamic']: fpath_template = os.path.join( self._container_data_dir, self._spec.dataset_spec.cont_fname_template) else: fpath_template = None container_idx_map = ContainerIdxMap( self._spec.dataset_spec.unpruned_sequence_lengths, fpath_template, start=starting_example, end=ending_example, conts_to_skip=self._spec.containers_to_skip) if self._spec.num_sequences != -1: container_idx_map = container_idx_map[0:self._spec.num_sequences] # shuffle sequences if self._spec.preshuffle_data: container_idx_map.shuffle() # extract sequence lengths if self._fixed_sequence_length: self._sequence_lengths =\ collections.OrderedDict(zip(range(len(container_idx_map)), [self._spec.dataset_spec.sequence_lengths] * len(container_idx_map))) self._windows_per_seq = self._sequence_lengths[ 0] - self._window_size + 1 # windowing values window_idxs_per_seq = ivy.reshape( ivy.arange(self._windows_per_seq, 0, 1), (self._windows_per_seq, 1)) gather_idxs_list = list() for x in window_idxs_per_seq: gather_idxs_list.append( ivy.expand_dims( ivy.arange(x[0] + self._window_size, x[0], 1), 0)) gather_idxs = ivy.concatenate(gather_idxs_list, 0) self._gather_idxs = \ ivy.to_numpy(ivy.reshape(gather_idxs, (self._windows_per_seq * self._window_size, 1))).tolist() else: self._sequence_lengths = container_idx_map.sizes # maybe pre-load containers if self._spec.container_load_mode == 'preload': # load containers with vector data and image filepath entries container_slices = self._get_containers_w_filepath_img_entries_as_tensor_slices( container_idx_map.to_filepaths()) if self._first_frame_validity_fn is not None: container_slices =\ self._first_frame_validity_fn(container_slices, [ending_example - starting_example + 1]) # prune unwanted chains of keys if 'unused_key_chains' in self._spec: container_slices = self._prune_unused_key_chains( container_slices) dataset = Dataset(ivy.Container.list_stack([ c[0] for c in container_slices.unstack(0, container_slices.shape[0]) ], 0), 'base', container_slices.shape[0], numpy_loading=True, cache_size=self._base_cache_size, queue_timeout=self._spec.queue_timeout) else: if self._spec.container_load_mode == 'dynamic': # load containers with filepath entries dataset = Dataset(ivy.Container({'fpaths': container_idx_map}), 'base', len(container_idx_map), trans_fn=lambda cont: lambda x_, kc: x_.to_filepaths()), elementwise_query_fn=False, numpy_loading=True, cache_size=self._base_cache_size, queue_timeout=self._spec.queue_timeout) dataset ='loaded_json', self._load_json_files, self._num_workers.loaded_json) dataset ='parsed_json', self._parse_json_strings, self._num_workers.parsed_json) else: dataset = Dataset(ivy.Container({'idx_map': container_idx_map}), 'base', len(container_idx_map), trans_fn=lambda cont: self._spec. custom_container_load_fn(self, cont), elementwise_query_fn=False, numpy_loading=True, cache_size=self._base_cache_size, queue_timeout=self._spec.queue_timeout) if 'unused_key_chains' in self._spec: dataset ='keychain_pruned', self._prune_unused_key_chains, self._num_workers.keychain_pruned) if self._first_frame_validity_fn is not None: dataset = 'valid_first_frames', lambda x_: self._first_frame_validity_fn(x_, None), self._num_workers.valid_first_frames) if not (self._spec.dataset_spec.sequence_lengths == 1 and self._window_size == 1): # ToDo: add other conditionals which make the loading more efficient if only one of the # above two conditions is True dataset = 'windowed', self._group_container_into_windowed_container, self._num_workers.windowed) dataset = dataset.unbatch( 'unbatched', self._num_workers.unbatched, batch_sizes=[ max(seq_len, self._window_size) - self._window_size + 1 for seq_len in self._sequence_lengths.values() if seq_len > 0 ]) if self._spec.shuffle_buffer_size > 0: dataset = dataset.shuffle('shuffled', self._spec.shuffle_buffer_size, self._num_workers.shuffled) dataset ='loaded_data', self._load_data_from_filepath_tensors, self._num_workers.loaded_data) dataset = dataset.batch('batched', self._batch_size, self._num_workers.batched) dataset = 'from_np', lambda cont: x_, kc: ivy.array(x_, dev_str='cpu')), self._num_workers.from_np, numpy_loading=False) if ivy.exists(self._spec.post_proc_fn): dataset ='post_processed', self._spec.post_proc_fn, self._num_workers.post_processed) if self._spec.with_prefetching: dataset = dataset.prefetch('prefetch') # ToDo: find way to make pre-fetching to GPU actually pre-fetch, ideally using multi-processing. # For example, swapping prefetch and to_gpu ops around would work if to_gpu could accept self._num_workers. if self._spec.prefetch_to_devs: if isinstance(self._spec.prefetch_to_devs, str): dataset = dataset.to_dev('to_dev', self._spec.prefetch_to_devs) elif len(self._spec.prefetch_to_devs) == 1: dataset = dataset.to_dev('to_dev', self._spec.prefetch_to_devs[0]) else: dataset = dataset.to_devs('to_devs', self._spec.prefetch_to_devs) return dataset
