文件: scenario.py 项目: iiasa/ixmp
    def clone(
        model: str = None,
        scenario: str = None,
        annotation: str = None,
        keep_solution: bool = True,
        shift_first_model_year: int = None,
        platform: Platform = None,
    ) -> "Scenario":
        """Clone the current scenario and return the clone.

        If the (`model`, `scenario`) given already exist on the :class:`.Platform`, the
        `version` for the cloned Scenario follows the last existing version. Otherwise,
        the `version` for the cloned Scenario is 1.

        .. note::
            :meth:`clone` does not set or alter default versions. This means that a
            clone to new (`model`, `scenario`) names has no default version, and will
            not be returned by :meth:`Platform.scenario_list` unless `default=False` is

        model : str, optional
            New model name. If not given, use the existing model name.
        scenario : str, optional
            New scenario name. If not given, use the existing scenario name.
        annotation : str, optional
            Explanatory comment for the clone commit message to the database.
        keep_solution : bool, optional
            If :py:const:`True`, include all timeseries data and the solution (vars and
            equs) from the source scenario in the clone. If :py:const:`False`, only
            include timeseries data marked `meta=True` (see :meth:`.add_timeseries`).
        shift_first_model_year: int, optional
            If given, all timeseries data in the Scenario is omitted from the clone for
            years from `first_model_year` onwards. Timeseries data with the `meta` flag
            (see :meth:`.add_timeseries`) are cloned for all years.
        platform : :class:`Platform`, optional
            Platform to clone to (default: current platform)
        if shift_first_model_year is not None:
            if keep_solution:
                    "Override keep_solution=True for shift_first_model_year")
                keep_solution = False

        platform = platform or self.platform
        model = model or self.model
        scenario = scenario or self.scenario

        args = [platform, model, scenario, annotation, keep_solution]
        if check_year(shift_first_model_year, "first_model_year"):

        return self._backend("clone", *args)
def test_check_year():

    # If y is a string value, raise a Value Error.

    y1 = "a"
    s1 = "a"
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        assert utils.check_year(y1, s1)

    # If y = None.

    y2 = None
    s2 = None

    assert utils.check_year(y2, s2) is None

    # If y is integer.

    y3 = 4
    s3 = 4

    assert utils.check_year(y3, s3) is True
文件: scenario.py 项目: iiasa/ixmp
    def remove_solution(self, first_model_year: int = None) -> None:
        """Remove the solution from the scenario.

        This function removes the solution (variables and equations) and timeseries
        data marked as `meta=False` from the scenario (see :meth:`.add_timeseries`).

        first_model_year: int, optional
            If given, timeseries data marked as `meta=False` is removed only for years
            from `first_model_year` onwards.

            If Scenario has no solution or if `first_model_year` is not `int`.
        if self.has_solution():
            check_year(first_model_year, "first_model_year")
            self._backend("clear_solution", first_model_year)
            raise ValueError("This Scenario does not have a solution!")
    def clone(self,
        """Clone the current scenario and return the clone.

        If the (`model`, `scenario`) given already exist on the
        :class:`Platform`, the `version` for the cloned Scenario follows the
        last existing version. Otherwise, the `version` for the cloned Scenario
        is 1.

        .. note::
            :meth:`clone` does not set or alter default versions. This means
            that a clone to new (`model`, `scenario`) names has no default
            version, and will not be returned by
            :meth:`Platform.scenario_list` unless `default=False` is given.

        model : str, optional
            New model name. If not given, use the existing model name.
        scenario : str, optional
            New scenario name. If not given, use the existing scenario name.
        annotation : str, optional
            Explanatory comment for the clone commit message to the database.
        keep_solution : bool, default True
            If :py:const:`True`, include all timeseries data and the solution
            (vars and equs) from the source scenario in the clone.
            Otherwise, only timeseries data marked as `meta=True` (see
            :meth:`TimeSeries.add_timeseries`) or prior to `first_model_year`
            (see :meth:`TimeSeries.add_timeseries`) are cloned.
        shift_first_model_year: int, optional
            If given, the values of the solution are transfered to parameters
            `historical_*`, parameter `resource_volume` is updated, and the
            `first_model_year` is shifted. The solution is then discarded,
            see :meth:`TimeSeries.remove_solution`.
        platform : :class:`Platform`, optional
            Platform to clone to (default: current platform)
        err = 'Cloning across platforms is only possible {}'
        if platform is not None and not keep_solution:
            raise ValueError(err.format('with `keep_solution=True`!'))

        if platform is not None and shift_first_model_year is not None:
            raise ValueError(err.format('without shifting model horizon!'))

        if shift_first_model_year is not None:
            keep_solution = False
            msg = 'Shifting first model year to {} and removing solution'

        platform = platform or self.platform
        model = model or self.model
        scenario = scenario or self.scenario
        args = [platform._jobj, model, scenario, annotation, keep_solution]
        if check_year(shift_first_model_year, 'shift_first_model_year'):

        return Scenario(platform,