文件: scenario.py 项目: iiasa/ixmp
    def init_set(self,
                 name: str,
                 idx_sets: Sequence[str] = None,
                 idx_names: Sequence[str] = None) -> None:
        """Initialize a new set.

        name : str
            Name of the set.
        idx_sets : sequence of str or str, optional
            Names of other sets that index this set.
        idx_names : sequence of str or str, optional
            Names of the dimensions indexed by `idx_sets`.

            If the set (or another object with the same *name*) already exists.
            If the Scenario is not checked out (see :meth:`~TimeSeries.check_out`).
        idx_sets = as_str_list(idx_sets) or []
        idx_names = as_str_list(idx_names)
        return self._backend("init_item", "set", name, idx_sets, idx_names)
    def run(self, scenario):
        """Execute the model."""
        backend = scenario.platform._backend

        self.scenario = scenario

        if self.use_temp_dir:
            # Create a temporary directory; automatically deleted at the end of
            # the context
            _temp_dir = TemporaryDirectory()
            self.temp_dir = _temp_dir.name

        def format(key):
            value = getattr(self, key)
                return value.format(**self.__dict__)
            except AttributeError:
                # Something like a Path; don't format it
                return value

        # Process args in order
        command = ['gams']

        model_file = Path(format('model_file'))

        self.case = format('case').replace(' ', '_')
        self.in_file = Path(format('in_file'))
        self.out_file = Path(format('out_file'))

        for arg in self.solve_args:


        if os.name == 'nt':
            command = ' '.join(command)

        s_arg = dict(filters=dict(scenario=scenario))
            # Write model data to file
            backend.write_file(self.in_file, ItemType.SET | ItemType.PAR,
        except NotImplementedError:  # pragma: no cover
            # Currently there is no such Backend
            raise NotImplementedError('GAMSModel requires a Backend that can '
                                      'write to GDX files, e.g. JDBCBackend')

        # Invoke GAMS
        cwd = self.temp_dir if self.use_temp_dir else model_file.parent
        check_call(command, shell=os.name == 'nt', cwd=cwd)

        # Read model solution
        backend.read_file(self.out_file, ItemType.MODEL, **s_arg,
                          comment=self.comment or '',
                          equ_list=as_str_list(self.equ_list) or [],
                          var_list=as_str_list(self.var_list) or [],
 def _keys(self, name, key_or_keys):
     if isinstance(key_or_keys, (list, pd.Series)):
         return as_str_list(key_or_keys)
     elif isinstance(key_or_keys, (pd.DataFrame, dict)):
         if isinstance(key_or_keys, dict):
             key_or_keys = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(key_or_keys, orient="columns")
         idx_names = self.idx_names(name)
         return [as_str_list(row, idx_names) for _, row in key_or_keys.iterrows()]
         return [str(key_or_keys)]
    def run(self, scenario):
        """Execute the model."""
        if not isinstance(scenario.platform._backend, JDBCBackend):
            raise ValueError('GAMSModel can only solve Scenarios with '

        self.scenario = scenario

        def format(key):
            value = getattr(self, key)
                return value.format(**self.__dict__)
            except AttributeError:
                # Something like a Path; don't format it
                return value

        # Process args in order
        command = ['gams']

        model_file = Path(format('model_file')).resolve()

        self.case = format('case').replace(' ', '_')
        self.in_file = Path(format('in_file')).resolve()
        self.out_file = Path(format('out_file')).resolve()

        for arg in self.solve_args:


        if os.name == 'nt':
            command = ' '.join(command)

        # Write model data to file
        scenario._backend('write_gdx', self.in_file)

        # Invoke GAMS
        check_call(command, shell=os.name == 'nt', cwd=model_file.parent)

        # Reset Python data cache

        # Read model solution
        scenario._backend('read_gdx', self.out_file,
                          self.comment or '',
                          as_str_list(self.equ_list) or [],
                          as_str_list(self.var_list) or [],
文件: scenario.py 项目: iiasa/ixmp
    def init_equ(self, name: str, idx_sets=None, idx_names=None) -> None:
        """Initialize a new equation.

        name : str
            Name of the equation.
        idx_sets : sequence of str or str, optional
            Name(s) of index sets for a 1+-dimensional variable.
        idx_names : sequence of str or str, optional
            Names of the dimensions indexed by `idx_sets`.
        idx_sets = as_str_list(idx_sets) or []
        idx_names = as_str_list(idx_names)
        return self._backend("init_item", "equ", name, idx_sets, idx_names)
    def check_access(self,
                     user: str,
                     models: Union[str, Sequence[str]],
                     access: str = "view") -> Union[bool, Dict[str, bool]]:
        """Check access to specific models.

