def test_assert_qty_attrs():
    # tests *with* `attr` property, in which case direct pd.Series and
    # xr.DataArray comparisons *not* are possible
    a = xr.DataArray([0.8, 0.2], coords=[['oil', 'water']], dims=['p'])
    attrs = {'foo': 'bar'}
    a.attrs = attrs
    b = Quantity(a)

    # make sure it has the correct property
    assert a.attrs == attrs
    assert b.attrs == attrs

    assert_qty_equal(a, b)
    assert_qty_equal(b, a)
    assert_qty_allclose(a, b)
    assert_qty_allclose(b, a)

    a.attrs = {'bar': 'foo'}
    assert_qty_equal(a, b, check_attrs=False)
def test_assert_qty():
    # tests without `attr` property, in which case direct pd.Series and
    # xr.DataArray comparisons are possible
    a = xr.DataArray([0.8, 0.2], coords=[['oil', 'water']], dims=['p'])
    b = a.to_series()
    assert_qty_equal(a, b)
    assert_qty_equal(b, a)
    assert_qty_allclose(a, b)
    assert_qty_allclose(b, a)

    c = Quantity(a)
    assert_qty_equal(a, c)
    assert_qty_equal(c, a)
    assert_qty_allclose(a, c)
    assert_qty_allclose(c, a)
    def test_assert_with_attrs(self, a):
        """Test assertions about Quantity with attrs.

        Here direct pd.Series and xr.DataArray comparisons are *not* possible.
        attrs = {'foo': 'bar'}
        a.attrs = attrs

        b = Quantity(a)

        # make sure it has the correct property
        assert a.attrs == attrs
        assert b.attrs == attrs

        assert_qty_equal(a, b)
        assert_qty_equal(b, a)
        assert_qty_allclose(a, b)
        assert_qty_allclose(b, a)

        # check_attrs=False allows a successful equals assertion even when the
        # attrs are different
        a.attrs = {'bar': 'foo'}
        assert_qty_equal(a, b, check_attrs=False)
    def test_assert(self, a):
        """Test assertions about Quantity.

        These are tests without `attr` property, in which case direct pd.Series
        and xr.DataArray comparisons are possible.
        # Convert to pd.Series
        b = a.to_series()

        assert_qty_equal(a, b)
        assert_qty_equal(b, a)
        assert_qty_allclose(a, b)
        assert_qty_allclose(b, a)

        c = Quantity(a)

        assert_qty_equal(a, c)
        assert_qty_equal(c, a)
        assert_qty_allclose(a, c)
        assert_qty_allclose(c, a)
def test_reporting_aggregate(test_mp):
    scen = ixmp.Scenario(test_mp, 'Group reporting', 'group reporting', 'new')
    t, t_foo, t_bar, x = add_test_data(scen)

    # Reporter
    rep = Reporter.from_scenario(scen)

    # Define some groups
    t_groups = {'foo': t_foo, 'bar': t_bar, 'baz': ['foo1', 'bar5', 'bar6']}

    # Add aggregates
    key1 = rep.aggregate('x:t-y', 'agg1', {'t': t_groups}, keep=True)

    # Group has expected key and contents
    assert key1 == 'x:t-y:agg1'

    # Aggregate is computed without error
    agg1 = rep.get(key1)

    # Expected set of keys along the aggregated dimension
    assert set(agg1.coords['t'].values) == set(t) | set(t_groups.keys())

    # Sums are as expected
    # TODO: the check_dtype arg assumes Quantity backend is a AttrSeries,
    # should that be made default in assert_qty_allclose?
    assert_qty_allclose(agg1.sel(t='foo', drop=True),
    assert_qty_allclose(agg1.sel(t='bar', drop=True),
    assert_qty_allclose(agg1.sel(t='baz', drop=True),
                        x.sel(t=['foo1', 'bar5', 'bar6']).sum('t'),

    # Add aggregates, without keeping originals
    key2 = rep.aggregate('x:t-y', 'agg2', {'t': t_groups}, keep=False)

    # Distinct keys
    assert key2 != key1

    # Only the aggregated and no original keys along the aggregated dimension
    agg2 = rep.get(key2)
    assert set(agg2.coords['t'].values) == set(t_groups.keys())

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        # Not yet supported; requires two separate operations
        rep.aggregate('x:t-y', 'agg3', {'t': t_groups, 'y': [2000, 2010]})
def test_aggregate(test_mp):
    scen = ixmp.Scenario(test_mp, 'Group reporting', 'group reporting', 'new')
    t, t_foo, t_bar, x = add_test_data(scen)

    # Reporter
    rep = Reporter.from_scenario(scen)

    # Define some groups
    t_groups = {'foo': t_foo, 'bar': t_bar, 'baz': ['foo1', 'bar5', 'bar6']}

    # Use the computation directly
    agg1 = computations.aggregate(as_quantity(x), {'t': t_groups}, True)

    # Expected set of keys along the aggregated dimension
    assert set(agg1.coords['t'].values) == set(t) | set(t_groups.keys())

    # Sums are as expected
    assert_qty_allclose(agg1.sel(t='foo', drop=True), x.sel(t=t_foo).sum('t'))
    assert_qty_allclose(agg1.sel(t='bar', drop=True), x.sel(t=t_bar).sum('t'))
    assert_qty_allclose(agg1.sel(t='baz', drop=True),
                        x.sel(t=['foo1', 'bar5', 'bar6']).sum('t'))

    # Use Reporter convenience method
    key2 = rep.aggregate('x:t-y', 'agg2', {'t': t_groups}, keep=True)

    # Group has expected key and contents
    assert key2 == 'x:t-y:agg2'

    # Aggregate is computed without error
    agg2 = rep.get(key2)

    assert_qty_equal(agg1, agg2)

    # Add aggregates, without keeping originals
    key3 = rep.aggregate('x:t-y', 'agg3', {'t': t_groups}, keep=False)

    # Distinct keys
    assert key3 != key2

    # Only the aggregated and no original keys along the aggregated dimension
    agg3 = rep.get(key3)
    assert set(agg3.coords['t'].values) == set(t_groups.keys())

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        # Not yet supported; requires two separate operations
        rep.aggregate('x:t-y', 'agg3', {'t': t_groups, 'y': [2000, 2010]})