    def action_update(self, domain, pvars):
        lhs, rhs = self.args
        n = lhs.rep

        # Handle the hierarchical case
        if n in domain.hierarchy:
            asgns = [
                postfix_atoms_ast(self, Atom(x, []))
                for x in domain.hierarchy[n]
            res = unzip_append(
                [asgn.action_update(domain, pvars) for asgn in asgns])
            return res

        # If the lhs application is partial, make it total by adding parameters
        xtra = len(lhs.rep.sort.dom) - len(lhs.args)
        if xtra < 0:
            raise IvyError(self,
                           "too many parameters in assignment to " + lhs.rep)
        if xtra > 0:
            extend = sym_placeholders(lhs.rep)[-xtra:]
            extend = variables_distinct_list_ast(extend,
                                                 self)  # get unused variables
            lhs = add_parameters_ast(lhs, extend)
            # Assignment of individual to a boolean is a special case
            if is_individual_ast(rhs) and not is_individual_ast(lhs):
                rhs = eq_atom(extend[-1],
                              add_parameters_ast(rhs, extend[0:-1]))
                rhs = add_parameters_ast(rhs, extend)

        type_check(domain, rhs)
        if is_individual_ast(lhs) != is_individual_ast(rhs):
            #            print type(lhs.rep)
            #            print str(lhs.rep)
            #            print type(lhs.rep.sort)
            #            print "lhs: %s: %s" % (lhs,type(lhs))
            #            print "rhs: %s: %s" % (rhs,type(rhs))
            raise IvyError(self,
                           "sort mismatch in assignment to {}".format(lhs.rep))

        new_n = new(n)
        args = lhs.args
        dlhs = new_n(*sym_placeholders(n))
        vs = dlhs.args
        eqs = [
            eq_atom(v, a) for (v, a) in zip(vs, args)
            if not isinstance(a, Variable)
        rn = dict(
            (a.rep, v) for v, a in zip(vs, args) if isinstance(a, Variable))
        drhs = substitute_ast(rhs, rn)
        if eqs:
            drhs = Ite(And(*eqs), drhs, n(*dlhs.args))
        new_clauses = Clauses([], [Definition(dlhs, drhs)])
        #        print "assign new_clauses = {}".format(new_clauses)
        return SemActionValue([n], new_clauses, false_clauses())
 def action_update(self, domain, pvars):
     type_check(domain, self.args[0])
     check_can_assert(self.args[0], self)
     #        print type(self.args[0])
     if iu.new_assert_impl.get():
         return assert_action(self.args[0])
         cl = formula_to_clauses(dual_formula(self.args[0]))
         return SemActionValue([], true_clauses(), cl)
 def int_update(self, domain, pvars):
     inst = self.args[0]
     if hasattr(domain, 'macros'):
         im = instantiate_macro(inst, domain.macros)
         #            print "im: {}".format(im)
         if im:
             #                print im
             res = im.compile().int_update(domain, pvars)
             ##                print "res: {}".format(res)
             return res
     if inst.relname in domain.schemata:
         clauses = domain.schemata[inst.relname].get_instance(inst.args)
         return SemActionValue([], clauses, false_clauses())
     raise IvyError(inst,
                    "instantiation of undefined: {}".format(inst.relname))
    def int_update(self, domain, in_scope):
        (updated, clauses, pre) = self.action_update(domain, in_scope).comps
        # instantiate the update axioms
        for u in domain.updates:
            updated, transrel, precond = u.get_update_axioms(updated,
            # TODO: do something with the precondition
            #            if transrel:
            ##                print "updated: {}".format(updated)
            ##                print "update from axiom: %s" % transrel
            clauses = and_clauses(clauses, transrel)
            pre = or_clauses(pre, precond)

##        print "update clauses: %s" % clauses
        res = SemActionValue(updated, clauses, pre)
        return res
 def get_update_axioms(self, updated, action):
     #        print "get_update_axioms: {}, {}".format(map(str,updated),action)
     for x in updated:
         if x in self.dependencies.symbols:
             updated = updated + [
                 y for y in self.defines.symbols if y not in updated
                 precond, postcond = next(
                     y for y in (p.match(action)
                                 for p in self.patterns.args) if y != None)
             except StopIteration:
                 raise IvyError(action,
                                'No matching update axiom for ' + str(x))
             postcond = state_to_action(
                 SemStateValue(updated, postcond, precond))
             #                print "update axioms: {}, {}, {}".format(map(str,postcond[0]),postcond[1],postcond[2])
             return SemActionValue(updated, postcond.trans, precond)
     return null_update()
 def action_update(self, domain, pvars):
     lhs = type_ast(domain, self.args[0])
     n = lhs.rep
     new_n = new(n)
     args = lhs.args
     vs = [Variable("X%d" % i, s) for i, s in enumerate(n.sort.dom)]
     eqs = [
         eq_atom(v, a) for (v, a) in zip(vs, args)
         if not isinstance(a, Variable)
     if is_atom(lhs):
         clauses = And(
             *([Or(Not(Atom(new_n, vs)), Atom(n, vs), eq) for eq in eqs] +
               [Or(Atom(new_n, vs), Not(Atom(n, vs)), eq) for eq in eqs]))
     elif is_individual_ast(lhs.rep):
         clauses = And(*[
             Or(eq_atom(type(lhs)(new_n, vs),
                        type(lhs)(n, vs)), eq) for eq in eqs
     else:  # TODO: ???
         clauses = And()
     clauses = formula_to_clauses(clauses)
     return SemActionValue([n], clauses, false_clauses())
 def action_update(self, domain, pvars):
     lit = self.args[0]
     n = lit.atom.relname
     new_n = new(n)
     args = lit.atom.args
     vs = sym_placeholders(n)
     eqs = [
         Atom(equals, [v, a]) for (v, a) in zip(vs, args)
         if not isinstance(a, Variable)
     new_clauses = And(*([
         Or(sign(lit.polarity, Atom(new_n, vs)),
            sign(1 - lit.polarity, Atom(n, vs))),
         sign(lit.polarity, Atom(new_n, args))
     ] + [
         Or(*([sign(0, Atom(new_n, vs)),
               sign(1, Atom(n, vs))] + [eq])) for eq in eqs
     ] + [
         Or(*([sign(1, Atom(new_n, vs)),
               sign(0, Atom(n, vs))] + [eq])) for eq in eqs
     new_clauses = formula_to_clauses(new_clauses)
     return SemActionValue([n], new_clauses, false_clauses())
 def int_update(self, domain, pvars):
     result = SemActionValue([], false_clauses(), false_clauses())
     for a in self.args:
         result = join_action(result, a.int_update(domain, pvars),
     return result
 def action_update(self, domain, pvars):
     type_check(domain, self.args[0])
     check_can_assume(self.args[0], self)
     return SemActionValue([], formula_to_clauses_tseitin(self.args[0]),
 def get_update_axioms(self, updated, action):
     defines = self.defn.args[0].rep
     if defines not in updated and any(x in self.dependencies
                                       for x in updated):
     return SemActionValue(updated, true_clauses(), false_clauses())