        user: str
            Registered user name
        models : str or list of str
            Model(s) name
        access : str, optional
            Access type - view or edit

        bool or dict of bool
        models_list = as_str_list(models)
        if not models_list:
            raise ValueError("must supply at least 1 model name")
        result = self._backend.get_auth(user, models_list, access)
        if isinstance(models, str):
            return result[models]
            return {model: result.get(model) == 1 for model in models_list}
    def init_par(
        self, name: str, idx_sets: Sequence[str], idx_names: Sequence[str] = None
    ) -> None:
        """Initialize a new parameter.

        name : str
            Name of the parameter.
        idx_sets : sequence of str or str, optional
            Names of sets that index this parameter.
        idx_names : sequence of str or str, optional
            Names of the dimensions indexed by `idx_sets`.
        idx_sets = as_str_list(idx_sets) or []
        idx_names = as_str_list(idx_names)
        return self._backend("init_item", "par", name, idx_sets, idx_names)
    def remove_meta(self, name: Union[str, Sequence[str]]) -> None:
        """Remove :ref:`data-meta` for this object.

        name : str or list of str
            Either single metadata name/identifier, or list of names.
        self.platform._backend.remove_meta(as_str_list(name), self.model,
                                           self.scenario, self.version)
    def add_cat(self, name, cat, keys, is_unique=False):
        """Map elements from *keys* to category *cat* within set *name*.

        name : str
            Name of the set.
        cat : str
            Name of the category.
        keys : str or list of str
            Element keys to be added to the category mapping.
        is_unique: bool, optional
            If `True`, then *cat* must have only one element. An exception is
            raised if *cat* already has an element, or if ``len(keys) > 1``.
        self._backend("cat_set_elements", name, str(cat), as_str_list(keys), is_unique)
    def export_timeseries_data(
        path: PathLike,
        default: bool = True,
        model: str = None,
        scenario: str = None,
        export_all_runs: bool = False,
    ) -> None:
        """Export time series data to CSV file across multiple :class:`.TimeSeries`.

        Refer :meth:`.TimeSeries.add_timeseries` about adding time series data.

        path : os.PathLike
            File name to export data to; must have the suffix '.csv'.

            Result file will contain the following columns:

            - model
            - scenario
            - version
            - variable
            - unit
            - region
            - meta
            - subannual
            - year
            - value
        default : bool, optional
            :obj:`True` to include only TimeSeries versions marked as default.
        model: str, optional
            Only return data for this model name.
        scenario: str, optional
            Only return data for this scenario name.
        variable: list of str, optional
            Only return data for variable name(s) in this list.
        unit: list of str, optional
            Only return data for unit name(s) in this list.
        region: list of str, optional
            Only return data for region(s) in this list.
        export_all_runs: boolean, optional
            Export all existing model+scenario run combinations.
        if export_all_runs and (model or scenario):
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid arguments: export_all_runs cannot be used when providing a "
                "model or scenario.")
        filters = {
            "model": as_str_list(model) or [],
            "scenario": as_str_list(scenario) or [],
            "variable": as_str_list(variable) or [],
            "unit": as_str_list(unit) or [],
            "region": as_str_list(region) or [],
            "default": default,
            "export_all_runs": export_all_runs,

        self._backend.write_file(path, ItemType.TS, filters=filters)
文件: jdbc.py 项目: anyco2018/ixmp
    def item_get_elements(self, s, type, name, filters=None):
        if filters:
            # Convert filter elements to strings
            filters = {dim: as_str_list(ele) for dim, ele in filters.items()}

            # Retrieve the cached value with this exact set of filters
            return self.cache_get(s, type, name, filters)
        except KeyError:
            pass  # Cache miss

            # Retrieve a cached, unfiltered value of the same item
            unfiltered = self.cache_get(s, type, name, None)
        except KeyError:
            pass  # Cache miss
            # Success; filter and return
            return filtered(unfiltered, filters)

        # Failed to load item from cache

        # Retrieve the item
        item = self._get_item(s, type, name, load=True)
        idx_names = list(item.getIdxNames())
        idx_sets = list(item.getIdxSets())

        # Get list of elements, using filters if provided
        if filters is not None:
            jFilter = java.HashMap()

            for idx_name, values in filters.items():
                # Retrieve the elements of the index set as a list
                idx_set = idx_sets[idx_names.index(idx_name)]
                elements = self.item_get_elements(s, 'set', idx_set).tolist()

                # Filter for only included values and store
                filtered_elements = filter(lambda e: e in values, elements)
                jFilter.put(idx_name, to_jlist(filtered_elements))

            jList = item.getElements(jFilter)
            jList = item.getElements()

        if item.getDim() > 0:
            # Mapping set or multi-dimensional equation, parameter, or variable
            columns = copy(idx_names)