def rasterize_triangles(pixel_coords_triangles, image_dims, batch_shape=None, dev_str=None): """ Rasterize image-projected triangles based on: and: :param pixel_coords_triangles: Projected image-space triangles to be rasterized *[batch_shape,input_size,3,3]* :type pixel_coords_triangles: array :param image_dims: Image dimensions. :type image_dims: sequence of ints :param batch_shape: Shape of batch. Inferred from Inputs if None. :type batch_shape: sequence of ints, optional :param dev_str: device on which to create the array 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' etc. Same as x if None. :type dev_str: str, optional :return: Rasterized triangles """ if batch_shape is None: batch_shape = [] if dev_str is None: dev_str = _ivy.dev_str(pixel_coords_triangles) # shapes as list batch_shape = list(batch_shape) num_batch_dims = len(batch_shape) image_dims = list(image_dims) input_image_dims = pixel_coords_triangles.shape[num_batch_dims:-2] input_image_dims_prod = _reduce(_mul, input_image_dims, 1) # BS x 3 x 2 pixel_xy_coords = pixel_coords_triangles[..., 0:2] # BS x 3 x 1 pixel_x_coords = pixel_coords_triangles[..., 0:1] pixel_y_coords = pixel_coords_triangles[..., 1:2] # 1 x_min = _ivy.reshape(_ivy.reduce_min(pixel_x_coords, keepdims=True), (-1,)) x_max = _ivy.reshape(_ivy.reduce_max(pixel_x_coords, keepdims=True), (-1,)) x_range = x_max - x_min y_min = _ivy.reshape(_ivy.reduce_min(pixel_y_coords, keepdims=True), (-1,)) y_max = _ivy.reshape(_ivy.reduce_max(pixel_y_coords, keepdims=True), (-1,)) y_range = y_max - y_min # 2 bbox = _ivy.concatenate((x_range, y_range), 0) img_bbox_list = [int(item) for item in _ivy.to_list(_ivy.concatenate((y_range + 1, x_range + 1), 0))] # BS x 2 v0 = pixel_xy_coords[..., 0, :] v1 = pixel_xy_coords[..., 1, :] v2 = pixel_xy_coords[..., 2, :] tri_centres = (v0 + v1 + v2) / 3 # BS x 1 v0x = v0[..., 0:1] v0y = v0[..., 1:2] v1x = v1[..., 0:1] v1y = v1[..., 1:2] v2x = v2[..., 0:1] v2y = v2[..., 1:2] # BS x BBX x BBY x 2 uniform_sample_coords = _ivy_svg.create_uniform_pixel_coords_image(img_bbox_list, batch_shape)[..., 0:2] P = _ivy.round(uniform_sample_coords + tri_centres - bbox / 2) # BS x BBX x BBY x 1 Px = P[..., 0:1] Py = P[..., 1:2] v0v1_edge_func = ((Px - v0x) * (v1y - v0y) - (Py - v0y) * (v1x - v0x)) >= 0 v1v2_edge_func = ((Px - v1x) * (v2y - v1y) - (Py - v1y) * (v2x - v1x)) >= 0 v2v0_edge_func = ((Px - v2x) * (v0y - v2y) - (Py - v2y) * (v0x - v2x)) >= 0 edge_func = _ivy.logical_and(_ivy.logical_and(v0v1_edge_func, v1v2_edge_func), v2v0_edge_func) batch_indices_list = list() for i, batch_dim in enumerate(batch_shape): # get batch shape batch_dims_before = batch_shape[:i] num_batch_dims_before = len(batch_dims_before) batch_dims_after = batch_shape[i + 1:] num_batch_dims_after = len(batch_dims_after) # [batch_dim] batch_indices = _ivy.arange(batch_dim, dtype_str='int32', dev_str=dev_str) # [1]*num_batch_dims_before x batch_dim x [1]*num_batch_dims_after x 1 x 1 reshaped_batch_indices = _ivy.reshape(batch_indices, [1] * num_batch_dims_before + [batch_dim] + [1] * num_batch_dims_after + [1, 1]) # BS x N x 1 tiled_batch_indices = _ivy.tile(reshaped_batch_indices, batch_dims_before + [1] + batch_dims_after + [input_image_dims_prod * 9, 1]) batch_indices_list.append(tiled_batch_indices) # BS x N x (num_batch_dims + 2) all_indices = _ivy.concatenate( batch_indices_list + [_ivy.cast(_ivy.flip(_ivy.reshape(P, batch_shape + [-1, 2]), -1), 'int32')], -1) # offset uniform images return _ivy.cast(_ivy.flip(_ivy.scatter_nd(_ivy.reshape(all_indices, [-1, num_batch_dims + 2]), _ivy.reshape(_ivy.cast(edge_func, 'int32'), (-1, 1)), batch_shape + image_dims + [1], reduction='replace' if _ivy.backend == 'mxnd' else 'sum'), -3), 'bool')