            # Prepare dtypes for index columns
            dtypes = {}
            for idx_name, idx_set in zip(columns, idx_sets):
                # NB using categoricals could be more memory-efficient, but
                #    requires adjustment of tests/documentation. See
                #    https://github.com/iiasa/ixmp/issues/228
                # dtypes[idx_name] = CategoricalDtype(
                #     self.item_get_elements(s, 'set', idx_set))
                dtypes[idx_name] = str

            # Prepare dtypes for additional columns
            if type == 'par':
                columns.extend(['value', 'unit'])
                dtypes['value'] = float
                # Same as above
                # dtypes['unit'] = CategoricalDtype(self.jobj.getUnitList())
                dtypes['unit'] = str
            elif type in ('equ', 'var'):
                columns.extend(['lvl', 'mrg'])
                dtypes.update({'lvl': float, 'mrg': float})
            # Prepare empty DataFrame
            result = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.RangeIndex(len(jList)),

            # Copy vectors from Java into DataFrame columns
            # NB [:] causes JPype to use a faster code path
            for i in range(len(idx_sets)):
                result.iloc[:, i] = item.getCol(i, jList)[:]
            if type == 'par':
                result.loc[:, 'value'] = item.getValues(jList)[:]
                result.loc[:, 'unit'] = item.getUnits(jList)[:]
            elif type in ('equ', 'var'):
                result.loc[:, 'lvl'] = item.getLevels(jList)[:]
                result.loc[:, 'mrg'] = item.getMarginals(jList)[:]

            # .loc assignment above modifies dtypes; set afterwards
            result = result.astype(dtypes)
        elif type == 'set':
            # Index sets
            # dtype=object is to silence a warning in pandas 1.0
            result = pd.Series(item.getCol(0, jList), dtype=object)
        elif type == 'par':
            # Scalar parameters
            result = dict(value=item.getScalarValue().floatValue(),
        elif type in ('equ', 'var'):
            # Scalar equations and variables
            result = dict(lvl=item.getScalarLevel().floatValue(),

        # Store cache
        self.cache(s, type, name, filters, result)

        return result
文件: scenario.py 项目: iiasa/ixmp
    def add_set(
        name: str,
        key: Union[str, Sequence[str], Dict, pd.DataFrame],
        comment: str = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Add elements to an existing set.

        name : str
            Name of the set.
        key : str or iterable of str or dict or :class:`pandas.DataFrame`
            Element(s) to be added. If `name` exists, the elements are appended to
            existing elements.
        comment : str or iterable of str, optional
            Comment describing the element(s). If given, there must be the same number
            of comments as elements.

            If the set `name` does not exist. :meth:`init_set` must be called  before
            For invalid forms or combinations of `key` and `comment`.
        # TODO expand docstring (here or in doc/source/api.rst) with examples, per
        #      test_scenario.test_add_set.

        if isinstance(key, list) and len(key) == 0:
            return  # No elements to add

        # Get index names for set *name*, may raise KeyError
        idx_names = self.idx_names(name)

        # Check arguments and convert to two lists: keys and comments
        if len(idx_names) == 0:
            # Basic set. Keys must be strings.
            if isinstance(key, (dict, pd.DataFrame)):
                raise TypeError(
                    f"keys for basic set {repr(name)} must be str or list of str; got "

            # Ensure keys is a list of str
            keys = as_str_list(key)
            # Set defined over 1+ other sets

            # Check for ambiguous arguments
            if comment and isinstance(
                    key, (dict, pd.DataFrame)) and "comment" in key:
                raise ValueError(
                    "ambiguous; both key['comment'] and comment= given")

            if isinstance(key, pd.DataFrame):
                # DataFrame of key values and perhaps comments
                    # Pop a 'comment' column off the DataFrame, convert to list
                    comment = key.pop("comment").to_list()
                except KeyError:

                # Convert key to list of list of key values
                keys = []
                for row in key.to_dict(orient="records"):
                    keys.append(as_str_list(row, idx_names=idx_names))
            elif isinstance(key, dict):
                # Dict of lists of key values

                # Pop a 'comment' list from the dict
                comment = key.pop("comment", None)

                # Convert to list of list of key values
                keys = list(map(as_str_list,
                                zip(*[key[i] for i in idx_names])))
            elif isinstance(key[0], str):
                # List of key values; wrap
                keys = [as_str_list(key)]
            elif isinstance(key[0], list):
                # List of lists of key values; convert to list of list of str
                keys = list(map(as_str_list, key))
            elif isinstance(key, str) and len(idx_names) == 1:
                # Bare key given for a 1D set; wrap for convenience
                keys = [[key]]
                # Other, invalid value
                raise ValueError(key)

        # Process comments to a list of str, or let them all be None
        comments = as_str_list(comment) if comment else repeat(None, len(keys))

        # Combine iterators to tuples. If the lengths are mismatched, the sentinel
        # value 'False' is filled in
        to_add = list(zip_longest(keys, comments, fillvalue=False))

        # Check processed arguments
        for e, c in to_add:
            # Check for sentinel values
            if e is False:
                raise ValueError(f"Comment {repr(c)} without matching key")
            elif c is False:
                raise ValueError(f"Key {repr(e)} without matching comment")
            elif len(idx_names) and len(idx_names) != len(e):
                raise ValueError(
                    f"{len(e)}-D key {repr(e)} invalid for "
                    f"{len(idx_names)}-D set {name}{repr(idx_names)}")

        # Send to backend
        elements = ((kc[0], None, None, kc[1]) for kc in to_add)
        self._backend("item_set_elements", "set", name, elements)
文件: gams.py 项目: iiasa/ixmp
    def run(self, scenario):
        """Execute the model."""
        # Store the scenario so its attributes can be referenced by format()
        self.scenario = scenario

        # Format or retrieve the model file option
        model_file = Path(self.format_option("model_file"))

        # Determine working directory for the GAMS call, possibly a temporary directory
        self.cwd = Path(
            tempfile.mkdtemp()) if self.use_temp_dir else model_file.parent
        # The "case" name
        self.case = self.clean_path(
            self.format_option("case").replace(" ", "_"))
        # Input and output file names
        self.in_file = Path(self.format_option("in_file"))
        self.out_file = Path(self.format_option("out_file"))

        # Assemble the full command: executable, model file, model-specific arguments,
        # and general GAMS arguments
        command = (["gams", f'"{model_file}"'] +
                    for arg in self.solve_args] + self.gams_args)

        if os.name == "nt":
            # Windows: join the commands to a single string
            command = " ".join(command)

        # Remove stored reference to the Scenario to allow it to be GC'd later
        delattr(self, "scenario")

        # Common argument for write_file and read_file
        s_arg = dict(filters=dict(scenario=scenario))

            # Write model data to file
                                                  ItemType.SET | ItemType.PAR,
        except NotImplementedError:  # pragma: no cover
            # No coverage because there currently is no such Backend that doesn't
            # support GDX

            # Remove the temporary directory, which should be empty

            raise NotImplementedError(
                "GAMSModel requires a Backend that can write to GDX files, e.g. "

            # Invoke GAMS
            check_call(command, shell=os.name == "nt", cwd=self.cwd)
        except CalledProcessError as exc:
            # Do not remove self.temp_dir; the user may want to inspect the GDX file
            raise self.format_exception(exc, model_file) from None

        # Read model solution
            comment=self.comment or "",
            equ_list=as_str_list(self.equ_list) or [],
            var_list=as_str_list(self.var_list) or [],

        # Finished: remove the temporary directory, if any
    def timeseries(
        region: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = None,
        variable: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = None,
        unit: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = None,
        year: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = None,
        iamc: bool = False,
        subannual: Union[bool, str] = "auto",
    ) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """Retrieve time series data.

        iamc : bool, optional
            Return data in wide/'IAMC' format. If :obj:`False`, return data in long
            format; see :meth:`add_timeseries`.
        region : str or list of str, optional
            Regions to include in returned data.
        variable : str or list of str, optional
            Variables to include in returned data.
        unit : str or list of str, optional
            Units to include in returned data.
        year : str or int or list of (str or int), optional
            Years to include in returned data.
        subannual : bool or 'auto', optional
            Whether to include column for sub-annual specification (if :class:`bool`);
            if 'auto', include column if sub-annual data (other than 'Year') exists in
            returned data frame.

            If `subannual` is :obj:`False` but Scenario has (filtered) sub-annual data.

            Specified data.
        # Retrieve data, convert to pandas.DataFrame
        df = pd.DataFrame(
                as_str_list(region) or [],
                as_str_list(variable) or [],
                as_str_list(unit) or [],
                as_str_list(year) or [],
        df["model"] = self.model
        df["scenario"] = self.scenario

        # drop `subannual` column if not requested (False) or required ('auto')
        if subannual is not True:
            has_subannual = not all(df["subannual"] == "Year")
            if subannual is False and has_subannual:
                msg = (
                    "timeseries data has subannual values, ",
                    "use `subannual=True or 'auto'`",
                raise ValueError(msg)
            if not has_subannual:
                df.drop("subannual", axis=1, inplace=True)

        if iamc:
            # Convert to wide format
            index = IAMC_IDX
            if "subannual" in df.columns:
                index = index + ["subannual"]
            df = df.pivot_table(index=index,
            df.columns.names = [None]

        return df